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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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as well, i'll just areas and those i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at your think. is it the the hello, until mccrae. this is the news our life from coming up in the next 16 minutes times of all crimes in gone. so we're devastating testimonies from civilians. society is really on a committed summary executions for all of the of the level. also the other, you come up with the list, we'll see all those who are the would you tell us the names detained in johnson
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town who risk stories of these things and abuses at the hands of israeli forces? the president reiterated his strong conviction and the viability of the test, the solution to us presidents and as well as prime minister speak to the 1st time in weeks of to a public disagreement of the future of cancer. and the white house is it's seriously concerned. optis. 17 year old palestinian american national state binds ready forces the occupied with the bank. the . we begin in guns are way more than 140. tell us the indians have been killed and is ready attacks in just 24 hours. but it's not just as strikes and shillings that are killing civilians. human rights groups have been gathering testimonies of summary executions of palestinians by his ready forces held a 0. it has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one
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family. they say on the 19th of december is ready, so just executed at least 19 civilians and guys, the city tell strap it has the story and a warning. somebody was may find the images in his report, distressing the ruins of going to city destruction. dex sounds. nobody's really military. drugs above the roll axis. ations of all claims committed by the is really all me the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges broken from the band and the belongings walls and flows covered in blood the
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whole day can never forget the vip jonathan has families that are locked in the tanks, and builders is around the building shells are being hit in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed in our apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, glad to whom and i feel nauseous. the money and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go. because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance, you know, the whole full grass numbers of the log in the color didn't they beat me and my daughter's, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made a strip. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible woods. they took our names and filmed us. you may go to the store, was massy on the 19 men in this building, they killed. my husband was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute
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them. they killed them. all these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events. almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh hamlet tow the but the last, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, show still defeating the billing game. to them. a sion faced exhausted and scared, she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to 8 of the law as the letters in the hand. when the settler had locked on,
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the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and neck. my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. the notice eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her, i hated to show to show a young family broken by the horror. these riley armies killing an destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to. and you shall stop it after 0.
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what do you miss? your boss was a chairman of the commission of inquiry on the 2014 guy is a conflict. he is now a professor of international law at middle 6 university. he told us that providing the testimonies by civilians of war crimes and guys that can be verified. and that compelling enough to bring a legal case against his riley forces. i assuming that this evidence is valid that the film is authentic and that the eye witnesses are reliable and telling the truth . this is very compelling. strong evidence of a summary execution, which is an international more crime. it's punishable by the international criminal court that have to know is the identity of the perpetrators a that's one of the great challenges in a, in a situation like this is actually finding out who are the people who, who fired the the, the weapons or gave the orders of presumably not the evidence, that is, it's not a mystery, but it's evidence under the control of the is really defense force and whether
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they're going to provide access to that is another question. i would think that that under the circumstances it's, it's not likely now that they're going to be able to do that kind of forensic examination of the bodies to determine more of the details about how the killings took place so that the films themselves would be the fundamental evidence coupled with the eye witness testimony, but again that in my opinion should be enough to convict providing that it's reliable. and of course, you need to ideally appear on the other side of the story from the perpetrators to see what they have to invoking defense palestinian side of the situation is diet and southern causes. largest city con, units with casualties. and mounting is rarely forces have been pounding the area with strikes, gunfight and shelling. israel is offensive,
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has intensified the of the cities. 2 major hospitals, including kansas largest remaining functioning, nessa hospital. at least 2 people were killed when israel bombs the amount of hospital. and that's the hospital did not receive any evacuation orders. thousands of displays, people are there with no, we have to go as tens of thousands of palestinians have once again force to flee through the south. the palestinian read crisen has a new displacement, comes for internally displaced, people arriving in bravo. according to the un, roughly 85 percent of causes population have been upwards it from their homes some multiple times. meanwhile, the phone and internet services have been partially restored. of the guns as long as communication blackouts since the war began. teracon, who assumed reports from rasa and southern casa, is generally a now with the return of communications. insight garza, the situation seems to be calling back to 4 residents to check on each other,
