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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the claims of war crimes in gaza. we had devastated testimonies from civilian society is very ami committed summary executions. the funny bulk of this is just
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a life. and the also coming up the, is there any forces around the area around because as largest remaining functioning hospital with strikes, a $140.00 pounds of students have been killed in 24 hours. for the 1st time in nearly a month us president joe biden speaks to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the differences of a palestinian statehood. and the thousands of people are rooted from the homeless in the southern level, the simmering front line of an escalating conflict between israel and has below. the thanks for joining us. we begin in gaza when more than a 140 pile of things have been killed and this ready attacks and just 24 hours. but it's not just strikes and shunning for the killing civilians. human rights groups have been gathering testimonies of summary executions of palestinians by is ready forces,
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which is 0 has obtained exclusive pictures. i'm witness accounts for members of one family. they say on the 19th of december, i swear the soldiers executed at least 90 and civilians engulfed the city. charles stratford has the story and a warning. some views, my fine images, and his report distressing the ruins of kansas city. destruction dash sounds. nobody's really, military drove above the roll axis. ations of all claims committed bodies, really all me to stay is lead to an apartment of a family home bullet cartridges broken from the band and the
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belongings walls and floors covered in blood the whole day can never forget the vip zillow foxes lot, and the tanks and boulders is the round of the building. shells are being hay in the building for days. the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, black and home, and the notion of the money and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians. there were no members of the resistance, you know, the whole full grass numbers up to long again, the color didn't, they beat me and my daughter's, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words, they took our names and filmed us, make up the stories massey on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband
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was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them all . these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era with shot just al is off to the events all day describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets and their back a similar to the bad. the last, the last one more days, daughter says when the killings had been carried out, show started fixing the bill in the game that i should faced, exhausted and scared. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat
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with the law as the letters in the hand. when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of the man outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed. now that was hit, she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and next to my sister tried to carry the body on got but she fell from her arms at the door. the notice eyes were still open as she passed away, the wounds to her hated to shock, to show a young family broken by the horror. these riley armies killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure. catastrophic ultra 0
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this or palestinians say the situation is diaz and southern gauze as largest city con eunice, where casualties a mountain is ready for us is they've been pounding the area with strikes, gum fi, i'm showing israel's offensive has intensified the cities, 2 major hospitals, including causes largest remaining functioning nasa hospital. at least 2 people were killed when israel bombs the mile hospital and also hospital didn't receive any evacuation orders. thousands of displaced people are that, with no way to go. tens of thousands of palestinians, a once again forced the fleet for the south, pulsing and red crescent to setup new displacement come. so people arriving in rough according to the un, roughly 85 percent of goals as population of the upper region from the homes. some of them multiple times. meanwhile,
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phone and internet services have being partially restored off. the goal is as long as communication blackouts has the will become part of as a report. some rafa in southern gaza is generally a now with the return of communications. insight garza, the situation seems to be calling back to 4 residents to check on each other, especially for palestinian. some of these are completely are away from others. as part of the families are in the north and others happens is taking refuge in the south and um, in the past few days it was a full truck out of communications would consider it to be the longest since the outbreak of this conflict at the task before i did that, i did the test last for more than one week or palestinians were facing a very notable difficulty in terms of communication with the communicating with each other and them side also with the carrying out their commercial into actions. but right now would there be tons of these a communications now they can,
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they can be able to communicate again. and we need also to report and to point out that they are a number of a technical team is belonged to the palestinian telecommunication companies. have been cute as they were trying to repair the damage that had been inspected about by the is very wide destruction and a that had been carried out within the last couple of days, of course, separate areas. and especially in con eunice, where 2 of the engineers have been killed as they were hating to fix a pot to the networks that had been damaged. so completely right now with the reach to ration of use that works, the situation for power has been used to send it to be partially good, as they are waiting for full return for the communications of course, calls a strip just in order to check with each other, and at least to report if there's any new point as tracts for the thomas, the minister of hills, to rush to evacuate the victims on the internet as well. the un has reiterated his
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accusation. the israel is blocking a deliveries to northern guys in the u. n c, monetary affairs agency says almost 70 percent of shipments to the north of the strip, but not cleared by israel. so far this year is also rejected. 95 percent of all fuel and medicine supplies entering and not allowing any one such delivery. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently said he's only allowing minimum levels of aid in 2000 the newest president job i didn't list held a phone call with benjamin netanyahu. the 1st between the 2 men in weeks by the reiterated calls for a 2 state solution saying, now i'm multiple ways to do that. the conversation came a day off and that's the only who said he opposes palestinian statehood. off the wall is over. well, the moment we'll get the latest on the south, she's an occupied easter eastern. the 1st. let's go to have them. fisher and washington d. c. and an island. what more do we know about what the 2 leaders discussed? well defined how it says that this phone call had been in the works for
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a number of days. so they were trying to set a date, but it's for to a test that it comes just to few hours after benjamin netanyahu essentially undermined us position of calling for an independent palestinian state after the war. his comments sadly, where viewed with some consent among a number of politicians in washington dc that were told that joe biden discussed with benjamin netanyahu. the things that we've come to expect. and the number of phone calls that they've had for the last one was back on december 23rd, but they talked about getting more aid into guys that they talked about how they could walk towards the freeing of the captives and guys. and they also talked about the progress of the war and putting military pressure on how much but the did discuss the 2 state solution. then what is interesting is that the white house says there is no split with israel on this. i benjamin netanyahu believes one thing to a bite and believes the other at an event at the white house, just a short time ago, benjamin netanyahu was say, was asked. so joe biden was us, is it impossible to have a 2 state solution?
