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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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so my thoughts you just went through is 1st we're going to get you hope we're going to have someone live with us to keep this for you. but yeah, it was the 1st time anybody had ever told me that it was not my fault. the city of con eunice and southern gaza is again the target. if is there any bombardments, at least 12 people have been killed, the i'm on the inside this is on. is there a line from the also coming off the non design question since are among those last in the is writing bombardment? and it's from minnesota opens
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a hindu temple in the grounds with demolished law school positions says he's explosive of religion. and so political gains i'm searching for some volume is in china, auto land slide flattens homes and berries and any 50 people we begin again in gaza, west pointing and explosions happen. head in nasa hospital in con eunice as well, has intensified its foaming update selves and say kidding. and these 12 people in overnight strikes, engine, palestinians were taken to hospital con, unice has become the focus of israel's defensive, where it's ground forces on buckling, palestinian pointers and friends are among those killed in israel's bombardments of palestinian gentlemen. so i'm not the holding head towards
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a killed in an ass strike. at least 25000 other palestinians had died in 3 and a half months of as well as more on garza. the last, the hospital is the largest health facilities, still functioning in solving casa, it's supplies, are running critically low. we spoke to dr. ask that all mcgraw, these, the head of the plastic surgery and bands department. this as i says here, that there's a lot of fighting kindred on woman and it's on people. yeah. on the official as obviously as most of them, she's a woman civilians. they are killing, you know, families, children, and all the studios. every day we, i told you how many of us have to die really? every day we are hundreds of these is on people on the bus and go we, i don't know. i don't know how,
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what it is. do we have to go with the city situations? maybe with patients to skip them? yeah. here are those to be that they needs, do they need kid the they need proper food. they need to clean was up. do you need the how to sit? they need everything, they were, what were they would have been going over around the the of was the because i guess you already see this one be yes, this is the wishing here that most of us but then now became very just because as you know, many of evacuated, people already lived there was to be that many or really come person involved. they couldn't attend. there was because of this with a lot of flushing out over our heads up over our shoulders. since we have to compensate as more, more, more, more, more and more on friday i took my family to secure them and ended up off. i was like to find one thing actually to book my phone video and come back doing all said i couldn't find the place in the for i couldn't find that didn't actually with my
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time and it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my of how many bucks do most of the of this i'm just, i'm sitting does most it to visit my feet? what the 3 course i'll be here. i lost that with my family. there is no for this to be to go. there is no say please, the size of unit area. know clean was a little food. the nothing that even i couldn't find a didn't for my family the can you imagine that? so i broke my family back to that and also it has to be like okay, let's go to honey mother. and she is in rough. i in southern garza so as we have been hearing, fist fighting in and around 10 units in the south of bring us up to date with what is happening that now. so yes 1000000. well, within the past hour or more horrifying news emerging from han, eunice, particularly within the vicinity of north or hospital and all the way to the western
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part of the city within the vicinity. and surrounding an academic institution unlocks the universe of the largest academic institution, public academic institution in the gaza strip, and all the surrounding densely populated residential neighborhoods including le and y'all, binding neighborhood japanese neighborhoods as well as the a to 5 neighborhood that's through the north rent at eastern part of, of a city of, of hon. eunice and the central part of the city. as is these really military just in tennis, it's bombing campaign to turn that area into a war zone award. a combat zone after it was initially designated at describe the early weeks of, of the war as a safe zone for thousands of displays. palestinians if leading the horror of the world in the northern parts and ga the city. but now the devastation is caused at nasir hospitalized. the hospital is running out not only of medical supplies that
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also the medical is 7 exhausted medical staff. some of them have already a this so shoulder somewhere else with their families who have been shouldering in the hospital within the past few weeks. but they were forced to leave. as the embalming campaign got more intense around the vicinity and directly was come any closer to the main gates of the house of the hospital. and in addition, there are only 3 ambulance vehicles operating right now bringing injuries whenever possible because it's increasingly becoming very dangerous for the air metix for the ambulance vehicle and for civil defense occurring the ground to get to the targeted sides that one person describe the situations in han units on, around the, hosted with all the area around the house. but it's very, very intense sense as there are a talk of drones hovering at a very low level in the skies of high newness across the city, shooting at every moving object, making it very difficult. not only for people to leave and seek shoulder somewhere
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else, but also the paramedics, the civil defense crew members on the guard are being shot at people, injuries. and those have been killed during overnight on early morning hours. they arrive to the hospital either on civilian cars, as well as on a very, a primitive. a transportation means including the cart, starts posed by, by animals to the western side of the city where a hospital and further west western side around the vicinity of the university. there is a 1000 of displays, palestinians who have have no other choice. now they have no place to go to seek shelter and to protect themselves from the ongoing of bombings then as these really military uh, of its intense campaign of bombing, has effectively separated hun you and it says from the remaining parts of the gas or the from the roof has to be in the southern parts of the gas trip and also from