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especially for palestinian families who are completely are away from others. as part of the families are in the north and others happens is taking refuge in the south. and um, in the past few days, it was a full black out of communications which can sit it to be the longest since the outbreak of this conflict at the task. before i did that, i did the test last 4 more done one week where palestinians were facing a very notable difficulty in terms of communication with the communicating with each other room side also with the carrying out their commercial into actions. but right now would there be tons of these communications now they can, they can be able to communicate again. and we need also to report and to point out that they are a number of a technical team is belonged to the palestinian telecommunication companies have been queued as they were trying to repair the damage that had been inspected about
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by the is very wide destruction and a that had been carried out within the last couple of days, of course, separate areas, and especially in con units where 2 of the engineers have been killed as they were hating to fix a pot to the network that had been damaged. so completely right now with the registration of use that works, the situation for palestinians considered to be partially good as they are waiting for full return for the communications of course, calls a strip just in order to check with each other and at least to report if there's any appoint strikes for the thomas, the minister of hills, to rush to evacuate the victims on the internet as well. for you as president joe biden has held a phone call with his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the 1st in weeks, the white house in finding reiterated codes for 2 sites, solution somebody meeting young who has refused to pursue the cold time. they often isn't yahoo! save you pauses palestinian statehood down to the boys over. the too late is also
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discuss ways to secure the release of captives still held by a mouse in garza us. and we'll get the lives from home desolate and occupied a story. so the 1st is go to ellen fisher, who is with us from washington dc into l, and we'll get to that phone call between the 2 days. isn't just a moment, but button has just spoken about a potential says fine. yeah, he's been speaking at the white house, he's just in the last hour and once again ruled out with the idea of a c spy. he has been talking about how he believes, but how much launch their attacks on october the 7th, because he was moving towards the deal, which would normalize relations between saudi arabia and israel. but of course, we know from numerous reports, but how must plan had been in the works for some considerable time and wasn't tied just directly to that. but certainly the idea of no c spot reiterates what the white house has been saying for some considerable time. and backs up what joined
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cubby's, the national security council spokesman said at the white house briefing a few hours ago. do we still oppose in general ceasefire? yes. the same reason that we have in the past we don't believe a ceasefire is going to be to the benefit in anybody. but i'm us, we do support, he mandatory pauses, as i said, to try to get hostages out more aiden. but we don't support a ceasefire. at this time we use really, people get to decide who represents them, who their elected officials are. we don't aside that and we will always work with whoever these really people decide to put in into power. and government will always work with them regardless of the differences, maybe in on political issues. they chose this government. this is the government that is in charge of conducting warfare against them. us. we're going to make sure that they have what they need, in addition to making sure, as i said in the open statement that we're doing everything we can to alleviate that task. and it's interesting that during cubby
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was also talking about the white house position of a 2 state solution. certainly that's something that the us has been talking about for more than 20 years. and certainly joe biden has been talking about it since. what happened on october the 7th, but of course that argument was undermined by what benjamin netanyahu was saying, just 24 hours ago. and uh, just going back to the conversation between the 2 ladies. this is the 1st phone call and uh, and at least a few weeks. one now of the $26.00 days. and those looking from the outside would see the normal diplomatic speak that you get in the read. the truly those discuss trying to do more to get the cap those free from does that. we know that, that they want to get more involved in 2 guys that we know that as well. putting military pressure on the how much leadership that's been a given since the very 1st statement that came out between the 2. but of course,
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the reason the job i wanted this phone call was because of those comments by benjamin netanyahu. you know, the us position has been since 2002 that there should be an independent palestinian state. it's been backed up by the years really using the palestinian liberation organization at a conference in the united states back in 2007. i drove by and has been talking about it since october the 7th, and before even that when he was a senator when he was a vice president. and so when benjamin netanyahu stands up and says there will be no 2 state solution. that's also reiterate who position this he is. he's held for a number of years, but the american see it difficult to move forward in the region with the 2 state solution. so that is why you had from joint car, but you're saying, look, we will deal with whoever these really is elect as they lead to. it is a warning, a message to benjamin netanyahu. this might be your position at the moment, but you won't be there for that, but and certainly the united states believes that a 2 state solution is the way forward to secure israel security and also the rights
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of the pilots to me and people. okay, thanks so much ellen, ellen fisher for us there in washington, dc. well, at least 24762 palestinians have now been killed in guys or is us resist scrolling calls for us these fine. i'm just sort of joins us now from occupied east jerusalem . and as ellen was outlining this clear tension between the us and israel. but there's also tension inside israel's war cabinet. what more can you tell us there's been mounting pressure on these really prime minister internationally and domestically all the number of friends you have to send from these really public who say the time has run out to bring back the captives were currently being held in gaza the families of these captives are always saying they feel neglected and that their plight is not registered with these really governments specifically prime minister netanyahu. now, when it comes to his coalition at his war cabinet,
