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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the the 3 bottles in hon. eunice stripes near i'll not the hospital gauze as desktop is now approaching 25000. i'm on insight. this is always, is there a life and uh, also coming up is there any soldiers destroy palestinian homes during the night?
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rates will feet long from your point west by is there any recruiters in india answer lanka to address a growing labor shortage often finding palestinian work is uncovered 19 cases on the rise in the united states with hospital admissions. the highest in many. yeah. the once again, we begin in gaza, where the is really ami is intensifying. it's a sold across the strip causes health ministry says nice to 165 and palestinians have been killed since friday. palestinians have been transporting the engine to hospitals on pickups, for lack of ambulances is rarely a tax on hon. eunice in the south have killed at least 14 palestinian since today. policy and fight is also confronting these ready ministry nasa hospital to nearly
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25000 people have now been killed in over 3 months of israel's will on this trip and speak now. so honey, my mood, he is live and rough in southern gaza. i need no response then from his writing strikes. yes, that is accurate then in fact, within the past hour and since last time we spoke a, there are more confirmed reports emerging from hon. units about hebrew class is an extreme confrontations between palestinian finding rooms on the ground and is really in bathing forest visits, right. of the area surrounding and the nasir hospitals and the southern part of hon . you and it's reports about a heavy confrontations in bottles of from house to house and it's the street at the street right now, but it's taking place right under the heavy, aerial bombardment of the area. it's been started within the past 2 days as the is
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really tying some milk, an arm of the vehicle pushed deeper into the vicinity of not the hospital where it destroys the vast majority of the residential buildings in the area. and the infrastructure where either completely destroyed or severely damaged but what more it's threatening to civilians right now in the area is the the fact that there are snipers that the couple of the building surrounding not their hospital and the shooting, get it moving objects of making it very difficult for people who are trying to leave the area and seek shelter elsewhere and for provide protection for their family. there also have reports about 8 years strikes, relentless or so i can the eastern part of 100000000 in this time district, as well as an in minot area where more residential homes been targeted and destroyed. this is the situation how near the thing goes into northern parts and not not, not different than what's going inside there more in terms area bombardment as we
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speak right now. thank you for that honey. my knew that for us in rafa in southern gaza, it is rarely ministry. casualties are also bound to the army says one soldier has been killed in battles in guns that palestinian factions say they're attacking. is there any time administrative that goes with walk? it's an improvised explosive devices, at least a $195.00 soldiers that miguel. since israel launched it's ground defensive in late october. protest is across israel has been demanding the release of captives held in garza. many of them say they've lost face and the government on, on demanding the resignation of the prime minister, all corresponding to raise the players in tennessee. with this report we have had enough time to be pulling heavy mess square in central television, the thousands of them protesting against the government of bing. i mean nothing yet
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. and calling for new elections, j nef says nothing. yeah. who is using the war on guys that to hold onto power? the goals of this war were never defined, were never to find in a way that we can say they were a cheese. they weren't achieved. so that means this war can go on forever, as long as it serves somebody's purpose. and that is the person that you've been talking about, that it serves its purpose to continue this war indefinitely. and people are dying on both sides. most people here continue to support the war on how much of the effect of this protests are ongoing shows up. there's some serious questioning and then you may not turn yackel and his leadership. many people here say that in order to remain united, nothing, you will have to go a few blocks away in hosted square in front of the ministry of defense, thousands called on the government to do more to get the captives released.
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and these, this idea we nothing. yeah. who's west and he's located if there was tension between protesters and the police because the many things they asked of believing and the government strategy. we get their loved ones. housing guys, back home in haifa, jews and arabs came together to demand a ceasefire. following pressure from the high court of justice. the police agreed to allow an anti war protest for the 1st time since, as well as the attack on guys that began. so i'm calling all the governments, was that what would lead their thoughts? they both thing is right. we've no condition. and the unlimited simple send us a send us the frequency ation. it will be 8 upstairs. initiative between jews are up is what i leave in front of me and the reasons to be on the streets in these.
