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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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so i want to avoid, see, you know, us as a human to happen next to the stream on out to 0. we know what's happening in our region. we know have to get to places that others can not as far as i said, i'm going or the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the with another night of heavy is riley shelling and gone across the street at times of electing rooms. and the humanitarian situation is growing tests for the color their uninstall, gf. hey, this is alex rivera from dar also coming harrowing stories of abuse and execution. hands of israeli soldiers, palestinian civilians describe all crimes committed inside the costs. a strict
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museum is raney's health and dogs and rally outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose home demanding will be done to secure the captives for news and revisit communities and the occupied west bank. wherever in memphis is really res, have destroyed device infrastructure the well, we begin engulfing with palestine and casualties. mounting in the southern city of san eunice. is there any forces in carrying out indiscriminate attacks with strikes? gunfire, and shedding attacks have especially intensified in the cities. 2 major hospitals, including gauze as long as the remaining functioning health facility. not the hospital and not in hospital did not receive any about 2 ration orders and thousands of displaced. people are trapped inside. at least 2 people also killed
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and bombings near the alamo hospital. meanwhile, the men of calls and cities says more than $50000.00 tons of garbage have been piling up that on the streets is there any bombardment has left waste disposal and sewage systems and ruins doctors and warning. but there's a growing pressure of disease. measure has no control as to what we saw on the streets of northern gauze or for shot. it was a real health disaster. yeah. as there are no basic necessities of life, even the lowest levels of hygiene or non existence, i, i expect the spread of epidemics that are difficult to control. given the dilapidated or non existent health care system, there are no new when is once again accusing is really blocking a deliveries to northern casa israel has rejected some 95 percent of oil. fuel and mentions applies entering that area. well that speak to a correspond on the ground, honey before he joins me now. from rafa in southern gaza. hunt, we know that from baldwin sticking the south has been incredibly intense. hasn't
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been any laptop. yes. well, there hasn't been any lit up in the intense bombings across the gaza for it, but it's all looks like it all started all over again in golf and the northern part where more residential buildings have been targeted within the past 2 days and then appears to be a storage in the intensity on the scale of the bombings where the remaining buildings within the vicinity of chip a hospital on western parts of garza city and valia and the la city, the old, the western side of the they were being targeted. but heavily by artillery sitting and massive air strikes, then there are more people are ordered to evacuate garza city. as of yesterday, late hours of yesterday's evening, ford evacuation zones. and when we refer to evacuation done, we're talking specifically about on,
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on or what united nations for policy refers use is schools, honor was schools designated and as shoulders for displace palestinians. the 4 of these evacuation centers where a i ordered to evacuated immediately and take the uh, a rashid road, the coast, the road, all the way to the central area. now there was a bit of a risk and in fact, the high risk of people leaving it during the night time taking the close the road all the way to central area. and due to the ongoing, the, the black out the know coming occasion hasn't been, has been very difficult to, to confirm whether people have been able to evacuate these zones or, or not. but over night air strikes and han noon is particularly very concentrated within the vicinity. of an officer hospital, the button to send me in the area. that's the southern part of,
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of hon unit city and has the main road leading to the main gate of an officer hospital. and does your danielle field hospital came under cuvee era strikes and artillery showing and reports about extreme confrontation with by, with within the uh, the palestinians. a finding a group with the policy in front of the roof on the ground and is really in bathing . it forces, but maybe the heart breaking part of what happened is the entire family optima for families in the eastern part of honda. and it's an obvious sense, and for almost a month it has been disconnected and they are remaining family members in drunk. behind con, noon is we're unable to get hold of them a but we're talking about the entire family there in laws. some of their relatives, approximately 30 people were found deceased inside their homes there,
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destroyed homes. if from under the rebels they were removed as of a early hours of yesterday's evening, eagle reported to an officer hospitalized the ongoing blackout just makes it very difficult to uh, uh, to know exactly what happened. particularly with this example of the family just knowing a month later of their family members being killed and trapped under the rebels and the seas as they were pulled for on a under the rubber though, despite the restoration of the sick no time. in addition, signals as of last night is still a major part of the ghost of experiencing a black out as of this moment. loss of anxiety let's we're hearing that from honey mackwood. from rafa in southern gauze assigned to honey. well, meanwhile, human rights groups have been gathering the testimonies of summary executions of palestinians. by is there any forces? houses, era has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts from them as
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a one family. and they say that on the 19th of december, israeli soldiers execution at least 19 civilians in garza city. charles top for it has the story under warning. somebody who is may find the images in this report, distressing the ruins of going to city destruction dex. sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the more accuse ations of all claims committed by the is really all me the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home bullet cartridges broken from the band and belongings. walls and flows covered in blood. the
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whole day can never forget the vip jonathan has families that are locked in the tanks, and builders is around the building. shells are being hit in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december, israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it and told them we were all civilians collect enrollment of the notion oklahoma. then e and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance. you know, the whole full grass numbers up for long. yeah. and the color didn't, they beat me and my daughter's, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words, they took our names and filmed us. me go to the store, was massy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them.
