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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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to the war between the army and the rest has race of the largest displacement among children in the world. that's making children who then move on level to being recruited from around the world. the system in russia is beginning discharge some planes of fatigue. no one knows what the limits of its durable it to the a day of intense bombardment. 10 street battles in con unit is really forces push for controlling 7, gaza. any 200 people have been killed since sunday. the play you're watching all g 0 live from july with needs for getting back to the also ahead even burying the dad is
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a dangerous task. and guys that people are forced to dig mass crazy inside a hospital. the family members of these really captives housing guys are stormy, complementary committee meeting, demanding the return of their loved ones. finding out and using the as prime minister opens or he knew temple on the ground. so they demolished mosque opposition, says is exploiting religion for political gain. the israel has intensified its bombing of the southern city of con eunice. at least 50 people have been killed. this in sunday, guy says government me office says you're taxed on get a displace people in shelters. israel claims were safe. i said, because the latest her daughter is good, but you cannot go. you will not take the front you will not take it from me. she
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says the israel's will continue easy the boat to overwhelm hospitals because it is not filled with the displaced how the students have had to move multiple times during this war in an attempt to stay safe . and also by then easy. now he now were forced to leave a home and took shelter and nestor hospital, then unlocked, so university compound, we ended up here and distance again. we use wood fire to big bread and cook where we can get our hands on with this winter's fiercely cold. this is not even a proper sense, how you look, and then the constant bombing, the unprecedented destruction under that mis, kidding. how the students are left to assess the damage inflicted upon them. the israel's policy of collective punishment to all the family, members of a resistance by to carrying out an operation. property is not more precious than
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a human soul compared to gaza and the gardens. we are in a better situation or at least a home was destroyed with no one from our family inside a random there's more volumes posting and fight as was just in the face of israel's overwhelming military power is road bumps every inch of cause. i did not being very inside the grounds of unnecessary hospitality palestinians paying for the boot has to do with their lives. i started vague. i just do to let's get an update on the situation on the ground. 9 speak to honey. my hold was in the roster for i seen 7 guys a honey con unit is now the focus of is arouse the offensive fuse fighting in around the southern city there. tell us about what's been happening in these last few hours yes. well, the past a few hours, i've been flooded with that more devastating news coming from on you. and it says
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these really military intensive by it's the ground invasion and expand it to include now the west strengths a part of the city, including the central area within the vicinity of not the hospital. so far, we're talking about 200 people have been killed within the past 24 hours. but 50 of those only in hon. you and is just overnight the nearly hours of this morning. and those 50 have been collected, identified a by the paramedics and insights. not sort of hospital, they were collected from the street that it was very difficult to get them at do for the civil defense, the crew members and paramedics to reach the targeted areas. the vast majority of them, in fact, arrived the hospitality on the other means of transport duration. uh, okay. other than the deal as the arrived in taxis or on carts pulled by animal. this just shows how difficult the situation given the intensity and the scale of the a bombing campaign on the artillery showing,
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destroying the vast majority of the infrastructure and all the roads leading to the hospital at the of the military actions are taking place right now. at the western side of the city, very close to the vicinity of a public academic institution in lockbox university, as well as the surrounding and densely populated neighborhoods, including a i'm a district as well as the fact that's in the northern part of the central part of new and it's where it houses a the headquarters of the roof. the policy number at crescent society would see me in a statement as the said they have lost it a connection and communication with the with it, the ambulance headquarters and the hospital a in the area that has come under a bombings as well. not this is not the only time the health facility come comes under heavy area of the strikes and artillery sitting in the past few weeks ends up
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to this particular hospital was targeted several times on 3 times in a row and just destroying the vast majority of its a property and the surrounding areas, the situation in hon. you and is particularly around the vicinity of not their hospital and are getting worse by the hour. people are unable to bury the dead right now. the ended up doing them in the back court yard of the hospital, including the people who are unable to get to the hospital and have someone who has been killed. they end up burying them in the yard of their homes. as of this, our, the situation is going from bad tours that have from worse to terrible as tanya and as has been effectively separated from the rest of the guys and stood there. there's nothing going in or out of the city which further complicate the human at terry, on situations as there are no, there's extreme shortly or medical supplies extreme. trudy or food supplies and water supplies and this season. the city right now,
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we'll just further exacerbate the human interior and the suffering. an agony of people who are caught in right the extreme bombings right now. a worsening situation in con. you and he says, you say a honey con eunice cut off from the rest of the gaza strip honey. my mode with the latest they have from 7 gaza. meanwhile, police in israel have detained family members of captives held in gaza after they disrupted upon entry meeting. the protesters have been calling on the government to do more to secure the release of their loved ones. some of the captives have been killed in these really strikes range kinda doubting guys from on this side speak to . i'll just here's what i've done. how many does in tennessee for us? so to tell us more 1st about what happened during this problem in her need to of the well, a small group of a relatives of captives that are still in gaza. probably in the sign of the growing frustration of the going discontent, of how the government is dealing with specifically this captives
