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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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strong was currently the far as he is weak as it as ever, being and it's getting weaker the iran bows. retaliation off it accuses is relative kidding. 5 senior members of us and each but actually forced in syria the found carry johnston. this is all just a real life from day also on the printer. this, i guess you guys are, it carries the that he used to use the risk quote, the spitting go over to the rest of the agent. jordan's foreign minister tells, i'll just say right about the danger, the warrant garza poses to the middle east is rather intensifies its attacks and southern garza. now the 25000 palestinians have been killed since the scouts of
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people trust. tarry, competitive and rough for israel is waging a campaign of destruction is palestinian education with a systematic thoughts on causes, universities, schools, the and thousands of protests is radi across israel, demanding any elections of a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu to step down the there on has vowed revenge, software accusing is rather of killing 5 members of its elite stomach. never. this regard cool. the attack and the suit and capital damascus killed the range and the head of intelligence in syria. among other high ranking offices, president abraham rice, he said he would not allow what he called a cowardly assassination. to go on said they're so set up against coverage now from
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the radian capital, tyrone the rescue work to search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of it. but it's in regards to seeing capitals, damascus presidents describing the movement of the attack and pop as you had an example and data or using my asthma inhaler. my little granddaughter who was 3 years old, was sitting beside me. i just, i mean, awesome or, and kind of so i tried to protect physical on like the us and how are the size almost within seconds as riley myself just seen it in a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description. the full story, residential building, collapse instantly, cause we've shifted buildings with the most. it's a crime of the most heinous kind your arms revolution. the gods avoid providing details regarding the rank of those killed by somebody post. so just one was the head of course, forces impediments unit in syria. this was, this is a to, to go for the pollution of gods. the contacts and coordinates eros coast bore to
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patients across the region now is read am. so disrupt is lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the ryans recognize that they'll have to pay to support the people, the policies and the run has been sanctioned for decades. now, it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and palestine. this is not israel is supposed to attack one of you running assets in syria on december 25th is we have targeted and killed another copy of lease in regards to official pricing with sadie in damascus. investigation here on last new science and the, the facility in the city of, that'd be in the north of iraq. you're all set. that facility was a spite house of israel secret service most out of the of the latest is ready to attack, such as the in damascus that are grouping concerns that the possibility of
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a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows, showing signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the equation. why did they get that you're running for the minister says, is this attack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional and the wrong reserves . the right to respond in due time and location for this difficult task for the season easily to come in the moon between one and his trail so far, both sides have avoided. the server can be looked at a confrontation, renting experts here said the company has exercised strategic patience by avoiding that direct, committed to conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of this ready attacks is testing the patients that are wrong. and they're on the back to group attacks and military base housing us troops in iraq following that attack in syria. at least one service when it was winded, multiple ballistic missiles and rocket swift. part of the on
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a side and base troops from the us led coalition returned fine, launching more than a dozen and strikes us central. come on said it's assessing damage to the base and it's personnel saying it's a defenses. intercepted most of the missiles backwards otherwise reports from the rocky capital bank that the stomach resistance in new york has claimed responsibility for the attack on the i in a submitted sri base, which is housing us and coalition forces in western iraq. it's right below officials in above provenance in wisdom. the luck say that the coalition forces the to and it filed on targeted the location. what are the missions, what a long should from you know, above the, the district in about a province in western iraq. it is, lemme resistance and umbrella tell them that includes a you along the lines of the groups who have been cutting thousands of attacks targeting us and coalition forces military facilities and iraq and city. since october,
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the 17th they put 2 major predict was it's to stop these attacks. us forces and coalition forces withdrawal from iraq, the columbia appeal patient forces. i'm 2nd new stops supporting is what i was admitted. 3 campaign, all of us would have to do. i had a busy at all by that in southern lebanon is really a drone. strife has killed a member of his, but not at least one other person was killed. the car they were in, it was destroyed across the border. attacks had been ramping up since the stats of the war on guns that enroll in con reports. now from a forge l. imagine a south of a route that the around midday local side of things was thing about this is where it's a place to place. and elbows are they have, which is $525.00 columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method. the power type of thing. uh, in recent weeks, however,
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these attacks have been happening. the killing on january, 2nd of all of really the senior las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago, which i'm alex will, who was a senior local come on the in the south, all the 11 on for hezbollah was killed and cut about sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drugs. so although they say it's going to be a blow to his board in terms of the technical aspect or something doesn't tell you the senior leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or been that's hurley. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past, when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will, like a deeper into is right. you tower truth seventies. that means you're saying israel used of foss, 1st munitions doing an attack in the south. let's say this puts,
