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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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so the us selection refusing for the action not just gives you a sense of what is the target, displaces. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you closer to the fonts of the story, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about to send, this is the news i live from bill. how coming up in the next 16 minutes fears of an escalation and violence across the middle east. as israel strikes syria and lebanon . i don't know, ron bikes group targets us troops in iraq. this, i could actually don't guys have carriers that used to use the risk, quote the spinning over into the rest of the agent. jordan's fall and administered sales out to 0 about the danger,
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the water and goss opposes to the middle east. israel dropped small bombs on the sides of the gaza strip, checking the total desktop to nearly 255 years since the war began. and people in gaza say if the bones don't kill them, hung up we'll, we'll hear from palestinians 1st shortly to find food plus terry combat assuming russell, as well as waging a campaign of destruction. and how does seem to get you cation with a systematic assault on causes, universities and school. the iran has vowed revenge, officer accusing israel of kenning, 5 members of its elite atlantic revolutionary guard corps. the attack in the city and capital damascus killed the 90 in the head of intelligence and syria, among other high ranking officers president able to him that are easy. so he would
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know a lot. no, not a lot of what he called a cowardly assassination. to go unanswered and iran box group attacked and military base housing us troops in iraq following the attack and syria. right, so sort of begins our confidence on that end and capital tech on the rescue work to search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of addition regards to seeing capital, damascus. so presidents describing the movement of the attack in pop as you have the available data or using my asthma inhaler. 20 i'm just to run towards the 3 of those were sitting beside me. i just lost one have. so i've kind of, i tried to go back to the one like not 10, how are the size almost within seconds is really miss alice just seen it in a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description. the full story, residential building, collapse instantly, cause we shifted buildings with the most. it's a crime of the most heinous kind. your arms releasing the gods with providing
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details regarding the rank of those keels. but somebody forced to adjust. one was the head of course, forces intelligence unit in syria, that this was, this is eddie, turn it off of lucian, the gods. the contacts and coordinator was coast portable patients across the region now is read am. so disrupt is lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the writings recognize that they'll have to pay to support other people. the policies and the run has been sanctioned for decades. now it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and, and palestine. this is not israel was supposed to attack one of you running assets in syria. on december 25th is we have targeted and killed another top of lease in regards to official pricing with savvy in damascus investigation here on last new sites and the, the facility and the city of,
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that'd be in the north of iraq. you're all set, that facility was a spite house of israel secret service most out of the of the latest is ready attack. i said to the in damascus that are grouping concerns that the possibility of a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows shown signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the patient. wanted to get touchy that you're running for the minister says, is it as attack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional and the wrong reserves . the right to respond in due time and location is safe for the task policies inclusively to come to move between iran and his route. so far, both sides have avoided a server, communicative confrontation, renting experts here said the company has exercised strategic patience within a direct community conflict with israel. but they say the please. the number of this ready attached is testing the patients problem. well, as we mentioned,
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the military base housing us forces has been attacked and the rock rocket fire struck the animal outside the air base. coalition troops return far, launching more than a dozen strikes back on the other one had reports from the rocky capital bank that these limits resistance to new york has claimed responsibility for the attack on the i in a submitted treat these which is housing us and coalition forces in western iraq tribal officials in about provenance in was something iraq say that the coalition forces the to and it filed on, targeted the location where the missiles would launch it from, you know, above the district in about a province in western iraq. it is, lemme resistance umbrella to them. that includes your along the lines of the groups who have been cutting thousands of tax targeting us and coalition forces minutes, the facilities in iraq and city. since october,
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the 17th they put 2 major predict was it's to stop these attacks. us forces and coalition forces withdrawal from iraq, the columbia appeal patient forces. i'm 2nd, the stops support thing is it? as admitted to the campaign on the visor without through, i had just to get off of that and saw that 11 on it is really drones strikes, killed a member of his ball of at least one other person was killed because they were in was destroyed across the border was actually being run thing up since the stars of the war on gaza and went on conrad for some bush abortion, a song of beverage that i devise around midday. local side of things. first thing about this is where it's a place to place an el booster. they have, which is 525 columbus has a weight from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea recent weeks. however, these attacks have been the half of the killing on january,
