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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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starving, challenging place to work from, as we always pushing our boundaries, we are the ones traveling the extra mile. there are other media goals. we go there and we give them a time to tell their story. the, [000:00:00;00] the head on the clock. this is a news on life and to come me off in the next 60 minutes and as dry can, syria kills full members of the runs revolutionary god, tear on flames, israel and says it was of the right to respond really attacks hit saw the officer at least
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a 165 palestinians have been killed since the hundreds of his writings in high protest against the despite the person who proclaims, we'll take you to a wedding in a 10 city in southern gaza. also with a couple of last a homes on from tenants, full sauce 3, an hourly void of shop defeats as the agent come here and cut off a school, an injury time going to rescue to to go against jordan in the group stage. the it is $1500.00 gmc, that is 6 pm in syria, where in the strikers hit a residential building in damascus that runs revolutionary gone, says full of its military advisors, were killed along with several civilians,
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claiming as rep for the attack are the target was in the method districts which is in the south west of the capital, the area is home to city of figures in the syrian government. israel has been fitting targets in the country in recent months. and how are the sides almost sold for john? for saturday? we heard the sound, it's 3 consecutive explosions. the talking to the building here behind this. as you know, we were shocked and shaken. everything is broken, offensive. the building flew from the building that was struck and then came into our collection. people called there was no one that we know you're. all right, let's get the very latest from russell said i, who's into ron and russell. what more do we know about this? strike as well as of now the revolutionary guards are seen, the floor of their senior members were killed there, but they are not providing any further details regarding the rank regarding the title spend, which kind of activities that were involved in. however, there are some reports and seeing that one of the guys that the one of the,
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the i are just as members of was killed is, is who just allow me to watch. and who is the head of the quotes forces intelligence unit in damascus. so what's forces are the, the, the most indeed units for the running of evolution, the cards that have activities across the region once what's force was loud by customer. so they might need. the famous commander of course, force was killed in 2020 inbox that during the trumps presidency. so now regarding this, that the skate of the statements that are coming from did i know for sure we can see that it's a huge below to the running assess in, in, in syria. and this, it was so that are happening to other members or so having that being killed. one of them is the deputy off of who would jump to this lump when his wife and also there are some others. we do not know who they are, probably could be the city and citizens. but on the other hand, this is not the 1st time that this valley is shifting is rather you're running an
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assess in, in, in syria. so on the 25th of december is ran, has cube one of the top command of the revolution, the gods in syria. and then you have seen that as a retaliation. c run. he's a b as in north of iraq in our bill. and it all says that that that base was used by d is values sticker surface. most of them you have killed 2 or the or member. so this tub $42.00 teeth for tat is continuing. i know you're running for the ministry is really using a statement saying that this is riley attacks are violation of the city of sovereignty and his territory integrity. and also seeing that this act shows that how designing this region is, is a, is in a desperate situation. and also these ads or the stable sort of destabilizing the region, and also they have nothing that's wrong, deserves the right to retaliate for every fast response where and when does not cause you. however, based on this statement, we can see that there's a back and forth a text from both sides. either your on your iraq is for you,
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or in serious we are going to contact. i think we're going to continue, right. let's explore that a little bit for the rest of it. can you put it on into context, given everything else is going on in the region? and indeed, as you say it, as concerns about spillover from the gospel. the immediate, all of these attacks somehow in whether it is in iraq and celia or and what else are related to the hor, that's on going in. got is that so we have seen a number of the effects on the american basis across the a particularly is part of the c o. yeah. and then we have seen several attacks in the, in the north of iraq on american basis. and even inbox that you have seen that the american embassy came onto the attacks from several groups and many states that those were carrying those, those attacks are the running proxies. however, iran cools them, the actors of the excess of the resistance. and also far away we go to a young man and we see that you use that are linked to his right to, to your run, they are targeting the ships commercial ship that are linked to israel. so and also
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insult of 11. and we see that his below her contact is relies, contacting effects on the is rarely targets. so all of these are related and that is very much closely related to the wrong defense box, right? so you run the officials of the board with your rock. they have to look at defense document stating that we need to keep the war out of your running and soil. i mean, you to come to our enemies out of iran, which means now iraq, syria, lebanon, and to a certain extent, a young man as well. and that's why we see this being direct confrontations between israel and iran, more and more senior man in syria and in your rock. russell, thanks for the rest of the sort of a in terror on. well wrestle mentioned previous attack in a rack, and that has been another one. and iraqi military base hosting us forces has been attacked. rocket fight, struck the i'm out a side a base in western iraq. coalition troops return fire launching mold and it doesn't
