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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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and reporting on documented migrants in mexico is very hard to get through immigration. it's back to now as pressure growth on a sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants and southern mexico are preparing to head north trying to reach the us before the new year. the gaza southern city of holland eunice continues to be bombarded by is ready for us is at least 10 people at the the hello, i'm down, jordan, this is out as they are on line from doe. so coming up a mother's on grace more young lives a last in the is really bombardment of southern gaza reports of us intelligence
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agency. psych israel is phoning fall short and it will goes up destroying how much less? especially in manchester, new hampshire. we're just days before the primary election year, one of the republican front runners has decided that time period is over the beginning, garza with fighting and explosions up in hood near the nasa hospital in the southern city of con eunice. the israel has intensified the bombing of the city getting at least 12 people in overnighted strikes, injured palestinians. the rushed into nasa hospital units has now become the focus of israel's offensive search bound forces are engaged in the battles which kind of study and find face. well, infant, so among those killed in israel bombing of han eunice pulse to me. and john, this film, this emotional scene, showing a mother holding her infant daughter,
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was killed in on his right to strike at least 25000 others for names have been killed and 3 and a half months, as well as war on gossip. as well as a hospitalization largest health facility, still functioning in southern gaza. its supplies are running pretty low. we split the doctor from it. um a grubby is the had to be plastic surgery and benz department that you said the hospitalized. overwhelmed with a number of patients as i says here, that there's a lot of fighting kindred on woman and it's on people. yeah. on the officials obviously. yes ma'am. most of them, she's a woman and civilians. they are killing, you know, families, children, you know, cbs, every day we told you how many of us have to die really. every day we are hundreds of these areas and people are fussing, go, we, i don't know. i don't know how, what it is. do we have to go with the city situations everywhere patients to step
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up here as always to be that they needs do they need kid the they need proper food . they need to clean water. they need the how to sit. they need everything. they were. what were they would, wouldn't been going over around the they've listed because i guess you already seen this movie. yes. uh, this is the wishing here. that's not what us, but then now begin. but it just because as you know, menu of uh, evacuated people already lived. there was to be that manual with the kids. but as an invalid, they couldn't attend. there was to be done. and this was a lot to flush out over our heads over our shoulders. since we have to compensate as more, more, more, more, more and more. on friday i took my family to secure them and ended up off. i was like to find one thing actually, to book my family and come back to and all said i couldn't find a place in the for i couldn't find that didn't actually with my time and it is very
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populated area. can you imagine i broke my family back to lots of this. um, this to obviously the most it does, this might fit what the 3 course i'll be here. i lost that with my family. there is no place to be to go is mostly if it is the size of unit area, no clean water or food the nothing that even i couldn't find a didn't for my family, the good you guys you that so i broke my family back to the it's elizabeth, well, how do you must move joins us live now from a rough up in southern gaza. honey, as we've been reporting, they've been fighting in and around hong eunice in the south where you are. tell us what's been happening honey. the is there and it says getting worse than it's passing the in the ticket early in the city of upon unit. so we're looking at that a city that is the 2nd largest city, a court in the gaza strip that was initially describing designated as
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a safe zone for people evacuating from the north and gaza city in the initial weeks of, of the war. now it's the scene of devastation and suffering for people who are stranded inside the city. and since the beginning of the ground invasion on the intense bombing campaign, they conducted by these really military, within the past 2 weeks, and particularly over night where it expanded, it's a bombing attacks that by land and by air and by sea pushing deeper, not only within the vicinity of nasir hospital where thousands of palestinians have been filtering for weeks and, and since the beginning of the work. but also pushing deeper to the west side of the city of han unison within the vicinity of a university of arkansas university. that the western side of con eunice and as far as we know, there are thousands of people have been shouldering inside the building. and we've been a,
