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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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think of his images, i never felt anything locker meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself monkey changing the way you think about mental health. on obviously the, [000:00:00;00] the so i'm fully back to board this isn't use our on l. g 0, live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. a day of intense bombardment in st bottles and con eunice sees really forces push for control in southern gaza. nearly 200 people have been killed since sunday. the
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people are 7 guys are bearing the dead more than 25000 policy means have now been killed since the conflicts began. also this, our india is 5 minutes, so it opens a hindu temple on the grounds of a demolished miles. the opposition says he's exploiting religion for political gain . i'm german ash with school today after fif is president cool. so tougher action on racism and football, the captain of the democratic republic of congo i received the online racist abuse off of that, that tempted troll again. so we're okay in the africa conversation. news is 10 g m t that's mid day in gas. i where israel's months, long war shows no signs of using people have reported fighting and explosions me enough. the hospital in con eunice
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israel has intensified this bombing of the 7 killing. at least one of people in overnight strikes. injured palestinians have been taken to hospital con unit as has become the focus. so these are as offensive wage round forces a biling palestinian fighters infant among those kids and israel's bombardments. this mother is holding her daughter, voice killed and then asked right at least 25295 policy means have been killed in 3 and a half months of his arousal on guys. even burying the dead is a dangerous task and gaza in con eunice. people have been digging graves in hospital grounds is too dangerous to leave. but there's so many wounded people arriving that they need to make space. i'll just here is honey. my more ties the latest from rasa in southern gas, within the past hour or more horrifying news emerging from han, eunice,
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particularly within the vicinity of north or hospital and all the way to the western part of the city within the vicinity and surrounding an academic institution unlocks the universe of the largest academic institution, public academic institution in the gaza strip, and all the surrounding densely populated residential neighborhoods, including uh, the and you know, binding neighborhood, japanese neighborhood as well as the, at the fast neighborhood that's through the north rent at eastern part of, of a city of, of hon. eunice and the central part of the city as is these really military just intense it's bombing campaign to turn that area into a war zone, a work a combat zone after it was initially designated at describe it the early weeks of, of the war as a safe zone 4000 of this place how this thing is if leading the horror of the way and then order parts and god as it'd be. but now the devastation is caused, that not that are hospitalized. the hospital is running out not only medical
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supplies that all so the medical, a 7 exhausted medical, the staff, some of them have already is so shoulders somewhere else with their families who have been shouldering in the hospital within the past few weeks. but they were forced to leave, as the embalming campaign got more intense around the vicinity and directly was come any closer to the main gates of the heart of the hospital. and in addition, there are only 3 ambulance vehicles operating right now bringing injuries whenever possible because it's increasingly becoming very dangerous for the air emetics for the ambulance vehicle and for civil defense occurring the ground to get to the targeted site that one person describe the situations in han units and around the hospital, the area around the house, but it's very, very intense. and as there are talk of drones hovering good, a very low level in the skies of hon. eunice across the city, shooting at every moving object,
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making it very difficult. not only for people to leave and seek shoulders somewhere else, but also the paramedics, the civil defense crew members on the guard are being shot at people. injuries. and those are being killed doing overnight in early morning hours. they arrive to the hospital either on civilian cars, as well as on a very primitive. a transportation means including the cart parts pulled by by animals. earlier we spoke to in about 4 cycles a spokeswoman for the palestinian red crest, and she says, is there any forces of a surrounded out of my hospital in con units where the organizations headquarters is located? and we are extremely worried regarding the safety of our team at i'm at hospital and the restaurant of address and headquarters along with our, the emergency medical center in time you. and as the total area is under siege, as be seized by, is there any occupation forces? every one is
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a job inside our facilities. no one is able to get out. no one is even able to come in. we have, besides our medical teams permits, and over to staff we have a patients and wounded inside an hospital, along with thousands of displaced people who are taking shots of inside the hospital and the kind of time or the crescent headquarters. the area now is extremely dangerous. they are hearing a strong bomb being in the area and they are unable to go out because of how dangerous it is. and every one anyone is a trying to move out or just walking the street is being targeted. the situation is extremely dangerous, and we are now really worried about the safety of our teams. there of the policy and health ministry says 350000 patients with chronic illnesses and not receiving their medication. the united nations has warned that the health care system in gaza
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is on the verge of total collapse in whatever you before, some down by law in central gas. because the strip has been witnessing a shortage of medicine for more than 3 months. behind me is one of the pharmacies in a good benefit has been completely closed due to the severe shortage of medicine. we're talking about and about new medicine. we're talking about also chronic disease medication for chronic disease patients with the conversational give a moment. i looked everywhere, budget has no medication for the beaches in the area, but even if i find one does of low concentration, which cannot take a look my blood sugar level, why does this cause such wound? do you see on my foot? it's closer needs attention. it even requires that you seem to hospital,
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but it's not possible. all the people have been coming to the pharmacies for more than 3 months now coming back and forth through the pharmacies asking for medicine. but unfortunately, medicine is not coming into the car to serve and as much a that is coming into the cause of truth as must be the pharmacy in the cause of shape need a loss of medicine to cover the huge amount of medication in the mind. in the cause of chip, we're not only talking about pharmacy, but also hospitals in the casa trip. are also witnesses here, shortage of medication. this isn't the cause any, i just need of elsewhere. israel continues to trade fy across the lebanese border with the hezbollah on the group. but the nature of the fighting is changing. attacks have been limited to a now territory within