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strikes. let's cross to baghdad. now my food of the wind is tiny by for us that and my food, what more do we know about this? will another big but rise of the missiles as it what is so called least let make resistance here calls at this time of consistence is the the at pool a rainy or a rainy and aligned. i'm a do groups in rocky. i'm a goose groups that have been a cutting down with attacks against us and coalition forces minutes the facilities in air walk and syria over the past 3 months, as secuity as sources in about provenance in wisdom, the rock say that the at all with groups launched about 8 missives from out of the district, which is close to the an s a database home to a u. s. emitted street a facilities and listed in
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a walk and then at the same location that targeted the bays was targeted, there was a counter attack with about 18 missing is targeting the source of the fire. we cannot confirm that at least for now the size of how big the casualties or the damage that resulted from these attacks on coming to a textbook. we know for certain that this has been going on for a while over 100. and so it attacks cutting out a by iran aligned on the groups a targeting us, an inclusion force has made it to the facilities in iraq and city since october the 17th. in some cases, counter attacks by us and coalition forces result in casualties targeting it on aligned with groups in iraq for me that live with that for now. thanks very much indeed for that updates on that situation in iraq. most of the had that in fact that, well, let's explore everything now. this guy on the region to i'm thesis i joined us from
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amman, is jordan's minister of foreign affairs. i'm and it's a friday at 4 minutes and welcome throughout the 0. it is good to have you with us . first of what i'd like to start with both those attacks in iraq and syria, given the ongoing, very high tensions in the region of attacks that go from the red sea all the way to the border with lebanon. what's your view about what's going on, the dangers of this spilling over into something more fundamental. what sir? i'm from the very beginning. we warned to this i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting over into the rest of the agent added to that know that there's a foreign minister might be the, the conscious, the approval of king compensations with other products that particularly with less than another possible agent, to delete that, but it's kind of reckoning that to a would have to face and also to navigate around the differences that we're seeing
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imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future as so to listen to the impact of data to the difference with video us and the others on to delay the village instead of reckoning. get pregnant incentives, you know, i might be working towards uh for boating, other products to which she would drug at the waste and been we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation indeed. so sudden for a minute. so what is jordan? what all arab states doing to try and prevent that spillover, and frankly, is it enough or what i mean, we're doing everything we can. but ultimately it is the israeli government, it's as well that is defining not just the of us, but the international community when it's going to get into the woods, i do with this, it's aggravation. and i think we're working with going on partners that the day after tomorrow i'll be at the visiting with the audio, bmw for our ministers along with environment started solid data, abn,
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egypt to try again and run support not only for ending that direction, but to make sure that we will come together, pull it behind, i've done that would uh and occupation and put the very general one on editors up in the woods. the saw a work based with that is ready to government that is defiant and not be it's and actually community continues with this violation of international law that continues to push that you're going to do is that this somebody's nothing more and we have and it's a massive community that is yet to come and do mind unequivocally. and then the other side, what was the ultimate, you would have to face the very difficult question, which is if the whole was including the united states as say, in going to be on the bus for what is that past that would uh, but if it is the rights of the police thing has to be done is that a state? so the base has a 2 state solution and to be assigned to government is sitting no and it's defying them then what, what is going to be to that is funds? is it more lip service to the state solution?
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what is it a unit on supported by every when it but where's, where's that? where with respect, where is that plan coming from? where is that plan? i mean, many would say that they should be doing a lot more to try and make that happen. and uh, we are in consultation with lots of our brothers and agents. so we have the ideas, we articulating our plans and basically what we want is uh, the plan that would start from the end game id. it starts by they keep nice things to be independent estimated states, and that is the one for 1967 lives with a 2 by 2 semester and been what that is to be so nice community we will stop on major is that when it gets there we come up to engage in another uh, open ended process people to see what that has done in the past. so we inaudible to do our share. now we're looking at were talking to our friends in international communities,
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particularly tonight and stays to come and leave that. but that would take us okay . and on the united states, a, by the ministration has been full, try in the need for a 2 state solution publicly at least it's something that these ready department issues that could never happen. yeah. dr. funding conversation between by didn't that yahoo yesterday at j button said the creation of an independent palestinian state was still possible. well, benjamin destiny all who is still in office? do you think that is the case or i think it's very clear that 5 minutes send that to me whenever one to the 2 state solution. even before yesterday he said he's fraud, you have preventive. his thoughts methodist against the area. he's. ready he had suffocated aspirations of what kind of finance for freedom. so we're dealing with, with a prime minister who now tactic legally the war 2, the long history of the office, but is auditing on an agenda that does not want to see the 2 state solution. and that's a challenge, but the. ready words are going to face either we allow the supplements with that