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the campus of the university since the beginning of the war now find themselves caught in this tv air bombings. and if they've been boardman campaign that it got intensified within the past 2 in 2 days. now the aftermath of this is so the fact that's not their hospital isn't gradually being pushed out of service as met the older roads leading to it, or have been destroyed or severely damaged, preventing ambulance and paramedics and civil defense accrued from doing their job and getting to the targeted sites, then forcing more people into further displacement, who are unable now to leave han eunice as the in tens of the bombing continues. it has been effectively separated from the remaining parts of the gaza strip and within the vicinity of the university works 1000 and people have been shouldering also they're sending a po, then calling for or, or international organization to help them in the evacuation. and some of them have
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been evacuating more than one time and some for some of them. the 3 and 4th time when they ended up in the, the campus of the, the university so far there are 12 people reported killed into an officer hospital . and the reason they've been report is doable or identified were collected by a ambulance and permit x were able to get to some of the targeted sites. they are not at the hospital, there are tens other who are still in those targeted sites into residential homes, with inability of paramedics and civil defense recruit, reaching to these sites to collect them and report them back to the hospital. all right, honey must mood lifetime and rough in southern garza honey, thank you. as well as thousands of families across guys that have lost their homes are struggling to find even the most basic medicine. as a result, 6 children are dying of preventable diseases. recover assume to pull us from the q 80 hospital in a rough show right up live dis some desperately needs an inhaler to treat his
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asthma. but of course the gaza strip medicines are becoming impossible to find the item. then there is no treatment known in the hospital with adults or writes the prescription, not at the pharmacy where we went, no at the un run school, there is no treatment. my kid needs an inhaler. they do not have one. children will suffer until they die, or children of dying slowly, the palestinians who have fled to cause the south. the lack of adequate housing and heating means families are forced to live in tents or meet you shelters. and as temperatures continue to truck, children are becoming more vulnerable to norman. you can let them so only see, it's not just about student morsa, we need treatments. we want a safe place for us. for our children. we want, he think there's no heating, it's cold, 10 people, it a 10 and it's still cold. if one of my sons costs the other son will cost like him . this is all life doctors say the r o l correct to handle the rising
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number of patients, especially children law fun went to the pediatric department here has almost 1000 illness cases every day. every day we lose the loss of childrens using medicine show, which is even simply meet us instead should exist in every hospital clinic. full health center. doctors can totally offer simple treatments. the font, we only have serums, the fever relief, antibiotics pain relief medicines. they not available in the hospital, we treat children without medicines. that according to the world health organization, most of gauze is hospitals have either stops working or partially functioning. and hospitals like this one, all rating at 3 times its capacity without adequate fuel or medicines to treat the
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most wonderful victims. target cup as in how to 0 of to wait to hospital rough or southern guns, or is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has once again said he will not fully troops out of gaza or accept any conditions from us in order to end the will need to hit us off, i categorically rejects the conditions of capitulation to the home of monsters in exchange for the release of our hostages. how must a month and enter the war? the withdrawal of our forces from causes the release of old murderers and rapists from not, but i'm the continuation of from us and power. if we accept this, our soldiers have full and then bang. if we accept this, we wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of us citizen money, but we will not be able to bring it back to return safely. and the next october 7th will only be a matter of time for me. what on the ground, how much slight as our engage and famous battle is across the strip they are confronting is ready forces in the north, in giovanni, up and to the south of gaza city. israel has stepped up. it's showing that in
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central gods of ne, of a bridge, refugee camp, they all bring up how much they'll cost on brigades say they targeted is ready. soldiers would move around. in the south troops carried out grades and a sense of hon. eunice, and they all cut off every what, according to us officials, the number of homicides as killed in gaza has full and shows of israel's blames. a classified report quoted by the wall street journal says, how mazda sewell functioning at a high level. after months of fighting, mom involved ripple easily the army has used some of the most destructive missiles fifths to pierce deep below ground or east of thieves, entire blocks. the impact on building roads activity in life has been domestic. but on how much that is on this, on searching of to month, so full, there's a growing belief that easily weapons are less effective against thomas
