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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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story, palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces because a form of collective punishment and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist. the is really strikes pound guns overnight as gun battles in the south intensified nearly 25000 palestinians have been killed since the gap. the baron jordan. this is out as they are alive. and also coming up, 5, senior, irena and ministry officials are killed in a missile strike in damascus to around accuses israel of county up the attack and promises which on the ation this aggression on gaza. it carries that he used to use
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the risk of the spitting go over to the rest of the region. jordan's foreign minister tells us they are, the fish rails were on gauze that could lead to a much wider country. and thousands of protest as running across israel, demanding early elections, and the appointment is for 20 minutes. now to start, the one is just going over $600.00 g m t. that's 8 am in gaza with palestinian casualty . the soaring by the hour gone, says health minister says at least a $165.00 palestinians have been killed since friday. well that's pool the death toll to almost $25000.00. and just over 3 months of israel is, was on the strip. is ready ministry pounded guns overnight on into the early morning on sunday. palestinian on groups are also confronting these random and a treat in hon. eunice and, and russell on his reading strike. here's
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a cough. getting up these 3 people, 2 others were injured. more than a 1000000 displaced people at sheltering in the area of israel told palestinians it was safe from the attack. let's speak to honey my food. he joins us live now from rafa in the southern gaza. honey, so what more could it tell us then about israel is on going ground operations and of course, all the people caught up in the fighting a yes, good morning there in, well, it seems like an intense the bombing campaign continues across the gauze of trip, resulting in further, civilian casualties, displacement and destruction across the territory is just the purely hours of last night. here in rough i city and an area where 1900000 displaced, palestinians are sheltering in a car, was targeted on one of the main roads in a very busy area. very close to a popular market where 3 people who were in the car were killed and at those who
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were passing by on the side walks were critically injured and rushed right. a way to the job hospital. but in hon. you and is over night, a bombing campaigns by, by air land and sea continued in eastern hon. you understand the southern part of hon units and mainly concentrated within the vicinity of not the hospital and the surrounding area is really tanks and armored vehicle can pushing deeper and very close to the main road leading to the gate of the hospital, resulting in a vast majority the destruction of the areas, including infra infrastructure that we're either is completely destroyed or severely damaged. the reports about many critically injured the palestinians in the area of residence of button us. i mean on the vicinity of nasir hospitality, as the work leading to their homes or from the following bonds. their number of people have reported killed as well in this,
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in these attacks had to continue until early hours of this morning. but in gauze on the northern part, just the intensity in scale and magnitude of the attacks by, by air and by land. just a horrifying reminder of, of the residents of government known to find that the were just started all over again, just very intense bombing campaign and targeting jamalia was strength of gaza. and the saw that refugee camp were more residential homes spin, targeted and destroyed. people are injured in those attacks are reported to a shift hospital, but the, the tragedy of these events that the civil hospitalized non functional hospitals. so those who are reported to the hospital are risking losing their lives as there are no medical supplies. and there is no medical to stop available to do the necessary intervention to save their lives in eastern part of god. the city again renewed intense bombing by air and by land targeting issues,
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as well as the 2 neighborhoods works reports about more residential homes being targeted. and it's just important to remind our viewer, there are but more people who are still in the northern parts. and ga, the simply because they could not find a safe place to go to. they decided to remain in their homes and shouldered, and their homes as many of their relatives, many of their loved ones, and family members who evacuated south. they were killed in the southern parts of guys that within the past a few weeks, just confirming that there is no place save in the entire gaza strip. alright, to honey mach mood life as they are. and roughly in southern goes a how do you thank you, iran about revenge object using israel. of getting 5 members of its elite is not a revolutionary god. cool. the attacking the syrian capital damascus killed the uranian head of intelligence and syria, among other high ranking offices, present a band rise. he said he would not allow what he called a cowardly assassination. to go on opposite russell said, report somebody,
