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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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i want to be one of them connect with our community and tapped into conversations you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy, deep human noise. this is all i want to go into. you know us as a human to happen to next thing is the stream on out to 0, the the ministry advises from ron's revenue street god have been killed in a suspect. it is rarely strike in damascus. the money inside this is out. is there a life from dell also coming off casualties, so in golf, so it is rarely strikes of left in time, neighborhoods and ruins. at least a 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. a sea of
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garbage gauze says he may have pleads for help, more than 50000 tons of trash littering the street. the families of his ready captive held in gaza riley outside the prime minister's house, demanding, moving down to secure their release. the we begin with breaking news from syria and as strike has hit a residential building in the i'll miss a neighborhood of the capital damascus. according to state media, they were pushing the attack was launched by israel iran revenue. strange god says . so if it's advisors have been killed, the area is home to seeing if it goes in the syrian government, israel has been hitting targets in the country in recent months, let's get more on this. we can go straight to resolve cetera. who's in tech round
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for us restore normal? can you tell us about the strike in damascus? and uh, what sort of reaction has they've been to it in a wrong way. you are, as well. the run of additional guards have just confirmed that 4 of the members have been killed in damascus. however, they have not given further details about the rank about their duties and which kind of activities they were involved. but there are some of the reports that are seeing that particular 2 of them were quite important. one of them was the head of intelligence unit of codes forces, which is the most immediate unit of the revolution. the guards, once lab, by cos, i'm sure they money to find out eventually got a puts commander that was killed in baghdad in 2020 doing trump presidency. so according to these reports, so one of the guys that have been killed today was the head of instead of just units off quotes forces and she's deputy, so we can see that it's quite high rank estimation. that is,
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that took place today in, in, in damascus. and also the most ident that are 2 other officials that have been killed. so in a building that was used by the intelligence unit score of quotes forces. so of course, this is not the 1st time that this kind of system issues are happening. so is ralph has also on december 25th has killed another top run in general in damascus. and then after that you have seen that one generates 2 or that has been 2 suicide explosions in the city of care mind. iran was killed at least 90 people and then one on the 16th of january has retaliated and they lost me styles in a bees in that'd be a north of iraq. and iran say is that that location that they have, she, it was a spite house for most od, according to the rental officials, this is riley, most of the agents were using that as a base, and they said that they have killed 2 or most of the agents there and now today,
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this is a happening that israel, the never to the nation to you around is attacking our bill. has killed top, doesn't talk for by, you know, just the members that were settings for the ink cartridges. so it has an escalation and see them back these 4 for back and forth between the 2 companies in the rock n n c over here. so as you say, uh these kind of assassinations have happened before in syria. why do you think that is? well, serial now just to go see the fact that syria a practically effectively is, is a feel state. so the state that product is the state is a 2 sions, but not functioning properly due to a decade long civil war. and on the other hand, we see that these bar crew that is now being filled by regional and global actors, that are several companies such as do you guys say that the russia, turkey and iran, that they have to these troops on the ground and also meet at the,
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at why is there a competitors or officials as well? so it has been a black box in that sense and is not seen. it is not only about the grounds for the power struggle off this regional and global promise, but also it is a base that is being used by several rules and kind of just services as well. and now there are quite tremendous activities or b as in kind of just services belonging to several of the countries. and that's why it's quite a photo ground for many of the companies who want to have a bottle, a $2.00 to $2.00, we stand at the hands with each other. so that's why celia and iraq particularly now are becoming more and more the center of these in direct conflict between the countries. okay, we're, so we'll set up that for us into a problem. thank you for that. we can speak now, so i'll just share a senior political analyst more on the shar, as in the studio with us. i want us to get your perspective on this attack. i mean, 1st speak, give us a bit of a context here for those. what not. so familiar with the radian revenue stream got
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also known as the codes for says, why are they in damascus, and what is the significance of the top intelligent chief been killed as well? the vision, the guards are certainly very influential within that evolution. the guardians of the pollution, if you will, and they are the ones with an hour outside the country and within the region, they are the ones who are entrusted with exporting that to pollution, if you will, at least once upon a time. but now they are starting to guardians of area and interests in the region, and they're the ones who are in direct contact with iranian, that's called the allies assets or clients in the region that we've been talking about. the last few weeks include things that we do so in your mind has well on 11 on and as well as like groups in syria and iraq. and so now what's interesting
