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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the of the color on the bulk of this is the news uh life from tow. coming up in the next 60 minutes, is there any shows? lands they have one of the largest remaining hospitals and gaza. total of posting in woods. the pos is $25000.00. the shows, inch of medicine and gaza becomes more di by the day, leaving millions without treatment. allow us to, you know, authority leaders say they will not accept that tax revenue from israel. if they don't get money to pay the people in gaza and reduced to rubble in the occupied west bike,
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tell us the names to describe the demolition of the homes as is really revenge. okay. who was the, the one who likes the, such as a little small boss, have sent me imagine to call me on whom was the hutch. i knew they wouldn't ask me if i could try that. you know, so you have to be up on this as for, to look ahead to big nights of asian cup action as one of the favorites. saudi arabia take conquer, gets back, looking to book a spot in the round of 16. the thanks for joining us. we begin in southern causes and that's the, that's the hospital. the largest remaining medical facility that has any means to treat patients. the injured arrive, the hospital on the back of pickup trucks, or a few ambulances left and con. eunice took little to no fuel to run the nearby gun battles between these very ami um processing and sizes continue at least
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a 178 palestinians have been killed in gaza in the past 24 hours more than 25000. they've been killed since early october and inside the hospital, the stuff all over whelmed, in the 6th, 2000 palestinians to be injured. and most hospitals in the strip on now out of action infectious diseases such as diarrhea has been spreading rapidly. medicines becoming almost impossible to find ways it is significant enough to them then publish. it says there's no medicine. the doctor writes a prescription in the hospital, but there's no medicine available. and this kid needs a nebulizer. they don't have one kid. he needs antibiotics for the allergy and his lungs. there are none of this. one has been sick for a week. there's no treatment but we give them syrup, but it's useless. silence with the children will suffer until they die. our life is slow, definitely the children are just dying slowly fishing. i visit a little while as well. continues to block supplies of basic necessities from entering gaza. many palestinians returning to don't keep costs. she to
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a lot of fuel human agencies of one to famine and disease. if more aide doesn't get into all the one on how bad the siege has devastated us, the war has devastated us. we are experiencing this where every day we want to live like people in the 1st world, countries not only like people in other arab countries that people, most countries live normally. they have food, water and do whatever they like. we don't have water or food. we don't have a normal life target resume isn't rough uh, in the southern gaza as we were saying that type of situation in and around. that's the hospital seems to be going from bad to worse. i guess basically that's completely wrong. it's as well as writing the got the military attacks on con, you, in a city, as it has been said earlier, as a key target for them to completely and militarily, to destroy now or the is body forces are, tends to find the attacks and the costs of the gaza strip, they've been collecting,
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got residents and houses. and one of the latest these fairly attacks were carried out on the vicinity of another hospital, which is the largest remaining medical facility that is still at the rating and partially functioning across the south of gauze. and now this hospital has been completely receiving on the basis, hundreds of palestinians being injured alongside with that it's mortgage are completely right now uh full with dead bodies that needs to be buried well. well this is very terrifying that the classes and confrontation between the palestinian fighters and these really so we just had become so much closer to the, to the. busy nasir hospital as we have been hearing from bye with this on the ground the dock. uh just suddenly with a de moines on the very intensive is very boom button and be found. but usually tanks just only a few, a few meters away from the gates of another hospital when they destroyed the cemetery, that is on the back side of the hospitals that so literally this hospice was facing
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a very dramatic and the only situation um is the full lot of it medical supplies and also with the very rapidly increase of a medical of surgeries and also all the things that people who are arriving to the hospital from day to another of the unprecedented rates of plumbing that have been conducted in the city of ton unit attack, speaking specifically about that more strikes again and goals of south. what can you tell us? i guess the goal is a strict today had been a old areas, had been on the white military attacks. we're talking about classes and confrontations had ropes is again, in the news of the territory, we have been reporting earlier about these where the way it is where the forces had with the trouble from the north, a drilling more per gaze. but right now they have been repositioning their troops in the eastern areas of the value of work violence classes and confirm functions. that real thing as the
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a some pre k to the announced that they have destroyed the number of men to treat tanks in that part of the city alongside also with ongoing grades on the main stair neighborhoods of kansas city. as is very forces a point to bush residents out of school study. we're taking show inside moving forward to the southern parts which is already on the bottom. and one of the latest impacts is rarely strikes or the middle bernice has to, to thomas city. and in derek bella alongside with on top of the compartment of the city. oh, can you just as we have been seen to day 4 hours a cloud of smoke resulted from a targeting of plastics factory in the city of units on the horizon of the sky. of districts as well. um and the ongoing confrontation stuff on the ground which exhausted the humanitarian situations for people being crushed in the costs of the territory. right. sorry many sides of the update tank covers him in reference. southern goes below just here is on us. our series is intel of the software that's
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in newland goes to. the neighborhood is now almost truthfully destroyed is of life, the destruction now or no, not this. and then if you want to put the shuttle to him, i'll call you i'm your valuation about i'm standing in talbot road, south or east of japan, the a refugee camp in the northern part of the cars distributive for these really occupation forces tanks armored vehicles and troops were deployed all you see how did they destroyed everything in their way from residential buildings, to infrastructure, heavy, even mosques and water wells were not spared on the cities grand mosque where i stand was flattened by these ready forces. it's a popular fee of this area is relatively high, and that is why they stationed themselves. here again, has as much as you who am is, but she is the method mutant. this was once a house of god. it was leveled to the grand jason to the mosque was a kindergarten and a water reservoir on the well, it's feeding the entire residential area with water. all were reduced to ruined.
