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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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without award winning deb investigations the gift from detailing in science inter toes from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0. the the alarm 0, then you have here to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program. this, our iranian media say that for military advisors from a runs revolution regard has been killed and a suspected is really striking, damascus casualties sore and gaza is really strikes of less than tire neighborhoods in ruins. at least a 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. the
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. the families of these really camp is held in gaza, rally outside the prime minister's home, demanding more be done to secure their release. and we visit communities in the occupied west bank where we're left. this is really rates of destroyed roads and his full south korea all set to resume their f. it's a when the asian come summit, young men seems tightening on jordan a win win for them in to the knockout around the it is 10 gmc, we start this news, our with breaking news out of syria. an arrow strike has hit a residential building and the, i'll miss a neighborhood of the capital damascus. state media are reporting that the attack was launched by israel. at least 4 people had been killed. the area is home to senior figures in the syrian government. israel has been hitting targets in the
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country in recent months of over on this breaking story. let's go to we're so sorry you're in the front and, and ron was. so what do you know at this stage as well as of now the state tv is confirming that at least for higher gc members top i obviously members have been killed by and his right is right in the middle of the district or the mask us. so as some of the reports and also are seeing that this particular, the 2 of them are quite important. one of them was the head of the packages department of the quotes force, of course is the most elite units of the i, r g c. the run of evolution because once that by customs today, my defense commander, and so the top of the intelligence, the head of the touches and she's deputies are killed. so these are quite big assessing nations if that is confirmed. so, and also there are 2 other members as well, at least so, but the numbers could go up any time so far this. we know that this group of people
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were at work and not only to coordinate the inside of just altogether the intelligence forever. they were also responsible in charge of coordinating the odd movements between his whole life and in syria and even to iraq as well. so it is a regional issue. now these guys were not only coordinating damascus, but also they were responsible in terms of the coordination of the activities across the region. so these is also a continuation of these kinds of assess the nation. so on december 25th, israel has killed one of the top general of quotes forces the most indeed to unit or if the buyer's gcs. and right after that we have seen on generally $21.00, gender 3, that would be 2 suicide explosions in the city of k to mind iran, which cube a police more than 90 people. and then you $11.00 that generates 16 bit teddy aided and it's the lowest new size data bill. they say that we have sheets, a place,
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a location that was a supply house working for most ok. and now today, this is being, regardless here, at least that this is really retaliation to the attacks on data bill. and so because now see that this level of the confrontation, the conflicts is just getting deeper and deeper. and now there todd, if you did instead of just unit those units that are active through the region or or so, i think we need a little bit of acute viewers guide to the strikes that a car from time to time in damascus to try and understand the context around them, it's not like has belie 11 or the who with these in yemen where you get abundant communication on what their goals are. who are they? targeted confirmations from all the players involved here the players involved. whether it's the syrians, the ranges, these relays, usually they don't say much about what happens in syria. why is that? why is syria this blackbox that information? and let's go back just we need to close to the fact that is now syria is
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a failed state. so it has seen a back a long civil war. the state of that practice almost gone on down and it has been a battle ground between the regional and global actors. so there are several companies now that they have to, there's tools on the ground and also some of the regional companies that they have the types of headquarters, their homes and houses are committed to advisors over there. so in that sense, the seem, yeah, is not only about the ground of the power struggle between the regional and the global poverty, but also is a, a crime and for the ink cartridges was as well. so that's why it's quite difficult really to have official statements or to have proper information whole. and to which extent the x is the, the process is there. so it's quite difficult this way to get the information from that. but here we know that particularly your one and for 111 on particular, the forces with life cbs is a crucial element in these so called access that the,
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the excess of the residence of the systems. so that's why all the police is here to start the next stand on cap, secretive and know celia is also acting as a bees that coordination base from iran, iraq, i'm lebanon as well. so it is most likely. so he recently becoming another another phones of these more that is not ongoing in god. but as i said, there are no to show the task to show us who and to which i stand, they have their presence there are suicide or thank you very much for that snap analysis. let's go to mohammed mirandi. your political analysts are from the university. if they're on joining us live there from the range and capital. that is that also your view, the what we just saw happen in damascus and more broadly what we're seeing and folding in syria is, should be read and understood as another front of israel's warren gaza.
