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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the, the 10 venue, good to have you with this. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. iran says the one military advisors from his revolutionary guard have been killed. we're going to miss really striking. damascus is really airstrikes targets several sites and gaza destroying lives in poverty. at least a 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours more suffering from policy
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and patients and gaza hospitals do not have enough medicine or fuel. in these protestors and israel or demanding a ceasefire and the release of captives being held by almost as full. well, number one, a guess for you on seconds be knocked out so they australian or so don't psych beats and like seen agent, lindenel sca in room 3. pretty much and bates and from the beginning, syria where and it will strike has hit the residential building in the i'll miss a neighborhood with a capital damascus. it runs revolution regards as 4 of its military advisors were killed and is blaming israel for the attack. the area is home to senior figures in this area and government as well as real, has been hitting targets in the country in recent months. let's see what more we
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can find out for suicide or is into run. what have you been able to find out since this happened what just a few hours ago now, while the un resolution regards little officially accepting that 4 of their senior members have been killed and that israel is behind these attacks. and they were the say, did that the, the, the prove brutal and the criminal scientists regime have, has conducted the attack. so, but they are not a region on the rank and the title of those who have been killed forever. there are some of the reports. i see, and that's one of them that was killed was quite the senior guys, even she was the head of the competitors minutes. both quotes forces, which is the units for the revenue reputation because once it was had advice, cost them for the money, they did that. the famous commander of course, forces was killed in 2020, and back that during thomas presidency. and now this and the reports,
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i've seen that not only him, but his deputy also have been killed and to other senior members. so instead of way looking at the security of, of the statements of the world, things that are being used. but can't understand that this is quite a significant attack on you running assets in celia and probably the ramifications the course that goes is also going to be great. but this is not the 1st time that this read has attacked. you run a search on syria. so in seal, yes, when december 25 is rad has keep one of the top random revolution to gods in damascus. and then we have seen a 3 and explosions in the city of care. my team, you're on, even though you're on say, is that it was dias behind. does that tax? however, there's many people in the around the still believe that is that somehow was related to that tax. and then be, i've seen you run a tech that pays out a bill which is says that was used by the most of the agents. and you'll also have you have cube to most of the agents there. so we can see that now there's back and forth attacks between the 2 causes aren't becoming more frequent and at rest. so just to try and get a, a fuller picture and better understanding of this, what's,
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what other context can you put around this attack of this early stage? the world related to the war that is ongoing in guys that we have seen, particularly after the war, started with guys that are being 7, most actual, some american bases and see what we are in iraq. and also we have seen that for these, starting to attack the shift, the commercial ships that are linked to israel. and we know that on all of these assets that are coming back into that tax, are somehow related to user to, to iran, some clothes. i'm, you running, fox is already running and say that's the is on the act as force to access off the resistance. and so now we can see that particularly syria and north of iraq are becoming the center of this in direct conflict between yvonne and israel, particularly celia. for now, we know that practically the states i for that there's the state is that you should collapse. celia effectively is a, is a, is that feel space. and it is now becoming
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a battle grounds, not only for the power struggle, but also for the intense as was as well. and these 2 companies as ran into your finer, confronting each father in syria more and more. russell, thank you very much that that's for so we'll start our reporting from that. ronnie runs capital. let's talk now to her son, maria, and you're a professor at the university of different joining us also from different how do you interpret this strike with the information that we have for now, israel has not claimed responsibility for this. probably never will. based on, on the, on the pattern of attacks. um, however, iran is blaming this on israel and saying that they've killed the head of the, the, the, the, could intelligence in syria. a yeah, i think of these writing these basically used to and are still trying to conduct a covert operation is a case you run anywhere in your targets. anyone how lies as well. they don't claim
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responsibility easily and a basic need to try to keep it as a, as, as much as possible. whereas the, there's an asymmetry that the wrong houses it's claims responsive of june. loss is a casualties whenever they are hacked by and these re do so we, we are almost certain times you know that the one the hard to you with the badges interest to conduct such an assault. finally, when you talk goods, is israel, and there's a conviction here in the wrong. and basically it's not say you days, right, of use before october 7th. oh, so they were attacking it will find you in targets. the one on one targets, though they have all the n t a and this period and the radios are also trying to balance that by her, you know, react to me to every location on the part of these frames. now i think
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a 3rd one is going to be clear, do you connect this to what's going on and does it, do you connect those to us or for you is this is this broader and goes beyond israel's war. and god of course it's connected to the master october stuff and so on size. as i said, these are these have on the, on to you what they were doing before. there are to basically you definitely waltman's one is a b, b that y'all was cool to call looped for escalation originally i believe it's very much behind escalation, visa the wrong 2nd the but in passing goddess is forcing israel to white and the scope of conflict between and then at the to force fathers to basically find a way out i the, they weren't even pushing, i guess they're all eyes and they're all eyes basically back. you know, and you guys are in love in the, in the yeah, man,
