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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the desk so and garza is now pulse $25000.00 st bottles are intensive falling. it's fine units and it's really strikes have targets of areas and then i'll know something the my money, i'm sorry, this is all just there in life from don't or so coming up. is there any
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soldiers destroy palestinian homes during the night rates in the occupied west side? we live in ramada. is there any recruiters on india? i'm sure line code to address a growing labor shortage, often finding palestinian workers a major gas terminal in rushes, suspends operations off to a massive fire. official suspect, and blaze was caused by what they say. external influence the we begin with a green milestone in gaza. the death toll from israel's months, no more has now passed 25000 and the number of dead inches continues to rise by the hour. palestinians have been transporting the engine to hospital on pickup trucks for lack of ambulances. golf since health industry says at least a $170.00 palestinians have been killed just in the last 24 hours. meanwhile, in the south,
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palestinian fighters have been confronting v as rodney ministry at the national hospital. and her newness is ready a tax of killed at least 14 palestinians, vast and sa, today. but you and the secretary general has criticized israel's prime minister as a g 77 summit for his rejection of a palestinian state, which is there. as doors, such avari spoke to him to a new good terrace. in the guns and capital kampala, a stroke to most of the global self installation, to leave those 2 levels of death and destruction. i have condemned the tech's federal tax of i'm us. but i have to say that's the level of civilian casualties that we are witnessing in gaza today is unprecedented positions. we any of the costs and since i am 2nd. and so what the,
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how most seats can not just be fine to collect the punishment of the promising and what is the solution if your calls for dialogue with the israeli prime minister benjamin at yahoo are not being heard. what is the next step to move forward to try and bring an end to this complex? i think this it up to s one you asking for an immediate human setting ceasefire louisa emetic, suffering people in gaza to allow for the minutes 80, and the lucian to facilitate the use of the hostages. that should be unconditional and media. but that is not this solution, in my opinion, is the acceptance, but every body of the rights of the policy mean people to states words and the acceptance of a 2 state solution results of the 2 state solution we've got. these will have a coffee, this never ends. you through this x that amused over to you to pull it eyes situations only one. and it is something that's in my opinion,
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is still how do you think the united states can be persuaded? at least abide and administration to step back a little bit from their full flight supports as well. i think it's very important that united states have been very active who seek for the most effective united saturday night and stressing the needs of a 2 state solution. and i think it's time for the israel to listen to the united states and to make these 2 objectives that the american news position has been stressing to make the video. oh, now on day $107.00 of israel's will on gaza. and michael, apple takes a look at the situation on the grounds. a cloud of black smoke drifts across southern garza sky line is the familiar buzz of is rainy drones above the 2nd
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biggest city in the strip con units shelling hit the menorah neighborhood in the cities coast. look at who israel considered as a target shouts. this man the right time, and all of a sudden you were hit by miss i was on the building collapsed. all of my family were trapped under the rubble. is this baby anatomy target? is this innocent baby, a pocket for these really ministry? no matter what they do to us, we are holding all the ground. we are not leaving. there is fighting in the vicinity of causes largest remaining functional medical facility. nicer hospital with dozens killed of a night's event. with the unrelenting assault, it's a scramble to get help. the data and wounded arrive by ambulance. others by what ever came carry them is ready, forces are pushing for the south and of released footage. they say shows tunnels in hon. eunice,
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with they believe 20 of the captains were kept at some point in the north, sporadic gun fires signals more violent today. it's a to devastation in jamalia, where a man returns to his home. well, what's left of it is the time of it today. i came back to check one of my home in jamalia in the north of the gaza strip. i found it in the ruins. totally destroyed, flat into the ground. there are not any signs that there was once a home or a human beings living here. israel is perpetrating methodical destruction. we are hit with a catastrophe, another and not by the daily struggle for food and the need for live saving medical supplies grows. mira has hepatitis a close by ingesting contaminated food or water is she's also headed on amputated. i am sick, i do not want to die. i am afraid it is difficult to find for the water. there is
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no fish water on this or to what important please. i am sick and cannot find medicine. the clinic has closed the stores. there is no end to the suffering as more body bags are filled. there's been more violence throughout the gaza strip. with these riley forces targeting buildings in jabante, i in the north right through to con eunice in the south. even a rough off the lights on the strip southern border, we move in a 1000000 displace palestinians or sheltering isn't sped. mike level elders, era i can guy knows how just air is honey in the mood who is in rough and southern gaza, honey, we've reached a gray milestones. the number of people who now lost their lives in gaza. yes indeed. it's very shocking. it's just given the intensity and the scale of the environment since the beginning of the world we're looking into more than the 25000
