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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the is rarely as strikes and setting pounds con units in southern guns that the
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one terri jones to this is out here a lot from also coming out of hospitals in southern guns are overwhelmed with the number of injuries. and how do i find the type of students who can show the reports that us intelligence agencies say is ready for an fos, sort of as woke up. this is joyce and that's plus i'm only officially manchester new hampshire. we're just teased before the primary election year. one of the republican fund on has decided the 3 and a half months of as well as born garza and at least 25000 palestinians killed more than 200 palestinians a dying every day. on average 8 agencies say find that and is just around the corner in the past few hours alone. and these 10 people have been killed in the
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southern city of con eunice, which has become the focus of israel's offensive done bottles and bloss saw her to live in the stuff hospital, southern ghost as largest health care facility. fist fighting between is very forces and posting and fights as a rule. so continuing in the north, the last the hospital is the largest functioning health facility in southern garza . it supplies are running critically. now we spoke to delta osmond out mcgraw be he's the head of the plastic surgery and benz department the he says the hospitalized overwhelmed with a number of patients. they're getting, you know, families to that in, you know, city. yes. every day we uh told you how many of us have to die really every day we are hundreds of these, even some people are fussing. oh, we don't know. i don't know how,
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what it is. do we have to go with the city situations? i have no words, i can't we are trying to do our best i shouldn't for myself, maybe most of you know that my family, my, shouldn't that in my, the wife odyssey with this a, this was to be done, governor of this back with this lady through the chicken, but it goes up to that was to be done. all the people i actually evacuated. i myself actually on friday i took my family to secure them and ended off off. i was trying to find one thing actually, to book my pharmacy and come back to law said i couldn't find a place in the for i couldn't find that didn't actually with my family, it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my family back to most of the of this i'm just, i'm sitting just most it the 1st my feet. what the 3 course i'll be here as long as that with my family. there is no for this to be to go. i have just finished my work
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at the main alternative theatre every day. every day i'm doing the cases think is every day of the week. i have here are those with a long but as it will be sufficient. so i can send you the exact number, but every day we are performing, syria is since the beginning of this war. so you can use the number since the beginning of this war actually we used to do by myself. i used to do a lot what it is i'm doing like between like 10 to 15 business days, but the water will let me put the new was the product. so i have here the elizabeth of my visions this scheduled because download the skip out of this has to be done up guy. that's what is going to i gain like what did you guys, department, and the also be the keep up with the bed unit. have you with patients to step up here as always be that they needs, do they need kid the they need proper food, they need to clean water, they need the how to sit, they need everything. so this is actually possible to start more here. this situation can you imagine if these that i knew when they did this,
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we done it this at a horrible would be i agree, i pray for the god. actually this would love to have in these 3 of us bit adult on was this. when would love to have been well enough that thought of it please. we had another thought to get boots. i don't know idle residing they'll read because the old lines and they didn't, they did all the types of crimes. and the of the at that was to be 1000 scores everywhere. but this is the main was be selling here and uh they may not listed as this house as a sales of goes, i hope this would not have been i, i can't tell you of this. i mean, i can see you on the. busy the, the get, the sort of except the we will further south in rafa, thousands of families have lost the homes, are struggling to find medicine for the sick children. hospitalized like even the most basic met. some children are dying of preventable diseases. all right. assume
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reports from the q 80 hospital in rafa. a couple of just some desperately needs an inhaler to treat his asthma. but of course, the gaza strip medicines are becoming possible to find the told him then there is no treatment, not in the hospital with adults or writes prescription note at the pharmacy where we went no at the un run school, there is no treatments. my kid needs an inhaler. they do not have one. children will suffer until they die. or children of dying slowly, the palestinians who have fled to cause the south. the lack of adequate housing and heating means families are forced to live in tents for nature shelters. and as temperatures continue to truck, children are becoming more vulnerable to norman. you can one of them. so only see it's not just about student morsa, we need treatments. we want a safe place for us. for our children, we want heating, there's no heating, it's cold,
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10 people that attend and it's still cold. if one of my sons costs the other son will cost like him. this is all life. doctors say the r o l clicked to handle the rising number of patients, especially children milofa went to the pediatric department here has almost 1000 illness cases every day. every day we lose the lots of childrens using medicine show, which is even simple meet us instead should exist in every hospital clinic. full health center. doctors can totally offer simple treatments. you're going to the law plot. we only have serums with fever, relief, antibiotics, pain relief, medicines they know isn't available in the hospital. we treat children without medicines. according to the world health organization, most of gauze hospitals have either stops working or partially functioning. and hospitals like this one off racing at 3 times its capacity without adequate fuel or
