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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the 10 venue good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program. this our total death and destruction in guys more than $25000.00 palestinians have now been killed. families are trying to recover the bodies of their relatives. this is not breaking and passively unacceptable. the un secretary general once again urges for
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a ceasefire in gaza and calls for a 2 state solution. a palestinian authority. leaders say they will not accept their tax revenue from israel if they don't get their money to pay their people in gaza. and is really recruiters are in india and sri lanka to address a growing labor shortage of to bending listing and workers. and in sport football's governing body space, more pressure to be stronger on racism as after a few months, goalkeeper leads the pitch after being targeted, a by monkey chance from opposition fast the so it's $1300.00 g m t and we begin with the devastating death toll and gosh, more than 25000 palestinians have now been killed. and israel's months long war, the number of casualties is rising by the hour. palestinians have been transporting
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the injured to hospital on pickup trucks for lack the ambulances. gases health industry says at least 178 people have been killed in the last 24 hours alone. in the south palestinian fighters have been confronting these really military near nicer hospital. that's in fun. eunice is really attacks of killed at least 14 palestinians there since saturday. and in the north of the strip volunteers or digging with their bare hands to recover the bodies of 45 members of one family. they were killed when the is really army bomb their house. in jamalia more than a month ago, also the un secretary general criticized israel's prime minister at the g $77.00 summit for his rejection of a palestinian state. houses. here was dorothy jabari spoke to antonio gutierrez in the uganda in capital kampala. and i think that's a, this i'm, it should, it presents the stroke of most of the global self installation to leave those 2
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levels of death and destruction. i have condemned the tech's federal tax of i'm us. but i have to say that's the level of civilian casualties that we are witnessing in gaza today is unprecedented positions. we any of the costs and since i am so i can finish. and so what, how most deeds can no just be fine to collect the punishment of diplomacy. and what is the solution if your calls for dialogue with the israeli prime minister benjamin at yahoo are not being heard. what is the next step to move forward to try and bring an end to this conflict? i think this it up to s one. you asking for an immediate cease fire. lily. ca then emetic, suffering. people in gaza to along 40 minutes 80, and the lucian to facilitate the use of the hostages. that should be unconditional and immediate. but that is not the solution, in my opinion,
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is the acceptance. but every body of the rights of the policy mean people to states words and the acceptance of a 2 state solution results of the 2 state solution we've got. these will have a coffee, this never ends you through this x that amused over to you too full of eyes, situations all over the world. and it is something that's, in my opinion, is still how do you think the united states can be persuaded at least abide and administration to step back a little bit from there full flight supports of israel. i think it's very important is that united states have been very active who seek for the most effective united saturday night and the stressing disease of its state solutions. and i think it's time for israel to listen to the united states and to make these 2 objectives that the american news position has been stressing to make the
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video from the latest on the ground in gaza. and michael apple has this report on day 107 of israel's war on god. the crowd of black smoke drifts across southern gauze, sky line is the familiar buzz of is rainy drones above the 2nd biggest city in the strip con units shelling hit the menorah neighborhood in the cities coast. look at who israel considered as a target shouts. this man, rocks home and all of a sudden you were hit by miss i was on the building collapsed. all of my family were trapped under the rubble. is this baby anatomy target? is this innocent baby, a pocket for these really ministry? no matter what they do to us, we are holding all the ground. we are not leaving. there is fighting in the vicinity of causes largest remaining functional medical facility. nicer hospital
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with dozens killed of a night's event. with the unrelenting assault, it's a scramble to get help. the dead and wounded arrive by ambulance. others by what ever came carry them is ready, forces are pushing for the south end of released footage. they say shows tunnels in hon. eunice, with they believe 20 of the captains were kept at some point in the north, sporadic gun fires signals more violent today. it's a to devastation in jamalia, where a man returns to his home. well, what's left of it is you tired of it today? i came back to check one of my home in jamalia in the north of the gaza strip. i found it in the ruins. totally destroyed, fled into the crow, and they are not any signs that there was once a home or a human beings living here. israel is perpetrating methodical destruction. we are hit with a catastrophe,
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another and not by the daily struggle for food and the need for live saving medical supplies grows. mira has hepatitis a close by ingesting contaminated food or water is she's also headed on amputated. i am sick, i do not want to die. i am afraid it is difficult to find food or water. there is no fish water on this or to what important please. i am sick and cannot find medicine. the clinic has closed the stores. there is no end to the suffering as more body bags are filled. there's been more violence throughout the gaza strip, with these rarely forces targeting buildings in jabante, i in the north right through to con eunice in the south. even a rough off the lights on the strip southern border, we move in a 1000000 display spell as the names of sheltering isn't sped. mike level elders era. and we're going to go down to zeros honey mountain mode and rough uh,
