tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST
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meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself mindset changing the way you think about mental health. on august the, [000:00:00;00] the around the clock, this is a new life coming up in the next 60 minutes. regional tensions run pop across them, at least strikes and syria, iraq and 11 race 5th escalation of fine. is there any attacks, hit southern dogs or at least
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a $165.00 palestinians have been killed since thursday. divisions in israel, multiple protests, the health and hyphen intel. of these one calls for an into the wall. another cools for an end to the next in your used time is 5 minutes. and amongst the station we will take you to a wedding in a tent city in southern gaza. also the couple of the homes and some kind is full software. now live boy, the shock 6 feet at the age and come here and cut off face cord injury time go to rescue to, to drill against jordan and the group. the so it is $1800.00 gmc and we begin with a series of strikes across the middle east, which is spot phase of wider regional violence in syria. and that strike is killed
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. 5 senior arabian ministry advisors and presidents able to him are easy. he says it will not go on nonsense. iran is blaming israel for the attack. and how the size almost sold for we heard the sound, it's 3 consecutive explosions. the talking to the building here behind this. as you know, we were shocked and shaken. everything is broken offensive. the building flew from the building that was struck and then came into action called there was no one that you know, while the military base and iraq hosting us forces has come under attack, coalition troops return, fire launching. well then it doesn't. and strikes and in southern lebanon and is ready, drain strike is reported to kill 2 members of has by law, the attack targeted a vehicle in the town of buzzer via while we got correspondence covering this across the region will be live. in fact, that it just a moment with my food off the wall i had professed that's across the russel said a few standing by for us to enter on a russell as well. just give us an update if you would about the strikes. well is
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today the release of the guards have seen that 4 of their senior members have been killed. however, now they have updated the death tool. i'm to say that the 5th, the member who was injured, also has died in a hospital in the mask. so the revolution, the guards are not providing much details regarding the ranks and titles. however, there are the reports that suggesting that, particularly one of them who just to let me walk was the head of intent is units of course forces. so cause forces, it needs a unit or if you're on your petition to guard that coordinates. and also that, that, that, that, that, and also the conduct the, you run, you cause border operations across the region. so that is a huge blow to the running assess in silver. yes. because these units were not only involved in the activities in syria, but they were having coordinating the activities to iran, syria, iraq, and 11 on as well. so this is not the 1st time that these right is that taking the
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writing and assessing, see, have you ever have seen on december 25th? is round, has killed one of the top. you run, you revolution, the gods. and then you run has responded israel on january 16th by shifting a busy anatomy of the law says that that was a spite house of most of these very secret service members who have they have killed 2 most of the agents. and now the ready for the ministry, seeing that the wrong resort has the right to respond in due time and location and running, present the primary source of seeing that is where the actions are not going to go on answers. now we see that this tooth for tots policy is going to continue between the 2 countries. it gives a little bit more context on that russell, given everything else is going on in the region to mid the concerns about split over from the war and gone through the. i mean, this is all related to the war on, on guy's us, east, the beginning of the war to have you have seen, well,
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most on daily basis that had been attacked on the american basis in syria and iraq . and even to the american embassy and bar that came under attack. and so the americans and his routers are seeing that these attacks are being carried out by d rodney proxies. however, if you're wrong, cooled them to act as of the access of the resistance. and it's not only happening in iraq and syria is also insulting lebanon to his will are, which is regarded also by you run as an actor. another important act off the excess of the resistance. far away from these countries receiving human hold ease of started to attack, the commercial west of leave to israel. we see that all his region somehow is quite the linked and all the doors are open enough to the war in gaza. and so far we have seen that these 2 come through his ball confronting each other, not directly, but even directly across the region. but now particularly after these various recent attack today that has killed 5 senior members of the revolution to gods. it seems that these tasha and these inc direct conflicts, couldn't get into court,
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turn it into a direct one that that could lead to a way to target a confrontation that goes through it. region. ok, russell. thanks for that sir. russell, sort of the entire on, at, let's split across to baghdad. my food of the why had this done by the and tell us more if you would about this. right? this happened that to know because this is a, a major attack according to a media outlets affiliated to a law on a line, a groups in a rock which describe the attack as a major barrage overall, could of rockets fired at the end of the database, which is housing us and coalition forces, according to security sources, that there are reports about injuries among ministry individuals in the bays, especially among a rocky ministry individual has a lot committed for individuals on task because with protecting the bays and also