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2nd of all of really the senior las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago with um, alex well, who was a senior local come on the in the south of 11 on for hezbollah was killed and cut about sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drive. so although they say it's going to be a blow to his board in terms of the technical aspect, there's certainly doesn't tell you the senior leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or militarily. but it is an interesting uh, watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deeper into his regular territory. with the attacks and city and lock and loving on commas. israel continues to bomb across the gaza strip and it's driving fear is that the. busy or on gaza could lead to a regional conflict. i most of heidi is jordan's fall and administer. he told my
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colleague nick clock that the vitamins could easily spread from the very beginning . we warrant that to this, i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over into the rest of the agent. added to that? no, that is a foreign minister. might be a the contest. the approval of king. yeah, uh, compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay that, but it's kind of reckoning that he would have to face, and also to navigate around. the difference is that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the average in for the future as so to listen to the impact of that to the difference, would they be less than others? and so the lady at the police get a reckoning, 5 minutes and it's, you know, it might be working towards the. ready other bronze to which she would drag the waste and then we'd be looking at a very, very,
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very serious installation of the conflict that is relevant so far. we've got goals for a to allow the internationally recognized product digital authority to govern both gods. when you all keep plug westbank vide is apparently washington's preferred option. what is joel these done? we started, i mean, as we stepped from the very beginning, uh, gaza is boston, boston. it'd be a good buy percentage or 3. any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought . the boss of a roader approaches would include the occupied was by kind of keep by to send him and we do not accept any immediate presence in guzman, or do we upset that he was like, they've been sort of, i mean, parts of guys have this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning, this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing. and this is something that for, for, for the world to recognize even to us, which is providing as language support says, is why it has to conduct aggregation. and what does, within the, it's not. it says the is right, has to allow sufficiently,
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many cas applies and we'll get to it is not, it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza listing and stay the same government the same. you know, it will not allow that. so i think it should be clear to the whole, well know which party is responsible for the tighter that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsible for benign, nobody's going to be so deserves. and which party is driving this conflict for them to have based on we've got to remember as, as i can use with the technician on god. it is also conducting a way to load and that was back where it's a suffocating that as soon as he can, obviously it's denied him that i to be a warship with muslims and christians. it is getting better simians, interesting palestinians that we have to remember, that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response is bullying. and that it was not ex fluids and under the pressure for me is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking
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about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which was even had pub boys, the more serious types of driving us all into eddies. not expansion of build this or in gaza is really a tags of killed at least a 165 pound a study. and since friday, taking the total death total across garza to nearly $25000.00. and since the war began, one of the latest is very strikes and gaza has targeted a car traveling through rafa and the side of the strip. 3 people were killed and 2 others were injured. rough as taken into more than 1000000 displaced palestinians. and it's been under constant is really from boston, if you hospitals and guys are the still low from aging, have been overwhelmed with large numbers of injured people. these are the scenes that they all show honda hospital in the central city of daniel by lot doctors they're so they're struggling to cope with our basic anesthetics as israel continued it strikes across the gaza strip of students. so saying that is where the
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forces are deliberately targeting education facilities. several university campuses have been destroyed since the war began. and the united nations, as the damage could lead to a last generation dot com boom report. from rafa, it was once simple of higher education and goals of city. now, smart university is going the dust and the previous last hurtful generation of palestinians is wanting to compass use to the pike. i'm what the university of course is including finance, engineering, and low for more than $4000.00 students. as well as being accused of deliberately targeting education. who was a student at the use limitation of us the of going as of before, was listed on usable by his race tracks for studying him. mazda, i'd hoped to become my phone like to, since the beginning of these, for my university and other university is here in the got us to plus,
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almost destroyed. we are talking that not only does checked total universe if this was destroyed or so the future or, or the students or the people that this starts with studying, and masters, or materials degree, or even to be in this university wide or most destroyed. you know, statements, the palace, the minister of foreign affairs and expect troops condemned, is where is tax on universities. the occupation previously targeted a large number of higher education institutions in the gaza strip and destroyed them completely or partially as part of the criminal award is waging against the palestinian people. nothing to say about the need it to do that kind of an explosion. you need to be in there, you have to put the explosives down and it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do. and if there was a threat from this particular facility, they wouldn't have been able to do it. the state department is being asked to explain, it's a lady's actions. we are always troubled by the,
