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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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of exploring how existential affects to life impacts the human psyche apocalypse may, coming soon on outsourcing. the city of con, eunice and southern gaza is again the target of his riley bombardments, at least 12 people. it kills the money in sight. this is all just their life from don't. it was still coming up. the mothers, anguish infants are among those last in the, is there any bombardments held indefinitely without charge. will tell you why is
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ready presence all setting up. the german foreign minister demands an urgency spot in garza, she says that you must, with 2 words. a 2 states nation, the as we begin in gaza with sizing explosions have been hub net nasa hospital and con eunice. israel has intensified its foaming of the southern assessing kidding. at least 12 people. and even though it strikes injured, palestinians were taken to hospital con, unice has become the focus with israel's offensive where it's ground forces. a baffling palestinian spices instance are among those killed in israel's from bottom is a can see a palestinian janice who sold another home thing had to was
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a killed and an ass strike at least 25000 of the palestinians have died in 3 and a half months of israel's will on gaza. nazzo hospital is the largest health facilities still functioning in southern gaza. the supplies are running critically low. if we spoke to dr. osmond out mcgraw, they used the head of the plastic surgery and bands department. and as i says here, that there's a lot of fighting henry and roman i just had people. yeah. on the official as obviously as most of them should have room on civilians, they are killing you know, families choose to be in, you know, serious. every day we, i told you how many of us have to die really? every day we are hundreds of these. if it's on people on the bus and go we, i don't know. i don't know how, what it is. do we have to go with the city situations everywhere patients to step up? yeah, he had those to be done. they need the they need kid,
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the they need proper food. they need to clean was up. they need the how to sit. they need everything. they were, what were they would have been going over around the, the of was the because i said, i guess you already seen this one. be yes, this is the wishing here that most of those within the beginning. but it does because as you know, many of evacuated people already lived, there was to be that many or really come person and now they couldn't attend. there was because of this with a lot of flushing out over our heads up over our shoulders. since we have to compensate a more more, more, more, more and more. on friday i took my family to secure them and ended up off. i was like to find one thing actually to book my phone video and come back doing all said i couldn't find the place in the for i couldn't find that didn't actually with my time and it is very populated area. can you imagine i broke my of how many bucks do
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most of the of this i'm just, i'm sitting just mostly to visit my feet. what the 3 course i'll be here. i lost that with my family. there is no for this to be to go. there is no say please, the size of unit area. know clean was a little food. the nothing that even i couldn't find a didn't for my family the can you imagine that? so i broke my family back to that and also it has to be the to the bell. fast lock is the spokeswoman. so the palestinian red crescent and she says is rarely forces have surrounded. i'll allow hospital in con eunice where the organizations headquarters on we are extremely what is regarding the safety of our team at a hospital and the restaurant of address and headquarters along with our emergency medical center in time units. the total area is under siege. edit, be seized by is there any occupation forces? every one is a job inside our facilities. no one is able to get out. no one is even able to come
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in. we have, besides our medical teams permits, and at over to staff we have a patients and the wounded inside an hospital, along with thousands of displaced people who are taking shots of inside the hospital and the amount of time or the crescent headquarters. the area now is extremely dangerous. they are hearing the strong bomb being in the area and they are unable to go out because of how dangerous it is. and every one anyone is a trying to move out or just walking the street is being targeted. the situation is extremely dangerous, and we are now really worried about the safety of our teams there to well, they tell us the new administrative health says 350000 patients with chronic illnesses are not receiving their medication. you know, as a nation is continues to one that the health care system in gaza is on the verge of total collapse. hidden container reports from daryl bella and central gaza. the
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gaza strip has been witnessing or shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. behind me is one of the pharmacies in a didn't benefit has been completely closed due to the severe shortage of medicine we're talking about and so the about new medicine we're talking about also chronic disease medication for chronic disease patients. david, the moment i look, every budget has no medication for the beaches in the area, but even if i find one, it is a flow of concentration which cannot take a look my blood sugar level. why does this cause such wound? do you see on like foot is closer needs attention? it even requires that pissing into a hospital, but it's not possible all the people have been coming to the
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pharmacies for more than 3 months now, coming back and forth through the pharmacies asking for medicine. but unfortunately, medicine is not coming into the car to serve and as much a that is coming into the cause of truth as much the pharmacy in the cause of a loss of medicine to cover the huge amount of medication in the mind in the cause of chip, we're not only talking about pharmacy, but also hospitals in the casa strip are also, which is there's a shortage of medication. i just need a city for the south in rough us, thousands of families who have lost the homes are struggling to find the most basic medicine. as a result, sick children, a dying of preventable diseases. tare couple assume reports from quite hospital and
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rough. if she were uploaded to some desperately needs an inhaler to treat his asthma, but of course the gaza strip medicines are becoming impossible to find the item. then there is no treatment, not in the hospital with adults or writes prescription note at the pharmacy where we went, no at the un run school, there is no treatment. my kid needs an inhaler. they do not have one. children will suffer until they die, or children of dying slowly, the palestinians who have fled to cause the south. the lack of adequate housing and heating means families are forced to live in tens or meet you shelters. and as temperatures continue to truck, children are becoming more vulnerable to norman. you can one of them. so only see it's not just about student morsa, we need treatments. we want a safe place for us. for our children, we weren't heating, there's no heating, it's cold, 10 people out of 10 and it's still cold. if one of my sons costs the of the sun