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a few kilometers of the border. but now israel is carrying out targeted killings away from the front line. and it's will panes are flying, know over, be rude, and even for the notes is in a hold every for some living owns capitals, largely abandon villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer southern border. with israel, our military zones, the destruction is wide spread. in some neighborhoods, this is left as well as targeting what it says are hezbollah cells and infrastructure. while the lebanese armed group attacks is where the troops and positions the conflict triggered by, as well as war on gaza, has been largely confined to a strip of territory, a few kilometers on both sides of the border. but the nature of the conflict is changing. targeted killings of hezbollah members or allied groups appears to be
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a new strategy. this very strikes more often than not our kilometers deep inside lebanon's territory, away from the battle ground front lines. and the times beyond lebanon's borders, commanders from groups that are part of the around so called excess of resistance have been also killed. officials say, as well as resorting to the killings to compensate for being unable to achieve a military victory against thomas. after more than 100 days of war in gaza, the group which was still not used its full military capabilities and its latest confrontation with as well, remains defiant. the visual aid hands about launching the full scale war guys came on. in reality, it's unable to do that. it won't be able to confront what be prepared for an hour, and then it has failed in not leaving any of its objective and goes on that resistance is strong. the israel is no longer just responding to hezbollah attack, such as in the 1st few weeks of the cause,
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a conflict. it's on the offensive. it strikes more aggressive fences are high as well, has already carried out a high profile assassination in the lebanese capital, killing. how mazda is number 2 officials, and this really war planes don't just fly overboard their areas, they reach bales and further north, flying at low altitudes. in a show for the conflict is being described as controlled escalation. united states has engaged in diplomacy to insure there's no all outward and 11 on front of the reports from israel suggest the effort to remove hezbollah fighters from the borders through diplomatic means is spelled center for their eligibility to build to. and these really forces have conducted more raids across the occupied westbank . they carried out major operations near ramallah early on monday, in the time of the 20th and the schwab fund refugee camp. the rest of palestinians
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and search several homes. one person was injured by gun fi in the village of go for ein. is there any forces also focused on kind of key in the northern westbank stormy houses in the call for cyber area. there was violence between these really soldiers and palestinian fighters in hebron and jerry co 2 and took around the policy and 9 was shot in the back by is really forces as they rated the shake of neighborhood. so just presented, an ambulance from reaching him is really forces that intensified there is sold on the area since the start of the war on gas. let's speak to. i'll just hear is mom a jump june about this is joining us live from ramallah. so while i'm it, as a number of these really ami raising faces in the occupied westbank. so to up the number of arrests, what kind of impact is, is having on pallets to me and say fully it's having a huge impact. you and i speak often on there about how these is really army raids, have become part of the fabric of daily life throughout the occupied westbank. there are on average,
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around 40 of these rates that happen each and every day. but they're also on average dozens of arrest that happened when the is really army rage of these areas . they take palestinians, they detained them. now just since october 7th, you have close to $6200.00 palestinians who have been detained in around $3300.00 of them are being held under administrative detention. now that is a common is really practice by which somebody who is detained can be held without trial and without charge, and is becoming a bigger problem for the palestinians we've been speaking with throughout the occupied westbank, we were in the haitian refugee camp, close to bethlehem we spoke to many families that have been impacted by this is what they told us in the history of refugee camp, south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents
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carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance, more uh it is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial indefinitely. good 5. yeah, it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life, family house and if you have responsibilities. yeah. and in a minute the queue patient demolishes had all your dreams. what are these an amazing person he loves life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away, more reminders of those who been arrested as my hand miss harris husband set previously spent a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hon worries, he'll be in the same situation all over again. can exceed, exceed, exceed, but not even what are we suffered loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if he was sentenced. then we'd know he'd be released after
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finishing his sentence with administrative detention people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. a walk down. any alley here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 published indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention the highest number in more than 30 years. so in the israel takes revenge on, posted in people, the increase in the number of those detained after october. 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about more than 6000 to obtain from the occupied westbank to combat the worry. they die and s my hide and seek counsel from their neighbor malika, a walker. who tells me her son has been 13 of a total 18 years in prison, under administrative detention. and a jealous new dog could attend this children's events at school or university. he
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wasn't able to share a joy with a surrounded by walls, full of photos that showcase happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. how much improvement does either at the haitian refugee camp and the occupied west bank following what we found at the share refugee camp really is a microcosm for the palestinian experience throughout the occupied west bank these days. so many people dealing with this issue of administrative detention, their loved ones being held without charged. they don't know when they will see them again. and i will tell you that one palestinian lady that we spoke with there said the just because this has become something normal to them. does not make it an experience that is any less sad or any less were some fully. how many jump june me forcing their life from ramallah in the occupied westbank. thank you.