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the i'm going to tell is that the kind of the month of the city was lively, bustling with people in residence used to live in peace or the housing is a residential buildings were destroyed. them either by is really were planes. were there tanks with the ground invasion of all the entire city was carpet bombed by these really jet fighters before their soldiers entered and re tablet. even the cities landmarks, the grand mosque, was not spared upon the water. reservoir tank feeding. tell l t r w and say it areas was purposely destroyed by them. moscow infrastructure was wilfully demolished. its water pipes and sewage systems were entirely destroyed by these rarely as the. some residents are trickling back to their home, yet they come and see either their homes flattened or unfit for living. however, gardens are determined to come back and stand their ground even if reduced to dustin locus. and then when i see, show what i am on, what was once a major crossroads and tell those that are the streets for the center stage or
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fears. fighting between his rating soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters fighting cap raging for days. if not weeks in this area, the aftermath is clearly visible. massive destruction residential homes, st infrastructure, nothing was spared. these metal parts or what is left, but some of these really aren't gear, which was destroyed by the power steering and resistance fighters. a testament to the ferociousness of fighting them. the entire area is no longer fit for humans to live in event. this is the seen a tallow south or north of the gaza strip. and that the area was carpet found the finance rate long before it witnessed for rushes, fighting between their soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters for any sign of life at this targeted and hit by israel. them on their goal is to leave the entire area on fit for living until this day, the area and returning civilians are targeted. why do use rating this ios? i'm shells and drones. and as a city of jersey all somehow because of
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a situation in gaza as being the main focus of the meeting of the g 77. and you can to us equity general internal gutierrez's there. and he's been speaking to out just as dose of jabari and they said the death toll and gaza is unprecedented. it's. i was also criticize israel's prime minister for his rejection of a palestinian state. and i think that's a, this i'm it should, it presents the stroke the motion of the global self installation to leave. it was 2 levels of death of destruction. i have condemned the tex, federal effects of i'm us. but i have to say that's the level of civilian casualties that we are witnessing in gaza today is unprecedented positions. we any of the costs and since i am secretary and so what, how most seats can not just be fine to collect the punishment of diplomacy. what is the solution if your calls for dialogue with the israeli prime minister benjamin at
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yahoo are not being heard? what is the next step to move forward to try and bring an end to this complex? i think this set up to as one asking for an immediate cease fire, louisa. that emetic, suffering people in gaza to a lot, 40 minutes 80. and it's the lucian to facilitate the use of the hostages. that should be unconditional and media. but that is not the solution. solution, in my opinion, is the acceptance by every body of the rights of the policy and people to states words and the acceptance of a 2 state solution results of the 2 state solution. we've got these, we will have a coffee. this never ends. you through this x that amused over to you to pull it eyes situations only one. and it is something that's in my opinion, is still how do you think the united states can be persuaded?
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at least the biden administration to step back a little bit from their full flight supports as well. i think it's very important. why is that the united states have been very active? who seek for the most effective human saturday night and stressing the use of its state solutions. and i think it's time for israel to listen to the united states and to make these 2 objectives that the american news position has been stressing to make the movie industry. the attack in southern lebanon is code. at least 2 people. the call was talking to the in the board, a town of cover a cost for the tax of increase since the stock of as well as $1.00 garza and is there any drain, strike, killed a member of his blog today? is there any military casualties or will certain mounting the army says one soldier has been killed in bottles and goes up to the infection.