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the northern part people who are trying to leave their homes, their residential homes or their evacuation centers are at risk of losing their lives. there are trends being shut out of from the quad. copters are at risk of being bombed on their ways to seek a refuge elsewhere. okay, thank you for that. i'll correspondent the honey, my mood in rough up. well, is there any forces have also surround it? i'll, i'm a hospital in con eunice, that's where the headquarters of the palestinian red crescent is on joined by nobel foss suck. who is the organizations specs best and who is in ramallah? so we were hearing that about nasa hospital, which is the largest health facility, alamo, and the 2nd largest hospital. took us through the latest as you understand it from the do you still have a team in the hospital and what are they saying to you about the space at the hospital? now a good morning. we are extremely wouldn't regarding the safety of our team as i'm
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in hospital and the best time of address. i've had the quarters along with our emergency medical center in can you and us the total area is under piece. huge sbc used by is there any occupation forces and we want is a job and find that work facilities? no one is able to get out. no one is even able to come in. we have, besides our medical teams permits and i would have stopped. we have a patients and the wounded inside. i'm an hospital. 4 with thousands of displaced people who are taking shots of inside the hospital and the amount of time or the crust and headquarters. the area now is extremely dangerous. they are hearing the strong bomb being in the area and they are unable to go out because of how dangerous it is. and every one anyone is a trying to move out or just walk them the street is being taught to get it. the situation is extremely dangerous, and we are now really worried about the safety of our teams there. and when was the
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last time you were able to communicate with any members of your team? the so the problem now there is complete communication of blackouts and trying even if we can't reach any of them over cellphones, my landline singular, or even why find the only means of communication as we have a b s f waives. so this is not the bill and it is under the constant distortion. we were able to connect with them half an hour ago. however, that communication is not steven, and this is the only means of communication with them. they have mentions of our ambulances, are unable to respond to the calls from different people injured, wounded in the area, because as i mentioned, or what are you, i'm a sensor is also pcs. and what i'm doing says, unable to leave the center to go to reach those uh,
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wounded people. right. so that's exactly what we're hearing about. and that's the hospital, the emergency services not being able to go out onto the streets to rescue people. because if the constant or not from bonham is going on around the hospital, we're also hearing about a lack of medical supplies, lack of doctors, even many doctors we've left the hospital. what is your understanding in terms of what medical facilities are available at at your particular hospital alamo hospital? so the situation and i'm in hospital as right, exactly as what's happening in the nursing hospital own hospitals, who are in south of casa, have been under, in terms targeting and during the pre previous weeks, this is not the 1st attack we call several attacks and bombings out in the area of i'm and hospital, we got dynamic attacks out dependents under the existence can be quarters with our television in which literally destroyed 3 fluids and kills at least 7 people who
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were inside the palace. thunder, the crescent to the quarters. the situation is extremely dangerous and the inside the hospital we are address also a few of the question we have been rationalized when the consumption of the fuel in order to continue providing. but what life saving a service that of important a longer time, there's a shortage and medicines and medical supplies. and absolutely, if food is also and a struggle where there is a fixed amount of food, and the situation as, as i mentioned is dangerous. we continue on calling the international community to urgently intervene and provide the protection for health care workers perm ethics according to the international humanitarian law. and about i can hear the, the distress and your voice, so i really hope your colleagues make it safe. nobel fuss, lock the organization, spokes person of the palestinian red crescent. thank you. i to the palestinian
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ministry of health says 350000 patients with chronic illnesses and not receiving that medication. united nations continues to wound up the health care system and gaza is on the verge of total collapse and conduct reports from darrow. by that in central garza, the gaza strip has been witnessing or shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. behind me is one of the pharmacies in a good benefit has been completely closed due to the severe shortage of medicine we're talking about and so the about new medicine we're talking about also chronic disease medication for chronic disease patients. david, the moment i looked, every budget has no medication for the beaches in the area,
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but even if i find one does of low concentration, which cannot take a look my blood sugar level, why does this cause such wound? do you see on like foot is closer, needs attention? it even requires it pissing into a hospital, but it's not possible all the people have been coming to the pharmacies for more than 3 months now coming back and forth to the pharmacy, asking for medicine. but unfortunately, medicine is not coming into the car to serve and as much a that is coming into the cause of truth as must be the pharmacy in the cause of shape need a loss of medicine to cover the huge amount of medication in the mind. in the cause of chip, we're not only talking about pharmacy, but also hospitals in the casa trip. are also witnesses. there's shortage of medication. this isn't the cause any i just need or the certainly forces have