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have been announced by the minister of health is just important to point out that this is only the, those who are being collected and identified by the minister of health and family member, there are still thousands of did bodies are still trapped missing. and this, these under the rubble just take, for example, the city of the tunnel. and the 1st couple of weeks of the work was completely leveled to the ground with people on the able to fleet, the relentless they were strikes on the ongoing bombing. we're hot inside the buildings and they are now trapped under the huge pieces of concrete. are ready to seize, and the trapped under the rubble as similar situations took place in giovanni, a refugee camp where we witnessed the entire residential blocks in jamalia and in the shop of refuge account were complete, entire residential neighborhoods and less work were destroyed and level to the to
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the ground, the fact that we have this large number of people are being killed, that's almost 3 percent of the entire population. of the goal is a trip. on top of that, we're talking about an entire generation of, of children. more than 9000 children have been killed, that's an entire generation that will likely have a negative impact on how deep society grows economically and socially in the future . in addition, there is an entire generation of people who will be living with a permanent disability. but it's either because the, the, the last, the lamps or the they lose the ability to move, that again will affect the society and, and on it's it for, it's to progress that cannot mclean and socially in the future. there's still more people are being killed. they're still more people under the rebels. i remember the 1st and rough and southern gaza. meanwhile, is there any forces have demolished several houses in hamper on the in the occupied
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west bank and an overnight raid? the homes of 3 palestinian men accused of kenning on is right. a soldier back in november were destroyed. right. so now not only occurring since the war and gallons and began they of to leave a trail of destruction including damage, roads, shops and homes. and let's go to your houses. there is hold on. no, honey, she's in vermont of for us. hold a fuss. race. start off by telling us about these latest rates. well, i like every night now. there had been several res, across the occupied westbank and places in the north like coke, helio, nablus, all the way to the south. a hebron, it where the house demolitions happened. as you just mentioned, now we're about at least 15 palestinians where they paid on this night. and this is something that's occurring every single night since october 7th,
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you have short rates like what happened overnight where these really as, as soldiers retreated in old places it had gone to and you have raised that also last days like the one that happened into car room a few days ago that last at about 45 hours previous you had one in geneva, an old that is putting a lot of pressure on the palestinians because as you mentioned, the rates come also with the destruction of livelihoods and hold it on a slightly different issue we've heard from the palestinian authority, who have decided to reject these writing governments new plan on discussing tax revenues. just tell us a bit more about what this is and what this means as well. the policy to start the hasn't changed his position since back in november when israel said that it would release the tax revenue money. but the ducting,
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the portion that is usually allocated to gaza and to the salaries of the $50000.00 plus of civil servants that are in the guise of some thing the palestinian authority has rejected. and since then the position has been the same on both sides. we just also heard from both the police didn't also at the end, the minister of finance and israel both say exactly the same thing that on one side they won't accept the a tax revenue unless it includes the portion of gaza. and on the other side is really say, well, that will not happen and they will be no money to the palestinian authority unless you accept a deduction. so what does this mean for palestinians on the ground as well as a very dire situation. i mean, the police to new authority has lost about $2300000000.00 in revenue since the
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beginning of this war. and the economy here is really at a standstill. no. does those tax revenues off to pay the $140000.00 plus a civil servants that are here in the occupied west bank? and then the $50000.00 i mentioned that are in gaza. but you also have another lack of income, which is now because of these uh, by the student workers who cannot go into israel anymore and do not get the wages anymore. and those out in their number is also quite tower. about a 150000 people who used to cross on a daily basis. so really the situation is very dire here, but the police say no storage. the things that if you don't, israel doesn't release both, both the location for the occupied with bag and forgot that then it's breathing further, the bridges between the 2 places and the police and it will throw the ones to send
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the message that know that money. it, there's only one police to know 30, and there's only one policy need people, whether they're living in gaza or in the occupied westbank. the u. s. game with making is by wish that money would go to a fund in norway and then nor rich will release it at the moment as we understand that that money is frozen and, and no way as they can't reach and a compromise. ok, thank you for explaining that to us all just there is hold up, they'll have me there for us in ramallah or since a whole, israel has bound the entry of tens of thousands of palestinian workers. you've had hold of the talking about the thousands of people from gauze have been detained and then either send back to gaza or to the occupied westbank where they remain stranded. so now israel is all new equipment drive in countries like india and for land good to address it's labor shortage. and l fernandez has moved from the law in
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central sure lanka. hundreds of applicants brave the code at the maharishi that and the university is another indian state of hardy on a the here to meet is really recruiters looking to fill urgently, the shortages myers come off and roger scott is one of them. he study to be a teacher, but now works as a mason. what sort of birth is that? the children who have a price of future will be able to give these origination and progress in life. when these extra money is in the family, we also do basic. it has the above, is it for this out of in child hon is waiting for news. the time there was told he can make spite times this kind of income of $200.00 a month in israel lopez. how come on? i thought it possible. i want to make more money. once i buy on here, it's all spent on food and living expenses. i can't save anything that the indian government has defended its decision to allow workers to go to israel, which it says is on the written agreement, finalized in may last the labor laws in israel,
