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tv   Mindset Ukraine  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 4:30am-5:00am AST

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some coded, one thing is certain caution is still needed to keep the vulnerable safe. kristen salumi al jazeera, new york, dudley optic weather is hit the much of the us with fries and conditions between texas and florida. the winter storms have claims at least 67 lives involving hypothermia or road accidents. around 400 thousands of people being wanted to boil tap water before drinking. because equipment at summit processing facilities failed due to the freezing temperatures. now in south korea, the 1st of flying taxes or do use to start counting passengers by the end of next year, you just came reports not from who in a rural expanse on the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future travellers check in using facial recognition technology. this is a mock verity port, the gateway to electric,
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flying taxi's that take off and land vertically over the past 5 years. south korea has been building the aircraft and infrastructure in partnership with consortiums of its largest companies. and research institutes coverage through bold regulatory reform. the government created space with businesses and researches can spread their wings as we continue a partnership to develop more needed technology. so it showcase the latest advancements at a high profile of it. what you see behind me is v o has the optimal we piloted personal air vehicle south korea's answer to the air attack. it's 1st public test flight marks, a milestone of sorts for the country that's aiming to launch the flying tax. these as early as a year 2025 division is an automated ariel public transport system, connected by a network of vertical docking ports on roof tops. high above the congested roads below,
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more than half the population about 26000000 people live in the greater so metropolitan area. but analysts say urban air mobility vehicles or you am come with their own challenges. most has even, we need to the initial hourly operating costs for flying and you am will be quite high. so the come on will need to convince the public of that fi ability before you am can actually become an accepted mode. public transport that's profitable. within a short timeline to this line taxi will advance do in city testing. later this year we just came out of 0 cooling south korea. you can keep up to date with all the news on our website that out is here with the mindset is on the examining the impact of today's headlines. the fear of the
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destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 hospital stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era we're losing it. al marks, depression, anxiety, and other disorders around the rod. the solutions to this mental health crisis week school. the big question and unique approach to boosting f for like a logical well based on this weight shows as the war with russia rages on tens of thousands of ukrainians have lost their lives. but shipment from here is the severe trauma spaced by those left behind. we made the psychologist and the patients booth
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space, one of the biggest mental health crises in living memory. this is, mine says the lives in ukraine's west is where the nation's troops come to recover out the long months of fighting that some soldiers, he base a brand new bass, super human skis or rehabilitation center. but those who have lost lives there now more than 25000 amputees in the train. and that number is only growing from 4 to process. this facility provides injured soldiers. we as a be show and legs and helps to build strength and mobility. but it also gives them
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something else just advisable. mental health treatment in the prostate takes lab are making romano, at least to the centers senior psychiatrist parameters from a therapy point of view. what challenges do they have to either come when they're trying to regain control of the mobility using prosthetics? if not the limit before that, that, that's not the just to make you look, you will need new to be using watch because the, the got the systems motor. so sure, yanine my interest in it to you look, there's no statistical limit the, you know what, just in the killer eat up loop with it. well, none of that block when i'm gonna put in each month when a whole lot, not alone, i might start the new the turn up and leave us your mind to keep them open associated with the conclusion therapy. every soldier who comes to suit the humans has therapy sessions here. roman says most of these patients don't just have broken
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bodies, but woman ties mines, york supplies here. there's no way of nice form and with this, you know, does anybody with this to sort of labels to meaning they only do a couple of stuff in one of them assignment the same. uh, yeah, yeah. i mean, is this something that the phone interview with, i mean, is there something that's present us with this on the phone? mm hm. and now, is it a span of, or is this a long time going up or something, designing insurance and stuff like specific amazon, like what is your desired outcome for the patients that come through the store? and that's probably the most of it at what they will want to do to assist them or what they would see nick, destiny of a with a dock strip. levine crews will still continue to hold for you for being so, but what you're welcome and that seem them connect them full speed. as the mid donald was not able to tell me the beginning of the way it's a uh, posted on my patient. is it a fun? yeah. it's a clue. we as a capital corporate fuel nation or troops,