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conducted more raids across the occupied westbank. and they carried out major operations near ramallah early on monday, in the town of petunia. on the straw sides, refugee camp. they arrested palestinians and searched several homes on pest and was injured by gum fight and the village of coffee and is ready for it is also focused on called que. yeah. in the northern west bank storming houses in the gulf, a sound, the area that's been fighting between palestinians and soldiers in hebron. and jericho as well in line to occur and publish. the man was shot in the back by his early forces as they waited beach wick, a neighborhood soldiers prevented an ambulance from reaching him. still a head on al jazeera, held indefinitely without charge. will tell me why. is there any presence of heading on the
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i'm glad you're here. let's go with your world's weather update. so it was more like a hurricane barreled through the islands of ireland and britain in many spots, wins pushed past a 100 kilometers power. so this was how fierce it was. many of the weather alerts will now drop off in that windy and warm weather now into belgium, the netherlands, and as this precipitation bumps into colder air, it will mean snow for a time in helsinki. okay. this weather is also being draped down to the south of france, northwest spain, northern portugal. but for the rest of i barrier things are looking fine. let's go to central europe right now. we also see that disturbed weather cut across germany . poland pushed down into the alpine region, so there will be some snow over the outs looking good in the balkans. many spots filling with sunshine and temperatures on the plus side of things. and we've still
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got it's northerly wind coming through the bus for us currently and around the g, and that's pushing cool air into egypt. and in fact, for egypt, mediterranean coast, or whether it's in play here, we could see those waiting for up to about 60 or 70 kilometers per let's go to the south right now, whether alerts and play for northern bows and be with this run of rain here. that could produce some flooding and showers in storms across south africa is coastline today on monday. bye for now. the hard hitting into meetings. as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is something they just don't think look, is
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a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era news the and watching out. as a reminder of our top story, this our financing and explosions up in hub net national hospital in gauze as some of the city of hon. eunice. list 12 people have been killed. an overnight strikes. garza is facing a severe shortage of medicines due to the war. more than 350000 patients with chronic illnesses on not receiving their medication. the you and his warning that the health care system is on the verge of title collapse. as rarely forces have
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carried out res, across the occupied west bank making arrest and searching power screen time. several people were injured with intense financing and cities of to come and have from over the $6000.00 palestinians have been arrested in raids in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. israel can hold them indefinitely without charge. it's a price is known as administrative detention. and the number of palestinians is really presence is growing rapidly. how much emptied reports in the history of refugee camp. south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance, more uh it is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial indefinitely. good 5. yeah, it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life,
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family house and if you have responsibilities. yeah. and in a minute you patients demolishes had the whole you were 3 now. what are these an amazing person he loves life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away. more reminders of those who been arrested as my hon. mrs. had his husband set previously spent a year and administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hand worries, he'll be in the same situation all over again. can exceed, exceed, exceed, but not even what are we suffered loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if he was sentenced. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative detention people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. walk down any hours here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge.
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according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 palace to indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. so in the israel takes revenge on po, studying people, the increasing the number of those detained after october 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about more than 6000 detain from the occupied westbank to come back to worry like that. and as my hand see counsel from their neighbor malika walker, who tells me her son has been 13 of a total of 18 years in prison, under administrative detention on the new dog could attend this children's events at school or university, who was in april to share our joy surrounded by walls, full of photos to showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. how much enjoyment does either at the haitian refugee camp in the occupied west bank. a foreign minister is missing
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representatives from israel, the palestinian authority, and some arab nations in brussels. the talks aimed at ending the war in gaza and finding a long term peace solution. the plans to consider the sanctions against thomas and is rarely sub pleasant the occupied west bank. it will say once to establish a naval mission in the red sea to protect shipping in foreign policy. chief joseph paralysis piece alphabetizing compound chains through ministry beads. the money that integration could not be worst, could not be worst. there is no words explain how this situation is with a hundreds of 1000 without the anything out of shelters. and so for this 1000 magazines and under the bumps and every day there is a high told or she really and people being killed. many ministers have said
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that i have too many. now the question is, how many so many set fast and joyce joyce me from brussel step, but it has been very divided in its response to the one casa, what do you expect from them today? well i show her to you also, but all of us are we much focusing on the sorry, dia, humanitarian situation, and gosh, i need to fish in deficiency within that you became immediately clear this morning when the 4 minutes before arriving. when the german following in minnesota, melina bab, okay. she mainly focused on how much on the, on the filing of, by how much and on the hostages they can accept his, they can a by how my so a very much clear division still on the situation at the moment in, gosh, i so that's why the you has invited a lot more administers from arab countries as well, but rattle called in an exceptional meeting. never before so many ministers were