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well, benjamin netanyahu is still in power, joe biden said simply, no, he was been us, given his position on the 2 state solution. is there a possibility that they could impact a denny said, well, that we will work that out. but we know that some democratic senators are looking again at the that is provided for to israel. it's multi $1000000000.00 every year. and they are wondering whether or not they can start attaching conditions, such as making sure that any military aid is used in line with us low with international humanitarian law and international lawyers of conflict. that may be some step away yet. but joe biden also talked about how there could be a co state solution that may be slightly different from the way that people and visit you saying that there are some countries and members of the united nations who don't have their own army, which seems to suggest that that may be something that he can try and self to the is rarely. but what is also clear is that benjamin netanyahu enjoys only 15 percent
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support and israel. but those who think it should be involved in the government after the war. and the americans know this, and during the briefing of the white house, they said we will deal with the is really government, whoever the is really people elect. so they're also aware, the benjamin netanyahu may be dead set against the idea of a 2 state solution. but benjamin netanyahu might not be there for much longer. all right, adam fisher and washington dc thinking as close now as i have this out here who's in occupied east jerusalem and i'm the so the us and israel disagree over palestinian statehood. and also growing riffs within the is riley will cabinet on the direction of this conflict. a growing pressure on is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as the war now enters it's 4th month. there's lot of pressure on the international front from the americans, but also domestically within his own government, within the coalition and the war cabinet. and remember, this is
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a series of people that these really prime minister at hand pick to assist him in running the country and making decisions during war time. one of those members of the war cabinet guy, the eyes in coats gave an interview to was really media saying, but perhaps it's not plausible. it's for there to be a total defeat of how mouse and there needs to be some sort of other viewpoint on how israel wants to prosecute this war. he says that the war has gone on for an incredibly long time. and though israel has these military objectives, one of the main ones to dismantle him as both politically and militarily. but perhaps that is simply unattainable. he also says that there should be elections held during more time to see if these really public is truly confident and secure with the government. but if they look at poll numbers, if you speak to as really people in the streets, and you will know that these really prime minister is wildly unpopular. and while a lot of the society does support the war efforts in the army,
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the leadership of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been under scrutiny since this right wing government came into power. in fact, it is the most right wing and israel's history. within nothing y'all whose own coalition you have those right. we members who are known, alter nationalists like the national security minister, each more ben beer and the countries finance minister bits that are smaller, rich, who've also made decisions in this war that have brought criticism from the americans. so the pressure is mounting on these really prime minister more than a 105 days into this. busy or yeah, and that certainly seems to be growing by the day i'm to salvage, unoccupied history, so many things below, as well as loans and strikes also in southern lebanon. these, where the army says they were targeting, has bloss sites. so type of the sentence, the is where i live in on board. it has witnessed a need data exchange of 5 between is rarely forces and has been a while the cost far along the board as full styles of people to leave the homes, they know, hold up as best from southern lebanon to southern lebanon's border towns largely
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abandoned and devastated an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese arm group has beloved, has created the de facto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep. below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. not hezbollah says it will pull back with you, but instead it to start, the targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to help set the time to the north in a safe way to keep has the law and the resistance away from the file, but it doesn't, it must stop its war on garza and 11 on israel has increased the intensity of it strikes on what it says is hezbollah, as military infrastructure. and one of the biggest attacks is repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups,
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main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior be as railways appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of the, the, the capabilities in depth that hezbollah has why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict. for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities and what some describe as a balancing act. and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict as the cause of war rages. so for the moment is right, it doesn't have really any strategy, but to be responding to hezbollah, that, that, and create kind of a balance between that has been like that, that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability is random, military has said a lot,
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still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah, but the group says this front will remain active until as well as hor on garza ends . and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out, an all osborne may not be eminent, but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military targets. this is very much a war center for their own shows you the southern lebanon as well. so in the region, the usaa is cut out strikes against 3, who's the missile sites in yemen. us central command says the missiles presented an imminent threat to mention vessels in the red sea and were destroyed in self defense. still ahead on al jazeera, rapidly spreading cholera, how break in africa spreads to 10 countries?