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rainy and capitals tear off. rescue work to search for survivors in the rubble of the building used by the garage of abuse in regards to city and capital damascus. the excel process describing the moment of the attack in pop. as you has an example and data i was using my asthma inhaler. between my little granddaughter who's 3 years old was sitting beside me. i jumped, i mean, last summer and kind of fell. i tried to protect for like one like the last 10. how are the size almost within seconds is really miss alice. just seen it in a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description. the full story, residential building collapse instantly cars with shaded buildings with demolished . it's a crime of the most heinous kind. your arms releasing the gods with providing details regarding the rank of those keels. but somebody forced to adjust. one was the head of course, forces impose this unit in syria. what's forces edit unit or for pollution because the contacts and coordinates your bronze coast board to patients across the region
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now is read am so disruptive lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the ryans recognize, that they all have to pay to support the people of palestine. the run has been sanctioned for decades. now, it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and. and alice signed, this is not, israel is 1st attack one. are you running offsets in syria on december 25th? is we have targeted and killed another cooperatively should have gone to the official chargeable savvy in damascus, immunization here on launch the new titles and the, the facility in the city of, that'd be in the north of iraq. you're all set. that facility was a spite house of israel secret service most out of the of the latest is ready to attack. i said to the in damascus that are grouping concerns that the possibility of a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows showing
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signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the equations. a lot of the, a cheese that you're running for the minister says, is this attack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional any wrong reserves. the right to respond in due time and location is safe for task policies, inclusively to coming to move between iran and his route. so far, both sides have avoided a server, communicative confrontation, running experts here said the company has exercised strategic patients within a direct community conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of this right attached is testing the patients that wrong. mean all on a ron bunch group is attacked and ministry base housing us have international forces in iraq, enjoying several people. us central come on says multiple missiles and rockets are funded. the, you know, outside ed based on the west them,
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i'm bob problems troops on the us led coalition return fire, launching more than a dozen strikes in recent weeks. pray rainy and i'm groups of targeted us military bases in iraq and syria, to protest against the is really war on gaza in southern lebanon. and then he's ready. dren strikers killed 2 members of hezbollah, strike tons of the vehicle in the town of by the red cross border attacks that increase since the start of israel's war on the concept. come to put some bush out, but option a south of bay route. that the vice around midday, local side of things are thing about this is where it's a place to place and elbows at a at which is 525 columbus is away from the disputed boat area between israel and level method deep sea weeks. however, these attacks have been the half of the killing on january, 2nd of all, the ruling, the senior las vegas in central fe route. then just
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a couple of weeks ago with something else. well, who was a senior local come on, the in the south of 11 on for hezbollah was killed and cut about sound, which is about 40 kilometers into lebanese territory. again, all of these attacks taking place via drugs. so although they say it's going to be a blow to his board in terms of the technical aspect, there certainly doesn't tell you the senior leadership in certainly don't belong to his beloved either politically or militarily. but it is an interesting uh watch. let's see what his bullet does next to in the past when we say attacks like this, we're seeing rockets from his will like a deeper into is right. you territory. well, the tax in syria, iraq, and 11 on become was israel continues to bomb the gaza strip sparking fears the war could lead to a much wider conflict unless the thought is jordan foreign minister. the told my colleague, the clock, the violence could easily spread from the very beginning, we warned that to this i can actually don't guys
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a carrier that he used to use the risk of the spitting go over. and so the rest of the agent added to that, no, that is a foreign minister, might be a the contest the prob, looking yeah, uh, compensations of other products, particularly with lebanon, other parts of the agent, to delay the political reckoning that he would have to face and also to navigate around the differences that we're seeing imaging with the united states and others in terms of what the vision for the future is. so to election, the impact of that to the difference with maybe less than others. and so the lady at the police get a reckoning, 5 minutes and it's, you know, it might be working towards the voting of the bronze to which he would drug, the waste. and then we'd be looking at a very, very, very serious installation of the conflict is relevant so far really cools for a to allow the internationally recognized product digital authority to govern both
