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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to are continue for the trophy. there can only be 4. can you if you run across the action out the tournament phase and cost on the the wrong vows retaliation off the israel kills $5.00 senior members of its elite submitted truthful since they're in the carry. johnston, this is all just there a lot from the household coming on this, i guess you don't guys are carriers that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over to the rest of the agent. jordan's foreign minister tells alex's there about the change of the war on guns. a poses to the middle east is rarely
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intensifies its attacks and southern guns that any $25000.00 palestinians have been killed since the start of the tarry, competitive and rough, or israel is waging a campaign of destruction and have a steve indication with a systematic sold on gauze with universities, schools, the 1000s of protests is radi across is ro, demanding early elections. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, to step down the iran has vowed revenge after teasing is relative. kidding, 5 members of its elite is not met with additionally gone cold. the attack can the syrian capital damascus killed the rainy and head of intelligence in syria,
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among other high ranking offices. president abraham rice, he said he would not allow what he called a cowardly assassination. to go on, the onset russell started up against coverage now from the radiant capital tear off . the press, the work to search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of abuse. in regards to seeing capital, damascus standing ex presidents describing the movement of the attack and pop as you has an example on data or using my asthma inhaler. when my little granddaughter, who is 3 years old, was sitting beside me, i just, i mean awesome or and kind of. so i tried to protect phyllis, one like the us and how the size almost within seconds is really miss alice. just seen it in a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description. the full story, residential building collapse instantly, cause we've shifted buildings with the most. it's a crime of the most heinous kind your arms revolution. the gods avoid providing details regarding the rank of those killed by somebody post. so just one was the
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head of course forces impediments unit in syria. what's worse? this is eddie. turn it over to lucian, the gods. the contacts and coordinates eros close board to patients across the region now is read am so disruptive lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the writings recognize that they'll have to pay to support other people. the policies in the run has been sanctioned for decades now. it has faced maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and, and palestine. this is not israel support the attack one, are you running assets in syria? on december 25th is we have targeted and killed another copy of the lease of the gods, the official present with savvy in damascus, immunization here on last new sites, and the, the facility in the city of, that'd be in the north of your rock. you're all set, that facility was
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a spite house of israel, the secret service, most of the cost of the latest is ready attacked as such as the in damascus. there are grooving concerns that the possibility of a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows shown signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the patient. wanted to get a touchy running for the minister says, is it as a pack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional and the wrong reserves . the right to respond in due time and location is safe for task. policy is increasingly coming to move between one and as well. so far, both sides have avoided a server, communicative confrontation, random experts here said the company has exercised strategic patients within a direct community conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of israeli attacks is testing the patients that wrong and are
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on back to group had talked to military base housing us troops in iraq following back to attacking syria spoken 5 struck the eye in a side at base coalition, troops returned fire launching more than a dozen strikes mackwood. the lions reports from the rocky capital bank that these lemme resistors in new york has claimed responsibility for the attack on the i in a submitted fee base, which is housing us and coalition forces in western iraq. it's right below officials in above provenance in wisdom. the rock say that the coalition forces the to it and it fired on targeted the location. what are the missiles, what a long should from, you know, above the district in about a province in western iraq. it is, lemme resistance an umbrella told him that includes a, you're on the lines of the groups who have been cutting thousands of tax targeting us and coalition forces minutes, the facilities and iraq and city. since october, the 17th they put 2 major predict cause it's to stop these attacks. the us forces
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and coalition forces withdrawal from iraq, the call them to appeal patient forces. i'm 2nd, the stops supporting is it? as admitted 3 campaign on the visor without through, i had just eat off by that in southern lebanon and is really a drone strike has killed a member of his beloved. at least one other person was killed. the car they were in was destroyed across the border. attacks have been ramping up since the start of the war and guys of iran. conrad postponement boards, large neg, south of buried that the vice around midday. local side of things was thing about this is where it's a place to place and elbows at a at which is about 25. columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea recent weeks. however,
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these attacks have been the half of the killing on january, 2nd of all, the ruling, the senior, las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago with some alex will who was a senior local come on the in the south. all the 11 on for hezbollah was killed and cut about sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drugs. so although they say it's going to be a blow to his board in terms of the technical aspect, there's certainly doesn't tell you the senior leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or militarily. but it is an interesting uh watch . let's see what his bullet does next uh, in the past when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deeper into his regulatory tax in the syria, iraq on 11 and commas. israel continues to bomb across the gaza strip. driving fit