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a crisis have storm dis, a finance committee at a that was meeting at the mess. and nowadays they demanded that more be done to release the loved ones and they also reminded the government do that. those sitting there, the finance committee at that point of dishes in israel sometimes fight for much less than that but and pointing to when the government collapsed just a couple of years ago. simply because of us back over what food should be given in the hospitals during the past over holiday. uh so they were pointing the finger at them, telling them you need to do more. i think it's just a really a sense of the great desperation, the sense that they're feeling isolated that don't know much is done or that's how i please. they seem to actually save the a $136.00. the in guys which we believe that about 25 to 28
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a r a does actually these really minutes who believes that? yeah, so growing pressure, honda from the kept his time these in going pressure on problem it is and it's you also from his own will cabinet and the opposition which, which wants to bring forth a vote of no confidence against the government. what can we expect from that? what i think is more of a highly symbolic move, simply because this motion is put forward by the labor party. the labor party has only 5 seats in the class. it uh the, the top rated uh the government holds the majority of seats there. and the labor party could only probably count on uh, choose a palestinian is really parties in the cuz i said for to get together. so for votes . uh so uh we would expect uh, the motion to be heard. uh, the people have the capacity to vote, but will it take it anywhere?
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well, anything else happened? i don't think anyone believes that simply because the numbers will be able to help the labor party. how do i thank you very much for that challenges here is how do i have done? i need reporting their life from tennessee. is there any forces have conducted more raids across the occupied westbank? they carried out major operations there. ramallah early on monday, in the town of bay tonia and the short fat refugee camp, the rest of palestinians and searched several homes more than $6000.00 palestinians have been arrested during raids in the occupied west buying a since october. the 7th. israel can detain them indefinitely. without charge, it's a process known as administrative detention. and the number of palestinians in his really presence is growing rapidly. mama jumped to him before in the history of refugee camp. south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance moran. it is one
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of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial. indefinitely. 55. yeah. it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life, family house and if you have responsibilities, you most of the yeah. and in a minute the queue patient demolish and had the whole you were 3. now, what are these an amazing person he loves life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away. more reminders of those who been arrested as my hand mishaps husband set previously spent a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. that's my hand where he is, he'll be in the same situation all over again. can exceed, exceed, exceed benign immune. what are we still for loss because of administrative detention? it would have been easier if he was sentenced. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative detention people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. a walk down. any alley here,
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turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 palace to indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years in israel, takes revenge on po, studying people, and the increase in the number of those detained after october 7th is unprecedented . we're talking about more than 6000 detained from the occupied westbank to combat the worry. they die and as my hands see, counsel from their neighbor malika, a walker, who tells me her son has been 13 of a total 18 years in prison under administrative detention. i went on the new dial could attend this children's events at school or university. she wasn't able to share our joy surrounded by walls, full of photos,
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the showcase. happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening. there's little comfort to be found. how much enjoyment does either at the history of refugee camp and the occupied westbank elsewhere, hezbollah fighters, and these really soldiers have been battling across the lebanese border for months now. but the nature of the fighting is changing. attacks had been limited to a narrow territory within a few kilometers of the border. but now israel is carrying out targeted killings away from the front line. and is, will panes are flying low over b route, and even further north is in a hard every for some living on capitals, a largely abandon villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer southern border with israel, our military zones, the destruction is wide spread in some neighborhoods little is left as well as targeting what it says or hezbollah cells and infrastructure. while the lebanese
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armed group attacks is ready troops and positions. the conflict triggered by israel's war on garza has been largely confined to a strip of territory, a few kilometers on both sides of the border. but the nature of the conflict is changing. targeted killings of hezbollah members or allied groups appears to be a new strategy. this very strikes more often than not our kilometers deep inside lebanon's territory away from the battle ground front lines. and the times beyond lebanon's borders, commanders from groups that are part of the around so called excess of resistance have been also killed. the officials say, as well as resorting to the killings to compensate for being unable to achieve a military victory against thomas. after more than $100.00 days of war in gaza. the group which has still not used its full military capabilities and its latest confrontation with as well,
