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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program this our hospital grounds become mass graveyards. wireless really forces lay siege to hon. eunice and southern gaza killing at least 50 pounds as big as this is a 7th time i get display. so maybe even more it's to just torture to jump. once
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again, searching for safety civilians we further so towards rough or the families of these really captives held in gaza, store and mix message accusing their governance of not doing enough to secure their really european union leader and say a 2 state solution is the only answer to the one, gaza will be live in brussels. diane, today, suspending my campaign with one de santis out. it's a showdown between nikki haley and donald trump, for the republican nomination could be sealed trumps victor. and on piece of statements with the a school today off the features president called so tough action on racism in football. the captain of the democratic republic of congo precedes online racist abuse of a bad time to draw against morocco in the effort to
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a couple of nations. the, it's 1800 gmc, that is 8 pm in gaza where there's been no lit up in his real environment. battles have taken place near naso hospital in fun, eunice, doctors there say at least 50 people have been killed since sunday. israel has intensified as bombing campaign of the southern city. no sir. hospital is the only large medical facility with any means to treat the casualties in the area. more than $300.00 injured palestinians have been taken there off of gunfire and relentless bombing and palestinians. now burying their dead within hospital grounds, rather than taking the bodies outside the cemeteries where they might face possible attacks more than 25000 people have been killed in 3 and a half months of more, more than 10000 of them children. as a big begins are coverage her daughter is good,
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but you cannot let go you will not take it from me. she says the israel's will continue the easy the boat to overwhelm hospitals. because it is not filled with the displaced. how the students have had to move multiple times during this war in an attempt to stay safe . to turn off the by the easy now he not were forced to leave a home and took shelter and nestor hospital, then unlocked. so university compound, we ended up here and distance. i guess we use wood fire to big bread and cook where we can get our hands on with this winter's fiercely cold. this is not even appropriate to know how you look at and the constant bombing, the unprecedented destruction. and with that in this killing, how the students are left to assess the damage inflicted upon them. the israel's policy of collective punishment to all the family, members of a resistance by to carrying out an operation. property is not more precious than
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a human soul compared to gaza in the gardens. we are in a better situation. at least a home was destroyed with no one from our family inside a random, there's more volumes posting in flight is was just in the face of israel's oval welding. military power is road bumps every inch of cause. i did not think that was inside the grounds. of unnecessary hospital palestinians, of pain for the boot has to do with their lives. i said vague, i just do the houses eurostar couple a zoom is in ross. so that's in the southern part of the gaza strip. tory, what more can you tell us about what's going on and gauze? the 2nd largest city, hun eunice, because it's really forces they've been fighting there for weeks. how much of the city do they know control yes. fighting and confrontations the on con unit continue as if you are surging from day to another, making the situation that much more complex as well progresses in that area is very
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forces that drawings deep, full control over the city. ready and to militarily dismantled the military infrastructure that now we have been seeing how these really forces within the past few hours or absent of ratings that military attacks. they have destroyed more than 50 a residential house, one off to another just in order to baseline the for the majority of people, you finding this completely uninhabitable and right now the attacks and the confrontations had the right to the, again, on the facility of another hospital. which gives a clue, spelling about the depths of operations that they use, where the forces had reached in the city as the are trying also to insert some of the gates at the entrances and the excess of the city. just to make complete destruction over the residential buildings that they have announced that they are expanding the military attacks. but also con eunice, at least 66 palestinians have been killed since the 80 hours of today is morning
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and we have been hearing the sound of explosions, the onto the re shooting of the city from holland location right now. the roof, as we have been hearing from people who have been depleting from that city. joining us with situation that is completely bearable and no one can be wrong with the situation. the unprecedented rates of strikes and bombardments in time. once again, today we saw people fleeing on eunice. so many palestinians have now crowded in and around rafa. where are these new internally displaced? palestinian is going to be able to go. 2 well, generally there are 2 options only for people who are fleeing from con, notice right now, either to remain in front of you. it is to be killed by these really fires, for at least to seek safety in the, in rough on district where the will struggle to find a safe place for at least a make shift tend to live inside. we're talking about the city of pahrump. i had