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a securing the u. s. submitted to you forces inside the, the base. so what happened outside of the budget brought goods that attack died and it said the a to baze at the another boss counter attack at attacked the soul. so finding out about the, the district about providence, which is close to the it, to the i said the a to base. now, this is part of the tax on counter attacks that have been conducted by, you know, on a line, a groups targeting us and coalition forces, ministry facilities and iraq and city a over $140.00 attacks since october. the seventy's, according to the pentagon officials tugs us admitted 3 and the coalition military facilities in new york city. i old cut it out, but you are on a line. i'm a groups what a so called least lemme resistance, that is an umbrella to them. and that includes
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a lucky ottoman groups affiliated with 8 on they have just claimed responsibility for the attack on i n. s a, a, a to based on. so i took a day and threatened to escalate, as long as the united states keep support. thing is what i was admitted, say campaign on the advisor. i remember thank you for that to have my boot after while i had the invite that in iraq of what's happening to the most recent attack in southern lebanon and, and his rating drain strike is reportedly killed to his beloved members in southern lebanon, a call they were in, was destroyed, has blah says it's full, this is targeted is ready positions just across the border cross border attacks between the 2 sides of wrapped up ever since will ongoing have begun and we're on call and has more for us from aboard, joe or dodge now, which is soft, the beard that it has been confirmed as well as the wet suit has the law members, they will have mid level offices within the organizations,
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technical experts and drones. apparently that plays around midday local cycles. easiest thing about this is where it's a place to place an elbows that they have, which is about $25.00. columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea weeks. however, these attacks help in the half of the killing on january. second of all, it really does any of las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago with um, alex will, who was a senior local commander in the south of 11 on for his below was killed incredibly sound which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drive. so although they say it's going to be a blow to handful in terms of technical aspects and certainly it doesn't tell you the senior leadership in 7 don't belong to his beloved either politically or then
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that's hurley. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his belt, like a deeper into his right new territory with the us military says it's, it's an anti shipments all in yemen. the toothy rebels were preparing to launch. the ministry says and resolve was aimed towards the gulf of aid and instructing commercial vessels on us for ships. geometries have been talking the vessels in the region. they say are linked to israel, the types in syria and iraq, and in lebanon, commas, israel continues to bomb across the gaza strip, and the driving fear is the well on gauze it could lead to regional conflict. i mean, the society is jordan's, for a minister. he says the finance could easily spread from the very beginning. we warned that to this i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent added to that. no, that is a foreign minister, might be at the contest the prob, looking yeah, uh,
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compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the region, to delay the political reckoning that he would have to face. and also to navigate around the differences that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future as so to election the impact of that to the difference with maybe less than the others. and so the lady at the police get a reckoning, 5 minutes and it's, you know, it might be working towards the booking or the bronze as to which she would drag the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict sun for a minute. so what is jordan? what all arab states doing to try and prevent that spillover in front of you? is it enough? what i mean? we're doing everything we can, but ultimately it just be as ready to governments as well. that is defining not just the ups but the. ready it into a massive community when it's going to get his woods address with this. it's
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a direction and i think we're working with partners that the day after tomorrow, i'll be at the visiting with the all you gotta be in for our ministers along with them instead of saudi arabia and egypt to try again and running support not only for in doing that direction, but to make sure that we will come to get their floor behind. i've done that would uh and occupation and put the that agent on, on that if there's something that would be saw he'd workspace with that is really government. that is, that defines it's, and that'd be, it's a nice community that continues with this violation of its emotional load that continues to push that agent into was that this, somebody's not war. and we have, and it's a massive community that is yet a to come and do mind unequivocally. and then the other side, what was the ultimate you would have to face the very difficult question, which is if the whole world, including the united states as say in got to be on the buckle. what is that past?