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by any degradation of civilian infrastructure and gossip. but without knowing the actual underline circumstances, i'm a little hesitant. i think for reasons that should be understand with the past, defend of judgment on it. from this podium, the own garza has left thousands of students across this trip. the limbo that united nations is warning that the destruction in guns will lead to a last generation among young people. here, target was in algebra, russell southern casa, the palestinians, and god just are struggling to find enough food to survive. despite the trick lives, humanitarian aid, which is being allowed in hundreds of thousands of people, are reported to be starving. but un says, a fireman is just around the corner. as mohammed fall reports things out particularly bad in northern garza. the, when the guns on silent for the,
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the size of 100 babies can't be heading this 3016 summit. he up stephanie, big street markets famished. the girls in success for most of the time without much excess food items, are hard to come by. the prices are high and even low people don't talk many of the, the prices are unimaginable. one kilo of this bad quality, wheat flour is 1012 shekels sets up from 3 in the past for a much better quality, half of this flower is unusable. imagine that even before the war and when people had salaries, the situation was already untenable. people were suffering right now. it's many, many, many times worse. the security once the daily meal is next to impossible says this man. see about the zillow. people can't find what imagine a family of 10 people then what can they do to. so why is this not because we've been eating on the rice for a moment. we have to wait the whole day for
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a single portion of rice in the afternoon. i came here looking for a flower, but all i find is pigeon flint. what kind of life is this? shame on them. we're dying here and no one cares. apply doesn't, and there. she says some of her children were killed in southern casa, and others are missing hunger and believe meant to not mock nearly every single family in gaza. so this causes and the way from the reach of relief organizations, people do whatever they account to get by. this is the only for allow for instance, this marketplace 2006 we used to operate a blacksmith workshop, but everything has been destroyed. so we put up the store in order to eat and provide food for people, but it's an extremely difficult task in the snow and to the new stuff. challenges facing these palestinians. they leave in the midst of the destruction. no single
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public service is available. they didn't phone, so 2 local wells, but did a lot of films broken states garbage is piling up and getting thing to the c infested. the only thing untouched is these people is resolved in resisting attempts to force them to leave a lot of the we support the distance, may god protect them. we are ready to die and sacrifice for children and families to star. and we did a distance during the early days of all these are the army or the people in northern guys have to go to solve, but often move on 3 months of the land, plus bombardment and destruction. thousands awesome here. in defiance of all the hazards of 100 an extermination. how much fun on these really military, it says it's kind of, you know, conducting operations around con, units and the size of this trip i'm pursuing leads on captive sale by homeless do attribute dental, but mean a, as over the, securing the release of all the captives is our main priority,
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and we are exerting all needed efforts to bring them back, or we're working with special units and using intelligence information to bring them back. we are not conducting any operations. if we know there's a possibility, the captives are in a specific location. it comes, we continue to fight in con unit, and we continue to destroy all the military infrastructure in place. as of the last name, we know there are still him us fighters there, and our soldiers are fighting there and continued to make progress condo. so who's joining us from occupied east jerusalem is that was daniel, how got a baze rails military spokesman talking there? tell us more about what do you have to say, and particularly the significance of con eunice for the is really military or for weeks. now these really army has been saying that the ground operations are focusing on the southern city of han, eunice. remember, this has gone to the 2nd largest city these really army says they believe that a lot of how massive leadership is hiding in tunnels underneath the city. they also
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say that there is an abundance of homeless spiders in the city of hon. eunice. but remember, there are hundreds of thousands of palestinians who are in that city after they fled there. some of them fleeing multiple times at the direction of b is really army and because of the relentless bombardment in other parts of gaza. now remember, these really army has said that they achieved full operational control in northern gaza and that they dismantled him. us as military capabilities there as well. but the reality on the ground shows a different picture because there are still gun battles in northern dogs and rockets that are being launched from the northern part of the territory. now these really army says it hopes to mimic the chief minutes that it made in northern gaza to the south, specifically, when it comes to hong units. these really are, mate, has said that all of their war efforts v a land air and sea will continue until they reach their goals. yep. and we've been reporting for the last couple of weeks
