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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the the the, to run the files, retaliation office accuse is relative kidding. of 5 senior members with elite force in series. the other one carry johnston. this is i'll just say it right. well i from also coming up this i can actually don't guys are the carriers that used to use the risk quote, the spitting go over to the rest of the agent. jordan, as a foreign minister tells us era about the danger. the war on guns opposing the
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middle east is rout, intensifies its attacks and southern guns of nearly 25000 palestinians have been killed since the stops of the 1st topic of assuming russell. as well as waging a campaign of destruction and have seen education with a systematic sold on gauze as universities and schools. the thousands of protests is radi across the israel, demanding early elections, and the 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. to step down the around has vowed revenge off the accusing is relative kidding. 5 members of its elite stomach whether they should be gone, cold the attack and the syrian capital damascus killed the uranium. the head of
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intelligence ensued, among other high ranking officers. president abraham rice, he said he would not allow what he called a cowardly assassination. to go on said brussel set out begins coverage now from the rainy and capital. tyrone a rescue worth a search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of it, but it's in regards to seeing capital, damascus ok this time of year. so presidents describing the movement of the attack in pop as you has an example and data or using my assman, hey, last week when my little granddaughter, who's 3 years old, was sitting beside me. i just, i mean, osmond kind of. so i tried to protect for little ones like that. and how are the size a lot within seconds as riley myself, the seen it in a tier, a fine and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description, the full story reasoning to building collapsed instantly, cause we shifted buildings with the most. that's a crime of the most heinous kind your arms revolution. the gods avoid providing details regarding the rank of those killed by somebody post. so just one was the
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head of course forces impediments unit in syria. what's forces is edie through the door for the pollution because the contacts and coordinates your bronze coast board to patients across the region now is read. am so disruptive lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by the israeli regime. but this is a price that the ryans recognize, that they all have to pay to support other people, the policy any ron has been sanctioned for decades. now, it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and, and palestine. this is not, israel is 1st attack one. are you running offsets in syria? on december 25th is we have targeted and killed another top of lease in regards to official pricing with savvy in damascus. immunization here on last new titles and the, the facility in the city of, that'd be in the north of iraq. you're all set,
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that facility was a spite house of israel secret service. most of the cost of the latest is ready attack and such as the in damascus. there are grooving concerns that the possibility of a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows shown signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the patient. wanted to get a touchy running for the minister says, is it as attack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional and the wrong reserves . the right to respond in due time and location? states for the task policies, inclusion is coming to move between one and is true so far, both sides have avoided. the server can be looked at a confrontation, renting experts here said the company has exercised strategic patience by the way, that direct community conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of this ready, a tax is testing the patients that wrong. but it
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says, wrestle mentions, and these report, there are some of these attack wasn't the 1st time as well targeted. the iranian revolution we golf course in syria. they've been a series of assassination since the beginning of the war garza and early december to senior. but it should vises to the i r g c. what killed then is really striking serious. they to that month side or the most of the was killed and then is ready as try outside the syrian capital. he was responsible for coordinating the ministry alliance between syria and iran. space attack killed another 5 members of the aisle and g c, including the head of it, runs intelligence in syria. and the other 2 i believe, to be high ranking offices is well hasn't commented on the attack. san maria, and he's a professor at the university of tyrone he believes, as well as whitening the conflict due to its inability to achieve its miniature goals and gaza. a master october stuff and so on size the, as i said,
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these strategies have been to you what they were doing before. there are to basically new adapt. waltman's. one is a b, b that y'all was told to call me for escalation regional. the i believe is very much behind escalation, these of the law. secondly, that in passing guys is forcing israel to white and the scope of conflict in an effort to force fathers to basically find a way out. i the, they weren't even pushing it goes, they're all eyes and they're all eyes basically back in all in god's our, in the, in a, the young man, our house where i already bought. and i don't see that happening because the wife is not due back to them and is not basically telling them what to do. they're doing what they see fit to their and their national interest and also their them as part
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of the axis of resistance. that is resisting israel and the united states and that region. so i think this is very much connected and it is going beyond the usual on the wrong, the backs group. i talked to minutes, we base housing us troops in iraq following that to attacking syria. at least one service when was winded multiple ballistic missiles and rockets were fired. and the on our side at base troops from the us led coalition returned for launching more than a dozen and strikes us central. come on, said it's assessing damage to the base and it's personnel saying it's a defense isn't a set to the most of the mist thoughts in southern lebanon and is rarely droned, strike has killed a member of his, but not least one other person was killed. the car they were in was destroyed across the border attack. so being ramping up since the start of the pool and causing him or on conrad postponement. bush out there. i just name south of davids