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the best turn to other world news now and nearly 50 people have been killed after line slide had china is united province search and rescue operations on the way in the southwestern region. more than 500 people have been rescued. authorities say it's not clear what caused the land slide. katrina, you has more from beachy this sounds like the place and jobs, home county in china, southwest and united province of 5 50 am on monday morning. which means many people were inside in the forms of sleep and emergency team of about 200 people were dispatched immediately. more than 500 people from that village has been evacuated and people are desperately searching for the dozens of people scrapped under the rubble. supposedly from 18 different families in that village, a presidency, the thing has sent out a message urgent o our rescue effort saying this is practically happening so close just weeks away from the new year's celebration,
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the biggest annual holiday here in china. so thought no of course has been identified for this land slide, but a similar lands i took place 11 years ago in the same county and 46 people died in that instance. not this rest of operation is happening under extremely difficult conditions. a cold wave is purely sweeping across the plain. it's close to freezing temperatures during the day and jobs from counties an overnight drop through about minus 5 degrees celsius. so that shows that crucial survival window. for those prep, under the rubble surf risk machines, missed work as quickly as they can retrieve elda 0, aging india, as prime minister and the vendor emoji has opened the controversial temple in the northern states of the dash. the shrine was built on the grounds where a mosque stood for centuries before it was destroyed by him to right wing activists . alex page reports alone held dream of india's hindu nationalist, becoming a reality
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a temples dedicated to little tom. one of the most revered dieties in hinduism and with its prime minister in the end of the movies, but don't not potty to be a piece of those. a campaign promise it made 3 decades ago. will these block windows lose a single opportunity to try to send the accomplishment off? having been to the construction of the more than $200000000.00 temple, which began in 2020 has been contentious. it's built on the side of the body. must shift a 16th century must demolished by hidden do, right. we activist in 1992 best lead to nationwide communal riots that killed at least 2000 people, mostly mostly, and bombings in the city of moved by move in. susie years later in the current religious folk lines, the line she simple politics, his originated with indians,
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majority hindus who make up nearly 80 percent of the countries. 1.4000000000 populate should in 2014 daily, did not into the movie. after he promised to build a shrine on the very spot of the size of the most most educated. later, he made the reality, the temples and no duration comes months. the heat of national pulse is moved the 6th, a 3rd consecutive term most opposition. politicians avoid causing the ceremony that you choose most of these potty of exploiting religion for political gain. while the pos easy to launch and official election campaign, mozy supposes believe that um, temple is a promise of bills you'll have to be loyal to him to people. definitely think that it was someone who brought up this issue and made us and perhaps the public should reward mowdy. while some hand do celebrate, many muslims across the country are in
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a self imposed curfew. they fear attacks and violence. a lot of like any of the type of a hindu brothers and the, it's a good day. but what about us? those of us who had ruined, of course, will be in pain. on that day. our father was killed in the most was the most to my the while it, some critics say under movies leadership, the religious divide, his own, the why didn't some 200000000 muslims in the largest minority group live in fear as 2nd class citizens. muslims have been lynched over allegations of aging big for smoking counts. muslim businesses have been boy coasted houses, full those women bod, for wearing his scouts and some educational institutions and most states on file. but the more the has maintained silence. the, the fear that this given me and, and all the affiliate is they want to buy photo braces of most of them. i stomach
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civilization from the country to fan fair. around the temple is being seen as a victory for the hindu nest. less movement. and as moody 6, a 3rd term is raising concerns that he's the main thing. his legacy as the leader of you can transform india's secular democracy into hender nationalist states. alex bid elders era while i speak to hi tosh thing by the, by the season you, denny and he's the executive editor of the calvin, a magazine covering politics and culture. very good to have you with us. so what are your thoughts about this? a big elaborate ceremony to consecrate the temple, even though it's only half finished. why, what has the indian government gone to such great lengths to mock this location? what's, what's the end game here? well, i think there are many games as part of this close as the post because of course, but not from elections. that's approaching a 2 or 3 months from now. and this is obviously going to pay dividends. there's a huge cache and they can do nationalism. but not in the movie is brought to the
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payments to his party. now, the 2nd does, but this is in some way, is a symbolic transition off of secular democracy to up. i think the tom that has the news of the clinic democracy, but certainly up the what we have seen is that pretty much see of a board view which in the indian context as i think those items as amended. certainly context. we have seen a nation designed primarily for him goals, but everybody else and the student there must be a fee for men. religions really get into 2nd floss with this. and that is, especially in some way, is what has happened to be interesting point you make, then i want to pick up on it because for india is minority, a muslim population. and some of whom we've spoken to. this is a painful reminder of religious divisions that have grown more pronounced under motor useful. so is the idea then of the secular india which is enshrined in the