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is that the water and gas that could lead to original conflict. i, man, society is jordan's foreign minister. it's all my colleagues knit clocks at the bottom. could easily spread from the very beginning, we warned that to this i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent added to that, no, that is a foreign minister, might be at the contest the prob, looking yeah, uh, compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay that. but it's kind of reckoning that he would have to face and also to navigate around. the difference is that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the average in for the future as so to listen to the impact of that to the difference. would they be less than others and to delay the police to the reckoning? yeah. 5 minutes and it's, you know, it might be working towards the booking or the bronze to which he would drug the
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waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict that is relevant so far. we've got goals for a to allow the internationally recognized product digital authority to govern both gods. when you all keep plug westbank, vide is apparently washington's preferred option. what is joel these done? we started, i mean, as we stepped from the very beginning, uh, gaza, as far as and positive. it could bite percentage or 3. any discussion of the guys and the doctor has to be bought. the boss of a road or approaches would include the occupied was by kind of keep by to send him and we do not accept any immediate presence in guzman, or do we upset that he was like, they've been sort of any barts of guys have this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning, this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing and this is something that's full full for the world to recognize even for us, which is providing as language support says is why it has to conduct aggregation
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and. ready does with the it's not, it says the is right, has to allow sufficient too many cas applies and we'll get to it is not, it said the only possible what is a 2 state solution. that's what the realize up listing and stay the same government the same, you know, it will not allow that. so i think it should be clear to the whole, well know which party is responsible for the test or that has been in got to know about the world which party is responsible for the night. a lot of the gender piece of deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've got to remember as, as i can use with the technician on god. it is also conducting a wire to. ready the west bank where it is suffocating that as soon as you can, obviously it's denied that i to be a worship. ready muslims and christians, it is getting better simians, interesting palestinians that we have to remember, that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response is bullying and that it was not ex fluids and under the
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pressure for me is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which was even had pub boys. the more serious types of driving us all into eddies, not expansion of build this or in gaza, is rarely a tax of tills, at least $165.00 palestinian since friday. taking the death toll across garza canary, 25000. and since the war began, and con unit strikes continued out amount of hospital multiple casualties. and then the rafa at least 3 people were killed when that car was targeted to others were injured. raptor has taken in more than 1000000 displays. tell the students he's been under constant is very bombardment. if you hospitals in gauze or that are still operating had been overwhelmed with large numbers of engine people. these are the scenes of the, our honda hospital in the central city of the out. the doctors that say the
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struggling to cope without basic anesthetics is ready for us is all being accused of deliberately targeting education facilities across the strip university. campuses have been destroyed and united nation says the damage could lead to a last generation. thought i'd assume reports from rafa. it was one's simple of higher education and goals of city. now, smart university is going to dust and the previous last hope for generation of palestinians is wanting to compass use to the pike. i'm with the university courses including finance, engineering, and low for more than $4000.00 students. israel is being accused of deliberately targeting education who was a student at these. let me kid have us do of goes off before was listed on usable bike is race tracks for studying head mazda. i'd have to become,
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i felt like to since the beginning of these, for my university on the university is here in the got has to plus, almost destroyed. we are talking that not only does check to the university if this was destroyed or so the future or, or the students or the people that this starts with studying. and masters, or materials degree or even to be in this university do, are almost destroyed in a statement. the palace, the minister of foreign affairs and expects condemned is what is the tax on universities? the occupation previously targeted a large number of higher education institutions in the gaza strip and destroyed them completely or partially as part of the criminal award is waiting against the palestinian people. nothing to say about the need it to do that kind of an explosion. you need to be in there, you have to put the explosives down and it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do. and if there was a threat from this particular facility,
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they wouldn't have been able to do it. the state department is being asked to explain, it's a lady's actions. we are always troubled by the, by any degradation of civilian infrastructure and gossip. but without knowing the actual underline circumstances, i'm a little hesitant. i think for reasons that should be understand with the past, defend of judgment on it. from this podium, the gaza has left thousands of students across this trip in limbo. the united nations is wanting that the destruction in goals will lead to a last generation among young people here, target was in algebra, russell southern cause the thousands of for testers have gathered across israel, demanding the release of how much kept his in garza from a coating for new elections, any lost faith in prime minister benjamin netanyahu to bring peace and get their loved ones back. a correspondence to raise a bow is intended to even send us this report of the