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by october 7. how much, how to co group of $30000.00 fighters is what i have says. it has killed up to 9000 of them since there was no way to verify any of those vegas. how much does it to notice the number of its fights this or each desktop, leaving the mazda for guest wick. but destiny of the much between these are the speakers and us intelligence estimates quoted by the wall street journal us by agency say, is all you have so far kim to 20 to 30 percent of how much fight is. which means about 75 percent of the how much false is this to, in fact, that's decidedly less than the worse declared a, the complete immunization of the policy and group. you could never eliminate how much completely in park is there. not only and guys, there are there in many countries and they are there and they're loving on their in west bank. there are many other places. so they're never going to be completely eliminated, even in gossip, but beyond guys as well. and,
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and they should have been talking about disabling guys that may be pushing him us out of control politically of the, of the guys a strip to say the boss is super you or 2 hundreds of thousands of soldiers and huge amounts of heavy weapons from us on the other hand, diesel degree in the welfare but they are advantage is the tunnels west intelligence social talk of up to 500 kilometers of underground tunnels across the gulf as they allow how much fight does not only to stay alive, but also to hide the cap to manufacture what this store supplies, munitions, logistics, and planned attacks that it took it struck to seems to pose a challenge to is really good, specialized in finding and destroying those tunnels. all those factors have led to the belief of how much the system strong isn't about to do to see how much fun does
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it mean, all his writing forces have conducted raids across the occupied westbank troops carried out major operations are in ramallah early on monday morning, and the town of bay to nia, i'm the show for refugee camp. they arrested punish demands on 1000 conducting searches of homes. one person was injured by gun fight and the village of co for a is there any forces also focused on college? kenya, in the northern westbank storming houses in the for some of the area. it was fighting between palestinians and soldiers in hebron. and jericho changed into colorado, a published in mine, was shot by his ready forces. as i write a date shaken, neighborhood soldiers prevented him the ambulance from reaching him, his ready forces have intensified their assault on the area. so as to stop the war on casa, i shall break here and i'll just say right, when we come back. israel finally released has tons, revenues of those, the palestinian authority, but not everyone who benefits month. the
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the same depth analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa cruise its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent? so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want, we do, we don't have lead them in different countries. policy on it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing
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that was and service this placement and you're saying you'll have your reports with it. i should just trust the community austin. aside from the cool that used to produce outstanding, generally some elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the welcome back. you're watching out just a real quick reminder, lots of stories here. there's a fight to an explosion, stuff in hub in the hospital, in kansas, southern city of han units of these 12 people have been killed overnight test drive . yes, official say the number of how much fights has killed and does ask for the insurance
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of israel's war. classified report causing by the wall street journal, says, still functioning at a high level of the 3 months is where the forces of canada rates across the altima, the west bank making a rest and searching on a semi in homes. several people were injured with intense lighting in the cities of to caught up on the northern gauze that has been lost before me by israel relentless bombing. and as strikes, i'll just say it was i'm outside sharif has been to see the damage and tell those that's all the neighborhood inside the giovanni a refugee camp is almost totally destroyed. national and not the. and then if you want to put the, as the thought a shuttle to him, i'll call you, i'm your valuation on standing and tell those that to are east of trip out here. refugee camp in the northern part of the cars and straight for these really occupation forces tanks. armored vehicles and troops were deployed. all you see how did they destroyed everything in their way from residential buildings, to infrastructure, even mosques and water wells were not spared high find the cities grand mosque
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where i stand was flattened by these ready forces at the progress fee of this area is relatively high. and that is why they stationed themselves. here again, has as much as you who am is, but she is the method mutant. this was once a house of god. it was leveled to the grand jason to the mosque was a kindergarten and a water reservoir. on the well, it's feeding the entire residential area with water. all were reduced to ruined. the i'm going to tell is that the kind of the month to climb, but obviously the city was lively bustling with people in residence used to live in peace or houses of residential buildings were destroyed either by his really were planes. were there tanks for the ground invasion of all the entire city was carpet bombed by these rarely jet fighters, before their soldiers entered and reeked havoc, no limit associate the money. even the cities landmarks, the grand mosque, was not spared upon the water. reservoir tank feeding, tell l t r w and say it areas was purposely destroyed by them. so moscow infrastructure was