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stride because braces 63, mr. agenda to whom the future of the agent, the more complex the water or do we all come together and say, we will not allow an attorney who to uh, the time of the future of the season, just as he to the past of agents of obamacare and if i may just another issue that we should not lose sight, all is that as we talk about the future, we need to remember that there's right. yeah, aggression on guys as continuing beginning, but a samantha is but anyway, the destruction of the whole and then press black sort of guys are things you didn't go ahead and select and press dr. there's continue. and then only to is that 2 days ago on wednesday is right. i talked about, i want to be tossed because one of the very, very few of us because that are offering services to the palestinians even though as well as those big arguments of the hospital. it knows that this is off because i'm on budget with union admitted kind of stop and, and yet it's went ahead and dive package. it does make sense. so that's the, the systematic is really
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a policy of trying to make life impossible for people in gaza and been ultimately presented. it's declared the objective of many events ministered to which god sends out. so as we've given to me that foreign minister, given your position, given the position to the state position of arab states, why is it that it came down to south africa to take israel to quarter of genocide, to be international court of justice of genocide and not st. george or all the arb stays. that's where we have come very clearly is supporting the kids that's out the applicants or to the i c j. i think it's better to both to who to send. that is something that's i think that has the case was presented by south africa and before it has its own procedures. and at the right time when and at the time comes for members stage 2, that makes the dimensions we wouldn't mix up. but i think again, it's extremely simple. it explained that both an extremely powerful but the state that the case was, uh, was, was raised by, by south africa and all of us and out of almost them like we mentioned. so the idea
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in the joint and mostly and some is we've been trusted, the board pacific heights of what city you're going to be at. oh, i see it there or the legal documents that we when he was the one for one. so i think we have a plan here, and we're actually going to put us with this on the chords besides full or provision the majors and then goes for what to examine the case and all of us. i believe that i kinda speak for to, within an hour we'd be doing what we need to do on something that uh right uh, cases, could you expand on what doing what you need to do means and, and what's the result of your thoughts and processing your 13 egyptians and further towards that you're going to have that you've talked about and how you would collectively respond to the concept of is ready to control. a total is ready to control west of the jordan river. i mean, we, we always object to that. we've always said this with only mean war, so any is what 80 positions,
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particularly bypassed government to maintain control over the by the city and directors including goes as to is the source of the something that's we've always that again. so we continue to start like this and we continue to write about the company and to see, to understand the danger and here to allow them to be sending out how to proceed with this policy. as i said, we're all working so but what about boys? as we or the some sufficient, it's not a question of brands. to be honest. it's a question of what the weight of the best right and to lead engage and i, serious on negotiation. so actually based on the weight of it and not have community to take action against as well, if it continues to deny the siege and uh, the, the, the, the, the stuff it deserves from the courts or other side we support because that's not a big job. that have made we will manage when the time for the submissions of did he get logged in? okay, toms and well because he doesn't. that's all right. for me. is it one more question is relevant so far? really cool for
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a to allow the internationally recognized product digital authority to govern both gods. when you all keep plug westbank, vide is apparently washington's preferred option. what is jordan's done? as we saw him? that'd be, as we said, some of the very beginning. uh, guys, uh, is boston, boston, it'd be a good idea to send it to or 3, any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought. the boss of upload or approaches would include the if you buy it was back. and if you buy to send in and we do not exit any immediate presence and doesn't or do we upset that it was like they've been sort of, i mean, parts of god, this has been the argument that we'd made from the very beginning of this deposition. that we're providing support for that. let me just add one thing and this is something that is a full full for the world to recognize even to us, which is providing and with support says visually i'd have to conduct the aggregation in accordance with international. it's not, it seems to be as right, has to allow. ready sufficiently many care supplies and we'll get to it is not, it said the only possible what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza listing and stay the same government this
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and you know, it will not allow that. so i think it should be clear to, to know which party is responsible for the tide or that has been in the part of the world which party is responsible for the night. and nobody's going to be so deserves. and which party is driving this complex right at the top? it's something we've got to remember as, as what i continues with integration on gaza. it is also conducting up the way it's on. ready the west side where it is. so getting that as soon as you can, obviously it's an item that i have to feed worship. ready muslims and christians, it is getting better simians, augustine palestinians, and we have to remember that's on the bottoms of the toner, and that's a month where, where we always have word against the violence, but the design of condition. i think the, what's the response is pointing at that it was not ex fluids and under the pressure from is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about the much, much, much dangerous scenario, which was even had a bose, the more serious types of driving
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a school related to at he's not expansion of doing this work, or i'd jordan's administer for an affairs. ivan society. thank you. i think there's a now turning to the most recent attack in southern lebanon and, and is really drain strike is repeatedly killed to hezbollah members in southern lebanon. it talked, talking to the vehicle in a ton of value to you. at this point, a is a recent attack in which a senior hamas leader was assassinated in the lebanese capital. in wrong con is more for us from the board, the board on jeff north. that's right itself. and they re, as it has been confirmed, sloss butler went to has the law members, they were mid level offices within the organizations, technical experts and drones. apparently that plays around midday, local cycles. interesting about this is where it took place to place and elbows that they have, which is about 25 kilometers away from the disputed boat area between israel and