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we have had enough, tentative people in heavy mass, querying central to levy thousands of them protesting against the governmental, bing, i mean, nothing. yeah. who i'm calling for you election j nef says nothing yet. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power? the goals of this war were never defined, were never defined in a way that we can say they were achieved. they weren't achieved, so that means this war can go on forever, as long as it serves somebody's purpose. and that is the person that you've been talking about, but it serves its purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continue to support the war on time out of the fact that these protests are ongoing shows that there's some serious questioning. and then you may not turn yackel and his leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing,
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you will have to go a few blocks away in hosted square in front of the ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the captives released. and this idea, we nothing. yeah, whose restaurant is located? there was tension between protesters and the police because the many see the i still believe in the government strategy. we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to demand a ceasefire. following pressure from the high court of justice, the police agreed to allow an anti war protest for the 1st time since, as well as the attack on guys that began. so i'm calling all the governments, was that what would lead their thoughts? they both thing is right, we've no condition and but unlimited zip or send us
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a send us a definitely conciliation. 8 of the 8 upstairs initiative between jews are, is what i leave the senior the reasons to be on the streets in these well many these days. and the objectives vary from one place to another but they all add to the pressure and a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on. the so i'll just feed in tennessee. and this hope joins us not from occupies is through since a 100 as pressure as a see not just from protests, but also from within the will cabinet itself. the mounting pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, both domestically and internationally on the domestic front. you have not only from his own pop. busy nation, the pressure from the families of the captives, but within his own government and even from within his own war cabinet. and
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remember, these are individuals that these really prime minister enhanced, selected to assist him in israel's war time efforts based on their defense and security experience. but one of those war cabinet members, guy the eyes in coats making to was really media said that a total defeat of how much is a tall order and perhaps it's not attainable. and those who are talking about that are not being entirely truthful. saying that there are perhaps other ways to prosecute this war. these really prime minister has been quite firm that the only way to bring back the captive is really military pressure. but there are different schools of thought within his own governments. now within his coalition, there are few people who do agree with him on some aspects like the creation of a palestinian state. this is something these really prime minister is not interested in. and it said that he will block this initiative. this is something we've been hearing from the far right camp of his coalition, specifically based on
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a small or it's the countries finance minister who released of post on ex, formerly known as twitter, saying that the creation of a palestinian state actually endangers israel. and nothing's really, society does not want that other members of the government who are not part of nathaniel who's coalition have also echoed that same sentiment. you're talking about to be on sod, a member of the new whole party while he's not in the is really coalition. he did say that he would hope the government locks the creation of a palestinian state, and that is not in the best interest for these really governments. but there has been a lot of disagreements within us and you know, whose government and there have been criticisms from these far right. members on how to danielle, who is going about different things in this war. but again, these really prime minister has been saying for more than 3 months now, but until is real, achieve those goals that they have set out to more than 3 months ago. the war is going to continue and those war efforts are going to be
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a land air and see until further notice. i'm the son who would say no, keep on easter eastern forest. i thank you. so the head on alpha 0. the denial of divides to state to it's for the palestinian people, accept a gathering off and on the lines of movement. members collectively calls for an immediate and israel's attacks on guns and the families of mexico's missing persons choose the government of falsifying data on forced disappearances. the route to you by visit capital. let's go with your weather story across the americas . thank you so much for joining in. it is a washout for the southeast corner of brazil around rio de janeiro rainfall amounts
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are being amplified by moisture being scooped up off the south atlantics. so i wouldn't be surprised if we see some flooding here over the next 24 hours and that batch of what weather is working up the eastern side of brazil, pushing into a called the western amazon base in here, where we have our usual pulses of showers and starves the caribbean, we go, a cool wind here has not back temperatures now, so have that out. well below average, that wind is also skipping in moisture off the bay of can pet shape throwing it into mexico as gulf coast. so copious amounts of rain there to be expected on sundays. southern us temperature is still cool. look at the coast of south carolina, charleston. 5, miami, just 21 for you on sunday. some spots across the lake starting to warm up. but still cool for canada is capital ottawa minus 10 in things have also warmed up western canada the pacific northwest. so we will be dealing with a search of moisture here off of the pacific. and same goes for california
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unsettled conditions. look out, cool. it is in la, just 15 degrees for you on sunday. that's your weather, bye for now. of the quote to you by visit the the