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we have to keep in mind that iran and syria have been supporting the resistance of the coordination with from us, with slum extra hod with has lost a lot of it goes through syria. uh and uh, this has been going on for a very long time. recently the, is there any of these struck me rodney, in general, who was a senior figure in damascus that was supplying the resistance of supporting the resistance that was coordinating with the resistance. and then the wrong retaliated by striking is riley positions and out of b. u. in northern iraq, the curtis area, which is not really under the proper authority of the central government in bad thoughts, but also is riley proxies in the pocket. sounds baluchistan and both were hit
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very hard. so this is a, i assume, a retaliation. by this way, the regime, but this is a price that the run is recognize that they will have to pay to support other people. the policies on the run has been sanctioned for decades. now, it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and, and palestine and these, um, these markers or what's the relative under movement. the sanctions that are on is under a have officially at least more to do with the runs a nuclear program. i know everything that has been directed towards the run over the last few decades is really about israel. whether it's the nuclear program or human rights or global warming, they will find an excuse to sanction iran. but the real reason behind it is that
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the ron does not accept this riley regime as a legitimate entity. you're on considered as a, as well to be like apartheid south africa you run is the only country that supports from us and the stomach job and enables them to be able to defend themselves in their territory as we saw with the, the tunnels and the defense capabilities that they've established through their 0 x and their competence. they've defeated this way. these on about about obama, but the wrong pay, the great role in helping them get the same is true with his beloved. the same is true with unsettled law, but this is an ongoing battle the ringing media currently reporting that 2 of the people who were killed or revolution regard core, the intelligence head in syria of the idea. i see there around the revolution regard court and his deputy and our porter renewal was just telling us out there on
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that these are people who are involved in regional coordination of activities of groups that are backed by iran. so that would mean reading between i assume what we're still met was that who sees as well, i don't want to put words in his mouth, but that's what regional coordination of activities would tend to mean. so do you see this as something that is directed at activities in syria or across the region as well? the relationship between the resistance home us as well. uh and so a lot assignments. uh huh. the rocky resistance this here and resistance, it's very complex and i obviously don't know the details. but without a doubt, the syria is a central part of this relationship because of 11 non next door where from us as thomas to honda base has belong space and the access that
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has been established for many years across the reason the region is, is obviously a part of it goes through syria, i can, i don't have the details are, but what is clear is that is really regime is trying to escalate the war. they have lost on the battlefield in gaza. they take revenge on ordinary people and carry out a genocide. but there's radius and the americans have both shows, showing signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the equation. dusta american air strikes in iraq. i guess military government affiliated the targets against yeah. mean. and then these ran these targeting syria targeting lovely non using facilities in northern iraq as well as terrorist and pockets on the rock canadian border. mon mirandi mohammed
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mirandi political analysts lead diversity if they're on. thank you for your early analysis of this strike that we just found out about in the last uh, 19 minutes or so. thank you very much. i. so now i was, you were a senior political analyst more one of the shars with a small one. we were, we were going to talk to you a little later in the show about something a little different. i hope we still will, but because this is just happening and this could be important. i want to just your early take on, on what we're seeing, what we know so far is that 4 people have been killed. there was a strike in the syrian capital, damascus. there hasn't been a claim of responsibility, but it range and media are saying this is and these really strike on the revolution regard targets, including there are head of the intelligence. yes. you know, it's almost becoming or revealing itself to be like a chessboard now, between here on an as rise and share your been on guys your rock at
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a b, it's all part of this chessboard game that they're playing and they keep knocking each other's minds. right, as it where i certainly uh the reading and that, that not, not certainly, i assume the, the, the uranium what they said was, and his writing will sought the bass and it'd been fine to might have hurt is red. and his eyes responding in syria. something, some of that. and so they're taking each of those pieces that where as of, you know, just pieces off the board is definitely were just pieces of the board. and clearly, the thing that hurts most is, was uh, uh, was as offensive, i guess, guys, uh, which basically sticking or taking down how much or trying to take down how much, which would probably hurt the earliest. because the cost of that how much is, again, you know, one of the original online it back on august 5th. so this has been going on for
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a while. the thing is, it's, i mean, it appears to me and now over the last 2 or 3 years, you're not as big been getting quite the beating in syria. right. i mean, so many reading in the targets have been hit in syria over the past couple of years . 340 years. that's 11, there's what is the radius strategy? the only thing i can think in the logic off the chessboard is that there's a strategy where yes, let them take all fixed. take that take out, you know, a few of the, a few of the assets. but the run has a, a longer term strategy. whether it is 11 on whether it's, of course, that agent, i'm not sure, but clearly is it one is getting a beating. and one wonders if it does have a longer term strategy or not. there's something interesting, i wonder, you know, if you can speak to this or whether you even agree with the premise it, which is that what happens in syria? what if israel strikes syria? you?