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or so about the growing splits that appearing between israel's military and israel's political leadership. but in the last week or so we've been starting to see a whitening gap actually within nothing. yeah. who's wall cabinet as well there when divisions within me is really government since the beginning of this war. but now they have reached the war cabinet. fees are political and military officials that these really prime minister had handpicked, based on their defense and security experience to assist him in his roles. war. additionally, you have gathered the eyes and codes one of the main focal members of the work cabinet who spoke to is really media and said that the total defeat of him us as a tall order and perhaps is not achievable and not the focus should be on bringing back the captives, you also had him say that there shouldn't be elections held within is really society to cement the support for the government. but if you talk to is really is
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on the street. if you look at poll numbers, you'll see that benjamin netanyahu has numbers have never been lower. and in fact, well there is support for more efforts. there is not a support for these really prime minister, but there is some consensus within the government, not just within the coalition, but some members of the opposition, but they don't want a palestinian state. this is something these really prime minister has reiterated and he said for his 30 years in office, this has been his policy and he would do what he could to block that israel finance minister betsel. it smelt where it's a member of nathan, yahoo has coalition and a known ultra nationalist released a post on ex, formerly known as twitter, saying that the idea of a palestinian state is something that is rejected. among most israel is you have giddy on side one of the members of the new whole party who is actually not in espanol whose coalition, who additionally rejected the idea of a palestinian state and said that lawmakers should stand in the way of its creation
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. but with all the international pressure that's mounting on nets and yahoo telling him that the only way to solve this conflict is with a palestinian state. there are a lot of varying opinions. now there are some who say perhaps that is the way to go . but the latter opinion, and the more opinion we have been seeing recently is that that is simply not going to happen even the us president joe biden himself saying that wrong. that's and yahoo is an office. perhaps it is something that is simply unattainable. honda, thank you. very much if you have this other talking to us from occupied east jerusalem. all sizes of protests as have gathered across israel, demanding the release of homeless captives in garza. this was the scene in tennessee, the demonstrations demanded to cease by cutting signs that said agreement. know very simple was, are, those protests were here in front of the ministry of defense seems a lot of
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a not far away from what is known as hostage square. this is the place where add up to, to were 70 when i think some folks were being held captive. and as i started to demand, very nice right in front of the ministry of defense. initially they were very silent. their voices now are starting to go louder. they're getting more in patience with the situation on the ground. thousands of people have gathered here to demand the release of the captives being held in garza. many are concerned, but the government is more focused on the war that on getting their loved ones released. the government has said that they're changing expiration thing. guys are removing some troops from the northern part of the gaza strip and focusing on fighting in the south. but people here wants to see that the captives released, and this is happening if protesting across is right and have increased in recent weeks, we're seeing not far away from where we are. we're, we're just a few minutes. i will the with thousands and thousands of people here calling for
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new elections. they say that the government and venue me nothing. yeah. who have blood on their hands. the only new elections is something that will unite this country once again after what happened. it's not just happening on the street, it's also within the wood cabinet. for example, we're seeing the ministers are also saying that new elections are needed. many are starting to question whether the see think, how much is even realistic. so most certainly there's something changing and it's well in the past 3 months, you know, several, a month level prior to the october 7th attacks that were massive demonstrations on the streets with people trying to prevent the reforming. the judiciary based on the was trying to remain united now they're on the streets again, and certainly what is ongoing, this demonstrations on the streets show that something has changed and they discover a lot of just have you as well. some of the valleys have always been held in the
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highest in northern israel. local police tried to hold the demonstration there, for the supreme court allowed it to go ahead after police agreed that the crowd would be limited to $700.00 people. a number of protesters were removed by police from the valley, in hyphens square, stephanie deckers been there. it's the 1st time approach, as of this kind is being held in northern israel under have a police presence though the organizers have been trying to get this to happen for a week. they had to appeal to the supreme court. companies got say no, is this the 1st time that you have really jews on how this thing is, is reading the thing together. this is a mix city. now on page you have a son, you know the, sorry, india talk, tobar the 7th. and his message is that the warranty said that there needs to be events. we just make this, i get a lot, a beer to continue, and we must stop. we must of the subject. so i can say no, i'm calling all the roads,
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especially people in doubt about common people like myself. well that are i believe there's that both us simple with us usually conciliation. 3rd one. and then there's been a bit of course and sunday night between the police and the production peaceful pro . josh was a productive here. certainly saying not the police have been inherited from stopping these from just the police on the day by the life of the minister. since the beginning of the war, any kind of peaceful law for protest, voice against the war has been meant with extreme pressure now by the is really far right. the government and by the police have on that i think the word and gaza will end one day and a new world started, you know, service and just inside israel. and i hope somehow we can deal with this confrontation. i think we will face many difficulties in the future.