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that would uh pay the price of the police thing has to be done in states for the. ready the 2 state solution is ready to government to say no, and it's defiant then, then what, what is going to be to that is funds? is it more lip service to the state solution? what is it a unit on it is relevant so far? we've called for a to allow the internationally recognized palestinian authority to govern both gods . when y'all keep hog westbank site is apparently washington's preferred option. what is jewel these done? we started, i mean, as we said from the very beginning. uh, guys that is boston, boston. it'd be a good buy percentage or 3, any discussion of guys and the after has to be bought. the boss of a roader upper which is would include the occupied was back in a 2 by 2 settings. and we do not accept any. is there any presidents in guys and or do we upset that he is i have been sort of, i mean, parts of guys have this has been the argument that we've made on the very beginning of this deposition that we're providing support for our let me just add one thing
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and this is something that for, for, for the world to recognize even for us which is providing and with support says is why it has to conduct the aggregation and it. ready does with that? and i said, no, it's not. it says the is right, has to allow, is sufficient. you many can supplies them together. it is not, it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza interesting and stay the same government the same. you know, it will not that out of that. so i think it should be clear to people well know which party is responsible for the tide or that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsive to the 49. i want to get that piece of deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've got to remember as, as i at the beginning is with the technician on god. it is also going to think of the way it's a. ready woodstock where it's a self gauging that as soon as you can, obviously it's an item that i to be a worship. ready muslims and christians, it is uh, getting the best in your hands editing palestinians, and we have to remember that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where,
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where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response is bullying and that it was not ex fluids and under the pressure from is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which would even have pub boys, the more serious types of driving us all into eddie's, that expansion of doing this work. was the actual getting for a minister? well, let's focus more on the situation on the ground in 1000, at least 165 palestinians have been killed since thursday. the number of debt has now had 224927, with nearly 63000 injured. the latest is rarely striking, talks to the call, travelling through rafa in the south. 3 people were killed in that strike. 2 others injured. a rafter has been under constant bombardment, despite more than a 1000000 palestinians taking refuge that while the few hospitals in gauze are that are still operating,
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have been overwhelmed with large numbers of patients. and these are the scenes that the issue hard to a hospital in the central city of the butler thoughts, as i say, they just struggling to co without basic anesthetic medicine for one. and they also reduce threats from is randy forces target my resume has the latest from rafa in southern casa, so the majority of hospitals across the territory had been on the mess. and i'm an oppressed out due to the man made humanitarian crisis. and also medical one that had been caused by these very wind defense, that of course, the territories since october, the 7th of this was considered to be one of the main turning points in the history of hospital southern. you saw the goal is a strip as more than 2 thirds of hospitals, the all that were rating since october. the 7th had become out of service the due to the attacks that had been committed by these variety of forces. but right now, the numbers of hospitals, the still a rating is considered to be very limited at could be barely enough to keep
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providing a treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. who are rous? oh, are suffering from different calling from the divest rates of disease, especially with the unprecedented increase? office is depressive, and sick to us disease among children out of among different classes of the palestinian communities. but right now, docs is medical records are saying it's gets in college and todd be day in order to keep providing a treatment for the injured people due to the high rate of civilian casualties that day to day by day resulted by the is very military force the fall completely, not fully the medical sectors, the struggling part is twice as also let a very clear education with crisis and goals. a strength where the majority of going as a strict universities had been destroyed and a students are completely suffering in order to receive education. and on the, on a go, the ongoing rustic. busy conditions that they have been going through right now to know more about this, we are joined right now by what does the most that degree students at one of the
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palestinian universities. you saw the 2 or 3, mr. and mrs. with the thank you so much for joining us today. could you clearly tell us about why you studies had been cut off since the beginning of this month? yeah, i was graduating from this type of your diversity of god's time, but you know, the cleaning this translation on this year. i start the study, i'm must have degree or science. i place it to study and read the beginning of the war of the must of go in the gus. it's true. my studies on the study of all the students on dollar fee for us cut off on the since the beginning of the sports and my university on the there for you and you verse it is hearing the got us to plus almost destroyed. we are talking that not only does check to the university if this was destroyed or so the future of for the students or the people that this starts with studying, and masters, or materials degree or even to be in this university wide or most destroyed. and how do you imagine your future off to the end of the school?
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a we here in ga, so we are there are no, it's huge. i or our dreams, our hope to find with jump after we graduated or destroyed us a or so i still needed to bring in since there say that there are $94.00 a professors of the gusts trip that was working. and then you must refuse to work good. professor worried about plus to to mean the new versus the or so the $35.00 that a was killed in these 40 because it's cheap. so we don't know how we, we continue and why we continue hearing is putting in because it's triple or not. well, despite all the pain of destruction caused by israel's war and cause the young kind of thing and couple of decided to move forward with a wedding plans and celebrate you beginnings, cost your life is hardy, and as the story now it's a big day for mohammed and show hot, the young couple just got married, but it's not the wedding they had dreamed of. going to be for like thousands of
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palestinians. they've been displaced by the war in gauze. those tents in bravo is now their home. friends decorated as best they could. instead of a beauty salon for the bride, she will have to make do with available, make a products the wedding cake replaced with a bowl of snacks for the tightest. so i'm like everyone else wants to nice policy and a wedding will not have tenants. but all i belong, the good still. we need to send the gold for everything. for months, the couple plans and saved for their wedding. both their homes were destroyed and goes to the city, the bride's wedding dress, and the grooms new furniture all gone down and put them up as the site. but when, when my door she thinks about it, she starts to cry. i tell her, don't cry. it's just money, all of us are here, but the truth is all happiness is incomplete because most of all family isn't to.