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say they're attacking is ready. tanks and ministry vehicles with rockets and improvised explosive devices. at least a 195 soldiers have been killed since it is lowest. it's ground defensive in late october. and these are the forces of the most homes in the occupied westbank. also the 3 of the army released pictures of the overnight raid in hebron houses belonged to 3 promising in man to choose by his route of killing a soldier in november. is there any forces of code that almost nightly rates in the westbank since, because a war began now, and so i know and even had my session during the day, my brother was killed. these very soul just stormed on her. and 2 days later, they handed us a notice of demolition last night that it is very sole dispos president out of the building, informing them not to return before the sunrise. all these really soldiers prompted explosives and all the flaws debts and i took them to flatten the whole building. nevada is off to that, so i get headed to the other. all else with so many residents and repeating the
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same operation, leveling their homes to the ground with. okay, what was the, the on who lives the my brother ultimate was killed was a very young no, 8070. i lived on one level. i think his name was on the 2nd of the one on the top of the one, while the brother who has been detained about these varies for almost a month now they demolished, as the house is out to prevent who do i have the ability to intimidate tests for my thing again, hold on a 2nd. now post a new leaders in the occupied westbank say they would not accept that tax revenue from is around if it does not include money to pay their employees and goes, israel has been refusing to release the funds, so the cash strapped, published in, you know, authority system will be gab does not offer to send the money to noise, saying it reserves the right to decide when the money will be transfer of a senior officials rely on the tax collected by israel on that will have to pay salaries and provide services. again, let us take a closer look at exactly how this revenue system works in practice as well. collect taxes from policy means working and as well, and it's a legal sacraments and then transfer us the money to the policy and you know,
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authority on fridge that adds up to about $200000000.00 a month. and this route takes 3 percent as a collection fee, but the agreement has caused problems. israel has repeatedly delayed or frozen the money, or even the amount, especially during times of war. when i was cabinet has approved a plan for frozen, posting and money to be held by no way, but israel will still have the right to decide when the money will be transferred to the palestinian or $40.00. that's good, live now to to raise a bow. she's a in tell a v for us and to write that, tell us more exactly about how this 3rd policy plan will work. of course, sort of thing. so chief well this is palace again money as you were explain it, it was collected by is read from palestinian workers and it's been transferred to the palestinian authority. however, we'd been seeing the far right man, a ministers from the voiding coalition. small tricks. how long is the one that does not want to give that money to their policy? you know, for the,
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he's been comparing them to how much thing the bill supports her among many other things. so the way this would work is it will be a will saving phase from all different factors from all the different parties. it would allow, as well to transfer money to more weight and then nor which would hold it and trust them been transferred back to the policy and afford you what we've been seeing. however, it has been lots of pressure, especially from the united states since secretary of state, anthony blink. and came here to israel, who was extremely concerned about this money not being transferred to the policy of, of 40 because of what's going on right now in the occupied westbank with a workers policy and workers not able to come to as well for work, adding tension to the situation on the ground also with the policy and of 40 struggling to pay salaries. so it's a concern and it's also a concern for a security establishment. here it is, right who have already warned the government of the ongoing situation or the b o q buys westbank the possibility, for example, if i started in p 5,
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the so lots of tension on the ground of what we're seeing. and it's interesting to know what the policy in are 40 saying they're saying that is what has no right to dictate what the policy, you know, so we does with its money. and in fact, they're saying that what they're doing right now is piracy. it's always a does all of this tell us anything about the pressure is on these are as leaders of the money, but what we're seeing is lots of international pressure right now from the united states has been pushing for this money to be delivered to the policy and are 40 because they believe that the policy know 40 will play a big role in the future of guys, and that's what the united states has been trying to push. they're also we're pushing as we've been hearing for this past few days for the creation of a palestinian state. but that's not to say this. what's happening with been the ruling coalition is far right. ministers like you thought might have been giving among others for pushing the golf events in all sorts of way we have seen,
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for example, in the past few days, something very specific. i mean, the government had agreed that medicines for the captives being held in gaza and we're going to go into trucks that were not going to be checked because that was that request and made by how much i mean, we saw how different administer started questing the base and then in a way the government gave up and demanded that those trucks be checked. so this is something that has been ongoing. the government seems to be paralyzed in a wage by this demands made by far right. ministers. and we're also seeing adding pressure on the streets, you know, things thousands and thousands of people on the streets, once the government to do more, to release the tactics that are being helping us out on the government to tell them what is going to happen with guys and what is the future of this, right? what is the plan out? of course we've been the was having at to be are the ones that are leading this workforce hearing now that they are calling. but they say that they be the only way to peace where united would be, for example, to go for new elections. right. so many things for that to raise about live until
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the people. let's look at all if they say and much more detail now with no days of political am. this says she joins us from a, by the welcome to, you know, our firstly what has the, with the holding of posting in tax revenue by israel meant firstly for the most part westbank. and secondly for goes thank you for having me need this says the 12th time that as well uses. it's leverage over hello, send in tax revenue to kind of punish the palestinian authority or we cannot or signal that it is unhappy with its context. and it's basically a way for israel to a search just how much control that has over everything, including the possibility to continue functioning. it's still unclear whether the p a would be willing to accept these kinds of conditions that there. so it was just talking about because it would be humiliating for it kind of walking back. it's