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let's begin with the war cabinet itself. there's been a lot of divisions there just yesterday, one of the war cabinet members, guy the eyes in coach. remember there's a person who was selected by these really prime minister to assist in war time. he gave an interview to his really media though it was film several weeks ago. it was aired last night in which he said there needs to be more realistic approaches to this conflict to how, how much is going to be defeated if they can be defeated. that all their needs to be some sort of other viewpoint on how this war can end. additionally, he said that these really public shouldn't be able to participate in elections even during more time to confirm their support for those who are leading them. and if you look at poll numbers, when you talk to his relatives in the streets though, there is support for these really army and war efforts and nothing. yeah. whose numbers are at an all time low. and in fact, most is really is would like to see a different prime minister in his place when it comes to divisions within his own
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coalition. you have members of the right wing camp known alter nationalists like you, to me, are ben beer and bets. and it smelt rich, both ministers with high ranking positions in these really government who have given harsh criticisms of nathan yahoo and how he's been conducting themselves. that would be, is really government has been conducting themselves throughout this war. and remember they have hard line views and these really prime minister for around 30 years has held the same view about a palestinian state. and that he would block anything but had to do with that. and if there were even any talks of a palestinian state or as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu caving to that concession, those ministers say they would waive the government, which would put they is really in a difficult position for coalition to collapse during war time. so mounting pressure on the is really prime minister continuing as the war is entering its force month. okay, thanks so much and i'm just salute the for the view from occupied the story.
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someone for the office of this with the attorney general and has confirmed that it is rarely president the isaac herself, is a subject of criminal compliance that was filed as he visited the world economic form in davos during the past week. and at a time when israel stands accused of committing bull crimes and guns, a swiss prosecute as the complaints will be examined according to the usual procedure. but did not say exactly what they would do is where the government has not come in, says a different medicaid is a james bias has spent the weekend also. and his more from zurich, these really president was attending the world economic forum, which is now concluded in davos. he was here on thursday. now he's now left switzerland, but since he's deposited there's been a criminal complaint made against it. now this is not a formal case yet, and the certainly no charges against them at this stage, but the prosecutor's office say they will now carry out investigations. they are
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not confirming who made the complaint or what the complaint is about. but we have some clues. we know that there was a group called themselves legal action against crimes against humanity and they say they've made complaints to the prosecutor's office and to some of the regional authority is here in switzerland about these righty president in terms of what the complaints are about. we don't know whether about things he said here in switzerland or comments or actions that he made earlier. we know that the case in the hague, the international court of justice present, solved, was named and south africa who made its case under the genocide convention. read out in court, some of the statements that he had made in the cost. of course, he also spoke here the world economic forum on thursday. and there was some contentious comments that in his address to the forum. he said at one point, what seemed to be a claim of that oil, him and go garza what culpable. but what was going on. he said that in every single
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house that these radio army visit, they find weapons, and they find missiles hidden on the mattress is it's not clear with a voters, comments on what the complaints relate to. but clearly, i think this shows the danger now for is riley officials when they go on trips to countries around the world and around europe. but potentially there are people who will press charges against them. james bays out to 0 zurich. the white house is seriously concerned after the killing of a palestinian american in the occupied with bank. it happened during multiple is ready rides across the region on thursday, the 17 year old post to indian american with shows in the head and killed and a village east of ramallah. he had just moved back to the occupied west bank from the united states a year and a half ago. another man and 19 year old was injured in a separate incidents in the village. west of ramallah is ready for says damage
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buildings and duck up roads, up to a series of rides until car i'm in the occupied with bank lasting, almost 2 whole dies. much of the rights of the occupied with bank had been focused on palestinian refugee camps. how to add them, how many visits the one shortly after the israeli military pulled out from the area . is it a after? and these a collective sigh of relief is really forces have retreated. people are bewildered by the destruction in an alleyway i. so most one can find the degree for his son. one of 7 who were killed here during the fighting died salt and drag by an armored vehicle he was finally left to bleed on the ground . is really forces prevented their medics from reaching him for several hours. the been todd