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we can't reach them and some of our relatives have died in the war. it may not be an ideal setting. living and a 10 city with constant reminders of war it's also an opportunity they say to celebrate perhaps more intensely moments of joy. but obviously the sadness is all around us. but we need to create the glamorous despite everything. and so to honor new beginnings, just celebrate mohammed and show how it's a new chapter. it's not the glamorous wedding date hope for, but the family says in a way it feels more special in a way to also celebrate life. loves and resilience. even a mid hor katia will be so again, just as an old celebration made all the darkness the hundreds of mourners have
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attended the funeral of a 17 year old palestinian boy who was killed on friday and the occupied westbank. tuffy jack was shot dead by his ready forces in a small town east of ramallah. his party was right and the palestinian flag is more in his current and through the streets. and jack was also us citizen. and on thursday, the white house said it was seriously concerned doctor reports of his death and much well, dozens of his riley settlers of attacked palace to me and she part is in the village, close to ramallah policy and save the settlers 5 bullets at them and tried to steal the animals village council was told dod 0 the attack has came from a recently established testament outpaced that has been a shot rise and subtler attack. seems as real begun at school on garza in october. let's beat down some stuff about the 260 general. the palestinian national initiative for the palestinian information minister joins just now from ramallah,
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missed the bug duty. so cetera techs have always been a reality. but there's been a to job search since october. the 7th. tell us about the feeling amongst these communities who live under this threat as well. it's very important to mention that the about 60 percent of the west bank is a totally isolated and the is devoted to satellites completely. which means that better students who live in that area, i'm not allowed to build anything, not the school, and that they're going to the garden. not necessarily nothing, nothing. yeah, and that's the policy of this, is that early government, it is throwing millions of dollars on the set. let us to expand this set the minutes in these areas. and the the worst think is that they are trying to evict for the students from their communities. up to now, is there any set? let us start all that has led to the eviction of no less than set the palestinian
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communities in areas see out of their communities and out of the land. and on top of that, the set let us add on and the, the out even more on now was being viewed in government. he made it his mission in life to autumn. if it is ready to settle it. so you are talking about 750000 lead concept gloves in the occupied territories, to ignore this done for a 100000 floor plans and constantly attacking palestinians. and it's all part of fee. it takes it by the, during the ministry is not right and, and what's called the question. and secondly, i'm how bad do you think this could get? what do you fear could happen here? is in my opinion, these faxes that i into to the b, to a type in to 1948. when gotten because of zionist set, blood is attacked by the stimulus. i'm committed no less than 52 my seconds. and it is to the ground, $520.00 palestinians communities and eventually evicting 70 percent of the
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palestinian people from their land. conducting one of the worst cases of ethnic cleansing. this is the government is a fascist one. and they're clear, the goal is ethnic cleansing conform palestinians in gaza as well as in the west bank. that's the nature of what we see. but since the 7th of october, things got much worse because everybody is that a really good set of lot. every is an early policeman, and if it is that i am, the soldier thinks they have the license to kill a bunch of students and think they have the license to have asp listing is in every possible way. it is now saw frequent that set that is with this as so just and since my many of them aside from that is what are the army and they would read this as so just and that tact. but this to me and communities with, with every possible thing. okay. including that guess those don't. few guys that cause shot to death by shooting him in the head while he was driving to the car. and this is one example of the well known as done 25 other cases would set gloves
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have cars, but his demands and good luck. okay. i want to move it on a bit at the bottom of ministration has been full, tried to in public anyway. and the need for the 2 state solution uh, something that the israeli prime minister benjamin that yahoo has said would never happen yet. officer a phone call between vitamins netanyahu yesterday. it seems as if, according to joe biden is, that is still a 2 state solution. is still possible. well, nothing. yahoo is probably minutes to do. you could code with that. i know that i think that's what the job i didn't say is but that's not what nathaniel has said minutes ago. and he said that he would keep, that is what i do is that i look on the throne of guys, and there is no place for this thing and state before i did that to said that there is, that is that i had with maintain, it's going thrown over anything west of the joint done, which means including go to the west bank and gaza strip. and he also said that he made the mission of his life not to allow but his student state. and he said also that he's the best,
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but our minister in his room to prevent the establishment of helping us to be on state. now today, many, many is early ministers, one of the coming out of media saying, no place for us to be honest in this is the biggest humiliation ever done to any american president. but the by doesn't really mean what he said. if you really meant that, why he is not supporting ceasefire immediately. if he didn't, he meant that. why didn't he said that's something that's filled stop. if he didn't, he meant that. why doesn't do to group nice of this to me? i'm still my, my, what is that this has nothing but an act of a broken a c lip service maybe because by the needs that to improve his chances in the elections, which he's going to lose because of his positions that a guardian garza or maybe because there's one way of sending some kind of illusion so that they could facilitate normalization. but the not i've gotten that is um, does it have that this government and genocide,
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right around the nation is the size it has on the us election is run because the certified ruled out schools to allow the internationally recognized policy, you know, authority to govern face guides with the occupied westbank. it seems to be that that is something in the us administration. i would prefer it to happen which will take 100 in my opinion, is that our lives very clear to the don't want to buy the city and state and that is not the position of nathaniel. and lee is also the position of those who are in a position to him, including guns and the that's the reality is that this is that idea establishment has sent a very clear message that there is no place for to compromise with the students and the plan is a click lens angle 1st thing is the big question here is how will the american administration now respond to this flood? or is there any minister statements against the listing of states and against what the bye didn't said with this one know this humiliation also again as they did before or they would take i measured like declaring today what vehicle tonight is