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indian constitution? is that now officially, then a thing of the past, it's been actually practically re is it seems more and more of single deposits, that you would have a prime minister to devote himself primarily to business religious ceremony for the past 2 months to make this a visible symbol of nation or to create most lives and not just most spends the rest of us that are the numbers we're talking more about it just the muslims alone and then leave alone. most friends of dissenters, people who belong to other minority is people of sick origin like me, christians are those people who have secular believes, but number adds up to over to 100000000 people. i mean, this is a huge population of people being left out of democracy or public participation in democracy. there are no most of them do presentations in this cabinet. that there was this country to be bought in solomon on behalf of the ruling party, which has a majority. this is a complete denial of participation in public life as well. and then this is not the
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symbolizes the sample. and some of this, you mentioned democracy in the upcoming elections, of course. and as you said, there are many who say that mode has sort of blurred the line between no prime minister and, and a religious figuring away. and so with these, when it just sentiments running high, what could it mean for, for the upcoming elections and the premise of voters voting on economic and non religious issues. and what role has the opposition taken in trying to counter all this as well? i think all these factors, but apparently in some sense as be phenomenal issues, the issues of governments have been subsumed under the sort of nationalistic of images for, but we've seen the results of re some states and mexico and some of the most important states of india in the fact that it has the maximum number of symbols in the budget be swept. if not in the movies, be just be some of these elections. so it does not more grand for the national elections upon the opposition, which itself is weakened. is that even with the sanctions and does not cover the
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whole hold on reason with which to come to the people? so in some sense is more the, i think is most likely looking at the put them in governance. and india is seeing a complete change in the very shared corporate constitutionally democracy that sort of started in $47.00 and was sort of constrained in the constitution of 1950. very interesting to talk to you about this. thank you so much for your time. hi. toasting bond executive director of the current affairs magazine, the car van that to africa and cameroon, has become the 1st country on the african continent to roll out a new malaria vaccine for children. health officials say it's a milestone in the global effort to cub, despite of the most key to born disease. the world health organization approve the r t. s. s. vaccine last year. after successful trials in gunner and kenya, africa accounted for 95 percent of all malaria debts worldwide in 2022 to
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us secretary of state has begun his latest visit to africa. anthony blinking his scheduled to visit cape verde, ivory coast nigeria, and on gola talks with lasers are expected to focus on regional security conflicts . owens and trade. it's blinking full strip to the continental us looks to strengthen partnerships. meanwhile, uganda is hosting the 2nd day of the g. 77 summit. delegates from developing nations represent 80 percent of the world's population. a main, a needs to bridge the gap between rich and poor nations and to level the playing fields between north and south. that's bringing dorsey jabari income by law. she's covering the summit for so door. so what's behind is push to unite and strengthen the g. 77. the, well, this is a organization made up of 134 countries and they were formed in 1964 that time they were 77 of them. within the u. n. system,
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the main goal was to have greater control over their own natural resources and their own economy. and that was the reason this organization was formerly meet every year at hosted by different countries. and this year you can, that is hosting the summit. the main objective is to try and level the playing fields when it comes to the amount of control developing nations have over their own natural resources. and you can so of course has been the forefront of this summit, highlighting. and this is certainly something that's going to be very important for the future of the confidence economy and speak more about that. i'm joined now. why don't go to j, the foreign minister of uganda. thank you for speaking. tell to 0 for history. the theme of this year's summit is leaving no one behind. can you explain what that means and why you've decided to go with it? thank you very much for sol,
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the so i answer this question. i think it's important to how about the bus route and i noticed on the about what to do 7 to 7, it's all about the name use of it. a certain date items home 7 plus $77.00 countries that came to be that you didn't meet. see us the least developed over time. that is about 6 the e as also a cool. well, what time are the members have enjoyed? and today the group of $7.00 to $7.00 plus j now stands at the membership of $150.00 full members. these sent me, which is this time sent me of that to group is as you pointed out, being one of the team leaving no one behind. this is because of the realize ition that within it is the level of the development. ultimately some membership varies that are the reach on that at a too many,
