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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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and suzy, with one of the highest casualty, counts supplies are so low, and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. the is really strikes and showing continue to pounce on eunice and southern guns. the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is how does it run nice though? so coming up hospitals and southern gaza on overwhelmed with a number of injured and terrified products to man seeking shelter. reports of us intelligence agencies is right, is pulling far short of it to goals of destroying how much,
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especially in manchester, new hampshire, we're just days before the primary election here. one of the republican fund runners has decided the campaign is over the 3 and a half months that as well as one, gaza, and at least $25000.00 honest indians that killed more than $200.00 dying every day . on average agencies say funding is just around the corner. the gun battles and explosions have been heard near the l. nasa hospital, southern gauze as largest healthcare facility. overnight, at least 12 people have been killed in the southern city of han, eunice, which has now become the focus of israel is offensive. well, not so hospitalization launch is still functioning. health facility in the south of gauze of it supplies are running critically low. oh yeah, we spoke to
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a doctor and m a grubby. he's the head of the plastic surgery and benz department. he says the hospitalist overwhelmed with a number of patients, a delicately beautiful all the time. it is used in all the studios every day. we uh told you, uh, how many of us have to die really. every day we are hundreds of these, even some people are fussing away. i don't know. i don't know how what it is, do we have to go with the city situations? i have no words. i can't we are diag to do our best actually for my says, maybe most of you know that my family by should that and mother wife odyssey was this a, this was to be done couple of this back with this lady through the chicken, but it goes up to that was to be done. own people. i actually evacuated. i my self actually on friday i took my family to secure them and it off off. i was like to
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find one thing actually to book my phone video and come back to la said i couldn't find a place in the for i couldn't find that didn't actually with my time and it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my family back to most of the of this i'm just, i'm sitting just mostly to visit my face. what the 3 course i'll be here. i lost that with my family. there is no for us to be to go. i have just finished my work at the main alternative theatre every day. every day i'm doing, the cases think is is every day of the week i have here are those with along with this will be sufficient. so i can send you the exact number, but every day we are performing, syria is since the beginning of this war. so you can use the number since the beginning of this war. actually, we used to do why my says, i used to do, i know 20 cases. i'm doing like between like 10 to 15 gives a split the 50 water. we will level continuously product. so i have here the list to be done by fissions this got it's got to because done,
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i'm not going to skip out of this has to be the guy. that's what did you go to? i gain like what did you guys department and the also be the approximate as a bed unit, heavier with visions of stuff that was yeah, he had those to be done. they needs the, they need kid, the they need proper food. they need to clean water. they need the, how to sit, they need everything. so this is actually possible to stop more here. this situation. can you imagine a visa that you knew when they did this with us? it is at a horrible would be. i agree, i political does actually this would love to have a display of one of the adults on was this? when would love to have been, we are not, that's hard to get please. we have nothing thought of it. i don't know idle is i, they'll read because the old lines and they didn't, they, when we did all the types of crimes and the i the at that was to be 1000 scores every with. but this is the main was to be the here and the, the me not listed as this house. as a selves of goes, i will,
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this would not have been i, i can't tell you of this have been, i can't tell you what the, the, the, the, the, you just get this little bit situation. what further south in the rough uh, thousands of families who have lost their husbands are struggling to find medicine for their sick children. hospitals, lockheed in the most basic medicine, children and outgoing and preventable diseases. i'm just, there was probably a couple of assume reports from detroit and hospital in a rough show right up live just some desperately needs an inhaler to treat his asthma. but of course the gaza strip medicines are becoming impossible to find the item. then there is no treatment known in the hospital with adults or writes the prescription, not at the pharmacy where we went, no at the un run school, there is no treatment. my kid needs an inhaler. they do not have one. children will suffer until they die. all children are dying slowly, the palestinians who have fled to cause the south. the lack of adequate housing and