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israel doesn't confirm it. they don't claim it. usually they don't officially own it. iran can't respond to something that happens in syria quite in the way that it could or would if the same thing occurred in the roots or even in yeah, man or another country because syria is kind of like none of it's completely official, right. your thoughts? well, what city is that, that has been violated by a good number of countries, right? it's continues to be violated. i mean, you name it, right americans. iranians is re these darks, and on so on, so forth. respite violated a good number of times over the russians. but the idea is that a, as when one responded another, been presumably to i thought, is there any of the targets that was a better fit for that? try to think about attacking syria, syria, as, as, as mirand a, as dr. moran decides from that one. is that kind of a password to that,
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but all right, and uh your on has been strengthening its assets in c a because see, it is a bit of a failed stage. iran has taken advantage over the past couple years in order to strengthen its presence here to military, economic and otherwise. so the idea, if you were an address position, you look and you see you're being getting set around it, right? these are iranian assets, according to is ready to logic. then you have guys that and you have lebanon, and you have sir. yeah, yeah, the more do your walk now, the hotels in yemen. so you see, if you feel like you need to fix, start taking down those assets slowly, but surely, no there's, there's a risk here again of what the record, why the war. but we're a bit in the midst of it. it seems now, because america is, i think the whole thing is a number of times now over the last week, under the pretext of self defense is right. is that tracking in syria on the
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pretext of self defense? you're on, uh sorry, it has one line. these are attack and one of the under the predicts, of defense, of course, and we know what the general side i'm driving. so under the pretext or so the defense. so everyone's defending themselves, but clearly it's why they didn't get award in a way that march start getting out of control. and i mean, i never thought it would get out of control. i always thought that the united states, i agree, that we don't, once there's nothing was biden does not want the war and election here. you still don't think it's spinning out of control. i think it's slowly, but surely. why didn't mean there is one and you have a now, i mean it's kind of, i don't want to say hilarious because it's a bit, you know, sensitive. but when, when a country is attacked 4 times, and the attacker says, wouldn't our tour, you have to laugh because imagine if the united states was effect. busy times in texas, florida, the new york and california and the i tech i set to the united states. no, no, no, no. we're just sort of defense or, you know, we're not,
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we're not toward with you the united states. so the united states is already at, toward where the oven is, what is up toward with that? but non has below is that toward with syria isn't what would the one is ordered guys? so what is whitening? there's no doubt the question is whether it will get out of control, meaning everyone gets in the act and better. what becomes the thought of great 10th 11th becomes that target on the wrong becomes effective best question. but the issue that it's why didn't it get is why they need and the assess the nation in damascus. they noticed a bunch of building, and there's not, you know, military, i should be extra. the airport, this is, this is a affluent, the i flew one neighborhood in damascus right here to the attacking and the 2nd, right? so i that, and this is not the 1st time. it's the 2nd time this month. and it's, i don't know the 4th of the 1st time, the last year or so, and so on, so forth. so there's an escalation that, that,
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for that is becoming more repeated between the 2 parties. you know, kind of chess game is becoming more complicated and you will just wonder, now that the rod is getting the beating it is getting a bit of a beating and north board, the southern boys on so on so forth. whether this will actually over spoke to something else. all right, i got to run because i gotta see what's happening is real and guys, our correspondence aligned up. but thank you for jumping on this because this happened a very short while ago. we're still trying to tease out every little morsel of information that we can and understand really what's going on. so we'll need analysis in the coming hours. we're on the shower. thank you very much. i or the so turning to the war in gaza now is really force is carried out air strikes and show targets overnight. then into the morning in the hon. eunice. the bombing has intensified near the southern cities, 2 major hospitals, including gauze as largest remaining functioning health center. nicer hospital.
