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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit faces. the state houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the a day of intense bombardments and st. bustles and con eunice is really full, says push the control and southern golf and ninty, 200 people have been killed since sunday. the hello online site. this is all just there in life. and death was still coming up, people in southern golf bearing that, that in mass graves inside hospital compound, smoove and 25000 palestinians have now been killed since the context again,
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the family members is running captives held in gauze. this storm. amazing app is where they call them in to mounting the return to fair enough and searching for survivors in china, off to a land slide slots ins, homes and barriers. many 50 people as well has intensified it's building of the southern city of con eunice, killing at least 12 people in overnight strikes gauze as government media office. as the attacks target to displace people in shelters, israel claimed was safe. the city has become the focus, the federal offensive, where it's ground force as a baffling palestinian find. his us the bank has the latest her daughter is the to which you cannot let go. you will not take the front you
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will not take it from me. she says the israel's will continue easy the boat to overwhelm hospitals because it is not filled with the displaced how the students had to move multiple times during this war in an attempt to stay safe and little phenomena. and also by then easy. now he now were forced to leave a home and took shelter and nestor hospital, then a lot. so university compound, we ended up here and distance. i guess we use wood fire to big bread and cook where we can get our hands on. with this winter's fiercely cold, this is not even a proper sense of how you look and then you might have just, you had the constant bombing, the unprecedented destruction under we met in this getting, you know, now here's of a food shortage. some organizations attempt to provide one or the other day for those in need. then that's, that's not me. i'm, i'm not in my job. we're facing
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a real simon, if we lose rice and flower, we're facing that difficult reality that we call under international community to intervene quickly to bring a inter north and goes around in this more volumes posting and fight. as was just in the face of israel's overwhelming military power is road bumps, every inch of garza did not being very inside the kinds of unnecessary hospital palestinians of pain for the boot has to do with their lives. i started vague. i just do it's got a honeymoon, here's live in russia and southern gone. so for us, so honey, as we've been hearing hun eunice, now the focus of the is really offensive. fee is fine. thing in around the southern city. we hit talk us through what's been happening in the last few hours a yes or more? who are finding news emerging it from the city of han units. so far we're talking
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about at least 50 people though have been who have arrived to the hospital? the reverend different means of transportation rather than ambulance ambulance. so far we're talking about a 3 vehicle operations right now. every other injury arrived the hospital either on a, on a civilian car, a taxi or on a cart, pulled it by animals. and this is the situation in honda, it is becoming increasingly difficult, but so far we talk about 50 people have been killed. the vast majority happened to be women and children like every other, a major expansion of aerial bombardment, or tellers, shooting across the gas turban since the beginning of this war. these really military pushed deeper within the vicinity on the surrounding areas of nasir hospital all the way through the western a part of the city and very close to the coast of the road and within the vicinity of the public university. an academic institution where hundreds of 1000
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palestinians had been shouldering inside the uh, the buildings of the university as well as the campus and the courtyard of the, of the academic of this academic institution, entire families had been there because they were told it was a safe zone a particularly we're talking about the area where the uh, the institution is located on the my last there that's part of the laws evacuation zone in western side of hon. units have been shouldering there since the beginning of the work as we were told it is safe, but now hon. eunice is a c and an aside of devastation and ongoing suffering for people who don't have any other a choice, but to be displaced. one more time, the only problem right, else is hon. units have been effective, leads separated from the remaining parts of the gaza strip. people are, cannot go in or out of how new it is unable to get to refine is, uh,
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is city as well as unable to go to the central area. but we are talking about it in tens bombing campaign so far, destroying the vast majority of the city. i have been for structured and residential buildings causing further the civilian casualties displacement a more agony for people as we see. and parents who do not want to let go of their, their children who are, who are killed during the bombing honeymoon. is that for us and rasa in southern goals? i think he's the bell fall. soc is the spokeswoman for the palestinian red crescent and she says, is there any forces have surrounded out a law hospital in hon eunice, where the organizations headquarters are located? we are extremely what is regarding the safety of our team at i'm at hospital and the restaurant of address and headquarters along with our emergency medical center in time units. the total area is under siege. edit. be seized by is there any
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occupation forces? every one is a job inside our facilities. no one is able to get out. no one is even able to come in. we have, besides our medical teams permits, and at, over to staff we have a patients and the wounded inside an hospital, along with thousands of displaced people who are taking shots of inside the hospital and the kind of time or the crescent headquarters. the area now is extremely dangerous. they are hearing the strong bomb being in the area and they are unable to go out because of how dangerous it is. and every one anyone is a trying to move out or just walking the street. it is being targeted. the situation is extremely dangerous, and we are now really worried about the safety of our teams there to west jerusalem. know where delta is of protest as have stormed
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a committee meeting and as well as parliament, the cooling for the immediate return. if the family members that have been held captive in gaza and they blame these rarely governments and not doing enough to bring them home to speak to stephanie, get that guy who joins us now for multi part east. jerusalem. stephanie, what exactly happened? yes you mentioned there you had a small group of protest or is that mileage to enter the finance committee meeting that was happening in these really parliament. that message when they entered the room, they were yelling now now now, and this is in reference to bringing the captives back immediately. they were removed by the connect that security. but certainly that as part of a growing sentiment here in israel, not just among the hostage families, but among these ratings that this government isn't doing enough to bring them back . people want this government to strike a deal a deal with him asked the 2nd deal to be able to bring the captives back alive. we've also had some of the family setting up here outside the prime minister's