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the that the vice around midday. local side will things. first thing about this is where it's a place to place and elbows that they have, which is 525 columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea weeks. however, these attacks have been happening, the killing on january, 2nd of all, it really does any of las vegas in central fe route. then just a couple of weeks ago with um, alex will, who was a senior local commander in the south of 11 on for hezbollah. was killed incredibly sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drugs. so although they say it's going to be a blow to handful in terms of technical aspects. and certainly it doesn't tell you the senior leadership in 7 don't belong to his beloved either politically or been
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that's hurley, but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next. the in the past, when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will, like a deeper into is right, new territory. lebanese media are saying israel used to false 1st munitions during an attack in the south. the say this footage shows the ton of who that being hits with the white phosphorus cells, the trucks. truly, some level they use and populated areas is illegal on the international humanitarian norm. and gaza is really a tax of kills at least $165.00 protest in since friday, taking the desk told across gloucester today the $25000.00. and since the war began, and con unit strikes, continue here, the amount of hospital with multiple casualties under the rough or at least 3 people were killed. and that car was targeted to others were injured. rafa has
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taken in more than one that many in displace palestinians is based on the constant is very fun fun as well as the hospital was in garza, the austin operating having overwhelmed with large numbers of injured people. these are the scenes of the l. sure how the hospital in the central city of the envelope adults is this. so the struggling to cope without basic anesthetics is where the forces are being accused of deliberately targeting education facilities across the strip university campuses have been destroyed. united nations says the damage could lead to endorsed generation part of the ports. now from rafa it was once a simple of higher education and goals. a city now smart university is gone dust and the previous last hurtful generation of palestinians is wanting to compass use to the pike. more the university offered courses including
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finance, engineering, and low for more than $4000.00 students. israel is being accused of deliberately targeting education who was a student at these, let me kid investigative gauze off before was listed on usable by his race tracks. for studying had mazda, i'd hoped to become a link to since the beginning of these floors and my university and the university is here in the got his to plus or much destroyed. we are talking that not only the check to the universe if this was destroyed or so the future of or the students or the people that this starts with studying, and masters or materials degree, or even p o. b in this university do are almost destroyed in a statement. the palestinian minister of foreign affairs and expects condemned is what is the tax on university's of the occupation previously targeted a large number of higher education institutions in the gaza strip and destroyed them completely or partially as part of the criminal award is waging against the
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palestinian people nothing to say about the need to do that kind of an explosion you need to be in there. you have to put the explosives down and it takes a lot of planning and preparation to. ready and if there was a threat from this particular facility, they wouldn't of been able to do it. the state department is being asked to explain . it's a lady's actions. we are always troubled by the, by any degradation of civilian infrastructure and gaza. but without knowing the actual underline circumstances, i'm a little hesitant, i think, for reasons that should be understand with the past defendant judgment on it. from this podium, the gaza has left thousands of students across this trip. and then the, the united nations is warning that the destruction in goals will lead to a last generation among young people. here, target was in algebra, roof southern casa, springing site right now he's a physical,
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a ride to an adjunct professor, the american university. he joins this life in washington, dc. welcome to the program. what do you make of as well as targeting of educational facilities? yes sir, thank you for having me. what is obvious that is really the minute cultural genocide against the palestinians. i mean, the fact that that they destroyed at all but destroyed all 7 universities in gaza. eh, tells us that it is deliberate, it is methodical, and it is intended as to do 2 things. first, that develops any and lo be rob, of any possible future. and in terms of education, in terms of and developing the kind of accurate and that is, or that kind of knowledge. and that is an important and essential for any modern society. and 2nd, it is probably the attempt to drive the mob guys. these are the 2 reasons as to why is the way we're doing this? you mentioned the future that mean, where does this leave the next generation of palestinians, the right, well,
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you know, and indeed the palestinians are now displayed to their homes and destroy their universities. hospitals, schools and mosques, churches are all destroyed in gaza, but on the other hand, also the past any is resourceful, are able to, the, to carry on and with their live. it was this aggression ends and then they will do what they have done in the past. basically collect the pieces and move forward and try to create and other institutions and other structures on its own. guys all was a place where actually higher education private in the past. and many people, many young people and guys end up going to the anniversary of these 70 universities provided a place for them to learn. and you know, as a report suggested 4000 students that were actually enrolled and it's not university. and the software, the palestinian, they have been doing this,
