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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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a separation from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their wife's release. the facility with this documentary on august the their own vows, revenge officer and, and striking syria kills full members of their owns revolutionary dog. the for the cause is out, is there a life from the how also coming up in iraqi military base hosting us forces comes under attack. mind the injury is really attacks, hit southern goals or at least a 165 palestinians have been killed since thursday. and these faction
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and the number of cpa casualties caused by the israeli army in such a short period, are totally unprecedented. un, 60 general condemns israel's assaults on task. the . so it is 1700 jim t a that is 7 pm, syria with an s strike has hit a residential building in damascus around the reputation regard says 5 of its ministry advises were killed along with several civilians around blames as well for the attack. it has vowed revenge. the target was in the midst of districts, which is in the south west of the capital. it is time to see a figure this in the syrian government. israel has been getting targets in the country in recent months. how are the sides almost sold for? we heard the sounds,
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it's 3 consecutive explosions. the talking to the building here behind this. as you know, we were shocked and shaken. everything is broken offensive. the building flew from the building that was struck and then came into action be sometimes called there was no one that we know you're a box. let's go straight away to tell ron russell said are standing by there and russell. what more do we know about this? while the revolution, the gods, are now seeing that the 5 for the member senior members are being killed in his rally a strike in damascus earlier today they were saying for. but now they're confirming that the 5th member who was injured has died in the hospital. so the reputation of the guards are not providing further details regarding the ranks. and these titles however, that are some of the pores that seem to, particularly one of them would jump to light. i mean, what was the head of the intentions units of quotes forces in silver? yeah. so what's forces in the, to the unit of the resolution of the goss? then if these reports are confirmed, then you can say,
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can certainly see that if the huge below to the running assets in celia. because these intentions units, there were quoting agent or the intelligence and the media to movement across the region. but this is not the 1st time that these right is attacking runyan. assess the mc over you have you have seen that on december, the 25th and not the top of the general. you run you in general. rising. who said he has be killed in his right? yes. right. that you never tell us in on january 16 you're on has he's a b as in at a b o. which claim to be a, a spite house of this is very secret service. most not any, don't say that they have killed 2 most of the agents. and now the run in 40 minutes . are you saying that the run reserves, the right to respond in due time and location? so we can see that this deed for task policy is going to continue between the 2 countries and what's the context of this given everything else that's going on in terms of escalation in the region a while it these items occasion of the war on the guys that is
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affecting now who the region has seen that since the beginning of to those voiding garza, that has been several attacks on the american databases in syria, in iraq. and they had been conducted by the running proxies which wrong caused them as the act of the access of the presence of resistance. and for the way we see from these 2 companies, we have seen that all these which are really the region which was linked to israel . they started to, to try to get the ships to commercial ships linked to israel as well. now we see from jim in to iraq to syria, and also to let on to his wheel locks. the run is now increasing his activities, trying to put the pressure on his ram and his main ally, america, to detour a further explanation. however, we're seeing that now these 2 countries are shipping each other, particularly in syria and iraq, and that is directly linked to the defense documents of these 2 countries. so you
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run using these readies have done a lot of defense document to keep the war a wave from the on soil, but haven't seen the direct confrontation on the different and on the ford. and so it was like seal yeah, 11 on iraq cover now. but the last of this recent is ready attacking damascus that are grooming concerns that these things direct confrontation between the 2 companies who turn into a direct one which could lead to a wider, broader work cost of origin. russell, thanks for that, sir. russell, sort of a in the terra well, and iraqi military base hasting us forces has been attacked rocket fos struck b a, a side, a base and west direct coalition. troops return, fire launch moving doesn't strikes, as well as turning out to the most recent attack in southern lebanon and, and his ready during the strike is reportedly killed to hezbollah members in southern 11 of the attack, talking to the vehicle in the town of at bescedy a,
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this follows a recent attack and wants to see how much needed was assassinated in the lebanese capital. iraq con has more for us from a board, jo, but right now with the south of ferry. it has been confirmed for us, but the west who has the law members, they were mid level offices within the organizations, technical experts and drones. apparently that plays around midday, local cycles. interesting about this is where it's a place to place and elbows that they have, which is about 25 kilometers away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep at a time. so we've seen in recent weeks, however, these attacks help in the half of the killing on january, 2nd of all, the ruling, the senior i las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago, which i'm alex will, who was a senior local commander in the south of 11 on for his bullet,
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was killed and cut about sandwiches about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drive. so although they say it's going to be a blow to handful in terms of the technical aspect, there certainly doesn't tell you the senior leadership and certainly not belong to his beloved either politically or militarily. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next. the in the past when we retain attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will, like a deeper into is right, new territory. well, the attacks in syria, iraq, and 11 commons, israel continues to bomb across the guns is tripping the dropping fizz at the war and cause it could lead to a regional conflict. i'm going to follow these children's foreign minister, and he says the violence could easily spread from the very beginning. we warrant that to this, i guess you don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent added to that, no, that is a foreign minister,
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might be at the contest the prob, looking yeah, uh, compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay that. but it's kind of reckoning that he would have to face and also to navigate around. the difference is that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future as so to listen to the impact of that to the difference. would they be less than others and to delay the police to the reckoning? yeah, 5 minutes and it's, you know, it might be working towards the voting other bronze to which he would drug the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict sun for a minute. so what is your model? arab states doing to try and prevent that spillover in front of you? is it enough? i mean we, we always object cut dots. we've always said this with only mean war. so any is