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will cost light came. this is all life. the doctors say the r o l. equipped to handle the rising number of patients, especially with children, this little fun went to the pediatric department here has almost 1000 illness cases every day. every day we lose the loss of children's use in medicine show, which is even simple meet us instead should exist in every hospital clinic. full health center doctors can totally offer simple treatments. the law plot, we only have cigarettes, the fever relief, antibiotics pain relief medicines. they don't have available in the hospital. we treat children without medicines. according to the world health organization, most of gauze hospitals have either stops working or partially functioning. on hospitals like this one, all rating at 3 times its capacity without adequate fuel or medicines to treat the
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most wonderful victims. target cup as in how to 0 of to wait to hospital, rough or southern guns was really strong. so making it hard if the engine palestinians to get to hospitals to honey enough named has moved from rough and stuff and gone to within the past hour or more horrifying news emerging from han units, particularly within the vicinity of north or hospital and all the way to the western part of the city within the vicinity and surrounding an academic institution unlocks the universe of the largest academic institution, public academic institution in the gaza strip, and all the surrounding densely populated residential neighborhoods, including the and y'all, binding neighborhood, japanese neighborhood, as well as the, at the fast neighborhood that's through the north rent at eastern part of, of a city of, of han, eunice and the central part of the city as is these really military just intense
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it's bombing campaign to turn that area into a war zone, a work a combat zone after it was initially designated at describe the early weeks of, of the war as a safe zone. 4000 of this, please tell us citizens if leading the horror of the word in the northern parts and ga the cities. but now the devastation is caused that an officer hospitalized. the hospital is running out not only of medical supplies that also the medical is 7 exhaust admitted on the staff. some of them have already is so shoulder somewhere else with their families who have been shouldering in the hospital within the past few weeks. but they were forced to leave. as the embalming campaign got more intense around the vicinity and directly was come any closer to the main gates of the house of the hospital. and in addition, there are only 3 ambulance vehicles operating right now bringing injuries whenever
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possible, because it's increasingly becoming very dangerous for the paramedics, for the ambulance vehicle. and for civil defense occurring the ground to get to the targeted site that one person describe the situations and han units and around the hospital, the area around the house. but it's very, very intense. and as there are a talk, a drones hover and go to very low levels in the skies of high newness across the city, shooting at every moving object, making it very difficult, not only for people to leave and seek filters somewhere else, but also the paramedics, the civil defense crew members on the guard are being shot at people, injuries, and those have been killed doing overnight in early morning hours. they arrive to the hospital either on civilian cars as well as on a very primitive. a transportation means including the cart parts pulled by by animals. the german foreign minister underlying a bad bulk says that
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a 2 state solution is the only on such a the will and gaza. for monks come ahead of amazing of e foreign ministers with representatives from israel, the palestinian authority, and some arab nations. the talks aimed at ending the wind garza and finding a long time paste solution. but you also have plans to consider sanctions against homeless and is rarely specialist in the occupied west bank. let's go to step boston who was in brussels step, even now pushing for an end to the wall and a 2 state solution. our own members in agreement on this because in the past they've been very divided when it comes to israel's will on gaza. and yes, they have been very divided in the past 3 months on what's happening in guys. some countries, one is an immediate cease fire, an auto slide germany, really fully supporting as well as military action. so what's happening now here in brussels is that they have followed one thing. they could kind of agree on,
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and that is on the future of the 2 state solution. and that's why we heard before the foreign minister from germany saying that she also agrees on this to a state solution. and that's why the eu has now invited all these ministers also from arab countries, from egypt, from jordan, from the arab league, from society. but also, it's ro is caea to foreign minister and also from the palestinian authority. so they want to look at the future and that's where they're going to discuss this to stay solution. but of course it's all still very we see a radical and the jordanian for administer. i'm on society just called out to you for it's lack of action is the side that's an immediate cease fire is needed because this humanitarian situation is absolutely horrific. so he is still calling on the you to come to an agreement on this, but we are not expecting this from this meeting today. that will be a discussion on this to state solution during lunch. and it's a, it's all still in the works. the you still has to agree on it, and it's
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a long term plan, but it's at least something they agree on. okay. and step out, and most of the position is that you in to put pressure on israel as well as in this every week position. and a lot of people have also wondered if it's still relevant in the middle east off. so it's been called double standard, of course, after the invasion by russian and ukraine that you immediately react to it. and now there was no reaction for 3 months. so that it's not that much hope that there will be some leverage, but what they're trying to do now is to find some kind of punishment they can get to as well. if it's well doesn't accept the 2 state solution to punish the country by withholding traits or investment because as well as a very important trading partner and they have benefits in its relation where they use. so that's where they hope to find some kind of pressure. they can put on this problem. that's something they are going to discuss today as well. okay,
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thank you for that step less than that for us in brussels. still has on ours. is there a cues if explosives, religion, political game, find out why the opening? what can you do in india is controversial. the hey, welcome to your world's weather updates for pick this one off in australia. so this slug of rain is pulling into australia as pill brock. it's going to dump copious amounts of rain. wouldn't be surprised if we see some flooding to the south of marble bar speaking a marble bar. this is going to knock back temperatures to 32 degrees. things haven't been this cool in marble bar in about 4 or 5 months, so certainly some welcome relief. quite a bit of rain over the southern alps and new zealand here. and you know, for auckland, the other day, how did stay in 4 years?