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hard. what can we do? he's not the 1st or the last one. everyone is upset at the moment. those who lost their homes, those who lost the children. there was a lot of pain the around the corner from there. the house of this is just send me that is turned upside down. the soldiers 1st searched and then use it as a collection point for detainees. i don't know that they have them here blindfolded . she says to me on that. now the military says it has search $1000.00 houses during the incursion. that's 1000 houses ran sec, sent me right. not only loves to a nephew in this rate, but also memories of her lifetime uprooted by a boot dozer certificate that i was so small. my father the phone to that tree and for 50 years it kept on growing. it was this tool. many refugees here originally
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from areas around tele, vive, or haifa, but the band from returning there, they were expelled in 1948 after the creation of the state of israel. a police to an armed resistance was boarding, these alleyways. one that is really is trying to crush, woke up with us in the how much then has seen many raids in his life. but since october, the 7th dynamic hasn't changed to them. he says, israel is sending a message to everyone here. they'll come to hong is that the reuben had before they would write a house to a re someone's into most that house, but it wasn't even like this. the roads, the toner pod, there's no water or electricity engineer was off. there's no access to food or medical treatment since the world i hate has more and more. they want us out with 1000 gallons of seem to egypt and waste bank residents seem to jordan. the raid lost its 45 hours the extent of the damage here and to cairo, tells
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a similar story of what happened in other refugee camps, such as in janine and wide clearing up people that were ready, bracing themselves for the next incursion, which they say will come sooner rather than later, we'd up to how many jersey are in the to carry refuge account. thousands of people have been demonstrating in human against us and british strikes on who 2 people positions in the country. but this was the scene in the northern city of santa alia, on friday. protest is also condemned, as well as war on guys were in cold for 65. but it was also a protest in the capitol salma. how does it was mohammed a laptop has moved from there to these the foot? this does have tickets to the states. those to show their support to their uh rather than part of 7 to the now is the ongoing must seka and genocide committed by israel again is the brothers and father's side and also to show their support to
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the ongoing operations carried out by uh oh, these uh and the rates see they say this, the least that this group could do in order to put more pressure. all this ready to stop it's, i'm going for on guys that also to lift it's blockade on the people of guns that to allow medicine food to answer to the people go. so what would be the most, the, the straight as of try to slow because they said that the all and supported by the site is by the ongoing and ways that have been carried out by washington on different uh, parts of. yeah. but they say that the, the uh, base x rays or a spread that'd be made by the us in order to prevent the hose, these from the carrying out their operations, the red sea,
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the students prevent this group from the cutting out this, the fridges. and so their demands miss israel has launched it strikes and south and living on the as riley. he says they were targeting has been lost sights since october. the 7th. the is where i live in on board. it has witnessed, in a daily exchange of fire between is ready for asses and has belong. as for the cross file long man pulled a handful of thousands of people to lease the hon. signed a hold of reports from southern living on southern lebanon's border towns, largely abandoned and devastated an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese arm group has beloved, has created the de facto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep. below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. what hezbollah says? it will pull back with you, but instead it to start to targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern
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israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to help set to is return to the north in a safe way and to keep has the law the resistance away from the false. what it doesn't, it must stuff. it's war on garza, i'm deliberate on israel has increased the intensity of it strikes. what it says is hezbollah as military infrastructure. and one of the biggest attacks is repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups, main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior be as railways appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of the, the, the capabilities in depth that hezbollah has why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict. for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities and what some describe as
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a balancing act. and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict as the cause of war rages. so for the moment is right, it doesn't have really any strategy best to be responding to hezbollah. that, that, and create kind of a balance between that has been like that, that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability is random, military has said a lot, still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah, but the group says this front will remain active until as well as for on garza ends . and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out, an all osborne may not be eminent, but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military
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targets. this is very much a war center for their osha's either southern lebanon, a facility hit here on al jazeera people in garza sloughed to the beach in the hopes of gaining a faint signal. and that the ongoing communications blackouts and his rounds were on cause of the shadows will. they cannot look for him. and dove, also as the world's business and political leaders avoid the realities of the phones, options the hello. we all look and get some very heavy right across northern parts of australia at the moment. it's a combination of them on certain trough, add a tropical load over a 100 millimeters of rain here in that tenants creek in the the n c. and i the last couple of days we've actually saved 199, but let me just