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southern gaza. but we are getting this live feed honey of the sky line of southern gaza again, live pictures. we see smoke rising after what i assume has been and is really strike. what can you tell us about this this well, this has been going on since they are the hours of this morning as these really military. and it's time spent on the vehicle. it's bound deeply into and pushed deeper into the central part of han eunice. then on the way it is destroyed much of the residential buildings. it's rude, relentless air strikes that artillery. so think we can safely say that since the hours of this morning, they are hillary showing hasn't stopped at all. it continue is constant and very aggressive indeed as we would hear the loud explosion every once in a while when they are very intense. but so far there are confirmed reports that we're getting in the uh,
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the more these really tanks than on the vehicle or pushing deeper within the vicinity of not their hospital. they are faced and challenged with extreme a confrontation and exchange buyer on the ground. very extreme battle is going on right now, and in fun and hon units then at this, conducted from house to house or from street to the street. the battle is but an order to give them the uh, is the freedom for the uh, the times to push deeper. they of course, coming under heavy artillery shilling and creating their their pathway through the rumbles that been causes to the relentless airstrikes in overnight. then within the past, the, if you, it is a few days and since the beginning of expanding to the military operations is where the military has expanded and increase the number of its invading forces on the ground. and now more concentrating within the vicinity of the hospital. there was
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a states invited really military alleging that there was fire that was coming in from the hospital and, and, and that's why they're coming within the, the, the area surrounding the hospital. and of course, this is the kind of allegations that we've heard when the storm deep uh, the ship, a hospital and indonesian hospital, almost every single health facility come under attack. it's a preceded by a the numbers of allegation, honey mahmoud reporting live from rasa and southern gaza. thank you very much, honey. let's take a closer look at israel's devastating war on gaza. according to the palestinian health ministry at least 25105 people have now been killed. and 62681 had been injured since early october, 16000, or an estimated 2 thirds of the dead for children and women, the united nations and say, 3000 women have become widows. and at least 10000 miners may have lost their
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fathers slay. cyber red dot is professor of repeating the ology at wild cornell medicine in guitar. you're joining us here in doha. you've done a research on the mortality impact of the israel, gaza conflicts, conflicts, plural, not just this one, neck from 2008, including this one and you've compared them. what are your main findings? and there are 2 findings. by looking at all of these conflicts, the fittest conte finding is that we have seen the data are consistent with the appropriate effect shift and the acceptable shortage for civilian casualties in each conflict. so if we started with the 2000 and complex, yeah, be acceptable threshold for civilian casualties. if that means just translated in to layman's terms on scientific terms, the number of palestinians, the israel, is willing to kill in each conflict. exactly. yes. so how many would be killed in each military or patient?
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so in 2000 and for example, damage if it over half of the depths would actually compatible. but this kept shifting with east conflict towards higher and higher civilian casualties. so this is consistent, that has been changes in, let's say you're a, is there any other orders of engagement in the conflicts towards more acceptance, more attendance for civilian deaths to happen? so this is true for all of these conflicts, but then the, the kind of conflict is very different actually, even from the previous conflicts. we do not see this sort of spect, let's say for a civilian, you know, lice. we see something really quite different. the focus of the conflict, our civilians. so we estimated that there we have 7 for the highest civilian deaths, then combat and then this in this going into confidence a. can i make sure i understand what you're saying?
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you're telling us that in the was a and forgive me if it's 4 or 5 guys, awards from 2008. before this one, you're saying the gradually israel tolerated killing more civilians, but each combatant that they were killing, right? ignore the collateral damage as an, as no you're say in this war is not that they accepted me to kill more civilians. it's that they were targeting civilians. that's what you'll see. yes. that they thought consistent with this just to give you a quick fix to this. so in this cutting conflict, there are 7 civilians killed for each combat. if we compare the 2 with the santa sward ward over the data there where as many contacts and died as many as civilians in the 2nd door to door, which is the worst and human history that a way to twice as many civilians killed as many combat and in this war 7 for the higher. so we hired even then that issue we have seen for the 2nd world war. so your estimate is we have this number of 25000 palestinians killed. you're saying
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the breakdown and this because it's true. the one thing we can do and that the numbers we don't get from the policy and health industry is within those 25000. how many might be combatants versus how many might be civilians, right? you're saying the ratio is $1.00 to $71.00 to $7.00. yes. we found the weight in fact to how to estimate the compact, and that's in each of these complex, including exactly the kind of the conflict. so forgive me if i can't do the math right now, but how many combatants do you estimate have been killed as much as $4000.00 on today, which is probably 15 to 20 percent of the whole it but a significant baton population which is far fewer than the number is real estimates or at least says it has killed. they believe they've killed 800-9000, maybe 10000 mile spiders. yeah. how did you get to that number? and how we did that? we looked at the probability of getting candidates for each of children, women, and men. and then we assume that any excess in the probability of getting this among men, compared to women,