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temperatures are still running high here on tuesday, up to 28 to southeast asia. we go, we've been dealing with flooding on, so the ways the central so the ways, the province, se, so the ways the profits raging rivers here have carried away homes. now, north of this, it's all about the cool. they're pouring out of china, northern vietnam. it's infiltrated northern vietnam, so annoyed just a lesson decrease for you on tuesday. we see this cool air in southern china, hong kong, just 10 wayland, 4 degrees. you've been dealing with the rain and snow mix and speaking of snow, quite the system developing here and the water is between korea and japan. this is going to be a blizzard for whole kind of midway through the week and over the next few days, support we could see up to 50 centimeters of snow c. as we know what is happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can all,
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i want to hear god by that put on purpose has the time and it to go live on the go live. another story that may not be mainstream the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the welcome back. you're watching out, is there a mind if i top stories based our pricing on explosions have been, had national hospital and gone to the southern city of san eunice. and these 12 people have been killed in a night strikes. garza is facing
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a severe shortage of medicines due to the move on 350000 patients with chronic illnesses and not receiving their medication. the you and his warning that the health care system is on the verge of title club. germany's foreign minister says the only way to end the one, gaza is through a 2 state solution. she made the comments ahead of financing your farm and assist with representatives from israel and the palestinian authority. and some are of nations. is there any forces have conducted more raids across the occupied westbank? they carried out major operations near ramallah early on monday, in the town of bay tonya. and to show off a refugee camp there rested palestinians, and search several homes. one person was engine, find gun, find the village of co, clean to is ready for us is also focused on kind of kenya and the northern westbank storming houses in the cold for somebody area that was fighting between
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palestinians and soldiers in hebron and jericho too. meanwhile and took it in a palestinian mine with shots in the back ice riley forces. as they rated the shoemaker neighborhood soldiers prevented an ambulance from reaching him more than $6000.00 palestinians had been arrested in range and the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. israel can hold them indefinitely without charge. it's a process known as administrative detention. and the number of palestinians is ready presents is growing rapidly. we'll have a jump june has more in the history of refugee camp. south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance, more odd, is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial indefinitely. 55. yeah,
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it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life, family house and if you have responsibilities you must do. yeah. and in a minute the q patient demolishes had to oh you were 3 now. what are these an amazing person he loves life, loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away. more reminders of those who interested us. my hand mishaps husband fet, previously spent a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hand worries, he'll be in the same situation all over again. connex 8 exceed exceed benign immune . what are we suffered or loss because of the administrative detention? it would have been easier if he was sentenced. hey, then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative detention people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. a walk down, any alley here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another
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full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 palace to indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years. in israel takes revenge on postilion people in the increase in the number of those attained after october. 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about more than 6000 detained from the occupied westbank to combat the worry they die. and as my hands see, counsel from their neighbor malika, a walker, who tells me her son has been 13 of a total of 18 years in prison, under administrative detention on the new dog could attend this children's events at school or university. he wasn't able to share a joy with a surrounded by walls, full of photos that showcase happier times. these women try to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening,
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there's little comfort to be found. how much improvement does either at the haitian refugee camp in the occupied west bank? the okay, let's take a look at some of the world news making headlines. india is prime minister and their end of moody has opened a temple in the northern states as a progress. we're looking at live pictures. the shrine was built on the grounds where most considered for centuries before it was destroyed by hindus. right wing activist, opposition. politicians accused my date of using the temple to score political points a spring in r for canal. i'm sure want a. she's a new debt issues of janice on a senior editor, news organizations, the wire money. thanks for joining the program. what is this integration of this grand temple with a lift, pomp and ceremony today mean to you as well? i think it's
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a moment of trying for the politics so the majority is getting isn't. i know people come to a different point of view as i see what the government is trying to do by bringing this template is fundamentally change in the the we have experienced my father's experience. but the we, we taught and that would be the future off into the default critique, stick to the constitutional india. and the we can go to just one of the orders, religions of the one was perceived. so by doing this, he's making to find a mentor changes please to give you an example. for children's daughters well considered, when you get on the top closer, the just please be said that it is not right s, but they can do traditions. and as for the into said, could text to in all the incomplete temple that in the, the district i did everything that said and in order to get into something and now the statute of north carolina has been stored in the temple. the 2nd thing was that
