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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the claims of all crimes in gaza for your testimony through civilians who say because really on the convicted summary executions, the color that run this donkey attain. this is out of their life and of also coming out of the, of the level also the other you come up with the lift. what's the all so uh the would it honest indians,
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detained and gauze and give accounts of meetings and abuse. the hands of his randy folks in the end is there any forces, pounds of area around goals of the largest remaining functioning hospital with as strong a 140 palestinians have been killed. 24. and now for the 1st time in nearly a month, the us president speaks to israel's prime minister to discuss the differences in the states. the only begin in gaza when more than a $140.00 palestinians have been killed in is really a tax and just 24 hours. but it's not just as strikes. i'm shutting that it killing civilians. human rights groups have been gathering testimonies, a summary executions of palestinians by is there any forces? how does 0 has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts from members of one
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family? they say that on the 19th of december, the israeli soldiers executed at least 19 civilians in garza city. charles proffered has their story and wanting some views may find the images in his report . distressing. the ruins of gulls, a city destruction dex. sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the more accumulations of all claims. committed bodies, really all me the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges, broken from the band into belongings,
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walls and flows covered in blood. the whole day can never forget the vip jonathan has families that are locked in the tanks, and builders is around the building. shells are being hit in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december, israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, flats, the notion of the money and now they took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go. because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance, you know, the whole full grass. nobody is up for a long again, the color didn't. they beat me and my daughters, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made a strip. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible woods, they took our names and filmed us. you may go to the store, was mercy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them.
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they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events, almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh, how my laptop, the but the last, the last one more days daughter says when the killings had been carried out, show started getting the bill in the game. i should faced, exhausted and scared. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in her arms for the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes. go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat. with the law as the hand, when the settler had locked on,
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the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms. then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head eyes and next is my sister tried to carry the body. but she fell from her arms at the door. the note, as always, was still open as she passed away the wounds to have to show, to show a young family broken by the horror of these riley armies killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to and you shall stop it after 0. it
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is rarely forces has also been accused of abusing, torturing and humiliation. palestinians in gaza, often taking them into custody. thousands of palestinians have been detained and kept in secret locations since this war began. katya lopez told her, yeah, and reports on her own accounts, given by some of the detainees who were released and wanting some of the images and testimonies in her report to auto study accounts of english interviews are shared by these, published and in many se, the injured physical and psychological torture well being detained by his really forces. this man says the scars on his back or a mere glimpse into the pain he experienced others recount acts of violence, beatings, and constant humiliation. the possession of a sudden we were blindfolded and beaten badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons. later,
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they transferred us to an army camping as rail delete. the adults unite on us and some sand on us unable to reach into showtime after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution. abdel is struggling to cope while in detention. he says he felt like he was dying, his collarbone was badly injured by his release soldiers and his arms and hands have scalps from weeks of being restrained months. i have the judge who did not know i, these ratings arrested me in order to me to take off my clothes and hands were tied in the ice blindfolded. they shut my head back and forth. i told them i have health issues and a prosthetic on my neck, but they continued to hit me. i felt like it was going through my neck. monroe, i've lost all sensation of my lifetime. i wasn't assaulted and beaten, and repeatedly slapped in the face before, or it's unclear how many post indian men had been detained by israel since the war
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began. but the un says the believes the number runs into the thousands. they say they were given little to no information on where they're being held and why and accounts of humiliation are mounting. there are reports of men, but i subsequently released but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in this quarter. but we're not exactly sure why they've put in diapers and sent out, but they're clearly visibly shocked and even shaken when, when i met them. and as i spoke to them, the u. n. is calling on israel to follow international humanitarian law. the is really government insist adults despite testimony saying otherwise, all of the i only survive because of god's will. we've gone through collective punishment day in and day as i feel very sorry for the palestinian men to detain teenagers who were 1516 years old for the torture they've gone through. though no