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hosted more than 1000000 palestinian over a very short limited space inside where it lack all kinds of basic civil infrastructure to keep up the rates and on to people. so providing civil services for that mass number of people. but right now, the people who had evacuated from us right now the, some of them had gone to open areas in order to find a show to, to live inside others when to the family relatives which is, or which are really already over crowded with evacuees. we're talking about every single house or rough, or at least more than 20 members inside in between its rules. and this is completely something in human that these people have been going through with this much more pressure on civil facilities. and also a very deep show to your fluids. what, what's the medical supplies for hospitals to treat those people inside this very densely populated area who are suffering from different diseases,
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especially with the spread among those people of disease due to the lack of hygiene conditions of facilities alongside with the ongoing destruction of a residential buildings are roughly, we're, palestinians are no longer safe and all right, couple of whom importing from rafa. thank you very much. dark. now, fluid supplies are rapidly running out and gaza. most areas have already run out of flour and humanitarian workers, say rice will also run out soon. honey. my mood reports from rough as they have been queuing for hours in the hold of receiving fluid. hand out the aid workers say many of these children will leave with empty stomach stuff. no, no, no, no, no. i mean, i regret to say we are on the verge of semen. real family, that's right, is almost out of talking about us. it is the 2nd most basic food item to flour, and if we run lots of rice will be consumed assembly of this is the harsh realities
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. nothing on the you and save. everyone in guys is hungry with 40 percent of the strips. 2.3000000 population at risk of famine, humanitarian agencies say not enough. 8 is arriving. one is red bonds in block a. this give me the punch a piece of food supplies available in the market these days are very scammed. you know? because normally food items have been delivered into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour, in addition of the price of the price of the ticket, has increased 3 for letting in the most difficult pockets for palestinians herons. the situation is getting more desperate every day. the new. how much of a do? what matters most for a child just to eat what they want to eat more than 23 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. it is, the situation is difficult, extremely difficult. a famine would get
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a job more than a $25000.00 palestinians have been killed in israel month, long or ongoing. there are no signs of the suffering will in any time soon. i as most of the people in garza have been displaced several times since early october. now they have little ito and nowhere else left to go. any more. i was just the police in israel have detained relatives of captives held in gaza after they disrupted a parliamentary committee meeting and protest as have been calling on the government to do more to secure the release of their loved ones. some of the captive in killed it is really strikes and raids in god for more than this that's bringing her the bill. i meet in tel aviv hold of what happened well, a small group of relatives of those health care captive in gaza stormed into this message. and disrupted
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a meeting of the finance committee. they were holding banners that said, you will know see here why they are, they're referring to the captives and guys, actually the banners said while they're dying at their so they definitely try to put as much pressure as they can when ever they can. we've seen the proteins going on for weeks and ever since the beginning of this war we've seen citizens, whether it's here in the tel aviv or in jerusalem, or even in says aria in front of one of the residences of a prime minister in it anyhow. and now they're going to dismiss it, are they? oh no, only disrupted that committee, but they also disrupted a few hours later at a new confidence vote that was put forward by the labor party. it did not bring to about the full of the government because there was only 18 voice votes to 0,
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but they've voice was also very loudly heard during those deliberations inside the platinum of excessive. and they also went to the office of a prime minister, the danielle, and he met with another group. all of these families do really said, that's how much i'd not put any proposal on the table. contrary to why the reports that have been going around for a couple of days now, he said that however he had the new initiative but could not, not do that. but all that is putting pressure on the prime minister. you know, the political unity that you have seen here since the war began is beginning to crack the discontent among the members of the war cabinet. the discontent between the prime minister and his defense minister, the opposition, the largest opposition party is calling on the problem is, is said,
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sit down and called for early election. so it's really a lot of pressure that is being put on the prime minister and these captives are say we will continue doing whatever we need to do until we feel that really the safety of our loved ones. inside garza is the priority above old. and that's the reporting on the ground and televi with honda bill, how me thank you very much for the german foreign minister. and the bear box as a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war on gaza. the remarks come the head of a meeting of you foreign ministers with representatives from israel, the palestinian authority, and several arab nations. it's aimed at finding a long term solution to the war and gaza. that you also plans to consider sanctions against homos and is really settlers in the occupied west bank. the palestinian foreign minister has reiterated the need for a ceasefire. every day that you know, we, we don't say all drive, i think he's fired. you know, it's a day that we call into another 1000, but a scene is being either killed or in even injured. and that's why you know, my,