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residence in jerusalem. the people there are saying that they do trust this prime minister, but they want him to do more. and it is, it was also in his very own war cabinet because the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been so defiant, actually, and insisting that there will be no deals that the military campaign will continue . and that is the military way that the captain's will be pushed back. but even from within his own war cabinet and the pos guy, the eyes been caught too, as a form admitted to madame chief of the ministry extensive experiencing that it's simply isn't. it doesn't work in the same house in the sense of it doesn't make sense and it isn't the best way to bring the captive back alive if you're talking only the military campaign. so there was also growing pressure on the prime minister from within his own board cabinet to try and strike some kind of deal and even from the opposition. but again, he remains very defiant that he's only going to use the military option at this point in time. to try to bring the box one to how long that the funds is going to
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last because we're hearing there's going to be a vote of no confidence, i believe in the next few hours on him. what more can you tell us about that? this is perhaps more symbolic than something that's actually going to achieve real change. we don't expect that deposit simply doesn't have the numbers for a vote of confidence default in these really part of it. you need 61 votes, that top of the can, i said, which is a 120 seats just over hoff. this is being bored for by the labor party. the labor party has the least amount of seats in the is really part of it just for seats. but again, as we've been talking about, it is indicative of a wider sentiment. that's simply the prime minister. and this government hasn't done enough and it has failed. this is a particularly the wording of this motion to bring the captive box. so we expect the labor party to bring for their case and then we expect to hear a response from the government. and then there will be a vote at some point along the day today, but certainly it is not expected to pass,
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but we're on day a $108.00 of this more. and the real overwhelming sentiment among these rays is just they do support the war. but there's a growing feeling that the captives need to reboot back alive and that a deal is needed to achieve that. where are we asked will have my says it needs a total enter the war before it will discuss where using the capt. isn't that something that benjamin netanyahu says is absolutely not on the table. okay, thank you for that. stephanie executive that for us. and it will be part of easter sense. is there any forces have conducted mores across the okey pine westbank? they carried out major operations near ramana early on monday in the town, and petunia and the show for refuge account. the rest of palestinians and search and several homes of a little more than $6000.00 palestinians have now been arrested in these raids since october. the 7th israel can detain people indefinitely without charge is
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a process known as administrative detention. a number of palestinians as a result in his really presence is growing rapidly. mohammed jeff jude has more in the history of refugee camp. south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance more uh it is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial indefinitely. good 5, yeah. it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life, family house and if you have responsibilities the yeah. and in a minute you patients demolishes, had all you were 3. now, what are these an amazing person he loves life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back. a few streets away. more reminders of those who been arrested . as my hand miss harris husband set previously spent
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a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hand worries, he'll be in the same situation all over again. can exceed, exceed, exceed, but not even what are we suffered? loss because of administrative detention, it would have been easier if he was sentenced. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative detention people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. walk down any going here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 palace to indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years in israel takes revenge on postilion people. the increase in the number of those detained after october 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about
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more than 6000 to obtain from the occupied westbank to combat the worry they died. and as my hon see, counsel from their neighbor malika walker, who tells me her son has been 13 of a total 18 years in prison, under administrative detention on the new dog could attend this children's events at school or university who was in april to share our joy surrounded by walls, full of photos, the showcase. happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. how much improvement does either at the deficient refugee camp in the occupied west bank? kevin foreign minister anita bab book says a 2 state solution is the only onset to the move on concept remarks come ahead of the meeting of the farm and assist with representatives from israel and the palestinian authority as well as some our nations. it talks to aimed ending the
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will in gaza and finding a long term peace solution. be safe loans to consider sanctions against how much is rarely settlers in the occupied west bank. in all the news, nearly 50 people have been killed off the land slide. hit. china is united provence, search and rescue operations are underway in the south western region for the 500 people have been rescued. authority say it's not clear what caused the last slide. katrina, you has more. so this sounds like the place in jobs on county and trying to southwest in united province at 5 50 am on monday morning. which means many people were inside in the forms of sleep. and emergency team of about 200 people were dispatched immediately. more than 500 people from that village has been evacuated and people are desperately searching for the dozens of people trapped under the rubble of reports of late from 18 different families in that village are present to the thing has sent out a message, begging o our rescue effort saying this is tragically happening so close this weeks away