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very sure the notion of leaving no one the high is to walk up together in order to leave the least developed. i need to prove that world fair to a reasonable degree. i mean the to a level where or will you be a friend? i'm enjoy life together for a minute sir. it's been a big week for your country hospice and nom some of the non o one. and you have some very high ranking officials, heads of states here income paula to attend that as well as the g. 77. how important have be some it's been for your country. uh festival. we are humbling that that leads and trusted us with the responsibility of hosting these 2 very important. some of you. it is not the rules for the past. what the responsibility is that names for us, but for our country,
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this is i know what to do. first and foremost, for us to be able to showcase what you find that useful about. but more importantly, it does have an opportunity for us to share what we do, how we do the rest of the while. it gives us an opportunity to demonstrate the beauty and the opportunities that to other homes in here any you've got and i am sure those are really good. so what, how did you time have seen that little, but i am sure they will be encouraged to come back later. but secondly, in the instructions, in the discussions, uganda has had to do with trinity to develop by lots of other relations. because how to do of what you need to do,
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how by left another discussions on how we kind of goal 3. i'm calling to break the not so far as you know, meets trade and the model of man is going for the day for mr. and thank you for speaking houses. there are the meetings here will continue as throughout the day before they wrap up, provide a ceremony for that's what you provided by the president of uganda. you are very so maybe i'll send it back to so that's for now or so thank you for that dosage of battery life for us, the income pilot. we're going to take a short break now and then use our when we come back origin. teen is new prize event is being accused of looking address political allies at the close of the environment and saudi arabia secure a spot in the last 16 of the agents have more in the
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i'm glad you're here. let's go with your world the weather update. so it was more like a hurricane barreled through the islands of ireland and britain, in many spots, wins pushed past a 100 kilometers power. so this was how fierce it was. many of the weather alerts will now drop off in that way windy and warm weather. now into belgium, the netherlands, and as this precipitation bumps into colder air, it will mean snow for a time in helsinki. okay. this weather is also being draped down to the south of france, northwest spain, northern portugal. but for the rest of i be area, things are looking fine. let's go to central europe right now. we also see that disturbed weather cut across germany. poland pushed down into the alpine region. so there will be some snow over the outs looking good in the balkans, many spots filling with sunshine and temperatures on the plus side of things. and we've still got this northerly wind coming through the bus for us curling around the g, and that's pushing cool air into egypt. and in fact, for egypt,
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mediterranean coast, or whether it's in play here, we could see those winds for up to about 60 or 70 kilometers per let's go to the south right now, whether it's in play for northern both and be with this friend of rain here. that could produce some flooding and showers in storms across south africa as coastline today. on monday. bye for now. the long, sleek, 2 years should be at time to relish. but in europe's comments, he cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and unlikely candidate can spend, emerges from these quiet for time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space, housing stack, a witness documentary on how to 0,
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the the, the welcome back. you're watching the news, our on out you 0 with me for the batch auto reminder about the top stories. fighting and explosions have been heard me a nice
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a hospital in garza 7 city of con eunice. at least 12 people have been killed in strikes, guys facing a cynthia shore to just medicines because of the war. one and 350000 patients with chronic illnesses and not receiving them education. and these really forces of carried out more rates across the occupied west, find making arrests and searching palestinian homes. several people were injured with intense fighting, yet the cities have to come in and have the german foreign minister on elena by bulk, says a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war on guys that the remarks come ahead of a meeting of you for administrators with representatives from israel, the palestinian authority, and some arab nations. the talks are aimed at ending the war in guys in finding a long term b solution. the you also plans to consider sanctions against come off and is there any settlers in the occupied west by the many that issue the issue could not be
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worst, could not be worst. there is no words explain how the situation is with a hundreds of 1000 without the anything out of shelters and some food. we 1000 magazines and onto the bumps. and every day there is a high toll or civilian people being killed. many ministers have said that i have too many of the question is how many so many survosity is following this meeting of a foreign minister as far as from brussels. so that the you pushing for an end to the war and a 2 state solution. but all they all in agreement on this because in the past have been divided on his route oil and gas value her to barella saying they are that the when is enough for how many that are enough? and that's exactly the question that he will be posting to the you minutes to us. we heard from the german foreign minister and she basically is still not agreeing
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with it. let me just cease fire and there's a lot of other countries who have the same opinion. so there's a lot of division on the immediate action and guys are, but they have phones a some common ground on the futures solution which is for the 2 state solution. and that's why the you has now invited to our countries here to participate in this meeting. and they will have a discussion on how to realize this to a state solution, which of course, is still a very theoretical plan that you has presented. but they want to take this further and at the moment is for a for administer is addressing at the meeting. a israel cops arrives earlier when asked about the 2 state solution. he just walked away. sort of is not much whole there, but they will address that to him as well. and then the afternoon, the palestinian foreign minister will address the meeting as well. so what he hopes is to find off the 3 months of the vision and also being pulled irrelevant, that they find something they can agree on. and that's
