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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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the the . ready ron vows retaliation now after the queue is israel of getting 5 senior members of its elite folks, ensuring the hello i'm down in jordan, this is obviously are a life and go home. so coming up and it's ready to run, strike in southern lebanon, kills, and then the other raining and that's group has below this i can see it on god. it carries that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent, jordan's foreign minister tiles down to 0 about the change of the war on guns opposes to the white, a middle east. and israel continues its attacks and southern guns that nearly 25000
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names have been killed since the start of the week. the iran has vowed revenge after choosing his way of getting 5 members of its elite as nomic revolutionary. god, cool. the attack in the syrian capital damascus killed the uranium head of intelligence in syria, among other high ranking offices. as an abram rise, he said he would not allow what he called a cowardly assassination. to go announce that russell set our reports from the radium capital tear off rescue work to search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of additional guards in the city capital damascus. exxon residents describing the moment of the attack in pop. as you had the available data, i was using my ask for inhaler since when my little granddaughter, who was 3 years old, was sitting beside me, i just, i mean, osmond kind of. so i tried to protect political one like the us. and how are the size almost within seconds as riley miss alice the seen it in
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a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description, the full story, residential building collapse instantly. cause we shifted buildings with the most. it's a crime of the most heinous kind. your bronze revolution, the gods avoid providing details regarding the rank of those killed. but somebody forced to adjust. one was the head of course, forces intelligence unit in syria. this was, this is eddie, turn it off of lucian, the gods. the contacts and coordinator ross coast portable patients across the region now is read am. so disrupt is lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the writings recognize that they'll have to pay to support other people. the policies on the run has been sanctioned for decades now, it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and palestine. this is not, israel was 1st attacked one of you running assets in syria on december 25th is we
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have targeted and killed another cooperatively. sure. to go to the official charge and we'll study in damascus. immunization here on launch new science and the, the facility in the city of that'd be in the north of your rock. you're all set. that facility was a spite house of israel secret service most out of the of the latest is ready attack. i said to the in damascus that are grouping concerns, that the possibility of a broader conflict is surprising. does radius and the americans have both shows, showing signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the patient. wanted to get the running for the minister says, is it as attack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional and the wrong reserve . the right to respond in due time and location. you stay for the task for the season, coming to move in between one and as well. so far, both sides have avoided
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a direct communicator, confrontation, random experts. here said the company as exercised strategic patients within a direct community of conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of israeli attacks is testing the patients problem. it's a round back group is attached to administrative base housing us troops in iraq following that attack in syria. at least one of the service men was wounded. multiple missiles and rockets were fine to the last side and base troops on the us led coalition to return fire. launching more than a dozen strikes us central come on, said is assessing damage to the base saying it's a defensive intercepted most of the massage in southern lebanon. and his writing trend strikers killed a member of hezbollah. at least one of the person was killed because they were traveling and was destroyed, cross border attacks of increase since the start of the war on guns are just there was a mind con reports from bush road, but actually itself is a route that i've had around midday local cycle things. first thing
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about this is where it's a place to place in elbows that they have which is about 25 kilometers away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method, the power type thing in weeks. however, these attacks help in the half of the killing on january. second of all, it really does any how much vigor in central they route then just a couple of weeks ago with um, alex will, who was a senior local commander in the south of 11 on for his below was killed incredibly sound which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory, again, all of these attacks taking place via drive. so although they say it's going to be a blow to handful in terms of the technical aspect. and certainly it doesn't tell you the senior leadership in your blog to his beloved either politically or then that's hurley. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does
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next to in the past when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will, like a deeper into is right. you touching nobody's media saying is rarely use false for us, munitions during an attack in the south. they say this footage shows the town of hulu being hit with the white frost for shells, which are extremely fundable. they use in populated area is the legal on the international humanitarian little for their tax in syria, iraq, i'm 11 on come as israel continues to bomb the gaza strip driving fee. is that the one guys that could lead to original conflict? i'm society is jordan's foreign minister. he told my colleague nick clock. the violence could easily spread from the very beginning. we warned that this i can actually don't guys a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over into the rest of the agent. added to that know that there's a prime minister might be a the contest, the pro, blocking. yeah. uh, compensations of other products,