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well, i'm many these days. and the objectives vary from one place to another but they all add to the pressure and a government that seems to be getting weaker as the war goes on. really so defeated heavy that's getting well with lower con, who's the know combined is into a risk for a cleaning, the prime minister under a huge pressure. his relationship with other members of the world cabin and not going so well. tell us a little more about this when one of the big reports of the last few weeks has been his relationship with his own defense minister, us go on. many say that off to the wall cabinet meetings, which i have to say are top secret. no one's supposed to know what's going on with them inside them along the type of security cabinet missing bought. there are continuous leaks the press off to us and that that relationship has become petty
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and embarrassing to some of them in says during the time of a war. and i'll just read out some of these headlines from israel's channel 12 headlines. this is how the back to between netanyahu and got on the books for weeks, the prime minister in the defensive to try to hide the tension between them. and now it's due to all those reports that a week ago, you have gone weeks out of a, a bull cabinet meeting. often he wasn't allowed to bring his assistance and he claims that this was because netanyahu didn't want him to actually spend time with . well thought out, she bet that's at the head of intelligence and security. so he believes, but he's, he's essentially not guessing a look in to some of the decisions being made, but he's big part of now he was hired find that yahoo because he trusted him as a good soldier, as somebody who has plenty of experience at inside sports in, in was and also the sides, the military. but it's not just that what we're having leaks also with the new york
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times international media that would leaks from for top members of the minute traits that they believe nothing. yahoo is 2 pronged approach to the war that is trying to read off her mouth, but also releasing the captive, what incompressible. but you con, continue to bombard the got the strip on find a good rid of wolf, inside this warren of tunnels, and on the ground and expect a safe release of the captive. we've also had the pressure from across the country from the capt. his family who's been saying, just again, reiterate from this point. this is incompatible as well. he has a 2 point approach space have one day just want see the release of the captive. so we're seeing these rolling protests across the country with the same rhetoric released some now and hold a safe spot and many also cooling for another election and so, but sponge missing, you know who to step down. so it's a huge amount of tension and pressure coming from his side. laura,
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as he said that many links out in the newspapers, international and domestic. so i've been, you've touched on the captives, but they've been reports that they could be more negotiations going on at the moment to release those. capt is, can you tell us a bit more about what is being reported? yes, uh, why not? it's reporting again, leaks on condition of anonymity that's at senior members out of the political way, not don't coming from the ministry. a saying that they can strike a deal with thomas and other groups in order to release the captives. and they say that her mazda is also interested in this idea. so they are, they say they are moving forward, they're engaging with all the countries, including costa, of egypt, and, and also the united states have been posit these mediation efforts. so again,
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another lake, we haven't fully confirmed this yet, but once again, this is against witness. and yeah, who's been saying from the beginning to the only way of to see things come up inside the gulf, the strip is through military pressure. thank you for that. laura call them that 1st thing ok point is wrestling. is there any forces have demolished several houses in hebron and the occupied westbank in an overnight raid. the times of 3 palestinian men accused of killing and is ready. soldier november was for grades all now and nightly occurrence and symbol and gauze and began they often leave a train of destruction encouraging damage, roads, shops, holmes speak to him, a correspondent, the humming challenger, and is in ramallah for us. so bring this up to date. these latest is there any res mohammed somebody in 1st let me tell you and our viewers, more of what we found out about the rates that happened in hebron to the overnight
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hours. those were raids that were targeting 3 homes of 3 different palestinian men who'd been accused of killing and his really soldier in mid november. now the homes of 2 of those 2 of the 3 homes were demolished. one of them was destroyed by bulldozer, the other one was bomb. there were also numerous people that were arrested. we're told in the have run, many of them forcefully removed from their homeless beyond that also here in and around the model that you had a raid happening is that i'm not a refugee camp where a palestinian was arrested also at the ottawa village which is closer to my law were told that there was an injured house to me, a man taken from his home and arrested um beyond that, you also had rates happening in nablus. janine and the, the, the, this is all very much part of the fabric of daily life and the occupied west bank. there are on average, around 40 reeds by the, is really military conducted each and every day throughout the occupied west bank. and as you mentioned, i mean just
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a moment ago when the israeli army goes into these areas, be the towns or cities or villages or refugee camps, the palestinians who reside there, say that these really army is deliberately using tactics, destroying infrastructure, using armor, bulldozers to take up roads, they cut electricity lines, water lines, we've been to many of these areas after those rates occurred. and the palestinians who lived there tell us that they believe this is a form of collective punishment. they also say that they believe this is a tactic being utilized by the israeli army more and more so that these residents will turn against the armed resistance fighters that these really army says they are targeting in these areas. of course the pallets and as we speak with say that that's a tactic that's not going to work beyond that. we should just mention that since october 7th, 369 palestinians had been killed throughout the occupied west bank. i mean, thank you for that. i'm a john to that for us. there are a lot i or a roland has promised revenge of to accusing israel of killing 5 members. if it's