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longer imprisoned, the trauma lingers and many more palestinians, they say, are still being detained and abused. katia little pistol again. how does their a, palestinian, let's say that the situation is dia and southern gauze is the largest city, hung eunice, a casualties or will say mounting. the israeli forces in pounding the area with strikes, done, find it. and showing israel's offensive has intensified to near the cities, 2 major hospitals, including causes largest remaining functioning health facility and also hospital. and these 2 people were killed when israel bombed near the out amount of hospital and not the hospital itself. also didn't receive any evacuation which has thousands of displays. people remain there with no way to go. tens of thousands of palestinians are also once again being forced to flee from the south. upon a stand in the red crescent to assess helping new displacement counts for people
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who are arriving in rasa. according to the united nations, roughly 85 percent of causes population has now been uprooted from their homes. some of them multiple times. the one is also reiterated, it's not use ation, that israel is blocking a deliverance to northern causa. the ones who mount of hearing the fans agency says almost 70 percent of shipments to the north and this trip would not cleared by israel. so fall this here is also rejected. 95 percent of all fuel and met some surprise entering the north, allowing only one such delivery. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently said he's only allowing minimum levels of age into garza, on the us president or biden has held a phone call was missing. yahoo, that's the fast between the 2 man and weeks by then has a we is raise. it calls for a 2 state solution. this conversation came a day often as neil who said that he opposes palestinian statements. often the scores of official reports now from washington,
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dc to bite who was one of the 1st well leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th, the 2 leaders have spoken often sent a note even after it's really probably minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy type site and is, are locked into a bundled him, us to the white house. if a 2 state solution was impossible with nic and yahoo and powered it applied sharply new and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement in the 2 states loose countries that are members that are still
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in. so there's ways in which is the 2 leaders spoke on friday, the 1st call in $26.00 days a signed, many observers believe of going for station in washington. the israel continues to undermine the president when scaling back the war and avoiding civilian casualties on the future. but the white house says the coal had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. so this isn't about, you know, try to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change and they're thinking, president a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, does make clear he's concerned about that. president biden is made clear his strong conviction that the 2 states were, is still the right pass a head. one on the list says in an election year, biden is making a huge miscalculation by not publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, this is a disaster for her buying. i think the frankly is 9 deal. i could tell you really believes in the is really project and it has wedded to this and i e. and it's
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dumpster and that by being nice enough in yard, it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise, even though that has been shown over and over again. but that's simply does not work. us lawmakers to be largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also rolling out a long term peace settlement. and that's why biden is talking about 8. because some considering changing the conditions, put america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel. alan fisher, i'll just go to washington. all hundreds of protesters and televisions gathered many of the home on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to demands the release of capt is still being held in garza. some demonstrate has set up tents with pictures of the missing loved ones. determined to camp out there over night. meanwhile, netanyahu is also facing mounting pressure on multiple friends at home and abroad. i'm the sounds of it has more for us from occupying the stories. so there's
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a lot of pressure on the international front from the americans, but also domestically within his own government, within the coalition, and the war cabinet. and remember, this is a series of people that these really prime minister had hand pick to assist him in running the country and making decisions during war time. one of those members of the war cabinet guy, the eyes in coats gave an interview to his really media saying, but perhaps it's not plausible. it's for there to be a total defeat of how much. so there needs to be some sort of other view point on how israel wants to prosecute this war. he says that the war has gone on for an incredibly long time. and though israel has these military objectives, one of the main ones to dismantle him ass both politically and militarily. but perhaps that is simply attainable. he also says that there should be elections held during more time to see if these really public is true. we confident and secure with the government, but if you look at poll numbers, if you speak to is really people in the streets,
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you will know that these really prime minister is wildly on popular and well, a lot of the society does support the war efforts in the army, the leadership of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been under scrutiny since this right when government came into power a hostile, a head here on al jazeera housing tina rests and quotes relatives of the fugitive, equitable gang leader known as peter recent escaped. tricky to a wave. assign the 100 pounds. new lander, which has the moon and the historic fast for the countries bedroom's face. the hearing the thoughts have you had any lisa. he has the support of $15000.00, implement the shelf economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about choices. how when you closer to the house at the