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is because those men would engage and compact and combat the operations. so in other words, the excess motor, tennessee i'm on demand, we assume, or the 5th is using your to combat then to activate this. yeah, go ahead. yeah. so this is basically, it's like a smart way and you want me to estimate how many actually combatants, what is the degree of confidence. because then when we make estimates, right? statisticians, etc, they come up with the result and then they come up with the degree of confidence for that result. your degree of confidence. yes we, we, the god created the confidence instead of ins and they are right. i mean that is different. it just some assistant in the conference. sure, sure. a, but overall is consistent with way high out of proportion of the civilian. this is their cisco buttons. yes, i don't think, for example, if let's say that it's a capacitance, maybe it's not exactly $4000.00, maybe little more, maybe a little less, but it's not going to be the $8000.00 you have just actually indicated a according to those that are in the military life cycle right out,
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thank you so much for joining us in for breaking down those numbers because one, we don't have those numbers otherwise, right? they don't exist officially anywhere and to the estimate. they vary greatly from the estimates that we got from. but the us and that we're seeing and in press reports, sorry, big it, beg your pardon. estimates from is, is real and from press reports in the us. thank you very much. thank you. is really military casualties are also mounting. the army says one soldier has been killed in battle as in guns. that palestinian factions say that they are attacking is really tanks and military vehicles with rockets and improvised explosive devices. at least a 195 soldiers have been killed since israel launched his ground offensive in late . october is really forces have demolished 2 houses in hebron and the occupied west bank and overnight raid the phones of 3 palestinian
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men accused of killing an israeli soldier in november were destroyed rates. and now a nightly occurrence since the wall and gods began. they also leave a trail of destruction behind including damage, roads, shops and homes. the palestinian leaders in the occupied westbank say that they will not accept their tax revenue from israel. if it doesn't include money to pay their people in gaza. israel has been refusing to release the funds to be cash strapped to palestinian authority since the war began. it's now offered to send the money to norway saying it reserves the right to decide when the money will be transferred. palestinian officials rely on the tax collected by as well on their behalf to pay salaries and to provide services for more than this house is yours. how that bill i mean, joins us from ramallah. how's the policy that dorothy responding to this is real now saying under some pressure it has to be said. but israel now saying they found this mechanism to return palestinians money to them via another country as
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well. that like an is one could say was imposed by the united states. but at the end of the day, the positions of both sides is really then published and then has not changed since november. that's when the finance minister in israel, who 1st was refusing to actually transfer any of these tax revenues to the palestinian authority, then said that he would deduct from it the share that goes to gaza. that's the police to new authorities since november has been saying, no, we want the entirety of our use because the policy that will so g represents or ballast and is whether they hear in the occupied was back or whether they're in gather. now, israel has been collecting the tax revenue on behalf of the policy didn't know. so this is 1995. it's actually deduct from that the 3 percent collection fee. and
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it does that because at the end of the day is ro controls the borders of either the, both the occupied west bank and gaza. and so under that agreement, it's a blige to do that. that means also that decides when i'm, if it will release that money or not hold up. what does this mean to palestinians on the ground because tax money being withheld means there are a lot of people for not getting money that they need us. yes indeed. because i mean that the monthly transfer should be of to around $200000000.00. the lion's share of that money goes towards paying the salaries of beg, your pardon, civil servants, whether they hear or in god's. because despite of the political disagreements between our mazda and the palestinian authority,
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the policy new authority, as all was transferred, that money monthly to guys had to pay those salaries. now israel has already withheld some of that money because it says that it went to families of police cities. it has the day that it considers terrace by the students of carried out attacks against israel, that push the policy know authority of already reducing the salary of the civil service to 80 percent that was happening before the war since the war. all that money transfer has stopped. bob, do you have to add to it? the fact that you had the by the 140000 palestinians who cross daily into israel, and that's where they got they wages from. well, they have been sitting idly at ho with no revenue. so the palestinian authority is cash strapped is what it is very much aware of that because just a few days ago this invest and other security as is officials in as well warned
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that you know, if you don't transfer that tax revenue, if you don't bring back those people to the jobs inside israel, the situation in the west bank could explode. israel is look just looking at it as a matter of wages and money. but the fact is, what does it cannot make hardships or a couple them with the continues pressure of the daily raise of the detention of the killings that have been happening on a daily basis. so in october, so this both together really have both the occupied westbank to a boiling point. now how do i thank you very much for that reporting there on this complex issue from ramallah. i wanna see now how this is being looked at inside israel. theresa bo is joining us from tennessee. theresa this is, i mean, 1st of all, this is a bit of a complicated mechanism. but also the politics around this has been complicated. there's been weeks of conversation within the is really government. and finally, they come up with this mechanism to return palestinian money to the palestinians.