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the one thing i was is here a mind to all the headlines now. 5 men, there's other rounds revolutionary. god had been killed and asked, striking damascus around his blamed is round and says, the attack will not go announce it strikes you to a residential building and then i'll make another is ready. attacks killed a member of hezbollah and 11 when a drought and destroyed his. com meanwhile, and the rain in the backs group has attacked. symmetric base and rock housing us troops in gaza is very strikes of continued across the street, getting more than $160.00 palestinians less than 24 hours. it brings the desk told in goss, it's just on the $25000.00 ton of jennings since october. this is very forces a storm the occupied westbank city of hebron debated to houses but owing to to
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palestinian men are accused of getting on his way. the soldier in november is ready . troops also forced other residents to leave the homes. the raids across occupied westbank and now a nightly occurrence. hundreds of mourners have attended the funeral of a 17 year old, hottest indian boy killed on the friday in the occupied. westbank. fig jack was shot dead buys, very forces in a small town east of another. his body was draped to the posting inside, as moore has carried him through the streets. it was also us citizen. on thursday, the white house said it was seriously concern off the reports of his death. thousands of his rarely settlers of a tax cut, a standing in the sheep hood is in the village, close to them. that's kind of cindy and say, the 2nd is fine, but it's been trying to steal the animals. the village council has told i'll just say where the attack is came from the recently established settlement outpost,
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the non align summit, his quarter for cease firing, garza on the 8th of so i'm headed into the strip. the statement came on the last day of the summer, which seems to shift global attention to developing countries covering so it has more right of every country to determine. it's, by the end of the non alignment means some of the due to income. paula really pads of state and government was adopted a political declaration on the state of palestine. this report was cease via was backed up international or no. and the support of the 2 states that he showed the refusal to accept the 2 state solution for these railways and palestinians and the denial of good rights to stay towards for the palestinian people unacceptable. these will be indefinitely pro longer conflict that has become a major so that the global peace and security exists. the debates, pull it,
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i zation and then bold the x. that means every with delegate said the non aligned block. now more than as long as i speak with one voice, i think i can then in this in acceptable one, you got in the money that in federal and demands an immediate. and it was on just the war against the senior people. and for the immediate implementation of the 2 states solution, the non aligned movement was founded in 1961 during the height of the cold war. it was a way for countries to show the new trolley t e in the conflict and bring attention to the developing world. instead you've done to z dot your wire, them 70 has taken over the leadership of the block for 3. yes. so i'm on a least say the challenge of the president is going to face is convincing members
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states to take a unified position on may jump global issues while at the same time trying to balance the needs of priorities of the old countries. what's clear is that days an increased desire by many countries in the global south to change a political and global order, which they see is unfair. catherine. so i'll just sarah compiler. the other news now the russian control town to pull this code. and since you've done yet, can you create and come in the setting? in the early hours of saturday, the training troops continued to hold positions in the outskirts of don't yet, the east of the country. on the exclamation is one of 4 that russia has claim does its own. since last year us present,
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joe biden has wound about the consequences of abandoning ukraine is also emergency funding was blocked by republicans in congress. if we walk away, russia is able to sustain on slots and bring down ukraine. weight these for the happen ball, whether it's going to happen from poland, hungary, or might be sure, so think about chases. are they me as the contact with the congress. felix just in k, the has been sold. name is preston for 2nd time. it's estimated 80000 people gather the country's biggest stadium in that capital kinshasa for the sermons. he and his party. you want a landslide victory last month, but i'll position that they did say the election was a sham and have called for protests. india says it who soon to stop a free movement of people across its board with me in my early this months. india's army chief said that more than $400.00 only personnel for me and it's crossed into
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india over the past 2 months. most of them relate to sent back. mima is in the group as a major conflicts, as forces from ethnic minority groups. village coordinated attacks against the many children in one year, a so carol's, on the hundreds of migrants, is making its way towards the us. let's say, a lack of jobs and hauled, living conditions on the main reasons for leaving their communities. i left some pages to the in the early hours of saturday, according to the view and government around 64 percent of its $10000000.00 population lives in poverty. the mexican government has conduct to the review of the official register of disappeared. people alter that, will transparency on how it was carried out. the families of missing persons claim, the records. how many manipulated in an effort to, to lower the telephone number is back, is ation. mexico's president has denied a raffle that has moved not from mexico city, of the demonstrators,
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outside of federal government building in mexico city through the families of missing persons. and they say they want answers over why dozens of case files have been erased from the official government census onforce disappearances. active. it showed us dozens of lead government documents appearing to show the names of missing persons that have been removed from the public record. can look at getting this up about and they want to make it seem as if there are no false disappearances in mexico, but that's not the case. everybody does. it says her husband roberto must be in, went missing in 2010. she believes his name is among those that have been erased. she and many others believe mexican authorities of tampered with the official records to make it appear as though hundreds, possibly thousands of missing persons have already been found. save. what is this the that's why i'm here demanding that the president tells us where all the.


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