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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the the the is there any strikes i'm showing continued to pounds on eunice and southern gaza. the other ones are in jordan, this is how does it run life? and so coming out of hospitals in southern gaza, all overwhelmed with a number of injuries and certified, honest man, seats yourself for both of us intelligence agency. psych is around this phoning
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fall short and it's we'll go from destroying once a moment for sure. in manchester, new hampshire, we're just days before the primary election here. one of the public and has decided the top piece. the 3 and a half months of israel's war on guns and at least 25000 honest indians killed more than 200 a dying every day. on average agencies say, simon is just around the corner in the past few hours alone. and these 12 people have been killed me, southern city of found eunice, which is now become the focus of israel. defensive is done battles on explosions. up in hood, near the nasa hospital of southern guns as largest healthcare facility, fist fighting between his writing forces and palestinian fighters are also
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continuing in the north for the hospital is the largest still functioning health facility in southern gaza. its supplies are running critically low. we spoke to dr . ahmad marashi. he's the head to the plastic surgery and bands department that he says the hospitalized overwhelmed with a number of patients. they're getting it all the time. it is changed in, you know, cbs, every day we uh told you um how much it was to have to die really. every day we are hundreds of these, even some people are fussing. oh, we don't know. i don't know how, what it is. do we have to go with the city situations? i have no words. i can't we are diag to do our best actually for my says, maybe most of you know that my family by shouldn't that in mother wife odyssey? was this a, this was to be done couple of this back uh with this lady through the chicken, but it goes up to that was to be done. own people. i actually evacuated. i myself,
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actually on friday i took my family to secure them and ended up off. i was like to find one thing actually, to book my pharmacy and come back to law said i couldn't find the place in the for i couldn't find that didn't actually with my time and it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my of how many bucks do most of the of this i'm just, i'm sitting just mostly to visit my feet. what the 3 course i'll be here. i lost that with my family. there is no for this to be to go. i have just finished my work at the meeting over 50 at the every day every day i'm doing the cases think is is every day of the week i have here are those with all the hunger, this will be sufficient. so i got the exact number, but every day we are performing series since the beginning of this war. so you can use the number since the beginning of this war. actually we used to do why my says, i used to do, i know what i'm doing like between like 10 to 15 business days,
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but the water will loving continuously product. so i have here the elizabeth of by visions this got it's got total because done, i'm not going to skip out of that. this has to be done a guy like what did you go to? i gain like what did you guys department on the also be the keep up with the bed unit. maybe with patients to step up the he had those to be done the needs. do they need kid the they need proper food, the clean water. they need the how to sit, they need everything. so this is actually possible to step more here. this situation, can you imagine it would be that i really wouldn't bid this because it is at the heart of the would be. i agree, i prefer does actually this would love to have it is 3 of us the adult or was this when would love to have been without another thought to get please we had nothing at all to get boots. i don't know idle is i, they'll read because the old lines and they didn't, they, when we did all the types of crimes and the of the at that was to be 1000 scores
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everywhere. but this is the main was be the and. busy mean, not listed as this house, as a selves of goes, i will. this would not have been i, i can't tell you of this have been, i can't tell you what the, the, the, the, the is get this little bit situation. but further south and rough uh, thousands of families have lost their homes, are struggling to find medicines for their sick children. hospitals like eating the most basic medicine, children of dying and preventable diseases. i'll just say it was kind of god was doing reports in the queue right. the hospital in rough, i wish you were uploaded to, some desperately needs an inhaler to treat his asthma. but of course, the gaza strip medicines are becoming impossible to find the item. then there is no treatment, not in the hospital with adults or writes prescription note at the pharmacy where we went no at the un run school, there is no treatment. my kid needs an inhaler. they do not have one. children will