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heating means families are forced to live in tents for nature. chilton and as temperatures continue to truck, the children are becoming more fund russell to norman. yes. so the name is again one of the, so want to see it's not just about student morsa, we need treatments. we want a safe place for us for our children. we want, he think there's no heating, it's cold, 10 people, it a 10 and it's still cold. if one of my sons costs the other son will cost like him . this is all life. doctors say the r o l clicked to handle the rising number of patients, especially with children. the smell of fun. when the pediatric department here has almost 1000 illness cases every day. every day we lose the loss of children juice and meet us ensure, which is even simple meet us instead should exist in every hospital clinic. full health center. doctors completely offers simple treatments. the fonts we only have serums but fever relief,
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antibiotics pain relief me to since they don't have available in the hospital, we treat children without medicines. according to the world health organization, most of gauze hospitals have either stops working or partially functioning. and hospitals like this one all rating at 3 times its capacity without adequate fuel or medicines to treat the most wonderful victims. topic up as in how to 0 of to wait to hospital. russell, suffering cause hold on the ground, how my slices are engaged in 5th battles in the south, as well as the north. the confronting is ready forces in the north, in jamalia, onto the south of gauze and city, as well as those have stepped up. it's showing that in central gauze, northeast of it, but a is refugee come beyond bring of how much they all congregate, say they targeted his right. the soldiers with more to shows in the south is ready for his card outrage and the sense of hon. eunice and the owl corolla area. so,
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according to us officials, the number of have us fights as killed in guns. a sofa falls short of israel's wings, and a classified report quoted by the wall street journal. i'm still functioning at a high level of to months of war. mohammad font reports you say the army has used some of the most destructive missiles fifths to pierce deep below grounds or east of thieves and tire blocks. the impact on buildings, roads, activity in life has been by magic, but on how much that is on this, on searching of to month. so full depths, a growing belief, that is what it is. weapons are less effective against thomas by october 7. how much, how to co group of $30000.00 fighters is what i have says. it has killed up to
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$9000.00 of them since. and there's no way to verify it any of the c gets. how much does it to notice the number of his fights us or each desktop, even good model for guesswork, but that's the of the a match between these are the figures and us intelligence estimates quoted by the wall street journal us by agencies say, is all you have so far kim to 20 to 30 percent of how much fight is which means about 75 percent of the how much false is this to in fact, that's decidedly less than the worse declared with a, the complete immunization of the policy and group. you could never eliminate how much completely in park is there, not only and guys, there are there in many countries and they are there and they're loved and on their, in west bank there are many other places, so they're never going to be completely eliminated. even in gossip, but beyond guys as well and, and they should have been talking about disabling guys that may be pushing him us out of control politically of the, of the guys
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a strip to say the boss l c. put the order to hundreds of thousands of soldiers and the huge amounts of heavy weapons from awesome. the other hand, diesel degree in the world. but they are advantage is the tunnels west intelligence social talk of up to 500 kilometers of underground tunnels, across the gulf as they allow how much fight does not only to stay alive, but also to hide the cap to manufacture what this store supplies, munitions, logistics, and planned attacks that it took, it struck just seems to pose a challenge to is really good, specialized in finding and destroying those tunnels. all those factors have led to the belief of how much the system strong isn't about to do to see how much funds do . so at least a $195.00 is already sold as have been killed since israel launched as ground offensive. and late october, prime minister benjamin netanyahu was once again said he will not pull troops out
