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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm AST

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really, people of the household, they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be. in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts, supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. the . ready the other on the clock, this is in use on life and coming up the next 60 minutes. the wrong promises revenge, alternate striking syria kills 5 members of its revolutionary government is rarely a tax hit southern dogs, or at least a $165.00 palestinians have been kilten, says,
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settler tax increase in the occupied westbank, the latest targeting policy. she does now remodel the hundreds of israelis in high foot protest against the war and gaza despite the heavy the so it is $1600.00. as jim t, that is 7 pm in syria where an strikers hit the residential building in damascus. it runs revolutionary. god says 5, it's ministry advisors were killed, along with several civilians are on the claims israel for the attack and is filed revenge. the target was in the midst of districts, which is in the south west of the capital area is home to see if it goes in the syrian government as well. it's been hitting targets in the country in recent months, as i saw. no, sir, john,
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we heard the sound of 3 consecutive explosions, the talking to the building here behind us. as you know, we were shocked and shaken. everything is broken, offensive. the building flew from the building that was struck and then came into outlook should be sometimes called there was no one that we know, but it's across live now to wrestle side his entire on it and sir russell 1st out, what more do we know about this? well, do you run your reputation for gospel? now i've seen the 5 of the or senior members are killed earlier today. they were, they were saying that there are 4 members have are now the confirming that the 50 member who was injured have died has died in the hospital in damascus. so the relation to guards are not providing further details regarding the rank and the titles of the members have a better deport. i've seen that particularly tools them with quite the senior members, even one of them now who just to allow me to what was the head of the intentions units of quotes forces, which is the immediate units for the running of evolution to cards that are
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conducting and coordinating randy and activities and operations across the region and also cheese deputies. so if these reports are confirmed, then the can say that this is a huge blow to the iranian assets in, in syria. and we have seen that this kind of, as a summation, particularly in the recent months or 2 can more and more frequently in, in, in place. now the reading and for the ministry is saying that these kind of actions of his ram is showing which kind of desperation israel is in. and also seeing that it's clearly violating the supplement and the territory integrity of syria. and also sort of the destabilizing the region that it saves the rest of the story. i'm going to have to interrupt you jumping in there because i'm trying to get tears is addressing the needs even on the line move in components so well on low level sophie, but most people got my bill, my said, and that is what defense corporation support thing
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comes as they have the best for the full, the colonize ation. most things today that they cannot make developments in the global cells and championing the pillars of peace dialogue, diplomacy of corporation. we see clear conversions between the principles of un chattanooga and the bundle, easy pose of the live movements and the way a very important role as united nations, a significant company boat, the student peacekeeping, forces the support of the whole work to uphold. do not use masons chatter international law and human rights as champions of solely that 18 times of prizes in golding during adoptive academy binding. but that me and then your throne call for really me nation of nuclear weapons. excellent. sees ladies and gentlemen. the summits falls at another moment. the 50 vision political themselves are rising
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. democracy 0 the white balkan easement. next to me is money increasing. our climate is breaking down. poverty and the policies are rife and developing world faces. it's weak because it cannot be gross in decades and more countries than ever struggling with deputies. but as our defaults, human rights international law, the geneva convention and you've been shot that are being floating with impunity and golfing side right. jenkins. what are we fighting from? so the 2 could i to gaza, the following, the voters, i mouse effects on 7 on top of the whole set of destruction of guns and the number of civilian casualties caused by these very odd to me in such a short period. i totally unprecedented getting my mandates and this
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includes 162 of auto, new and stuff members. heartbreaking friends would be for the organization for their families. and for those they were serving in gaza. why we benefited what goods i'm doing the best to deliver the lives they face cost and bombardments daily . they can just do it themselves and their families and the not most coast that i'm supposed by demons, roads, communication, blackouts and accessed the miles. meanwhile, disease and good deepening people out of dying not only from palms and bullets, but what i'm like a for the clean wants us hospitals with all the board and medicine and good in general is do even smaller slaves of lands to escape the fighting. these must stop . i would love to be landsey. my call for the media is here, but it's already in the ceasefire and the media and unconditionally. these
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velocities, as we must go all weekend to prevents below, over these conflicts across the region in the west bank, across the blue line between israel and lebanon, a named city, a consider, etc. excellence has the refusal to accept the 2 state solution for these railways on palestinians and the denial of the right to state tools for the policy and people unacceptable. these will be indefinitely pro longer conflict that has become a major so that the global peace and security exacerbates, pull it, i zation and then bold the x. that means every, with the rights of the palestinian people build their own states must be recognized by oh, excellent. seas within this swede live at a set of disability. i see new opportunities for the countries and the new one on