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a very strict robust it's a noisy, the country, so therefore labeled laws are such that it provides for protection of migrant type sleep, but lights up on our part because we are very conscious of responsibility to give, provide security and safety, safety to our people. what abroad that as easily once employed, tens of thousands of palestinians to walk across a number of sectors retentions of to the homeless attack on october 7th and the subsequent vote and gaza has seen palestinians being shot out of bed jobs. it's this neighbor shortage. that is really looking to sell stays at the feel, not just in india, but head injury lanka, what people are increasingly desperate to escape the economic hardship for an employment bureau is watkins is shortly 10000 people to walk and agriculture jobs 25 years old. madison's assume harassment is busy presenting. the family patty
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feels engulfed in center. she lanka. he says he will show up list it sort of jumped in. e's real a month ago. the man about do me that pick of id and everything is so expensive. now that's the main reason for me to go for pad the cultivation is difficult to buy for devices and aggregate chemicals. and there's very little profit update of a drunk as it can only crisis as seen. tens of thousands of people had abroad insect a bunch of prospects with rights groups of pretty size, the decision to send workers to a country at war ending work as a broad has become an easy onset, the unemployment crises which has happened a year and an easy on so wish the government is going forward without, without taking on that responsibility for picked up workers from the us ending abroad or to bring back funding them and use these 5. these concerns mothers shown to intelligence like him, say, a job in israel has them into their lives minister mendez judge
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a 0. the center for them to go ahead on al jazeera, kind of 19 cases on the rise in the united states with hospital admissions. the highest in many a yes the as the world is increasing the crypt, the mental health academic i was getting inside the tags every day before school. it was horrifying. for po to spilled in diverse corners of the globe. us big questions about how we can improve our well be remove those unconscious images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health on all just the holding,
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the powerful to account. as we examined the us each role in the on out your 0 nicely to you should be a time to relish within europe's comment. you cannot make crisis, it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and unlikely candidate can spend, emerges from these quad retirement to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space, housing stack, a witness documentary on how to 0. the, the, the you're watching out is aaron line does not tell the story is the south is riley
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ministry is had more areas of casa in the night and into the morning on sunday. the health ministry says nice to 178. palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. that has pool the desk told to more than 25000 a since i don't tell you about is there any forces have demolish several houses in head problem and you will comply west bank and an overnight rage of 3 palestinian men accused of killing on his writing soldier in november when destroyed you on century general has criticized israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu for his rejection of the palestinian states. antonia good cyrus, as the refusal of the 2 state solution is unacceptable. he was addressing leaders of the g 77, group of countries in impala. let's take a look at some of the days of the news. the fight has broken out. russia's nova tank gas terminal and the voltage c forcing it to suspend operations officials the
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same the blow. busy was caused by what they have described as an external influence . now the incident was reported by the government, a fee, leningrad, region of to the sound of drugs was had in the area before the explosion. all the stuff at the facility have been rescued. never tech is the largest producer as nicholas side, natural gas in russia. meanwhile, the full 7 reports of driving attacks and russia with explosions had in the central to know region. videos have been posted on social media of the last. the defense ministry says that it will stay shut down the roads into other areas in the central parts of the country. i mean, well, in ukraine, at least 18 people have been killed off the shelves, hits a busy marketplace in the russian control region of the yeske medical crew. se 13 of one of those were wounded in the shelling legal official saying that shelling
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was carried out by ukrainian forces. us get more on all these developments. we can speak to rob mcbride, he's in k for us. rob, let's begin with this shelling in don't yet. what more can you tell us about what happened then? has there been any reaction from keith? yeah, there's been no official reaction here from key the details. we're getting all this about coming from russian back to officials in the russian controlled part of don't . yes. as saying that's a now move. the 18 people have been confirmed, killed by say, with at least a dozen others injured. images on social media appear to show the damaged and destroyed stoles and shop fronts. in a market area that the russian officials are saying that this was a selling carried out by ukrainian forces. and this has happened close to the front
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line. why we've seen lots of shelling back and forth between the forces uh just yesterday, saturday, the a crazy and say that's a civilian area and at the pots have done yet. so they've controls was hit, they say by russian shells which injured 2 people and damaged the red mold in the 30 homes. and this comes, as we're seeing, continuing fighting, despite of the ongoing winter on the old, along the east in front of different points such as round back boots are not deep. with the russian forces, seemingly determined to, to try to claim some type of battlefield victory ahead of the 2nd, none of us 3 of the full scale invasion of ukraine. the goals have and reports on this file that has uh, broken out at rushes, nova tag gas terminal in the baltic sea. what more do we know to yeah, this is the russians a confirming that to that has been some sort of explosion and fire at this time. and though this is on the gulf of finland, it's around