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medicines to treat the most wonderful victims. target could, has been out 0 of the way to hospital roof, suffering gauze on the ground. how much suffices are engaged in fish bottles in the south as well as the north, according to us officials and number from a spots was killed in gaza. so full, full source of israel, zable aids, and a classified report quite a few by the wall street journal. a mass is still functioning at the high level of the months of will not involved reports. usually the army has used some of the most destructive missiles fifths to pierce deep below grounds or east of thieves and tie blocks. the impact on buildings, roads, activity in life, has been by magic. but on how much that is on this,
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on section of to month, so full, there's a growing belief. that is why it is weapons are less effective against thomas by october 7. how much, how to co group us $30000.00 fighters is what he says. it has killed up to $9000.00 of them, since there's no way to verify any of those vegas. how much doesn't to notice the number of it's fight this, or each desktop, leaving the mazda for guest wick. but destiny of the match between these are the speakers and us intelligence estimates quoted by the wall street journal us by agencies say, is all you have so far kim to 20 to 30 percent of how much fight is. which means about 75 percent of the how much false is this to, in fact, that's decidedly less the worse declared with a, the complete immunization of the policy and group. you could never eliminate how much completely a park is there, not only and guys, there are there in many countries and they are there and they're loving on their and west bank. there are many other places,
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so they're never going to be completely eliminated. even in gossip, but beyond guys as well. and, and they should have been talking about disabling guys that may be pushing him us out of control politically of the of the gaza strip. decided the boss l. c. put the order to hundreds of thousands of soldiers and the huge amounts of heavy weapons from us. and the other hand, it is all to get in the welfare but they are advantage is the tunnels west intelligence, social talk of up to 500 kilometers of underground tunnels, across the gulf as they allow how much fight does not only to stay alive, but also to hide the cap, to manufacture width is store supplies, munitions, logistics, and planned attacks that it took it struck to seems to pose a challenge to is really good,
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specialized in finding and destroying those thumbs. all those factors have led to the belief about how much resist come strong and decent about how much fun does or at least a $195.00 is ready, sold as having to since israel doors this ground defensive and they talk to about 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu is once again said he will not 4 trips out of gaza or accept any conditions from us in order to end the will. i need to hit on the stuff i categorically reject the conditions of capitulation to the mass of monsters in exchange for the release of our hostages. how must a month and enter the war? the withdrawal of our forces from causes the release of old murderers and rapists from not, but i'm the continuation of from us in power. and if we accept this, our soldiers have full in and bang. if we accept this, we won't be able to guarantee the safety of us citizen, we will not be able to bring it back to return safely. and the next october 7th, will only be a matter of time to sell, who joins us live,
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not from occupied these to roost. and so benjamin netanyahu is again repeating his stones. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterating the position he's had since the beginning of the war, but in a more defiant type of tone. he says that until israel a cheese, a total victory and accomplishes those 3 military goals that they set out to more than 3 months ago, the war is going to continue. all of this comes as there's been immense pressure mounting on him, both on the domestic front and internationally, internationally. you have the americans who've been putting a lot of pressure for more aid to go into gaza and for talks about what's going to happen when the war ends. specifically, when it comes to a 2 state solution, giving the palestinians of state these really prime minister has denounced that and said for the entirety of his political career, he has been against that and will stand in the way. but you also have members of his right wing coalition, who are also against a pals, city and state and do not want to see nets. and you all who cave in any sort of way
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. then you have to send from within the war cabinet members who say that a total defeat of have mass is a tall order and those for saying, but that is likely aren't exactly telling the truth. all of this comes as these really military says, it's continuing to expand its ground operations in the southern part of gaza is roles. defense minister says that the operations are only going to expand and intensify as israel's prime minister says, the military pressure is the only way to bring the captives back and the war is going to continue well into the year 2025 from the thanks very much. i, the palestinians in gauze are urging the well to save them from dying of hunger despite as well as restrictions on 8 deliveries. nicole child to groups are trying to do whatever they can to help barbara and go reports, palestinians in the southern city of rough scramble for pieces of prison chicken to feed the families. glad that the yeah, the shipments entered a few days ago, but in so little quantity,
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people wait for one hours to obtain just one chicken. as you can see, huge numbers of people are queuing. menu returned home empty handed. most of this people have never faced the chicken since the beginning of the war. the situation is even west in the center or north west. thousands of started to return to the destroyed neighborhoods to in barrels by the in central garza. shops are empty except for a few kind of food items that cost a fortune for cash strapped palestinians. the price is the hype. you want to imagine ition one can provide food for one's children as if they must have cuz i guess all people ending out it says put a additional burdens on our people. this say connect kitchen into bali. i refugee camp in northern casa, is one of many that to being set up in the area that operated by local charities and individuals. warranty is not missing. we have been working here since the beginning of the war, even providing mainly bed. but then flour begin this case, be prepared means we have to meet in rise,