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the line movement to leads. these meetings, theme, barnes, the way the print corporation for shared global affluence. but what does this mean in practical terms? first global f was, depends on piece b, this means focusing on prevention dialogue, a mediation visions. and this is conflicts. these require, it is easy to say that the reflect today as well, not the well the a d as a go. and the security council is a prime example the world. so what do you mean? it's platform for these over on global disputes is spread allies by jo political revisions that's blocking effective solutions your movements as long i liked the, the counsel systemic shortcomings. and the needs for the farms to make it strongly effective. and 3 presented to you all. can we accept that the african continent, steel, lex, a single permanence member. september's summit of the future is
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a unique opportunity to consider the farms to be solutions and global governors, and promote ideas to do breasts and spencer multi level corporation. the proposal new agenda for these sets of these are the property venue, preventing conflict. suspending piece and advancing developments is incorrect, so commitment to all human rights cereal, political, economic, social, and cultural. it includes initiatives around these ottoman beckoning federal each month and a special crime. and managing so that supposed by lead to a lot of those weapons and that'd be officially intelligence. and these calls for the new generation of peace operations, including peace enforcement, then gone to federal is what protections last by digital product. and it's not simply the african union. we disagree as it goes on monday, the chapter 7 of you and johnson, supported by getting seeds funding, including 3,
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when assessed contributions. so it goes, it goes to the rest of the resolution on these issue is a major step forward. and when that, the ottoman but as, as well as myself, as long as okay, 2 seconds piece requires a sustainable development. we are moving backward, seen that shipping, the sustainable development goals, people are going hungry. communities like access to health care greenwald. so like $360.00 and proper sanitation. families are struggling to make ends meet without social protection and safety nets. and children of the night education developing countries need resources to overcome these challenges. and these required is immediate depth, really. and very generally good use special drawing rides. it means the farming then all the fees and stuff and then fed global financial system. that's why, what does it solve this mostly which countries and that's proven unable to provide
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the global safety net, in particular to developing countries in this. but this is all countries go in the extra mile 12. okay. data budgets wisely investigate education, else nutrition and social protection systems. and this means that i think the social cohesion of societies that's holding fundamental human rights. because lising the rights of minorities and spending golf little farms of discrimination accept them. but as, as to do some, it's, well, we have the top to the political declaration. the demo state is clear. so bought for the last, the disagreement. it was a $500000000000.00 us dollars, but years. and they also support the dollar longstanding goal for the form of the global financial options extra, including the benefit of the system to better respond to the needs of developing countries, making it's fully present. the theme of to day is global economy and not the one that existed after the 2nd world war. and that's called the 28th concert is open as
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utilize the long awaited loss of damage funds to support those governors most abominable to the devastation wrought by climate change. but it's gone to the voice and so far and been me that is a yeah. you in the general, that's kind of gutierrez addressing the non aligned movements in come, paula, giving the crazy remarks, air and fight. fixing very much on garza and saying that to israel did not have the right to state which a palace to me and people is unacceptable. let's cross out drugs. here's dosage of bar in tulsa. it's interesting is that because while the un security council couldn't agree and dev austin devil's the world, economic for minute silence. pretty much definitely ever goes to the non live moving to spoken with a more unified voice and entity gutierrez was talking about the absolutely, i think the secretary general really highlighted at how this organization,
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the non align movement that was formed. and 9 to 61 made up of 126 number of states is able to actually have some kind of a common voice without it. despite the divisions, the countries may have with one another. they have been able to put out a declaration known as the composite exploration in which the palestinian issue is at the forefront of a calling for an immediate cease fire. and an end to the he is rarely indiscriminate bombardment of the gaza strip. and this happens at the end of a 6 based summit know the secretary general making an appearance here and making it very clear that this organization has been able to achieve all of this. given the fact that they also are there are founded on the similar principles as the united nations was. and there's a lot of similarities between the 2 bodies. but this one, the non aligned movement, has been able to put aside its differences and reach agreements and declarations
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and ideas to put forth to be able to move forward towards a more secure and stable region for their um member states. he said one point very specifically, i think i wanna highlight, he said the united nations security council has been paralyzed by jew political divisions. he said it's on fathomable that at this point in history, the united nations security council does not have representation from this. the african continents and that's something that, of course, needs to be address. i think that the secretary general using this platform to really highlights the urgency for and as the gas of war to come to an end and putting more pressure on the state of israel. and of course, to compile a declaration that has been approved here in the capital of gone the high lights at those points as well. but they also did discuss other regional issues. the conflict between small, the and e. c, o, p a, as well as the ongoing fighting and so down of course have also been discussed here