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level method d. c. in recent weeks, however, these attacks have been happening. the killing on january, 2nd of all, the ruling, the senior i las vegas in central. they route then just a couple of weeks ago, which i'm alex will, who was a senior local come on the in the south. all the 11 on for his below was killed and cut about sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drive. so although they say it's going to be a blow to his board in terms of the technical aspect, there certainly doesn't tell you the senior leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or militarily. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next uh, in the past when the same attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deeper into his right. he's harrison. let's get more of the situation on the ground and tells them out at least
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a $165.00 policies have been killed. in the last 24 hours is ready for us is counted as strikes and shell targets over night and into the morning and con eunice, the number of debt has now hit 24927 with nearly a 63000 injured honeymoon it has this report from russia in southern garza so does is of palestinians have been killed and is really strikes on han units in the past. few, the. the old bel air area of gauze, the 2nd largest city, has in sustain tax northeast hospital. the largest remaining functional medical facility in gaza is packed with the did n one is ready. the army has released video fits these, shows its forces pushing into hon. eunice and engaging in house to house battles in central dogs, a city near a super hospital,
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more is rarely bombarded in central dogs. a young boy pointed to where he said, buried his father. so i don't know how much i have no want to know who's going to look up to us? why do we have to go through this way? my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old to all the streets, so she's the neighborhood of god. the 50 resembles a waste plant. no building is untouched by the war. each day brings with it a search for more bodies, friends, and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. any attempt to move the different parts of garza can cost you your life to stay internet. now we have been to every hardship you could ever imagine any person who dares to give the center or
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try to go back to his home is fired on by that. is there any soldiers? any moving person is a target to the is it you know i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my the just the go. yeah. and 1st are further north india value. the palestine with creston society does what it can for victims of is really showing was valve bone. words appear to have been partially restored parts of dollars and have been in the grip of communication and black out for more than a week. it has made life difficult for palestinians and agencies. they're trying to get a into gaza. many go to the beach to try and pick up a signal, a safe case. the people behind me came to check on their friends and family and loved ones because there was no possibility of communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot reach from that on file. i have to find eunice and so drop off. we are facing great difficulty raising phones. hi d,
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anxiously awaiting news. any news or from their loved ones kind of my mode. i just did a rough box, southern garza of, well the few hospitals and dogs are the still operating happiness as well. and with large numbers of patients, these are the scenes at the heart of hospital in the central city, the apollo adults as, as a struggling to cope without basic and authentic medicine. they've also enjoyed stretched by is ready forces. target to zoom is in reference, southern drugs retired well come on to the hospitals and the 2nd the 1st understand that'd be most strikes. oh yes, uh completely within the past hour with the same news strikes. and today you may have been observing that there was a very remarkable set to bet strikes a cruise causes. busy to the south only 2 minutes ago and used twice before, which had targeted uh, power steering call. that was the weekly hits,
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but news valley me style. uh that completely uh kills. i don't post our citizens and painted also some of the passengers who were uh, driving this car, no accidents, as from a way to hospital when to bring the casualties and the victims from the location of the targeting them. now this as strike had been conducted in the area that supposed to be as a safe service for the majority of kansas who have been clean for long weeks. you know, would it be protected inside box sally? there was no any safe place as the o areas of the church we had been. i talked about why, what just during the last 24 hours, 165 palestinians at least being killed in different air strikes that's being conducted in calling you to city on the wrong side with different areas in the middle regions. i'm side with the north where at least in calling you to 11 palestinians have their reported killed since the 80 hours of today is morning. well, we can see there was a gradual increase of the tub. overflowing goth, residential houses, the long side which a close compact between our mazda appliances and the is very so just by the
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situation is getting also much more difficult in the news and central areas. as we have been observing. can you read deployments to the east? very small life is and forces in different neighborhoods of cause a central areas are, are talking about and i'm post i was sitting on said they've been killed in big law . his house off to the destruction of residential houses alongside with the systematic military campaign to force people to sleep from central neighborhoods of kansas city were at least more than 280 at palestinians have been injured. resulted from the relentless, bombardments of the church within the cost of 24 hours. yeah, it's all right. we can see evidence of these really activity in the skies. because of right now we've been talking about the hospitals. what about the pressure almost what the, what about what people do when they need care and they can access one of the few functioning hospitals there? uh we're literally the situation that is