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a huge problem. i love dick it from a phenomenon. little been on the by the, in the quality of the year. so the last man, it's a boss to be the little spine, you know, but it'll been on about the steering issue. roman says, one of these patients peace of mind is this resilience. denise grabanko trains twice a day in mississippi. humans tube, you lost both legs and he's left on during combat in january 2023 and he's an inspiration to other amputees. dennis believes that as much as anything else, so just needs psychological support. so much store that he studied to become a therapist himself. do you see yourself as a bit of a bridge between patients and the therapist choose most current doesn't the so button will show you also setting this concern yourself is interest. can someone a charla to we are responding to how it looks like you can do it on the web,
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post modem worked into on some of those guys and done. okay ma'am. spun you along by genuine mason boards. what did you see in therapy that made you want to become a therapist? and the visual board for, for several of her, but i'm waiting for the same on one name, you know, work with ocean. yeah, pretty much the nose of course. so in the same number with our particular who just go from there, screw up and, you know, get yourself posted or coming in with the dodge of the formation with some other people put this financial mode flushed my cache, which was more of a response for me once by my clean english and so when we have a holiday, you on board one professional in the when you in the morning and with a response came with a motion by not roman says, dance has a special ability to motivate others in his recruiter team to the super humans team
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to mash for she was special can box 23 and political them to to speak is to because the nation proceed and meet people to white into an us. yeah. most, most of it is not the most glorious to talking to you hope to see if the key needs to use it to seek this t e for career and display of what of louis t e a, a little bit in a car and these miles to me would so you keep that cool. he showed him what a typical he was caught. got. there's not of what the see what the, what do you put the into the dentist has taken one of the youngest soldiers that suited to humans on the he's, we bought him, he'll took slide change for ever. on the day he turned 22. both his legs were blown off by not hillary strike. a purchase. yeah. as opposed to me, i thought you were pulling this tool is, i mean the little head injury shrink bridge. i looked at the prospect. they just
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let me shift and that was in the show in boy simpson. that's the spot what he's been through that he believes he doesn't need mental health support it sickle he's not principi. uh hope all wheel drive's a little he can bring you home so but if you months, oh is it i believe i see your position right from above or more cheerful and just you're getting the with this some of the kind of a little to display the ocean point just to be know with a simple and just to put out there that i can little bit. so you receive think sessions of therapy at this time to didn't change the way you thought about getting mental health mutual. you're doing what you should. so in this course that, uh, that will be all the piece on your phone and they told me we should say, whom was put to the book for us to send a bill for to me,
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it's not easy guessing him to talk about mental health that in prefers actions rather than words, but despise. she's bravado. he eventually opens up. the police of silver is but a humans, dogs are clearly always put to who did the pick you up the cool. um. yep. which i was a bit more at this, but it was more sure. uh sure. yeah. and what's up, patricia, probably the nature of this, the short unique is that us where you we're here in washington. mean, if i were to pull a suite for them and they could have thought to get the move and therefore, you know, both of them the experience of being is a do there's, i e, and there's no, there's no way of profit this project or no, that's what we'll do is just imagine you stay on the plan, there's no at the center you came into contact with dennis. how important has he
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been here at the show courtroom? still pretty please. i issue also for the 3 months. the, with the manual ear doesn't mean showing you a home in way of all these and you can see what the shape. okay. but it's almost straight through the page. i can pick the best way, but as decreased in the universe, just literally spears the kid. i just need to be more than bother shuttles because often bought the engine. but the most that you have the showing that you always to do something about the the hops, the distrust of mental health services here can be traced back to ukraine's antiquated psychiatric institutions which is still in operation in the soviet era. they would consider insane asylums and used to look up the students some of that stigma towards psychology remains today. but is really just see again in
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school. so you look at least a while ago and up 6 year 3. it is for which also those are bought the new day feeds through us total deep uh or saw uh, frequencies. this is the slow on the circle most witnessed the neighbors panel and was what about this? uh, nope, sticky. i thought you looked it up the trip, the whole a year to do just to photo used to be an emergency. but as the flushing grinds on, attitudes of changing therapy has become voice. so in building the mental resilience needed to be in the wall facing attitudes to therapy are changing in ukraine loan, but i'm not solutions just not suddenly turned in was that the kids at the school isn't the show because that's what it was. the next thing i mean, i know it is where you live at the ocean, so i'm not the successful. i'm so if i don't know,