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ready for positions, particularly by this government to maintain control over the kid by the city and directors, including dozens do is east doors and it's something that we've always that again. so we continue to start the guest and we continue to write a bunch of opinion and proceeds on this on the danger. and here i have to allow them to be sending out how to proceed with this policy. as i said, we're all working to but for which because as we or the consultation, it's not a question of plans to be honest, it's a question of what the weight of a base. right. and so we can gauge and i serious on go fusion. so actually based on the weight of it and not have community to take action against as well, if it continues to deny this region. uh, the, the, the, the piece that it deserves from the courts. here, as i said, we support because the top i pick up that have made we will supplement when they try floor submissions of the legal arguments that comes in. well, if the procedures on that is relevant so far, read cools for
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a to allow the internationally recognized palestinian authority to govern both gods . when y'all keep pug westbank vida is apparently washington's preferred option. what does draw this done? we started, i mean as we said from the very beginning, uh guys that is bought and bought certificate by percentage or 3. any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought. the boss of a roader upper which is would include the occupied was back and if you buy $0.02 and we do not accept any, is there any presidents in guys or do we accept that he's only been sort of, i mean parts of guys have this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning of this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing and this is something that for, for, for the world to recognize even video us, which is providing and with support says is why it has to conduct the aggregation and it. ready does look into nice. no, it's not. it says the is right, has to allow, is sufficient. you many can supplies and forgot that it is not. it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza disconnected? stay the same government the same. you know,
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it will not that out of that. so i think it should be clear to people well know which party is responsible for the tide or that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsible for the night. a lot of the gender piece it deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've got to remember as, as i at the beginning is with the technician on god. it is also conducting a way to. ready the west bank where it's a sort of gauging that as soon as you can, obviously it's an item that i took the warship with muslims and christians. it is uh, getting the best in your hands editing palestinians. and we have to remember that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response is bullying. and that it was not ex fluids. and under the pressure for him is what he had, this is what it sees that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dance or a scenario which was even a pub boys. the more serious types of driving us all into eddie's,
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that expansion of doing this work. and that time and more in the war and gotten down at least $165.00 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. is ro is ready for his card on the strikes and shell targets over night turned into the morning, yukon. eunice, the number of dead has now hit 24927, with nearly 63000 injured honey. my mood has this report from rafa and southern garza, the does the palestinians have been killed and is really strikes on han eunice in the past few days. the bel air area of gauze, the 2nd largest city, has been sustained tax northside hospital. the largest remaining functional medical facility in gaza is packed with the did n one is ready, the army has released the video fits these, shows its forces pushing into hon units and engaging in house to house battles
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and centro dogs, a city near a super hospital, more is really bombarded in central dogs and a young boy pointed to where he said, buried his father. so i don't know how much i have no water, no sooner. who's going to look up to us? why do we have to go through this way? my father is buried. these are the grapes here in the school. this is my father and cousins graves. my cousin was only 10 years old, so that's all the streets. so she's the neighborhood of god. the city resembles a waste plant. no building is untouched by the war. each day brings with it a search for more bodies, friends, and family of the dead walk long distances to bury them. any attempt to move the different parts of garza can cost you your life to stay internet. now we have been to every hardship you could ever imagine any person who dares to give the center or
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try to go back to his home. just fired on by that. is there any soldiers? any moving person is a target to the incident? you know, i, it is my life just to teach the hospital to see my, the just the go on 1st are further north india value. the palestine with creston society does what it can for victims of is really showing was cell phone networks appear to have been partially restored parts of dollars that have been in the grip of communication and black out for more than a week. it has made life difficult for palestinians and agencies. they're trying to get a into gaza. many go to the beach to try and pick up a signal, a safe case. the people behind me came to check them, their friends and family and loved ones because there was no possibility of communication between the hours of the gaza strip to find you cannot read from that on file. i have to find eunice and so it off off on the i mean we are facing great
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difficulty raising phones, high anxiously awaiting news. any news or from their loved ones? kind of my lord. i just did a rough box, southern gaza let's close notes. target resume who's in reference. southern goals is a target of the hospitals under real pressure. yes . completely. uh, the majority of hospitals across the territory had been on the mass and the pressure due to the man made humanitarian crisis and also medical one that had been cruised by these very wind defensive. of course, the charts we since october. the 7th of this was considered to be one of the main pony points in the history of hospital subbing. you saw, the goal is a strip as more than 2 thirds of hospitals the all that were operating since october. the 7th had become out of service. the due to the attacks that had been committed by these various forces. but right now the numbers of hospitals are still
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a rating is considered to be very limited at could be barely enough to keep providing a treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. who are rous? oh, are suffering from different kinds and the divest rates of disease, especially with the unprecedented increase of this is depressive and sick to us. disease among children are those among different classes of the palestinian communities. but right now, docs is medical records are seeing, gets, gets in college and todd be day in order to keep providing a treatment for the injured people are due to the high rates of civilian casualties that day to day by day resulted by the is very military forces by completely not only the medical sector as a struggling bought is twice as also let a very clear educational crisis. and goal is a strict where the majority of goals, a strict universities had been destroyed, and students are completely suffering in order to receive education. and on the, on the ongoing for rustic conditions that they have been going through right now.