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wilfully demolished. its water pipes and sewage systems were entirely destroyed by these rarely, as the some residents are trickling back to their homes. they come and see either their homes flattened or unfit for living. however, gardens are determined to come back and stand their ground even if reduced to dust, focus. and then when i see, show what i am on, what was once a major cross roads and tell those that are the streets for the center stage of fierce fighting between his reading soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters fighting capt. raging for days. if not weeks in this area, the aftermath is clearly visible. massive destruction residential homes, st infrastructure. nothing was spared. these metal parts or what is left of some of these really armored gear, which was destroyed by the power steering and resistance fighters. a testament to the ferociousness of fighting them. the entire area is no longer fit for humans to live in event. this is to see
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a total of the south or north of the gaza strip. and that the area was carpet funded by the x ray long before it witnessed for roaches fighting between their soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters for any sign of life. but this targeted and hit by israel model. their goal is to leave the entire area on fit for living. until this day, the area and returning civilians are targeted. why these rating massaro, shells and drones? another city of jersey all somehow has thousands of demonstrators in brussels have demanded an immediate cease fire in gaza, as well as diplomatic and economic sanctions against israel. organize the say, the word guns a is a collective punishment of the palestinians. and supporters of palestine have demonstrated during the sundance film festival in utah . i say they want to attend the spotlights of media attention of a festival towards garza so much is who i've had role counsel down to speaking up
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against the wall or among those demonstration. it now is what allows us auditory as part of the funds that those are the palestinian authority. it's taxes that as well collected on behalf of the p a. but the money meant for god that would not be held in norway need to abraham her thoughts from the outside westbank. it's mike, look busy in the middle of the main vegetable market. but this doesn't mean people have money to buy what the vendors tell us. some are window shopping. others trying to bargain for the lowest price possible just in the last year. the prices of vegetables jump 25 percent of the occupied, west bank, mostly driven by to 1000. even bakeries are feeding the heat the the day and some people come and ask if they can buy now and pay later. it's new and on the rise, i see the way people are spending. it's much less people are now buying haul for
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what they used to be for the will. the palestinian authority is the main employer in the occupying the west bank. it hasn't been able to pay public and to use their full salaries for years. partially because of declining international aid. and partly because israel is withholding palestinian money. israel collects customs of goods imported to occupied palestine. it then transfers the money to the palestinian authority on average, that adds up to about $200000000.00 a month. and israel takes the percent of the money as a collection fee, but israel has repeatedly frozen the money or even cut the amount, especially during times of war. now its cabinet has approve the planned for frozen palestinian money to be held by norway. but israel was still have the right to decide when the money would be transferred to the palestinian authority. this is the 12th time that as well, uses its leverage over hello send in tax revenue to kind of punish the palestinian
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authority or we can up or signals that it is unhappy with its context. and it's basically a way for israel to a search just how much control that has over everything. it also has control over another important source of revenue. tens of thousands of palestinian workers who used to find jobs in israel have been prevented from entering there after the war. how much are being used to be a construction worker in israel? you know, works as a fruit vendor. he says he barely makes 20 percent of his previous salary damage to the what have you when i worked in these? well, i couldn't afford my bill. but now i'm on my feet all day. and i didn't even know if i'll make ends meet the palestinian authority, had earlier refused to accept any of the funds if the full amount owed to them wasn't paid many believe under the current financial crises. it has little options,