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they own them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events, almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh my laptop, the bad, the color, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, show started fixing the bill in the game. i should faced, exhausted and scared. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in her arms to the family shelters in the dog. cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat. with the law as the hand, when the settler had locked on,
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the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and neck. my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. not his eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her hated to shop, to show a young family broken by the horror. these really armies killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure catastrophic ultra 0. uh
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huh. you as president joe biden has held a phone call with his randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu and comes off to rising tensions and growing frustration isn't the violent ministration over the policies of the. is there any problem that i stuff? an official reports from washington dc. 2 by who was one of the 1st well leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th. the 2 liters have spoken often since i know even after it's really probably minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy type despite and is reluctant to a bundled him as to the white house. if a 2 state solution was impossible with nic and yahoo and power, he'd applied sharply new and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement in the
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2 state solution. number of countries that are members that are still in so there's ways in which the 2 leaders spoke on friday. the 1st call in 26 days a site. many observers believe of growing frustration in washington, the israel continues to undermine the president when scaling back to war and avoiding civilian casualties on the future. but the white house says the coal had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. so this isn't about, you know, try to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change. and they're thinking, president a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, does make clear he's concerned about that. president biden has made clear his strong conviction that
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a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year fighting is making a huge miscalculation by not publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, this is a disaster for a bite, and i think he frankly is 9 deal. oh, i could tell you really believes in the is really projects and it has wedded to this. and i e and assumption that by being nice and up in yard, it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise, even though that has been shown over and over again. but that simply does not work . us lawmakers have been largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also rolling out a long term peace settlement. and that's why button is talking about 8. because some considering changing the conditions, put america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel fisher. i'll just go to washington. hundreds of protest as an israel. meanwhile, i protested outside to the final prime minister benjamin as
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a new intel of ease to demand to the release of capt is still being held and garza, some demonstrations assessed on the 10 inches of their missing relative government rallies have intensified across the israel in recent weeks and as mounting frustration against national, whose government for failing to secure a deal to release the remaining captives. there was a few houses away. we're hopeful that you will find themselves. uh the, the ability to be valid with us. we're not protesting here. we're not demonstrating we're simply reaching out to say enough is enough. the easiest solution on the table. there are old horses in the world to help us to reach the deal and to bring these people back home. and we have to have to have our voice written on that and we're here to make our voices heard in each she can see the we can all through it showed that as well that speak to or con, she isn't occupied, is tourism for us. or we know that angles been mounting always heading to any kind
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of a tipping point. the well, absolutely. anger is mounted and thousands of people are going to be waking up outside. benjamin netanyahu is private residents in the cafeteria, which is just north of tel aviv. these are members of a captive families of people in solidarity with them. these people have been protesting in the 10s of thousands for many weeks now, specifically in tel aviv calling for the release of captive a huge amount of domestic pressure. now on next, yahoo, the family members have released the statement from outside his private residence, that cooling, they have to step out to speak to them that he's been dragging his feet on the issue of releasing the captive. and that him essentially saying that he will continue military pressure and gaza is a contradiction to him also saying, but he will release the captive because this is essentially pushing them in peril. now they did say in a statement, we back to for a $105.00 days,