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that the students did, which i doubt very much that finding this about get you, i just want to ask you quickly about these a strikes in a racket in syria or part of ongoing extremely high tensions in the region with the top for many funds from the red sea to the lebanese border at what do you think about this and the dangers of it spilling over into something more radical? that's another example of the contradiction of american policies and americans statements. for on one side, they say they don't want to expand this conflict, and they want to limit that on the other hand, they brought in by the demon was to the british and the they also are engaging now in, in concert and conflicts everywhere in celia and the other and most, most of police own and live on that is that is of, of the fact that the united states is unable to say. so is that enough is enough, but it's also pretty evident that around in it's very evident mr. plug into the run has
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a 100 this to the squad us about if you'll stop the oil and gas up, all of that would stop. yeah, man said they would. it means you have to stop that tax if there is as the complete seas via immediately there is one key to having caught them and that agent and, but event, this condition is that this to stop the attack on does the to implement what $150.00 city confidence in the support thing which is immediate impediment on sci fi, and this is what we need. and so the, i guess is what i'm the night that states and then i have to states and ministration has to make up its mind. do they want to see i'm explosion in the hold region, or they want to stop it by imposing ceasefire? immediate will leave with them stuff about duty sector general of the policy and national initiative. thank you. thank you. what's the head here in algebra? to see it, i'd be the front esick here. susan. i was the the best goals car is for chris yet.
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i right now they 5 some shots to this rivals sort of will be here with the i will say more that pleasant winter sunshine across not sure if the raven financial over the next couple of days, the cloud in the sky when it's easing off just around the gulf as well. so 24 celsius here in the hot on sunday presents announcement when the little lights was the go on into monday. plenty of fried weather. then of course, much of the arriving potential left by the norfolk got a few shelves just from the base to side of the key i pushing across to was northern, past all the rock and some snow that just around the coke sits between the black sea and the caspian, the snow is a little more expensive actually northern positive ducky. i see plenty of access. we go on through somebody, some west to whether it's just around the southernmost pos might even catch
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a shower. what say into west cypress notice, cold breeze blag, you stumble, which is 7 degrees celsius that on sunday, but it should be long as you try here by that stage where the weather makes his way for the east was cooler. i just digging down to was at least the side of the met. it's right, and we wanted to show is just creeping towards the events. we might see one or 2 showers just creeping along the coastal fringes of algeria, libya winds coming in from a no direction as a cooling off here somewhat over the next couple of days. bunch of west africa spaced for i may want it to central africa. big and lobby down pulls particular to the east of the riff valley, and this lot of showers is moving off the listing. seeking mediumship, it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they
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will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing sterling radio tape or i'd be that to that's like exploring how exist, central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on. outsourcing are locked up during lockdown, held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the horrendous conditions. june the co, dependent separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their wife's release. the facility with this documentary on august the news
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the other day you what you on your mind about top stories this out of 5 members of it runs revolutionary god have been killed in striking damascus. iran has blamed his row and says you tuck will not go on on, so it strikes you to residential building. and the album is a neighbor and is ready drain strike is repeatedly killed to hezbollah, members in southern lebanon to talk, talk to the vehicle in the town of advisory. if one of the reasons talking which see me how much leader was assassinated in the middle east capital, it's really forces that killed at least a $165.00 palestinians and southern guns that since thursday, bombings in the con eunice neighborhood of alamo killed 18 people dozens, well, hundreds of his rates are taking to the streets of high for demanding an end to the
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war. and to end the deal to exchange captives tensions honie with local police trying to stop the demonstration from happening. the supreme court allowed it to go ahead, replace agreeing to a crowd limit of 700 people. officers were deployed to paris square with a number of people were removed by police. stephanie decker reports now from that purchased in haifa. this is the 1st time approach as of this kind is being held in northern israel under have a police presence though the organizers have been trying to get this to happen for a week. they had to appeal to the supreme court because companies got say, no. is this the 1st time that you have really jews on how this thing is, is reading and often together, this is a mix city. now on page you have a son, you know, the, sorry, india talk over the 7th and his message is that the war and he said that there needs to be events. we just make this, i get a lot, a beer to continue. and we must, we must as the subject. so i can and i'm calling all the roads,
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especially people in doubt about common people like myself. well that are, i believe there's that both us. they pool with us usually conciliation. 3rd one. and then there's been a bit of course and sunday night between the police and the production peaceful pro . josh was a productive here. certainly saying not the police have been inherited from stopping these from just the police. we run the game by the lights we minister since the beginning of the war and the kind of peaceful law for protest, voice against the war, has been meant with extreme pressure now by the is really far right. the government and by the police have on that i think the word and gaza will end one day and a new world started, you know, service and just inside israel. and i hope somehow we can deal with this confrontation. i think we will face many difficulties in the future.