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pledge not to take a look at the, the, to not to take the tax revenues with the deduction of garza's share of it. so we're, we have to see if that works out, but in, in like, in any case, all of this money given the fact that the economy is on its new use, that the revenue was dropped dramatically since october. will probably not be sufficient for the a to continue functioning and meet all its responsibilities. so specifically, when we're talking about the shabbots ordinarily would go to gaza. we're talking about 13 percent of total tax revenues. i just wonder, to what extent of not allowing that money to get to the us as a potentially pay civil servants who employed as part of the p a and of course, lack of money, not reaching those desperately in need of it when it comes to things like medicine and other supplies as well. it will have a huge impact. uh 1st as you said, because the uh,
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those employed by the p a in dogs that will not receive their salaries another time on everybody on the population is basically starving. and does that because of israel's siege and, and war. this money couldn't come at a better time. people need that money to try and survive. but it also affects the da's ability, even at a minimal level, to have the ministry of health, for example, provide whatever it can, in terms of assistance by way of, of sending medicine and so on. so the b a is the ability to continue functioning to continue to even put in the minimum expected effort towards we're leaving this humanitarian disaster in dollars. that is, per tailed. and as you've been reporting, there's a lot happening in the west bank as well. the situation at, in terms of people's ability to survive, to, to have an income in the west bank is becoming more and more efficient. and also
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because, you know, if we could talk about the okay, by the west bank, of course the p a is you say strongly objects to these deductions accusing israel a, quote, piracy, i mean, they're refusing to accept the money for the time being. but given the risk of further on the rest of the west bank disappear, have any other option, but to accept this well, i think what the va file, the da finds itself in the corner really it is on its knees. financially, politically, it is extremely weak. it really needs that money because it's been borrowing a lot of money from the banks. it even at the uh, the outrages step of borrowing from israel at one point because of international donors wouldn't step in and pressure as well to release tax revenues in another incident. and so it really doesn't have a lot of options, but it's also running on very low political credibility. so the choices are very difficult, i'm not sure which way it will go. but either way,
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this will only add to the, the popular on ease and discomfort with, with the a performance. they're not able to defend palestinians here in the west bank and during nightly rates by these really is the direction on an impressive scale. no. and they're not able to provide any relief or down. no, i'm really getting very much a very keen of the time that we have to, to get your thoughts on what you think might be happening within is around itself. because this move comes following both consistent us support for israel, but also growing us pressure on benjamin netanyahu. should this be seen in any way? there's nothing you know, giving something back is missing this way. because session yeah, i think the bottom administration will be happy to celebrate this stuff as nothing you hope giving in as a him listening to the americans because he hasn't been listening to them on anything else. uh, certainly nothing of significance when it comes to god. so,
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so they need to show that they actually have exercised them with leverage that the is rallies, but listen to them since they're giving them all that money and all those weapons. but there's only so much so far that this kind of announcement, the celebration will go because again, we go back to a right wouldn't government that is basically paralyzed as best as i said. and that is very set on maintaining the score. i'm not compromising a not allowing post and he goes back to the northern garza and i'm continuing to limit the, the entry of humanitarian assistance. so very little to show for so much leverage and so much power that the us can yield with israel. know great to hear thoughts on this. no, they politically, unless joining us from a while since the world is around has binds the entry of tens of thousands of policy and work as thousands of people from gauze or what detained. and they need to send back to gaza or to be occupied westbank where the remain stranded so now is where it is on a recruitment drive in countries like india answer like
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a to address its labor shortage. now for 9 days report some gala in central for longer hundreds of applicants brave. the code at the maharishi died in the university in the northern indian state of hardy, on a. the here to meet is really recruiters looking to fill urgently, the shortages myers come off and roger scott is one of them. he study to be a teacher, but now works as a mason. what sort of process that for the children who have brought in the future, they will be able to give these origination and progress in life. we need extra money in the family. we also do basic. it has the above. is it for this out of in child hon is waiting for news. the time there was told he can make 5 times this kind of income of $200.00 a month in israel. so far as how come on i thought and possible, i want to make more money. what have i on here? it's all spent on food and living expenses. i can't save anything that the indian
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government has defended its decision to allow workers to go to israel, which it says is undergoing agreement finalized in may last year. labor laws in israel, a very strict robust. it's a noisy, the country so therefore leveled laws are such that it provides for protection of migrant type sleep, but lights up on up on the plus. we are very conscious of responsibility to give, provide security and safety, safety to people what abroad this is really once employed, tens of thousands of palestinians to walk across a number of sectors retentions of to the homeless attack on october 7th, and the subsequent vote and gaza has seen palestinians being shut out of bed jobs. it's this neighbor shortage that is really looking to sell stays at the feel, not just in india, but have injury lanka, what people are increasingly desperate to escape the economic hardship. the following employment bureau is watkins is shortly 10000 people to walk in