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but for the world they my biggest den and there has to be an academic play kind of as well. i mean, for anyone who is not convinced that is really does a target to these places of call try learning and now there is a, it refutable proof or that. and it isn't that, yeah. does that deliberately and does that and as part of its conduct and behavior and conducted and doing work. okay, well, stay with us. we're just going to show our view is now a short video which is posted on social media, buys very soldiers inside a destroyed school. the design of the
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site already got. what's your reaction to that kind of mocking of protest in education and facilities? well, it's really is based content, but it's true beyond the shadow of any doubt that those ranges i would like to advertise their work crimes. i mean they, they do this for the sake of posting on tick tock or other social media outlets. so that's just an additional proof to be used and, and in the court and, and south africa. so it also shows how, you know, how, how fake and how, oh, this is approached by an occupying power to unoccupied people are not quite the people that virtually have been deceived for the past 17 years and so on. and it shows that as well really does things, thinking that it can get away with my literally,
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with murder and destruction and so on. it feels that it can do such things, such these such horrific deeds. and with impunity, you post on this one of the, the, i mean, to what extent is this a past and it's not just educational destruction, but cultural destruction when you consider how many other types of facilities have been targeted and destroyed. yes indeed, and remember it before they destroyed atlas tri university, they basically store about 3000 artifact. that's why in the museum of the university. so they, they, they go by this methodically that we have seen them at to get things away from guys out. we don't know if they take away and then they've probably the body parts, but also they take the other things in other, you know, precious stones, the jewelry and so, and they have stalled and rocked uh homes uh for what they have. so eh, is ran a really intense and making guides on an habitable any way shape or form added to
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trying to make life for the past can use in the future after this conflict in the apple and as a little complex to that they cannot go back to their university, they cannot go back with their schools and hospitals and their clinics like to their homes all has been destroyed side. erica, thank you very much indeed for joining us here on out. just thank you. while coming out on out the denial of the large display to explore the policy and people on and accept a gathering off and on the line to move into members, connect to the calls for an immediate end to israel's attacks on casa, and amid the death and destruction young palestinian couples to celebrate their loves and the resilience of the people of gods by time. the
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the, the hello foggins fog still the problem across northern buck is done. so let me show you this is stretching from the capital territory to punjab, probably. and so from is a lombard to mil ton. now as the sun pokes out, it will help dissipate some of that fox. so we see it start to shove out as the day progresses. now this is also a problem in northern india as well through the northern indian plain stretching from daily rate through 2 barnowski. and there is somewhat weather in the mix. as we look to westbank, all states including for a calcutta 23 degrees will be the top temperature for you on sundays, cooler air has filtered into northern vietnam showers in the mix for a noise at 17 degrees. and if we go to china, also cool weather is here for the eastern side, shanghai 7 degrees breezy conditions here. so you're certainly going to feel it. speaking of feeling that it's going to feel about minus 5 by tuesday. so colder
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weather is still to get through for japan, it's a soaker cleaning for the main island. a punch you tokyo, looking at a months worth of rain over 24 hours raising conditions here, but your temperature will pop right back up to actually above average. and we have been dealing with some flooding on boarding, you'll island to west calum and 10, but it looks like things will calm down on sunday. see you later. the hard hitting into meetings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided? hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a may just something go because they've gone to the exit or to hear the story on
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told to how does era the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. a reminder of our main head, 5 members of your rounds reputation and god's been chosen and striking damascus. the wrong that has blamed is ralph says the attack will not go on the onset, the striking, either residential bill thing and the ottoman is a neighborhoods. another is rarely attacked, killed a member of husband on 11, and when a drone destroyed his com, meanwhile, underwriting that group is attacked, submitted, treat based, and the rock housing us troops and guns is very strikes,
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have continued across the strip. kidding. at least $165.00 other students in 24 hours. it brings the death toll in guns. it's just under $25000.00 palestinians since october, the 2nd thousands of protests of gather the crosses, rail, demanding the release of captives held by him. mice and guns that some according for new elections, many have lost faith in prime minister benjamin netanyahu to get their loved ones back across the funds. it's theresa boats instead of even sends us this report. the we have had enough, tentative people in heavy mass, querying central to levy thousands of them protesting against the government of bing, i mean nothing. yeah. and calling for you election. j nef says nothing. yeah. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power? the goals of this war were never defined, were never to find in a way that we can say they were