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you message today to mike would even see it and then it'll be a new and you and would it be clear and strong. you know what i expect from you is he's fired on don't accept anything less. it's all right. step boss and joins me from brussels step there's, there's a lot of division in the european union on the israel guys, a conflict. there's one thing everybody seems to agree on. however, there is a need for a palestinian state. is absolutely. yeah, that's been a lot of divisions, divisions, and the often we've heard the palestinian minister there his very urgent and strong appeal to the ministers when he arrived here at today has not been heard. there's still no call from the forest by it is no consensus on that. but where the is consensus on is this state a 2 state solution. so you also boe out has just in his final press conference
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mentioned that that is what they have been talking about. he wants to organize a peace conference anytime soon. and they also have stress. that's a israel and the palestinians. also, if he doesn't have to be present at that conference because it's something that other nations have to work on, the e u members, but also the arab nations that we're here at the meeting, they will discuss this all together at this peace conference. and then we'll offer a plan to both israel and to the palestinian authority. it all sounds still very c a radical and we are. he was also as how is reality is for $84.00 administer responded to that. and he said this rarely 4 minutes to have not much else to do then to show 2 videos, one on an ad, to of, to official island, the guys and one on a transport link from the middle east to india, which he called completely irrelevant to the topic that they were discussing. also, of course, the humanitarian situation, the very dire situation. and guys,
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i was discussing date of really pushed and stressed to the is fairly for administer to open up. a guys are for much more a done is coming in. now, step boss and reporting from brussels. thank you very much. we're going to stay on this topic of a palestinian state or summer home done senior. how much lead or just spoke from bear with a short while ago about the is really prime minister netanyahu his rejection of a palestinian state, despite the us saying is necessary, a low cost on most of the a had to america the so you, ma'am, i think i mentioned the actions, especially with the united states administration and presidential by been sending messages to assuring those people in hospital wage. i don't want it to come solutions or normalization proposals with this. and that's the entity by i might call to what the by didn't, has just said that nothing. yeah. who doesn't object to own existing solution is
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on the 2 state solution followed by them. it's in. yeah. whose office few are what is the later rejecting this statements by biting and ready to read that addiction of establishing companies in the state, the houses you were a senior political analyst, more one of the shower has was listening to that a short while ago. so senior hamas leader, they're pointing to this, this gaping hole between the, the us and israel on this key issue. so yes, you would think that he's trying to create a wedge between israel under united states. but perhaps not because i'm not sure. or rather, i'm rather sure that he wouldn't think that the united states is going to be convinced by anything that's how my says and that the, uh, if there is any deadlines between israel and the united states, it certainly could be taken care of this year. and election year in the united states, by where the gap between the united states and how much is a huge,
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you know, considering the united states because of how mass, etc, organization that it wants to see it's defeat. is that the united states? i agree, that's how most must be defeated. that's why i think these statements, by how much leaders as well as the paper they put out yesterday. the 17 page paper explaining what happened in october 7 and contextualizing good in terms of history and in terms of the region. i think it's only meant to the best thing in out of public opinion, for the international public opinion. and most importantly to the palestinian or pharmacy, i think this messages ottomans marked it up at a stand in presidency and the p l. o that they are to us. some leaders in the sense that i think how much these to make its position clear at least to complain about what happened in october 7th. and it wants to assure the policy. and i thought i'd
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say that it's been has a positive about a senior partner, and that's how much the interested in fed a sydney and national unity now is that it is clear that it does not want a senior state and has diplomacy is not exactly fruitful at this point in time, national unity is more important than then is really or american promises. as among other things that some of them done broach, there's a lot that he said he basically gave his view his take on current affairs. and a recent developments in the goals, israel khan and conflict, then in the wider region. he also called on the un, specifically to call a famine in guys that write to declare a famine in gaza. warning, everybody that look more palestinians are going to die as this humanitarian crisis and gaza escalates. you know, this is a,