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tell us about, tell us again how it works. and the politics around this is real well, this is money that is collected by israel from the palestinians. and that is meant to be transferred to the palestinian authority. however, what we've been seeing, especially from the far right finance minister visit at a small church which has been saying that she's not going to transfer this money since the october 7th attacks that that money is good to go to how my son to support terror and supports as well security at risk. so that's why they've been withholding this money as a whole. that was just mentioning last november already the palestinian authority has said that there if they're not given the full money of the palestinians that they do not want it. even though that they're, it's in desperately need of cash. and we've been seeing already when secretary of state entity been came here to israel. he started pushing these ready government to
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have that money to defy the senior. but that money is desperately needed. they are and that's why it's being discussed now. and it seems that that is something that could work. is that nor we would get involved the money from guys that would go to know a way to be held in trust until it is decided. what is going to happen? it's not clear yet whether something like this is going to work, whether it's going to be agreed on. however, it's a way to get all the parties together involved with them in a way, sorting this tension that he's on. going not only with the united, spends it paysimple, but also within the government and getting all the parties together and getting the money for the palestinian authority. that is in desperate need of it right now. to talk to us about bessolo smart fridge because he's the finance minister. he was a low proponent of not returning money to palestinians for a long time. and he has retained in this mechanism. the ability to close the 1st right to withhold that money. well, i mean,
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what we're seeing is the governmental venue mean nothing. yes. under pressure, under pressure from the united states, they've been pushing to get this money released pressure from the united states to think of upkeep, future palestinian state, and then we're seeing nothing you under pressure in turn, any from far right. ministers, for example, if i might have been, you need or does a small refresh the finance minister, he's been saying that he's not going to send back this money to the public opinion, excuse me, wants to make life difficult for the public html 40. and this is interesting also because it's part of the discussion about what role the palace theater authority is going to have in the future. not only of the occupied west bank, of course, but of also of guys of the united states once the policy and invo 40 involved in the future of gaza. and that's something that's far right to ministers in this administration. and the routing question do not want to see so suddenly, you know, it's going to be there. so many discussions ongoing. we've been the government, but it's difficult to know how they're going to decide what is going to happening.
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does, in fact, you know, we've been seeing people on the streets, protesting against the current administration, criticizing the government that they do not have a solution for the future of gaza and you know, wait for the future of what will happen. and that's why many are quoting for elections, including ministers, we've been the war cabinets involved in this war horse saying that the only way to get some type of you need to right now in this route is so cool for you elections. teresa bell reporting from televi. thank you very much, theresa. it says the war israel has banned the entry of tens of thousands of palestinian workers. thousands of people from gaza were detained and then either sent back the gaza or to the occupied west bank, where they remain stranded. so now is really not a recruitment drive in countries like india and for lanka to address it's labor shortage. middle fernandez reports from the law in central sherlock hundreds of applicants brave the code at the maharishi that and university in the northern
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indian state of hardy on a the here to meet is really recruiters looking to fill urgently, the shortages, myers come off and rob just done is one of them. he's studied to be a teacher, but now works as a mason. what sort of process was that for? the children who have a brighter future that will be able to get these origination and progress in life. when these extra money is in the family, we also do basic. it has the above except for this out of in child hon is waiting for news. the time there was tools, you can make 5 times this kind of income of $200.00 a month in israel. so far as i come on, i thought it possible i want to make more money. once i own here, it's all spent on food and living expenses. i can't save anything in. the indian government has defended its decision to allow workers to go to israel, which it says is undergoing agreement finalized in may last year. labor laws in israel, a very strict robust it's a noisy,
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the country so therefore leveled laws are such that it provides for protection of migrant type sleep, but lights up on up on the plus. we are very conscious of responsibility to give, provide security and safety, safety to people. what abroad that this is really once employed, tens of thousands of palestinians to walk across a number of sectors with tensions of, to the how mazda attack on october 7th, and the subsequent vote and gaza has seen palestinians being shut out of the jobs. it's this neighbor shortage that is really looking to sell stays at the feel, not just in india, but have injury lanka, what people are increasingly desperate to escape the economic hardship. the following employment bureau is walking shortly. 10000 people walk in agriculture, jobs 25 years old. madison's assume adjustment is busy for settings. assembly patty feels engulf incentive. she lanka, he says he will show up listed for the jump in israel
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a month ago. the man about do me that pick of id and everything is so expensive. now that's the main reason for me to go for pad the cultivation is difficult to buy for devices and other chemicals. and there's very little profit update of a drunk, as it can. only chrysler assessing. tens of thousands of people had abroad insect a bunch of prospects with rights groups of pretty size, the decision to send workers to a country at war ending work as a broad has become an easy onset, the unemployment crises which has happened a year and an easy on so wish the government is going forward without, without the picking on the responsibility for picked up workers from this ending abroad to bring back funding to run us. despite these concerns, mother chunk of intelligence like him see a job in israel, has them into their lives. vanessa mendez just 0, the central shanta and is really strike has killed at least 2 people in southern lebanon. the attack targeted
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a car and the town of come for us on saturday to his beloved members were killed and it is really drone strike. cross border attacks have increased since the start of israel's warrant garza in time for the weather. no one else has 0 with everetts and fox. hello, this weather is about as good as it gets across. so you're writing peninsula at the moment. lovely sunshine. hey, i lost the clear sky. so many more on the civil side. i don't know if we do have some snow because central east composite that the i just using across the caucasus see that snow that coming in across the high ground of georgia. i mean, yeah. as a by john and slipping further east, which as we go on through the next couple of days elsewhere to sit further south is fine. and for our present sunshine lights, a winds as well here in the tuesday afternoon because the temperature is touching every agreeable 26 degrees celsius. oh, quite so agreeable. across the eastern side of the met. it's right. and we have got showers gathering here, and those showers will split the way towards the live. and so could even see some showers all the way down into gauze. and as we go on a through a monday,