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michael apple has more. dozens of palestinians have been killed and is, randy strikes on a con eunice in the past few days. the old ballade area of gauze the 2nd largest city, has seen sustained the tax. most of the hospital, the largest remaining functional medical facility and gaza, is packed with the dade and wounded in central garza near the lc. for hospital mall is really bombardment. the central gaza, a young boy points minutes away. he says, thirty's father doesn't know how much i have no want to know. who's going to look up to us? why do we have to go through this way? my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old to all the streets of should jaya, a neighborhood of gods. the city resembled
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a waste land. no building is untouched by the wall each day brings with it a search for mold bodies, friends and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. of any attempt to move to different parts of gaza can cost you your lives. worse the internet. now we have been to every hardship you could imagine a new person who dares to give this center or try to go back to his home. this fired on by the, is it the soldiers? any moving person is a target to the is it, you know, i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my, the, just the guy on the 1st or the north and job aliya the palestine read. chris and society does what it can for victims of is really selling for more than a week, people have struggled to get a signal on the funds. the safety of the people behind me came to check them, their friends and family and loved ones because there was no possibility of
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communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot reach from that on fall off to find eunice. and so it off off of the, i mean, we are facing great difficulty, many head for the beach to try their luck. raising phones high. they anxiously await news. any news from their loved ones that have been so unlike level, how does era so honeywell, who does live in rasa for us in southern gaza, honey, bring us up to speed on the very latest, out of the gaza strip. the. the useful as phone service is then in turn then has been partially restored. there more tragedies on folding and from the city of han unit allows the central area and further north in gaza. and the cities of the northern part of dogs is stripped with more air strikes and more heavy artillery, sending a day's print inside of gaza city. and the northern cities including densely
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populated and neighborhoods including state doing since i have that as well as the west prince. 2 of the city when within the vicinity of a few facts, possibly the work number of people are reported killed and several other injuries to achieve that hospital. but the fact that there is no function in hospital no, as you boss, but that is completely out of service. people who are arrived and reported to the hospital or running the risk of losing their life as there are no medical supplies, as well as no medical staff there to do the necessary intervention of, of saving them. but in hon unit, where most of the intense fighting is taking place, particularly the eastern part of hon. eunice, were more residential. boeing been targeted, the infrastructure completely been damaged that more intense around the vicinity of not the hospital where under heavy aerial bombardment of the past 2 days is really a time sent arm of vehicles pushed deeper into the vicinity of the hospital.
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literally the road leading to the main gate of the hospital where the jordanian field hospitalized also located that has been pushed partially out of service right now because of the damage and it's equipment and the infrastructure around it. but the gradually, there's a sense of panic, a sense of fear, as people who are evacuating inside the hospital and so to arrange inside the, for you out of the hospital within the past few weeks. and since the beginning of the work has to run for their lives in seeking shoulders elsewhere, no evacuation orders was issued by this really military. everybody was caught by surprise as the times the arm of vehicles were surrounding the area. and we're talking about couple 100 meters that we have from the main gate of the hospital, just making everyone panicking. the more people who are reported skilled in the central area, particularly in and they'll say it, i recognize you cam and also reported to a laptop hospital and already over whelmed exhausted hospitals. and it's
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a mid sized house, but it doesn't have the capacity to receive this large number of injuries. let alone offer the necessary medical intervention required to save lives. as of now, honey mountain would reporting them from reporting from russia and the southern part of the gaza. strip thank you very much for that honey. know hundreds of people in israel have protested outside the private home of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and televi tv's to demand a release of captives being held in garza. some demonstrators set up tents with pictures. they're missing relatives, anti government rallies have intensified across, is really in recent weeks. there's melting frustration against netanyahu's government failing to secure a deal to release the remaining captive store hahn is unoccupied. east jerusalem for us. laura, is that city? and is that a rally still happening? outside deployment is house of the it is still
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happening and people are actually asking for more people to come step in installing as our see with the family members of the captive has been come camping there since late last night. so we don't know how long to say that they said that they, they want nothing yahoo to step out and speak to them. he has spoken to them on a number of occasions, but out one particular person. her husband was killed on october, the 7th, and also her brother is in captivity. her mother was released to the law. still. she said that nothing yahoo looked her in the eyes and said the captive not to a she believes he's lying. she said there's lots on his hand, some, some pretty strong language coming from the kept his family's at the moment was ready, plying on low pressure. nothing y'all. he did put a statement out on thursday. i'll just read some of that out. he said, we'll continue to fight with full force until we achieve our goals. we're turning our hostages and i say only continued military pressure will lead to that release. but how did you say this 2 pronged approach isn't working on the people standing
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outside his home at the moment in custody? are holding up posts is saying we want a deal now. so whether that means releasing prisons, whether that means the c 5, they say the priority should be on the captives for them. and one that's me i who continues with this ministry product continues to bombard the golf a strip that they say that family members are also being bombarded. now there's also some international pressure on nothing. yahoo, nobody from the united states, the moment bought some from russia. that's a must have a cation that came on friday most uh they match with the deputy foreign minister and they released the statement off to us at the, the form is treated talking about the dies, you know, targeting consequences office for in the top of the strip and also that the hostages should be a priority to that focusing on 3 specific captives from russia. one of