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this is something that one does not need to wait to hear how much the, the talk about and where there are for one to be moved by the fact that is drugs collective punishment that goes to pursue and continues. and it's rejection. of us security council resolution upon the idea of opening up for more humanitarian aid to god. so i mean, is there a is in direct contravention once again to the us. it goes to your counselors in your sion and in this case 3 or 4 months into the war. the fact that is what it continues to deny. the 1st thing is that basic needs. and we're talking about $2000000.00 people plus. so the idea that today came up, some reports that even flower is running out from the test. i mean that we reported on that earlier in the show, meaning that they wouldn't be started ration no, already. i'm just international, the united nations agencies. and before that,
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it was a, a since i forgot now what the organization but then it was, it was all organizations that provoked the idea of that with an i vision of hunger . that in fact is right, is using come go to the organization of honda, leave it with human rights watch. starvation is a weapon of war. yes. and, and the idea that is, we have continued to do that 3 and a half months later when the europeans, the americans, all those who are backing is as war against him. us continue to urge that if must let food in the fact that the united nations continues to clean with is right. and it's backers to the in i think is the best selling it to the fact that while some, you know, i'm on the observers and verse will follow the issue, continue to bicker about 10 of my knowledge. is that a genocide i'm driving or is it just for crimes as the ethnic cleansing, the fact that in and by itself collective punishments continues to be. and is there
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any policy? and with an a is ation of hunger, isn't it is very to policy that in and by it says this genocide, you cannot simply starve any tie of people hoping that they would get shut off and leave or die to think of. yeah, creating the conditions for the death and disappearance of all or part of it. people i think is pretty much the wording genocide convention. i'm sure 0 senior political analyst. my one of the shar, thank you. thank here is really forces have conducted more rates across the occupied west back. they carried out major operations near ramallah early on monday in the town of bay to you and to show off at refugee camp. they arrested palestinians and searched several homes. now more than $6000.00 palestinians have been arrested during raids in the west bank since october, the 7th. israel can hold them indefinitely and is real, can hold them without charge. this is a process known as administrative detention and the number of palestinians and is really prisoners is growing rapidly. mom is i'm showing reports in the history
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a refugee camp, south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance moran is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial indefinitely. 55. yeah, it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life, family house, and if you have responsibilities, you must do. yeah. and in a minute the queue patient demolish and had the whole you were 3. now, what are these an amazing person he loves life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away. more reminders of those who interested as my hon. mishaps, husband said previously spent a year and administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hon worries, he'll be in the same situation all over again. connect with you to create
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a computer and not even what we suffered or loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if he was sentenced. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative assumption. people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. walk down any hours here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 published indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention the highest number in more than 30 years. so in the israel takes revenge on po, studying people. the increase in the number of those retained after october 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about more than 6000 to obtain from the occupied westbank to combat the worry they die. and as my hands see,
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counsel from their neighbor malika, a walker, who tells me her son has been 13 of a total 18 years in prison, under administrative detention. and a jack the new dog could attend this children's events at school or university. he wasn't able to share our joy surrounded by walls, full of photos, the showcase. happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. how much enjoyment does either at the haitian refugee camp in the occupied west bank us as well on site or is and is really soldiers have been battling across the lebanese border for months. but the nature of that fighting is changing. attacks had been limited to a narrow territory within a few kilometers of the border. now though, is really as carrying out targeted killings away from the front line and it's war, planes are flying low over b ruth. and even further north saying a 100 reports from the 11 east capitol largely abandoned villages, along lebanon's,
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120 kilometer southern border with israel, our military zones, the destruction is wide spread. in some neighborhoods, little is left as well as targeting what it says or hezbollah cells and infrastructure. while the lebanese armed group attacks is ready troops and positions. the conflict triggered by, as well as war on gaza has been largely confined to a strip of territory, a few kilometers on both sides of the border. but the nature of the conflict is changing. targeted killings of hezbollah members or allied groups appears to be a new strategy. this very strikes more often than not our kilometers deep inside lebanon's territory, away from the battle ground front lines. and the times beyond lebanon's borders, commanders from groups that are part of the round so called excess of resistance have been also killed. officials say,