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and now with the mounting stop the executions of the hostages. it's about freeing them on about saving lives. so that message is very clear, and this is going to be reiterated in protest across is dropped throughout the day . and that's, you know, who's also on deluxe international pressure at a delegation from him off her mind to that must go on friday. they met with big help booked, and off he's the deputy, a russian foreign minister. he has also repeated that calls to release old captive saying this, this out. the priority above all as else essentially a box facing him off in um, in golf which many, including inside nothing yahoos will cabinets. have been saying this is now an impossible task and we need 6 reprioritize these efforts. but he did focus specifically on 3 of the russian captives that so they all pushing to release them . we met at andre calls loves martha. he is one of the captains being held just 2
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days ago, and she said a note she has been attempting protests. she was leave israel sheets one st pete spoke. she wouldn't leave the country until she sees her son. so these are just, you know, many, many of these stories of a 136 cap just being held at that currently. but we're also seeing issues pulled out, as i said, in the war cabinet, got the eyes and thought, who's the stuff that has brakes with the parts you on? he's spoken to. he's spoken to is really media at saying, you know, prioritize the captives. we need to row back on this pressure and the minute tree pressure, which again is essentially against nothing yahoo has been saying from the very outset. so we're calling their, with a nice as far as from occupies stories and the thank your a still has you here on out of the are terrified families in southern next closely
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their homes escape the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings hopkins on his face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story on out to 0. the challenges here with the big, i mean the official intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we,
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as humans trust to you the machines trust is not given as a develops and becomes more powerful? i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people in power investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to the the the welcome back to what channels are 0. i'm gonna solve your tag here and our home. let's remind you about top stories, palestinian casualties. mounting in southern casa, is rarely
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a tax of intensified near the city of con eunice on 2 major hospital effect, including garza's largest remaining functioning, helps us. i think the last one you and has again, a curious to is relevant for looking a deliveries to northern garza. it says almost 70 percent of shipments. we're not case my as route for pharmacy and it's also rejected. 95 percent of fuel and mid sensitized enroll testimonies from civilians in gauze. curious things were in the army of carrying out summary executions out of here a has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts from members of one family. hey legit nice. 19 civilians execution by x rays. soldiers on december 19th while there's really forces mean lot of carried out more rains across the occupied westbank. there have been confrontations inside the belonged to a refuge account east of nobliss. and israel's army is also stoned. several houses
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in hebron trip out of stains were arrested during rates and bethlehem. and janine nearly 7000 palestinians have now been arrested in the occupied westbank since the war and gauze of again on october the 7th. well, the city of 2 car um in the occupied westbank is the frequency rated by is randy forces hold on book need visits in the area shortly. often these really minute tree and the recent rate and pulled out is the day after. and these a collective sigh of relief is riley forces have retreated. people are bewildered by the destruction in an alleyway. so most one can find the degree for his son. one of 7 who were killed here during the fighting died short and dragged by an armored vehicle. he was finally left to bleed on the ground. is really forces prevented thermostats from reaching him for several hours
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. the. it's hard hard. what can we do? he's not the 1st or the last one. everyone is upset at the moment. those who lost their homes, those who lost their children. there was a lot of pain around the corner from there. the house of uses just send me that is turned upside down. the soldiers 1st searched and then use it as a collection point for detainees. they have them here blindfolded. she says to me on that. now, the minute she says it has search 1000 houses doing the incursion. that's 1000 houses runs that. send me right not only lost her nephew in this rate, but also memories of her lifetime. uprooted by a bulldozer. it was so smooth, my father's phone took that tree and for 50 years it kept him growing. it was this
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too many refugees here originally from areas around to love eve or heifer, but the band so i'm returning their of, hey, were expelled in 1948 after the creation of the state of israel. a police sent me an armed resistance was born in these alleyways. one that is real is trying to crush, woke up with us in the to the how many then has seen many raids in his life. but since october, the 7th dynamic has changed a bit. he says, israel is sending a message to everyone here. the hub is that the group i had before was i would write a house to a re someone's and demolish that house. but it wasn't even like this. the roads, the toner pod, there's no water or electricity engineer was off. there's no access to food or medical treatment since the gold i hate has more and more. they want us out with 1000 gallons that seem to egypt and waste bank residents seem to jordan. the raid