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them is andre close to up. now we spoke to his mother just a couple of days ago. his reports with her the hops, the west, the for any, both of you have getting a cause low but does not know what that her son is alive or dead. these with some of already cause loved last movement for the does the music festival just before he was taken captive because the by him, us fighters. and yeah, do more is to sell my private and i want time dray to return home. i live one of the countries to be involved in resolving this problem. our for all people for is ready. it is. i'm published and yes to leave in a safe. well, obviously susan, she says she's doing. oh, she came from joining protests, the meeting russian officials on the vehicle. i want everyone to hear the andre arrived in israel in august 2022, which he has never served in the is really army only in the russian army. he is a russian citizen. i so hope that would influence his release, or if he's got under his girlfriend, jennifer says prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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his government is not prioritizing the welfare of those held captive our uh, government, and 5 minutes there has time because he has 2 goals, 2 goals and we have one go. we want and brings our hostages home. they should be home long, long time ago. i'm not sure that'd be beyond their expenses. are prime minister. it has to be. now you have getting a and jennifer joining we can protest and what's become notice hosted with, with the bonds of shifted to become more critical of the government's policy. and going to a andres picture, it's just one of a $136.00 plus it's across as well for many weeks with a message bring them home. now, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on the renewed prussia with growing protests on polls. signaling a shift in public opinion to support the points of the captives. and now cracks are appearing in his will. cabinets. got the item taught to use it himself at the wood
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cabinets toad. its way the media deal is the only way to return the captive, contradicting nothing. you know who, who insists that can only be done to military pressure is the 1st sign that there are adults inside the war cabinet, which reflects also dogs in the public. let's say, observe us from outside, but most of fuel will fuss inside, including the me said from the 1st moment the is really war, goes on achievable at all achievable period back in hostage square people, most the 1st birthday, the youngest captive compared with us people here so the only priority should be the release of him and dozens of captive laura calling out to sarah, tell if he's still a head on this house is here a news hour for the 1st time in nearly
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a month us present. and joe biden speaks is wheels prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss differences over listing and state is here, that'd be the fantastic care season. i was the, the best of all score in sports, christiana, rinaldo fired some verbal shots of his rivals, and the will be here for that story. late of itself, the, this hello, we have go to changing weather, taking place across here. but to go through the next couple of days, it will cool up because of weather, weather windy weather enterprise, winter weather into the southeast, and up to the northwest. we've got some pretty wild weather coming in. it will turn a good deal mother as these weather systems coming from the atlantic. so i will try to increase the way to the will to an increasingly windy. but as i said,
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it will touch noticeably mild a head temperatures in london, around 6 celsius on sas the off. let me go 17 down the, in athens i so we're going to ship this way for the rece woods and south was athens 10 degrees celsius. but sunday afternoon, 12 degrees celsius in london, london, warmer than athens of that states. and what's the temperature is nothing up in moscow to getting up to about minus 7 celsius, what you see, how them all the red light, yellow colors do spread the way into western and central parts of europe as it does . so that'd be guy with the right speak, the snow down towards the south east and cool, stormy weather there. just around the central and eastern parts of the mediterranean. but really stormy weather. this is developing storm isha, which is pushing in from the atlantic is coming in from a sub tropical source. so there's type of just, we'll pick up, but it's not gonna be pleasant. damaging wins. it will cost widespread disruption. we all, i did see some funding and one or 2 spots. the
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locks up during lockdown, held in an infamous and us detention center emigrants documents the whole vendors. conditions during the corporate depend, demik separated from the families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility. a witness documentary on august. the news the,
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you're watching out. a reminder of our headlines. iran revolutionary guard has confirmed and that's for their military advisors have been killed in an air strike in damascus. the attack target into a residential building and the young lives a neighborhood of the syrian capital city and state media are reporting the attack was launched by israel a 165 people have been killed in the last 24 hours in the gaza. is really a tax of intensified near the city of san eunice is 2 major hospitals, including glasses, largest remaining functioning, health facilities. that's nicer hospital. and the u. n. has again to choose israel
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of blocking a deliveries to north in gaza. it says nearly 70 percent of shipments. we're not cleared by israel. so for this year it's also projected 95 percent of all fuel and medical supplies. israel's war on gaza has dominated the summit of non aligned movement known as, ma'am, and you again, this capital kampala, leaders from a 120 countries are meeting to discuss global challenges. the block was founded to advance the interests of developing countries. and it is the largest grouping of nations after the un. catherine solely reports from compiler. of the leaders of the non line movement or non meeting in kampala are facing a pop agenda or the heart of discussions. these wilds will on garza in south africa genocide, case of the international court of justice. we have our full measures important measures to be on by the judges because we think we need some urgent
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decisions on holding. crisis has made wanting to clear that can be no lasting piece in the middle is without settling days, variety part listed in conflict. uganda's positive in to are in was 70 accused. western leaders of double standards, that's the way to, to, to split the freedom of it about how can you see what the democrats idea to what other people to be slaves are used to between somebody in design lock, if you will. if i deal with a ton of my region, also, my line is also posing concerns is able to agreement gives i decided about access to the red sea. but samaya says it's an act of aggression and a violation of date sovereignty. there was an issue on the table, including combating terrorism, climate change, strengthening trades ties,
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indeed is here. say, all this mazda is, must be prioritized costs and all zero's all zero's dorsey jabari is at the summit in kampala. dorothy, it's good to talk to you. you've been speaking with news makers there at the summit . you're presently with the indonesian foreign minister. the. i'm with a yes, the vice minister of foreign affairs of engine use. yeah. hold on. new hoffman stories. thank you for joining us and i'll to 0 by from the start. i want to talk about what's been already decided here. this is the final day of this summit, 6 days of meetings, and high level delegations from around the world of 120 countries taking part here in kampala and i understand there's been a declaration that's been approved by the world leaders known as the kampala declaration can you tell us more about what's been decided at the summit here? right, i think number one, what do you have?