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over there is a sense that this is the non aligned movement is becoming more a more important and significant and effective. then some of the major western bodies that we've had for decades now. yep. we compile the declaration, the unified ending to the unlikely meeting adults. and thanks very much by reporting that from kampala. now an iraqi military base hosting us forces has been attacked. rocket fight struck the i know the side a base in western iraq coalition. troops return fire launching more than a dozen strikes the speak to them, offered up to what i had. in fact that my me to tell us more. what more we know about this of the while you're watching media outlets affiliated with the data on the line to a rocky. i'm with groups it say that to the i said the database has been targeted
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with what they describe as a major garage of rockets. now they have been reports about injuries, especially within iraq emitted tree forces tests could with protecting the base, protecting the u. s. forces inside the base. now the u. s. a state, excuse me, to do us. the department of defense is currently evaluating the situation. now we know that the i need a should be, is, is one of the major basis hosting us forces in iraq. and it has received the dozens of attacks over the past 3 months, along with other and us and coalition forces minutes, the facilities in new york and city, i told cut it out by eat on, aligned with the groups because they accuse the united states of standing as a major supporter of the it is raise the ministry campaign against the guys,
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and they threaten all of us to escalate as long as the u. s. as backing is what is a campaign on? because they are threatened to escalate the attacks. in fact, they have been at the posts about ballistic missiles used in attacks against a f i n. and i said, now we know for certain that there have been counter attacks by the us targeting get locations, especially those that the fire against the and it so that, that came from me. thanks to that my mood. i'll go ahead with that update that from bank that thank you. what's happening is most recent, attacked in southern lebanon island, and his rating drains dry, cuz repeatedly killed to his beloved members in southern lebanon. they talked talking to the vehicle in the town, and as of yet i just follow is a reason to tie can, which is see me. i'm actually that was assassinated in the liberties capital. and run con as more for us from a board l. but i just south of bay route it has been confirmed for us that
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the west who has the law members, they were mid level offices within the organizations, technical experts and drones. apparently that plays around midday local cycles, easiest thing about this is where it's a place to place. and elbows are they have which is about $25.00. columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea weeks. however, these attacks have been happening, the killing on january, 2nd of all, it really does any of us vigor in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago, which i'm alex will, who was a senior local commander in the south of 11 on for hezbollah. was killed incredibly sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drugs. so although they say it's going to be a blow to hezbollah in terms of the technical aspect of $70000.00 and the senior
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leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or then that's hurley. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deeper into his writing territory. but they types in syria and the right kind and loving income is rel, continues to bomb across the goals and stripping the driving fee is that the war and gas it could lead to a reasonable conflict? i'm in safari is jordan's for administer? and he says the violence could easily spread from the very beginning. we warrant that to this, i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent added to that, no, that is a foreign minister, might be the contest the prob, looking yeah, uh, compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay the political reckoning that he would have to face. and also to navigate
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around the differences that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future as so to listen to the impact of that to the difference. would they be less than others? and to delay the police get a reckoning. yeah. 5 minutes and it's you know, it might be working towards the booking or the bronze to which he would drug the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict sun for a minute. so what is jordan? what all arab states doing to try and prevent that spillover? and frankly, is it enough? i mean we, we always reject the dots. we've always said this would only mean war, so any is ready for positions, particularly by this government to maintain control over the by the assuming directors, including guidelines do is east towards the something that we've always that again . so we continue to start the guest and we continue to write
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a bunch of opinion and proceeds on this on the danger. and here i have to allow understanding of how to proceed with this policy. as i said, we're all working to but for what, because as we or the consultation, it's not a question of plans to be honest, it's a question of what the weight of a base. right. and so we can gauge and i serious on negotiation. so actually based on the weight of it and not have community to take action against as well, if it continues to deny this region. uh, the, the, the, the piece that it deserves from the courts. here, as i said, we support because the top i pick up that have made we will supplement when they try floor submissions of the legal arguments that comes in. well, if the procedures on that is relevant so far as codes for a to allow the internationally recognized palestinian authority to govern both guys when you occupied, westbank vida, is apparently washington's preferred option. what is drawing these done? we started, i mean, as we said from the very beginning, uh guys that is boston,