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and i'm not going to be very um, so to clear about this, but let's just put it this way because this just broke out, i'm trying to think about, if there was any time and recent history where they are in where that original guards were stronger than they are today because i believe they are strong, go to, they then do it on the honey are also on that off by the and i said on the high to me and on the website is running. so you can say that under the last 5 presidencies in your law and i think that the pollution a guards are strongest on the right. you see the both the logically on or functionally and, and clearly uh their, their, their, their capacity for outreach and their capacity for creating or i should say, reinforcing and assisting assets in the region has really grown substantially. and that's what one is, is or has. so much the fact that there are close everything and all eyes that have
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been empowered over the past 4 years. and hence is rose attempt at trying to get or trying to can as many utilization of gods as possible. so what we have seen, and we had russell a, refer to it, is this tit for tat happening in recent months? we, most recently we have the attack in a bell. uh. where do you think we go now? i mean, do you feel the tit for top continues or a we now entering something a bit wide, a bit more escalate tree it's, it's a, it's a bit paradoxical. a problem might be a bit too difficult to, to explain when we would have time. i'm sure in the next few hours in days to to go into a deeper. but it seems to me as if you're on assets in the region or airlines allies in the region are really becoming stronger and pull it up for rating. because the excess of resistance is rep, awesome. the axis of evil be that has be that as it may be clearly is right. it's
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trying, it's best to, to knock off these pieces. are these assets of iran and directly they're under pollution regards while, as we saw for the fast, you know, for months as soon as israel's war on gaza started and ticket to take on, how much has butler responded to who the respondents also for so on the one hand you feel like is right is do you think you're on a be think in syria and they've been knocking off those iranian assets and cdn. now for a good number of years, not just weeks for a good number of years. one of the same time, you're reading an assets, bringing all lies continue to grow in, in power and continue to threaten is read or decides it on interest more and more. so that's why when, when we look at it, no, yes, there is a bit for that for that, but at the same time the war is widening. it's not getting out of control.
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but if there's widening, okay, really good to get your analysis more. one of the shar out, is there a senior political analyst? the okay, less return to the war on garza now is there any forces have carried out as strikes and shall targets of the nights and into the morning. in hon. unice, the bombing has intensified near the southern cities, 2 major hospitals, including gauze as largest remaining functioning health center. and as a hospital, like an applicable of the dozens of palestinians have been killed and is, randy strikes on a con, eunice in the past few days. the old ballade area of gauze the 2nd largest city, has seen sustained attacks. most of the hospital, the largest remaining functional medical facility and gaza, is packed with the dade and wounded in central garza,
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near the el cheapo. hospital mall is really bombardment central gaza, a young boy point minutes away. he says, oh, there it is, father. i don't know how much i have no more to know who is going to get up to us. why do we have to go through this way? my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old to all the streets of should jaya, a neighborhood of gods, the city resemble a waste land. no building is untouched by the wall each day brings with it a search for more bodies. the friends and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. any attempt to move to different parts of gaza can cost you your lives. we're staying or no, no, we haven't been to any hardship you could imagine. any person who dares to give
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this center or try to go back to his home. this fired on by that, is it the soldiers? any moving person is a target to the is it, you know, i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my, the, just the guy on the 1st or the north and job a, the, the palestine read. chris and society does what it can for victims of is really selling for more than a week, people have struggled to get a signal on the funds. the safety of the people behind me came to check on their friends and family and loved ones because there was no possibility of communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot reach from that all i have to find eunice and so it off off on the, i mean we are facing greats. difficult many head for the beach to try their luck. raising phones high. they anxiously awaiting news. any news from their loved ones that have been so unlike level, how does era espinoza, honey, enough mood,
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he's live in rafa. in southern gaza, bring this up to speed on the latest south of gaza, honey, please. the yes size we were reporting before as a network then the phone and phone mobile phone services restored it partially there more, a tragedy is be non folded in the sense from the area and further northern part of the goss trip. just within the past half an hour or so 20 a bodies recovered from under the rebels in the central area. 3 from 3 locations, the 3 of refugee camps in verizon and the levy. and the eastern part of a did in about a half camp where it 20, if people have been killed within the past 2 days. but due to the complete a blackout civil defense, the crew and paramedics and ambulance were not able to get to the targeted sites or
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even to locate, seeing, identifying the location of these targeted site. but as of now the, these people work, these bodies were removed from the revels reported to lock sauce hospital as it and they've been in the process of being identify and having families remaining family members to take them for the proper barrier. then this is the situation has been unfolding since the early hours of this morning. the more we have. and we are, we're getting back these phone services and the internet, the more sad than a tragic news unfolding. a new jobs of the city and the modem. part, the heavy artillery sitting at mazda very stripes are taking place across the area . but they're also reports about these really tanks then an armored vehicles at the western part of garza city and an area that accommodates the house of the