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as well as resorting to the killings to compensate for being unable to achieve a military victory against thomas. after more than 100 days of war in gaza, the group which has still not used its full military capabilities and its latest confrontation with as well, remains defiant. the you love the is what your hands about loan to the full scale war. i goes to bonham in reality, gets unable to do that. it won't be able to confront what be prepared for an hour and then it has failed in not leaving any of its objective and goes up that resistance is strong. the israel is no longer just responding to hezbollah attack, such as in the 1st few weeks of the cause, a conflict. it's on the offensive. it strikes more aggressive fences are high as well, has already carried out a high profile assassination in the lebanese capital, killing. how mazda is number 2 officials, and this really war planes don't just fly overboard their areas, they reach,
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they do, and further north, flying at low altitudes, in a show for the conflict is being described as controlled escalation. united states has engaged in diplomacy to insure there's no all outward and 11 on the front. that reports from israel suggest the effort to remove hezbollah fighters from the border through diplomatic means is spelled center for their eligibility to build. the. still ahead on elza 0. the, the grand ceremony in india opens a controversial temple built on the site of the demolished moss and world tennis number 2. carlos al carouse looks his place in the quarter finals of y'all's trillion opens peter stem. it will have the best of the action
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the let's get going with your weather update across the middle east and africa. good to see outbreaks of rain now across the van, stretching into iraq. and we've had some heavy rounds of snow for southern either on i want to take you to the baby and peninsula plenty of sun, in fact, temperatures on the high side here for this time of the year looking at western savvy, radiant jetta, up to 30. we're seeing this warm breeze through central saudi arabia, so that pops re add up to 28 degrees and this warm air is coming into the gulf as well. so for us here, and they'll have temperatures will continue to rise over the next few days. chapters of the going down for bako rain, snow mix there. we've had quite the drop and ask about temperatures have been up. temperatures have been down. bit of a weather buller coaster there and temperature is hard down on tuesday. that is stiff as a wind through the boss for us to stumble at a temperature is bouncing back a bit. in athens, at 13, there's a rain for the levant. i think the worst of it will be around the root, top end of africa,
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that cooler air has made it into egypt. so cairo just at 20 degrees and still weather alerts in play for eastern central and southern tens of near with the grounds of rain. that's dropping down through to northern moves and beat crossing over that channel into northern madagascar where there is a real risk. we could see some flooding of the next little bit. the, the unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people. and it's really sticking up against door right now. if i want to be one of them connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy. human though is, this is all i want to go into, you know, to happen to next. the street on out to 0. expo
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$2023.00 the best to make sure make sure to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the of the watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this, our israel has intensified as bombing campaign in the southern city of hon. eunice,
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doctors say at least 50 people have been killed there in the last 24 hours, forcing people to flee further. south families is really captives being held in gaza has stormed a meeting of the is really expensive in west jerusalem. they are demanding the government do more to return their loved ones. germany's foreign minister says a 2 state solution is the only answer to the war on gaza. the remarks came ahead of a meeting of the you foreign ministers with representatives from israel, the palestinian authority, and some arab nations, palestinian children in central guys have created a make shift symmetry as to finding the bodies of loved ones. now rights groups say extreme traumatic experiences to policy and children like this are becoming common place and it's leading them to cope with little to no resources in front of the han reports. this is what constitutes as play time for these children in elbow raised refugee camp and central gaza congregating around
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a makeshift cemetery where their loved ones had been buried. their names written on the wall. i was just as my father was killed and we were not able to recover his body for days. when we finally pulled down his body, we were not able to bury them. finally, we buried my father in the school. yeah, a lot of mini did bodies released lying in the straits for days they would decompose in, in the way by cats and dogs. this is not life because of rights groups estimate that around 25000 pounds to in children have become or since, since israel's latest military campaign began on october 7th. the situation is so appalling that a new acronym has been coined, unique to the besieged strip, w c. n. s f. wounded child, no surviving family. medical staff at the camp are doing what they can, but the few resources available upon the quadrant home, mac, many children of the heat by dehydration ended nourishment,