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story the the problem that you're watching now does aaron uninstall z a k here and uh, let's remind you about top stories. testimonies from civilians and gaza tuesday is really ami carrying out summary executions. houses here has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts. and this of one found village at least 19 civilians . executions by is writing songs was from december, the 19th, more than a 140 people have been killed in just 24 hours in casa, is what was offensive, has intensified me a to major. in the southern city of con,
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in while us presidents are inviting us out a phone call with the is there any prime minister? benjamin is kneeling fast between the 2 men and weeks by the reiteration calls for 2 state solution. saying that multiple ways to do that. meanwhile, is there any forces continue carrying out the nightly rates across the occupied westbank? they haven't confrontations inside the block to refugee count. east of novelist is really sold as also storm the number of houses in front of him village that's east of hebron. one palestinian was also a rest enjoying rates and back to him. but is there any forces damaged buildings and dug up roads off to a series of raids into a car in the last of almost 2 whole days? how does the need visited shortly? officer, these ready ministry pulled out from that area is the day after. and these a collective sigh of relief is really forces have retreated. people are bewildered
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by the destruction in an alleyway i. so most one can find a degree for his son. one of 7 who were killed here during the fighting died salt and dragged by an armored vehicle. he was finally left to bleed under ground. is really forces prevented thermostats from reaching him for several hours. the. it's hard, hard. what can we do? he's not the 1st or the last one. i'm done. everyone is upset at the moment. those who lost their homes, those who lost the children. there was a lot of pain around the corner from there. the house of uses, just send me that is turned upside down. the soldiers 1st searched and then use it as a collection point for detainees. they have them here blindfolded. she says to
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me on that. now the minute she says it has search 1000 houses doing the incursion. that's $1000.00 houses run sec. sent me right. not only lost her nephew in this rate, but also memories of her lifetime. uprooted by a bulldozer it was so smooth, my father's phone took that tree and for 50 years it kept him growing. it was this too many refugees here originally from areas around to leave or haifa, but the band so i'm returning their a hey, were expelled in 1948 after the creation of the state of israel. a police send you an armed resistance was born in these alleyways when the israel is trying to crush, woke up with us in the to the how much is it then has seen many raids in his life. but since october, the 7th dynamic hasn't changed to them. he says,
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israel is sending a message to everyone here. they'll come to hong, is that the group i had before was i would write a house to a re someone's and demolish that house. but it wasn't even like this, the roads, the toner pod, there's no water or electricity engineer was off. there's no access to food or medical treatment. since the gold i hate has more and more. they want us out with 1000 guys that seem to egypt and waste bank residents seem to jordan the raid last it's 45 hours the extent of the damage here and to kind of tell the similar story of what happened in other refugee camps, such as in geneva, and what clearing up people are ready, bracing themselves for the next incursion, which they say will come sooner, rather than later. we'd up to how many jersey are in the to carry me refugee camp the
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. well, let's take a look now at some of the days of the news. knowledge and opinion with our to use of arrested and reports and the relatives of equity was most wanted fugitive had comes just a week after he escaped from an ecuadorian prison in the city of quite a que how latin america edison of the scene. human reports not from one his eyes under the cover of darkness, federal police raided a newly inhabited house in an exclusive neighborhood. of course, the law in central argentina. there target was the family of ecuador, as most wanted mine drug trafficker jose adult for my cs. known as fetal, of his wife's mindiola, macias, the 3 children, a nephew, a family friend and nanny, were arrested and quickly deported. back to ecuador to be interrogated by authorities there. yes, i wonder. i meant that we are proud that origin tina was a hostile territory for a group of drug dealers who could have come to settle here. mister fee to hold
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a sentence of 38 years and he escaped, leaving a trail of blood and death in ecuador feet. to the leader of the infamous tornadoes, crime gang was serving his sentence for murder, kidnapping, and drug trafficking. when authorities planned to transfer him to another facility 10 days ago, they discovered he was gone. features escape and that it is main rivals known as the savage. tribute, a new wave of violence throughout ecuador. on wednesday, a prosecutor investigating the takeover of a tv station by gang members was murdered. the do you think the whole region, not just columbia has allowed for this problem to grow in a non control way? we must stay together to fight. this is a regional and world wide problem consumption of these products. as in the united states in europe. the government has declared a state of internal conflict which allows the army as well as police to fight drug
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gangs significantly mrs. macias arrived in argentina, exactly 2 weeks ago, just before her husband's escape. they bought the house in cash in december, presumably as a hideaway. but what authorities are still investigating is whether people sent his family to argentina, or whether he himself was or is still in the country. to see a newman al jazeera windows, situs, a large fire broke out upon them, as long as the garbage dump outside the capital building toxic smoke, and even forcing evacuations. with ours, you say the fine outside panama city was likely caused by awesome. as you can see, that had a comp displayed thousands of pieces of water all over that area, trying to put out the flames. expected to be done until at least today. the us stage of alabama has ordered the execution of an inmate on death row using nitrogen