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the need to see what is the order for people to get here on the in the meanwhile, some of the families have is really captives being held. and guys are also camping outside the house of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they said they won't leave until next. and yeah, who talks to them? one father staging a $24.00 hunger strike. a government says a $136.00 is riley's in foreign nationals are still being held in garza opinion poll shows about 2 thirds of is really support a ceasefire over defeating homeless in gaza. all the con has met the mother of one of the captives in tennessee. the hops, the west, the for any,
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both of you have getting a cause low but does not know what that her son is alive or dead. these with some is already cause loved last movement for the does the music festival just before he was taken captive, because the by how must fight has a yeah. do more is to saw my private and i want andre to return home. i live one of a countries to be involved in resolving this problem. i work for old people for is very, it is, i'm published and yes to leave in a safe. well, obviously susan, she says she's doing. oh, she came from joining protests. the meeting russian officials on the vehicle. i want everyone to hear the andre arrived in israel in august 2022, which he has never served in the is really army only in the russian army. he is a russian citizen. i so hope that would influence his release. he's got under his girlfriend, jennifer says prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government is not prioritizing the welfare of those held captive our uh, government and 5 minutes there has time because he has 2 goals,
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2 goals. and we have one go we want and brings our hostages home. they should be home long, long time ago. i'm not sure that'd be beyond their expenses. are prime minister. it has to be. now you have getting an jennifer joining, we can protest and what's become notice hosted with, with the bonds of shifted to become more critical of the government policy. and going to a andres picture, it's just one of a $136.00 plus it's across as well. for many weeks with a message bring them home. now, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on de renewed prussia with growing protests. i'm posting a shift in public opinion to support the points of the captives. and now cracks are appearing in his will. cabinets. got the item caught who's that observe at the wood cabinets, told us where the media deal is the only way to return the captive contradicting nothing. yahoo!
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who insists that can only be done through military pressure. it is the 1st sign that there are adults inside the war cabinet, which reflects also dogs in the public. let's say, observe us from outside, but most of fuel will fuss inside, including the me said from the 1st moment the is really war, goes on achievable at all, i'm achievable, period back in hostage square people, most the best birthday, the youngest captive compared with us. people here, so the only priority should be the release of him and dozens of captive laura calling out to sarah, tell if he's still i had an outage data demonstrations and saw the data table with other site and take place across europe, calling on governments to pressure israel to hold its assault on garza and in mid the death and destruction are young,
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palestinian couple of celebrate their loved the find the resilience of the people of god. like sorry, the the, the hello a deep area of low pressure is still over and northern australia. so think the deeper the low, the more intense it is. it's now crossing into western australia will head toward the kimberly. and the pilgrim over the next few days. now speaking of which a head of this, the pill for us, some spots wouldn't be surprised if you hit 50 degrees over the next little bit ahead of that. what, whether that will move in speaking of what, whether let's go to new zealand. we see it locked in around the be a plenty, but by monday it is going to be in the east cape. you're going to be in the thick of it is been looking to see a month's worth of rain over 24 hours. and speaking of copious amounts of rain on
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borneo island, west keller, montana has been pouring rain for days there, so that has produced the scenes of flooding. not uncommon for this time of year, things do quite down a bit in this part of the world on sunday, and speaking of which is javert province. the other day had a tornadoes, certainly some active weather here, cooler air coming out of china into northern vietnam. so android, just 17 degrees and things are starting to dry off for the southern philippines. been it out island. but there has been some funding, as we mentioned, pool in china, look at shanghai, 70 degrees and northerly when there. so it's going to feel cool, and it's what day in tokyo watch show really looking at a months worth of rain and 24 hours see a of the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide,
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frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seen as convocation inside story on al jazeera, the 1st and they saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves was. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the what, you know, just need a reminder of a told stories this out or 5 members of advanced revolutionary guards are being killed in an air strike in damascus, iran has blamed israel, it says the attack will not go on on. so the strike, here's a residential building in the old met certain neighborhood. another is really attacks, killed a member of principal and level before the drone has destroyed his car. meanwhile, and a very invited group is attacked and military base, and their rock causing us troops in gaza is rarely stripes. have continued across the strip, killing more than a $160.00 thomas jennings in less than $24.00. and brings the death totally gas have to just under $25000.00 honest demands since october. the 2nd hundreds
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of mourners have attended the funeral of a 17 year old palestinian boy you killed on friday in the occupied westbank. toughest iraq was shot dead by is really forces and a small ton east of them on its body was draped to the polished indian flag. as mourners carried him through the streets. as jack was also a us citizen. on thursday, the wife has said it was seriously concerned doctor reports of his death. dozens of his rarely satellites have attacked palestinian she part is in a village, close to the muller allah standing and save the settlers 5 bullets at them and tried to steal their animals. village councils told dogs is either the attack of came from a recent, the established supplement of post a number of assaults by his various half lives in the occupied west bank has been rising since the how much let attack on southern israel and october the 7th. the un has recorded at least 449. i sold such an average of 4 a day. i 3rd of them have involve firearms and nearly half of the attacks recorded