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boston, it'd be a good idea to send it to or 3, any discussion of guys. and the doctor has to be bought. the boss of a road or a purchase would include the occupied was back in a 2 by 2 settings and we do not accept any. is there any presidents in guys and or do we upset that he's only been sort of i mean, parts of guys have this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning of this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing and this is something that's for, for, for the world to recognize even to us which is providing aside with support says here's why it has to conduct the aggregation and it. ready does with international, it's not, it says the is right, has to allow, is sufficient to many can supplies them together. it is not. it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza disconnected. stay the same government the same. you know, it will not that out of that. so i think it should be clear to people well know which party is responsible for the tide or that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsible for the night. a lot of the gender piece of deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've
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got to remember as, as i at the beginning is with the technician on god. it is also conducting a wire to. ready the west bank where it's a sort of gauging that as soon as you can, obviously it's denied that i took the warship with muslims and christians. it is uh, getting the best in your hands editing palestinians. and we have to remember that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response was born and that it was not ex fluids. and under the pressure for him is what he had, this is policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dance or a scenario which was even pub boys. the more serious types of driving us all into eddie's, that expansion of doing this work. and that's how you made a little more on the situation on the ground and the gaza strip down at least 165 percent of students are being killed since thursday. is ready for his card out at strikes and shell targets overnight and into the morning and con units number of
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dead has now hit to 24927 with nearly a 63000 injured honey. my mood has this report now for rafa in southern gauze, does the palestinians have been killed and is really strikes on han eunice in the past few days. the bel air area of gauze, the 2nd largest city, has been sustained tax northside hospital. the largest remaining functional medical facility in gaza is packed with the did n one is ready, the army has released the video bit saves shows its forces, pushing into hon. eunice and engaging in house to house paddles in central garza city, near the hospital, more is really bombards in central dogs and a young boy pointed to where he said,
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buried his father. i don't know how much i have no water, no food. who was going to look after us? why do we have to go through? this is the way my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old, so all the streets of his neighborhood of god. the city resembles a waste plan. no building is untouched by the war. each day brings with it a search for more bodies, friends, and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. any attempt to move the different parts of garza can cost you your life to stay internet. now we have been to every hardship you could ever imagine any person who dares to give the center or try to go back to his home is fired on by that. is there any soldiers, any moving person is a target to the incident? you know, i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my,
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the just the go on 1st are further north india value. the palestine with creston society does what it cancel. the victims of is really showing was old bone words appear to have been partially restored parts of dollars and have been in the grip of communication and black out for more than a week. it has made life difficult for palestinians and agencies. they're trying to get a into gaza many go to the beach to try and pick up a signal, a safe case. the people behind me came to check them, their friends, family, and loved ones, because there was no possibility of communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot reach from that on file. i have to find eunice and so it off off of the, i mean we are facing great difficulty raising phones. high d, anxiously awaiting news. any news or from their loved ones? kind of my lord, i just did a rough box,
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southern gaza or the few hospitals in jones. it is still operating have been as well with large numbers of patients. these are the scenes at the la issue had hospital, which is in the central city of the butler adults as i say, they're struggling to cope without basic and assess medicine. they've also enjoyed the threats by israeli forces. a target resume is in a rough or in southern gauze as a target 1st up, but tell us more about this pressure on the hospitals and what people do when they need care and con, access as well. generally this process considered to be completely on president that since the beginning of this round of fighting and clearly what we're seeing right now, of course, the partially functioning cost patrols in the southern parts of the territory they are facing. and then pressure due to the worst men made catastrophe made by the us, by the forces of their own government expands. and if the military operations on areas that are supposed to be safe zone for the majority of thousands. right now
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we've been seeing how hospitals are on the crowded with patients with injuries as docs is trying to do the best on the very notable the shortage of medical supplies to keep providing treatments for the patients and the in get people who are arriving to the hospital on an hourly basis, we are talking about mood, son says he hospitals have to come out of service and i'm functioning right now alongside with more than 150 health care medical centers, of course, the territory. and this is completely a part of the systematic genocide, blood talk against hospital and the long side that these hospitals have been. the focus for the focus point of views body were ongoing as a strip as they have set them as a cli targets, as they are saying that they are being used for military purposes. but right now we've been seeing how hospitals the hospital rates and are struggling to keep providing. but dakota, us, patients are receiving a treatment overflow. docsis, due to the lack of medical supplies on the black house, also of the flu city,