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do you need to say, what is the order for people to get here or where they want the b, the the, the most, some of the families is really can't just be held in. guthrie company outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose house they say they won't leave until next. you know, he meets with them. one father is stage. you have 24 out. hunger strike. government says a $136.00 is raising for nationals. i'll still be held in guns that gun to the point of dispute that the of we came here and i am on hunger strike. we expect these really prime minister to come out and talk to me until then. we will not leave this place. if he leaves, we will follow him hand in hand. we are here,
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we will not leave him until the husband is are back and we will be with him all day . we left him a quote on this ashley chevy. donnelly is with them, we demand that he meets with us explain, explain which deal. he will choose an end this hosted saga. within 3 days. they should return home to us, all of them. we will not accept any phases. and right now, in central televi, these are light fixtures. there are thousands, attending around the corner on the government to do more to bring home the captives held in golf and looks across live to, to raise the issues. you must become known as hostage square in tennessee, but so far as to tell us more about what time while i'm right here is what is known as is a square, it's one in front of the ministry of defense. this is a place where, right after october 7 will s as a whole for being housing a captive in dallas just started coming here initially. very size, leslie expressing their concerns about, you know, how much time you took the government to getting their loved ones for these? well, their voices are becoming louder,
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their impatience active for lingers on. so it's important to know that the last legal, serious and successful negotiation that happened was getting medicine within 2 guys up to the captive. that's the last, the news that people here had about what is going on on getting their loved ones released. there's lots of talks about whether there's going to be anything new or any new agreement, but nobody really knows how much is ongoing. but the pressure is ongoing. as the government continues with a going that fast as there was increasing tension between ongoing, with the war and actually getting the cap to release, which is a main concern for all of those. for here we're seeing that the government has that they're moving to different stages in the world as a moving the funny thing to was the southern part of the country moving some tools from the northern part. but still people here are telling us that they're hoping that community goes to some sort of take reading place, and they're very critical of the government because they believe that the
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government is focusing on the war and not in getting the hostages released. in terms of meanwhile, this is one of, at least 2 approaches across, as well today, with slightly different ages. can you put those into context for us when it's a sign of things are changing, you know, before, over the 7th, we so, and it's a massive protest. so people protesting against the government against the attend school before they do to share that change over the 7th we so country the united way in the past few weeks should have started seeing people from tension to the streets wants to get in just a few hours of what we're, we're not far away from here. again, thousands of people on the streets, protesting against the government and against saying, i mean nothing efforts and they blame for what happened on october the 7th. they're saying that he has in their hands. they believe that is owing you election, but it's going to get this country united once again and for this country to get through night to month. or you have to go this all whole different divisions that
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we have started to see. we've been the war cabinet, members of the cabinet, say the new elections, me to take place in a slightly holder for the coordination command, even the government once again, and the movie going nowhere be, it may be a tool. so as you can hear, there's thousands of people. many of the protestors that were on the other side of the city came here to support those where demanding the release of the captains in gas. that certainly lots of pressure and a very, very clear sign that things are changing and that's evidence. and this is interesting to write. so thanks for the terms of the intel of eve to stay where hundreds of guy that in the capital madrid calling for an end to israel's will on gosh, yes, 20 of the spanish cities are also holding sort of down too much. is a palace done? they want the government to come ties with israel. becky,
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south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. the protest is angry with the presence of his really businessman at a jewelry fan in the 150 pretend fault with police. some of the demonstrate is true smartphones who responded with more to kind of and in the united states, weekly palestinian solidarity protests are being held in major cities right across the country. almost half a 1000000 demonstrate as much in washington dc. los today they demanded an immediate cease for an event. israel's assault on garza. so now let's talk to a member of the palestinian desperate, who attended the purchase of washington last week of the address, the crowd. pleased to say a lot of deed as an actress of design and joining us now from los angeles. a great to have you with this atlanta, if you are the official speaker that much in washington last week. now,