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agriculture jobs. 250 is madison's assume harassment is busy presenting. the family patty feels engulfed in such as she lanka. he says he will shortly sort of jump in israel a month ago. the man about do me that pick of id and everything is so expensive. now that's the main reason for me to go to where to go for pad the cultivation is difficult to buy for devices and as little chemicals. and there's very little profit update of a drunk, as it can only crisis as seen. tens of thousands of people had abroad insect a bunch of prospects for dr. groups of pretty size the decision to send workers to a country at war ending work as a broad has become an easy onset, the unemployment crises which has happened a year and an easy on. so wish the government is going forward without, without clicking on that responsibility for picked up workers from this ending abroad to bring back funding them and use these 5. these concerns mother shown to
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and thousands like him see a job in israel, would help them improve their lives. vanessa mendez just 0, the central shanta where they always spoke to a, a when. so he's a professor of economics at the hebrew university in jerusalem. he says the impact of these ready bind on the entry of policy workers to severely impacted the country's economy. a. we're talking about 150000 workers. they don't know what's coming into each row. add the estimate law, so preference. uh for them to slow down the economy and i've mentioned the sector of the economy where we experience slow down is, is now estimated that the $1000000000.00 per month. okay. and we're talking primarily therapy, culture industry. we're talking about services. we're talking about the, the building get the street. okay. uh, these are the areas in which, uh the,
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the greatest he is, is a to be seen. now is right, is in the dilemma. okay. there is a lot of supply all 4 and workers coming from uh, south east asia, especially as you said from india and suite long. okay. and the password also reported from china. there's also a stream of workers that we would say things wrapped in a report from china is right. it hasn't done so yet, you know, in the massive way still ahead. he went out as they are, it will have all the rest of the days looking to the skies for a futuristic transport system will look of south korea's plans for flying, texas also top c,
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nova chocolate storms. studying the the hello. we are a lot, it's say some sundry down pool is the strange thing that a so sort of as soon as we go through the next couple of days to collect just storms here. gathering south is that it is fine and dry, warm sunshine called sunshine. it to the southeast to basil across you require, i don't need to the river probably because we've got a nice little area of high pressure keeping it settled and sunny. that was a weather that does stretch from rio ta associates and we have got some live storms uh, embedded in this. and that's going to another little further north, which as we go through a monday night just to show us a little more widespread, they will also spread across scene to the southeast corner of brazil. but for the river plate, it does stay tribal and sunny part of the showers across the western side of the amazon, pushing across into peru into equity though for the north, $1.00 to 2000 to the carrier being and a lot of fine weather around as long as he's settled and sorry for the most pop,
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i have some shabby rain coming in across the grades around to this baton east and honest looking good as we go through sunday and see about west the weather, the, affecting, the hon. jeris easing down across a good pos of southern mexico. so you have a showers of stretch that way across the gulf of mexico. that is gonna introduce some whatsoever into the south as we go through the next couple of days. dallas it to celsius. moving in from the west, but dallas on the rise in the rain the hearing the have you had any lady says he has the support of 15? am samantha shelf economic then asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target, this places i'll just see,
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it was teams across the world. when you closer to the foss with the story, the police to seek immediate shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight, they will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that to that just like exploring how x is central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse, amazing, coming soon. on outsourcing. the the only thing i have is a is remind of our top story,
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is this our leaders in the occupied westbank site. they will not accept that tax revenue from israel if it doesn't include money to pay them. employees and government is, has refused to release funds to the pile of signal sourcing. cisco who began as malice to send the money to no way within 25000 palestinians have been killed in these riddles. wong does us, but it was overwhelmed and basic necessities like food of medicine on shots like i will joining us some con eunice this talk to i'm at on my graphic. he's a head of plastic surgery and the buttons departments of the out and i saw hospital of i will and welcome to you. so in the past few days, these radio strikes are being the landing of the meters from the nasa hospital. it is. i'm sweeping the ports and causes loss remaining hospital. how would you describe the situation then now? yeah, thank you very much for letting me i get. before we started, the guy showed the code, the mindset of you, we just had here. they what,
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what do they, what been going on around the listed? because i guess you already see in this moment. yes. this situation here. i have most of those within the beginning, but it just because as you know, many of, uh, evacuated people already lives. there has to be done a manual where they can put us in and out. think what did i say there was to be done on this with a lot to flush out over our heads over our shoulders. since we have to compensate as more, more, more remote i bought a more uh yes, uh, situation to begin motor designs thought i must think i gave as before all the plus the hundreds. and they did the 1st thing that we saw how one of us have to die of the how, what it is do we have to go with this horrible region, right? it is, i don't know, it is an impossible question. so it is an impossible question for you to have, have to ask. i want to as head of plastic surgery and the bones department that you
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know, how many patients do you have a more sort of injuries if you specifically been sitting with really the problem that i'm telling you. i have just finished my work at the meeting over 50 years. it'd be, i'm doing the cases in cases every day i'm doing. i have here those without long but it's a decision. so i can't tell you the exact number, but every day we are performing series since the beginning of this war. so you can use the number since the beginning of this world actually we used to do why my says, i used to do, i don't know 20 cases. i'm doing like between like 10 to 15 gives us bit of d 5th view all the way i won't be continuous the product. so i have here that was to be done by fissions this scheduled because done, i'm not going to skip out of that. this has to be the next guy. that's what is going to i gain like what did you guys, department? the also be the keep up with the bed unit. maybe with patients to step up the he had those to be done, the needs g. they need, can they, they need proper food,