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suffer until they die. or children of dying slowly, the palestinians who have fled to cause the south. the lack of adequate housing and heating means families are forced to live in tens or meet you shelters. and as temperatures continue to truck, children are becoming more vulnerable to norman. you can one of them. so only see it's not just about student morsa, we need treatments. we want a safe place for us. for our children, we weren't heating, there's no heating, it's cold, 10 people out of 10 and it's still cold. if one of my sons costs the of the sun will cost light came. this is all life. doctors say the r o l correct? to handle the rising number of patients, especially with children law fun went to the pediatric department here has almost 1000 illness cases every day. every day we lose the loss of children's use in medicine show, which is even simpler medicine instead should exist in every hospital clinic. full
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health center. doctors can totally offer simple treatments. the font, we only have serums, the fever, relief, antibiotics pain relief me to since they know isn't available in the hospital. we treat children without medicines. according to the world health organization, most of gauze hospitals have either stops working or partially functioning. and hospitals like this one of the ratings at 3 times its capacity without adequate fuel or medicines to treat the most wonderful victims. topic of us in how to do uh of to wait the hospital roughly suffering cause it went on the ground. how much fighters are engaged in 5th battles in the south, as well as the north, that confronting is ready forces in the north in jamalia until the south of gospel city. as well as those have stepped up, it's showing that in central gaza, ne of the bodies refugee come the wing of how much they'll cost them. brigade say
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they talk if it is ready. so just with mortar shells in the south is really for this kind of raids and a sense of how newness and the i'll cut out an area to now, according to us officials, the number of sites has killed him, gaza so far for sure. israel, who ends in a classified report quoted by the will. sweet general, how much is still functioning at a high level of to months of war? is mohamed vol. easily the army has used some of the most destructive missiles fifths to pierce deep below grounds or is to thieves entire blocks. the impact on buildings, roads, activity in life has been throwing out too. but on how much that is on this, on searching of to month, so full depths, a growing belief, that is why it is weapons are less effective against thomas by october 7.
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how much, how to co group of $30000.00 fighters is what i have says. it has killed up to 9000 of them since there was no way to verify any of those vegas. how much doesn't to notice the number of it's fight this, or each desktop, leaving the mazda for guest wick, but destiny of the match between these are the speakers and us intelligence estimates. quoted by the wall street journal us by agency say is all you have so far killed 20 to 30 percent of how much fight is which means that 75 percent of the how much false is still intact. that's decidedly less than the was declared with a, the complete elimination of the policy and group. you could never eliminate how much completely in park is there. not only and guys, there are there in many countries and they are there and they're loving on their and west bank. there are many other places, so they're never going to be completely eliminated, even in gossip, but beyond guys as well. and,
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and they should have been talking about disabling guys that may be pushing him us out of control politically of the, of the guys a strip to say the boss else for the other 2, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and huge amounts of heavy weapons from us on the other hand, it is all very low, but they are advantage. he's the tunnels, west intelligence, social talk of up to 500 kilometers of underground tunnels, across the gulf as they allow how much fight does not only to stay alive, but also to hide the cap to manufacture what the store supplies i, munitions, logistics, and planned attacks that it took it struck to seems to pose a challenge to is really good, specialized in finding and destroying those thumbs. all those factors have led to the belief about how much is this, tim strong, and it isn't the box to get to see how much fun does or at least
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a $195.00 is ready, sold as have been killed since israel launched his ground offensive and late october, prime minister benjamin netanyahu was once again said he will not pull troops out of gaza or accept any conditions from us in order to end the war. need to hit us off. i categorically rejects the conditions of capitulation to the home of monsters in exchange for the release of our hostages. how must a month and enter the war? the withdrawal of our forces from causes the release of old murderers and rapists from not. but i'm the continuation of from us and power. if we accept this, our soldiers have full and then bang. if we accept this, we wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of us citizen money, but we will not be able to bring it back to return safely. and the next october 7th will only be a matter of time on the phone invitation, occupied east jerusalem with wolf is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterating the position he's had since the beginning of the war. but in a more defiant type of tone. he says that until israel a cheese,