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our house where i already bought. and i don't see that happening because this is not due to them. and it's not basically telling them what to do. they're doing what they see fit to their and their national interest and also there. and then as part of the axis of resistance that is resisting israel and the united states and that region. so i think this is very much connected and it says go and beyond the usual the usual was to to keep it to that will save 80. yeah, i can guarantee they are willing to go to that i think and, and the right. yeah. well for sure. we can get this, okay, if this really is indeed behind this, and if, as you predict, the round will retaliate, what do you think might be the end game for both sides as well? so far they have kept it in due by the shuttle work that has been ongoing between the 2 parties for quite some time. now as we need direct,
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once they get these really sort of assess the night to get when he gets left and they want to just have them back in the college. the news from as it's not the job when i send a the palestinian territories. so but that's state on the side is when there are directed. sonya is rarely for the waiting until it gets 8 usually happens out size . oh, size these 2 countries and they use fit the targets for instance, the serial. do i understand? is there any targets and i swear, so it has been in direct, i'm afraid if this continues, we are a gear for a discussion be on the indirect because the level of tension, i mean getting directly of the highest level of military presence, advisors of the mindset god, this is beyond the usual of conflict in direct conflict between and israel and i
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think of this 10 in the future if this continues into a direct to form to try to run into a house on my young professor at the university of denver on thank you for your perspective today as the turning to the one goes and now at least 165 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. is really force is carried out their strength and show targets overnight and into the morning. and han eunice, the number of killed has now hit 24927. with nearly 63000 injured michael ap last more. dozens of palestinians have been killed and is randy strikes on a con, eunice in the past few days. the old ballade area of gauze the 2nd largest city, has seen sustained attacks most of the hospital. the largest remaining functional
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medical facility and gaza is packed with the dead and wounded in central garza near the el cheapo hospital mall is really bombardment central gaza, a young boy points minutes away. he says, oh, he's buried his father doesn't know how much i have no want to know who's going to look after us? why do we have to go through this way? my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old to all the streets of should jaya and neighborhood of gauze. the city resembled a wasteland. no building is untouched by the wall. each day brings with it a search for mold bodies, friends and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. of any attempt to move to different parts of gaza can cost you your lives. worse the internet. now we
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have been to every hardship you could imagine. any person who dares to give this center or try to go back to his home. this fired on by the, is it the soldiers? any moving person is a target to the is it, you know, i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my, the, just the guy on the 1st or the north and job aliya the palestine read. chris and society does what it can for victims of is really selling for more than a week, people have struggled to get a signal on the funds. the safety of the people behind me came to check them, their friends and family and loved ones because there was no possibility of communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot reach from that all i have to find eunice and so it off off of the, i mean we are facing great difficulty, many head for the beach to try their luck. raising phones high. they anxiously
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await news. any news from their loved ones? like level, how does era the few hospitals and guys of that are still operating has been overwhelmed with large numbers of patients. these are the scenes at the all show how to hospital in the central city of darrow bella. doctors 0 say that they're struggling to cope without basic anesthetic medicine and also face threat spies really forces honey mountain. what is in rasa in southern gaza for more on this honey. you and i have spoken often about the slow agony of causes health system only 30 or 35 hospitals and no operational. what do palestinian patients do? people who need medical care and who don't have access to one of those handful hospitals. the the, this will, you know, since the beginning of, of this genocide, the war a hosted with all the across the gods are became over. well,
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there is more than half of the number of the hospital or pass out of service. the remaining functional health facilities are over one with the number of injuries that as well as the those who are experiencing the health complications including chronic disease or life threatening situations. but it, more tragedies are created as there is a shortage, extreme shortage of medical supply and the remaining function in hospitals. then this is caused directly by the ongoing relentless, the boom bartman of gauze is stripped, has imputed so far. the delivery of medical supplies through designated locations on it would mean by that hospitals, but it, many of the people so far they are all laying on the floor of the hospital. they don't have it space inside the room. they, many of them already lost their life, but because they wait in line for a medical staff to check on them. but we're really looking at the exhausted medical