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but these items are also no longer available. and there's up to 90000 people living in districts and centers in this area. you're heading into a crisis. yup. interleave agencies and donor countries, the same flower and rise in sufficient quantities. local charities, say the amount of food available is less than 10 percent of what's needed to feed the desperate population. that's a growing feeling here that palestinians should try to rely on themselves and not wait for for an aide. that's why, despite the destruction of most of the agricultural land by, is really bold as, as some kind of student farm is trying to salvage and utilize the remainder of the crops and its fall short of the needed quantities and too expensive for those in need. barbara and good to 0 there on getting raids in the occupied westbank, including hebron and in the village and the novice until current soldiers arrested
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at least 4 people who were later released is ready forces are focused on the area in recent weeks. on this surveillance video is very sold as a scene entering the streets of the city. according to reports, at least one protestant image shots, 2 in the incursion, are still a head, hair analysis era. ukraine that claims responsibility for a 5 or 10 major gas. the time some features but raising fits that keith sends more tax states inside russian knowledge and seen this new president sense to appeal environmental protection. those critics a was phase of big business tract and the delicate ecosystems, the same depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravens hopkins on that space is a text book genocide. frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for
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office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside. story on al jazeera saying that this is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is was pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find the challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant
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to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the fucking back. remind all the headlines blasts and fighting. continue in con eunice in the south of gauze, which is to become the focus as well as defensive. at least 10 people have been killed last few hours with us officials say the number of sponsors killed in guns. and since fox holes schultz, as well as warnings, according to a classified report card to boston street journal, mass is still functioning fine level months as well. as prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu has repeated his position with his troops out have gone to the creation of an independent palestinian state, florida governor wrong. the sentence has dropped out of the race to be the republican presidential candidate. he's announced t suspending his campaign and these endorsing donald trump. just the head of the new hampshire primary on tuesday. an official has more wrong like his campaign. rhonda scientist is x, it was new. keep a message on social media and the presidential dream was over. i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises, and i will not stop now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance i am honored to leverage your trust in your support room desantis was meant to be the next great republican who, something when in florida is governor's race was to propel him to the white house,
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but to delete his presidential campaign, a nice wind, which supplemented. and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas, how awkward he wasn't person, his inability to connect with voters in these 1st uh for states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, where the primary is still over a month away on february 24th. so i think he's suffering from a number of things here. he spent tens of millions to come 2nd denial when he predicted he would when i'm with new obvious victories. coming up. donors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. tony trump, which has picked him up the pricing of the man many so would be his biggest drive. we're just going to say, where is it wherever about 3 capable versus dropping? yeah. ron and rod is dropping out and he, in doing so,
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he endorsed this little song. so let's list a tax on desantis from us positions and policies to even the shoes that you will cycle to decide this campaign early it. nathan loop week and not the confident conservative who wrote to victory in florida. desantis isn't even know. talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run when they'll be, nor donald trump in his way to torment him on to defeat to i was so sure i'll just say that manchester new hampshire, the russian foreign ministry has condemned the strikes carried out by ukrainian forces hasn't been done yet, which is mostly controlled by russia. at least 25 people were killed and 20, all those wounded off the shows has a busy markets. both ukraine and russia accused each other of escalating attacks on civilians. various. the fire was broken off. it's
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a major russian and liquefied natural gas terminal. on the boat succeed, it was new, get complex is a major l n g terminal on the gulf of finland, ukrainian. medias say the 5 was close by drug attack by keeps special services to the place where the young has more the fire started overnight in freezing temperatures and a plant that produces jet and fuel oil. let's go a cool that's around 2 45 in the morning from the regional gulf and a who tell me about the far the nova tech facility and the poto boost luca, shortly after 5 fighters with coal to the site without sugarloaf ukrainian media reported the fire erupted after a jerome strike carried out by ukraine's secret service. the explosion analysts say, may pose a logistical and economic set back for russia, which also exports fuel from that gas terminal. it could also lead to an escalation
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because this brings the baltic sea into play. there could be a repercussions because this could be we 2 red shirts using the baltic allies of the ukrainian of the nato countries of painting in the bane thing. in this of fact, russia and ukraine have targeted each other's energy infrastructure to disrupt the supply lines and logistics moscow. blaine's keys for this attack on friday. it happened at an oil facility in debris ask region in south west russia. the company that operates the plants, sundays fire was the result of an external influence. but the russian ministry of defense has been confirmed. if it was the result of a drone attack, caught c a little bit with the young elders here. a dozens of russians living in serbia have held a rowdy in bel. great, demanding, an entrance to the warn you pray. there also, according for the release of political prisoners held in russia, critics of president,