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your dad was forcibly displays from palestine in 1948, just telling me if you would, what you learned about what happened to him in to the palestinians as you grew up in the stories that you heard. are you sure thank you for having me. and my family story is like so many other palestinian stories. my jo took in a family from poland who was seeking refuge in palestine, which in their own words, was the only face place for jewish people after world war 2. and that same family along with the or boon and had gone a violently expelled my. my family from their homes and the towns that they help build and they became refugees. and i think the important part about that is that my family story is not unique. um, it is the same story that you will hear from millions and millions of palestinians
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inside palestine and the diaspora. it is our stories that, that are reminders of, of the fact that we were expelled from our homes, of course. and that was 1948. this is 2024. what are your emotions now you see what's going on in garza? i'm, i'm seeing daily. uh, what happened to my father. um the, uh, the non spa has never ended and it is continuing now on social media and on. it's a tele fives genocide and not both palestinians and uh, we came out in dc to demand a ceasefire to demand our government to an occupation of palestine. i'm wondering what was it like to be part of the policy in the for in this, in this current climate and how the people respond to you. how did people receive you? and um, i think that the important part about being in the diaspora is that we are the
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voice for the people who are being set to be silent. we are using our voices to, to speak for the people who don't have electricity, who don't have telecommunications. so i, the response has been beautiful. people are coming out in droves in support of palestine. it is something i never knew if i was going to see in my lifetime, and i'm glad my father is getting to see it as well. do you get a sense of that that support for palestinians is increasing? yes, it is growing. people are seeing that a free palestine means collective freedom and universal freedom. it is. it is in solidarity with so many other liberation movements and the free palestine movement is the 1st step towards the collective and universal liberation for sure. sure, that's one side of things and you have the by the administration on the other side
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of things and the wholesale backing and endorsements of, of israel. what goes through your mind when you hit your advice and speak and on to the blinking speaking everybody else? um, what goes through my mind is that we will remember and november we're not gonna forget . i think that she is definitely losing a large swath of, of democrats who hadn't maybe voted for him before. and um, he needs to pay more attention to the millions and millions of people who are support in palestine in our liberation. and otherwise he's definitely going to have a hard time becoming president again. you think it will be an election issue. it is, it is an election issue. i know that it is. um, there are so many people who are supporting palestine, who have already said that there is no way that they can support a president who supports pitch on the side of palestinians. so i think that he should be worried, very worried if he doesn't call for a permanent and sustain she's fire, belong to, no doubt, you know,
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lots of people in dogs and in the region. what are they telling me about start experiences? know and how things are um it, it makes me emotional. it's very hard because these people are people who are asking, and they're saying they're saying if i die, continue to call for a ceasefire. if i die, please tell the story of what happened to us. and they are making plans for their, for their daft. and it is, it is horrific to watch that, you know, we are having to show our dad to show our destruction and still there isn't an end to this trying to fight. and so it has been her effect to watch and, and the whole world is watching. yeah. the fact that it has to come to those words, if i die just as it will at good to have you with this along are important to here
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. we can say a lot of data activists from spain campbell, sandra's now the war and gaza has dominate to the meet you the non line movement this. yeah, lead is from a 120 nations of the meeting in uganda speaking i live you inspector general attorney guitar is called a situation in gaza and the number of deaths unprecedented following the voters. i'm off the facts on 7, on top of the whole city destruction of guns and the number of civilian casualties caused by these val jada me in such a short period are totally unprecedented getting my mandates. and this includes 162 of auto new m stuff members. heartbreaking to as would be for the organization for that families. and for those they were serving in gaza. and let's have it gives us about the world using their feelings. puscetti has been sworn in as president of the democratic republic of congo. that's for the 2nd time
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. it's estimated 80000 people gathered at the country's biggest stadium in the capital congestive for the survey. this getty and his party won a landslide victory last month. opposition figures say the election was sham of cold for protests. india says it will soon stop a free movement of people across his board with me and by the in january. and his army chief said that more than a full 100 on the personnel from the mall had crossed into india over the past 2 months. i most of the latest sent back the ma is in the group of a major conflict as forces from ethic, minority groups, north coordinated attacks against military gentle. they seize tertiary and even some military posts, forcing hundreds of soldiers and civilians to die. its okay, still a head on out 0 side, it will have or you suppose these yes, neck it will have details for another shock. results from football is asian come and action from what was a 5 star performance by arsenal to get the permit need tied to the campaign back on track.