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from the new year celebration, the biggest annual holiday here in china. so thought no holes has been identified for this land slide, but a similar atlanta i took place 11 years ago in the same county and 46 people died in that is not this rest of operation is happening under extremely difficult conditions. a cold wave is currently sweeping across the plain. it's close to freezing temperatures during the day and dial tone counties overnight it drops through about minus 5 degrees celsius. so that shows that crucial survival window for those prep under the rubble starts risk, which is miss work as quickly as they can retrieve out a 0 aging. so head on al jazeera keys, just explore, seeing religion for political gain, find out why they are, think the new template india is controversial. the index analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's
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accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a text book genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive the task protection that see that convocation inside story on al jazeera, what constitutes exempt, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent we won't be so we want to education might want to we don't have to leave them in different countries in the policy of it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust that
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unity often is the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders. the integrity in the pursuit of the the, it working out. is there a mind if our top story is this, our finding and explosions have been had the national hospital in gauze, southern city of con eunice. at least 50 people have been killed and is really strong, sat in the past day. gaza is facing a severe shortage of medicine due to the rule of the 350000 patients with chronic
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illnesses and not receiving the medication. families, if is there any captives have disruption of missing and be, is there any parliament that demanding the government live to immediately return that family members a safe fund, november sort of release of around compas, account? israel continues to trade fund across the lebanese border with the has been a homes group, but the nature of the pricing is changing. attacks had been limited to a narrow territory within a few kilometers of the border. but now israel is car. yeah. targeted killings away from the front lines, and it's will planes of flying low over the routes and even further north st. ahold it has moved from the 11 east capitol. largely abandoned villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer southern border with israel, our military zones. the destruction is wide spread. in some neighborhoods, this is left as well as targeting. what it says are hezbollah cells and
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infrastructure. while the lebanese armed group attacks is where the troops and positions the conflict triggered by, as well as war on gaza, has been largely confined to a strip of territory, a few kilometers on both sides of the border. but the nature of the conflict is changing. targeted killings of hezbollah members or allied groups appears to be a new strategy. this really strikes more often than not, are kilometers deep inside lebanon's territory, away from the battle ground front lines. and the times beyond lebanon's borders, commanders from groups that are part of the round so called excess of resistance have been also killed. officials say, as well as resorting to the killings to compensate for being unable to achieve a military victory against thomas. after more than 100 days of war in gaza, the group which i've still not used its full military capabilities and its latest
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confrontation with this well remains defiant. and the you love to have that is why you the hands about launching the full scale war goes to bonham. in reality, it's unable to do that. it won't be able to confront what be prepared for an hour and then it has failed in not leaving any of its objective and goes up. that resistance is strong. the israel is no longer just responding to hezbollah attack, such as in the 1st few weeks of because a conflict. it's on the offensive, it strikes more aggressive fences are high, as well, has already carried out a high profile assassination in the lebanese capital, killing. how mazda is number 2 officials, and this really war planes don't just fly overboard their areas, they reach, they do, and further north, flying at low altitudes, and to show up for the conflict is being described as controlled escalation. united states has engaged in diplomacy to insure there's no all outward and 11 on the
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front of the reports from israel suggest the effort to remove hezbollah fighters from the borders through diplomatic means is spelled center for their eligibility to build pocket stones. foreign minister says that the investor as of pockets don and ron will return to that post by friday. the neighbors exchange missile and drugs drawings last week, tyrone and some about said they were targeting on groups around this foreign minister is scheduled to visit pocket spelling in a week in an effort to rebuild ties and is prime minister under, under moody has opened to a temple in the northern states as a pradesh deshawn was built on the grounds where most and for centuries before it was destroyed by henry roy wing activists. opposition. politicians accused moody of using the temple to school political points. subject comple is the editor of the hall news magazine in new delhi. he says, the prime minister moody has turned in the way from its secular foundations. seem
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to be the coming of age afford to handle. india does not, as a hindus in india will celebrate things and diabetes. net but ecosystem it operates, as i've seen that in those all of the word are actively looking at how this and dive temple has come up in the last 10 years as promised by brand new, some movie and electrons are incidentals because i think what the mr. movie is being able to do is to change the nature of feet and get from a secular constitutionally mandy to sec leaned into a hindu india and become a very reversible thing. even when you have a nation in port a strain circumstances, the quote is it'd be you'd be losing, congress comes to box to be very difficult to change the order of things that have been under you should go to the minorities at most because uncomfortable at the idea of what has happened. they think that the, the so called divide between the hindus initiatives going to increase importing the votes are going to become a relevant because primarily indian seclusion was also sustained by the kind of
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influenced we him, the most name was, had or the outcome. they used to live the other backward another to operate classes and worked and worked out. whoever was the clean but the cheapest and di policy of putting all the hindus and bracket. you must have been by hindus about 85 percent of the population. so there is nothing that the most of us with a very small percentage of was going to need to on at all, or change the order of things in the, in the, in the society. as the governor of florida, rome de santis has dropped out of the race to be the next us president. the republican suspended his campaign and is now inducing. donald trump desantis announced his decision ahead for new hampshire primary. on tuesday. i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises, and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance.