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of gauze or accept any conditions from my mouth. in order to end the war. need to hit us off. i categorically reject the conditions of capitulation to the mass of monsters in exchange for the release of our hostages. how must a month and enter the war. the withdrawal of our forces from causes the release of old murderers and rapists from not. but i'm the continuation of from us in power. and if we accept this, our soldiers have full in and bang. if we accept this, we wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of us citizen money, but we will not be able to bring it back to return safely. and the next october 7th will only be a matter of time for me to come to sunday, which has more now from occupied east jerusalem. that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterating the position he's had since the beginning of the war . but in a more defiant type of tone, he says that until israel a cheese a total victory and accomplishes those 3 military goals that they set out to more than 3 months ago, the war is going to continue. all of this comes as there's been immense pressure
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mounting on him, both on the domestic front and internationally, internationally. you have the americans who have been putting a lot of pressure for more aid to go into gaza and for talks about what's going to happen when the war ends. specifically, when it comes to a 2 state solution, giving the palestinians of state these really prime minister has denounced that and said for the entirety of his political career, he has been against that and will stand in the way. but you also have members of his right wing coalition who are also against a pals city and state and do not want to see nets. and you all who caved in any sort of way. then you have to send from within the war cabinet members who say that a total defeat of how this is a tall order and those who are saying, but that is likely aren't exactly telling the truth. all of this comes as these really military says, it's continuing to expand its ground operations in the southern part of gaza. israel's defense minister says that the operations are only going to expand and intensify as his rules. prime minister says with military pressure is the only way
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to bring the captives back and the war is going to continue. well into the year 2025. you know, on several cities across the occupied westbank i've been rated over night is ready for us is focused on the cafeteria in the northern westbank that will so there was also a fighting between palestinians and his randy soldiers in the hebron and jericho until col room attorneys, one palestinian man was shot during an incursion. soldiers stopping ambulance from reaching him. it's ready, forces have intensified themselves on the area since the start of the war on concepts. now israel has decided to release a part of the funds that goes to the palestinian authority p. a spot of taxes as well collects on their behalf for the money meant for guns that will be held in norway instead of the p a. the, the abraham reports from the off divide west it's mike, look busy in the loves, main vegetable market. but this doesn't mean people have money to buy what the vendors tell us. some are window shopping. others trying to bargain for the lowest
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price possible just in the last year, the prices of vegetables jumped by 5 percent of the occupied westbank, mostly driven by to so even bakeries are feeding the heat the day and some people come and ask if they can buy now and pay later it's new and on the rise, i see the way people are spending. it's much less people are now buying haul for what they used to. so before the will, the palestinian authority is the main employer in the occupying the west bank. it hasn't been able to pay public and to use their full salaries for years. partially because of declining international aid. and partly because as well as withholding palestinian money is real, collect customs on goods imported to occupied the palestine. it then transfers the money to the palestinian authority on average, that adds up to about $200000000.00
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a month. and is robotics fee per cent of that money as a collection fee. but israel has repeatedly frozen the money or even cut the amount, especially during times of war. now its cabinet has approve the plan for frozen palestinian money to be held by norway. but israel was still have the right to decide when the money would be transferred to the palestinian authority. this is the 12th time that is well uses its leverage over hello sending and tax revenue to kind of punish the palestinian authority or we cannot or signal that it is unhappy with its context. and it's basically a way for israel to a search just how much control that has over everything. it also has control over another important source of revenue. tens of thousands of palestinian workers who used to find jobs in israel have been prevented from entering there after the war. how much are being used to be a construction worker in israel?