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u. n says it is struggling to vaccinate isolated communities. in japan's luna landa reaches the moon in an historic 1st with the countries effect from the space program. the award winning in depths investigations that get compelling insights into a new toes from asia and the pacific one. 0 $1.00 east on out to 0. the the the do without a 0. his reminder of our top stores this out to so many,
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some civilians in guns or tuesday is ready. you have coming out of executions, which is here, has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family and lunch. at least 19 civilians were executed by israeli soldiers on december, the 19th on a 140 people have been killed in just 24 hours in gaza as well as offensive has intensified the 2 major hospitals in the southern city. he was president george volumes, and then these rails prime minister benjamin netanyahu discuss garza over the phone, is the 1st conversation of weeks item says there are number of types of 2 states solutions and kind of starting to die off to investigate who refused to consider us a new state of pockets to as indicated as willing to resume diplomatic ties with the rub, comes and made pockets done stand off with his neighbor off to the 2 countries fide into each other's territory on thursday is talking about carried out a tax against what it says with bases of
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a balloon separate has creeping around at least 9 people, including women and children, with co, uh, soft. the 2 people died in the rainy and strikes and pocket stones baluchistan province on tuesday. around the says it was targeting of the group fighting for the rights of the sunni minority inside a run us as an attorney and all sorts, he's arrested unsupported. the relatives of equity was most warranty. the fugitive, the family of adults so much yes, were detained on thursday night. this comes just to recap the escape from an ecuadorian prison in the city of waco. he was serving a 34 year sentence for drug trafficking, unload up when he was discovered missing from his cell. the you and is wanting that over 350000 people in the republic of congo or in need of aid of the country. so for the was flooding in 6 decades pulling months of heavy rain full. also notice come go, brazil the republic declared the state of emergency the end of december. you and once millions of people have been affected across the country,
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and many villages cannot only be reached by both you and says it's concerned about the color outbreak in africa. the dispatcher, at least 10 countries, the numbers of infections and depths of being rising, particularly fost ends in bob white and neighboring zambia permit tasa sent this report from chill wishing ends in bodily color, rebec scenes from the world health organization having to reach communities like these n, as in bob way. and the government says the doses are on the way. but while families wait for the drugs to get here, some in rural areas say they are being stigmatized. as family members become l when we dumped it as a follow up with the people in the village and say, oh, how is this quarter? because all father died from the disease does don't of glass and i'm afraid they will get you to go with it in neighboring zambia. a mess vaccination program is underway to try and contain
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a color outbreak in the capital of the sucka and other parts of the country. now the thing i came to get vaccinated because lots of people, his date, there is hope. the vaccine project says that in health officials say they are overwhelmed by the number of infections and the disease is back and therefore the basis is to get a protection of protected myself. the next 6 months. schools in zambia are closed to try and stop the disease from spreading across the board. the ends and broadway government officials are trying to tackle the outbreak without too many disruptions . schools in zimbabwe have openings, but on the 6th conditions, for example, teachers and students have to wash their hands at unified water into and leave the office if the outbreaks are not controlled, the disease could spread to more countries. how do i talk to elders? yeah, she wishing them badly and that one use hundreds of supports is
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a jailed right. second, to this stage of protests, of the city of the capital of russia's bush court to stand or public say, rather than suppose as minority rights activist, fire as the on of sentenced on wednesday to 4 years on challenges of stirring ethnic hatred of c. i know has been vocal against russian war and ukraine. they criticized most come from trying to recruit fighters from the areas ethic buskie a population. meanwhile, and those bank community leader was arrested and must go on friday for a meeting. he posted on social media horseman, but off was charged with insights and hatred for the post. the investigator said consulted brushing forces in ukraine. the challenge carries a maximum punishment of 3 years in jail. moscow has launched a major crank down on the same binding little criticism. the war in ukraine had been process across the germany against the rise of the far right that
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the houses turned down to the city of humbug, to denounce the far right and the party which is riding high in some opinion post. it comes off to report by investigative journalists, reveals that members of the f d had discussed expanding immigrants and what they described as non assimilated citizens. one of thailand's last diplomatic allies has caught ties with the island in favor badging. just days off to a new president was voted in taipei now right with micro easy, not, and was just one of 12 countries. the captive amount of relations with taiwan is not the 1st time, not really a 7 ties with taiwan, which considers itself distinct from the chinese mainland. but according to no reason, minister of foreign affairs, the decision is deemed to be in the best interest of the nation. and decision that not really made to recognize the one trying to principle low on china policy was something that was discussed at length. and it was something that, for us, as a republic, it was