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is stopped. i've been working day on nights since the beginning of the war on top of that, these 4 digital medical supplies and some time some of those medical supplies do not exist. so right now a across the hospitals in, in the gaza strip, which leads to further complications and performing searches like a for example, it's the women who are given birth is through c section and they don't have enough space yet to go through the operations of properly are experiencing great deal of pain as dr. trying to help them with their birth and delivery. that's an example of people who it how do they go through and the patient is doctors performed surgery without anesthesia and other met the other uh, medical supplies. nothing certainly needed for the surgeries, just so up, so sad to see these incidents happen and the tragedy is keeping it growing and growing. and we did documents some of these incidents inside the hospital. the situations are getting very complicated in each passing day, and we're looking at
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a very crippled health care system across the gaza strip. honey mount hood reporting live from ross, so thank you very much, honey. israel's continuous bombing campaign across all parts of this trip has left palestinians and gaza struggling to find food. and it's those in the north of guys that were suffering the most. well, i'm involved reports the, when the guns on silent for the, the size of 100 babies can't be heading this 3016. he accepted the big street market famished. the girls in success for most of the time without much excess food items, are hard to come by. the prices are high and even low people don't talk many of the, the prices are unimaginable. one kilo of this bad quality wheat flour is 1012
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shekels sets up from 3 in the past for a much better quality. half of this flower is unusable. imagine that even before the war and when people had salaries, the situation was already untenable. people were suffering right now. it's many, many, many times worse. security once the daily meal is next to impossible says this man . see about the zillow. people can't find what, imagine a family of 10 people, then what can they do to? so was in the most, if not we've been eating on the rice for a moment. we have to wait the whole day for a single portion of rice in the afternoon. i came here looking for flower, but all i find is pigeon fruit. what kind of life is this? shame on them is we're dying here, and no one cares. apply doesn't, and there. she says, some of her children were killed in southern casa, and others are missing hunger and believe meant to not mock nearly every single family in gaza. so this causes away from the reach of relief organizations. people
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do whatever they account to get by this is the only find that for instance, this marketplace he goes we used to operate a blacksmith workshop, but everything has been destroyed. so we put up the store in order to eat and provide food for people, but it's an extremely difficult task. let us know and to the list of challenges facing v spell athenians, they leave in the midst of the destruction. no single public service is available. they, they don't serve to local wells, but did a lot of films broken states, garbage is piling up and getting dangerously infested. the only thing untouched is these people's resolves and resisting attempts to force them to leave a lot of the we support the distance, may god protect them. we are ready to die and sacrifice for children and families
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to star. and we did a distance during the early days of all these are the army or the people in northern guys have to go to solve, but often move on 3 months of the land, plus bombardment and destruction. thousands awesome here in defiance. so for the hazards of 100, an extermination, how much fun on disease is really some palestinians have been holding an anti war protest in the is really city of haifa, or we're joined now by all 0 stephanie decker, whose at b riley. stephanie, what have you been hearing? i know you've been talking to the people being protesting. what are the been telling you of the as of the last time you're nice those. there was actually a protest happening that's now ended in 70 ended because it's a very tight restrictions that were put on it by the police. the police didn't want this to happen at all. so the organizers have to go to the supreme court to allow them to make this protests happen since the 1st time that we've seen this kind of
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a protest in the north of israel. the 1st time when i say that, i mean i mix protests between is reduced on tennessee and is raised on the message . you're really incredibly refreshing. if you were talking about that, there was space for condemning the killing of civilians on both sides. the message here was one to end the war immediately, and one for a political solution for the palestinians and moving forward, there was some back and forth with police very heavy police presence here, sir, will i have to tell you compared for the amount of people that they allowed to protest, 700 was the cops they wanted to march, they weren't allowed to march. they were pending in the square. you had a couple of policeman armed with machine guns on the roof and also many on horseback to try and insure on skunk water, which is very dirty water that they use to control the crowd all around this area was very peaceful. the message that you uh that we heard here, even we heard one son, most of it is parents were killed by him out on october,
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the 7 he stood here on stage and he said they don't want our voice of peace to be heard. he said killing the children of gall dot is not going to bring our children, our power in stock. it's also not going to make us safe for which is why we need to political system. so this really is the message here, but again, very route 0 for these protests to get approval. just to remind us is a police force is under the orders of each more been given on. this is the national security, administer extreme rights audiology. and this is why many people here also have told us that his role is moving further and further to the right to a lot of kind of seeing his res, we're here thing to face here for their future. one girl even saying, you know, as the war on both ends were fearful about, we might be next in the sense that we might be pushed out next. because now you have this real feeling of hatred and revenge when it comes by many people on the street towards the policy and citizens of israel as well. this is the ones who are here and that was how they feel, certainly. but they said that the fact that they managed to even get here today,