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particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay the political reckoning that he would have to face. and also to navigate around the differences that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future as so to election the impact of that to the difference with maybe less than others. and to delay the police instead of reckoning get pregnant as soon as you know, it might be working towards the voting, other bronze to which he would drug, the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict is relevant. so far, we've got goals for a to allow the internationally recognized palestinian authority to govern both gods . when you all keep pod westbank, vide is apparently washington's preferred option. what is jordan's done? we started, i mean, as we said from the very beginning. uh guys, that is boston, boston, it'd be a good bite percentage or 3, any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought. the boss of
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a road or approaches would include the if you buy it was back. and if you buy $0.02 and we do not accept any, is really presidents and government or do we accept any? so i have been sort of any parts of guys that this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning. this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing and this is something that's full full for the world to recognize. even video us, which is providing as language support says is why it has to conduct aggregation. and. ready does with international, it's not, it says the is right, has to allow sufficiently many to supplies and forgot. so it is not, it said the only possible what is a 2 state solution. that's what the realize that but it's come and stay the same government. this thing is north will not allow that. so i think it should be clear to google well know which party is responsible for the test or that has been in government know about of the world which party is responsible for the 9th. i want to be doing that piece of deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've got to remember as,
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as what i continues with the technician on god. it is also conducting up why it's on. ready the west bank where it just sort of gauging that as soon as you can, obviously it's denied them, but i to the warship. ready muslims and christians, it is uh, getting palestinians interesting 1st and that we have to remember that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have where again see if the buyers but in this kind of condition, i think the, what's the response is boring and that's, that was the ex fluids and under the pressure for me is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which would even have pub boys. the more serious threat of driving us all into eddie's not expansion of deal with this work in guns. that is really a tax of fuel, of at least a $165.00. to me. i'm since friday taking the death told the nearly 25000 since the war began in hong unit strikes continued the amount of hospital with multiple casualties. and in the,
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at least 3 people were killed in that car. was it to what was the range of process taking in more than a 1000000 just based palestinians. it's been under constant is right. if somebody and his really forces are being accused of deliberately targeting education facilities across the street, university campuses have been destroyed down the united nation says the damage can lead to a last generation. i'll just bear with patrick. i was doing reports now from rough . it was one simple of higher education and goals. a city now smart university is going the dust and the previous last hurtful generation of palestinians is wanting to compass use to the clark. i'm with the university of courses including finance, engineering, and low for more than $4000.00 students. as well as being accused of deliberately targeting education. cordell was a student at the east lemke. diversity of gauze before was listed on usable by his
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race tracks. for studying had mazda, i'd hoped to become my phone like to, since the beginning of these, for my university on the university does hearing the got us to plus, almost destroyed. we are talking that's not only the step to the university if this was destroyed or so the future or for the students or the people that to start to studying and masters, or materials degree or even to be in this university do are, or most destroyed in a statement, the palace, the minister of foreign affairs and expects condemned is what is tax on universities. of the occupation previously targeted a large number of higher education institutions in the gaza strip and destroyed them completely or partially as part of the criminal award is waging against the palestinian people. nothing to say about the need it to do that kind of an explosion. you need to be in there, you have to put the explosives down and it takes a lot of planning and preparation to do. and if there was a threat from this particular facility,
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they wouldn't been able to do it. the state department is being asked to explain, it's a lady's actions. we are always troubled by the, by any degradation of civilian infrastructure and gaza. but without knowing the actual underline circumstances, i'm a little hesitant. i think for reasons that should be understand with the past, defend have judgment on it. from this podium, the will and gaza has left thousands of students across this trip. and then the, the united nations is warning that the destruction in goals will lead to a last generation among the young people. here tara comes in, i will just the euro roof suffering cause of as opposed to means in gaza, struggling to find enough food to survive. just a difficult of humanitarian aid, being allowed in. hundreds of thousands of people are reported to be stopping. the un says funding is just around the corner of mohammed vine reports. the situation in northern gaza is particularly alarming