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palestinians. it presidents that it could have the goals, like comedies and in our section of 2 main roads that all the way leading to the coastal road where there is a quite a bit movement of as really tanks and armored vehicles as in the area. and reports also about a times the coming from the eastern side of dollars to be pushing deeper into to the neighborhood as well as the neighboring residential neighborhoods. very densely populated. and we're talking about people who did not have any other choice, but to stay where the at, as there is no safe place to evacuate to in hon. eunice, the most intense fighting is taking place right now. not olden days, trim part that has been on there. excuse me, bombardment for the past few weeks and since the beginning of the ground and vision, but also the southern part of high nunez and the vicinity of nasir hospital and area, better known as button a semi where the vast majority of these institutions and residential homes have
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been tried completely and the jordanian field, the hospital that has been pushed and partially out of service due to damage that it causes as a result, it costs it as a result of the ongoing artillery selling and the movement of time around its vicinity. but not in a hospital where people have been evacuating been since week one of the war who have not been getting the uh, the evacuation order just found themselves hot in the middle of the extreme exchange of fire and heavy bombing. we're forced to leave the other areas to the western side of how noun is the metal, as well as the milwaukee area, which again is not save and has a proven unsafe as more it restricts are taking place, but the fear now is about nozzler hospital. it's the only remaining functioning hospital at the lowest capacity possible function. and right now, the more attacks the more moving of the tax around it,
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it's going to be pushed out of service as no medical supplies are getting it through the roads of the times that are blocking uh the roads uh to the hospital right now. okay, honey, my move, thank you for that honey. there for us in rough and southern gaza, of hundreds of people in israel have purchased it outside the private home of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and tennessee to demand the release of captives being held in gaza as some demonstrations set of tens with pictures of the missing relative government rallies have intensified across israel in recent weeks. that's mounting frustration against net from yahoo government for failing to secure a deal to release the remaining captive. still had on al jazeera for the 1st time and need a month. us president joe biden speaks, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the differences of a palestinian state. the
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in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the sphere of a single jail term, informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera award with investigations, the gift compelling in science, inter toes from asia and the pacific $1.00 oh $1.00 east on out to 0. expo 2023. the world, the fascination of
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joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha of the watching out. is there a mind at the top stories this hour around revenue history? god have concern is that for if they ministry advisors have been killed in an air strike in damascus, strike hit a residential building in the m as a neighborhood there in state media reporting the attacks as noise by israel. at
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least a 165 people have been killed in gaza in the last 24 hours is already a types of intensified. nance critics. one unit has 2 major hospitals, including sconces law, just remaining functioning health facilities. now some of the hundreds of people in israel have protested outside the private home of prime minister pension that met benjamin netanyahu and toby's to demand the release of captive being held in gaza on seeing government rallies have intensified across the israel and resume with you as president joe biden has held a phone call with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it comes off to rising tensions and growing frustrations and invite and administration about the policies of these, where any prime minister official has more or less from washington dc. joe biden was one of the 1st floor leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th. the 2
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liters have spoken often since i know even after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy despite and is, are locked into a bundled him. as the white host of a 2 state solution was impossible. with net can yahoo in power, he'd applied sharply new and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement in the works of 2 states loose countries that are members that are still in so there's ways in which is the 2 leaders spoke on friday, the 1st coal in $26.00 days a signed,
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many observers believe of going for station in washington. the israel continues to undermine the president when scaling back the war, when avoiding civilian casualties on the future. the white house says the call had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. this isn't about, you know, tried to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change in their thinking. president a, sorry prime isn't it. yahoo is is make clear he's concerned about that. president biden has made clear his strong conviction that a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year, biden is making a huge miscalculation by not publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, is it those that are for a bite? and i think the frankly is just an idea log who really believes in the is really project. and it is what a to, there's an i e and assumption that by being nice nothing yahoo will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise, even though that has been shown over and over again. but that simply does not work