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a frame. so while over the monthly average coming down in just $48.00 has to be twice that month. the average. in fact, this area of low pressure here that will swell away will continue to drift this way . little further west with this, we go through the next couple of days. there we go, and there's the month, se traffic all the way to all the way out to was a policy. that's the developing protocol. so i find something to watch out for them that queensland coast as we go into the middle console next week. so here we got, we got these 2 systems, lots of right in the, across the northern queensland pushing across towards the rear of your flight pressure with stress a little further west, which as we go one through sunday, pick down pulls coming in. and it will of course, cool some flooding, flash flooding in places of a warnings in full say for the south they, there's generate dry. we got some west to weather, some shabby rain making his way across things either, but not too bad. if we've got some sherry wright and longest spells a frame, maybe some winter weather, also spitting out of the central china into south career and a garage. he makes his way across a good pots of japan. the
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on comes in the cost of all the $100.00 days into the vote on costs of the humanitarian catastrophe is deepening. as the conflict continues, the cost to the is really economy is enormous. plus some taiwan is view president to bring peace and prosperity to the i'm counting the cost on al jazeera, sleeping under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy source, their own tri, hoses down to. so the panels on his roof for decades. the number line on the diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowds from the australian government. the island built itself, so the great how they can capture and store fully energy. they need time on stated future fossil fuels, no renewables. the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power station funding, co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be
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relatively easy in china. but the government remains committed to colon, guess the you're watching. i'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the sound system of these from civilians and cancer. accuse these really armies carrying out executions. i'll just, sarah has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family. they allege at least 19, so billions were executed by his ready soldiers on the same. but the 19th, more than 140 people had been killed in just 24 hours in gaza as well as offensive has intensified the 2 major hospitals in the southern city con units. and until car
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i'm in the occupied westbank is there any forces killed 8 people opposite a series of rights of a period of 45 hours. they also tour up roads in damage times. is there any forces that being accused of severely abusing palestinians and guns off to taking them into custody? thousands of palestinians have been detained since the vold again, cuz he loved his hoodie on has more and a warning, some of the images and testimonies disturbing. the accounts of english interviews are shared by these palestinian men. many say the injured physical and psychological torture. well, being detained by his really forces. this man says the scars on his back or a mere glimpse into the pain, he experienced others recount acts of violence, beatings, and constant humiliation. the national will said, we were blindfolded impatient, badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons. later they
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transferred us to an army camp and as royal they, they don't unite on us. and some sand on us, on the place to reach into showtime after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution. abdel is struggling to cope while in detention. he says he felt like he was dying, his collarbone was badly injured by his release soldiers and his arms and hands have scalps from weeks of being restrained months. i have just shut it off. no, i, these ratings arrested me in order to me to take off my clothes and hands were tied and the ice blindfolded, they shut my head back and forth. i told them i have health issues and a prosthetic on my neck, but they continued to hit me. i felt like it was going through my neck level. i've lost all sensation of my left arm. i wasn't assaulted, beaten, and repeatedly slapped in the face, the pool full, or it's unclear how many post indian men had been detained by israel since the war
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began. but the un says the believe's, the number of runs into the thousands. they say they were given little to no information on where they're being held and why and accounts of humiliation or mounting. there are reports of men, but i subsequently released but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in this quarter. but we're not exactly sure why they've put in diapers and sent out, but they're clearly visibly shocked and even shaken when, when i met them. and as i spoke to them, the u. n. is calling on israel to follow international humanitarian law. the is really government insist adults despite testimony saying otherwise on the, on the i only survive because if god's will have gone through collective punishment day in and day as i feel very sorry for the palestinian men to detain teenagers who were 1516 years old for the torture they've gone through though no longer
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imprisoned, the trauma lingers and many more palestinians, they say are still being detained and abused katia lopez. so again, how does there as we've been reporting the, has been a partial return of communications in gaza. optimal that a week without engineers will fund service, has been the longest communications blackouts since the wisconsin. hundreds of palestinians have flown through the see show and central cancer to try and connect with mobile phone networks operating outside the strip. they say is the only way they were able to communicate with this placed family members of correspondents, angelica that already has more on the impacts of that black out from down paula and central cancer for more than a week. now the gaza strip has been disconnected from the world's 7 days without internet, without calls, without withdrawing from the bank. here we're front of the bank. the policy didn't
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bank where you are merely. this area is filled with hundreds of people trying to withdraw money because people in gaza strip lost their jobs for more than 3 months . now they have not been working. and the only way they depend is on the money transferred from their families abroad and so on. here also, the banks provide people with internet and people normally sit here and call their families from abroad. call each other a call people in the northern areas in the southern areas. but for the 1st time it stays for 7 days more than 7 days. this is not the 1st telecommunication blackouts on because of the trip. it has been the 5th, but it's this log and according to past the palestinian telecommunications company, they set the stage tents 2 of their team workers to fix the problem. but they were killed by the forces, according to the palestinians. they told us that this is another type of torture,