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a future solution of the conflict. said, thank you very much for that set boss and live it in brussels. and the russian government has condemned what it calls a brutal terrorist attack by ukrainian forces in don't. yet at least 25 people were killed and others wounded in a busy shopping district in the city controlled by russia. o size accused the other, escalating a tax on civilian areas during years of fighting that in the us, the governor of florida rhonda scientist has dropped out of the race to be the next american president. every probably can suspend his his campaign and his now endorsing donald trump. desantis amounts his decision i had to the new hampshire primary on tuesday island fishery force of manchester in new hampshire. the wrong like his campaign rhonda scientist is x. it was new. keep a message on social media and the presidential dream was over. i am today
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suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance i am honored to leverage your trust in your support. when desantis was meant to be the next great republican who something when in florida is governor's race was to propel him to the white house. but to delete his presidential campaign in iceland, which supplemented. and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas, how awkward he wasn't person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st. the 1st states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, where the primary still over a month away on february 24th. so i think she suffer from a number of things here. you spend tens of millions to come 2nd in iowa when he predicted he would when i'm with new obvious victories. coming up,
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doors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. told me, trump was not to be too much. i think of the man many so would be his biggest driver who just got some words is whatever about re capable versus dropping. yeah. ron and ron is dropping out and he in doing so, he endorses little songs, relentless attacks on desantis from his positions and policies to even the shoes that he wore strangle the desantis county alley. it made him live week and the confident conservative who wrote to victory in florida desantis isn't even know. talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run. when they'll be no, donald trump, in his way to torment him and to defeat to i was so sure i'll just say that manchester new hampshire, the police in ecuador have detains more than 60 suspected gang members who
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attempted to seize a hospital. it's thought they were trying to free a gang leader who was receiving medical treatment that thousands of military personnel has been deployed to tackle vehicle during governments war on gun violence. the newly elected president of orange and tina is threatening to repeal legislation which protects rain, forest, gracious and other natural type. treasures have emulated, says, laws needs to change to help boost economy. his critics via the damage cause to find out ecosystems will only benefit is political allies as our lighting americas . lucy and human reports virgin forest to northern argentina. for as far as the i can see, like the amazon rain forest and neighboring brazil these far as soap counter greenhouse gases. they're also crucial for minimizing land sides and floods, which is why argentina passed landmark legislation to protect as far as 17 years
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ago. this was followed by measures to restrict the suppliers to clear fields and laws to protect what lands and glaciers which mining activities can put in peril. but the new libertarian president wants to repeal or rather the modified environmental legislation policy. so police, because all those policies, dudley, mankind for climate change or false and all they want. but those policies get together. funds to finance leasing. socialist right. 3rd rate in papers in the mid day says radical changes needed to fix argentina's chronic economic problems. but environmental, this to argue that believes really is to favor big business, especially those owned by his closest political and economic supporters such as black as time who accompanied the president to your last month. a. l. stein, runs the ears a corporation,
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and is one of ours and tina's biggest landowners. that includes the postal estate here in south that an area, roughly 6 times the size of the city and window site is, has already been cleared here for crops and capital. but the native, far as some of the other half of this drive down to the property, the ones that you see behind me cannot be touched by their owners because they fall under the protection of origin. tina's environmental protection law, at least for right now. so you see more, if you go its allies modified, you'll be able to clear the remaining $150000.00 hector's. he owns the same goes for malays political ally, former president maurice, you'll mockery. he also owns forest land and felt that he'd be able to clear for planting soil specifically on the outskirts of winter site is a real estate project is being built on an enormous what land wants, exclusively home to birds and copy by this. these giant members of the road and