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and i will make us well, a little further east was cooling off all of that around 18 degrees celsius, right across the problem is 3 and territories. pushing right across into good parts of the 11 on using a little further north with one or 2 showers to just affecting the final taste of africa. some showers around coastal fringes of libya for a time that much of north africa will stay dry and stuff. a lot of you try to across the west, africa might just get the coastal shabba, the southern passive governor. still a head on alpha 0 mass protests on the streets of munich and across germany, tens of thousands rally against the far right. a of the parts look into this guys for a futuristic transport system. we'll look at south korea's plans for flying axis and top speed. novak chunk of storms into the front and open for the finals matching the record of an all time greats. far as male will be here with that still
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the hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you all the good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is something they just don't think look, is a problem to exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the latest news, as it breaks, rethinking control of the presence will likely help. well, this immediate emergency with detailed coverage, the war between the army and the rest of has a race of the largest displacement among children in the world that to make the children and then move on level to being recruited from around the world. the
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system in russia is beginning discharge some planes of fatigue. no one knows what the limits are with your ability. 8 the, the the, you're watching alpha 0 reminder of our top story is this our, the is really army has carried out more attacks across because of the health ministry says at least $178.00 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours that has brought the death toll to more than 25000 killed since early october. leaders in the occupied westbank say that they will not accept their tax revenue from israel if it doesn't include money to pay their people in gaza. israel has refused to release funds to the palestinian authority since the war began. it is
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now offered to send the money to norway, video and secretary general has criticized israel's prime minister for his rejection of his house thing in states. antonio gutierrez says, the refusal of a 2 state solution is unacceptable. he was addressing leaders of the g 77 group of countries in kampala. many palestinians in the gaza strip had been displaced more than once during this war. some of them say is really soldiers forced them out of their shelter and threatened to shoot them among those evicted were some elderly and children coming to do like has more displacement on as that's the stock choice palestinians say they were given as they show to the school in the remote neighborhood, in gauze, a city set amount on the left the we will proceed on wednesday night and these really forces show to us until the morning. no one could leave the school, they kept shooting the next day to all day long. then the soldiers entered the
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school and all stuff to evacuate by sunset. is there a false is told them, but any one failing to comply with dr. about to ation, what would be shot? they were forced to flee on foot, both young and old alike, living with one another, then i prefer death to this humiliation. i wish they'd killed us at the school rather than being displaced again. i truly rather die than have to move us again. my neck back and feet touch. we cold. we have no blankets, no food and no water. do you think i'm in shape to work several kilometers. i'm an old lady. i was working with my head down. i'm being helped by 2 other people. they asked me to keep walking, even though i was out of breath. this is day on the back. this was supposed to be a safe haven, but nowhere has been sped, collapse,
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trues don't help buildings trouble. not much else. for the 1st time since the war broke out and goes and he will be eating tomatoes. i hope the world sees this almost the entire population of cause that has been false balance with that homes. many of now being displaced several times over human rights groups will not be as ready. all me is continuing to destroy homes, even in areas where there isn't any fighting, making it impossible for residents to return. even once the rule is of a criminal matter. like, i'll just say era the, let's take a look at some of the days. other news of fire has broken out that russia is, nova tech gas terminal in the baltic sea, forcing it to suspend operations. officials are saying the blaze was caused by what they call the external influence. the incident was reported by the governor of the
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linen grad region. the sound of drones was heard before the explosion. all the staff of the facility had been rescued. nova tech is the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in russia. we'll come back to that. and there are also reports of drone attacks and russia with explosions heard in the central tula. region videos have been posted on social media of the blasts. the defense industry says it also shut down drones into other areas in the central part of the country. as the russian foreign ministry has condemned to strike carried out by ukrainian forces in the russian control, the region of done yet at least 25 people were killed. 20 others wounded after shells hit the busy marketplace. russian foreign minister survey lab. ralph says that the attack will be discussed at the un security council session on tuesday. let's get more on all of this with rob mcbride, who's in the ukranian capital. so rob, let's begin with this showing in done yet, the russian control region. what's the reaction on, on that,
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and on the accusation that ukraine is behind the showing what the reaction from keith. oh yeah. there has been no official reaction. the here in keep it's of the only details we are getting all the selections tackle coming from russian back to officials on the russian controlled area of don't yet. but it has been described by russian officials as a brutal terrorist attack. and apparently, the strike apparently took place early sunday in what appears to be a dense, fairly dense market area in the don't yet region. according to russian officials, the, the target was a civilian area. and according to images that we see on social media, a number of stools and shops were destroyed. the official death toll is now at least 25 people killed with more than 20 others injured. and this, it happened close to the front line and both sides of the being accusing each other
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of the escalating attacks on civilian areas on either side of the front line. it was only yesterday saturday, in fact that the ukrainian officials say that russia target to the civilian area and its ukrainian controlled territory that left 2 people injured with mold and so t homes also damage. this comes, as we see continued fighting along the eastern front, especially along a long establish battle areas around up div code and back moved with the russians, claiming to have a captured at least one village in the hockey region. now this seems to have been confirmed by ukraine, you and officials, but they say that this was a small village i. they gave up only a couple of 100 meters of territory. they say it's, it's was a, if it was a victory by the russians, they say it was of little consequence. rob, what more do you know about the fire that reportedly broke out in russia's major, nova tag gas terminal in the baltic sea?