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they need to clean water. they need the house says they need every thing. so that is actually possible to stop more. here's the situation until some economy we are hearing in the background as you are speaking, the very loud, buzzing sound of aerial vehicles on those is really drones. could you explain what we're hearing the yes, i'm. so i told you, since we saw you called a there with i did with all of our route, won't be getting a law section. and that's why people like how you, as you know, there's something going on and go, we have that was for them. that's why i'm actually, i know, maybe the ambulance we bring in patients from these exclusions on the screen, but as, as that is not the one big. now the world obviously watched in great concern and great concern about what happened to the how ship a hospital time place. the goal is to city all that concerns. now that's a similar situation while i'm followed by the national hospital and if so,
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how are you possibly preparing for that? my god, my god, i got the new business. this is the reason for the whole or if it is, if this would have been, this would be, i mean hold on this and also elizabeth elizabeth is the man who has to be done now here in gaza is made what's to be done. can you, can you imagine a visa that you knew when you get this be done? it is at a her would be, i agree, i political does actually this would love to have a display of what all the adults are more this when would love to have it was not that time to get please. we are not. that's all to get boots. i don't know, i don't reside and they'll ridiculous the lines. and they didn't, they, when we did all the types of crimes and the, uh, the at that was to be 1000 schools every with. but this is, this is, i mean was to be the and. busy may not listed as us house, as of selves of goes, i hope this would not have been like i talked to you of this have been i can't tell
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you what the, the, the, you just get this little big situation. the don't to, i'm a grabbing, we know some unconfirmed reports of the moment of attempts to try and re open the i'll ship a hospital in gaza city. are you hearing any information about that? does that sound even possible? i actually i have uh, some friends uh that, you know, i was with all of the, my police uh spastic uh the department of bunch of house because some of them actually uh they 10 bucks to watch it most with others. they are trying now to put it on board with some fish on so i bunch of elizabeth and yeah, that is something that is actually to make it have the attention of elizabeth and as i hope so, of course i'm gonna grab it. you'll know if there's just having a massive impact on innocent people on women, and specifically children as well, bearing the brunt of this conflict. how is this impacting the very young
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oh yeah, actually i texted you a few by side of as a citizen here that's visited, you know, and fighting should read on roman and it's on people's. yeah. oral officials, obviously as men, most of them, she's a woman and civilians, the killing beautiful families to the in it all the studios. every day we, i told you how money boss have to do. i really didn't read hundreds of these is on people on the bus and go we, i don't know, i don't know how, what it is. do we have to go with the city situation? what about you personally? the, what about you personally, of course, this is a huge amount of strain is being placed on the you, but other medical stuff trying to do that jobs in almost an impossible situation. right now we are trying to do our best. i shouldn't. my says, maybe most of you know that my family, my,
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shouldn't that and mother wife are staying with this. this was to be done. couple of this back with this lady to the chicken, but it goes up to that was to be done. all the people i actually is acquainted i on my side of actually all try the i took my family to secure them and it off off. i was like to find one things actually to book my pharmacy. i didn't come back to not said i couldn't find a place in the for i couldn't find the dues actually took my time and it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my foot many bucks to lots of this. i'm just, i'm sitting, got most it to his my feet. what do by the 20 course i'll be here. i lots of with my family. there is no press 2 to go. there's no say please. the size of unit area know clean was a little food. the nothing that even i couldn't find the i didn't for my family the you bed for i broke my family back to that and also elizabeth,
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i don't. so i'm in my grubby, it's feeding a really important that he, your 1st time testimony of what life is likely or with the moments all the best to you and your family. and many thanks for joining us to the right now as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeated his opposition to the creation of an independent palestinian state. refusal comes uh says closest allies, the u. k. and us both cool for a 2 state solution. well, speaking earlier, the british defense minister expressed his disappointment, spent his entire political career against the 2 state solution. the point is, which of the roots is that to seriously resolve this palestinians does of a suffering state? israel deserves to have uh, the full ability to defend itself, its own security. in other words, unless you pursue a, a 2 state solution, i really don't see that there is another solution as present start defense,
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extra ground shops that will let spring. and now just say we're senior political analyst, mile and besides the library here in the studio model, and there was a bit of a, a choke in the civil service in the u. k. so whatever the united states does in terms of foreign policy that you k does a little bit behind that we seeing the play out now. absolutely. you know, it's the famous uh, puppy analogy, right? tony blair, to, uh, to assist you to the future. so not the puppies of the, you know, american presidents. there's simply a sidekicks central funds, if you know hebrew literature or spanish literature. so at the end of the day, whatever comes out of london, it's not serious. once upon a time, it used to be serious. what london said, the 1940s was very important, what london so, so there is not important at all. in fact, there's something insulting to the intelligence. when you hit the defense minister
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. there's something delusion of right about the fact that the u. k. in the us enables, is there a genocide of the enable? is there a genocide and then they are disappointed that is right x with infinity and the same war criminals now would don't hesitate to say no to america and do k when it comes to the whatever political solutions they have in mind. did you see a degree of discomfort the within the alliance of states that seem to be on, questionably supporting israel at the moment? for instance, i'm for cameron, britain is fine. secretary, you seem very, very uncomfortable about the case pull by south africa, the international course of, of justice in the hague. is there a feeling that all of this could potentially blow up in the u. k. and the us is face, for instance, if israel is found to be committing genocide, what you see, thankfully there is such a thing as international public opinion system, the west of public opinion,