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family are being quickly displaced. rollings back on argentina's environmental conservation is approved by congress, will accelerate the disappearance of natural resources and phone up until now had been safe, guarded by law. to see a newman, al jazeera santa argentine protests in cities across germany, over the weekend, so close to one and a half 1000000 people condemning the rise of the a f t party. the far right party with its proposals for the mass deportation of many immigrants is enjoying a search in popularity. many in germany online and find that prospect's really tons reports the germans joining protest in recent days. the country has been down this path before many a while, right? the growing power of the far right and the policy carried that goes of germany's nazi past that they want to stop it. this was collected on sunday, with tens of thousands gathered on the banks at the rhine river. i'm demonstrating
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against the fact that the things that we learned at school that we all know still seem to repeat themselves. and i'm here to show that the silent majority is no longer asylum as we all the majority of people. i think our democracy is a stable democracy and it must never never be a tax in the way the ac is currently a talking at since friday. there would be big protests in hamburg, frankfurt stick, got yearbook, and hanover on sunday. it was cologne, munich, and the capital ballot. and what triggered them was the expos, a of a meeting held between the a, at the an austrian fall right lead at mots and sell now with a force deportation to millions of immigrants in gym. and so far in oregon was discussed, the a f, the denied supporting the idea. but it's been a major scandal, nonetheless. not gonna use it for granted. we have a strong constitution, but the need
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a strong see the society as been in the center of the democratic parties. it could be a tough employee of the firewall, not cooperate with this, right? be extreme is and not coffee pots. all the children up the a f, the was found it decade ago. you don't empty immigration, and you're a skeptic policies. most counts now put it in 2nd place nationally with about 20 percent support. and there are a state elections later this year in 3 regions where the f d is leading the poles to the many thousands of demonstrators. you've come to the streets of most major cities, making the points to the, at the doesn't speak to them. when we tell him how to 0 to the head on al jazeera and sports, jim, i will tell you why this call for missed out on a one point. $5000000000.00 buys,
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despite winning the business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck, he's real estate consultant. the business agents to be sponsored by interlock stuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the the supports his gemma. thank you fully a day off his president code for itself, the action on racism in football, the captain of the democratic republic of congo. this being subjected to online, racist abuse of, to the africa cup of nations, game against the or okay, shots that have been that he plays the law say in front was involved in a heated exchange with in the real quick case. while it was groggy at the end of the game is not yet clear what caused the disagreements, but the members instagram accounts of students being targeted by several uses, pasting monkey. i'm guerrilla, verges and racist comments. this comes
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a couple of days off the 2 other black plaza racially abuse in europe. ac milan. so mike my on and it's always syria and coventry's casey palmer in the english championship. as for the game itself, convo denied rock of a place. and the knockouts for now, at least it was looking good for the highest rank team, but as traffic you, me put them a heads. the com go forward is the last equalized in the 76 minutes. and they could have want it to have it not being for a great safe find real case, keep buena, just getting a fingertip to that 1. 1 on the final school in the same group times a day. it came close to that 1st ever. i've called when simon and see about putting in the head to get zambia to then have that confidence and so that's they still managed to level it up when some data headed an equalizer with 2 minutes left in the game. all teams in group still have a chance of progressing the rock. i'll still top unless you pair. your goal difference means a drawer. i guess that would be and that's fine. ok. will likely be enough to see
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them. 3 south africa bounce back from that reasoning. last with the phone when even the maybe a 10 buzz want a school to if the goal is for the front of us on a who goes seconds in group 8 behind molly retrieve as soon as you know, on saturday egypt scott's in mohammed solid over time to his club livable for treatment on the neck injury he picks up in natural with gone to on thursday egyptian football association say they hire, he will be fit to fly back out to ivory coast to the semi finals should they qualify to some good news for sila, as his little poolside extended that lead at the top of the premier league to 5 points, 2 balls from dog and nunez, and 2 from that deal goes to esl and beach for the away from high level of one. the last 5 games in competition. the saudi arabia patriot, that's a mancini,
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is playing down the chances of winning that fast asian cops since 1996 disappoint qualifying for the lookouts with a game to spend the 3 time champions bates k gets down to now. but mancini still believes in japan, south korea, australia, and iran, all the favorites. and the richardson was that the on that's been at the stadium for us. the, well, there is a lot of attention on saturday, radian purple, just through the mind with a will come looks to be adding to the country in 2034. and of course, has been huge investments in the saudi, probably bringing in bias from over the well, with that questions about what it means for the developments of local silence and ultimately be successful. span of the national thing now right now, but national seems being touched by want to be so expensive. your opinion polls be . it's holly reboots are mancini. and he was under a bit of pressure coming into this much against curtis, done after a less than convincing. when in their opening group game against darma curtis tense