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remains defiant. and demo you love to have that is why your hands about launching the full scale war goes to bonham. in reality, gets unable to do that. it won't be able to confront what be prepared for an hour and then it has failed in not leaving any of its objective and goes up. that resistance is strong. the israel is no longer just responding to hezbollah attack, such as in the 1st few weeks of because a conflict. it's on the offensive, it strikes more aggressive fences are high, as well, has already carried out a high profile assassination in the lebanese capital, killing. how mazda is number 2 officials, and this really war planes don't just fly overboard their areas, they reach bales and further north, flying at low altitudes, in a show for the conflict is being described as controlled escalation. united states has engaged in diplomacy to insure there's no all outward and 11 on front of the
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reports from as well suggest the effort to remove hezbollah fighters from the borders through diplomatic means is spelled center for their eligibility to be added to the head. we'll be taking a look at some of the days having use in more support for donald trump. another republican presidential candidate has dropped out of the race for the white. the hey, welcome to your world, the weather update. so the deep freeze in the us called states has now been replaced by a brain storms use and looking to get a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours or so. this will be rain in arkansas as well. but as the precipitation bumps into colder air, so for missouri, illinois and iowa, this could be an ice storm. so it's a slick spots out on the roads over the next little bit to the us. southwest we go
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with has been active. weather is here through california, some pretty good burst of rain around l. a. you could see half a month's worth of rain over the next 36 hours, and we're selling out across western canada, a pretty typical of winter weather here, but not as cold as it has been in outbreaks of rain across british columbia and the pacific northwest. a cool breeze coming down through the bahamas and cuba. so temperature is on the low side here. and then from mexico, as you can peninsula, we've got quite a bit of rain in the forecast today on monday. typical weather here as well through the amazon jungle showers and storms through the coast of ecuador as well. and then stretching from the argentine pappas right down to patagonia, we are dialing temperatures up. so look, as we get toward the end of the week on friday by a blanca closing in on 40 degrees spickle bye for now. of the phone, causing the cost of all the $100.00 days into the bowl on god. so the humanitarian
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catastrophe is deepening. as the conflict continues, the cost to the is really economy is in all of us. plus some taiwan is view president to bring peace and prosperity to the i'm counting the cost on al jazeera . we are the ones traveling the extra mile there are the media. don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the welcome back. a recap of our top stories on ology, 0 fighting and explosions are being heard. me announce the hospital in gaza. southern city of con eunice,
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at least 50 people have been killed in these really strikes that in the past. the families of these really captives have disrupted a meeting in parliament. they are demanding the government work to immediately return their family members. lacey's why in november, so to really some around half of the captain and is really forces of carried out more rates of policy occupied westbank making arrests and searching pat, assuming homes. several people were injured within 10 slicing near the cities that still correct and, and had brought german 4 administer on elena boxes. a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war on gossip. the remarks came a head of a meeting of a foreign ministers with representatives from israel, the palestinian of 40 and some arab nations. it's saying that ending the war and guys are in finding a long term solution. the you is considering sanctions against moss and is there any settlers in the occupied westbank that boston has more from brussels?
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we heard from the german foreign minister and she basically is still not agreeing with an immediate cease fire. and there's a lot of other countries who have the same opinion, so there's a lot of division on the immediate action and guys have, but they have phones a some common ground on the futures solution which is for the 2 state solution. and that's why the u. s, now invited to our countries here to participate in this meeting and they will have a discussion on how to realize this 2 state solution, which of course, is still a very theoretical plan to you has presented. but they want to take this further and at the moment is for a for administer is addressing at the meeting. it's around the cops arrived earlier when asked about the 2 state solution. he just walked away. sort of is not much hope there, but they will address it to him as well. and then the afternoon, the palestinian foreign minister will address the meeting as well. so what that he hopes is to find off the 3 months of the vision and also being called irrelevant,
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that they find something they can agree on. and that's a future solution of the conflict. the . let's take a look at some of the days having use now, and india is prime minister now render on multi has opened a controversial temple in the northern states of food that for a dish. the shrine was built on the grounds where mosques stood for centuries before it was destroyed by him to rights wing activists. i'll expand reports alone held dream of indians, hindu nationalist, becoming a reality. a temple of dedicated to little tom, one of the most revered dieties in hinduism, and with its prime minister and that into the movies by the agenda. apache. the b j pays the bills a campaign promise it made 3 decades ago. will these block windows lose a single opportunity to try to send the accomplishment off having built the
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construction of the more than $200000000.00 temple, which began and 2020 has been contentious. it's built on the side of the body must shift a 16th century must demolished by hindu right wing activists. in 1992 vast lead to nationwide communal riots that killed at least 2000 people, mostly mostly, and bombings in the city of moving by moving sushi years later in the current religious phone lines still live here. temple politics has originated with indians . majority hindus who make up nearly 80 percent of the countries 1400000000 population in 2014. bailey did not into the movie after he promised to build a shrine on the very spot of the sides of the demolished most educated lights. he made reality the temples and no duration comes months and heat of national posts is