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betty may pretend to say they faced persecutions. sylvia itself, which are traditionally has good ties with the criminal tens of thousands of people mazda across fronts on sunday, to put pressure on the government over highly contested immigration though the bill passed by the parliament in december. as not yet coming to force has been referred to the constitutional counsel to the validity hello, challenges citizenship by beth, and makes it harder for immigrants to access social services including health care, left wing politicians, not to this, say the lawyers, racist. choosing the accounts governments of adopting fall rights, richard folk from sits, is quoting for the release of a group of people, including 6 nuns kidnapped in haiti. the head of the catholic church says he's praying for social harmony in the car of the nation. local authorities saying, alms group, hijacked to boston, took
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a type of peeping for defense. i learned with pain of the news of the kidnapping and haiti, of a group of people among them. 6 religious sisters, in honestly asking for their release, i pray for social harmony in the country. i invite everyone to stop the violence, the causes so much suffering that dear population lodge and seeing this new president tends to repeal many of the countries environmental protection. those critics say to damage local ecosystems and also have a negative impact on global efforts to tackle climate change. let's say you're newman reports not from the south intelligency of the virgin forest to northern argentina for as far as the i can see, like the amazon rain forest and neighboring brazil these far as soap counter greenhouse gases. they're also crucial for minimizing land sides and floods,
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which is why argentina pass landmark legislation to protect as far as 17 years ago . this was followed by measures to restrict the suppliers to clear fields and laws to protect what lands and glaciers which mining activities can put in peril. but the new libertarian president wants to repeal or read it, the modified environmental legislation policy. so fully because all those policies, dudley, mankind for climate change or falls and all they want. but those policies get together funds to finance, leaving socialist right. 3rd rate in papers in the mid a says radical changes needed to fix argentina's chronic economic problems. but environmental is to argue that believes really is to favor big business, especially those owned by his closest political and economic supporters, such as black as time who accompanied the president to new york last month. a
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little stein runs the ears of corporations and is one of ours and tina's biggest landowners, that includes the postal state here in south anerio, roughly 6 times the size of the city of window situs has already been cleared here for crops and capital. but the native forests on the other half of this gigantic property, the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners because they fall under the protection of origin. tina's environmental protection law, at least for right now. so you see more, if you go it's allies modified, you'll be able to clear the remaining $150000.00 hector. as he owns the same goes for malays political ally, former president mauricio mockery. he also owns forest land and felt that he'd be able to clear for planting soil specifically on the outskirts of winter site is a real estate project is being built on an enormous what plant wants exclusively
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home to birds and copy by this. these giant members of the rodent family are being quickly displaced. rollings back on argentina's environmental conservation is approved by congress, will accelerate the disappearance of natural resources and format that until now had been safeguarded by law. to see a newman al jazeera south argentina, you can find more information on our website. i'll just say what the weather is next and inside storing the cost of developing some known align. stay with the i'm glad to have you here. let's go with your weather uptake beginning in india and you know, for a time on sunday at dallas airport. the visibility was mill. that's just how sick
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this fog is. doctor the color here. the more intense that fog is so we will see it lift a little bit throughout the day as the sun helps to dissipate it. still a few showers along the border with onto per dash and the additional states here, but nothing major. there has also been major falk across northeastern, focused on so from the capital territory down through the punjab providence. and again, same goes here throughout the day is that sun pokes eligible help. the fog disappeared just a bit. so a pretty good burst of rain. the other day in karachi, suns out on monday with a height of 29 degrees cooler weather lease out of china into northern vietnam. so 14 degrees in hanoi that's far below where you should be for this time of the year . look how cool it is in shanghai pulled snap alerts in play here. one, but with the windshield there will feel sub 0, some snow for grungy providence, for an quailey, and just the other day you were in the twenty's. and we've got this weather maker in between the waters of korea and japan. it is going to scoop up moisture run right into whole kind of island. so it's a portal over the next 4 or 5 days. you could see upwards of 40 sending me shares
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of snow. see you later. the israel has now imposed a complete space on god set. so how do they survive? if you have no income, how do you live? costs of living rose sharply after the war, and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the 1000. what is it us contract is mainly well benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on algebra. all how relevant is along the lines with the 2nd largest organizational this kind of to the united nations needs and use and then what problems can itself and
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a wild ma device escalating tension. this is inside store


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