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you know, works as a vendor. he says he barely makes 20 percent of his previous salary than the issue of the how the when i worked in these rel, i couldn't afford my bill. but now i'm on my feet all day. and i didn't even know if i'll make ends meet the head of the palestinian authority, had earlier refused to accept any of the funds if the full amount owed to them wasn't paid many believe under the current financial crises, it has little options need that. but he just the to the occupied left bank now to us maybe sales went missing off the coast of somalia and now presumed dead us central come on, said they couldn't be found after a 10 day search. the sales went missing on january 11th, june operation in the gulf of aidan miniature official said they were boarding a vessel carrying suspect to the rainy and weapons. rough seas caused one of them to fall into the water and the 2nd c o jumped in to try and rescue us. talk this up
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right here and i'll just say right, when we come back solution, in my opinion, this acceptance, my, every body of the rights of the policy and the acceptance of the states. competing for developing countries that had to be un says it's unacceptable to impose takes up to the front of an auction team as new president times to repeal environmental protection. look pretty exciting, say the big business and threaten them. because the, the latest news as it breaks, i don't want you to remember that i'm not seen on restoring national, in unity with fearless journalism. these people copying toys just came from the relentless bombardment from the hall to the story. many people born long,
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the tube open for a meal. so with all very crowded towns unlimited aids, many are left with desperate need. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to that others and all as far as i said, i'm going all the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the the
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welcome back. you're watching out. just the record, remind a bunch of stories to get us our fist fighting continues and upon us in the south of gospel, just become the focus of israel is offensive. at least 12 people have been killed in the last few. yes, officials had a number of homeless fights was killed in guns. i said 5 for sure israel's will. and according to a classified report quoted by the will, sweet gentle amounts is still functioning at a high level of the month support. and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeated his opposition to putting his troops out of gaza onto the creation of an independent palestinian state. not a situation of guns that has been the main focus of the meeting of what's called the g $77.00 plus the china collection of developing countries. you're on 2nd to general antonio content issues that he said the death toll and destruction and gaza is unprecedented. content is also criticized as well as the prime minister phase rejection of a palestinian state. i'll just say was still such
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a body spoke to him in kampala, i am now joins here by the secretary general. thank you for speaking to alta 0. i want to start with these 2 summits that are, that i've been going on here in you've found out what has been your reaction to the response that these nations have given to the ongoing war in gaza. and the strong words that have come from these countries in response to these railey environments of casa, i think that to the summit city presents that stroke, the motion of the global self installation to leave those 2 levels of death and destruction. i have condemned to the tex, federal tax of i'm us, but i have to say that's the level of civilian casualties that we are witnessing in gaza today. he's a citizens disposition to any other costs and since i am 2nd savage. and so what,
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how most deeds can not just be fine to collect the punishment of diplomacy and what is the solution if your calls for dialogue with the israeli prime minister benjamin at yahoo are not being heard. what is the next step to move forward to try and bring an end to this complex? i think this set up to ask when, asking for an immediate cease fire. louisa. then emetic, suffering people in gaza to all 40 minutes 80. and is the lucian to facilitate the use of the hostages, that should be unconditional and media. but that is not the solution. solution, in my opinion, is the acceptance by every body of the rights of the policy and people to the states, words and the acceptance of a 2 state solution results so to speak. some should result. these will have a coffee and evidence you through most expertise over to you to pull it eyes
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situations all over the world. and it is something that, in my opinion, is still how do you think the united states can be persuaded, at least the biden administration to step back a little bit from their full flight supports as well. i think it's very important that united states have been very active who seek for the most effective human saturday night and stressing the needs of a 2 state solution. and i think it's time for israel to listen to the united states and to make these 2 objectives that the american news position has been stressing to make the many of you on secretary general, antonio harris. thank you so much for speaking to us. the, the, let's take a look not some of the days of news in southwest china search teams on racing
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against time to rescue 47 people trapped on the mountains of the day. but the following alarm slide, it's affected at least 18 families, that village in united province feel forward to using the remote mountainous region have deployed more than 200 rescue workers. well than 500 people have been evacuated. a florida governor, run desantis has dropped down to the rise to be the republican presidential candidate. he's announced jesus spending his campaign. i'm endorsing donald trump. that of the new hampshire primary on tuesday, an official has more wrong. like his campaign. rhonda scientist is x. it was new, keep a message on social media and the presidential dream was over and i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. i