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even if it was for just under 2 hours, pendants small under heavy police presence, they said that the fact that they could have their voices heard is a victory. stephanie, i wonder, are you able to assess how much support there is for this anti war movement, and therefore, how much pressure it actually puts on these really prime minister in the i think, to be honest, i think it's a real minority voice these days i've been coming here for 1617 years i'm lot, october. the 7th has done talking to all sides is really free to the feeling of, of a patriot almost, and a feeling of revenge. and i think there's such indeed humanize ation when it comes to the pa, this thing is now particularly obviously in garza, but there is no more room for dialogue. even one is really woman said to me, there's no room for my grief, my grief 1st over the 7, what you pulled a terrorist attack by how mazda and massacre, she calls it, she said, but i am outraged and disgusted, and it's pretty much the same kind of terrorist attack,
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the israel is carrying out on the policy, the policy is of god. so, but you said i have no space for my greece because it's really society for me. it's a jewish media, not anti semitic because of my position. so it gives you a sense of just how to the 10th the ground is how emotionally loaded it is. but i think also as well, the longer this one goes on, you will be hearing more voices, particularly when it comes to in a way, you know, coming up with a political solution particularly to bring the captives home. but this protest was really about the captive, even though you had a mind here who was, who was in the the attack of october, the 7th. the last, as far as the message here was more of and the word meet, at least and the occupation. this is the only way we can live side by side peacefully together. most definitely decor. thank you for your reporting. that's all really interesting. else 0 stephanie decker reporting from high for their us and turning to 711 on now where it is really drone striking is reportedly killed to hum us members the attack targeted a vehicle in the town with as a re, a baseball as a recent attack in which
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a senior hamas leader was assassinated in the 11 east capital one card. his and board shall barrage, nay. that's south of the capital. bear with him on what do we been able to learn about this strike with this attack? well just in the last few moments we are hearing that it might not be a to him as a site. is that where i saw him in that during the strike? one of the men may will be our lead. miami has drawers a leader in his life, so there is a certain amount of confusion that initially was reported that these were 2 members of a mass of parts. well, it's actually more interesting about this particular strike is where it's a place is a place closer to the coast of southern 11 onto then to that $120.00 kel, over to the dispute in both the area between israel and 11 on most of the flies you to 3 is below, and israel has been contained along that buddha area. but when is all once
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destroyed, lead, as it does so by drawing is that we sold this on january the 2nd with the killing of how the athlete up solid laurie in central failure has been just a few weeks ago. again, a senior has bullied us. what's about to we'll was killed about 25 kilometers within lebanese territory. so this is something that the israelis do through that. how does it has? well, i haven't actually confirmed any of this yet. so wait until they've inform the families. and then they'll announce that that person is at 80, is face of blown for his belief is sometimes one of that fights as well as blaze. and really, and organization of the suffers from lack of members and individuals with skills, they'll likely be able to replace them fairly quickly. and that's always been for something so his bullet maintained is a deterrent as well. the 5 right has 75, right? that's the state of play as reported by houses here as
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a run con right now from 11 on as soon as we have more certain to more information on that, we'll bring it to you. thank you very much and run and it's time for the weather. no one else has 0 with f as in fox. how i will say more about pleasant winter sunshine across much of the raven financial over the next couple of days to have a cloud in the sky when it's easing off just around the golf as well. so 20 full sales, he's here in the house on sunday presents an off night when the little lights was to go on into monday. plenty of fried weather then of course, much off the arriving potential left by the north. it got a few shelves. just run that is to side of the key i pushing across the was northern, past all the rock and some snow that just around the coke sits between the black sea and the caspian. the snow is a little more expensive, actually northern positive ducky. i see plenty of access, we go one through some by some west to weather, just around the southern, most possible. i didn't catch a shower. what say into west cypress notice cold breeze blag, you stumble. it's a 7 degrees celsius that on sunday, but it should be long as you try here by that stage where the weather makes its way
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further. east was cooler. i just digging down to was at least the side of the mit. it's right and we wanted to showers as creeping towards the events we might see. one or 2 showers just creeping along the coastal fringes of algeria, livia winds coming in from no direction as a cooling off here somewhat over the next couple of days. much of west africa space for i may want it to central africa. big a lobby down pulls particularly to the east of the riff valley. and this lot of showers is moving north. the still ahead on alpha 0 for the 1st time and nearly a month us present. and joe biden speaks is real as prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the differences over palestinian statehood. just see, that'd be the fantastic care season. i was the, the best goals scar in sports, christiano. rinaldo fires verbal shots that his rivals. andy richardson will be here with that story later. this out, the
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ballistic seek immediate shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise anxiety. are you doing sterling radio tape or i'd be that deluxe. like exploring how makes this central switch to life impact the human psyche apocalypse made coming soon on outsourcing? hearing the facts, have you had any links that he has the support of 15 implement the shop economic plan? asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give us a sense of what is the target this places out as it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this hour for members and around the revolution regard have been killed in, in the air. a striking, damascus. syrian state media are reporting the attack was launched by israel. the strike hit the residential building in the miss a neighborhood. at least $165.00 people have been killed in gaza and the last 24 hours is really a tax have intensified near the city of han units is 2 major hospitals including glasses, largest remaining functioning, health facility nestor,