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when the guns fall silent for the cries of hungry babies can be heading this $3016.00. he upsets me bank street markets. famished goes in success for most of the time without much excess food items are hard to come by. the prices are high and even low people don't talk money on the the prices are unimaginable. one kilo of this bad quality wheat flour is 1012 shekels sets up from 3 in the past for a much better quality. half of this flower is unusable. imagine that even before the war and when people had salaries, the situation was already untenable. people were suffering right now. it's many, many, many times worse. the securing once the meal is next to impossible says this man. see the zillow. people can't find what magine a family of 10 people,
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then what can they do to? so why? in the most, if not we've been eating on the rights for a moment. we have to wait the whole day for a single portion of rice ending. i mean, i came here looking for flour, but all i find is be doing fruit. what, what kind of life is this? shame on them. we're dying here and no one cares. apply doesn't, and there. she says some of her children were killed in southern gaza and others on the see 100 and believe meant to not mock nearly every single family in gaza. so in this cases and way from that each of relief organizations, people do what the, the account to get by this is the only for law, for instance, this marketplace. he goes. 7 we used to operate a blacksmith workshop, but everything has been destroyed. so we put up the store in order to eat and provide food for people. but it's an extremely difficult task. let us know and to
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the list of challenges facing these policy names. they leave in the midst of the destruction, no single public services available data from source to local level. but did a lot of films broken states garbage is piling up and getting thing to the c infested. the only thing untouched is these people's results and resisting attempts to force them to leave a lot of the we support the distance, may god protect them. we are ready to die and sacrifice for children and families, the star and the distance. the duties, the early days of all these are the army or the people in northern guys have to go solve but often move on 3 months of the land, plus bombardment and destruction. thousands awesome here in defiance of all the hazards of hunger, an extermination. how much fun under so that's all sorts coming here and i'll just say including how grinding poverty is pushing thousands of workers from india and
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toronto to seek opportunities in israel. but on the cost of palestinian workers and families of mexico circle disappeared, accused the government of trying to manipulate the numbers of missing fee for that savings. the . and here's how the weather story goes across the middle east and africa. good to see there has been some flooding in northwest serious still a few more showers to fall on sunday, but the worst of the rain is over. then we go to talk about this warm breeze for western saudi arabia. it's pops up the temperature and jet, that's a 30 to live 26. that's while above where you should be and still this wind blowing down from iraq through the gulf. so for us here in the 24 degrees, got so about 30 kilometers products. now in this part of the world, temperatures are running high for this type of the year bucket tater on ask about
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rocks. cobble all the above, where you should be at this point in the year circuit. we saw some warrants for the western side here. i didn't, but now it's been replaced by wind and showers. other side, mediterranean athens, you'll be lucky if you get to 10 degrees on sunday. also the divide between warm in cool air for northern africa elders tune is below average, but cairo at 26. that's running high for this year and speaking of high temperatures, we set some records in doris salon. pretty close to $36.00 degrees. how does january day on record now? heavy pulses of rain moving through the country there and we've got rain draped over and northern mozambique across the channel into northern madagascar where there could be flight of the israel has now imposed a complete fees on god's that's so how do they survive if you have no income,
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how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the 1000. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on algae there. the welcome back to watching out is the right to come on and on top stories to get us out. 5 members of the rooms revolutionary god, have been killed in an striking, damascus. rom has named israel says we have time will not go on nonsense strong. here's a residential building in the home is another is ready strike killed
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a member of has the law and 11 on the road, destroyed his car while in raining and bus routes of attacks, a miniature base in a rock housing us troops kind of gone. so he's really strikes of continued across the street, getting at least a 165 understands in the last 24 hours brings the depth of the concepts of just on the 25000 products demands since october the 2nd thousands of protest as have gathered across israel, demanding the release of captives held by her mouse and gaza, some or even calling from human actions. many have lost faith and prime minister benjamin netanyahu to bring peace and get their loved ones back all correspondent, theresa bowes, in tennessee and sent us this report. we have had enough, tentative people in heavy mass, querying central to levy thousands of them protesting against the government of bing. i mean nothing yet. and calling for you elections. j nef says
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nothing. yeah. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power? the goals of this war were never defined, were never to find in a way that we can say they were a cheese. they weren't achieved. so that means this war can go on forever, as long as it serves somebody's purpose. and that is the person that you've been talking about, but it serves its purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continue to support the war on time, not, but the fact that these protests are ongoing shows that there's some serious questioning. and then you may not turn yeah for and whose leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing, you will have to go a few blocks away in hosted square in front of the ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the captives released.