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am honored to leverage your trust and your support on desantis was meant to be the next great republican who something when in florida does governor's race was to propel him to the white house, but to delete his presidential campaign in iceland, which supplemented and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas. how awkward he was in person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st. the 1st states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, were the primary still over a month away on february 24th. so i think he suffer from a number of things here. he spent tens of millions to come 2nd denial. when he predicted he would win with new, obvious victories, coming up, doors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. donald trump was happy to meet the passing of the man. many sold would be his biggest drive. we're just going to see where the,
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whatever about the 3 capable person just dropped the ron and rod is dropping out. and he, in doing so he endorses the song. so my list of attacks on desantis from his positions and policies to even the shoes that he wore cycle desantis campaign at it's nathan move week and not the confident conservative who wrote to victory in florida. desantis isn't even know, talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run when they'll be, nor donald trump in his way to torment him on to defeat to i was so sure i'll just be the manchester new hampshire egyptian president bill such as easy as warning that his country won't allow anyone to threaten somalia, offer a controversial maritime seal between ethiopia and the break away some under region of some of the land regional tensions of escalated says, other side of us struck in agreement with somebody. then that gives you access to
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the see to joint press conference and kyra with the some on the president cc reiterate to egypt. rejection of a deal as a violation of some of the assumptions at least within the had the had this summer . we will not allow anyone to present somebody a and even not allow any mental home somebody out. i say this very clearly to anyone trying egypt and trying to, to present its brothers. especially if i brothers ask us to stand by them. the russian foreign ministry has condemned destroyed, carried out by ukrainian forces that happens in the city of dunn. yes. which is controlled by russia. at least 25 people are killed in 20 of those wounded off the shelves. hit a busy market. both ukraine and russia to use each other of escalating attacks on civilian areas and thousands of russians living in serbia and held a roundly in belgrade demanding an end to the war. and ukraine, wholesale, calling for the release of political prisoners held in russia. critics of president vladimir putin say they faced persecution instead of your itself, which traditionally as good ties with the criminal,
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the process is calling for the release of a group of people including 6 mountains, kidnapped and hate to the head to the catholic church says he's praying for social harmony in the academy and nation local authority is saying i'm group hijacked a bus and took a total of 8 people in full defense. there's been an increase in kid. nothing's my country in recent months. off the you, an estimate to the gang is controlled around 80 percent of the capitals i learned with pain of the news of the kidnapping and haiti, of a group of people among them. 6 religious sisters in honestly asking for their release, i pray for social harmony in the country. i invite everyone stop the violence that causes so much suffering that dear population. police in equity will have detained more than 60 people after a failed attempt to seize the hospital. members of a criminal, a group tried to take control of the health center in the south west of the country . police say that firearms and drugs are also seized. thousands of soldiers have
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been deployed to tackle the war and drugs during a recent wave finance. meanwhile, ecuadorian armed forces on the police of detain. 3 colombians unfold a sub mass of the loaded with drugs. that may be $800.00 teens of cocaine on board . i also see 3.2 tons of drugs on a similar vessel or something i suppose were about 50 meters long, intercepted in the pacific ocean of 60 kilometers on the coast. according to the you in 2022 was a record yet the drug cultivation in columbia. the awesome team does new president says he plans to review what many of the countries environmental protection laws. critics say it will damage local ecosystems and also have a negative impact on global efforts to tackle climate change. a lot in america editor, let's see a newman reports now from salter in argentina. this virgin flores to northern argentina, for as far as the i can see, like the amazon rain forest and neighboring brazil these far as soap counter
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greenhouse gases. they're also crucial for minimizing land sides and floods, which is why argentina passed landmark legislation to protect as far as 17 years ago. this was followed by measures to restrict the suppliers to clear fields and laws to protect woodlands and glaciers. which mining activities can put in peril? but the new libertarian president wants to repeal or rather the modify environmental legislation policy so fully because all those policies that lead mankind for climate change or false, you know they want, but those policies get together. funds to finance leasing, socialist right. 3rd rate and papers in the mid a says radical changes needed to fix argentina's chronic economic problems. but environmental is to argue that relieves really is to favor big business, especially those owned by his closest political and economic supporters such as
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black as time who accompanied the president to new york. last month of the l. stein runs the ears that corporation and is one of argentine is biggest landowners, that includes the postal estate here in south that an area are roughly 6 times the size of the city. and window site is, has already been cleared here for crops and capital. but the native, far as some of the other half of this gigantic property, the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners because they fall under the protection of argentina's environmental protection law, at least for right now. she said, well, if he got its allies modified, he'll be able to clear the remaining $150000.00 hector's. he owns the same goes formulated political ally, former president mauricio mockery. he also owns forest land and felt that he'd be able to clear for planting soil specifically.


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