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hosp us president. joe biden has held a phone call with his really fine minister benjamin netanyahu. this comes out to rising tensions and growing frustrations into by the administration about the policies of the as rarely prime minister. alan fischer reports from washington dc to biden was one of the 1st well leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th, the 2 liters have spoken often since i know even after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy type site and is, are locked into a bundled him as to the white host. if a 2 state solution was impossible with net can yahoo in power, he'd applied sharply new and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement in the
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2 states. most countries that are members when they're still in. so there's ways in which this could work, but truly just spoke on friday, the 1st coal in $26.00 days aside. many observers believe of going for station in washington. the israel continues to undermine the president when scaling back the war when avoiding civilian casualties on the future. but the white house says the coal had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. this isn't about, you know, try to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change in their thinking. president a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, is make clear he's concerned about that. president biden has made clear his strong conviction that a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year, biden is making
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a huge miscalculation by not publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, is it those that are for a bite? and i think he frankly is just an ideal law who really believes and is really project. and it is what a to, there's an i e and assumption that by being nice and nothing yard it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise, even though that has been shown over and over again. but that's simply does not work. us lawmakers have been largely supportive of israel are said to be going for stated with net yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also really go to a long term peace settlement. and that's why biden is talking about 8. because some considering changing the conditions, put america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel fisher. i'll just go to washington. let's take all of this and put it down as you're a senior political analyst, more one of the shar moran. i think it's fair to say this is miss the us wants to
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palestinian state. israel so far says no way the us bite in specifically now saying, well maybe they're still away. the funny thing is so that this is a conversation the tech space between a man complicit and genocide, and the man accused of genocide in gossip. a genocide that continues to day to day. so i'm 150 people died already 250 injured. so the 2 men talked about the day after something that we don't know when it's going to be over . we don't know if they both would it be over before this thing is over or that aside, right. what is fascinating and this really i wish or what of yours around the world will pick up what we're saying and go back on. i don't know what they do in terms of research, google or whatever. by didn't just repeated what? nothing. yeah. how i said in 2017,
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and 2018 and 2020. this idea is that then? yeah, it was idea that then you know, it's been saying for the past 56 years, that states don't have to have sovereignty. this is coming from the prime minister of the state that prides itself every single day of the 575 years for having sovereignty. or for re i choosing sovereignty as, as they put it to the jewish people. so the fact that they, that by the now pallets what that daniel has been saying, as if this is biting his own idea as such. yeah, it's not if you had anything afterwards, what are you guys quite funny. but the other thing that's more important is that they both maybe because they are genocide though they miss the point of protest i when the now says, is there an extra control everything west of the jordan river switch? he said 2 days ago, which means as that is going to go through and everything between the rivers to see, right. if you're
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a palestinian and say that you say i want the quality between that over and the see, you can get a job in america. but if you choose to minister and say, i want to control everything between the river and the see you get the american aid . all right, this kind of products come, but what about the sides? the but it's to me, a problem is a problem. of course, in your lives of an occupation the idea that they're discussing, maintains, and the lives is, are as perpetual occupational colonialism and palestine. that's not a solution. that's the problem. can we drill down on this notion of a possible palestinian state with less sovereignty, right? which is what, by the seem to be selling, the idea of a disarmed state. you don't have all the attributes of a sovereign state. and maybe that's what he's thinking of that might be palatable to the net, you know, right? but you see it doesn't work because if you live in the west bank and you are and you're on your board,
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those are is read. if you don't have international border control is the jordan river. right? this is the west bank. this is right. that's the jordan river, is that a control is enjoying the river. it means the spend does not have international borders. me just on the front of me, it's not a state. you can force whatever you want, but it's not a ton of me. second, when you say i want to have security to control security control not says it's can be disarmed or not palmed. ready whatever, which means by the way, protector is non sovereign states. but the idea that is that we've been thinking through all that brings a whole bunch of, uh, problems one, that colonialism continues to that the occupation continues free. that is the then has the right to interfere minutes out or whatever it's once in palestine, which means by the sign can never be taught any safe. because what is before and after 75 years of started go this position,