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a total victory and accomplishes those 3 military goals that they set out to more than 3 months ago, the war is going to continue. all of this comes as there's been immense pressure mounting on him, both on the domestic front and internationally, internationally. you have the americans who have been putting a lot of pressure for more aid to go into gaza and for talks about what's going to happen when the war ends. specifically, when it comes to a 2 state solution, giving the palestinians of state these really prime minister has denounced that and said for the entirety of his political career, he has been against that and will stand in the way. but you also have members of his right wing coalition who are also against a pals city and state and do not want to see nets. and you all who caved in any sort of way. then you have to send from within the war cabinet members who say that a total defeat of how this is a tall order and those who are saying, but that is likely aren't exactly telling the truth. all of this comes as these
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really military says, it's continuing to expand its ground operations in the southern part of gaza. israel's defense minister says that the operations are only going to expand and intensify as israel's prime minister says, the military pressure is the only way to bring the captives back and the war is going to continue well into the year 2025. as a bonus, demands in garza urging the world to save them from dying of hunger. despite israel's restrictions on a deliveries, local charity groups are trying to do whatever they can to help barbara and gulf that revolt palestinians in the southern city of rough scramble for pieces of prison chicken to feed the families. glad that uh yeah, the shipments entered a few days ago, but in so little quantity, people wait for one hours to obtain just one chicken. as you can see, huge numbers. if people are queueing menu return home empty handed. most of this people have never faced the chicken since the beginning of the war. the situation is even west in the center of north west thousands of started to return to the
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destroyed neighborhoods to in barrels by the in central garza. shops are empty except for a few kind of food items that cost a fortune for cash strapped palestinians. the price is, the hype you, on the margin issue $1.00 can provide food for one children, as if the mazda are cuz i guess all people and, you know, it says, put a additional burdens on our people. this say connect kitchen into poly, got a refugee camp in northern casa, is one of many that to being set up in the area that operated by local charities and individuals. warranty is not missing. we have been working here since the beginning of the will you be providing mainly better, but then apply what begin this case. they prepared means we have to meet and rise, but these items are also no longer available. and there's up to 90000 people living in districts and centers in this area. you're heading into a crisis. yup. interleave agencies and donor countries saying flour and rice and sufficient quantities local char to say the amount of food available is less than
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10 percent of what's needed to feed the desperate population. that's a growing feeling here that palestinians should try to rely on themselves and not wait for for an age. that's why, despite the destruction of most of the agricultural land by, is really bold as, as some kind of student farm is trying to salvage and utilize the remainder of the crops. and it's fall short of the need quantities and too expensive for those in need. barbara and go on to 0. now to us, maybe seals who went missing off the coast of somalia and now presumed dead us central come on, said they couldn't be found after a 10 day search. the seals were missing on january 11th, june, and operation in the gulf of a miniature official said they were boarding a vessel carrying it raining and weapons. rough seas caused one of them to fall into the water. and the 2nd c o jumped in to try and rescue him a tougher. so break here and i'll just say about when we come back,
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a french navy ship talk suffolk has to be just to help treat some of those seriously injured, as well as the tax on the cost ukraine claims responsibility for fi of a major gas terminal. and this and peach has been raising phases of key tons more attacks, deep inside rush, i'm more than that. the vague, i mean, the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans, trust us machines trust is un not given as and defended from becomes more powerful . i believe it's important to build trust to transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people in power investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is opposed
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to what is happening now. it seems as cool. thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book, i'm not sure what you're going to say right. quick reminder about top stories here . there's a bloss some fighting continuing on units and the self concept,
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which is the focus of israel's offensive. at least 12 people have been killed. the, in the last few of us officials say the number of how the spies was killed in dallas. i thought for sure israel's will, according to a classified report printed by the wall street journal, i must have stood functioning at a high level of the month of these roads, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as repeatedly as a physician to printing, is ready troops out of casa under the creation of independence, the french navy ship has built of egypt and coast and has begun treating injured palestinians from a gauze that it's run by specialist medical teams and is equipped with the operating theatres among the patients are children with very serious injuries. it just, i'm getting food reports on board. this loading hospital doctor is a treating the injured from gaza. the best plan a rocket