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since october. the 7th is ready, forces with the present over reported to be supporting the violence. it's estimated that at least 1200 policy indians from 15 better when communities i've been forced out of their homes by settler violence. most of all body is secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and a former palestinian information minister. he says is really self as a one to see. punish damian's removed from the west. bank of these faxes did i include the b to a type in the 1948 when got into those items. so let us at that for this thing is i'm committed no less than 52 my seconds. and it is to the ground $520.00 by listing and communities eventually evicting 70 percent of the palestinian people from deadlines. conducting one of the worst cases of ethnic cleansing. this is the government is a fascist one, and they're clear,
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the goal is ethnic cleansing before ballasting is inc, as the as well as in the west bank. that's the nature of what we see. but since the 7th of october, things got much worse because everybody is early in the concept that every is an early policeman. and if it is that, and the soldier thinks they have the license to come for the students and think they have the license to have asp listing is in every possible way. it is now so frequent that set that as well as so just and since what many of them said from that is that a lot of me and there was, there is this i so it just that, that brought us to me and communities with, with every possible think including that guess we'll still see you guys that cause shot to death by shooting him in the head while he was driving to the car. and this is one example of what no one has done. 25 other cases would set. let us have cars, but the simians and good luck. the so called a non aligned movement of developing countries known as the number is calling for the cx, 5 and gaza, and for 8 to flow into this trip without any restrictions. the statement came on
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the last day of this is non summit customs, so it has more the right of every country to determine it's by the end of the non alignment means some of the due to income. paula really pads of state and government was adopted a political declaration on the state of palestine. the report was ceasefire. respect of the international know and the support of the 2 states. so you've shown the refusal to accept the 2 state solution for these very always on palestinians, and the denial of good rights to stay towards for the policy and people unacceptable. these will be indefinitely pro longer conflict that has become a major so that the global peace and security exists. the debates pull it, i zation and then bold the x. that means every with delegate said the non
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aligned block. now more than as long as i speak with one voice, i think on then this in acceptable one you got and he money 30 and fair. and d months, an immediate and to the on just the war against the senior people and photos. the immediate implementation of the 2 states solution. the non align movement was founded in 1961 during the height of the cold war. it was a way for countries to show the new trolley t e and the conflict and bring attention to the developing world instead that you've done to z dot your wire them 70 has taken over the leadership of the block for 3. yes. so i'm on a least say the challenge of the president is going to face is convincing members states to take a unified position on major global issues,
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while at the same time trying to balance the needs and priorities of the old countries. what's clear is that days an increased desire by many countries in the global south to change a political and global order, which they see is unfair. catherine. so i'll just sarah compiler. the demonstrations installed the data tables pa, this time has been held in cities across europe this weekend. protest as have been on the streets of france, spain, italy, and the u. k. calling for a cease fire in gaza, they're also demanding. the western governments put pressure on israel to and it's a sold through challenge reports. it's the beginning of a much simple take. some of these protest is from paris, all the way to brussels when they arrive in 10 days. demonstrates is will bring a demand to the european council and ends to what they call is rails, genocide, causes palestinians. since the will run causal began more than a 100 days ago,
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regular protests being held in european cities. this was madrid on saturday. tens of thousands on the spanish capital streets. he's rail kills europe. sponsors on these matches the wherever sushi mount and see we are in 2024 and we are accepting what's happening in palestine, what's happening to the world. so i'm just going to say it was something we did. the student people are for assistance in our fight against colonialism and against these really occupation and against the continuing is really aggression against the people in the you, k, small demonstrations took place around the country with a larger one incoming and from the stage for the opposition lead jeremy colbin voice, the belief held by many supporters of palestine. that western governments are ignoring the war crimes happening as a world watches. the registrar goods view in all this is the one that they will not
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call as a fly. they either support states, they tell us, well, they say nothing and they won't jobs. the questions about the reality of i is a, the destruction of life, st. john's of all the advice they have received from their own officials, all what is going on. the tiny and city of which ends up a pro palestinian demonstration time violence. police use war to come in and buttons on marches. the protest is through flags and fireworks of police. and other we can, the popular international find is because of walgreens on, where we challenge, which is 0. a lot of data is a palestinian american designer and activist who was a speaker to a palestinian solidarity protest in washington dc last week,
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which attractive thousands of people. my colleague nick clock also roberto families expulsion from palestine. my family's story is like so many other palestinian stories. my jo took in a family from poland who was seeking refuge in palestine, which in their own words was the only safe place for jewish people after world war 2. and that same family along with the or boon and had gone a violently expelled my, my family from their homes and the towns that they helped build and they became refugees. and i think the important part about that is that my family story is not unique. um, it is the same story that you will hear from millions and millions of palestinians inside palestine and the diaspora. it is our stories that, that are reminders of, of the fact that we were expelled from our homes,