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completely catastrophe as uh, hospitalization. medical sucks so well the main of full components for the study will ongoing as a strip, as the vast majority of hospitals had been damaged, have become out of service due to the widest scale offensive, of course, cause i know we have very few numbers of hospitals through rating on which is over, which are overwhelmed with patients and in the people who are really struggling to receive a different treatment. and these hospitals, it's a, it's ongoing shortage. and the lack of medical supplies, despite old amounts that had been entered within the last few weeks inside the church. people use hospitals are suffering also and struggling with uh, fluids and get off amounts of oxygen for a new born, a 3 by 2 babies alongside that. they are also trying to tie loosely, keep the pointing treatments for the injured people who are arriving to hospitals on daily basis as we have been seeing, hundreds of kind of thing is uh, being changes on daily basis and every single hour uh,
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within the past few weeks but literally as we have been hearing from medical, expedite that situation is getting much more dalia as hospitals are not just only right now places for treatment but tend to be nice show for people who did not find any place in order to be protected or to live inside as different boards and the fields made by the international organizations. alongside with the kind of city ministry built in gauze requiring and feeling for an urgent intervention of unconditional medical supplies of cordial individual at least to help the medical sector to keep providing a treatment for the injuries that keep fully every day. of course cause a yup is a very, very difficult situation to target, rosie in reference of him does a thank you. the 4 hundreds of israelis have taken to the streets of heifer demonte, going into the ward deal to exchange captives. attentions were high with local police trying to stop the demonstration from happening. the supreme court allowed it's go ahead with police agreeing to
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a crowd limit of 700 people offices with deployed to paris square, where a number of people were removed by me. well, some of the families, if it's ready caps is being held him. does the camping outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his house? they say they won't leave until next, you know, meets with them. one father is taking a 24 hour from the start. government says a $136.00 is raising for nationals. are still being held in cost us or the government funded basically the death of we came here and i am on hunger strike. we expect these really prime minister to come out and talk to me until then we will not leave this place if he leaves. we will follow him hand in hand. we are here. we will not leave him until the hostages are back and we will be with him all day. we left them a quote of the associate chevy. donnelly is billing we demand that he meets with us . explain. explain. which deal he will choose an end this hosted saga. within 3 days. they should return home to us, all of them. we will not accept any phases within the occupied westbank, dozens of his reading sacraments of a type kind of thing. and she pub is in
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a village place ramallah publishing inside the settlers, 5 bullets of them and tried to steal their animals. village council was told out 0, the attack is came from the recently established testament outpaced is really sharp rise and set to attacks since is real begun. it's for ongoing. in october. well, hundreds of mourners have attended the funeral of a 17 year old palestinian boy killed on friday in the occupied westbank topic. a jack was shot dead by his ready forces in a small town east of ramallah. his party was draped to the palestinian flag is mourners carried him through the streets. jack was also a us citizen and also as if the white house, it was seriously concerned doctor reports of his death to matched the rest of the head. here now does 0 for the 1st time and nearly a month. us president joe biden springs to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to discuss the differences of a palestinian statehood. to see it,
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i'd be the fantastic season i was the, the best of all score in support. christy on it right now, they're advising verbal shots to be driving on here with that story. the how i welcome to look at the international forecast. so we'll start with a good bit. we've got lots of lots people in sunshine. it was a good talk to about and tina into uruguay while i'm alive, the cloud that just around power requirement most for the reese was heading over towards the re i big down, pulls lively showers on the spells to find time. but just getting notes back, cause the winds come in from a southerly direction as we go through sundays the $28.00 celsius, which is the sum of the temperature, the, the point of service, which will still be in the sunshine sunshine to the, into the fault with all and 17 celsius and poll stanley then sunday afternoon,
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also warm sunshine. meanwhile, across the caravan, it's looking good here. maybe the fleeting shower just rolling through the knowledge as we go through. so that's, that was the weather across western bodies pops. i went to central america, home, jewish, for example, southern areas of mexico seems a big down pause lobby rather just making his way towards policing. so you haven't right, of coming across the great toronto is the sunday, but it does clear through with most sunshine, it's a fact, but it's sunshine too. it's a centralization, positive us, but it's, it's cold. sunshine is sparkling sunshine of these temperatures, sub 0 for many. they've been dallas struggling to get to 3 degrees when she weather just around the eastern seaboard. we'll put out. so the way brought us guys come back in. it does state code and this yet most. no, i'm right. so the west a vague. i mean, the artificial intelligence has altering the political landscape. how can we,
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as humans trust to you the machines trust is und not given? as a defendant from becomes more powerful, i believe it's important to build trust to transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a democracy or not just the, to the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the already watching out is there are more of our top story is this uh, and it's ready for us as of killed at least a $165.00 palestinians in southern guns, and since thursday bombings in the call units, neighborhood amount killed, 18 people and wounded does is more and is really drone strength is repeatedly killed to his beloved members of the southern lebanon, who talked, talked to the vehicle in the time to talk to the phone as a reason to talk and which senior, how much leader was assassinated in the liberties capital for members of around the