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they watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance, and they see democrats using lothair this day to attack him. well, i've had disagreements with donald trump, such as on the corona virus pandemic, and his elevation of anthony bouchee. trump is superior to the current incumbent joe biden. that is clear, cameron has become the 1st country in africa to roll out a new malaria vaccine for children. health officials say it's a milestone in the global effort to cub the spread of the mosquito borne disease. world health organization approve the all t s. s vaccine last year off to successful trials in ghana and kenya, the african continent accounted from 95 percent of pulmonary, a desk worldwide in 2022 restaurants in the philippines could be forced to offer half a comp serving of rice to that customers. congress is discussing the move as a way to cut back on waste, as people struggle with food inflation. on
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a belie reports. lunch at an eatery in suburban manila. endless dream of customers with seemingly insatiable appetites for right. despite having to increase the price of each cup, by as much as 50 percent, they're still serving an average of $25.00 to those every day. maybe they think that you always have, i mean i'm a huge race either. so i like it. whether i live with advice problems that i, the rice dislikes filipinos like to say. but a study by the philippine rice research institute found $384000.00 metric tons of price is wasted every year in the country. it's enough to feed $2500000.00 people for an entire year and for congress to build that would require restaurants to serve. half cub serving surprised is gaining ground in the lower house. that's a huge volume. it can reduce the need and then we can balance the little copper
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chose as well as the 4th a grapes. the philippines is projected to overtake china. this year, as the world's largest importer of price support is the bill hope less demand would mean less impact for book choices in the global market, where rice prices are the 15 year high. so i've just order to take a wee meal from a well known local fast food restaurant and it comes with 2 pieces of fried chicken and a full cup of price. now i can order another cop or 2, but if i wanted to eat a little bit more rice or less, i can't because they're still option for a house. it's higher end in gene restaurants like these that are more likely to face fines if the bill is past this either we already offers rice in half cub servings, but its owner says the orders are usually in addition to a full couple of price point to below al jazeera manila. okay,
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that's it. to me, molly inside, fully bought to boat will be here in around 30 minutes with more of today's nice. the weather is up next than incense. story looks at how the non aligned movement is trying to reset it into and stay with us, the the hello. there's going to be a blizzard on a whole kind of island in just a few days. so let's go for those details and nice to see by the way it's so here it is gathering steam, gathering moisture in the waters between korea and japan, and this is headed rate for support. so take a look at the 3 day forecast. i think by thursday you're gonna be in the thick of it. northwest wins guessing up to 60 kilometers per hour. blinding snow weather conditions, and could see up to 50 centimeters of snow over the next 5 days. not snow but cool
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. we're dealing with across most of china, especially toward the south, hong kong coming in at just 10 degrees. so let's go to india and update on the fog and smoke here extending from punjab province. getting pretty close to be har. this fog has been so sick that it's led to a number of cancellations in terms of flights trying to get in and out of delhi airport. otherwise, a few showers for entrepreneur dash of dish and chatted, scar, but nothing major. and we've also got to bring you up to speed with the fox situation in buckets on locked into this northeast corner from the capital territory to punch at providence. hopefully throughout the day it will live with that sun helping. and it's not sun, but it's the winds pumping in some warmer air to the western side of saudi arabia. jetta 31 degrees. talking tuesday. the heroes from i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is
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only mobile apps. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the, how relevant isn't on the line, the 2nd largest organizational this kind of to the united nation needs and you can and what problems cannot solve in a while, ma, device escalating tension. this is inside store the kind of there and welcome to the program. i'm just don't see it. hey.


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