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a lesson public opinion. the certainly more models today. then the leaders of the western world, especially the western powers, and when you look at the followings and when you look at the movements in the streets, when you look at the movements in the, in the social media use, do you notice that there's a whole generation in the west, that is a, you know, quite depends on taking a model stand on the, on justice and palestine. this public opinion is embarrassing to western leaders. not what's happening up at this time. i think there's set them cynicism due to certain uh, unconditioned data to they're supportive as read. you know what this them in that was the way they haven't got together. they bring to is very depressed and the basic is celebrating him as a war hero. when he's the one who enabled genocide in the 1st place. so i think that on these is visit the, the public opinion that there's more or more louder a there's a v the question of fed assigned. but other than that,
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i see them continuing with their support of the genocide. so talking about on the you. so is there a fee, a within western governments that israel and why least benjamin to have net net nets and yahoo? him saying that he doesn't want to proceed with the 2 state solution. is there a fee that is relative fucking away from a normalization of relations with saudi a deal to the us was hoping to to broke? in fact is that i think that's kinda tight. i'm just getting how if it's taking it to they don't think it's so yes. so that i know it's not you don't think it's this or the other. they think they can get both us and is that the history of the past few years thought that the in fact can out of importance. and worst to complicity allows is right to get away with both the war and the piece with the land and the fees. and this is very unfortunate. i'll tell you why, because your, your, your 10 percent sense, you know, with each and every movement the last few weeks that this, if there's a spect going on between. what's the latest with an american leader and,
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and is really the best spot. there's no more then, is there a spitting and i'm biting saying it's raining. it's not reading. you know, you're getting assault that you're getting strapped on the face. swipe left on the center by the prime minister to visit on who's totally dependent on you who couldn't even survive without you. and yet, strike as if they were messick us, you know, those western leaders, they keep getting stopped by is right. and apparently they enjoy it. my one great. hey, your thoughts, barbara shar. there now and other world news, a fire has broken out as russia's nova tech guest terminal in the baltic sea, forcing it to suspend operations officials, the saying the blaze was caused by what they called external influence. the incident was reported by the governor of the leningrad region. the sound of drones was heard before the explosion, with all the stuff with the vicinity have been rescued. if attack is the largest producer of liquefied natural gas in russia and their report. so during the tax in
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russia with explosions heard in the central tula, region videos have been posted on social media, all of the blocks. the defense ministry says it also shut down drones into other areas in central parts of the country. the russian farm industry has condemned to strike canada by ukrainian forces in the russian controlled region of done yet at least 25 people were killed. 20 others wounded up the shows, his busy marketplace processed for minutes. the 2nd level of says the attack will be discussed with you and security counseling session that is on tuesday. let's take you to jamie now what? tens of thousands of people who've been protesting against the far right a f. d party, the demonstrations and responds to reports that the party discuss the funds from us, the potations of migrants, asylum seekers and german citizens. or for an origins, the f. d or alternative for germany has been searching of the poles ahead of
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upcoming regional elections without a 0 still to come. the latest from the agent code as one of the tournament favorites, saudi arabia looks to seal qualification to the knockout rooms. the this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the latest news as it breaks the word on, on for a 100,
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they have left many feeling like you will never end with in depth reports. many saying that as long as like 3 until all the caps is about 5 to the price. even if that means i didn't need it from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the right time for support. now, his son, thank you very much and have walker just on the head coach says his team are in need of a supporting miracle heading into their asian, a cup,
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a game against saudi arabia, saudi, one of the favorites to win this title and began the group campaign with the when it gets online, this telling all aiming to claim the 1st points of the torment, having lost their opening match against a thailand. oh, let's go now live to and do which is in. who's that the med donati stadium for that game? and is there any doubt that saudi arabia i, one of the favorites to in the title, it seems arbitrary doesn't nice thing really 3 decades now since uh they will miss agent comes a lot of focus, obviously on saudi rag and football at the moment the well complex be heading there in 2030 full, lot of expensive info's being brought into the saudi domestically and width that has come questions about what that will means the developments of local players and also some of the, the impacts they will have on the saudi national team at the moment that coached by one of our is the expensive impulse from your are about to mancini. bit of pressure
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around him, the eve of this tournaments, he yeah. excluded 3 senior players from the squad. he said they were questioning hazel thought, i'd say that, put them immediately in the spotlights on our opening match against our mind. they weren't brilliant. they were behind for long periods of time. they did when it in the, in see one with a very, very light when a and since same we seen japan losing out. so iraq south gray almost last yesterday against jewels and then, and mancini trying to make the world and everybody. and he's focusing on him at the moment. so conscious of the fact that every single team in this tournament poses a threat including tonight's opponents curtis, then no one thought that maybe you can beat the jump on. this is a football and uh, that'd be through mind, uh, not some months ago. i think that, uh, you know, if you want, we need to keep it that your content that i show hi. and what we did in the 1st