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no. the 6th, a 3rd consecutive term, most opposition. politicians avoid causing the ceremony that you choose mode these potty of exploiting religion for political game. while the pos easy to launch and official election campaign mostly supposes, believe that um temple is a promise for filled with the not to be loyal to him to people. definitely think that it was someone who brought up this issue and made us, or perhaps the public should reward. mostly. while some hindus celebrate many muslims across the country are on a self imposed cookie. they fear a tex and violence. a lot of like any of the oh, into brothers in the it's a good day. but what about us? those of us who had ruined, of course, will be in pain. on that day, a father was killed and the most was demolished to him by the 7. critics say on the
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multi is leadership, the religious divide has only widened some 200000000 muslims, india as largest minority groups, live in fear as 2nd class citizens. muslims have been lind stove allegations of asian, big for smuggling counts. muslim businesses have been boy coasted houses, full those women bod, for wearing his scouts and some educational institutions and most states on file. but it's more the has maintained side of the, the fear that this given me and, and all the affiliate is they want to wipe out all traces of most of them. lifestyle, mac civilization from the country defend fear around the temple is being seen as a victory for the hindu nationalist movement. and as modi 6, a 3rd term, it's raising concerns that he's the main thing. his legacy, as the leader who can transform india is secular. democracy into hindu nationalist states. alex bid elders era that's i'll speak to whichever
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a group talking about this. she's a journalist, an activist joining us from co car. thank you so much for your time. so what is prime minister mode? the changing fundamentally in india today with the non creation of this new temple, the connecting religion politics of a lead. um also, and that through the politics of can do well which is different from the religion. all can do is in the is a more minutes in the manifestation which is based on the separation of either the june like islam and christianity. the fact that he has done this in the i, the sport when it was an old mosque, which was uni and protected by the act, you know, chickens. so it'd be of india is also a message to oil and listings of india a back to you to the mazda gone, and the ability to tell you, it's
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a message that you are as muslim. second class citizens of the new india, which would emerge is going to be an india, which is based on him as well into the beach. the prime minister said to also they draw in the show that we are going to be that the logic has to go down the guard who was in uh, the main figure. and uh, i need a scripture for the high end uh with the how the gauntlet and destination of in the the fall. that's what the sentence means in english. and this is frightening and shooting, not just for muslims, but also for christian churches have been destroyed, including the most christians in money with western being killed by a hand as well for the was the, even as i speak, i'm class. it's also a message for people like me who are martin's sake to the citizens,
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all country which used to believe in really true, which was not based on religion, but based on in the b, i just go and unity in diversity. all right, bear with me more than 3 minutes have a good day too. yeah. motors critics have indeed accused him of pulling in the india away from its secular foundations. and you've talked about some of the impact it's had on minority communities and not just the most. and is that also the questions, as you mentioned, what political impacts do you see this having especially with the upcoming elections in the spring? it's hard to see. i was in be hire, which is a non egypt easily stated in just last week and day. but she, a minister and the deputy chief investor will give you a point when they just are 25000 teachers. and this isn't a big, big picture id. and the listing via giving knowledge, all that is the pgp is giving not denver,
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not this election is going to be for on religion was development i. we have to see what enjoy going to choose. yeah, it'll be interesting to see what india chooses. thank you for speaking to us, which iraq group to address this and active as joining us. a live fair from co contact. india. thank you. now to africa and cameroon, has become the 1st country on the african continent to roll out a new malaria vaccine for children. health officials say it's a milestone in the global effort to curb the spread of the most kids are born disease. the world health organization approve the r t s. s. vaccine last year. after successful tries in gonna trials and gonna, and kenya, the african continent accounted for 95 percent of all malaria does swelled wide in 2022. the secretary of state is in cape verde on the 1st leg of a tour of africa on to me blinking met prime minister at least korea is still that
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lincoln. he's also scheduled to visit the ivory coast nigeria and on gold talks are expected to focus on regional secuity conflicts owens and trade. it's banking, 4th trip to africa as a us look, sustain come partnerships. uganda, meanwhile, is hosting the 2nd day of the g. 77. summit delegates, some developing nations, represent 80 percent of the world's population. a main aim is to bridge the gap between rich and poor nations and to level the playing fields between north and south. and the you, as the governor of florida, rhonda scientist has dropped out of the race to be the next american president. the republican suspended his campaign and his now endorsing donald trump. desantis announced his decision i had of the new hampshire primary on choose the island stationary for some manchester in new hampshire. the the, the, like his campaign rhonda scientist is x. it was new. keep
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a message on social media and the presidential dream was over and i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance i am honored to leverage your trust in your support. when desantis was meant to be the next great republican who something when in florida is governor's race was to propel him to the white house. but to delete his presidential campaign in iceland, which supplemental. and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas, how awkward he was in person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st. the 1st states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina were the primary still over a month away on from.


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