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a yeah, this is a of some consequences. it does seem because that this was that a major gas terminal operated by the russians on the gulf of finland to buy the 170 kilometers west of some pizzas book and the, the explosions were heard. there was a fire under followed reports of sightings and also people hearing they say drones now the training and media, this being the official comment hearing key, but ukrainian beads are saying that this does appear with a believe to be an operation by ukranian special forces at targeting and they both sides have been targeting each other's critical infrastructure on friday. that was an attack, according to the russians in the western region of brands, colonial terminal. and they say the previous day they floated another drone attack . they say on the facility again in the gulf of finland, that's a good move in a 1000 kilometers north of ukraine's border with russia when it comes as ukraine
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officials are claiming to have developed back to a long range drone weaponry and run the bride reporting from ki, even ukraine. thank you very much, rob. this mass protests in germany against the far right. a of the party are in their 3rd day, thousands of people have gathered in central munich. protests began on friday in response to reports of the ac, discuss plans for the mass deportation of migrants. asylum seekers in german citizens, a following origin. the f. d or alternative for germany has been surging in the poles ahead of upcoming regional elections. let's take a closer look at the the support for this fall right party is an all time high right now. around 23 percent nationally, only the governing cd. you led coalition poles higher than that. the f d was founded in 2013 on a mainly n t u platform opposed to financial bailouts during the european debt crisis. it wants strict border controls and faster deportations of undocumented migrants. the
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german stage investigators have classified some of the parties chapters as right wing extremists, and that has led the calls to the f d to be banned under drum. these postwar constitutional protections called comp is head of pro, as the l in the organization. the advocates for the rights of refugees in germany and in europe. so you are joining us from frank for these these protests, as we said, come after it was revealed, it asked the members discussed mass expulsions of migrants. what was your reaction when you 1st heard this? hello. yeah, hello as ok. me the show. not surprised because okay, one possible these not c as in the is also published by members of the it is the, is b choosing the bottom and so on. but it was more for many people in germany for many uses germany for mike this because of shock because of the most christian,
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the, the top rated cheese, my friends shall see just those who are in line with these i a of the church. and so it really is a credit and therefore you have now these law wake up call germany civil society. there's no money in the amount of decisions in over a $100000.00 on the streets. and we are part of this month goes. it's about the demo, the human rights you won't decrease the record she rides, and so we are grateful. this amazing moment is increasing every day people this feed my own p young people and this is very important to serve. here is a little bit about the conversations that are going on, right? the private conversations that are going on in germany about this. because as you
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say, the breadth of support for these protests, a 100 plus cities, shows just how important, how significant this was for. so many people in germany's to come out against the, the, the, the plan of mass expulsion off his teacher component germany, the polls to arrange all the lights to leap now. so this is the breaking clause. now, we want to add the firewall awesome from the competition of the center, not to copy, possibly the chain of this populace to make it clear cut and side for, for the basic fundamental rights of these people the, my french society. we read the cheese aside. we run from
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both society and this is at stake in germany and as you know, also in europe, so not to use it for granted. we have a strong constitution, but the need a strong see the society as been in the center of the democratic parties. it could be a tough, it's lee of the firewall, not to corporate with this right. being extreme is and it's not copy. 1 of the associated so the f b we said is pulling at 23 percent nationally. that's the highest they've ever been . what do you think is driving the support for the far rights insurance during the last months to be honest, there's nothing to do just to follow this pop. the big and pet blogs and the in the, in the pilot lines were quite cost either n t record t, uh, the made the person in the media. but they get it every day strong because of
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social in balance in the society. the surprises. and because of the, of the democratic caucus, especially in the christian demo bits, stopped in a very nasty way. uh, the bad thing about use in my friends, they copied the a of the agenda. and this is very, very tricky. um b o c h d. so now what placed the percent may be in, in 3 eastern parts of germany. the, the elections, to state elections in september. this is very dangerous, very dangerous because i tend to, okay, for example, in shooting a is a civilian. that's carl cop head of pro. as well, thank you so much for joining us. this. our thank you. in the us is experiencing