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last, it's 45 hours the extent of the damage here and to car him, tells us similar story of what's happened in other refugee camps, such as in geneva, and one clearing up people that were ready bracing themselves for the next incursion. which they say will come sooner, rather than later. we'd up to how many jersey ran into some kind of refuge account . the united nations is wanting that over 350000 flood victims and the republic of congo are in need of aid. the country itself and it's west flooding and 6 decades following months of heavy rain full, also known as compound brazil. the republic had a stage of emergency at the end of december. many villages that can now only be reached by boat. 9 out of the countries, 12 departments remain on the water. and the total of $1800000.00 people are
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affected, of the slots have left local communities without shelter or access to primary health services. villages, schools and health facilities have been flooded, and many water points and sanitation facilities are no longer functional as limited or no access to clean drinking water or sanitation in the worst effect the bay area . and that is in the sand from north of the country. some $27000.00 children are out of school, its criminal contents, tightening the grape on an indigenous communities along the next stroke, while small of order for the surge and internal displacement. how's the violence escalates effective communities according to help. but there are also concerns of another try is response from the next can government on the rock of that report. for the entire families and southern mexico are fleeing their homes over worsening violence. this mass displacement of mainly indigenous communities and the state of
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chiapas is being driven by a deadly conflict between warring factions of the single low and how least go new generation, drug cartels each buying for control of the people and their territory. many say this is just the latest chapter of violence that's in playing out for years. have another that's a dozen using menu for at least a 2 and a half years jump policy is witnessed a dispute between the lodge organized drug cartels to maintain a rivalry over control of both the roots of transit. and of course, tutorial control got the list this week tensions rows even further. when villagers have been with america township clashed with members of the mexican military. in one video, a soldier can be heard calling villagers cowards, for not standing up to the cartel members themselves. at one point, armed forces reportedly fired tear gas locals like this man carrying an elderly
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woman in his arms. now claim there not only being victimized by drug gangs, but also by the military. no, they were being displaced. the government sent the mexican army to drive the people out of the way of america. see for yourself the people are fleeing from the homes. what asked about the incident, mexico's president, and that is one way lopez, over the other article called on indigenous villagers in chiapas to place their trust in the countries armed forces. yes. thomas's, the indians, we are sending to and protecting the people. the national guard is there g, opposite of mexico's poorest state. here, the combination of extreme poverty and years of neglect by the government, or among the reasons deadly. cartels have managed to take over entire swats of territory. these propaganda video, published last year by the seen a low of cartel, shows what appears to be a cartel parade where local residents were reportedly forced to cheer on passing
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vehicles. the viral video highlights just how much influence and control the drug cartels have in southern mexico. when was it up a little al jazeera? well that's it for me and the stones you take next inside story. looks at the rising tensions between each you. if you and somebody stay with the the color, the weather is pretty quiet now across the good parts of the middle east had a few spots of frame here in the hall on the evening, but nothing too much to speak of some showers that across southern end of the red se a repeat performance as we go on into sundays exhibit a fine and dry by the windsor using just around the golf. not too bad. 24 celsius here in doha. then further north, as you can see, how destroyed by them until we get up towards the black sea just around tech. yeah,
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i some very wet with us and when she was just coming in across the boss for us, there was a, some showers also just sliding the way to was cyprus, by the time because this sunday went to weather to coming into west and syria and maybe back down into 11 on south is that it stays loud. she tried, you can follow that dry weather. cuss, northern parts of africa are few showers just around coastal fringes of algeria 20 full sales research. i believe we got a southerly wind in place. come sunday flips around is a new of late to 17 degrees. you may will notice that change in conditions here, then by yourselves. meanwhile, across the central parts of africa, some really heavy right is spilled its way out to south africa is nothing further north with northern areas of the mesa and big pushing it to sometimes it sinks and pick down pulls that could cause some flooding. and it really wraps up by the time we come to monday the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, it's a deal that's raise the fire of somalia. break away some of the lines of lead to gloss details here much. so an access to the red sea physician says it's a natural progression and violation of the suffering team. so how will this dispute play out? and as of possibilities,
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this is inside story. the


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