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a 170 kilometers west of the city of us and petersburg. and it does follow reports by the various media around the area of drones being hood and also cited of course, we also have been seeing over recent weeks and months targeting of each other's critical infrastructure by both russian and ukrainian forces. it was only on the friday that the russians say, that's an oil depot in the western region of brands that's close to the crating and buddha was attacked, they say, by ukrainian drones. and also the day before on thursday, russian saying that they will take a long range drone attack also on an oil depot on the gulf of a finland with the ukrainians. now claiming to have developed long range drone technology, the gulf of finland, is more than a 1000 kilometers knowles of ukraine's border with russia. okay, i thank you for that. rob mcbride, the 1st name came united states is experiencing
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a rise in kind of 19 cases. hospital admissions of the highest, i've been in many a. yeah. and health officials, engine cushion, christmas, letting me as well as an arctic blast grips, much of the united states hospitalizations for respiratory illnesses, light cove, it are on the rise in more than 30 states. we're all back on the trains in the buses, so we're back to face to face contacts. oh yeah. people are getting sick. yeah, i would say cover is more or less a concern, along with influenza and rsvp death rates have picked up too, so they do remain far below the coven pandemic peak. the trend is the same in europe, in other parts of the world. we still have around $10000.00 deaths per month and that's only data from 50 countries. among those 10000 that's reported in december, more than half were reported from the united states of america, a 1000 from italy. fewer than 20 percent of american adults have received the
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latest cubic vaccine. however, i didn't get these ladies one because i heard this make it the sick and everything . health officials, warren, that puts vulnerable individuals and health care systems at risk. here in new york, one see at the center of the cove in pandemic in the united states mask mandates have been reinstated inside public hospitals and for medical 1st responders, an attempt to slow the viruses transmission. new york has also launched a study of 10000 people to better understand called the long term impact on the body. we have a lot of evidence that law cove. it affects number a number of our systems. whether it's your undercurrent system, your heart, and your long as your brain, your blood vessels. um, but we don't know what the long term implications of that and longitudinal cohort studies like this one. i have been effective over time,
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as doctors try to understand the true impact of long term coded. one thing is certain caution is still needed to keep the vulnerable safe. kristin salumi al jazeera new york and southern mexico protests as i'm set fire to a municipal building on to police, killed. a young man demonstrates as in letter the to, to show that attacked police officers. and then they cause full officers on the arrest. the specs at home this side of the 27 year old mine was shot dead on the final list of 20 candidates for sunday gals, presidential election next month has been released. it includes president mack yourselves haven't picked success up prime minister. i'm a do boss this month sancho, a jail deposition, nita and cream one day, the son of a former president on north on the list. microsoft will have the i have a power on table that running for us the time last year. they will take place on
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february the 24. right. that's it for me. my main site. lot small on on website out. is there a dot com? do you check it out? my calling 09. yeah, it will be here in about 30 minutes with not smooth news. weather coming up next and inside story looks at the growing calls to hold as well, to account for its own gaza to stay with us. the the hello. we have more heavy snow showers in the full cost for japan. we can see this area cloud here moving across the pad, northern and western areas. in particular, we'll see the dumping of snow disruptive snow once again. so this is our area of life pressure, habit of wet weather, habit, a wintry weather to the north of that. and then we drawing in a normally wouldn't be home, is that normally coming down across the korean peninsula, eastern pots of china. take
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a look at some of these temperatures. mazda 6 that the saw was subzero, there, across a good pos of china, was struggling to get to freezing that in shanghai, the south. well cleaning around 4 degrees celsius just a few days ago, we were into the 20. so that's something that a shot by some snow on the northern flank of that, and the system will make its way further southwards. 10 degrees in hong kong. that's disappointing. me cool that be some rain around here as well. cold enough of the north, as you can see, shanghai coughing around freezing. well when she went to the menu. so that was to sort of once you know all the areas and wherever you are, it does look pretty cold. meanwhile, still cold across northern parts of india. into a funk this time we have got to the usual dense fog. it's the seasonal fall. they stuck the few showers just around that eastern side of india to showers a little further south by a lot is fine and dry. the hard hitting into buildings as
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a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all . the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just don't think look is a problem, did x or to hear the story on told to how does era it is low and pressure to hold as well to account for as one does the move countries of a phone and gets to the us top port and as president is facing the criminal complaint, switzerland. so can international justice stone as well. this is inside story,
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the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on him. it's been more than 3 months since as well launched. it's devastating blonde,


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