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a rise in cobit 19 cases. hospital admissions are the highest they've been in nearly a year, and health officials are urging caution. as kristen salumi reports from new york as an arctic glass groups, much of the united states hospitalizations for respiratory illnesses like coven are on the rise in more than 30 states. we're all back on the trains in the buses. so we're back to face to face contacts. oh yeah. people are getting sick. yeah, i would say cover is more or less a concern, along with influenza and rsvp. death rates have picked up too though they do remain far below the co depend on a peak. the trend is the same in europe, in other parts of the world. we still have around $10000.00 deaths per month and that's only data from 50 countries. among those 10000 that's reported in december, more than half were reported from the united states of america, a 1000 from italy. fewer than 20 percent of american adults have received the latest cubic vaccine. however,
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i didn't get these ladies one because i heard this make it the sick and everything . health officials, warren, that puts vulnerable individuals and health care systems at risk. here in new york, one see at the center of the cove in pandemic in the united states mask mandates have been reinstated inside public hospitals and for medical 1st responders, an attempt to slow the viruses transmission. new york has also launched a study of 10000 people to better understand cove, its long term impact on the body. we have a lot of evidence that law cove. it affects number a number of our systems. whether it's your undercurrent system, your heart, and your long as your brain, your blood vessels. um, but we don't know what the long term implications of that and longitudinal cohort studies like this one. i have been effective over time as doctors try to understand
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the true impact of long term coded. one thing is certain caution is still needed to keep the vulnerable safe. kristin salumi al jazeera new york, this and you idea. so calling a taxi is taking off and south korea, the 1st flying taxi's there are due to start varying their 1st passengers. by the end of next year, eunice kim has been to see how testing is going for the revolutionary public transport system in the sky. overall expands on the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future travellers check in using facial recognition technology. this is a mock verity port, the gateway to electric, flying taxi's that take off a land vertically. over the past 5 years, south korea has been building the aircraft and infrastructure in partnership with consortiums of its largest companies and research institutes. a couple of them through the bold regulatory reform. the government created space with businesses
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and researches can spread their wings as we continue a partnership to develop them. i need to technology, so it showcase the latest advancements at a high profile of it. what you see behind me is v o has the option that we piloted personal air vehicle south korea's answer to the air attack. it's 1st public test flight marks, a milestone of sorts for the country that's aiming to launch the flying taxi's. as early as a year 2025 division is an automated ariel public transport system, connected by a network of vertical docking ports on roof tops. high above the congested roads below. more than half the population, about 26000000 people live in the greater so metropolitan area. but analysts say urban air mobility vehicles or you am come with their own challenges. most has even, we need to finish will hourly operating costs for flying. u am will be quite high.
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so the government will need to convince the public of that fi ability before you am can actually become an accepted mode, public transport. and that's probably the bowl has within a short timeline duty. this line taxi will advance do in city testing later this year. you know skim, alda 0 coolant, south korea. still a head on alpha 0, t mail julia leave it late, that the africa cup of nations action i'm coming up with are is now in the situation and girls that escalates we bring you expert news. he's going to have killed 20000 people, 70 percent of whom are women and children. these are the has destroyed. garza is a little worried when we see certainly civilians being moved, one from one area to another and the area themselves. the reason for us here is,
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is having life and it has become so hellish that the thousands are one thing enforced fits in the i expect to really put more reset, openly health plan and so expelled palestinians stay with us for the latest developments on our on heard voices, very few people and it's rather are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy, the human noises. but then also i want to want to know as a human, to have a connection with the stream on out to 0. the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the idea of sports news as far as meals are federal. thank you so much. a single lens. goalkeeper mike meal says more needs to be done to tackle racism and football. he walked off the pitch after being racially abused on the same day. another black player coventry's, the casey palmer, was also allegedly targeted following a game in the u. k. david stokes reports black football is being racially abused, is becoming an old c familia sites. after informing the referee, he'd been subjected to monkey chance by opposition. friends. ac milan go keep it, mike, man young. that's the pitch midway through the survey out game. if you deny easy the frenchman's teammates follow them down the tunnel and the game was briefly suspended. they eventually returned. i went on to win with a like gold, but it was a victory. i have a shuddered by events, some are stands. and those are the more that you the frequent we all have to react . you must do something because you can't play like this. ok, we accept
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a boost. i'm with because that is how it is a way home. was it? this issue of racism was not reach the on the same day in the english championship . coventry city play a casey palmer was also allegedly targeted by monkey chance after that game away at sheffield. wednesday afterwards, palmer posted on social media saying it feels like things will never change, no matter how hard we try. hopefully they'll get it on camera and it's just no place for us. it's ridiculous semesters this day. and i just from these an isolated incidents. rome is rumbling the tech who was racially abused during an italian cup game this month, and ran madrid's vinicius junior, his old site, being repeatedly targeted in spite a note for the 1st time, the fif of president she on the, in front to you know, the set there is no place for racism in football or society, but footballs will forward to use of facing growing pressure to bring about more