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menia suffering from diarrhea and vomiting because of contaminated water. we help them with what is our ivy solutions available. the words damaging costing in kids everywhere. the physical scars are obvious, but the mental damage is invisible. they are left to deal with their trauma. hit the hands that um and then we were up my own close house and we will hungry. my father said he would go to a home to get flour. it took him a long time, but the time they reached home, the house was hit by me. so after a while, a young man said my father and uncle killed the next day. the bodies are pulled out totally disfigured. we buried them in the school yard or something for a generation of palestinian kids in morning and left to face their future low rental a fine. i'll just hear the other world news now. the governor of florida rhonda santas has dropped out of the race to be the next us president. the republican suspended his campaign and his now
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endorsing donald trump. the santis announced his decision the head of the new hampshire primary on tuesday. ellen fisher reports from manchester in new hampshire . so the, the, like his campaign rhonda scientist is x. it was new. keep a message on social media and the presidential dream was over and i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises, and i will not stop. now. it's clear to me that the majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance i am honored to leverage your trust and your support will decide this was meant to be the next great republican or something. when in florida is governor's race was to propel him to the white house, but to delete his presidential campaign in iceland, which supplemental. and then he bought the launch and never really recovered as weeks and months went by. people would talk often about his lack of christmas,
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how awkward he was in person, his inability to connect with voters in the 1st. the 1st states of iowa, new hampshire, even south carolina, were the primary still over a month away on february 24th. so i think she's suffering from a number of things here. he spent tens of millions to come 2nd denial when he predicted he would when i'm with new obvious victories. coming up, doors and supporters disappeared in the cold of new hampshire. donald trump was happy to meet the passing of the man. many thought would be his biggest rival, and we're just going to say, where is it? whatever about 3 capable versus dropping? yeah. ron and rod is dropping out and he in doing so he endorsed this little song. so let's list a tax on desantis promise positions and policies to even assures that the war cycle desantis campaign early. it made him move week, not the confident, conservative,
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who wrote to victory in florida. desantis isn't even know. talking about the possibility of a 2028 presidential run when they'll be, nor donald trump in his way to torment him until the c to i was so sure. i'll just see the manchester new hampshire. it's amy coke is republican political strategist, and she joins the slide from manchester, new hampshire, where about 24 hours out of from the, from the primary. now amy, trump is way ahead in all the polls. no one expects nikki haley to win this primary . so what's at stake here? well, this is really kind of i think do or die for the hailey campaign. that the polls have been separate, but she's been closer than um then. certainly then uh said to santas was an iowa. um and they, they uh, often reflected a time when christ christie was still in rhonda sanders was in and so as the ground has been shifting literally on a day to day,
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an hour to hour basis here in new hampshire there's a thought that she could pull this out, she's also got tremendous support from a very popular governor of new hampshire governor soon. you know, and he is chris crossing the state with her. but for the healing campaign, you know, it has to be a win or a very, very close 2nd. i think to sort of earn that, take it to another to another primary. okay so, so you've started to do this with give us a bit of yours guide window numbers. come in how you going to interpret those results, right. separate. but i will be looking for is, is it, it's really just about expectations, right? right. the polls are showing maybe a $10.00 to $12.00 point difference. if nikki haley can come in and keep it tight within, i would say $2.00 to $5.00 points or pull out some kind of a victory that changes the game. and this primary, if not, then the game remains the same,
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which is that donald trump will be the republican nominee. if she does come close or when as you said, but let's more realistic, maybe coming close are there then after new hampshire states, where do you think that hailey can win? all right, well then it gets, it gets nevada and then south carolina and she's not expected to in, in south carolina, but she does have some ground game there where she should do. okay. and then it's on a super tuesday, and i think that things really shift, right. there's some southern states there. but then there's some of the states like my home state of minnesota. and frankly, donald trump did not win minnesota in 2016. he came in a distant 3rd. and so there are states then on the board for super tuesday, which would be an early march, where nicky healey could if she could get through new hampshire where she could play and have an impact. and what is, as opposed predict trump wins handily in new hampshire, say 10 percentage points or more. what then does he just cruise through the primary season to the nomination?