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landed in our house and i was injured. my legs amputated and i was being treated the hospitals in garza. but after a while, i went to egypt and came head on a friendship and continued my treatment. thank gold, the treatment is going well. i'm currently being fixed for a prosthetic docked into port a velocity in egypt. some 50 kilometers from that off of crossing. this french army ship has treated a 1000 patients assist applied to the results for this unprecedented admission. are the nearly 120 insured that had been hospitalized broken bones and missing limbs. these children's injuries are severe. awesome. it has to be transported here to get the shot removed from his body. the piece will be of the kind of total threw up almost at all. shrapnel entered my knee and broke the bone and the doctors and gaza removed it and put rods in to batch auto discipline. officially, it needs have been a month later, they discovered that there was still trap no left in my need that was causing the
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pain doesn't stop. but they said they have to operate on later on since they have to perform a lot of surgeries because of the number of injured most hospitals and garza are no longer functioning. those that are suffer from shortages of staff and supplies. within 62000 people have been injured and israel as long garza osmond is one of the lucky ones off the shores of egypt. he's learning to walk again. an opportunity to recover so many trapped in gaza are still waiting for you to. so i'm going to the colleges here, thousands of demonstrators in russell's, the bonding and immediate cease fire in garza as well as diplomatic. i'm economic sanctions against israel. organize us at the war and guns that is collected punishment. protest as well as that goal for a free palestine and an end to his radio patient over a 100 pro palestine protest as marston park city,
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utah during the sundance film festival. just to say that we're hoping to turn the spotlight to festival media attention towards garza. among them they act as minister berrera. i'm india moore. both say they've suffered a backlash for their stance on johnson. a lot of people who are scared of this moment and are backing away from me. i think because people are being threatened or are in fear of a system that we know punishes us for standing up for the lives of palestinian people. and often times that people as well because we know that this is the middle . punish those for standing up for them because even more reason to stand up the, let's take a look now some of the days of the news on the florida governor run desantis has
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dropped out of the race to be the republican presidential candidate. he's announced to suspending his campaign ads, endorsing donald trump, head of the new hampshire primary on tuesday. here's an unofficial wrong. like his campaign rhonda scientist is x, it was new. keep the message on social media and the presidential dream was over and i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. i am honored to leverage your trust and your support on desantis was meant to be the next great republican who something when in florida is governor's race was to propel him to the white house, but to delete his presidential campaign in iceland, which supplemented. and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas,
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how awkward he was in person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st. the 1st states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, where the primary is still over a month away on february 24th. so i think she's suffering from a number of things here. he spent tens of millions to come 2nd denial when he predicted he would, when i'm with new obvious victories. coming up, doors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. donald trump was not to be to mount the passing of the man many. so would be his biggest, right? we're just going to whatever about 3 capable person just dropped the ron and ron is dropping out and he in doing so endorses total songs. so let's list a tax on desantis promise positions and policies to even assures that the war cycle desantis campaign early it made to move week. not the confident,
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conservative who want to victory in florida. desantis isn't even know, talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run when they'll be, nor donald trump in his way to torment him until the fee to hour. so sure, i'll just see the manchester new hampshire. the file is broken out to the major russian liquefied natural gas terminal on the baltic sea. that most fluid complex is a major l energy terminal on the gulf of finland. ukrainian media say the fire was caused by drone attack by keeps special forces catching up as hold a young has more the fire started overnight in freezing temperatures, and a plant that produces jet and fuel oil. that's sort of a cool that's around 2 45 in the morning from the regional gulf. and a who tell me about the far the nova tech facility and the poto bas luca, shortly after 5 flights as well. cool to the site on sugarloaf ukrainian media