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it shows the ton of who that being hit with a white fuss for cells which extremely some of the use in populated areas is illegal under international humanitarian nor and gaza is rarely a tax of kills at least $165.00 posting and since friday, taking the desk told across the gaza to nearly $25000.00 since the war began. in con, unit strikes continues in the amount of hospital with multiple casualties. under rough or at least 3 people were killed. when that car was targeted to others were injured, profit has taken in more than 1000000 displace palestinians they spend on the constant is very from products. if you hospitals in gaza that are still operating, i've been overwhelmed. large numbers of injured people. so these are the scenes that they will show hot a hospital in a central city of the, of a know doctors that say they're struggling to cope without basic anesthetics
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is ready for us is all being accused of deliberately targeting education facilities across the street. university campuses have been destroyed. united nations says the damage could lead to a last generation direct as a report from rafa. it was once simple of higher education and goals. a city now strong university is going to dust and the previous last hurtful generation of palestinians is wanting to compass use to the clark. i'm with the university of courses including finance, engineering, and low for more than $4000.00 students. as well as being accused of deliberately targeting education, cordell was a student at the east lemke. diversity of gauze before was listed on usable by his race tracks. for studying had mazda, i'd hoped to become my phone like to, since the beginning of these, for my university on the university does hearing the got us to plus,
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almost destroyed. we are talking that not only does check to the university if this was destroyed or so the future or for the students or the people that to start to studying and masters, or materials degree or even to be in this university wide or most destroyed. in a statement, the palace, the minister of foreign affairs and expects condemned is what is tax on universities. of the occupation previously targeted a large number of higher education institutions in the gaza strip and destroyed them completely or partially as part of the criminal award is waging against the palestinian people. nothing to say about the need it to do that kind of an explosion. you need to be in there, you have to put the explosives down and it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do. and if there was a threat from this particular facility, they wouldn't been able to do it. the state department is being asked to explain, it's a lady's actions. we are always troubled by the,
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by any degradation of civilian infrastructure and gaza. but without knowing the actual underline circumstances, i'm a little hesitant. i think for reasons that should be understand with the past, defend have judgment on it. from this podium, the will and gaza has left thousands of students across this trip. and then the, the united nations is warning that the destruction in goals will lead to a last generation among the young people. here tara comes in, i would just euro roof suffering cause thousands of protests of gather the across, the israel, demanding the release of captives held by him massing guns at summit courting for new elections. many who lost faith in providence to benjamin that to know who to bring peace and get their loved ones back. a correspondent teresa by within 10 to 3 even sends us this report. the we have had enough tentative people in heavy months querying central,
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tel aviv thousands of them protesting against the government of being i mean nothing. yeah. and calling for new elections j nef says nothing. yeah. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power the goals of before were never defined, were never defined in a way that we can say they were a cheese, they weren't achieved. so that means this war can go on forever, as long as it serves somebody's purpose. and that is the person that you've been talking about, that it's terms his purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continued to support the war on how much, but the fact that this protests are ongoing shows that there's some serious questioning. and then you may not turn yackel and his leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing, you will have to go a few weeks away in hosted square in front of the
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ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the cap fits released. and these, this idea we nothing. yeah. whose west vince is located. there was tension between protesters and the police. the many see the have stopped believing the government strategies we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to demand the ceasefire. following pressure from the high court of justice, the police agreed to allow an anti will protest for the 1st time since, as well as the attack on guys that began. so i'm calling all the governments, was that what would lead there? that they both thing is right. we've no condition and the unlimited zip or send us a send us a definitely conciliation. 8 will be 8 upstairs. initiative between jews are. is
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what i leave in front of me and the reasons to be on the streets in these. well, i'm many these days. and the objectives vary from one place to another but they all add to the pressure and a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on. very so i'll just feed in heavy. but it's not just for testers puts in that that's an yahoo government under pressure so, so the war cabinets itself from the cell hooters and occupy these to us. and with the details, the pressure mounting on his railing, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, both internationally and on the domestic front on his home turf. you have not only pressure from the families of these captives, but now divisions from with in the is really government. and from within the war cabinet, even these are people, these really prime minister had selected based on their military and security
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experience to assist him in his roles. war efforts, one of those work cabinet members, guy, the eyes and coat, a former army general, who remember lost his son and nephew in the round operation. he says in interviews who is really media that those who are saying that there can be a total defeat, a promise or not exactly telling the truth. he also says that there should be elections held within is really society, so that the people can confidently say that they support the government. however, when you speak to people, when you see these demonstrations going on, you can see that, that there is a support for war efforts. but there isn't so much that support for these really prime minister, in fact, to pull numbers have never been lower. but there are some things that nathaniel whose cabinet and coalition members agree on these really prime minister has been saying for almost the entirety of his career that he would block a palestinian state. and that is something that has been echoed by the far right.