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a decision that we thought it was time for us to come together with probably the one of the biggest developing partners in the world. and we knew about developing needs. and it was about time for us to come into this relationship so that the developing needs of norm in stock, in assisted by china, the people's republic of china japan has become the 5th concrete yolanda spacecraft on the moon. small landa for investigating the moon, or slim, is the 1st of the countries in the veteran space program, but as calling banking reports, problems with a solar power system may limit is mission. it was built to hop scrolls and take photos on the moon. and after swinging through the solar system for 4 months, this 5 legged lender just may japan, the 5th ever country to pull off
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a lunar land. same as you and then each of us helps got on the 28th of january, 202420 minutes past midnight. the smart lambda for investigating mood, land and answer could we have been able to confirm that it has arrived on the moon's surface on a slim left earth on september 6th. but instead of burning fuel to get to the moon quickly, it took the long way around. the lightweight craft sword, guided only by gravity. on december 25th, it eased into lunar orbit. its goal was to hit a target on the surface more precisely than ever before. including more than what with 2 thousands of a, it's very common that spacecraft missed the targeted landing location by few kilometers but slim aims a landing with a precision of less than a 100 meters era. once this technology is proven successful, we will be able to land on different terrain such as the moon's poles. slim brought digital moon maps from
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a previous mission radar and laser range finders to pick the perfect crater to landon and algorithms to make mission critical flight choices in real time. this is pop span of wanted of attempts to try and have efficiency savings, a marginal gains in trying to make the move more accessible for science organizations or universities or government budgets. a new moon race is on. over the last decade, china and india placed the 1st modern landers on the lunar surface as the us russia and china are all planning to send humans there soon. but private companies in the us and japan recently failed, expensive landing attempts, new york. i know it's still the scenario now we are finally trying to build a base where people can live will stay for a long period of time on the moon. so it is important that we can show that japan has the technological capability to make this landing on its own. early saturday
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morning, scientist held their breath and watched slim landed in a crater in the mire. nick terrace, the sea of nectar, but it's solar panels may not be functioning so, and it's short battery life. it will send back as much data as possible to teach future emissions a slicker, more efficient way to get their calling. baker, elders here, like i said, for me the fuck, i never got a website. i'll just 0, don't call much more to about stories, whether it's next. and then side story takes a look at the few between you and some of the the, to hello rainclouds to be gathering for good parts of the korean peninsula easing across into what japan. you can say he's looking quite mobile now, pushing outs of china. another pace of facts out just coming through here is our
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main weather system. nice to see joining together. so we'll see some whatsoever. coming out to central china. cool to add to the north. ash reinhardt, to state degrees celsius, where they can go, whether some winter weather in to west south korea might be pushing into something positive, north korea. then a mix of rights statements know that into a good parts of japan, which really wraps up as we go on into sunday. really heavy right. of course, at eastern side of hong shoes. no. because no, because of hong shoot into her card. i pride this guys come back into high cooler weather, talking in as well. by that stage we'll see so hard around 8 degrees celsius. much cooler and tie. probably something like 10 degree drop by the time we come to sunday night is some unsettled weather. rain, sleet, and snow coming into western and central parts of china. i need to share with my mom across se i. so the majority of those show us just to the north of the are quite of the heaviest ones. at least from your show is pretty much everywhere actually say one or 2 shelves into southern parts of india, some showers that to into west lancaster over the next couple of days ago was that eastern india. meanwhile,
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the fall continues to the northwest. the have the right to boycott, anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue do on a state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights more about the issue i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to in, quote, on which is 0 it's a deal that's raise the fire of somalia right away. some of the lands of lead to gloss details a much sore access to the red sea. martha's issue says it's an act of aggression and violation of its suffering team. so how will this dispute play out and as full


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