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reported the fire erupted after a jerome strike carried out by ukraine's secret service. the explosion analysts say, may pose a logistical and economic setback for russia, which also exports fuel from that gas terminal. it could also lead to an escalation because this brings the baltic sea into play, and there could be a repercussions because this could be we 2 red shirts using the baltic allies of the ukrainian, of the nato countries of painting in the bad thing in this a fact, russia and ukraine have targeted each other's energy infrastructure to disrupt the supply lines and logistics moscow. blaine's keys for this attack on friday. it happened at an oil facility in the bri all screeching in southwest russia. the company that operates the plants, sunday's fire was the result of an external influence. but the russian ministry of
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defense has been confirmed. if it was the result of a drone attack, katia looked this with the young elders here. so, tens of thousands of people, mazda across from so on sunday to put pressure on the government over the economy contested the immigration. though. the bill passed by a parliament in december has not yet come into force. the north challenges citizenship by birth and makes it hard if the immigrants to access social services including health care, lifting politicians and active as 7 know as racist, accusing backgrounds, government and adopting a fall. right, rhetoric, a false also fall say it's don't go to god of what's even worse is the make french people believe that migrants are responsible for all their problems. it is not the fault of migrants that the price of electricity would rise by 10 percent. it's not the fault of migrants that inflation is raging in wages on know, keeping pace. what am i doing? my chrome and his government are doing is a policy of escaped voting. and in general,
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when we look for escape routes and politics is because we don't have any answer a solution to the problems. around 1400000 germans took to the streets of berlin, cologne, a new nick over the weekend to protest against the far right. a half the party obviously was really a challenge this report for the germans joining protest in recent days. the country has been down this past before many a why? right? the drawing power of the fall, right? a if the policy carried that goes up to him and he's not the past and they want this stuff. it's this was collected on sunday with tens of thousands gathered on the banks at the ryan river. i'm demonstrating against the fact that the things that we learned at school that we all know still seem to repeat themselves. and i'm here to show that the silent majority is no longer silent. was we? the majority of the people i think called democracy is a stable democracy. and that must never, never be a tax in the way the ac is currently
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a talking at since friday there would be big pro testing handbook frank foot stick . got your book and hand over on sunday, it was cologne unit and the capital ballot. and what triggered them was the expos, a of a meeting held between the, at the an austrian fall right? lead to market and sell now with a force deportation to millions of immigrants and germans of foreign origin was discussed the a if the denied supporting the idea spots. it's been a major scandal. nonetheless, i'm not gonna use it for granted. we have a strong constitution, but the need strong secret society as been in the center of the democratic parties . it could be a tough, it's lee of the firewall, not to corporate with this right being extreme is, and not coffee pots, all the chairs and the a f. the was found it decade ago on empty immigration. and you're
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a skeptic policies. most counts now put it in 2nd place nationally with about 20 percent support. and there are a state elections later this year in 3 regions where the f d is leading the poles to the many thousands of demonstrators. they've come to the streets of most major cities, making the points for the at the doesn't speak to them. or we tell them how to 0 deadly optic, whether it's had much of the us with freezing conditions, reaching texas and florida. the great falls in new jersey, most completely frozen and off the several days of rain. i'm heavy snow for the winter storms of the claim that the 67 lives caused by hypothermia for road accidents. at least 400000 people have been going to boiling water and the full drinking of the pipes. best rough season. strong winds are brought from new england, southern coastline. a storm issue, a hips, the u. k. the metal office has issued. i'm the warnings for high winds and most of the country and the other one is
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a heavy rain and an island. this video of the weather at a petrol station in counting meet shows pa full gusts of wind blowing. torrential rain sideways by sunday evening at dublin. applewood storm, you should had 4 schools and a bolted landings. many flights diverted to other airports and airlines canceled dozens of flights. local media reports around a $170000.00 homes, farms and businesses without power across the country. of the double definition of collecting a taxi might turn out to mean something different in south korea. instead of looking along the road, passengers might want to look up the 1st flying taxis due to stop coming passengers . by the end of next year, unit kim has been to go show them to see how testing is getting this new public transport system and discuss a rural expense on the southern tip of the korean peninsula is a testing ground for public transport of the future. travelers check in using facial recognition technology. this is a mock verity port,


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