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occupation seat. and what is the point of some $25000.00 people or the dialogue? and then they, there's no solver and pay for the palestinians. it says that there's not one of the, unacceptable to the most. um, you know, set out on the palestinians. this just simply would not last actually what is um, so you may actually not agree with the premise of this question, but my understanding is that net, yeah. who cannot politically agree to a 2 state solution because his coalition that includes obviously fall right. members, which is breakdown. so politically, he can't say yes to, to a palestinian state, but that wouldn't be a blessing if this government breaks down. i mean, the americans hate to send you has hated. apparently the most is there it is today hated all the i don't say that. i mean no one wants to this government, it was sort of elected. and it's at the moment in the and all year plus a go and
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a moment of i don't know what it is or stay. and now what you've got is a fascist and a phonetic and a bunch of other, you know, i wouldn't mind getting ministers, but everyone's regret, thing after the warrant guys have to have elected in the 1st place. the financial has no more than what? 1015 percent of the day today, all the other opposition partners have a better chance of governing by the and has already said that he's looking beyond nothing at all. i needed ask nothing. you have to change the government there. but in that fundraiser, one up on a monday, the the, the by the, the 1st part of somebody that was putting some, some donors, you know, the behind closed doors meetings. yes, that's nothing. you are the all new situations got. yeah, he controversially mentioned indiscriminate bombing this. yes. so now i want this government so you know, there's no one's going to cry over that the now there's, there's government, so do you have question as a whole gives of them, right? i mean, so what is that that is government? do you think we're going to continue with the live in general side those times an
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occupation times an instability times and regional war time? because mr. nathaniel has a 2nd expediency addiction to power. he's already the longer several private just started those that are, he's already an indicted on corruption charges not why not do not city for core doctor charges. he's already proven political criminal. he's already proven a war criminal to watch when he stay and fall within the 1st place. no one cares for that, that out. just to empower apparently, most is ladies. don't want them in both. so no, we'd rather have a better city and state without nothing. you know, then having nothing. yeah. oh, i know, but a serious thing was is there a senior political analyst or one of the shower? thank you. in spain now hundreds has gathered in the capital, madrid, calling for an and israel's war on gaza for the other spanish cities. we're also holding. so there are too much is the
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palestine. they want the government to cook tonight is what is real. supporters are also backing south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. rallies are also being held in the united kingdom protested in birmingham are holding a day of action to palestine with thousands, demanding an immediate cease by any occupied westbank. dozens of his really settlers have attacked. sheep herder is in a village close to ramallah listing and save a settlers fired bullets at them and tried stealing their sheep. the village council has told l 0 attackers came from a recently established settlement outpost. there's been a sharp rise in simpler attack since is real began as one goes in october. us the in the democratic republic of congo, felix, just a cat is due to be sworn in for a 2nd term as president in the capital can shots
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a large crowds have gathered at the country's biggest stadium. just acadia and his party won a landslide victory last month. opposition figures branded the election of sham and called for protests. a sedan is suspending its membership in the east african regional block, the integral mental authority on development. he got the war torn countries. government says the group violated sedan sovereignty by inviting the leader of the parent military rapids afford forces to a meeting in uganda. on thursday, the sudanese army and the ar assess, had been fighting for control of the country for 9 months. a thousands have been killed in the conflict and millions displaced. houses here is habit. morgan joins me from car to. so he, but i gad was one of the few bodies that still had a voice with sudan and that was still actively trying to weigh in on this conflict
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. and now sedan has pulled up. oh, yes, there has been a lots of tensions between the dfcs of government here in sudan and the regional into governmental authority. he, god, now it's thoughts that in december and actually we can take it away before. that's when you get announce that it will try to mediation the conflict and disability governments accuse it of being biased towards the hours of because of the canyon presidents presence in the body. now, in december, there wasn't a god for him. and people with you where you don't have to put the people on the head of the sovereignty counsel and the head of the army attended. and right after that meeting a communicate was issued by he got, but the signees for administer said that it did not one of the protocols that the body should have followed them, but they were not consulted on that final communicate. and that was a violation of issues regarding a student and if the sovereignty then does the issue of the fact that general, that the general know how much time does that go has been visiting regional uh you
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got both countries and betsy attended the summit on the 18th of december, now even before that, the sudanese government announced that this will be suspending his participation in the tasks related to the complex, not the entirety of the e god. but with the invitation of the head of b. r. a soft in on how much come done. they're gonna be sued in these apartments to release a statement today saying that because he was invited to the summit. and despite the fact that it had a read the amount that it is not participating in any talks related to sedan, that is a violation of authority. and therefore it is suspending its membership in the region on the block. so where does that leave the diplomatic efforts to end the war? ok. well he, god was as you, as says, one of the very few forums where that has been trying to mediate between the recess and the city needs army. there was, they get the for him and decided city of which has been kind it, which has been trying to mediate between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. now that has large result,