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members of his coalition, like these really finance minister bets on his smelt, rich unknown, ultra nationalist, someone who since he entered this government with nothing yahoo more than a year ago said that he would do everything in his power and the government's power to block the palestinian state and this was even before the war and many members in opposition. parties who are saying the same type of sentiment give the on side a member of the new whole party, echoing that same sentiment. so while there are divisions within the is really governments, they seem to agree that they do not want a palestinian state. so to come here, now it is here. the people in gaza say some problems don't kill them, hunger well, we have from palestinians who is struggling to find food and demonstrations and sort of directly with palestine take place across here at court along governments to pressure israel to holt. it's a so i'm guessing the
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brought to you by visit capital. let's go with your weather story across the americas. thank you so much for joining in. it is a washout for the southeast corner of brazil around rio de janeiro rainfall amounts are being amplified by moisture being scooped up off the south atlantics. so i wouldn't be surprised if we see some flooding here over the next 24 hours. and that batch of what weather is working up. the eastern side of brazil, a pushing into a called the western amazon base in here, where we have our usual pulses of showers and starts the caribbean. we go. a cool wind here has not by temperatures now, so have that out. well below average, that wind is also skipping a moisture off the bay of can pet shape throwing it into mexico's gulf coast. so copious amounts of rain there to be expected on sundays. southern us temperature is
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still cool. look at the coast of south carolina, charleston. 5, miami, just 21 for you on sunday. some spots across the lake starting to warm up, but still cool for canada is capital ottawa minus 10 in things of also warms up western canada the pacific northwest. so we will be dealing with a search of moisture here off of the pacific. and same goes for a california unsettled conditions without cool. it is in la, just 15 degrees for you on sunday. that's your weather bye for now. of the weather brought to you by visit, cut some vague. i mean that the artificial intelligence has altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is and not even as an develops, it becomes more powerful. i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us?
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no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a democracy or just the to the the broken back. a reminder of our main headlines now. a 5 members of their ons revolutionary god, have been killed in an air strike in damascus. around has blamed is ralph and says, the attack will not go on on this try catch a residential building and the own as a neighborhood. another is where the attack kills a member of hesper law in london. but i drove and destroyed his com. meanwhile, underwriting and back group has a talk to minute treat base in iraq and housing us troops. and the gaza is very
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strikes, have continued across the strip. and in more than $160.00 ton of students in less than 24 hours, it brings a desk toll in gusts as to just under $25000.00 palestinians since october. the 2nd . the attacks in the syria, a rock and 11 in the comments as well, continues to bomb across the gaza strip. driving fis that the one gaza could lead to original conflict. i'm in safari is jordan's foreign minister. it's all my colleague knit clocks and the violence could easily spread from the very beginning . we warned that this i could actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the rest quote, the spitting go over and to the rest of the agent added to that know that it is a prime minister might be a the consciously pro blocking. yeah. uh, compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay the political reckoning that he would have to face. and also to navigate
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around. the difference is that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future as so to listen to the impact of that to the difference with video us and others and to delay the police instead of reckoning, pragmatist and it's, you know, it might be working towards the voting, other bronze to which he would drug, the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict. it is relative so far as cold, so that to allow the internationally recognized product digital authority to govern both gods. when y'all keep peg westbank, vide is apparently washington's preferred option. what is joel? this done? we started, i mean, as we said from the very beginning, uh guys that is boston, boston, it'd be a good buy percentage or 3. any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought . the boss of a roader upper which is would include the occupied was back and if you buy to send
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him and we do not accept any, is there any presence in guzman or do we upset that he was like, they've been sort of, i mean, parts of guys have this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning of this deposition that we're providing support for that. let me just add one thing and this is something that's for, for, for the world to recognize, even for us, which is providing aside with support says, is why it has to conduct aggregation in accordance with the, it's not, it says the is right, has to allow sufficiently many can supplies and forgot. so it is not, it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution that would be eliza disconnected. stay the same government the same. you know, it will not that out of that. so i think that should be clear to people well know which party is responsible for that set, or that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsible for the night. a lot of the gender piece it deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've got to remember, as i continues with the technician on god, it is also conducting a wire to load and that was back where it is suffocating that as soon as you can,
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obviously it's denied that i to the warship. ready muslims and christians, it is getting better simians, interesting palestinians that we have to remember, that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have worked against the violence. but in this sort of condition, i think the, what's the response is bullying and that it was not ex fluids and under the pressure for me is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which was even had pub boys, the more serious types of driving us all into eddies, not expansion of build this or a protestant ends in gauze, or struggling to find enough food to survive. but just a trick, little amount of tearing a thing allowed in hundreds of thousands of people are reported to be stopping the un. so as a farm, it is just around the corner, but i'm involved in our reports. the situation in northern garza is particularly alarming.