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and these, this idea we nothing. yeah. whose west fence is located. there was tension between protesters and the police. the many see the i still believe in the government strategies. we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to the man to cease fire following pressure from the high court of justice. the police agreed to allow an anti will protest for the 1st time since, as well as the attack on guys that began. so i'm calling all the governments, was that what would lead their thoughts? they both thing is right. we've no condition and but unlimited simple to send us a st. that's a definitely conciliation. 8 of the 8 upstairs initiative between jews are, is what i leave in front of senior the reasons to be on the streets in these. well, i'm many these days. and the objectives vary from one place to another
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but they all add to the pressure and a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on city. so i just seen a heavy in the occupied. westbank is ready for the storm. the city of hebron they rated 2 houses belonging to 2 palestinian men who were accused of coming on his writing soldiers last of them, but was ready troops also forced other residents to leave the homes. the rates across the west bank. i'm now on nike kind of as a bonus of attend the funeral and a 17 year old palestinian boy killed on friday in the occupied westbank topic. jackal shopped, advise ready troops at a small town east. over my left, his body was draped in a palace to me and flying as mona's current into the streets. was this a us citizen? on thursday, the white house that it was seriously consent? after the thoughts of his death? dozens of his ready settlers, what types of products to me and she put it as an advantage,
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plans to remodel on me and say the settlers 5 live rounds of them and try to steal their animals. the village counsellors told down to 0 the attack has came from a recently established supplement output. well, since the war, israel has been the entry of tens of thousands of palestinian workers, thousands of people from the guys that were detained and then sent back to a was that all to the west bank where they were being stranded for now, israel is on a recruitment drive and countries such as india and trunk a to address its labor shortage. middle financial reports from columbus. the hundreds of applicants brave the code at the maharishi, diamonds university is another indian state of hardy. on a. the here to meet is really recruiters looking to fill urgently, the shortages myers come off and roger scott is one of them. he study to be a teacher, but now works as a mason. what sort of hers is that the children who have brought in the future, they will be able to give these origination and progress in life. when these extra
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money is in the family. we also do basic and has the above. is it for this out of in child hon is waiting for news. the time there was told he can make flight times this kind of income of $200.00 a month in israel. so past how come on i thought it possible. i want to make more money. what have i on here? it's all spent on food and living expensive. i can't save anything that the indian government has defended its decision to allow workers to go to israel, which it says is under an agreement finalized in may allows via liberal laws in israel, a very strict robust a. it's a noisy, the country so therefore leveled laws are such that it provides for protection of migrant type slate, but lights up on up on the plus. we are very conscious of responsibility to give, provide security and safety, safety to people. what abroad i, this is really once employed, tens of thousands of palestinians to walk across a number of sectors retentions of to the homeless attack on october 7th. and the
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subsequent vote and gaza has seen palestinians being shut out of bed jobs. it's this neighbor shortage that is really looking to sell stays at the feel, not just in india, but have injury lanka. what people are increasingly desperate to escape the economic hardship for an employment bureau is walk into the shortly 10000 people to walk in agriculture, job 25. it was my vision to assume that rosner is busy presenting. the family patty feels engulfed in such as she lanka. he says he will show up listed sort of jumped in israel a month ago. the man about do me that pick of id and everything is so expensive. now that's the main reason for me to go to where to go for pad the cultivation is difficult to buy for devices and as little chemicals. and there's very little profit update of a drunk, as it can only crisis as seen. tens of thousands of people had abroad insect a bunch of prospects with rights groups of pretty size,