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we are special on both sides of the about an hours drive south of levin, foreman, child, psychologist, alexandra condo, dean provides wounded soldiers with a very different form of treatment. every week they come to ride hooks therapy, horses, rada, and believe you who's in charge of the therapy. you hold the force, of course there's no rush push. yeah, i hear you. all right, so let me show therapy as a small and i'm not seeing what do you wish and a creek right now, but this time to do a little too much web conversion to california. you're providing you control, is there any sort of charge she believes riding horses, let's amputees be lowball again. takes the minds of injuries and loss and gives them a sense of achievement when they 1st arrive, how we're 50 by amputees to pull therapy gain. so we'll look at the what are,
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you know, the so i'm wondering if it's true, what the professional stuff, that's what the name of the new course on the way i'm a special what also she's still in the canary and we just was pretty high. you can use a piece reporting for some of the washer for she's through sheer force which way rather than this year, just model known to dr. young hold for your pick, smaller system within your colleagues entre says the therapy can be transformative the most certainly the best was a new job for most of what player 2 follow sec. oh, so you have for crushing us news news or near even you know, if the war here edition, if you're pretty much the most on this, i'm with true. yeah. 50 or more years me. that's the recently braces my insure it. this is the perceived in austria for how for storm between squared. so neutral surfaces, even though all examiner knows what new crane soldiers are facing,
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she's married to want to have that bottle was the very 1st course therapy patients drop the chart, the same 20 from the key or not 3 trumps frontier. and what can we offer to ship the most popular store when you e mail for me to pay for? if there's no, you're too close to cost on your bill. the 2nd should be, it was one more person or so the discussion of the workers, you're marching with your pin, your personal sky care coordinator with little blue. one special with the maximum between sessions alexandria gets a call from buffalo at the front line before proceeding to publish. now we're going to believe she'll say are showing you politically for you to repeat this of all over the do the washer. most of the problem,
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the dentist and other soldiers from super humans to visit all exam, full therapy patrol salts, of course on the school i have a question on a slug. no, i'd like to know how to schedule things. spin the controls on the patrol storage canada pointed about the shipment to choose one of the we are not so as a nipple, like everyone working in mental health and ukraine. these days. alexandra comp meet the demands of his services. she hopes the shifting attitudes to therapy will be a silver lining of the country's growing psychological crisis. trujillo bar up and are big people to voicemail roger p for useless. doctors. no say you for large with, with the small with me for the cure. where usually the for more, it's
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a buddhist to your for food and them for, for the whole, the whole august, the year your crew hold a movie and just now the, the, to ship from the wireless the you're the war should. so for stuff now for also with the search the care. uh typically he should be and i'm sure the for more green. yeah. so we'll go tomorrow we've seen how therapy is helping soldiers. what about the millions of civilians to close the homes? at the start of the invasion? this train station was teen with people trying to flee to safety. the war has created the largest refugee crisis in europe since world war 2 are now, despite people in communities across the frame. i'm going to make some of them be the slovakian board on the city of bushel road, the sheltering tens of thousands of the back to a arena day,
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a psycho therapist with the n g o step bead is tracing some of them today at this level. just just part of the mobile medical team that travels to places of a service done rage. how do you decide where to go in we, we did our look got c, z of moxie mileage. police just took the city on some of the, during those died. so me just go to the subsequent, each group i just much of arenas work is with children. they are always a little bit of what they need from you. you to i knew, watching to see, to use the authorized alma even of cost me more with us. the idea is to be using the bill. the more that's after $5050.00 me at the blue cross and we have a total of 2 due to a previous tooth eat. i knew what she needs removed during my years. best loving an
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estimate of 2. well, what do you need? so to actual new movies cause i r q at the end of the real computer and see, see i need a 30 foot with thinking over i need will discard the 2000 ways to bad guys for the, the food the gave me of the she, me and method of here. yeah, i don't go to the can you either need to need me as to what us go out of the rooms . it's to come home short deep. so because today she's running out therapy classes with kids, mothers. and the elderly old displaced from a town near russia, making some warranty watkins a little harder. but