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gods. when you all keep plug westbank, vide is apparently washington's preferred option. what is joel this done? we started, i mean, as we stepped from the very beginning, uh, gaza is boston, boston. it'd be a good buy percentage or 3. any discussion of guys and the doctor has to be bought . the boss of a roader approaches would include the occupied was by kind of keep by to send him and we do not accept any immediate presence in guys or, nor do we accept that he's really been sort of any parts of guys have. this has been the argument that we've made from the very beginning, this deposition that we're providing supports what i let me just add one thing. and this is something that for, for, for the world to recognize even video us, which is providing as language support says, is why it has to conduct the aggregation and what does, within the, it's not. it says the is right, has to allow sufficient too many care supplies and we've got to it is not. it said the only possible. what is a 2 state solution. that's what the realize up it is, come and stay the same government. this things north will not allow that. so i
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think it should be clear to the whole, well know which party is responsible for the test or that has been engulfed in the body of the world. which party is responsible for benign, nobody's going to be. so deserves and which party is driving this conflict for them to are based on we've got to remember as is what i can use with the technician on god. it is also conducting a way to to load and that was back where it is suffocating that as soon as you come, obviously it's denied that i to be a warship with muslims and christians. it is getting better simians, interesting palestinians that we have to remember, that's what i'm about as of the toner and that's a month where, where we always have work against the violence, but the dishonest condition. i think the, what's the response is boating and that it was not ex fluids and under the pressure for me is ready to address the policies that i think would be talking about a much, much, much dangerous scenario. which was even had pub boys. the more serious types of driving us all into eddie's not expansion of doing this work for us,
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is that protest as in israel out demanding the release of captives held by hamas and gaza. many of them say they've lost faith in the government and accounting for new elections correspondent, theresa boats in tennessee and sent us this report. as we have had enough time to be pulling heavy mess. querying central, tel aviv, the thousands of them protesting against the government of bing, i mean nothing yet. and calling for new elections, j nef says nothing. yeah. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power? the goals of this war were never defined. were never to find in a way that we can say they were a cheese, they weren't achieved. so that means this war can go on forever, as long as it serves somebody's purpose. and that is the person that you've been talking about, that it serves its purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continue to support the war on time, not,
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but the fact that this protests are ongoing shows that there's some serious question in. and then you may not turn yeah for and whose leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing, you will have to go a few blocks away in hosted square in front of the ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the captives released. and these, this idea we nothing. yeah. who's west and he's located there was tension between protesters and the police because the many see the have stopped believing and the government strategy, we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to demand a ceasefire. following pressure from the high court of justice. the police agreed
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to allow an anti will protest for the 1st time since, as well as the attack on guys that began. so i'm calling all the governments, was that what would lead their thoughts? they both thing is right. we've no condition and but unlimited simple to send us a send us a definitely conciliation. 8 of the 8 upstairs initiative between jews are, is what i leave in front of me and the reasons to be on the streets in these. well, i'm many of these days and the objectives vary from one place to another but they all add to the pressure and a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on. very, so defeated heavy. well, i'll just say it was nora. com joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem, north side, we understand new details are emerging in these randy media about captive release negotiations. what more can you tell us more of the well yeah,
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the there. awesome detail sifting through is writing media from last night into today, and that's such senior officials from israel. we don't know exactly who the all, the speaking on condition of anonymity have essentially set the back committed to a deal with him. absolutely say how mazda is also showing interest. so when it comes to engaging with other countries, they say that's speaking to katya of the us and also egypt and striking some kind of deal. so we're keeping an eye on that, but also reported in the new york times is full. the officials from the as ready met tree saying that this a 2 pronged approach from benjamin netanyahu, in terms of continuing to try to defeat him off in the gulf, a strip of also release. the captive is mutually incompatible. they say on one hand, you cannot continue to decimate, think because of strep, and expect the say for ton of kept us or even a deal to be struck. so that's certainly some