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to know more about this, we are joined right now by who does the a most degree students at one of the palestinian universities inside the 2 or 3. mr . and mrs. with the thank you so much for joining us today. could you clearly tell us about why you studies had been cut off since the beginning of this month? yeah, i was graduating from this type of good versus dep gus. same, but you know, degree and in this translation on this year i started to study. i must have degree or science on placing a study. and we the beginning of the war of the must occur in the gus. it's true. my studies on the study of for the students on dollar fee for us cut off on the since the beginning of these for my university on go there for you and you verse of this hearing the got us to plus or most destroyed. we are talking that not only the check to the university if this was destroyed or so the future or for the students or the people that this starts with studying, and masters or bachelor's degree, or even p, i'll be in this university wide or most destroyed. and how do you imagine your
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future off to the end of this for a we here in ga, so we are, there are no, it's huge. i or our dreams, our hope to find with jump after we graduated or destroyed us a or so. so me to bring in sensors, say that there are 94 a professors of the gust frame that was working and then you must refuse to work. good. professor worried about plus to to mean the new versus the or so the $35.00 that a was killed in these 40 because that's cheap. so we don't know how we we continue and why we continue hearing is starting to make us as triple or not. okay, thank you so much for joining us today. and this is completely a part of the ongoing educational crisis that had been coast by the widest scale military attacks that are directed and targeted academics, teachers, doctors, and every single class of the palestinian community that completely had deteriorated. all aspects of living across the territory. yes, all right,
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so it's hard to believe with the target. was you in reference of him? does the thank you instead of head hearing out 0, hundreds if his writings in haifa test against war and god. despite the heavy police person, the in depth analysis of the things headline this, how does south africa through its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the right seat. it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera hearing, the have you had any laser has the support of 15000 implement the shelf economic.
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then i'll just use teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about choices. how when you closer to the house with the story, the the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, again, you watching out 0 are mindful top stores and full members of your rounds. revelation regard to be killed and that strike in damascus. certain state media say the attack was launched by israel, striking the residential building our visit naples. and it's really driven strength, is reportedly killed to hezbollah members in southern lebanon attack, talking to the vehicle. and the time of visit via the following is the recent attack. and we've just seen a mass leader was assassinated in the deputies. is ready for the zip killed at least a 165 palestinians in southern galveston thursday. all meetings and the con eunice neighborhood, amount killed 18 people, and wounded dozens more for the war. and josh was dominated the meeting of the non aligned move. this you need is from a 120 nations at the meeting in uganda. a speaking earlier, you inspector general, and tanya gutierrez, cool,
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the situation in gaza and the number of deaths unprecedented following the voters. i'm off the tax on 7 of 12 of the whole city destruction of guns and the number of civilian casualties caused by these very army in such a short period are totally unprecedented getting my mandates. and this includes 162 of auto new and stuff members. heartbreaking that as would be for the organization for their families. and for those they were serving in gaza, spell hundreds of his rabies have taken to the streets of high for demand, digging into the wall, and to deal an a deal to exchange captives. tensions were hi, with local police, try to stop the demonstration from happening. supreme court allowed it to go ahead with the police, agreeing to a crowd limit of 700 people. offices was deployed to paris square or a number of people,
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but removed by police. definitely debt to report stuff from it's the 1st time approach. as of this kind is being held in northern israel under heavy police presence, though the organizers have been trying to get this to happen for a week. they had to appeal to the supreme court because companies got say, no. is this the 1st time that you have really jews on how this thing is reading and often together, this is a mix city. now on page you have a son, you know the, sorry, india talk, tobar the 7th and his message is as a warrant. he said there needs to be peace, revenge. we just make this, i get a lot, a beer to continue and we must stop. we must as the subject. so i can and i'm calling all the roads that especially people in doubt about common people like myself. well that are, i believe there's that both us they pull with us, we usually conciliation 3rd one. and then there's been
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a bit of course and sunday night between the police and the production peaceful pro . josh was a productive here. certainly saying, not the police have been inherited from stopping these from just the police, the likely minister since the beginning of the war and the kind of peaceful law for protest, voice against the war, has been meant with extreme pressure now by the is really far right the government and by the police have on that i think the word and gaza will end one day and a new world start, you know, service and just inside israel. and i hope somehow we can deal with this a sensation. i think we will face many difficulties in the future. do you need to say, what is the order for people to