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that they are using their candles, the small lights in order to lice and to see how they are rating. and also to provide a very primitive medical care for the injured people. also the units that earlier today had said that more than 20000 palestinians shop being born without anesthesia . and this is completely something in human such women inside guns out b, c, or in golf as hospitals are completely right now overwhelmed with indian people and patients. and this is not only the mess up, but also protect and to beat muscle shoals off for a vacuum. useful runs on straight from the desk from separate parts of the gaza strip right now. residing as such, hospitals the are still functioning of the rating. right and target, we've seen pictures of them. we have the ongoing is riley military offensive, which is still happening during the night there. and does that tell us more about the latest strikes is generally uh these as
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to why should not stop since the hours of the day is morning with the very holly. i'm supporting the increase and read them a starting this time from the news with classes and confrontations, but mean the palestinian fine to the east really. so just had re or up to a gun in areas that witnessed previously kind of complete on parts you with the drug was a, by the, is very forces that were to think about the eastern side of the value of refuge account. and also the big law here, town where gunfire exchange has been overheads in that, in these areas, according to initial reports alongside also with a very clear increase of the strikes in the central neighborhoods of kansas city where the usability forces had deployed. again, the ministry forces, the military tents and separate areas in such regions and the middle govern dates have been widely targeted where a number of 1000 years been killed in an s trying that level to the ground. the residential building belonged to the reach family animal. so rocks refuge account
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along with many loading dock of residential houses in kansas city where at least 11 palestinians have been killed since the hours of to this morning. roughly this time also had been the full. i've been the focus for the strikes were 3 pound studios have been killed in one of the latest as well as tracts that killed that had hit a civil call in the central areas of roof. our districts target thanks about to target resume that in reference. southern guns are, are now hundreds of mourners have attended the funeral of a 17 year old palestinian boy killed on friday in the occupied westbank topic. a jack was shot dead by his ready forces in the, in a small town east of ramallah. his body was draped in a policy and flag is more on his card and through the streets. jack was also a us citizen, a little 1st aid. the white house that it was seriously concerned after reports of his death emerged when a meal expired, westbank dozens of his ready satellites of a time palestinian sheet puddles in the village coast. remo processing inside the
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satisfied bullets out to try to steal the animals. the village council has told down to 0. the track has came to me recently established document outpaced. that has been a shop rise in sector tax and says well, begun. it's ongoing just in all true, but let's take this home. we can speak to, i'm just a bu a is who's a political? i'm listen, the head of social science, the central science department at the american university doing just now from ramada. welcome to i'll to 0. i'm just so for us that we've had this significant increase in the secular tax, this is a distinct, is there any government policy? do you think of to yes, actually it's like all the in the sense they uh, in the world and got started in san francisco october today. the number of i faxed the off, they said no. right. thanks on that. but as teens as to be in house doubles from my to yeah, from a 3 i think so i day to 8 if that affects uh at the united nations, you know, they, uh, they said that they actually taking
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a box off the water and got the the, this a both days ready, garrett is ready to go home and having from the united states, from my good menu, from uh, some of the, uh, european countries the is that does take advantage of that. the out building most have knows, the more they the actually the more uh, principle of land. and also they have more legal protection from basically a government. so actually talking about, no, that's it. been 150000 settlers. they being a trained reassembly. they give the model way, burns. i'm actually that's, that's the point myself, the some attraction. you haven't met them. you know? nothing. yeah, hold a key is the bank them on these the groups and westbank for the next election. and also in order to keep his position in the government. so i to as a way to keep the government running, he give hands, he gives us a blogs and down the step, the not just controlling the lines and, and the land of the dean and actually, but the, become the controlling, the,
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it's really the government. it just the bottom of the black to me they are lacking, made by the you know, you know, keep them in power to make it clear. this is a, this is sacrilege illegally taking land that is recognized as palestinian by international law. and that's to the south end of may, so we're talking about more than $100.00, but the stuff that meant that and outputs that to go to the west bank, you're talking about $750000.00 a step. those they are living in use in georgia name and in west bank and these, the men's, the on a legal i get, i get on the national know, and also under the geneva convention civil. 5 why the, i living there for 2 reasons. one of these are because of the low cost of living there. so a, you know, like a, a box mandate that'd be, would cost him around $1.00, maybe on a half, maybe on dollars wind and living in westbank in a very high lee in