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a neat, a small make revenue stream gone, cool. the attack and the syrian capital damascus, kill the rang and hedge of intelligence and syria. among all the higher ranking offices. president abraham rice, he says he will not allow what he calls a cowardly assassination. to go on on said are so sad. it has moved from tech, from rescue work to search for survivors in the building used by the garage of abuse in regards to seeing capital, damascus. so presidents describing the movement of the attack in pop as you has an example and data or using my ask for inhaler, which when my little granddaughter, who was 3 years old, was sitting beside me, i jumped, i mean, summer and kind of fell. so i tried to protect for like one like the last 10. how are the size almost within seconds as riley myself, just seen it in a terrifying and horrifying manner with a sound beyond description. the full story, residential building, collapse instantly, cause we shifted buildings with the most. it's a crime of the most heinous kind,
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your bronze relation to the gods avoid providing details regarding the rank of those keels. but somebody forced to adjust. one was the head of course, forces intelligence unit in syria, that this was, this is eddie to, to, to sort of lucian, the gods. the contacts and coordinates was coast portable patients across the region now is read am. so disrupt is lines of coordination. i assume a retaliation by this way, the regime. but this is a price that the iranians recognize that they'll have to pay to support other people the policy any ron has been sanctioned for decades now. it has face maximum pressure of sanctions from the united states. exactly. because of its support from us and its allies in gaza and palestine. this is not, israel is 1st attack one of you running assets in syria. on december 25th is we have targeted and killed another copy of the lease of the guard. the official pricing will savvy in damascus, immunization here on launch new sites, and the,
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the facility and the city of that'd be in the north of iraq. you're all set. that facility was a spite house of israel secret service most out of the of the latest is ready to attack. i said to the in damascus that are grouping concerns that the possibility of a broader conflict is rising. this radius and the americans have both shows, showing signs that since they've lost the war, and they're lou or they're losing the war that they need to escalate to somehow change the equations that you're running for. the minister says, is it as attack is a desperate attempt to suppress instability and the regional any wrong reserves the right to respond in due time and location. you stay for the task policies. inclusion is coming to move between one and is true. so far, both sides have avoided, the server can be looked at a confrontation, you're running experts here said the company as exercise strategic patients by the way, that direct committed to conflict with israel. but they say the reason number of this ready attacks is testing the patients that wrong to
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re invites greg has attacked a ministry base housing us and international forces in iraq, enjoying several people. the us central command says multiple ballistic missiles and rockets will find it at the ice on ebay, east and west, and on provence. troops from the american leg condition at 15, launching more than a dozen and strikes. in recent weeks, pro rang an honest groups of targeted us motion vases in iraq out of syria to protest against the is reading more on gaza. meanwhile, and sell 11 on and is running dry and strong has killed 2 members of his bullet. he has time talking to the vehicle in the town advisory, a cost for the strikes of increase since the status of his roles or ongoing say. so hands on the on 202 don, suspends its membership in the regional block. e got angry over an invitation to have the roof, that support forces me to attend the
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colors, stormy service now traveling across northwest and pops. so if you're up we do have but wind warnings and falls as it runs towards the breaks y'all. so we're not going to see maybe when discussing and assess of a 100 kilometers per hour, one or 2 spot size winds could get a sense of a 130 kilometers per hour, particularly across the island. pushing into scotland, much of wells, a deposit of northern and west of england too. we have got a fair bit of right on that system too. so some rain warnings in for just looking at it will still be too down towards the southeast of here. this is what was still on plan. we supposed to very heavy rain into spite in portugal earlier on in the week. and we are going to say that to making its way across that eastern side of
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the mediterranean in between us. not too bad, but look comfortable to northwest really nice. the conditions, any consolation i can offer is a small they're going to double figures the for london and edinburgh and temperatures on the rise to full power. is that what the weather will sweep through? this some snow coming into scandinavia, cloud and rain when the weather pushing across from seizing down across the low countries in some very wet. and when she weather, making his way to just around the outs west and pops up the magazine to spine a port school literacy fund and try to crash the improve. meanwhile, to the east and the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days the another. if mcclin's ink is taking place, augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit without
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the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. the the welcome back. a watching out is there on line that's on top stories. this ally calls us health ministry says these randy ministry is killed at least a $165.00 palestinian since friday. 14 died in attacks and honey innocence not saying any 25000 people have now been killed since the beginning of the is there any forces have demolished several houses in hebron in the occupied west? fine. can i have an art raid?