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the decision to send workers to a country at war ending work as a broad has become an easy onset, the unemployment crises which has happened a year and an easy on so wish the government is going forward without, without the picking on that responsibility for picked up workers from this ending abroad to bring back funding them and use these 5. these concerns mother shown to and thousands like him see a job in israel, would help them improve their lives. vanessa mendez judge a 0, the center for them to the let's take a look now, some of the days of the news and the democratic republic of congo, felix just academy has been sworn in as president for a 2nd to an estimated 80000 people gathered up in countries biggest stadium in the capital control. so for the sum of money, he and his party won a landslide victory last month. but opposition figures say the election was
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a sham and approved for protest or the final list of the 20 candidates for the senate goals. presidential election next month has been released, includes president, mark yourselves, hand pick the success of prime minister and to box your opposition to it was men sancho and counting one day, the son of a former president. i'm not on the list in court as 3 opposition and candidates have filed a legal challenge against the re election of the incumbent president as ali, as a money won a 4th term and office up to you was the kid we know of last week selection capital maroney was paralyzed for 2 days with st. battles between soldiers and protest as somebody's opponents say. the vote was raked. russian president vladimir putin was going to be visiting north korea that's according to north korea's state bowed. costa coaching out already expressed as thanks for the invitation during a meeting with the foreign minister a few days ago. north korean states media says both conferences are concerned that you as soon as allies may infringe north korea's sovereignty. there are reports of
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grown attacks in russia with explosions heard in a central tulip region. videos have been posted on the social media of the bloss. the defense ministry says it also shop down drones and to other regions in the central parts of the country. russia and ukraine never pull to increase drone attacks over the past weeks for the rest of the control town of the whole lives. and since you have done that, it's going to ukraine, kind of showing in the early hours of south of the ukrainian troops continue to hold positions on the outskirts of done yes. in the east of the country. the don't ask region is when a full russia has claims and wives of russian soldiers in ukraine, not campaigning for their husbands. to return from the front lines. the group called the way home went to the election headquarters of russian president vladimir putin in moscow on saturday. criticism of the will in russia is banned. it was only
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a flowers of the tune of the unknown soldier. besides, i think we need to come on mass right similar repeal instructions in order to force them by weight of numbers. previously we went to lawmakers, we wrote less, as i think now is exactly the moment when we need to act, when it's not now. tens of thousands of people are protested of across germany against the far right. a f d policy including more than 30000 in frankfurt. the demonstration started off that was reveal the party had discuss plans for the mass of the for taishan of margaret's protest. calm was the app, the gain strong pony numbers had originally elections in the coming months and southern mexico protest as of set fire to a municipal building and following the police coming of a young man demonstrate as a letter of the honda confronted police officers and set that vehicles on fire full had been detained for suspected homicide. following the death for 27 year old man
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was gone down outside his grandmother's house and the mexican government has conducted a review of the official register of disappeared people. but with little transparency on how it was carried out, the families of missing persons came. the records have been manipulated in an effort to lower the total number of zeros manual, dropping out less more now from mexico city. the demonstrators, outside of federal government building in mexico city. they are the families of missing persons, and they say they want answers over why dozens of case files have been erased from the official government census onforce disappearances.


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