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a few different areas that we call them at all that are like $20000.00 that's also supported by the government incentives and also some of them. they live in west bank because of the religious reasons. but uh yes, that's nothing yahoo gomez then rebecca young promised as one of the things we were running out of time and i'm just given the spike in a tax. what is the mood amongst communities there when a fair, i imagine, to be honest, the set the ca, yes, or the westbank is c. things though, lots of people that i thought unhappy the, these kinds of uh, attacks it was suspected the people movements in was by and check boeing. a lot of people being killed, a lot of people leave their house because of that. thanks. so actually there's a kind of mode of, uh, b use and a lot of people also like worried that will be and you'll be fine. but because of
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that, because the systems they being supported, as i mentioned by the army and it's become a policy. and now in the west bank i, we never witnessed like these kinds of i faxed some baby bases. so actually the most of the vast majority of the senior is the, uh, actually the living fee of now because of that, and i do appreciate your time. thanks so much for speaking, just hear it out there. i'm just, i will as thank you. as i said ahead here in august here take prevails will take you to a wedding in the 10th city and southern gaza after the couple most the homes and family members the the, brought to you by visit capital. how i would go more when see whether in the mix
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for japan over the next couple of days. yeah. reapply just spinning out of eastern china. that'll make its way across the south creek to say that a sickening cloud just around south graham is developing area of light pressure will bring some pretty wet weather in the course of good parts of japan, particularly into hong shoes and heavy down poles, could see some localized flooding sweets its way across the eastern side of the country by cautious snow them to northern and western parts of the country to go on through sundays. i celsius with tyco 7 for ssl 7 also for shanghai. normally when he attempted disrupted to get above freezing and shanghai on monday, then we're well below freezing. in solve, it picks up in tokyo, temperatures at around 14 degrees, cold enough embracing, minus 3 se, se, but at least the sun will be out sunshine to across a good pos of indo china. it'll be a few showers that just creeping the way into northern parts of vietnam. plenty of showers across south east asia, the big and lobby down pools. as per usual,
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sundry one step 6 across the eastern side of the region for the show service at eastern parts of india around with been going around under protest. much of india is dry. more of that dense folk and smoke for the northwest. i didn't to focused on the website brought to you by visit cuts on in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to its accusations, genocide, in this case, many genocide and all the cool scholars including his re these cop concerned that this is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the sphere of a single jail term, informed opinions when the us, since it's warships and to the right. see, it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headline this year. with the
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destruction of your every se, international filmmakers and wealth clause, john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is the way what these are so tied to the phrase us from our culture . open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that, i'll just say era. the the other guy you're watching out 0 and one of our top story is this uh, and 5 members of iran, revolutionary god is being killed. this striking damascus is here in state. we do say the attack was launched by israel. this tri kit, a residential building. the item is a neighbor and is ready drain strike is repeatedly killed to has pull out members
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in southern lebanon attack, talking to the vehicle in the town of via photos of recent attack, and which seemed to have, must lead it was assassinated in the liberties capital is there any forces that killed at least a $165.00 palestinians in southern gaza since thursday, all means in the con eunice neighborhood of l. m. o killed 18 people and wounded thousands more hundreds of his release of being protest in heifer, demanding an end to the war. and the deal to free the captives. tensions were high with local police trying to stop the demonstration from happening. the supreme court allowed it to go ahead with police agreeing to a crowd limit of 700 people. offices with deployed to power squared away. number of people were removed by police. stephanie decker reports now from that purchased in high. this is the 1st time the purchase of this kind is being held in northern israel. under heavy police presence, though the organizers have been trying to get this to happen for weeks. they had to
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appeal to the supreme court because companies can't say no. it's just the 1st time that you have really jews on how this thing is, is reading and often together, this is a mix city. now on page you have a start and you know the size in the top of your october, the 7th. and his message is that the warranty said, and there needs to be revenge. we just make this, i get a lot, a beer to continue. and we must, we must of the subjects i can and i'm calling although it's, it's basically people in doubt about common people like myself. well there are a leaders that both us simple with us, usually conciliation. 3rd one. and then there's been a bit of course and some peaceful pro. josh was a productive here. certainly saying not the police have been inherited from stopping these from jobs. so police, we run these days by the right to administer to be
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a sensor. beginning of the board, any kind of peaceful law for protest, voice against the war, has been meant with extreme depression by the is really far right. the government and by the police have on that. i think the word garza will end one day and you will start, you know, served on just inside israel. and i hope somehow we can deal with this confrontation. i think we will face many difficulties in the future. do. 7 you need to order for people where they want the the yeah, the well, the remote purchase go your own right now until i have to raise a bow is
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a tell us what's happening, tourism of the luxury in having the people and. * property here focused against the government. again, it was interesting to know that october 7th, just against governments. it tends to reform. did you, did she ever failed and asked to do your taxes, the tax people. and we tried to remain united when we started to see in the past week, once again, people taking this week, this time of protesting against the government. i mean, nothing. yeah. we've been listening to many of the state. they say that the current administration india has the big name because they have to attack