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they were not able to reach an agreement. and when it comes to e, g, a, they were trying to host a meeting between the head of the army general. i have them put the hon and the head of our assessment. how much sometimes i go to that meeting as for the last communicate that was issued on december 18th, was supposed to be 2 weeks. uh it was supposed to happen 2 weeks after that date now with uh, sedan suspending its membership from the original blog. i mean the statement making it very clear that uh any um, any decision coming out of the block will not involve attend, that it is not going to abide by any decision if it seems like at the moment with the conflict ongoing, there is no diplomatic effort or rather, any form that the government is accepting to take part and to try to end the conflict. and the thank you very much for that had been morgan reporting incident origin tenured authorities of arrested in deport to the relatives of ecuador as most wanted fugitive the family of jose adolfo macias, also known as b. 2 were detained on thursday night. it's kind of just
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a week after he escaped from an ecuadorian prison in the city of gloria keel. our latin america editor, lucy, a newman reports from window size. under the cover of darkness, federal police raided the newly inhabited house in an exclusive neighborhood. of course, the law in central argentina there target was the family of ecuador, as most wanted man, drug trafficker, jose adult for my cs. known as fetal, of his wife's mindiola, macias, the 3 children, a nephew, a family friend and nanny, were arrested and quickly deported. back to ecuador to be interrogated by authorities there. yes, i wonder. i meant that we are proud that origin tina was a hostile territory for a group of drug dealers who could have come to settle here. mister fee to hold a sentence of 38 years and he escaped, leaving a trail of blood and death in ecuador fetal, the leader of the infamous tornadoes, crime gang was serving his sentence for murder, kidnapping,
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and drug trafficking. when authorities planned to transfer him to another facility 10 days ago, they discovered he was gone. features escape, and that it is main rivals known as the savage tribute, a new wave of violence throughout ecuador. on wednesday, a prosecutor investigating the takeover of a tv station by gang members was murdered. the do you think the whole region, not just columbia has allowed for this problem to grow in a non control way? we must stay together to fight. this is a regional and world wide problem consumption of these products. as in the united states in europe. the government has declared a state of internal conflict which allows the army as well as police to fight drug gangs significantly mrs. macias arrived in argentina, exactly 2 weeks ago,
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just before her husband's escape. they bought the house in cash in december, presumably as a hideaway. but what authorities are still investigating is whether people sent his family to argentina, or whether he himself was or is still in the country. to see a newman al jazeera windows situs to 13 students have died after a fire broke out that a boarding school dormitory, and central china. this happened on friday nights in a village and had non profits. all of the victims were a 3rd grade students. local authorities are investigating the cause while state media, se the school's owner has been detained in japan, has become the 5th country to land, a spacecraft on the moon. smart lander for investigating mood, also known as slim, is a 1st of the country space program called him baker reports. it was built to hop scrolls and take photos on the moon. and after swinging through the solar
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system for 4 months, this 5 legged lender just to may japan, the 5th ever country to pull off a lunar land. same as you and then you got to have scott on the 28th of january, 202420 minutes past midnight. the smart lambda for investigating mood, land and its equity. we haven't been able to confirm that it has arrived on the moon's surface, yet slim left earth on september 6th, but instead of burning fuel to get to the moon quickly, it took the long way around. the lightweight craft sword, guided only by gravity. on december 25th, it eased into lunar orbit. its goal was to hit a target on the surface more precisely than ever before. including london, what with 2 dogs of a, it's very common that spacecraft missed a targeted landing location by few kilometers but slim aims a landing with a precision of less than a 100 music era. once this technology is proven successful, we will be able to land on different terrain such as the moon's poles. slim brought
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digital moon maps from a previous mission radar and laser range finders to pick the perfect crater to landon and algorithms to make mission critical flight choices in real time. this is pop span of warning of attempts to try and have efficiency savings. a marginal gains in trying to make the move more accessible for science organizations or universities or government budgets. a new moon race is on. over the last decade, china and india place to the 1st modern landers on the lunar surface. as the us, russia and china are all planning to send humans there soon, but private companies in the us and japan recently failed. expensive landing attempt your on or still the scenario. now we are finally trying to build a base where people can live will stay for a long period of time on the moon. so it is important that we can show that japan has the technological capability to make this landing on its own. early saturday
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morning, scientist held their breath and watched slim land in a crater in the mire. nic terrace, the sea of nectar, but it's solar panels may not be functioning so and it's short battery life. it will send back as much data as possible to teach future emissions a slicker more efficient way to get their calling baker out a 0 a still a head on alice's the way of sports news with andy richardson. thanks so much. so yes, south korean, the last few minutes, just avoiding a shot to face it. football is asian kept on its tennis is australian, open to men's, wimbledon champagne is heading into on charles, etc. hod hey damien to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all.