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happen? yeah, the me, well, some of the families of israeli company is being held in jobs or a company outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu house. they say they won't leave until less, and y'all, he meets with them. one father estates you 24 hour hunger strike. the government says a $136.00 is raising for a nationals are still being held in gaza. i. let's get more in this with the raise about who joins live from tel aviv center or is it tell us more about what's happening? the while i'm here in heavy mountains where there's thousands of people who have gathered here again the government, i guess the brand new. i mean it's not. it's interesting to know that before october 7th attack, so we saw a massive demonstrations hearing as well. i guess the government's attempts to
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before after the attacks country, this became united behind the government that started to change a few weeks ago when we starting the treat people protesting against the war, people protesting against the government. and again, the relative symbols were being held captive and got the thing of demanding for that was to be really. so what's going on here is that mean? the very key of this is not a protest against the war. this is a protest against pain. you mean that the people you are saying that he has a lot of on his hands and they're blaming for the october 7th attacks of the government to the you should be safe, the new elections are going to ring, get the security that he needs right now. what we're starting to see also the criticism from within the government for example, administered within the war drinks, whether it's eliminating some not. so if the government is realistic towards you
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also says that it's important for should hold for elections because that's the only thing that would restore the faith in the government. the stuff that elections are not going to happen in this country while it is up to more about this more so, you know, we're seeing an increase of the pressure in the government, not only within the administration, but also on the streets. we're seeing that this war is linked to rainbow and that people are demanding gotten, sir, is that of course, when you're in places like this one on the streets, you're starting to beach. that's something here is starting to change. i tried that very briefly. just give us the lights is you know, 30 seconds and so it gives us the lights on the uh, the caps is being released from gauze. well we, you know, we have the latest uh, agreement that we saw each work between how much that is where it was a few days ago and getting me the same thing. 2 guys up for the cap cuz we haven't heard much more than that. there's been several discussions on going, but let me tell you, but not far away from what. right. yeah. and there is another protest by the
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relative to both for being held captive and guys, again, they're demanding the government to do much more. there's some tension within the government grants of the fighting, ongoing garza and get think the cap to release them. that's why people are on the street trying. i'd be managing the government to do much more so that there is there. we're gonna have to leave the story to jump out of you through his brother and tell of a uh that is it for me to clock by them all coming up in the hell. i will a mold at pleasant winter sunshine across not sophia robin. financial aid with a mex cabinet. i sent a cloud in the sky. williams easing off just around the golf as well. so 20 full sales. he's here in the house on sunday prizes enough now when the little lights was to go on into monday, plenty of fraud whether the cost, much of the arriving potential left by the north. it got a few shows just to run that is to side of the key i pushing across to was northern,
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past all the rock and some snow the just around the cold because it's between the black sea and the caspian. this is a little more expensive, actually northern positive ducky. i see. plenty of access. we go on through sunday, some west the weather just around the southern. most possible. i didn't catch a shower. what say into west cypress notice cold breeze blag. you stumble. it's a 7 degrees celsius, the on sunday, but it should be long as you try here by that stage where the weather makes its way by the east was cooler. i just digging down to was at least the side of them, but it's frightening me one or 2 showers just creeping towards the events we might see one or 2 showers just creeping along the coastal fringes of algeria, livia winds coming in from no direction as a cooling off here somewhat over the next couple of days. bunch of west africa space for i may want it to central africa. big and lobby down pulls particular to the east of the riff valley. and this lot of showers is moving north. the . what's it out of their existence?
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it's load ship as a principal present, as, as a correspondence with the brakes. and the story we want to hear from those people who was normally not get that voices heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible met shoulders. that's the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the is low and pressure to hold as well, to account for to 1000 move countries of a phone and gets to the us top port. and as president is facing the criminal complaint, switzerland. so can international justice don't as well. this is inside story the


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