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it could be decided through the non minister meeting as well as some it is the support for the space of the palestine. and also for the palestinian people, i think the 3 things that was actually being discussed and agreed number one is we need to ensure that there is actually an immediate cease fire. nothing lead to make sure that we are actually stopping the attacks and the atrocities that is actually happening to the people of the pilot spine. and also to ensure that there is actually a possibility to provide and hinder and sustain uh, support for the humanity of the 2nd one is likely to help a comfortable i think we have to make sure that there is an accountability not only to provide support for south africa, please now on the proceeding of the genocide to provide accountability in the i c. j court. and also in an issue right now is actually in the process of providing the
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return statement to the advisor to the i. c. j of for providing advisory opinion, this is actually been dated by the u. n. g on uh, on this issue. and i think this is how are we going to make sure that we have a sustainable, a 2 state solution. and why does that can be to possibly do that? the 2nd part of the compiler declaration is about how are we going to make sure that, ma'am, will reply thoughts. it's a movement and to have a new working method going forward to allow us to have a more effective. and i think the 3rd is how are we going to meet you at that? and i'm going forward is going to be able to be more action oriented to be able to address the future challenges, particularly as we are actually going into a world that is likely with a more attention. how are we going to make sure that, ma'am, is also going to contribute? as you know, nothing was actually a found it on the founding principles. which one of the main, uh, uh,
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points about the bundle of declaration of the button. the principal is, how are we going to ensure that there is actually what this and how numbers that to the, going to play a role and nothing. the part of that, how are we going to make sure that if we are going to see uh, that'd be providing inputs to the of the future. this is actually going to be one of the deliverables of the future. some of the future, which is actually going to be held in september this year. so with the global south countries, the member of the number one to make sure that we are to be providing input about what is actually going to be the input on the various things, including the changes and 35 playstation of the international financial architecture. for example, the want to move the last little organization to make sure that we have more representation. we've been the most, let's organization to make sure that the voice of the global south is actually being heard. and for our interest is actually being addressed by this move to the
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organization and certainly not easy task set out for this body to achieve. thank you very much for joining us here for hold on mcgraw home and story device minister of foreign affairs of indonesia. thank you again for your time. so this is some of the things set out as that bite this body to achieve in the coming a few months. certainly they're going to have the work cut out for them. but the one thing that unites all of the members of non is the palestinian cause. there certainly seems to be an urgency the united nations secretary general. antonia gutierrez has arrived in kampala as well. he is going to be delivering remarks at the closing ceremonies here in a short while. so the policy and issues certainly of the forefront as well as more regional issues and the challenges that the countries in this part of this organization space in the current situation in the world. now. so 0 is dorsey
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jabari live from the non line movement summits in kampala, uganda, thanks for bringing us that interview door. so a us president joe biden has held a phone call with his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and comes after rising tensions and growing frustrations in the pavement ministration about the policies of the is really prime minister. alan fischer reports from washington dc to biden was one of the 1st well leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th, the 2 liters have spoken often since i know even after it's really probably minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy type despite and is, are locked into a bundled him as to the white host. if a 2 state solution was impossible with nick and yahoo in power, he'd applied sharply no and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement in the
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2 states loose countries that are members that are still in so there's ways in which we truly just spoke on friday, the 1st call in $26.00 days assign. many observers believe of going for station in washington. the israel continues to undermine the president when scaling back the war when avoiding civilian casualties on the future. but the white house says the call had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. this isn't about, you know, try to twist to, to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change in their thinking. president, a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, is make clear he's concerned about that. president biden has made clear his strong
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conviction that a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year, vitamin is making a huge risk of solutions by no publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, this is a disaster for a bite, and i think he frankly is just the idea log, who really believes in the is really project. and it has wedded to there's not even assumption that by being nice enough in yard it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise, even though that has been shown over and over again. but that's simply does not work. us lawmakers have been largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with met yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also really got a long term peace settlement. and that's why biden is talking about a because some considering changing the conditions for america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel. alan fish or i'll just go to washington, is really forces have carried out more raids across the occupied westbank. there
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been confrontations inside the mulatto refugee camp. that's east of novelist. the army also storm several houses in hebron. 22 palestinians were arrested. the city of to car and in the west bank is frequently rated by its really forces hold up bill how many visited the area shortly after these really military ended arrayed and pulled out is the day after. and these a collective sigh of relief is really forces have retreated. people are bewildered by the destruction in an alleyway i. so most mom can find a degree for his son, one of 7 who were killed here during the fighting. died salt and drag by an armored vehicle he was finally left to bleed on the ground. this is really forces prevented paramedics from reaching him for several hours.