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a huge amounts of pressure back from the senior officials and also from the ministry speaking to international media. they've also been talking about a shift in the to months, from how mass now at how much they did strike a deal in the event. but with israel to release some of the captives in exchange for policy and present us. but now they're saying that the bonds a much stronger is to end the war. it's to ensure a complete withdrawal of is ready troops from casa, and also an international commitments that they can remain in power. now this isn't new, they have re, it's right to this. and they said this also in december in a statement for the international community and also to un security council that they, they want to see an end to the war and gone. so essentially before it's too late, but whether or not we'll see this out, support from the international community. and also israel will have to wait, stay right to north on lifestyle from occupied these truce,
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the more i thank you for a short break here down just here, right? when we come back is radius soldiers destroy palestinian homes during overnight grades will be nice from the outside west by martin the 3 years in and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party. despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of phenomena, nation contests begin, does bite and a half what it takes for another 4 years. us selection 2024 analysis teams ex, analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of
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facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive the task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera hearing, the have you had any like that he has the support of 15 m samantha shell pick one moment. then asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give us a sense of what an easy target this place is. i'll just see it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book i'm actually watching out just a real quick reminder, lots of stories here to solve these ready ministry has pounded gaza of an item into the morning or sunday goes us health ministry says at least a $165.00 stay ends up in kill since friday. that's built, the desk told almost 25000 small 5 members of their arms revolutionary got up and killed and the man strikes in damascus or on his band as well as the attacks will not feeling nonsense strike you to a residential building. and measure is really upsetting, killed a member of hesper law and 11 on a trial and destroyed his com. meanwhile, and uranium button group is attacked a miniature base and a rock housing us troops that is ready for system on a several houses in the hebron to be occupied. westbank and an overnight rate the rates and that would not get current since the war and gaza. i often leave
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a train of destruction in their wake, including damage, roads, shops and homeschooled. mama jump june, joins us live now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. mohammad. so just bring us up to date then with the latest on these is right. the rates a darren in the overnight hours. numerous raids as is typical here in the occupied west bank, where on average there are around 40 is really army rates each and every day of the rate that happened in the hebron and the overnight hours the israeli army demolished 2 houses. now one of those houses belonged to 2 palestinian min. uh that was bulldozed, the other house belong to another palestinian man. and that house was bomb. now these 3 palestinian men that lived in these 2 houses, they had been accused by these really army of having killed and his really army member in mid november. that's what was going on in, in they have run also. there were numerous arrest that took place as well beyond that,
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there were ways that happened in ramallah at around 615 this morning. you had these really are me reading the of the refugee camps. also we're told that they entered the outward a village interested, an injured palestinian man took out the house. any man from his house. uh beyond that you also had a rate happening in nablus. were told that around midnight. uh there were um, uh, settlers that had attacked a village of cut a youth that south of nablus, and that those villagers at those settlers rather had been under the protection of israeli army forces that's according that's according to eye witnesses. we spoke with and around 6 am also in nablus, is really forces had rated nablus and arrested 3 palestinians from there. there were also rates in janine. and so say the a, all of this going to show their, in just how much the intensity and the frequency of these raids have, how have increased exponentially since october 7th is only getting worse. the situation dire for the palestinians that we speak with throughout the occupied west
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bank after these rage occurred. and we should just mention that since october 7th, 369 published indians have been killed in the west bank, 96 of them. miners, darren. all right, so mohammed jump june july, 1st the in ramallah and the occupied westbank. mama. thank you. the the, the 2nd look now some of the days of the news and there are reports of drone attacks and russia with explosions heard in the central tulip region. videos have been posted on social media of the blog posts. the defense ministry says it also shut down drones into other areas in the central part of the country, russia and ukraine, as opposed to increase drone the tax over the past weeks. while the russian control town of holland and city have done the asking, ukraine also came under selling and the as a sub today. ukrainian troops continue to hold positions on the outskirts of done yet in the east of the country. but don't ask, the reason is one