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he said that now you should all celebrate, keep the people of the day shall celebrate. the probably is the biggest festival of windows and the age. 65, the coming back of your drum and his wife's the dog back. so i'm excited, so now begin today is not be bunny, but there's nothing that would be said people around me that i'm sitting right now . be of listing practice. they are sending hudgens, which is the washing of song. so he's fundamentally changing those use. fundamentally changing indian democracy and society and i see a june list a now clause. so someone goes to be answered by one of 1992, right? it is set to mean it is disturbing. it is unknown being and also triggering in many different ways that 16 december 1992 i as a citizen, had to leave my home to save my life a new blank, c g for a few days. now my problem and the stuff she is at the center of the school full job is this for the worship. and opening up the temples who is behaving not like
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a brand new 1400000000 people, but more or less like him to guard. right. and the opposition have decided many of the opposition have decided to stay away from the opening office temple because they say, as you do, that movie is using it as a political tool as well to when supporting the upcoming election. to what extent you think that is true, but i think it might be with somebody who's been reporting on that, even though these government for the last one decade is that this by doing this, what he's trying to do is this is a political campaign for the election, which people see in the month of march and april. this was the time when and when he was completing one decade in follow up. and this was the time in almost societies and download media and john, this should be asking him questions by opening this temple. he is reading an escape, the on democracy accountability, the key, which was the time right now for him to explain all the promises that he made 5
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years ago and 10 years ago to thinking deal forward in terms of economically anglo . so politically, socially, he is escaping every single question because the mainstream media in india has completely southern dirt and then put some sports storages off the politics up into the log into additional isn't not just that it doesn't really stop here. but even based celebrities like wonder what actors they need be cricketers, even of property, it's industry industry unless they all have joined that into moving into opening this template. so all costs listens up and beyond the, the 2nd thoughts what been the board said, but the, it designated us to build the temple. but now when you see this working, turning into a state sponsor has been supported by the boost files when and most often people in india that is definitely disturbing. as moody has been described as pulling india away from its secular foundations. do you agree with that
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description? and if so, what is it meant for minorities like yourself? what is it like now to live in india? but i think today is the reflection of the nation off 10 years of politics. all that in the will these government and also i would say 100 years for the existence upon his desk, which is actually something about some which is the mother organization, the customer involved. and i vision of the b g, b, which actually in the us edition these say that they want to turn in be off from set to the broad democracy to i can do. sure. i think today is that the been the theme, all the plans being post date and to date was the last, you know, we, even, it's not officially in all possible ways. miles in the i shipped from a liberal so secular democracy to i can do country country you able to stream speed that they have already be otherwise they haven't reduced what 2nd class citizenship
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bad, you know, sabrina c o one religion has already been steep, stablished and that is why i'm sitting here in my house and people around me, my neighbors who do not share my faith based on celebrating this moment, which is unsettling, and not knowing to me. so i see i, i, i'm not of somebody who is, um, i always look forward 40 or full, but still the same time i would say for 200 to begin with, please. and also everybody in india who has believed in a secular democratize the liberals to just bring down is very, very disappointed today. i really appreciate you talking to us and i'll just share alpha kind of understand or want to explain to us there in new delhi. so any 50 people have been killed off to a landslide hit china's new non provence search and rescue operations underway in the south western region. over in 500 people have been rescued. authority say it's
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not play what caused the landslide? katrina, you might have more information designs like to place in jobs, home county and trying to southwest in united province at 5 50 am on monday morning, which means many people were inside in the forms of sleep. an emergency team of about 200 people were dispatched immediately. more than 500 people from that village has been evacuated and people are desperately searching for the dozens of people trapped under the rubble. reports of late from 18 different families in that village are present to the thing has sent out a message urging o our rescue effort saying this is tragically happening so close just weeks away from the new year's celebration, the biggest annual holiday here in china. so thought no holes has been identified for this land slight but a similar lands i took place 11 years ago in the same county and.


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