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it's hard hard. what can we do? he's not the 1st or the last one. i'm done. everyone is upset at the moment. those who lost their homes, those are lost in the children. there was a lot of pain. the around the corner from there, the house of visitors just send me that is turned upside down. the soldiers 1st searched and then use it as a collection point for detainees. they have them here blindfolded. she says to me on that. now, the military says it has search $1000.00 houses doing the incursion. that's 1000 houses run sec, sent me right. not only lost her nephew in this rate, but also memories of her lifetime uprooted by a boot dozer certificate. it was so smooth, my father's phone took that tree and for 50 years it kept him growing. it was this too many refugees here originally from areas around tele, vive or heifer,
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but the band from returning there. they were expelled in 1948 after the creation of the state of israel. a police to an armed resistance was born in these alleyways . one that is real is trying to crush, hook up with as in the how many then has seen many raids in his life. but since october, the 7th dynamic has changed a bit. he says, israel is sending a message to everyone here. they'll come to hong is that the group i had before is i would write a house to a re someone's and demolish that house. but it wasn't even like this. the roads, the toner pod, there's no water or electricity engineer was off. there's no access to photo medical treatment since the gold i hate has more and more. they want us out with 1000 guys that seem to egypt in waste bank residents seem to jordan. the raid last, it's 45 hours the extent of the damage here and to kind of tell the similar story
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of what happened in other refugee camps, such as in geneva. and what clearing up people are ready, bracing themselves for the next incursion, which they say will come sooner rather than later. we'd up to how many jersey were in the car in refugee camps are gonna take a short break when we come back and the richardson will have, the de sports announces 0. ok, thanks so much. so yeah, we're counting down to another round of games or footballs. asian cup and in tennis, immense rooms and champions heading into your office. i retrieve your strain on the page. i mean that the artificial intelligence has altering the political landscape . how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is un, not given. as a developer becomes more powerful,
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i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people in power investigates a i n democracy in the jersey to. i care about how the us engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security. this is very much a political em. how, here's the conflict. how do we over grated? are we telling the good story? people get what we're trying to see here. they're living outside and make shift time. this is not the way any family wants to raise their children. we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there the
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now one of the favorites to in the asian color bound to kick off the 2nd game itself, career that's taken on jordan. you're going to clinton's team 311 is against behind and that 1st group, the match and south korea. well, they will be hoping to avoid the fact that they failed. that's how it to rivals japan. on friday, we can go live now, safari, small. who's that? so the south cray game for his and for you also witnessed all could be the biggest upset of the tournaments are full. oh yes indeed. addie. it was a memorable match on friday where a ragged beads japan new to one to guarantee a spot. and then all cat rounds the. 2 rocky sands from all over the world rent
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education city stadium, to support their team. despite the prospect of facing the highest rank side, the nation, football, japan, these are rocky sands. we're feeling confident. i think we have enough passion enough talent to make it just like any other team. i think what makes us different is just, are pure love for our nation. i think that no other country can compete with us. a rock haven't won this title since 2007, but the team came into this tournament as gulf cobb champion and they made perfect start. i'm in the same touring after just 5 minutes. the just beforehand seen doubled the racks lead to this team. inside of a memorable victory depend dominated the 2nd half. the 4 time champions were awarded a penalty only for the decision to be overturned by the video assistant referee
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lever pull start with tar. endo differentially political doc for his country rack held on to claim a to one with like one or the school. the 1st one i was so confused i was what we know how they performed. i wrote underestimate to them, but we know we know how good they are. so nothing, no shock, 5 minutes and we knew they were gonna score surprises there already. it was a racks 1st when over japan, in, within 40 years. now far that was friday. tell us about the games to come between the south korea and jordan as well. and they were at altima stadium where excitement is building were just 30 minutes away from take off . so let's talk to him. starting with as says create a strong footballing nation, produce many of the world's top class players. but despite all of that,
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they have failed with this title in 64 years. now coming into this tournament, a lot of focus was on south korea captain and talked them captain. so on here and the men, but really the stand up performer probably in this tournament so far has been lee kang, in p a. she player who scored a 2 goals in south korea is when over bar rain in their opening match the coach you're getting clansman will be hoping he can deliver once again today japan, i'm sorry, jordan, on the other hand, well, they're rag to 64 places beneath south korea, they have never won this tournament before. they haven't even come close. they did when their opening match against malaysia. but remember on their way to this tournament, they separate a chase named defeat to japan. that losing is $6.00 oh $1.00 in a friendly they are the under dogs going into this game. but it doesn't really matter about that just by win or lose today. both teams have
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a pretty good chance of reaching the next rounds. sorry, small. that reporting for is from alpha minus starting point 0 from far throughout the day. i a light came on friday. so a run booking that place and then okay, rounds asia's 2nd highest rank st. basing hong kong one mill, the streets on champions now have say $1.00 to $2.00 games that song group say run face. we also have them resend that final game of home homes of exciting on policy . now christo, now they says the saudi pro league is better than francis subdivision of the he won the funds part of the year, the globe suck awards, and due by spring just every year since he made his move from manchester, united to massa, we finished 2023 with 50 full goals for 59 matches the club and country head of the likes of how we came to and, and by and down the hall. and they can say whatever they want is just my opinion.