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not being able to call your beloved ones and not being able to reach the ambulances . because if anything surrounding your house happened during the air strikes, palestinians believe that is right, has been losing a lot on them. and life has been very challenging as people are still with missing displacement, homelessness, and starvation. this is betty from out for out to 0. this is ralph oral garza has been to the top of the ginger of world latest attending the world economic forum and doubles that is as well as from bottom and continues. many seemed to be avoiding the realities on the ground. a template medicaid is a james bias has moved from davos the ward and gone. so loomed lodge up with this. he is gathering of the world economic forum. but at times it seemed like the issue very few wanted to talk about. among those who did as well as president is a quote,
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so himself named in the genocide case. currently before the international court of justice in the age. you might think he being damage limitation mode. perhaps not. when you hear this comment about the people of cancer and even every house you'll find, tell equipment, you'll pull up in a, in a, in a live in a bedroom. you pull up the bed, you'll find the mesa. all those were very careful with the woods, particularly those who still oppose and then meet you see spot. there is a profound opportunity for regionalization in the middle east and the greater middle east that we have not had before. the challenge is realized. we want this conflict, and as soon as both we don't want to go for a long amendment longer than necessary. more than a decade ago, the world economic forum setup a youth group called the global shapers, which now operates in over a 150 countries. they are raising the alarm about garza and the new york delegate
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told me she was shocked by the way the conflict was address this week. they still expected that given the events of the last $100.00 days, we would see more one more of a humanitarian discussion. to that the word garza would be brought up more and i don't think it quite has. and see i taught that there would be more palestinian voices to balance out the voices that we're hearing from israel. here we go here in devil's world leaders with chewing up to talk very forcefully about the war and ukraine. now it seems different when the global headlines are on the bombardment by israel of gauze. there are those countries that are calling for an immediate cease fob, but they're not saying that much here perhaps because they don't want to upset the americans. and then there were those that say, israel still has the right to self defense again, the comments are limited at the time when israel is facing a case in the international court of justice. under the genocide convention,
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james bays alger 0 doubles. the united nations is 80 percent of a people facing famine or catastrophic, hung a world wide. and now in gauze are currently every single person and goes or is going hungry. a quarter of the population has no cost of stopping the famine light conditions in minutes. all children on the 5 and gaza also with high risk of severe mental nutrition. can you see if this is really 10000 children will suffer the most of life threatening form of male nutrition in the next few weeks known as severe wasting or palestinians in kansas. i hung up as another width and being used against them. and as well as for the excise level or not high upside the push out the door. as you can see, this is off situation. the children want food, but we don't have any. they go to sleep without dinner. we drink polluted and contaminated water. what kind of life? so we missing this isn't like why death is better than living in these conditions.
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sometimes i get a small piece of bread and i divide it between my 5 children. but other times we back from the neighbors. if i get an orange or 11 and i will divide to talk and give it to the children, all the countries are going doing nothing compared to us. they seem to have no masi for us. we need a solution. when there was flour available, we would buy animal feet and we would grind to top to eat instead. but we can't even find animal feed now, it's not available anymore. a life is very difficult. the smell is bad because the sewer is over fly, and give it the consultant of you know, fuck amc my nest. let me go up at home. they all 35 people. you know, my family in those displays came to live with me in the market. we can only find clothes and kids toys. there is no food to buy in the market. i swear and we have grinding the animal feeding the rice together and try and make some bread. these
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rainy shoulders guarding the humanitarian a few days ago. i know this differently means a starving arm about the occupation forces wants us to die of hunger rather than killing us with guns and missile affiliated here on out. is there a rapidly spitting color outbreak in africa sprints to 10 countries? the you in say is it is struggling to vex tonight ice less communities plus japan's of luna land of reaches the moon in a historic furnace for the country's 1st vis or in the space program. the the,
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the, the
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flux ton has indicated it's willing to resume diplomatic ties with around it comes in mid pockets on stand off with its neighbor. so the 2 countries find into each other's territory on thursday is on the bod. carried out a tax against what it says, what bases, all the village separates us, grouping around at least 9 people, including women and children, were killed. but that's up to 2 people. died in writing and strikes and puck us downs, believe just on provence, on tuesday to wrong says it was targeting and group funding for the rights of the sunni minority inside of from some of the been jeff has more from is one of us to important meetings on friday, the place in progress on the national security council is shared by the right, mr. flack. hassan, who got toward his visit to the most economic for him in dallas. as all the