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match is in the past, and now we are these match, it is very difficult. and because this done code says they need a sporting miracle to win this match. we've seen what happens with iraq pulling off one of the biggest upsets do you think they can get the job done? the i mean it's, it's going to be a would be a huge surprise if i can get something out of his game. there are very unpredictable saying one of the countries to answer any benefit from the expansion of his tournaments in 29 saying to include 24 rather than 16 change. that was the 1st time that qualified for it. they were unpredictable. uh, 5 days ago they lost the 2 opening, 3 games sneak since the last 6 day and having one that final group game, but then gave the host united hour then it's a really tough game. in the last 16, i'm actually losing 3 to an extra time. you're looking to walk a qualifies that is going through the end of last year and they last out. so in the laser, it seem that have hard to get a results against, but then beats the much high rank or man,
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i mean coming into this asian comp. the one game that have really been thinking we can get 3 points in that was against silent and the right for that. and they lost it, but they do know the way these tournaments is sets up there. regardless of what happens tonight, seems if i lose, again, saudi arabia, a, when in the final grade game against the mind should just be enough for them to get through to the knockout rooms and do is just and live from us monopoly stadium. thank you very much. for that ac milan school keep up, my communion says more and needs to be done to tackle racism and football. he wilkes off the pitcher of to being racially abused. on the same day. another black fail was allegedly targeted following a game in the u. k. david stokes reports a black football is being racially abused, is becoming an old c familia sites. after informing the referee, he'd been subjected to monkey chance by opposition. friends ac milan go keep it, mike meeting you on. that's the pitch midway through the survey out game. if you didn't easy, the frenchman's teammates follow them down the tunnel and the game was briefly
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suspended, but eventually returned and went on to wind with a like gold. but it was a victory overshadowed by events and was stands. and the more as you the frequent we all have to react. you must do something because you can't play like this. ok, we accept the boost because that is how it is the way home was it? this issue of racism was not reached the on the same day in the english championship. coventry city play a casey palmer was also allegedly targeted by monkey chance after that game away at sheffield. wednesday afterwards, palmer posted on social media saying it feels like things will never change, no matter how hard we try. hopefully they'll get it on camera and it's just no place for us. it's ridiculous semesters this day, and i just trouble these. an isolated incidents. rome is rumbling, the cat code was racially abused during a time in cup game this month, and ran the druids, vinicius junior, his old site, being repeatedly targeted in spite a note for the 1st time,
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the fif of president johnny in front t. no, this said there was no place for racism in football or society, but football, so forward to ease of facing growing pressure to bring about more significant change to tackle the problem. savings folks, which is their tennis now top seed novak junk of it to has reached the quote of finals of the australian open. well, number one, brush decide his opponent, add in a might not be no 6, love 6 love at $63.00 and just an hour and 44 minutes. wind put joke of it into these 58. last 8 appearances as a grandson. not seen that a will just say there is old time records to 6 year old is going for his 11 title, and now this will face american taylor fixed. one of the best sets i played in a while and you know, i really wanted to lose that game in the 3rd set because the tense attention was building up so much of the stadium. i just needed to get that one out of the way.
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so i can re focus on what i need to do to close out the map. so, you know, i've, i played great, you know, from the 1st of the last point on the women's side, reigning champion. uh, you know, have a link uh, has advised to be cool to finals the world number to be american. amanda, i'm in the silva in straight sets to advise by the russian is the highest surviving seats in the women's form and off the egos once it was not felt on saturday. so let's see. so, so golf, so it has also we still straining an open quote to finals for the 1st time, the american cruise pos magdalena for to of opponent with australian. the great rod laver in the cross, the 19 year old, the close out the match and street sits in just over an hour the yeah. first of the quarter. final. super happy to be in this position and to be here. so yeah, i think it had 3 4th around,
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so it's cool to get over that hump and hopefully i can keep going for more to the san francisco. 49 is survived a real scare and the nfl tails to reach the conference championships. e, 49, those were hosting the green bay packers in california. the passes that lead to a just 6 minutes left in the game for sue mccaffrey and the female lead, the 49 is to 24 to 21. come back when, as they advised the m f. c championship game. for the said season in a row, the face either the detroit lions all the time for the buck in years. and that's what he's bought for me will have moved for you later on, including the asian cup and the ask a couple of nations look forward to it very much. santa. thank you very much for that. well, that's it for me in the fall, careful this use our don't go away though because of b plus one you use in just a few moments time. please don't forget our website does 0, don't comment has much more. all of us told stories including the ongoing war on gaza. thanks for watching.
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the been going off of the, the full, the, it's a fucking 20 kilometers in many areas. how does the news continues trying to find their basic needs to live stream, leave it here. most of them are to some of the rumbling that happening behind us. now i'm not. is outgoing. wants to read from here. i see the 11 east side there is new. any place in gaza is considered to be safe. means that in the north or the south, a north in you and shelters or in hospitals. i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that. got chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue,
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do you want to state level all that i can't support the 3 pod series excludes the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights more about the issue whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to, in, quote, on which is 0, some challenging place to work from. as a journalist, you're always pushing our boundaries we are the ones probably the extra mile. we're all the media goals. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the,
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