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of course. and that was 1948. this is 2024. what are your emotions now you see what's going on in garza, i'm seeing daily. what happened to my father um the uh, the knock by has never ended and it is continuing now on social media and on. it's a tele fives genocide. and knock both palestinians and uh, we came out in dc to demand a cease fire to demand our government to and an occupation of palestine. i'm wondering what was it like to be part of the policy in the us for in this, in this current climate. how that people respond to you. how did people receive you? i think that the important part about being in the diaspora is that we are the voice for the people who are being set to be silent. we are using our voices to, to speak for the people who don't have electricity, who don't have telecommunication. so i,
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the response has been beautiful. people are coming out in droves in support of palestine. it is something i never knew if i was going to see in my lifetime, and i'm glad my father is getting to see it as well. despite all the pain and destruction caused by israel's war on gaza. a young palestinian couple have decided to move forward with a wedding times and celebrate new beginnings. catch all of us. other young has their story. a it's a big day for mohammed and show hot. the young couple just got married, but it's not the wedding. they had dreamed of going to be for like thousands of palestinians. they've been displaced by the war in gauze. those tents in bravo is now their home friends decorated as best they could, instead of a beauty salon for the bride. she will have to make do with available, make
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a products the wedding cake replaced with a bowl of snacks for the so i'm so i'm like everyone else wants to nice policy and a wedding will not have tenants. but all i belong, the good still. we need to send gold for everything. for months, the couple plans and saved for their wedding. both their homes were destroyed and goes to the city, the bride's wedding dress and the grooms new furniture all gone. and it's one of those that go to the site, but when, when my door, she thinks about it, she starts to cry. i tell her, don't cry, it's just money. all of us are here, but the truth is all happiness is incomplete because most of all family isn't to. we can't reach them and some of our relatives have died in the war. it may not be an ideal setting, living in a 10 city with constant reminders of war. it's
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also an opportunity they say to celebrate perhaps more intensely moments of joy. but obviously the sadness is all around us. but we need to create the glamorous, despite everything. and so to honor new beginnings, guest celebrate mohammed and show how it's a new chapter. it's not the glamorous wedding date hope for, but the family says in a way it feels more special in a way to also celebrate life. love and resilience. even a mid hor katia will be so the again i was just the still ahead and i'll just talk to him. suspenses membership of an east african economic blog, accusing it on file. interested on cellphones here, but attempts to mediate a conflict which is lost of funds on the families of mexico is missing. and people
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accuse a government of falsifying data on forced disappearances. the i have the right, the boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i want to continue. do you want to state level all that i can to support the 3 part series excludes the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. i regret not no more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for. somebody gainfully talked to in, quote, on which is 0 as the war with rush of wages on an internal thought is escalating the new claim. there will be more p p. s the. there will be flashbacks. many civilians will find it's difficult to understand. a one of the biggest mental health crises of living memory mindset meets the therapist helping ukraine.
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soldiers, families, what is your desired outcome for the patients that come through the store to make a purse and want to live the exploring type of us culture. examining political disco exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity. open until the stories from asia around the pacific. one. 0 one east. on out just the the the
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sit down a suspended membership with the regional bodies set up to promote development in eastern africa. it's because the inter governmental authority and development invited the leader of sedans, rapids support forces onto group. so that is military has been fighting the out, assess for several months. eva morgan reports a sudan has been a member of the intake governmental authority on development r e guides since it was established in 1996. but after weeks of tension, with the regional blog stemming from defenses on how you guys should handle that conflict, that is now and it's 9 per month. so dense foreign ministry says it's suspending it's membership. you got invited the news at all. it's for the summit. some is on hold a head, silver state government. so this is, this is,
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this is unacceptable. sedan has already withdrawn from you god, let's talk and the conflict describing it as an internal issue of what the fighting has killed more than 12000 people and displaced 7500000 according to the united nations. god has been trying to bring together the leaders of the to where insides, the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces for a face to face meeting. it had hoped that would lead to a cease fire agreement followed by political tops. that's what would the concrete back on it's transition to democracy. but in december, so then of set to communicate issued by the blog regarding potential talks between the 2 leaders. it said no meeting would take place prior to the recept withdrawing from civilian homes and from cities. it took over during the conflict. god was the only regional block in the past few weeks, but has been trying to end the conflict into them. after talking did the fail to reach