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and i play that one year. so i know what i'm talking about, but i think right now we have a better than 1st week, so we feel improve the i was the, the best goal score. imagine to be the name of the young lions like ireland for example, the, with the goals. so i'm proud, i'm 79 soon, and i'm still looking goods. last week, little messy, one faced as player of the year award. messy, a very annoyed, sued with his full of also entertainment, luis flores and some miami, the peddler found to find the next is the pre season schedule, the gun with a nail nail, draw against the el salvador national take mohammed saw a set, some is at least 2 games of the forget couple of nations of the he self about hamstring injury in egypt. straw with donna on thursday. the 7th on champions needs to be taped version. that final agree much to be assured of reaching the knockout rounds. that same dr. revealing he'll be absent up until at least the quarter finals shoot. they get that fall concert. it's livable to have cool solid has only
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missed 10 lea games and i have a 6 seasons for the club. it was still a little see might sorry, i'm on a on the school sheet. a sunny goal defeated camera room 31 goes from as long as all and how big the all i putting the defending champions in control before the law system provided the finish and such to the victory, senegal lead the way in groups say, well progression. so the counselor is now out of cameron's hands hey, good, looking at placing around a 16 with this thing a, when are the most i'm faint. couple of the goals and this one for my money noted for bed by striking is free. take. so make it one new testing or on monday school before kevin pain on magic 3 now. and then 5 succession kate the guaranteed to win through the. 1 last few minutes will number one industry on such as the north side of illustrating. i can choose bates and in 3 set, spoiling and most of the of the czech republic to tom champion,
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victoria. as i rank it is safe. c 3. it's around full. the $34.00 pacing elaine off the pine coming straight sets the 18 c. next spaces you training for on this from scott 1st spoke in the quotas. color sound across through surround full in melbourne. the 1st time of the his appointment shown jim chang retarded in the 3rd set, the seats on the ground some champagne at one of the 1st couple of such 6161 before his 18 year old opponent retired with an injury. it was the 1st time across it ever played a young opponents and assault level game, or the rise and rise of a scene. i don't stall, luke. littler shows no sign of slowing down after finishing is a run rough for the well championship. here was the 16 year old from england winning his 1st senior side on the mark of ongoing 85. so when the bar i messed okay. but his high school is looking for now. all right, the rise and rise of loop little ended richardson. thank you so much and that's it
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for me. several venue for this news. our, my lean site is up next year in great hands stay without the a moment of prayer for waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today, just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border in recent days, over 4000 a day in the mexican state of while we live alone. all my friends have cross, they have cross. now. this is what lies in store for them, hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by overwhelmed custom and border patrol officers from the texas side of the border increase and illegal crossings. this, the result of smugglers moving large numbers of people through mexico budget cuts to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico was very hard to get through immigration inspection
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now. as pressure rose from the sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north, trying to reach the us before the new year. examining the impact of today's headlines this year. with the destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my a house. this is the way, what's the reason for the side of advise us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on out, is there a unique perspective? some people to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sitting up against door right now. i want
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to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to go into, you know, as a human to happen to next thing is the street on out to 0. the ministry advises from roms, revenue, street, god have been killed in a suspect. it is riley strike in damascus. the main site, this is out, is there a life from jo. how also coming up casualty. so in golf so it is really strong sub left in.


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