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coach had said his team would need a foot pulling miracle to beat saudi arabia. the cool to the sporting gold city, seemingly going on, hood guessed, on how to play a sense of insight, 10 minutes. so these 1st go around and just as to the whole thing with the determined resistance of coexistence defense, broken by last time it kind of cookies, sense problems with compound it just after the break, when they had a 2nd player, read called it saudis, to man advantage didn't result in a one solid gold rush, but it did help them on the weights with to know when the place in the knockout rooms we would all was the next time the so did have you visited and we will with the top show we're when the against the terminal for cup of tea, we come to the beach,
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anyone i believe we went, we went and that's. busy what a so much trouble build up to these children. so mancini, excluding 3 senior players from the spot, the said undermining his pay for to sort of things will certainly be for goal to carry on waiting and a head suppose winning this trophy to the 1st time in almost 3 decades. how's the curtis then? despite this last piece, they can win their final group game against their mind. i could still sneak into the knockout rounds on the richardson al jazeera at the i'm. it's been alley, stadium, tucson grandson champion, carlos outcries is through to the course of finals deal strain. open the spanish 2nd said had a straightforward victory over me and it kept some of its wrapping up a 64646 love went in on the 2 hours. outclasses drops just one set so far on is the parents. go straight and he'll play and succeed. i'm it sound as very of next to persons coming. already put up a good fight against this gentleman of finance,
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taking him to $0.05 before eventually being knock sounds of the tournament that success just a before i was but he made it into his 11 score on some quotes of final asset in melvin. that said that it would matter would have said he felt pretty tired of these matters in the 2nd round match that finished early on friday. he blamed that's on losing the subsets and support schools and you know, gorgeous out of the russian push through the winning in full set the set up a course of fine with peyton's table who catch before which he hopes to get a little bit more sleep and it upsets in the women's role as qualify. diana? yes. trends gotten knocked out serious on champion victoria as the rank of the framing winning 766 full to reach us 1st grandson. cool to find a washer. play checks the nature linda. most of us that was the know handshake for how by the russian dependence, as you create insight, as continues to protest batteries to support the rushes from 32
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nfl teams. we're now down to the last full line for the super bowl. tracy and the reigning champions. the kansas city chiefs are among them. patrick, my names 3 to touch down pauses. it's a travis kelsey as the she's out onto the the buffalo bills. a 27 to 24 to reach the 6th straight afc championship game. they'll play the baltimore ravens for winwood secure, a full staples, all the parents in 5 years. the detroit lions. i one of just for teams and never supply in the safe as all. but on sunday they took a step closer. say beach, the top of a bucket is assigned to one to 23 to book as boston, the m f. c, championship game for just the 2nd time alliance will face the san francisco 49, as on sunday, for a chance to make franchise district india's cricket stalls rep. katie will miss the status of the upcoming test series against england because of personal reasons. he's going to escape at least the 1st 2 matches. india is cricket board has requested media on fence to respect security's privacy. the 1st of 5 tests and 100
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bad stops on 1st day. i and nick dunlap could well be name, go funds we hearing so many years to come. the 20 year old house become the 1st the amish. us a when on the page i told since phil mickelson in 1991. so i'm not finished. one shot clear, the 2nd victory. the american express elements in california is winning school is $29.00 on the pa assessing new $72.00 whole record of the events. dunlab is a 2nd to a student at the university of alabama. and this was his 5th pga tour events, often missing the cods and his previous 3. and that may have pulled off, but one of the best performances in recent gulf history. but he wouldn't get a penny of the prize money because he's an amateur. instead, the $1500000.00 1st prize goes to 2nd place. christian does a notes. the 3 players types of side gets 635000. still dunlap does get to keep the tracy. maybe he can sell that to be struggling. that is all is well for now, while i centralize my,
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thank you very much and that's the news hour for now on. ouch is 0 printing all the days world news coming up the very short, even with my colleagues my these signs for half an atheist the on causing the cost more than $100.00 days into the bowl on dogs of the humanitarian catastrophe is deepening as the conflict continues the cost of the is really, economy is enormous. plus some taiwan is view president to bring peace and prosperity to the i'm counting the cost on al jazeera. i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that. and 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have to change in this legislation and seeing use it to flush receipts of
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anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons, and it's like 10 words pod, 3, the template on our tuesday or the call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are a few months being that deserves to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts. that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it,
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you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear as you do. there is no child that covers world news like we do. we revisit faces. the state of the 0 really invests and that's and that's a privilege. as a journalist of the day of intense bombardments and st. bustles and con eunice, is there any forces pushed for control and southern golf and 9200 people have been killed since sunday. the hello i'm running say this is out of their life. and so coming up people in southern gaza, bearing that in mass graves inside hospital compound,


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