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revolutionary god has been killed in i'm as dried in the domestic syrian state media. so the truck is gold fines' rep, striking the residential building in the l. mm hm. is that as you can see from a lady's pictures from northern gauze, ignite is folded across the only donhauser and is very much. is there any minute? 3 activity on gay as we have from all correspond to target resume in the south. it strikes continually. you can see evidence of that activity right now. of us present. joe biden is hilda franco. these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu comes after rising tensions and growing frustrations in the bite and administration about the policies of the israeli prime minister, official reports now from washington. dc. joe biden was one of the 1st well leaders to visit israel after october. the 7th. the 2 leaders have spoken often sent
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a note even after it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu again, publicly rejected the us policy of an independent policy type despite and is reluctant to abandon him as to the white house. if a 2 state solution was impossible with nic and yahoo in power, he replied sharply, no, and rejected the idea of cutting aid in response to such a public disagreement and the number of sites to states. and this number of countries that are members that are still in so there's ways in which is the 2 leaders spoke on friday. the 1st call in 26 days a site. many observers believe, of growing frustration in washington. the israel continues to undermine the president. when scaling back the war,
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when avoiding civilian casualties on the future. but the white house says the coal had been in the works for a while, and there was no split between the 2 governments. this isn't about, you know, try to twist to somebody's arm or, or, or force of change and they're thinking, president a sorry, prime minister netanyahu is, does make clear he's concerned about that. president biden is made clear his strong conviction that a 2 state solution is still the right path ahead. one on the list says in an election year, biden is making a huge miss calculation by no publicly criticizing netanyahu. politically, this is a disaster for her buying. i think he frankly is just not ideal. i could tell you really believes in the is really projects and it is wedded to there's an i e and assumption that by being nice enough in yard it will be, might be able to get these relays to compromise. even though that has been shown over and over again, but that's simply does not work us lawmakers to be largely supportive of israel are
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set to be going for stated with yahoo and insist by ruling out a 2 state solution. he's also rolling out a long term peace settlement, and that's why biden is talking about a, because some considering changing the conditions, put america's multi $1000000.00 support for israel. alan fisher. i'll just go to washington without 0 seen in political unless mom bizarre says anything less than a 2 state solution is a disadvantage for the palestinian people. it doesn't work because if you're live in the west bank and you are and your all your board, those are is read. if you don't have international border control is the jordan river. right. this is the west bank. this is right. that's the jordan river, is that a control is enjoying the river. it means the spend does not have international borders. me just on the front of me, it's not a state you can afford with whatever you want, but it's not a ton of me. second,
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when you say i want to have security to control security control not says it's can be disarmed or not palmed. ready whatever, which means by the way, protector is not a sovereign state. but the idea that is that i would maintain control that brings a whole bunch of a problem. and one that colonialism continues to that. the occupation continues free. that is the then has the right to interfere minutes out or whatever it's once in palestine, which means part of sign can never be taught any safe. because what is before and after 75 years of started go this position, occupation seat. and what is the point of some $25000.00 people or the dialogue? and then they, there's no solver and pay for the palestinians to spend what hundreds have got it in the capital madrid $20.00 for an end to israel's war on jobs and just towards the other spanish cities also holding solidarity markets of palestine
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. they bought the government to cut ties with his ro, i suppose it, well said becky, so i've africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. the. the test is angry with the presence of his really businessman at the jewelry fair with the attorney. and so to pretend a fault with police, some of the demonstrated through smoke farms that police, when he responded with water kind of the fact itself is not impacted by demonstration or in the reports of any injuries. or despite all the pain and destruction pulls by israel's war and gaza, a young palestinian couple decided to move forward with that wedding plans and celebrate you beginnings. catch you laboratory on assessed, or it's a big day for mohammed and show hot. the young couple just got married,
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but it's not the wedding they had dreamed of. going to be for like thousands of palestinians. they've been displaced by the war in gauze. those tent and bravo is now their home friends decorated as best they could instead of a beauty salon for the bride, she will have to make do with available, make a products the wedding cake replaced with a bowl of snacks. but that is what i'm like. everyone else wants to nice policy and a wedding will not have tenants. but all i belong, the good still. we need to send gold for everything. for months, the couple plans and saved for their wedding. both their homes were destroyed in costa city, the bride's a wedding dress, and the grooms new furniture all gone down and put them up as the site. but when, when my door, she thinks about it, she starts to cry. i tell her, don't cry. it's just money, all of us are here,