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need that, but he just needed the occupied westbank the let's take a look now some of the days of the news and almost 50 people are missing off for a lot of slide hit. china is united. providence hold on 500 people have been evacuated. i'll forward to say it's not clear what caused for lifeline. but government, florida run desantis has dropped down to the race to be the next to us president. the republican suspended his campaign and dosing donald trump, georgetown to the white house desantis announced his decision the head of the new hampshire primary. on tuesday island, fisher reports a bunch of stuff in new hampshire. the wrong like his campaign rhonda scientist is x. it was new, keep a message on social media and the presidential dream was over and i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises
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and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. i am honored to leverage your trust and your support on desantis was meant to be the next great republican or something. when in florida does governor's race was to propel him to the white house, but to delete his presidential campaign a nice wind which supplemented? and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his locker prisma, how awkward he wasn't person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st. the 1st states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, were the primary still over a month away on february 24th. so i think she suffer from a number of things here. he spent tens of millions to come 2nd in iowa when he predicted he would when i'm with new obvious victories. coming up,
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donors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. tony trump was hi, pick them up the pricing of the mat. many soap would be his biggest driver. we were just gonna say, where is it? wherever about 3 capable 1st. rather. yeah. ron and ron is dropping out and he in doing so he endorsed this little song. so let list the tax on desantis from his positions and policies to even the shoes that you will cycle the desantis campaign early it nathan lou week. i know the confident conservative who want to victory in florida. desantis isn't even know, talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run when they'll be, nor donald trump in his way to torment him until the c to i was so sure. i'll just say that manchester, new hampshire, the russian government has condemned what it calls a brutal terrorist attack by ukrainian forces in don't yet. at least 25 people were
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killed and others wounded in a busy shopping district and the city controlled by russia. both sides of 2 is the other of escalating attacks on civilian edwards during years of fighting that police in ecuador have detained. more than 60 suspected gang members who attempted to seize a hospital store. they were trying to free a gun. rita, who was receiving medical treatment, the thousands of military personnel had been deployed to tackle the ecuadorian governments bold on young fox. the freezing winter weather is effecting large parts of the united states in great falls in new jersey. i'm almost completely frozen off the days of heavy snow and rain hypothermia or storm related road accidents, a plane. at least 67 lives in the us feeling the full force of storm asia, rough season and strong winds on battering the south coast of england trains services have been cancelled in scotland. high wind and heavy rain warnings have
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been issued for most a frequence. all right, that's it for me down to my colleague money inside, it'll be here and around 70 minutes time with more of the days we use the weather's up next and insights to it looks at how the number line movement is trying to research interests. that's it. for me, spectrum thanks so much and talk about the the, you're just in time for your weather update across the middle east and africa. good to have you. it's in quite a picture through the radian peninsula showers, move out of syria into iraq. so, or bill and bucket that shower seem likely for you on monday and still this southerly, waiting for the western side of saudi arabia, pushing into central saudi arabia. so we add, your temperature is up to $26.00 degrees. that wind blowing down from your dock. there shamal wind will turn a bit lighter on monday,
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so 24 degrees for us here in the winds have turned around in baku. so that's drag down your temperature to 5 degrees. but look at this warm through turkmenistan. ask about 19, that's what you would expect for a temperature in the month of march, spill, and northerly went through the boss 1st curling around the g in here. so temperature is on the low side is stumble. 6 athens. let's go 10 for you on monday, and that cooler air now filtering in to northern egypt. so kyra 22. but we have seen some record january heat across gone to temperatures in the mid thirties to the tropics of africa. we go intense rain around eastern and central parts of tens and the weather alerts in play there. and we see that weather run over the moves and beat channel in to northern madagascar where there is the risk of seeing some flooding here over the next little bit. this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between
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is what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers have in use is the how is relevant isn't on the lines. the 2nd largest organizational this kind of to the united nations needs and you can then what problems cannot solve in a while mod by escalating tension. this is inside store the kind of there and welcome to the program. i'm just gonna say, hey.


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