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. us lawmakers, it'd be largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with net yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also really got a long term peace settlement. and that's why biden is talking about 8. because some considering changing the conditions for america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel fisher, i'll just go to washington. the united states ministry says it's hit 3. here's the missile sites in yemen. us central command says themselves posed an imminent threat to call go ships and the red sea on what destroyed and what it called self defense . if the level say they've been attacking ships destined israel's to protest against the wall and gaza, or is there any forces of tower that mores across the field combined? westbank that happened confrontations inside the palazzo refugee county, which is east of novelist. the army also stores several houses in hebron. 22
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palestinians were arrested the okay, let's bring you some of the stories. democratic republic of congo is phoenix to she . kennedy is due to be integrated shortly for a 2nd time in the capital. can shesta lodge crowds have gathered at the country's biggest stadium where the ceremony is currently taking place? is you can be on his policy one, a landslide victory last month, but on positions i guess in front of the election, a sham and have cold protests. 13 students have died off to a fire broke out into boating school dormitory and central china. it happened on friday night in a village intent on provence. all of the victims with the grade students local authorities investigating the cause. while state media save the schools now has
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been detained. north korean authorities have sentence 2 teenagers to 12 years of hard labor for watching k potent videos. the 16 year old students were convicted of listening to south korean music as well as sharing foreign movies age when to thousands of taurus, visit indian administer and kashmir. these if the himalayas games slopes and other went into sports are a big jewel, but not this year. a per long dry spell across the region with very little snow is disrupting. the tourism industry may include some sharif reports is not long ago. good. and there was bustling the toad is getting its vinto holiday season. thousands of people skied down the snow covered slopes. many of those interests for ski sessions for the 1st time but this here is different
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slopes that are usually frosty, wide of brown and green. and gold was once wanna fiji as best key destination is a disappointing winter's tale. the season january is usually a busy month for mohammed a crumb. who makes his living by taking taurus on horseback. but now he sits all i do for most days. sewing machine gun, the cost in b. c, a. we had no snow on the if you send to me test, which has impacted or livelihood. and we have not had much work the winter months at crew shuffle our livelihood. at 8500 feet about 2600 meters goodness slopes in the west and humanly as a blanket is that snow from december to march breathtaking views, skiing and all the winter sports have good thousands of taurus coming in. but now those who made it disappointed because where the body of our board, we had heard
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a lot about the beauty of kashmir, but unfortunately we couldn't witness the snow that we had anticipated. i told her this is a big business and catch me is, especially during the winter months and thousands of livelihoods depend on it. but the no snow season is affecting local businesses, hotels, and every one to depends on it. mostly our operation is for hailey sky here and due to absence of snow, we are not able to do a highly skiing and you know, took our, my losses. so we are taking our local to this to so i drive right inside of sending official say cash mrs. dry spelled, began in august, and it's witnessed a 100 percent deficit of rain and snow in december, exposed to blame this on the changing the pattern. joe global level studies have collision, pet dense, and the global atmospheric circulation patterns have been stopped. and this and normally could be linked to tell nino while there has been el nino is before. this one is considered the strongest exp of, say,
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the lack of rain and snow could lead to water shortages and effect farmers in the region. which ripples even more challenges since last year was already the hottest deals on record. and the consumption eve. punch a seizure. alright, that's it from the email inside. whether it's next been inside story to stay with us. i will say some very lively weather making its way to most dependent over the next couple of days. more of that to rain, sleet and snow developing area of low pressure just slipping out. so if the shawnasee were running towards the key issue, and as it does so intensifying further, some really heavy rain falls, some snow over the high ground, pushing further northwards at east was a celsius, the fatigue of some of the temperature, the full. so you notice on sunday afternoon i have a similar temperature for shanghai on changes going into monday, cold,
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literally waiting for shanghai one celsius we down a minus 5. and so, but the temperatures will pick up in tokyo. still some wintry weather to northern parts of japan. we'll see some winfrey weather, some wet weather, dental, southern areas of china. so certainly seen that cold with slipping its way further south was still plenty of cold out across northern parts of india. temperatures around 5 degrees below average in new delhi, the seasonal salt and smoke continues right across the plains, pushing up into a good pocket book. this done one or 2 shows just around that eastern side of india, you might catch a shout to interest for line crew as well as we go through the next couple of days, but nothing too much to speak of. here, mazda spotted dry costs, much of the arriving potential, that winds around the gulf teasing off over the next couple of days. but some wet, a wintry weather towards the caucuses. this is a region that is rapidly develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts police pull ups,
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people. some of those who talk to elsewhere is saying that they sled after hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do in all just sarah, is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id, tell it as it was at the people who allow us into their lives, dignity ends. you mind if you ask them to tell this story or it's a deal that's raise the fire of somalia right away. some of the lines of lead to gloss details here much. so an access to the red sea. well, conditions has it's an act of aggression and violation of itself frontier. so how will this dispute play out and is a possibility. this is inside story the .


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