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i think so, i think it becomes very difficult to see any kind of path then. but for, for nikki haley, it's now i had, did you know it's to person which is a different dynamic than 16 when there was a very broad field for very long time. and people sort of divided up all the other votes. but i think now with a head to head, if there isn't a very close race here in new hampshire, you know, the healing campaign will have to look very, very deeply at about how do they or do they not continue. okay, great again, your perspective, your explanation on this amy coke, republican political strategist, thank you. thank you. thousands of warner is gathered into her on for the funeral of the iranian revolution. regard, members killed by israel and syria on saturday and december. israel killed another top revolutionary guard general and damascus mourners who attended the funeral or
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questioning their country's deterrence capacity. while the government vows to retaliate for sol sort or has more from different. so the scene becoming more common here, funerals or high ranking, you're writing officials. the bodies arriving for us to get to yeah, after being killed in his right is this is the coughing of general saw the comes out. who was the head of the intelligence unit, or are you running forces in syria and his wife was angry, but not only at this round way before these pieces have had the ability and the power so that the enemy cannot defend to fight our forces. and the doctor then, i wish we also had this power to adopt a 0. this sentiment is shared by many randomness. they believe this government shall not be street itself unprotected, equal to the most important, the best response to keep is to give
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a hard revenge very soon and confront them and to destroy the vices in the region. these right attack that killed 5 to run instead of just because in damascus on saturday is a huge blow. many believe it cause significantly reduce eros capability to coordinate the regional activities you're running. government is promise of the batch. this is the vision crimes by the zapping zion, it's regime against the rain you in government and nation have never gone on will not go without penalty islamic republic of a wrong will respond to the crimes by the is riley regime and its own way. so far you run has avoided that direct me to do compensation with these ram. his response is being conducted to what you want, who is the excess of resistance and the ministry groups. it's your yeah, your rock level and you know, there's a rising this content. i mean, you radians here. they say they've gotten this response, is not that great and won't be stories rep who am i talking more than running
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assets. but reading officials believe if it's responsive or not measured, it could mean a war not only with his route, but we think united states of america especially said that i'll just be around. there are nearly 50 people had been killed after a landslide hit china is united. providence search and rescue operations are underway in the south western region. more than 500 people have been rescued. authorities say that it's not clear what caused this landslide. katrina, you has more engaging the designs i took place in johnson county in china. southwest in june on provence at 5 50 am on monday morning, which means many people were inside in the forms of sleep and emergency team of about 200 people were dispatched immediately. more than 500 people from that village has been evacuated and people are desperately searching for the dozens of people trapped under the rubble of reports of late from 18 different families in that village, a presidency. the thing has sent out
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a message passing out rescue effort, saying this is tragically happening so close just weeks away from the new year's celebration, the biggest annual holiday here in china. so thought no. coles has been identified for this land slide, but a similar atlanta i took place 11 years ago in the same county and 46 people died in that incident. not this rest of operation is happening under extremely difficult conditions. a cold wave is currently sweeping across the plain. it's close to freezing temperatures during the day and jobs from counties overnight it drops through about minus 5 degrees celsius. so that shows in that crucial survival window. for those prep, under the rubble starts risk machines miss work as quickly as they can retrieve elda 0 h and india, as prime minister. and the render modi has opened a controversial temple in the northern state of tar pradesh. the shrine was built on the grounds where a mosque had stood for centuries before it was destroyed by him to right wing activists. it was in kimber reports for decades old promise to induce him
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do. nationalist has become a reality to the appointment is done to render moody as hailed the construction for the new temple, the hindu isms, leading dieting the drum as a symbol of a new india buyers. then nobody the high that toby's january the 22nd. so 2024 is not the date written on the calendar. it is the door of a new era. by breaking the mentality of slavery, a nation is standing up to become deriving strength from the power of the past. this is how new histories creates is the temples been built on the ruins of the historic 16th century most and has remained major flush points between muslims and hindus, the modem. so to use in these governing b, j. p. say the crucial role events leading up to the most destruction by hid do bite wing activists in 1992. which in these belief is the 1st place of little drum.