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times of 3 palestinian men, the keys of kenning and his writing soldiery november were destroyed. grades are now nightly occurrences since the one constant, the gas and all that is really a tank, has killed a member of his bullet and never know when a drones strike targeted his. com email and a rainy and fox group has attacked a miniature base in a rock that houses us troops to a number of a solid spot. is there any settlers in the ok pod? westbank has been rising since the how much slight attack on october, the 7th, the u. n. has recorded at least 449 souls as an average of 4, a day side of them having volt firearms in any halling for fit tax. is there any forces where either present or reported to be supporting the balance is estimated that at least 1200 palestinians from 1530 when communities have been forced out of
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the homes by set nevada and system who again must have a bug with a sector in general, the palestinian national initiative and a form, a palestinian information minister. he says, is there any settlers? one to need is how the students from the occupied westbank. all these factors didn't do the b to a type in the 1948 when guy and because of zionist set. let us attack for this thing is i'm committed no less than 52 my seconds and it is to the ground. 520 police didn't and communities eventually evicting 70 percent of the palestinian people from their land. conducting one of the worst cases of ethnic cleansing, this is the government is a fascist one. and they're clear, the goal is, is ethnic cleansing conform palestinians in gaza as well as in the west bank. that's the nature of what we see. but since the 7th of october, things got much worse because everybody is early in the concept that every is an early policeman. and if it is that i am,
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the soldier thinks they have the license to kill a bunch of students and think they have the license to have asper listing is in every possible way. it is now so frequent that set that is with this as so just a sense might, many of them said from that is what are the army and they would read this i. so just i'm attacked by this to me and communities with, with every possible thing, including that guess most of you guys got cause shot to death by shooting him in the head while he was driving good a car. and this is one example of said, well known as done 25 other cases would set, let us have cars, but a simians and good luck since the war. israel has found the entry of tens of thousands of kind of stain workers, thousands of people from gaza were detained, and then send that to the was the or to the occupied west bank where they remain stranded. now israel is on a recruitment drive in countries like india, shoreline code to address its labor shortage,
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went off and on. this has this report from columbus. the hundreds of applicants brave the code at the maharishi, diamonds university in the northern indian state of hardy, on a the here to meet is really recruiters looking to spill urgently the shortages myers come off and roger scott is one of them. he studied to be a teacher, but now works as a mason. what sort of process was that for the children who have a price of future that would be able to give these origination and progress in life when these extra money is in the family. we also do basic. it has the above. is it for this out of in child hon is waiting for news. the time there was told he can make flight times this kind of income of $200.00 a month in israel lopez. how come on? i thought it possible. i want to make more money. once i buy on here, it's all spent on food and living expenses. i can't save anything that the indian government has defended its decision to allow workers to go to israel, which it's is on the agreement finalized in may last. the liberal laws in israel,
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a very strict robust it's a noisy country, so therefore labeled laws are such that it provides for protection of migrant type sleep, but lights up on our part of plus we are very conscious of responsibility to give, provide security and safety safety to people what a broad ease, really once employed, tens of thousands of palestinians to work across a number of sectors with tensions of, to the how mazda attack on october 7th and the subsequent vote. and gaza has seen palestinians been shut out of bed jobs. it's this neighbor shortage, that is really looking to south asia to fail, not just in india, but have inch along what people are increasingly desperate to escape the economic hardship. the following employment bureau is watkins, is shortly 10000 people walk in agriculture jobs 250 is madison's assume harassment