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what do you miss about home? the christmas wash coming mushroom arenas constantly on the move, but she tries to keep in touch with the patients. we've got the new polos and put them a little shy. it's my, you're gonna need to know well enough for a new way, not to come within, you know, quite 0 do. so normally the telephone in go videos previously would or to new issue pool or change, or choose dash now or some don't want it to me up with when need young person among the
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another day. and now the 10th at a make shift therapy center for refugees. salinas, these patients often patient to patient smoke love, we should be crushed quite that long. i mean that would have been still competing with us. just the vision community stood the beloved, the little fish of or it's such intense emotional work. i wonder what toll it's taking on arena like, how are you? and this is a very chaotic job. like how we hear. yes yes, they left demo from what for eastern year, for me to do this with this for the walk
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through, you know kind of what the interest of the national not to lose some feeling. so grew up with the will you will diploma get them yeah. just the way to do was you the, if the, when you stuck her name, she got the unit swimming thing. the 1st is just the porch of the the that could fall examiner of staples. dennis has returned from moss therapy and he's brought some friends, including that it will be in the saddle for the very 1st time. and it's high
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a tip of the way and i manage all the brands to the people and to show them. and then one for them just when you move in this, you know, special oceans and do a test signal, additional things or to remove those interest on your neutral cheese prospect in the morning. so when we belong surprised at the exposed to summer loaners, it's time for the boys to hop on the skis. well they did. who you j. so the the, the, well, the purchasing process you're looking at to your, your taking the new. i think you cause you use the show, know there's a solution across the yard. it's like
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dentist is an old hand writing backwards and thoughts settled on the on the problem. you know, through to me all the last 3 i was a quarter i spoke with with you to discuss the fun that it was my job is to not fall off blush. and if it keeps you put it to the which will support the some of which is pretty soon riding along like a natural the when they the that of ease of enjoy thinking of you through to the when you from my
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end of the busy the isn't a good yeah. if i'm was interested in those are frequently with some of the cities . so you should different was the principal for when you think it was an initial problem with the literally it was only assuming the principle of settlement that i'm saying that i'm on that horse. it was such a joyous moment and it was great to say, and i've been off. but i also think to myself, what's gonna happen to these guys when i go back to room towns across the crime? many of the families and friends may not have seen the young soldiers since they were injured. the villages and cities cannot provide the stage of the support that sleepy humans office people last night, or pretty much mr. roman ticket, but she had thought, ms. motion you a dealer who what the even the point done is because of put them up with
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a higher formal sure. political for them that they still don't with bullying. you just make the stipulation that center usually my it's a concern to our neighbors or to notice uh you a put you out the whole order to put this list of with the fluids, the total with it. if you're heating store. sure. uh, when would it be roughly what? pushing us to the doctors on the side. so it was so cool. that's super humans. it's a day of smiles and celebration. that in is one of a group of soldiers. graduation gets a sweet line. but how do you feel about the holidays, the flight change,
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the the, the stream of api teaser flow through super humans themes and let's do the faces of a nation ties bible and a society whose future will depend on psychological as well as physical healing good of the situation in gaza escalate. we bring you expert analysis. he's going to have killed 20000 people. 70 percent of whom are women and children. these are the has destroyed. garza is a little worried when we see certainly civilians being moved. one from one area to another area. this was the reason for us here is,
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is having life and has become so hellish that to thousands of one thing enforced fits in the i expect to really put more reset openly health plan and so expelled palestinians. stay with us for the latest developments on tuesday. or the 1st degree seeking meeting, she feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire theory. the rise of things i need, are you doing scrolling radio tape or i'd be that deluxe. like exploring how x is central tricks to life impact the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on outsourcing the
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the is ready as strikes and shutting pounds con eunice in southern cause the terry johnston this is i'll just say right, well no, i from also coming on hospitals and southern guns so overwhelmed with a number of injuries.


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