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invited to this. foreign minister council soto will be administer for the, for a minister from this route. he will address the meeting this morning separately in the afternoon to 4 minutes to from palestine will be here and in a, during the lunch, the will be a discussion with the, our foreign ministers from egypt from shot them from saudi and the ara fleet. and what the u once is to show some deficient because they were fairly a survey, some unity, they were very much this divided because there was a difference of opinions many uh you members were calling for us. these files out us were supporting fully israel's military action. so a lot of people have to criticize to you for being double standard. also when looking at the war and ukraine. so now with e wants to find some common ground, and this common ground is on the solution in the future. the 2 state solution. that's what bro has been assessing and that's what he wants to discuss with all the arab lead us to look in the future and see what that that piece planned abroad has
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presented. what will be the outcome of that? but usually there, of course he has to be a 3 in on this piece plan and it's all still fair. we see a radical, but at least it's something that they can find common ground and stuff. what pressure could be put on israel since it has a lot less leverage than the united states? yes, absolutely. and of course, after these 3 months, when the us have really criticized a lot of people, wonder if it's still relevant if the issue is still relevant in the middle east. but what has now been reported is that the us send the letter to you. remember that they could put pressure on is wrong on this, on you all off the he has said that he doesn't want to protest in state. and this is something that the wants to fight about all this a 2 state solution. so they could put pressure with withholding some kind of trade
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because as well, has a very important traits relation with you. it's, it's you, it is, it's main traits a partner. so they could, uh yes, spanish as well in the economic way. and that's what they want to discuss as well, to have this kind of leverage over it's route, which lot of people doubt they half a step faster than that for us in brussels. thank you the, let's take a look at some of the world news. india is prime minister, nor end of moody has opened the temple in the northern states. if it's a per dash. the sean was built on the grounds where a musk stood for centuries before it was destroyed by hindus. react to this unexpected reports alone held dream of indians, hindu nationalist, becoming a reality. a temple of dedicated to little tom. one of the most revered dieties in
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hindu was an end with its prime minister and that into the movies by the potty, the b j pays the bills a campaign promise it made 3 decades ago. will the stock windows lose a single opportunity to try to send the accomplishment off having both of them the construction of the more than $200000000.00 temple which began in 2020 has been contentious. it's built on the side of the by the most, just a 16th century must demolished by hindu right wing activists in 1992 best lead to nationwide communal riots that killed at least 2000 people, mostly, mostly and bombings in the city of moving by moving sushi years later in the current religious folk lines still live here. simple politics has originated with these majority hindus who make up nearly 80 percent of the countries 1400000000
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population in 2014. bailey did not into the movie after he promised to build a shrine on the very spot of the size of the most most educated lights. he made reality. the temples and no duration comes months and heat of national posts is mosley 6. a suit can seek peace of 10, the most opposition politicians avoid causing the ceremony that you choose mode these potty of exploiting religion for political gain. while the pos easy to launch and official election campaign mostly supposes, believe that um temple is a promise for filled with some of the logo. hindu people definitely think that it was someone who brought up this issue and made us, or perhaps the public should reward mostly oil. some hindus celebrate many muslims across the country are on a self imposed cookie. they fear attacks and violence. a lot of like any of the
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type of our into brothers in the it's a good day. but what about us? those of us would ruined, of course, will be in pain. on that day, our father was killed in the most was the most to my, the critics say on the movies leadership, the religious divide, his own, the why didn't some 200000000 muslims in the largest minority groups live in fear as 2nd class citizens. muslims have been living store of allegations of asian b for smuggling counts. muslim businesses have been boy, because it tells us both of those women bod, for wearing his scouts and some educational institutions and most states on file. but it's more the has maintained something that's really the fear that this given me and, and all the affiliate is they want to wipe out all traces of most of them lifestyle . mix civilization from the country to fan fear around the temple is being seen as
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a victory for the hindu nationalist movement and his body 6, a 3rd term is raising concerns that he's the main thing. his legacy as the leader of you can transform india's secular democracy into hender nationalist states. alex bid elders era, stanley, 50 people have been killed off the land slide head. china is united. providence search and rescue operations on the way in the south western region. moving 500 people have been rescued. authority say it's not clear what caused that on slide. katrina, you has moved from beijing design site to place in jobs on county and tanya southwestern united province at 5 50 am on monday morning, which means many people were inside in the forms of sleep. an emergency team of about 200 people were dispatched immediately within 500 people from that village has been evacuated and people are desperately searching for the dozens of people trapped on.


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