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but the truth is all happiness is incomplete because most of all family isn't to. we can't reach them and some of our relatives have died in the war. it may not be an ideal setting. living and a 10 city with constant reminders of war. it's also an opportunity they say to celebrate perhaps more intensely moments of joy. but also the sadness is all around us. but we need to create the glamorous despite everything. and so to honor new beginnings, guest celebrate mohammed and show how it's a new chapter. it's not the glamorous wedding day took for, but the family says in a way it feels more special in a way to also celebrate life. loves and resilience even. um it costs you a little bit. so again, just here the
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alright, let's take a look at some of the other stories making use around the world. and the war and jobs are, is dominated the meat of the non aligned movement. this year. lead is from a 120 nations to be made in uganda, where you and certainly general entity, antonio gutierrez, is expected to speak shortly. after we talk on then, this is not the one you got and humanitarian federal and d months, an immediate and to the and just the war against the senior people. and for the immediate implementation of the 2 states solution, the no lasting piece in the middle is without settling the strategy part listed in conflict. we believe that the last thing solution can be possible to and budget
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mental funding defendants folded in and jo, graphically a contagious state of palestine based on 1967 borders, which is jerusalem as it is capital to say what is the non aligned movement as well it was founded in belgrade in 1961 by india, in today's your egypt gone. and what was in this love you, the cold war between the united states and the soviet union was dominating labeled diplomacy. members of the block wanted to make clear that independence and focus attention on the developing. well, the group says it's opposed to what it calls imperialism for an aggression and politics. it's going to include a $120.00 members to meet every 3 or 4 years. that's close to all those the jabari who has more in this from the composite and also to say we're waiting to hear from you and say general and tony gutierrez, but we've heard from lots of other people in jobs that has dominated this meeting
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of the certainly and uh, its been at the forefront of all the discussions that have been taking place here. the heads of states that arrived in the capital of you got done on fridays, took the opportunity to address the ongoing war in gaza. and as they have now agreed on the f, what is known as the compiler declaration. it is a communicate that's been approved by 120 member body of now, and it is hello sign is at the forefront within the 1st 10 major points of the 2nd generation. this body is now calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and an urgent need for the officials in the policy and charters to release those hostages. and for there to be some kind of a resolution to this conflict and they urge as he is released to reduce the hostilities and to stop from arguments of cause. and they also reiterate to their
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support for south africa who has taken as a case of possible a genocide to the international court of justice. so there's been a lot of discussion about paula side of the forefront of this meeting. and this kampala declaration makes it very clear that according to 120 members of this organization, which make up 55 percent of the roles population that represents a huge number of people around the globe. that there has to be an immediate end to this conflict. because the insecurity has far reaching consequences not only in the middle east, but also in other areas in the world. it's interesting to us reasoning because we heard endlessly with little effect from the un security council. there's been pretty much deafening silence and gauze, or devil's at yet. here we have a more unified and an order bull voice certainly, and i have to tell you the speaking of the of us, the un secretary general, landed in a and have
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a overnights and he's due to speak shortly in the conference hall just behind me. he's here to deliver the closing remarks before this uh, summit is brought to an end by the president of you can though you were even so many. and the secretary general is expected to take this opportunity again to reiterate his position that there must be a see in immediate as you might as harry and see spar. and he's clearly using this summit as another platform to deliver that message. of course, we'll keep a close watch on those comments that are going to be made by antonio terrace, but certainly cause the forefront. there's been some other regional conflicts that have also been discussed. the ongoing political disputes between somalia and issue as well as the conflict. continuing into john, but the highlights and the main issue at the forefront of the summit has been the palestinian issue. those are things that will be back with us when we see until the
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gutierrez, about to speak of it. thanks very much. in the meantime, i still have it now. is there a sign? it will have what i'm supposed to use? that's right. and that will have details of another surprise result from the asian cup here in casa. and we've got more football as are small, get the prime indeed, casual campaign back on track the groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker? watch. listen. witness. on file, just being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been wrong. that as by the noise is
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a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the
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software now layer void it to show the fee to in their asian cup. a good game against jordan song, him being for team and needed the late own goal to rescue a to, to droll far smell reports. a jordan faced a tall order heading into this encounter with south korea. the never previously beaten the 2 time champions. so korean fans are hoping this will be the year, the countries long titled ro comes to an end. jordan is very amazing team as well, but the thing is curious degree, it is wine, so no doubt to be a 3 to 0 today. so creating confidence appeared well placed when their team won an early penalty to an employer and national team captain. so in humans stepping up to score his 1st floor of the tournament, the door to maybe rank 64 places below. since korea, they went on to dominate the house and go by park young, we give to jordan in the course
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and just for some time, yes, in all 9 meant for this country is the 2nd who wrote more frustration system reading, jordan minutes away from the same as sick treatment tone, yes. in our own goals. finished in a to, to draw through at about 2 in the last moment. uh they scored the goal and said it was an own good. so that really made me said that little bit, but things good. it was uh, they're all better than adult career team. actually i thought it too much better, but today it's okay, but maybe yeah, what's the very well the note on the top of. 2 both teams are well playing and reaching in there are