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place. they're saying that the new government, this country to remain unite to that. that's why the election to elections if it's based on the happening on the members, for example, from the war cabinets again, to destroy from us, for example, for the new legacy. way we have the silver, we're seeing lots of pressure increases this morning. we see something on the street in terms of what's the latest on that fits the gets captives and goes to release the use the we meant that with mouth medicines to go in to guys that are being held buried again. medicines also for the fact that there's several the something
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to be going on, but it's not clear yet, or nothing has been confirmed. well, not far away from where i am. there's another close to being held starting in about an hour from now. the more serious, sorry for being held. you know, they want to have much more on thursday negotiation because they believe that the go to that the threads of a that a met televi. thank you know,
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despite all the pain and destruction caused by israel's war and gaza young part of sidney and couple, i've decided to move forward with the wedding plants and celebrate you. be getting caught you laboratory a has a story it's it's a big day for mohammed and show hot. the young couple just got married, but it's not the wedding. they had dreamed of a maybe like thousands of palestinians. they've been displaced by the war in gauze. those tent and rasa is now their home friends decorated as best they could, instead of a beauty salon for the bride. she will have to make do with available, make a products the wedding cake replaced with a bowl of snacks. but that is what i'm like, everyone else. i want you to nice policy and a wedding whole, not tenants, but all i belong, the good still. we need to send gold for everything. for months,
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the couple plans and saved for their wedding. both their homes were destroyed in costa city, the bright, the wedding dress, and the grooms new furniture all gone. and it's one of those that go to the side, but when, when my door, she thinks about it, she starts to cry. i tell her, don't cry. it's just money, all of us are here, but the truth is all happiness is incomplete because most of all family isn't to. we can't reach them and some of our relatives have died in the war. it may not be an ideal setting. living in a 10 city with constant reminders of war it's also an opportunity they say to celebrate perhaps more intensely moments of joy. but obviously the sadness is all around us. but we need to create the glamorous to despise everything. and so to honor new beginnings,
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guest celebrate mohammed and show how it's a new chapter. it's not the glamorous wedding, they'd hope for, but the families says in a way it feels more special way to also celebrate life. loves and resilience even. um, it costs you a little bit. so again, just there might be just celebration in still a head hearing out 0, but next it is in mexico. has thousands, flea from the homes to escape gang violence, the police to seek immediately it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire theory. the rise of things i need, are you doing scrolling radio tape or i'd be that just like exploring how x is
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central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on our unique perspective. some people teasing really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to want to know us as a human to happen to next to the stream on out to 0. the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the criminal cod sales, the tightening, the group on indigenous communities along the mexico bought them on a board, causing a search and internal displacement as vitamins escalates effective communities. according for help. there also, it concerns every militarize response from the mexican government. republicans this report, so the entire families in southern mexico are fleeing their homes over worsening violence. this mass displacement of mainly indigenous communities and the state of chiapas is being driven by a deadly conflict between warring factions of the single low and least go new generation drug cartels each buying for control of the people and their territory. many say this is just the latest chapter of violence that's been playing out for years. have another that's a dozen using menu for at least a 2 and
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a half years. job pos has witnessed a dispute between the large, organized drug cartels to maintain a rivalry over control of both the roots of transit and of course, tutorial control got the list. this week tensions rows even further. when the villagers of the new america township clashed with members of the mexican military . in one video, a soldier can be heard calling villagers cowards for not standing up to the car. tell members themselves at one point, armed forces reportedly fired tear gas locals like this man carrying an elderly woman in his arms. now claim they're not only being victimized by drug gangs, but also by the military. no, they were being displaced. the government sent the mexican army to drive the people out of the way of america. see for yourself the people are fleeing from the homes. with it asked about the incident, mexico's president, and that is one way lopez over the other article called on indigenous villagers in
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chiapas to place their trust in the countries armed forces. yes. thomas's day. and then we are tending to and protecting the people's, the national guard is their g. opposite as mexico's poorest state. here, the combination of extreme poverty and years of neglect by the government, or among the reasons deadly. cartels have managed to take over the entire swats of territory. of this propaganda video published last year by this in a low of cartel, shows what appears to be a car til parade where local residents were reportedly forced to cheer on passing vehicles. the viral video highlights just how much influence and control the drug cartels have in southern mexico. when was it up a little al jazeera? what alternatives the notion seem to have the rested in deport to the relatives? yvette caldwell is most wanted fugitive. the family of jose adulthood mess. yeah. sol, so known as fee to were detained on thursday night. and this comes just