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ministry choose the top, they're up to see. diplomacy came together with one result in the message that they need to de escalate the situation on focus on southern border of it. iran, there has been tensions in the last few days as they're on, carried out to strike and right off to that part of the lawn care that just strikes on iranian soil. and these 2 neighbors which have had a long history of cross florida skirmishes with non state actors for a very long time, have not and been going up each other using drones besides and jets. but now things seem to be back on track focused on is likely to send back. it's invested to, to pair on and also invite fact it runs in boston to do is i'm about as well. this is been an ongoing issue in the last 24 hours because they will be further calls from other parties as well, including united nations, the therapist government, there been a telephone exchange with me in the bucket funding form is undisturbed discount deposit as well that all sides have been urging these 2 countries who have,
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during this price is little calling, been calling each of the brother, the states in distinguishing between what they called service groups and the government and people all focused on and iran. so things seem to be moving in in the simmering down direction. they're both can be said that they're working to try and get a effective mechanism in place that not all of these things can be avoided in the future. and those of this who were saying that this could be signaling from a new inside was gone wrong because focused on also retaliated. now seems to think that the worst might be over. and both countries are moving towards that direction where they will resume diplomatic ties, send back their diplomats and make sure that if there is an issue of counter terrorism, it is in it, is it resolved by dialogue and by parts between the 2 sides of the job without the bureau is not about as the rock is finding it hard to balance relations with its closest allies around and the us to runs as trucks on earlier this week. calculate
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bank debt to file a complaint with the you when there's also calling public pressure to expel the us to have coalition up to a drones try kill the senior parent military commander earlier this month. design best probably has moved from baghdad of the friends comrades in order to fluffy, a swarm at state local critics of the west, immortalize in stone where they die assassinated in the us. drone strikes 4 years ago here and above the running into member costs. and so on, and the rocky paramilitary leader of who must be on the on this still walk hand in hand dogs in circles the wreckage of their boned down cars. there was no mistaking the close bonds of cooperation between but on that right. which is why rocks government says iranian air strikes on her bill earlier this week, against what he described, the separatists. and this really intelligence assets came as such a shock. i'm but i love cotton c, c o, the depth of relations on matters of politics, security, military intelligence,
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economics and religion. iran should have taken all of this into consideration. it is totally unacceptable to act unilaterally. the other elephant in the room, the $2500.00 strong us like coalition iraq often be coming to stage on which the rivalry between iran and the united states plays out the system to lock the, you know, iraq is struggling to stay out of this fight. it is very difficult, the least we can do to protect our own interests is maintain a balance of relations between the us and run. the whole situation is very complicated, especially a mid. the escalation of fighting in the region will wait and see. 2 wars, occupation, generations of suffering and finds america's indelible mark on a rock is office. despite it all, if you want to turn heads in both sides, it is usually from behind the wheel of an american muscle car po, at the selected number 2. people of american cars because of the look they have big and loud engines, it gives young people something to be proud of like its ties to
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a run. iraq's relationship with united states is a love hate one as well. curfews blast walls and power cuts have given way to investment to prosperity and a degree of political harmony, the new shops and restaurants, people out on the streets, the return of a vibrant night. susan booked out are visibly improving and the rockies say that they're learning to enjoy themselves once again, instead of just trying to survive the. and that's not really that. and we want security and stability. we are against any external intervention in our business. hope for the best for my country, so my children can leave in peace. there is progress, but it is built into rocks. people agree on at least one se. instability comes with a real risk of backsliding. zane bus rob yoga 0 booked on june 10. you know,
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far as he's have arrested into positive relatives of equity was most wanted fugitive the family of adult foam sales with attained on thursday night. this comes just a week after he escaped from an ecuadorian prison in the city of quite a keel. he was sipping and 34 years sentence to drug trafficking, and when he was discovered missing from his cell, husband, tainted security minister, says authorities detained and supported 8 people connected to macias. you know, now most the don't want, i meant this also. so can we, a proud argentina was a hostile territory for a group of drug dealers who could have come to settle down here. mister feature had a sentence of 38 years and he escaped, leaving a trail of blood and death. inadequate to this provoked situation of finance to posted this family so fast, they ended options, you know, on january the 5th, it's a success. the plane has for the line to the next to the family who already had several cases
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a by connected to the you in is wondering that are the 350000 people in the republic of congo are in need of a down to the country stuff and the was flooding in 6 decades following months of heavy rain full. well, so no one is conquered. prospect of the republic declared a sense of emergency at the end of december. the you in volumes, millions of people have been affected across the country. and many villages canal only be reached $5.00 out of the countries. 12 departments remain on the water and a total of $1800000.00 people are affected. the slots have left local communities without shelter or access to primary health services. villages, schools and health facilities have been flooded. and many water points and sanitation facilities are no longer functional as limited or no access to clean drinking water or sanitation in the worst effect, the bay area, and that is in the sand from most of the country. some 27000 children are out of