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the when the guns on silent for the the cries of 100 babies can't be here. this 3016. he accepted the big street market, famish to gauze and successful. most of the time without much excess food items are hard to come by. the prices are high, and even if they are low, people don't talk money to. the prices are unimaginable. one kilo of this bad quality, wheat flour is 1012 shekels sets up from 3 in the past. for a much better quality, half of this flower is unusable. imagine that even before the war and when people had salaries, the situation was already untenable. people were suffering right now for many, many, many tons. of course, securing once the meal is next to impossible says this man. see the zillow. people can't find what, imagine a family of 10 people, then what can that do to so why?
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in the most, if not, we've been eating on the rise for a moment. we have to wait the whole day for a single portion of rice ending. i mean, i came here looking for flower, but all i find is be doing fruit. what kind of life is this? shame on them. we're dying here and no one cares. apply doesn't and there she says some of her children were killed in southern gaza and others on the see 100 and believe meant to not mock nearly every single family and goes on. so in this cases and way from that, each of relief organizations deep of the account to get the box. and this is the only front office terms of this marketplace. he does not we used to operate a blacksmith workshop, but everything has been destroyed. so we put up the store in order to eat and provide food for people, but it's an extremely difficult task. let us know and to the list of challenges
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facing v spell athenians, they leave in the midst of the destruction. no single public service is available. they did serve to local wells. my did a lot of films broken states, garbage is piling up and getting dangerously infested. the only thing untouched is these people's results and resisting attempts to force them to leave a lot. we support the distance, may god protect them. yeah, they need to die and sacrifice for children and families to start with the existence during the early days of these are the army or the people northern guys have to go solve, but often move on for the month of relentless bombardment and destruction. thousands awesome, here in defiance of all the hazards of hunger, an extermination. how much fun on the demonstrations in solidarity with
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palestine have been held in cities across europe. this weekend for testers have been on the streets of france, spain, italy, and the u. k. quoting for a cease fire in gauze, and they're also demanding western governments put pressure on as well. and it's a sold for tons, reports it's the beginning of a much that will take some of these protest is from paris, all the way to brussels when they arrive in 10 days. demonstrates is, will bring a demand to the european council and ends to what they cool is rails, genocide causes palestinians since the war on causal began more than a 100 days ago, regular protests being held in european cities. this was madrid on saturday. tens of thousands on the spanish capital streets. he's rel, kills europe sponsors. john, these matches the money that whereas the humanity we are in 2024 and we are
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accepting what's happening in palestine, what's happening to the world. so i'm just going to say that it was something we did the student people, lot of assistance in our fight against colonialism and against these really occupation and against the continuing is really aggression against that. would people in the you k, small demonstrations, took place around the country with a larger one in coming in from the stage for the opposition lead, jeremy colbin voice, the belief held by many supporters of palestine. that western governments are ignoring the war crimes happening as a world watches the registrar goods view in all this has been won, so they will not call the fly. they either support united states to the un, a small, they say nothing and they won't jobs. the questions about the reality of i is a the destruction of life and gone to the full,
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the advice they have received from their own officials. all what is going on with the tiny and city of which ends up pro palestinian demonstration time violence . police use war to come in and battens on march is to protest as through flags and fireworks of police and other we can the popular international find is because of will grind zone while we challenge how does 0 there's lots of states, weekly demonstrations and supports of products students have been held in 3 cities, almost half a 1000000. it demonstrates as mazda in washington dc law center, then they came onto an immediate cease fire on an end, as well as a tax on the guns for my colleague nick clocks. but around a 100, she's a protest in american designing an activist who is a speak about that protest in washington dc. and it began by asking about her
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family's expulsion from palestine. my family's story is like so many other palestinian stories. my daughter took in a family from poland who was seeking refuge in palestine, which in their own words, was the only safe place for jewish people after world war 2. and that same family along with the or boon and had gone a violently expelled my. my family from their homes and the towns that they helped build and they became refugees. and i think the important part about that.


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