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the good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era exploring type less cultural examining political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia are in the pacific one. 0 one east on. i'll just see around
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the the, in the last few minutes south korea have just about managed to avoid a shop to face and the asian cups of ice cold. and i didn't tell him central to, to with jordan. so i think one of the pray total of favorites sounds great. have a wellness competition for 64 years that it go on up thanks to a sunny coming penalty. the jordan come back then still spend the 37 minutes. all young work performance, who is our net, sit on the stroke of all the time. elation for the jo damian's as yes and elena surprises comfortably in capsule and made it to one jordan. look to be closing in on a 1st ever went against their opponents, bought another on go, made it to to despite the results, both teams still will place to qualify for the round of 16 just now the late game on fridays,
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so around booking that place indeed no cat rounds asia's 2nd highest rank seen beating home comb. hey one neil. the 3 san champions now have 2 wins from that 2 games and they say so for frequency around face. and that's, as i mentioned, the final game of phone comb with it's i think on how it's not christine ronaldo says the saudi pro league is better than francis subdivision of the he won't be found this player of the year awarded to the globe soccer events in dubai, it's been just every year since he made his move from manchester. united to all nasa. he finished the last day was 50 full goals from just 59. not just the club and country ahead of the likes of hurricane telling them by faith and link holland . would you like that can say whatever they want to just my opinion and i play that one year so i know what i'm talking about. but i think right now we have a better than 1st week, so we feel improve the i was the,
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the best goals score. imagine to be the name of the young lions like ireland for example, the with the goals. so i'm proud i'm 79 soon. and i'm still looking goods, but less sweet little messy one spaces play or the year award. mess the hair united with his full, my boss alone, it see might very suarez into miami, the pad i failed to find the next is very pre season, began with the mill, mill, drill against the el salvador national team. now i'm having some of them is at least 2 games of the africa cup of nations of the he stuff about hamstring injury in egypt. straw with going to on thursday. the 7 san champions needs to be tight foot and that final great match to be a should have reaching the knockout rounds. egypt seem don't survey link solid will be asked and so at least the quarter finals should say and get that full be a concern for the full to sell a has a i mean you missed 10 lee games and well, the 6 seasons with the club is always full of living full. so you may study armada
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is on the score sheet ascending goal. defensive cameron is 3. 1 goals from that is mine is are in a b, the i put the defending champions in control before the al necessary stop provided the finishing touch, senegal lead the wayne drapes. see the progression to the new accounts now out of cameron's hands type good looking at place in there on a 16 with the 3. no victory against my eyes on a couple of great goals. and this one for my money, 94 beds, a striking thought free tick, somebody will new thompson run monday school before kevin pain. all made it 3 now and then plastic fashion. take that i guarantee to win strength and send this woman born. he gets we don't take his be north side of the australian open. she was beaten by teenager linda and most of the in round 39 senior almost give, applying it this tournament for the 1st time. the check for public pipe. it leaves the 1st set against the full time grandson champion, but just hit back. so we need 3 sets and bring it in $63.00 on $618.00 much,
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and beats, and run. it's already her best ever. performance on a grandson. was speechless, obviously i knew is going to be an amazing most referral number one and such a player, but i didn't really think that it would and definitely this but i'm just really, i'm just really glad the fruit as well. a song champion. victoria is the ranking is straight surround for the $34.00 basing. your will spanker haven, straight sets the 18 see next spaces you finding, qualifying dyna insurance got for a place in the quarter finals. look at the mens drone on the coastal across through to the full, around the melbourne for the 1st time. it's up to his opponents. shane, jin chang retired early in. the 3rd sets, 6 on grandson champion, had won the 1st 26161 before his 18 year old opponent retired with an injury. it was the 1st time across and have a place, a young opponents and
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a couple of them get the easy past felix osha ali. assume in straight sets reach 7 x ground high, but if winning, 636463, keep facing on the seated nude. i boys. yes. next to upset. 13 said ruth dimitra. evidence will be something is the final in 4 years and he can return. so number one in the rankings if he wins this thoughts, cameron mary, also i tree to around for my ship melvin pumps. the 1st time he pizza 11 said, caspar ruth, the largest fates of the 3 times granite, sun fondest and full sense, is the highest trying to find that nobody has ever dates in the roys and realize a teenage. don't let live shows, no sign of slowing down. as a finishing is a run around a world championship. here is the 16 year old. the mainland waiting is 1st senior title was facing michael vancho. and so when the bar a mess. okay,
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that as high school is looking through, what can i say? what can i say? impressive. and the origins that were just sports news and we are back the top of the hour with a full slate of world news. they what else 0 the multiple, what kind of flips through the pages of his books. he was hoping to be a doctor. but the fighting in savannah put a stop to studies that are 50 population u. s. across the 600000 and walk. most of them under the age of 30, even save this chief when he mentioned it gets into a classroom that is another curriculum. and so that is different from what you're trying to get particularly engaged at and send them to regular schools like this. the priority for now is to provide shelter and full, and even that is close in the united way. there is no clear indication as when refugees students would be able to return home. and to that process. and honest
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federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without itself permission, nothing leads profit without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa, susan accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing, of jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem to have complication inside story. on out to 0.
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the colleges when the iran says for military advisors from its revolution regard have been killed in and is really striking, damascus, the, i'm sort of any a this is elsa 0 live from. don't also coming up this hour is really airstrikes target several sites and gaza destroying lives and property at


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