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school. the united nation says it's concerned about a color outbreak, an applicant that has free to at least 10 countries. the numbers of infections and dates have been rising particularly fast and zimbabwe and neighboring zambia. having the task i sent this report from to wishy in zimbabwe. color rebec scenes from the world health organization having to reach communities like these n, as in bob way. or the government says the doses are on the way. but while families wait for the drugs to get here, some in rural areas say they are being stigmatized. as family members become l when we dump it as a fumble with the people in the village and say, oh how is this quarter? because all father died from the disease does dental gloss and i'm afraid they will get you to go with it in neighboring zambia. a mass spec summation program is underway to try and contain a color outbreak in the capital of the sucka and other parts of the country. now
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the thing i came to get vaccinated because lots of people, his date, there is hope. the vaccine predicts us. that in health officials say they are overwhelmed by the number of infections and the disease is back and therefore the basis is to get it protection of protected myself. the next 6 months. schools in zambia are closed to try and stop the disease from spreading across the board in zimbabwe. government officials are trying to tackle the outbreak without too many disruptions. schools ends involve we have openings for the 6 conditions. for example, teachers and students have to wash their hands a tutor plan into and leave the office. if the outbreaks are not controlled, the disease could spread to more countries. haldeman tests out of their situation and by japan has become the 5th country to land,
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a spacecraft on the moon. smart land for investigating moon or slim is a furnace for the countries veteran space per program. but is cool and bank of reports problems with the solar power system by limit its mission. it was built to hop scrolls and take photos on the moon. and after swinging through the solar system for 4 months, this 5 legged lender just to may japan, the 5th ever country to pull off a lunar land. same as you want to, each of us helps got on the 28th of january, 202420 minutes past midnight. the smart lambda for investigating mood, land and its equity. we have been able to confirm that it has arrived on the moon's surface. slim left earth on september 6th, but instead of burning fuel to get to the moon quickly, it took the long way around. the lightweight craft sword,
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guided only by gravity. on december 25th, it eased into lunar orbit. its goal was to hit a target on the surface more precisely than ever before. including more than what with 2 dogs of a, it's very common that spacecraft missed the targeted lading location by few kilometers but slim aims. a landing with a precision of less than a 100 music era. once this technology is proven successful, we will be able to land on different terrain such as the moon's poles. slim brought digital moon maps from a previous mission radar and laser range finders to pick the perfect crater to landon and algorithms to make mission critical flight choices in real time. this is pop span of warning of attempts to try and have efficiency savings. a marginal gains in trying to make the move more accessible for science organizations or universities or government budgets. a new moon race is on. over the last decade, china and india place to the 1st modern landers on the lunar surface. as the us,
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russia and china are all planning to send humans, they are soon, but private companies in the us in japan recently failed expensive landing attempt your on or still the scenario. now we are finally trying to build a base where people can live will stay for a long period of time on the moon. so it is important that we can show that japan has the technological capability to make this landing on its own. early saturday morning, scientist held their breath and watched slim land in a crater in the mire. nick terrace the sea of nectar, but it's solar panels may not be functioning. so in its short battery life, it will send back as much data as possible to teach future emissions a slicker, more efficient way to get their calling. baker elders here as well. that is its from me tell me the price of this news out, but you can find much more on our website. the address for that is l just 0. don't com. my colleague me bach. and we'll be back in just
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a moment with more of the day's news, including all the licensed from israel's war on gaza to stay with us. the . this is the 1st to decide that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of our report, 34 and it's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's
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important to impact the lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good the bringing the news to the world from here to business a short fence approved was legal but heavily restricted. most of them are sold to the black they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the tell me what it says. i mean, don't you know that that's going to stop what the customer will see him. but he is a hood. i think i hear from them and that is basically means that he gets it. it'd be a case, a king, your name is a, is that the policy see on this can be really late. but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life. and then of course the we as a but i most i said okay,
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evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch to go to bringing up some fish on that . we're not too happy with their presence. 2 faces the same. we will need to know mean that i something the claims of all crimes in gaza. we had devastating testimonies from civilian society this way, the army committed summary executions. the for the on the phone. this is i which is 0 life, although i will. so coming up for the 1st time and need a month, us president joe biden speaks, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the differences of a palestinian statehood the day off.


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