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thousands, 0 is also mama stadium a parcel i have returned to permanente jackson with the crossing when at the emerald stadium, the gun a smash fellow london club at crystal palace steps 5. now gabrielle maci nearly was particularly impressive of his full twice and in 3 times having coming on as a sub. the result is a release for the gunners having suffered really defeats in december to take them up to the 2 points behind me. this never will say again, this christiano and all those as the saudi pro league is better than frost is a top division of the he won the science of play of the year at the globe soccer was in dubai. it's been just over a year since he made his highly publicized move up from that just to united to and also if it is 2023 was $54.00 goals from $59.00 matches at 4 clubs and country
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ahead of the life of hurricane k. and buffy and earnings guidance, they can say whatever they want is just my opinion and i play that one year. so i know what i'm talking about. but i think right now we have a better than 1st week so we feel improve the uh was the, the best goal score. imagine to be the name of the young lions like all and for example, the, with the goals. so i'm proud. i'm 79 soon. and i'm still looking goods the last week now messy one says play of the year award that messy it has been reunited. that was former barcelona team and do as far as the us. and so now i may have failed to find the net to as the pre season schedule began with a nail. now drew a guess also for the national to monitor that will miss at least 2 games at the ask a couple of nations off that he saw for the hand spring injury in egypt. stroll
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with gun on thursday. the 7 time time is in need to beat cape verde and the final group that to, to be assured of reaching the knockout rounds, the team doctor revealed. he'll be out until if he's the quote, the final say that should they get that far? it will be a concern to live a pull to sala has only mishandled the games in over 6 seasons for the club. so this format livable team inside your money. it was on the school she to as senegal defeated. cameroon, the 31 goals from the it's maria star and had the, the idol for the defending champions and control before. and that's of start provided the finishing touch to the bit 3. set a goal, lead the way in group, see lots of restroom to the knockouts is now out of hammers. okay, but the book fair plays in the wrong, the 16 with the 3, you know, between doesn't was on be a couple of excellent goals and this one full mattress. so united full would be
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that striking this free kick it to make it one. now captain ryan mendez this for the for kevin tina made it 3 now and i'm fasick fashion paper deal guaranteed to win tennis and well number one, e g as long as it has been knocked out. so bill straying opened us. he was beaten by teenager lin. diagnosed a lot in around 319 year old and his color. it's lang at this, dormant for the 1st time the czech republic plan did lose the 1st set. it gets a full time grab some checking back, missed a lot, a hit back to in in recess. and bring an end to slide $618.00 match on beaten one, already had best ever performance. at a glance when i was speechless, obviously i knew is going to be an amazing match. referral number one and such a player. but i didn't really think that it would and this but i'm just really,
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i'm just really glad the fruit is wrong. us in the menstrual carlos i've tried us to is through to the full down to of the for the 1st time off that his opponent sang, sang that was tied early in the said, says it was time. grandson champion one the 1st who set 6161 before his 18 year old opponent, with tides due to a leg injury. it was the 1st time i've had us that has placed a younger opponent and a top level. that image with a brief pause. felix or j, i assume it in a straight set to reach the full round bit of 812636463 faces the on see the, you know, for guess next the russian what we call the thing he says final or 4 years and he can return to number one in the world if you will. suffice to cover noise will also play in his fist as a full round match at smelled and talk often he beat 11th. see that. caspar ruth no . it defeated the 3 time grand slam,
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finest and full set is the highest rank opponent nor has ever beaten as the glass and the rising lies of teenage dots star luke littler shows no sign of slowing down off the finishing as one or up. the actor was happy shipped a 16 year old from england has now one who says to new titles, leasing michael benjamin netherland. that's it for me. next sunday. thanks very much. the for that is that is it for this job in a bit of not the what constitutes exempt. so we can talk here. see, i want you to start with just the fact whether as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in the policy i'm. it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefit knowing that was the service of the claimant and you're
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saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of truth. as the war with rush of wages on an internal thought is escalating the new claim. there will be more p t. a state there will be flashbacks . many civilians will find it's difficult to understand. a one of the biggest mental health crises of living memory mindset meets the therapist helping ukraine. soldiers, families, what is your desired outcome for the patients that come through the store to make a purse and wants to live? the sirens sound as ambulances from across the main island to punch you race to rescue people in need. suddenly, a warning to halt. there is
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a $5.00 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrive that note to some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people called home, they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be. in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue . the the other one, the clock is in use on life and death coming up the next 60 minutes. the wrong promises revenge, alternate striking syria kills 5 members of its revolutionary government is rarely
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a tax hit southern dogs, or at least a $165.00 palestinians have been killed since the settler tax increase in the


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