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the hard hitting in to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything, thought provoking ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities, usb tote. in the security council, this is something they just don't think look is different on it. access it. you hear the story on told to how does era here's from, i'll just say on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type domain new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the as the south korea naturally avoided the south defeat and they're asian cub, good game against jordan song, humans team and needed a late own goal is to secure a to, to draw far smile reports a jordan faced a tall order heading into this encounter with south korea. the never previously
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beaten the 2 time champions. so korean fans are hoping this will be the year their country's long titled road comes to an end. jordan is very amazing team as well, but the thing is curious degree. it is wine, so no doubt to be a $3.00 to 0 today. so korean confidence appeared well placed when their team won an early penalty to an employer and national team, captain son, humans stepping up to score his 1st floor of the tournament. the jordan may be rang 64 places below since korea they went on to dominate the house and go by party on gift to jordan in the course. and just for some time, yes, in this country isn't this 2nd. hm. well, more frustration for some reason,
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jordan minutes away from the same as victory. i'm telling yes. in our own goals, the getting finished in a to, to draw through at about 2 in the last moment. uh, they scored their goal and said it was an own good. so that really made me said the little bit, but things good. it was the role but the then the career team, actually i thought it too much better, but today it's okay. but maybe you don't need to very well the out on the top. 2 belk teams are well pleased and reaching in there are thousands 0 altima stadium has boosted their chances of reaching the last 16 day schooled an injury time to down malaysia, one now the result means they sit said in group e,
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one point below south korea and jordan or all jerry are still looking for that 1st, when all of the ongoing ask a couple of nations, the to time champions were held to to, to drill by booking of fossil. it means they now have 2 points off the 2 games and group de la book unify. so have 4. i'll do a last one, the tournament in 2019 awesome. we'll have a ton to premier league action with the crossing. when at immer stadium, the gunners smashed fellow london club crystal palace, 5 mill gabrielle and marching in it was particularly impressive that he's for twice an injury. time having coming on as a sub. the result is a relief for the gunners having suffered sweetly defeats in december. the victory takes them up to the 2 points behind the dismissal pool. who played a game less. costano, rinaldo says the sound of the pro league is better than frost is top division off
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the he won the fast play of the yeah. add the globe soccer awards into by. it's been just over a year since he made his highly publicized move up from 9 to see 9 to to and most of you finish 2023 with 54 goals from 59 matches for clubs and country ahead of the likes of hurricane stadium buffy and everything hadn't been can say whatever they want to just my opinion. and i play that one year. so i know what i'm talking about . but i think right now we are better than 1st week. so we feel improve the i was the, the best goal score. imagine to be the name of the young lions like ireland for example, the with the goals. so i'm proud i'm 79 soon. and i'm still looking goods or last week now may i say one see says today or of the year award, that messy has been reunited with form a bus along a teammate. to do a slide us up into milan, into miami. the path failed to find the net to as
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a pre season schedule began with the mill. now, girl against as salvador national team tennis a well, the number, what you guys find to has to be knocked out. they'll bill straight and open. she was beaten by teenager linda and the school the and around 3. 19 year old. this go by is playing at this tournament for the 1st time. the tech republic class didn't lose the 1st set. it goes to full time, full time, grand slam champion. but let's go ahead, back to when and $0.03 and bringing, and this $1.61 match on beats and one. so the her best of a performance as a grandson was featured so easily. i knew it's going to be uh, an amazing most referral number one and such a player. but i didn't really the thing that it was definitely this, but i'm just really, i'm just really glad the fruit as well design times in victoria as i think i spoke
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to ron for the search for your visa and then also think on the streets. that's the 18. see the net faces your screening? qualify, diana? yes. what am i supposed to in be forced upon and events. you will cut off that. that is a route to the 4th round of melbourne for the 1st time off to his opponent, chang. doing chang retired early in the said set you to time grandson champion the one the 1st to set 6161 before his 18 year old opponent retired due to a neck injury. and that image with the response of felix o is a lease in a in straight sets to reach the full wrong method with them. 163-6463 faces the on . see the new no location, the russian that will be targeting. he's the final and for years and he can return to number one in the world if he wins the title. and that's it as well for me and due back to nick saw on
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a thank you very much for that. that is it for me. the clock will be here in just a moment. we've moved daisy too soon. the on the morning of january 18th, 2023. several law enforcement agencies in georgia conducted a rate in a forest and se atlanta. protesters had camped in the woods for months to protect the trunk of the land from being bold, those to build a $90000000.00 police training center. so i was slipping in a hammock with my partner at the time we woke up around like a maybe quarter till 8 in the morning center where soleski had travelled from pittsburgh
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to atlanta and joined the protests for the weekend. so we were just laying in bed talking and then all of a sudden we heard and saw just like 15 or so police in full military like combat gear like was a, are 15 is just like president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line award winning documentary is from around the corner which is 0. the
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