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is busy presenting. the family petty feels engulfed. a successor lancaster. he says he will show at least a sort of jump to these rails a month ago. the man about do me that pick of id and everything is so expensive. now that's the main reason for me to go. for patty cultivation is difficult to buy for devices and as little chemicals. and there's very little profit update of a net too long because it can only crisis as seen. tens of thousands of people had abroad insects of better prospects. but right groups of pretty size the decision to send workers to a country as well ending work as abroad has become an easy onset, the unemployment crises which has happened a year and an easy on. so wish the government is going forward without, without the picking on the responsibility for pick the workers from this ending abroad to bring back funding. they want to use these 5, these concerns mothers, chunk of intelligence like him, see a job in israel, has them into their lives. vanessa mendez just 0,
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the center for them to the that reports i'm driving attacks and russia with explosions had in the central to the region and he has have been posted on social media. the bloss, the defense ministry says it will say, shut down drones into other areas in central, posit, for country. russia and ukraine have reported increased trying to tax over the last few weeks before it has broken out and rushes, no the tech gas terminal and the bolting. see the incident was reported by the governor of the lending grad region. often the sounds of drones. what had before the explosion, old stone, what evacuated and they've been no casualties, reported. no, the time is the largest producer of nickel, fide natural gas in russia. steve, find
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a list of 20 candidates for synagogues, presidential election next month have been released. it includes president my keeps solve him, pick success, a prime minister. i'm a do boss, bisman sancho in jail, to position leda and cream one day, the son of a full, a president on notes on the list like you. so we'll have to have a power of people out of running for a 3rd time last year. and this will take place on february the 24th. so don has suspended its membership and the regional folks that talk to promote development and trade in the horn of africa. the government says it's because the organization invites of the need of the rock. the support forces to a summit. st. john's army has been fighting the power, ministering group for months, have opened reports. a sudan has been a member of the intake governmental authority on development. r e got since it was established in 1996. but after weeks of tension, with the regional blog stemming from differences on how you guys should handle
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sedan conflict, that is now and it's 9 for my confidence. foreign ministry says it's suspending it's membership. you got invited that and then leave it on. it's for the summit, some of the head, silver states, and government. so this is, this is delta dental. this is unacceptable. sedan had already withdrawn from you, god, let's talk and the conflict describing it as an internal issue of what the fighting has killed more than 12000 people that are displaced, 7500000 according to the united nations. god has been trying to bring together the leaders of the 2 wearing sites, the sudanese army and the power military rapids support forces for a face to face meeting. it had hoped that would lead to a cease fire agreement, followed by political tops that what would the concrete back on it's transition to democracy. but in december,
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so den objected to communicate issued by the blog regarding potential talks between the 2 leaders. it said no me to take place prior to the recept withdrawing from civilian homes and from cities. it took over during the conflict. god was the only regional block in the past few weeks, but has been trying to end the conflict into them. after talking did the fail to reach a ceasefire with finance government now suspending its membership. any hopes that those affected by the conflicts have for a diplomatic solution is also in doubt. hey, but morgan algebra how to see us is experiencing a rise in caving 19 cases, hospital admissions, on the highest they've been and nearly a year christmas salumi has moved from new york. as an arctic blast grips, much of the united states hospitalizations for respiratory illnesses like covered are on the rise in more than 30 states. we're all back on the trains in the buses. so we're back to face to face contact. so yeah, people are getting sick. yeah,
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i would say cover is more or less a concern, along with influenza and rsvp death rates have picked up to the they do remain far below the co dependent mcpeak. the trend is.


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