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gas a practice. it's never been tried before, and humans can, as eugene smith is scheduled to be execution next week. the procedure would involve using a respirator from oscar, which would then force him to breathe. sure nitrogen therefore results in oxygen deprivation and dest, you, and human rights office says that the use of the on tested method could amount to torture. smith was sentenced to death in 1989 facing and stopping the wife of an alabama pasta in her criminal. sorry to use public, a sentence to teenagers to 12 years of hard labor for watching k pump videos. the 16 year old students were convicted of listening to south korean music, as well as sharing foreign movies a period of 3 months. for years north korea has imposed tough functions on any one course enjoying south korean, entertain hundreds of supports of a child rights activist stage to protest in the city of new from the capital of
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russia's abashed quote. as don republic, they rallied in support of minority rights activist for you. i'll send all sentenced on wednesday to 4 years on charges of storing ethnic hatred. ethanol has been local against russia's war and ukraine. he criticized moscow for trying to recruit. find is from the areas ethnic bush k, a population japan has now become the 5th country to land, a spacecraft online, but as calling bank or for what's problems with that sort of policy as the main limited mission. it was built to hop rolls and take photos on the moon. and after swinging through the solar system for 4 months, this 5 legged lander just made japan the 5th ever country to pull off a lunar land setting is una. each of us have scott on the 28th of january, 2024, and a 20 minutes past midnight. the smart lambda for investigating mood, land,
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and integrity. we haven't been able to confirm that it has arrived on the moon's surface. yet slim left earth on september 6th. but instead of burning fuel to get to the moon quickly, it took the long way around. the lightweight craft sword, guided only by gravity. on december 25th, it eased into lunar orbit. its goal was to hit a target on the surface more precisely than ever before. the 2 thousands of a, it's very common that spacecraft missed a targeted landing location by few kilometers but slim aims. a landing with a precision of less than a 100 major era. once this technology is proven successful, we will be able to land on different to ryan such as the knowns. paul's, the slim brought digital moon maps from a previous emission radar. and laser rangefinder is to pick the perfect crater to landon and algorithms to make mission critical. flight choices in real time. this is pop span of wanting to attempt to try and have efficiency savings
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a marginal gains in trying to make the move more accessible for science organizations or universities or government budgets. a new moon race is on. over the last decade, china and india place to the 1st modern landers on the lunar surface. as the us russia and china are all planning to send humans there soon. but private companies in the us and japan recently failed. expensive landing attempts your on or still the scenario. now we are finally trying to build a base where people can live will stay for a long period of time on the moon. so it is important that we can show that japan has the technological capability to make this landing on its own. early saturday morning, scientist held their breath and watched slim landed in a crater in the mire. nick terrace, the sea of nectar, but it's solar panels may not be functioning so, and it's short battery life. it will send back as much data as possible to teach
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future emissions a slicker, more efficient way to get their calling. baker, elders here of all that set for me and installs your time next inside story takes a look at the future between each you if you had to stay with the highlight of it, but it's really cold. weather is now using across much of north america. still pretty cold. having said that, you see these areas of cloud here that drifting after the very latest weather system here. this area of light pressure, i will say away from the eastern seaboard, farther west. another one coming in from the pacific in between, we got a big i reapply pressure, lots of fog freezing fall, get lots and lots of for us to well, of course you can see how the winds coming from over know be direction is a big,
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big of cold air coming to rod and across the plains, sinking further south dallas on saturday, struggling to get to around 3 degrees celsius. negative double figures that cause a good cause of candid does it go on into a sunday? it becomes from say less cold, cold just for taking a little further north was would still probably cold enough. if the truth be nice. i saw it does something of an improvement. it's actually quite quiet that way we have that area of high pressure, still a few wintry showers, tools and all of these little bit of lake effects. now for much in north america, it is dry, but we have got some wet weather. so winfrey, weather, some very heavy rain coming in across the west coast. much of the west coast sinks a big down post. and as we go on through wes sunday, snow making his way towards the rockies. may mon, across the caravans. a lot of fine and dry weather will that be to have some showers into central america? the, the latest news as it breaks, i don't really is. remember the scene on restoring national in
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unity with fearless journalism. these people copying show towing to escape from the relentless bombardment from the hall to the story. many people borne along the cubes hoping for a meal, but with all very crowded towns unlimited aids, many are left with dust. brittany it's a deal that's raise the fire of somalia right away. some of the lands of lead to gloss detail with him much sort access to the red sea positions has it's an act of aggression and violation of itself frontier. so how will this dispute play out and as will of possibilities, this is inside story the .


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