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a for the question, i explained as it says, a file is broken out at russia's noble tech gas terminal in the bolt exceeds the incident was reported by the governor of the leningrad region off to the sounds of drones were heard before the explosion. oh, stop for evacuated, and there are no casualties reported. nova tech is the largest producer liquefied natural gas. in russia. russian president vladimir putin was going to be visiting north korea that's according to young young state broadcast f. north korean state media says both countries are concerned that you as an as allies may infringe on film young solvent and the democratic republic of congo feed extra security has been sworn in as president for a 2nd to an estimate to the 80000 people gathered at the country's biggest stadium in the capital congestive for the ceremony. he and his party won a landslide victory last month. but opposition figures say the election was ashamed of cold for protests. now saddam has suspended its membership with
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a regional body setup to promote development and trade in east africa. governments, as is because the organization invited the leader of a sudden these rebel group to summit. so that is national law. me. it has been fighting the rapids support forces for several months. i'll just say, what's he, the most difficult? a sudan has been a member of the intake governmental authority on development r e guides since it was established in 1996. but after weeks of tension, with the regional blog stemming from differences on how you guys should handle that conflict, that is now and it's 9 per month. so dense foreign ministry says it's suspending it's membership. you got invited the news at all. it's for the summit summit on pulled ahead, silver states and governments. so this is, this is delta dental. this is unacceptable. sedan has already withdrawn from you god,
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let's talk and the conflict describing it as an internal issue of what the fighting has killed more than 12000 people and displaced 7500000 according to the united nations. you god has been trying to bring together the leaders of the to where insides, the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces for a face to face meeting. it had hoped that would lead to a cease fire agreement followed by political tops. that's what would the concrete back on it's transition to democracy. but in december, so then of set to communicate issued by the blog regarding potential tasks between the 2 leaders. it said no meeting would take place prior to the recept withdrawing from civilian homes and from cities. it took over during the conflict. god was the only regional block in the past few weeks, but has been trying to end the conflict into them. after talking did the fail to reach a ceasefire with finance government now suspending its membership. any hopes that those affected by the conflicts have for
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a diplomatic solution is also in doubt. human morgan algebra, how to? well that's it for me, darn jordan, you kind of goes find much more news on our website. i'll just say we'll come there . it is on your screen. the weather is up next. but inside story looks at the grubbing impression on israel to account for to suspension. that's what the the, and here's how the weather story goes across the middle east and africa. good to see there has been some flooding in northwest serious still a few more showers to fall on sunday, but the worst of the rain is over. then we've got to talk about this warm breeze for western saudi arabia. it's pops up the temperature and jet that to 30 to live 26. that's while above where you should be and still this wind blowing down from
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iraq through the gulf. so for us here in the 24 degrees, gus about 30 kilometers, probably. now in this part of the world, temperatures are running high for this type of the year barcode paid on ask about rocks. cobble all the above, where you should be at this point in the year circuit. we saw some warrants for the western side here. i didn't, but now it's being replaced by wind and showers. other side, mediterranean athens, you'll be lucky if you get to 10 degrees on sunday. also the divide between warm in cool air for northern africa elders tune is below average, but cairo at 26, that's running high for this year. and speaking of high temperatures, we set some records in doris salon, pretty close to 36 degrees. how does january day on record now? heavy pulses of rain moving through the country there. and we've got rain draped over in northern mozambique across the channel into northern madagascar. where there could be flooding the
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ballistic seek immediate shelter, feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise. anxiety, are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that deluxe. like exploring how makes this central switch to life impacts the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on outsourcing the physical rolling pressure to hold as well, to account for 1000 move countries of a phone and get to the us top port. and as president is facing the criminal complaints, switzerland, so can international justice don't as well. this is inside story. the


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