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a week after he escaped from an ecuadorian prison. and that's that you've got a lot in america editor said human reports. now, some born is here. under the cover of darkness, federal police raided a newly inhabited house in an exclusive neighborhood. of course, the law in central argentina. there target was the family of ecuador, as most wanted man, drug trafficker, jose adult for my cs. known as fetal and his wife, my dea, lemme cs, the 3 children, a nephew, a family friend, and a nanny, were arrested and quickly deported. back to ecuador to be interrogated by authorities there. yes, i wonder. i meant that we are proud that argentina was a hostile territory for a group of drug dealers who could, has come to settle here. mister fee to hold a sentence of 38 years. and he escaped, leaving a trail of blood and death in ecuador fee to the leader of the infamous tornadoes. crime gang was serving his sentence for murder, kidnapping,
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and drug trafficking. when authorities planned to transfer him to another facility 10 days ago, they discovered he was gone. features escape, and that it is main rivals known as the savage tribute, a new wave of violence throughout ecuador. on wednesday, a prosecutor investigating the takeover of a tv station by gang members was murdered the new i think the whole region, not just columbia, has allowed for this problem to grow in a non control way. we must stay together to fight. this is a regional and world wide problem consumption of these products. as in the united states in europe. the government has declared a state of internal and conflict, which allows the army as well as police to fight drug gangs. significantly misses macias arrived in argentina, exactly 2 weeks ago just before her husband's escape. they bought the house in cash
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in december, presumably as a hideaway. but what authorities are still investigating is whether people sent his family to argentina, or whether he himself was or is still in the country. to see a newman al jazeera window site is now age when to thousands of tour, as visits, indian administered the cash man fuse of the himalayas gang slips and other with the sports in the big, droll. but no, this you a prolonged dry spell across the region with vertical snow is disrupting the tourism industry. do mean consume, shoddy reports now are no longer those good and there was bustling, the told is getting its vento holiday season. thousands of people skied down the snow covered slopes. many others central for ski sessions for the 1st time. but this year is different. slopes that are usually frosty, wide of brown,
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and green. and gold was once one of asia is best, key destination is a disappointing winter's tale. the season january is usually a busy month for mohammed a crumb. who makes his living by taking tavis on horseback. but now he sits harder for most days. so you're seeing on the cost in the caea, we had no snow on the if you send to me tests which has impacted or livelihood. and we have not had much with the winter months at crucial fall. i left lieut at 8500 feet about 2600 meters goodness slopes in the weston. humanly as a blanket is that snow from december to march breathtaking views, skiing and all the winter sports have good thousands of taurus coming in. but now those who made it disappointed, best way to get body of our board. we had heard a lot about the beauty of kashmir, but unfortunately we couldn't witness. the snow that we had anticipated is told of
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them is a big business in kashmir, especially during the winter months and thousands of livelihoods depend on it. but the no snow season is affecting local businesses, hotels and every one to depends on it. mostly our operation is far at least here and due to absence of snow, we are not able to do a highly skiing. and you know, took our, my losses. so we are taking our local students as wide drive right inside of seeding official say cash means twice spelled again in august and it's witnessed a 100 percent deficit of rain and snow in december. exposed to blame this on the changing the pattern. joe global level set a set of collision pet dense, and the global um, as far as circulation, patents have been stopped on this. a normally could be linked to tell noon yet while there has been el nino is before this one is considered the strongest. experts say the lack of rain and snow could lead to water shortages and effect
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farmers in the region. which ripples even more challenges since last year was already the hottest deals on the record and the consumption leave. punch a seizure with that, that's it for this. these are will be back in a couple of minutes. we'll have another half hour of news. perhaps we'll see you then the as the as well as a whole on guys a continues, we bring you the late. we are on the rounding gauze covering the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering to people's homes that we lost displacements and block of resources. and from multiply is very similar to how the how data rate and restrictions prevent 3 different placements of rights to worship. from tyler we will continue our coverage of israel will cabinet decisions the
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campuses and all the political development part westbank senior reporting on the line at this rate, you raised with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the wrong cause of the to say, i mean, the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is un, not given. as a developer becomes more powerful, i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to lock. so during lockdown,
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held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the horrendous conditions during the co dependant separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their wants to release. the facility with this documentary on august the their own vows, revenge officer, and as striking syria kills full members of their own revolutionary god. the for the cause is out, is there a life from the heart also coming up and iraqi military base hosting us forces


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