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significant change to tackled the problem. david stokes out to 0. the, it's amazing, coppin. you're getting clansman. his praise to south korea squad for salvaging age role against jordan. it looked like a major opposite was on the cars of to jordan took the lead at the end of the 1st half through yes and out 9 months. the wrong course to reach the last 16 bought in the 91st minutes an own goal for me. yes. and all are meant for yeah, managed to come away with a point voting sit on 4 points. after 2 games increase maureen have boosted their chances of reaching the last 16. they scored an injury time to beat malaysia one. now the result means they sit $33.00 p one point hello south korea and jordan. so it is, he has continued his struggle at the africa cup of nations after losing their opening game. the 3rd highest rank team and the tournament could only manage a drawl against molly. they fought from behind to get their 1st points on the board
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. but cit, 3rd in group e. m will likely need a wind and their last group game against south africa. of jerry needed a late equalizer to get a to, to draw with regina faso who were seconds away from reaching the last 16 until baghdad donasia scored in the 95th minutes out series. that 3rd, with 2 points so far, the top see now what jokes which has reached the quarter finals of the australian open the well. number one, brush aside, his opponent, adrian manor, reno was 6, love, 6, love $63.00, and just an hour and 44 minutes. the wind puts junk of age into his $58.00 last 8 of parents that a grand slam matching out of roger federer is all time record for 36 year old is going for his 11th title and melvin documents will face american taylor for one of the best that's i played in a while and see,
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and i really wanted to lose that game in the 3rd set, because uh that the test attention was building up so much in the stadium. i just needed to get that one out of the way so i can re focus on what i need to do to close out the match. so, you know, i've, i played great, you know, from the 1st of the last point on the women side, reigning champion arena sub olenka has advanced to the quarter finals. and we're all number to be, it's american, amanda, and of some ofa in straight sets to advance the bella. russian is the highest surviving scene in the women's tournaments. after ega schwein tax is knocked out on saturday. the 4th at seed, cocoa golf, as also reach the australian open the quarter finals for the 1st time. the american crease passed magdalana, french of poland with australian great rod labor in the crowd. the 19 year olds at close of the match in straight sets send just over an hour the san francisco 49 years divide the real square and the nfl playoffs to reach
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a conference championships. the 40 niners were hosted hosting the green bay packers in california. it's a packers that lead with just 6 minutes left in the game. christian mccaffrey and drake green law led the 49 years to a 2421. come back when they advance to the n. f. c championship game. for the 3rd season in a row will face either the detroit lions or the tampa bay buccaneers. the baltimore ravens and balls to reach the last 4 of the top seats in the conference. the houston texans 3410. they'll play either the buffalo bills or the kansas city chiefs. the winners of the 2 conference finals will compete in the super full $58.00. on the february 11th in las vegas, and finally, a pretty rare event in golf 20 year old amateur nick dunlab posted a round of 16 to take the lead at the pga tour events in california is 12 under par round, included a remarkable 10 birdies and an ego, he's only the 2nd amateur ever to shoot
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a 60 on the pga tour. that is all you sport. oh, back to you sir. all right bar. thank you so much. and we're back in the somebody our with a full round up. the the latest news as it breaks the word along over a 100, they have left many feeling life. you will never end with in depth reports many saying that is most like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price. even if that means i didn't need it from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist. there's a lot of worry from any of us that what's going to come from this ultimately is
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a few half measures that don't really do a darn thing for communities on the ground. and i just want to say, you know, of the 4 largest agricultural academies in the world. the us is the only one that's the whole aspect. what's the use us band at china? it's banded for sale, expanded and use this double here in the last 10 years. and, you know, quite frankly, let's just follow the lead of the rest of the world here and get rid of eric, what, what's the problem? what constitutes exemption? we generally talk, you will see i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we want these, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in different countries in the policy of it's going to get 50 percent representation and
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accountability and benefit. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cold, that used to produce outstanding gentleness and out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. the in total death and destruction in gaza at more than $25000.00 palestinians have now been killed the time. several of them. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is alex as your a live from bill, also coming up in the so my opinion is the acceptance by everybody,


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