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a ceasefire with finance government now suspending its membership. any hopes that those affected by the conflicts have for a diplomatic solution? is also in doubt. he but morgan knowledge of era, how to us and democratic republic of congo, felix 6 security is being sworn in as president for the 2nd term. it's estimated $80000.00 people gather the country's biggest stadium in the capital, congestive for the sum of money to security and his policy $1.00, a landslide victory last month for the opposition figures said the election was a sham and they've called for protests. and it says is going to assume be stopping the free movement of people that crosses border with me and not totally of this month. india is army chief, said that more than 400 army personnel from me and mark had crossed into india over the past 2 months. most of them were laser sent back me in march. isn't a group of a major conflict as forces from ethnic minority groups launch coordinated attacks
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against the military sometime in honda's account of i know hundreds of migraines is making its way towards the united states. they say the lack of jobs and hard living conditions are the main reasons for leaving their communities. their left sun paths are so low in the early hours of saturday, according to the home building government. around 64 percent of the 10000000 population live in poverty. the mexican government has been reviewing its official register of people labeled as disappeared. but there's little transparency about how the reviews being carried out on the families of missing people. so the records have been manipulated to the front try to bring the number down. mexico's president says the accusation is wrong. my. on top of that was more from mexico city, the demonstrators outside of federal government building in mexico city. through the families of missing persons, and they say they want answers over why dozens of case files have been erased from
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the official government census onforce disappearances. active. it showed us dozens of lead government documents appearing to show the names of missing persons that have been removed from the public records can look at getting this out body. they want to make it seem as if there are no full disappearances in mexico. but that's not the case. everybody does. it says her husband roberto must be in, went missing in 2010. she believes his name is among those that have been erased. she and many others believe mexican authorities of tampered with official records to make it appear as though hundreds, possibly thousands of missing persons have already been found to report it so. so yeah, that's why i am here demanding that the president tells us where all these people are that have supposedly been found. that was my husband's never returned for his part president and it is monday, lopez over at all. it has denied the accusations in the middle. have no, i. e, we have no intention, nor have we ever had the intent and everybody seeing any disappeared person that we
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conducted as a revision in the general national search need to clarify precisely what we have in terms of disappeared this and get everything in order to complete. you and is it easy? according to the mexican government's own records, there been more than 45000 cases of missing persons in mexico during the lopez over the other. what administration? with less than a year left before the end of president lopez over the term, critics say his administration is trying to manipulate government statistics ahead of the upcoming national election information regarding the methodology used to update the national registry on missing persons has not been made publicly available families of missing persons in mexico say it's a wait for the government to make their loved ones disappear for a 2nd time. when was it up? i don't houses here mexico city. 7 the russian control town of hardly, and the city of them yet can you cream, came on the shelling in the i was of saturday and training and troops continue to
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hold positions of the outskirts of done. yeah, it's can the use of the country. but then that's region is one, a for the russians claimed is its own since last year. and wives of russian soldiers and ukraine are campaigning for their husbands to return from the front. the group called the way home, one to the election headquarters of russian president vladimir putin in moscow in saturday. criticism of the water and russia is found. we have the serial number for the dispatcher, but i think we need to come on mass right. similar repealed instructions in order to force and by weight of numbers. previously, we went to lawmakers, we wrote less, as i think now is exactly the moment when we need to act, when, if not now. and you as president joe biden's warrant about the consequences of abandoning ukraine and softer emergency funding was blocked by republicans in congress. if we walk away,
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russia is able to sustain on slots and bring down ukraine weights for the happen ball. whether it's going to happen from poland, hungary, or box. i mean shares, think about changes. are there any more than 10000 people in new zealand of attended and rare national meeting called with a multi king ahead of indigenous people. it's in response to plans for the new center, right, coalition government. it aims to undo policies that many believe were under my body rights and states, and some of the countries funding tracy between body butters, settlers, the king says the new government should not be able to change anything to do with the document. but most x rays of election did not attend the meeting on saturday. usually the easiest country to do change at all. there's government comes in. oh yeah, like
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a little submissions here about change. it doesn't change anything. what is it to do the inverse, the normal as soon as the contrary is not a curve is going to be here in a couple of minutes with going on and story. so i'm roll mattress and stay with us . some of the what constitutes exempt. so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want to education, i want to we don't have to leave them in different countries and policy and it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the
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crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness, and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of truth. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, locked up during lockdown, held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the whole vendors, conditions during the cold. it depend demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility. with this documentary on august,
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the aging cap is being played and cats are from a record search time. 24 teams are competing for the trophy. there can only be 4. can you, if you run across the action out of the tournament phase and cost on the iran vows retaliation off the israel kills $5.00 senior members of the elite submitted truthful since they're in the carry johnston. this is, i'll just say a lot from the household coming on this i guess you don't gaza as carriers that he


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