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a cheese. they weren't achieved. so that means this war can go on forever, as long as it serves somebody's purpose. and that is the person that you've been talking about, that it serves its purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continue to support the war on time, not, but the fact that this protests are ongoing shows that there's some serious questioning. and then you may not turn yeah for and whose leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing, you will have to go a few blocks away in hosted square in front of the ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the captives released. and these, this idea we nothing. yeah. whose wes sense is located. there was tension between protesters and the police because the many
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see the have stopped believing the government strategy. we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to demand a ceasefire. following pressure from the high court of justice. the police agreed to allow and then i will prove this for the 1st time since, as well as attack on guys i began. so i'm calling all the governments, was that what would lead their thoughts? they both thing is read with no conditions and the unlimited zip to send us a st. that's the frequency ation. 8 will be 8 upstairs, initiate the between jews are. is what i leaves and part of the and the reasons to be on the streets in these, well, i'm many, these days. and the objectives vary from one place to another but they all add to the pressure and a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on. really. so i just seen
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a heavy it occupied westbank is ready for us is of storm the city of hebron. they rated 2 houses belonging to 2 palestinian men who were accused of getting in his very soldier in november is ready. troops also forced other residents to leave the homes. the raids across the occupied westbound cannot unlikely occurrence. hundreds of mourners have attended the funeral of a 17 year old protest to the invoice. killed on friday in the occupied westbank to feed a. jack was shot dead by is ready for susan, a small town east of ramallah. his body was draped and the palestinian flag as more as carried him through the streets. there's also a us citizen on thursday, the whitehouse said it was seriously concerned off the reports of his death. dozens of is ready, settlers have attacked. how destiny in the shape of it is in the village of close to the palestinians. say the settlers,
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fine boots up and then try to steal the animals. village council has told us that are the attackers came from a recently established settlement outpost. the non aligned movement summit is quoted for cx, 5 and gaza, and 8 if the on handed into the strip. the statement came on the last day of the summit, which ends to shift a little bit attention to developing countries. catherine, so it has more now the right of every country to determine its by the end of the non alignment made some of the do to in kampala really heads of state. and government was adopted a political declaration on the state of palestine. the report policies via was backed up international or no and the support of the 2 states that you've shown the refusal to accept the 2 state solution for these railways and palestinians and the denial of good rights to stay towards for the palestinian people unacceptable.
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these will be indefinitely pro longer conflict that has become a major so that the global peace and security existed by its pull it i zation and then bold the x. that means every with delegate said the non aligned block. now more than as long as i speak with one voice east, africa on, then this is not the one you got into money. 30 unfair and d months, an immediate and to the, and just the war against the senior people and for the immediate implementation of the 2 states. so these are the non align movement was founded in 1961 during the height of the cold. well, it was a way for countries to show the new trolley to the conflict and bring attention to the developing world. instead. you've done this is eda,
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you were him 70. have speaking over the leadership of the block for 3. yes. some honestly say the challenge of the president is going to face is convincing members states to take a unified position on major global issues, while at the same time trying to balance the needs of priorities of their own countries. what's clear is that days an increased desire by many countries in the global south to change a political and global order, which they see is unfair. catherine. so you all just sarah compiler, the democratic republic of congo, felix, which is the katie, has been swayed as president for 2nd time, an estimate today to 1000 people gather the countries biggest stages in the capital, congestive for the separately. he and his policy, you want
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a landslide victory last month, little position if it goes say the election was a sham and i've called for protests. the final list of 20 candidates for sending goals. presidential election next month has been released and includes that precedent that lucky souls had picked a successor, 5 minutes to do the deposition leader response on cohen carrying was the son of a former president. i'm not on that list in come or else 3 opposition. candidates follow the legal challenge against the re election of the incumbent president. that's all the same on 81, a 4th time in office soft teams declared winter. in last week's election. the competent maroney was paralyzed for 2 days with st. bottles between soldiers in protest as somebody's opponent say, the vote was rich. the stuff for canada and nation has experienced about 20 cars or attempted to since independence from france. in 1975. in
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honduras, a caravan of hundreds of migrants is making its way towards the us, let's say a lack of jobs combined as hard living conditions of the main reason for leaving that communities. according to the one doing government around its 64 percent of its 10000000, the population live in poverty, to despise all the pain and destruction close by as well as orland garza or young palestinian couple have decided to move forward with the wedding sense and celebrate the beginnings calculators for the young as a story. it's a big day for mohammed and show hot. the young couple just got married, but it's not the wedding they had dreamed of. going to be for like thousands of palestinians. they've been displaced by the war in gauze. those tents in bravo is now their home friends decorated as best they could instead of


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