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at least 2 sizes, most seamless and people were killed in the funding for a non decade slate. to critics say the temples. integration is another sewing. secular. india is becoming a strictly in do nation. what we have seen is the premise of a water view, which in the indian context as i can do is i ism, indeed fairly context. we are seeing a nation designed primarily for handles, but everybody else and the security there must be a deep and religions are going to get to to 2nd plus the $200000000.00 project in the northern states to per dash was no great too much fun fast and high profile gas, but several position politicians, boy close at the ceremony. they accuse prime minister moody of using the event for political gain ahead of elections in a few months. so many induced,
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the temple has fulfilled. unimportant parts of that. thank you to is me out that you belong to them. been committed, a decent progression is not required for the election and demand, but it was important to, you know, go right this because load rom had been leaving an attempt on give me one example where you are in a space and yet you're leaving an attempt to load around with living in a 10 place by and he's follows with pain by this that the date is still an attempt to model it should be installed in this space as soon as possible because i get one for this time limit. i define capacity. well, millions of him do celebrate. many muslims across india were worried about it. like any of the 40, into brothers. it's a good day. but what about us? those of us who had ruined, of course, will be in pain. on that day, our father was killed and the most was the money as to why the prime minister moody has not directly addressed the religious tension, but many fit in the estate as a multi faith democracy is slowly being righted. image and kimber out 0 can ruin
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has become the 1st country in africa to roll out a new malaria vaccine for children. health officials say it's a milestone and the global effort to curb the spread of the mosquito borne disease . the world health organization approve the vaccine last year after successful trials in gun and kenya still ahead on elsie's 0 in the asian. come, how about this for a way for the car to qualify for the knock out stages on that? repeat the business like this. this wrote to you believe i guess is i live slowly on one of
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your this makes modern plates. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the
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most types of sport with peter stem, it joined us in the studio. peter, so thank you so much. to time. grand slam champion called us alvarez is through so the cold finals of the australian open for the 1st time the spanish 2nd. so you'd had a straightforward victory of emilia to catch man of ej wrapping up a 64646 love wins. in under 2 hours. outcries has dropped just one said. so for these 3rd appearance at this tournament. everything almost uh, preferably, uh, yeah. you said the, my, the, i mean 2022 was uh, really close. uh, the mazda high highlander from both parts. uh, i think today was, uh, it was uh, pretty good mazda as well, but uh, yes, i said that the, uh, booth uh, came to the living every morning. uh, every point. uh, i know,
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obviously he has plate. uh, i don't know much as in 5 sets. the color have coasted into the asian cup. a round of 16 has to be china. one know to finish. creepy with 3 wins out of 3. so hell malik has moved from lisa international stadium of the law. happy by leaving today to say there may be, can be basically took out the host nation when one mil against china was a different sometime makes and it woke up cuts our dumped out in the 1st round of all of the game this time they couldn't be any more different they'd now see the qualification with 3 winds out through already knew that were going through. but i go through with a regular visitor any seems to be one of the teams to be going to the next round? no, i guess china, they didn't really get off of here in the 1st off, not too many times, but the frustrated to us in station it's dry. it was taken off the when the game. hey, i honestly thought that coming on combined to spoil
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a stunning strike. maybe it would be the goal of the tone minutes. but the fun of very, very confident heading into the next room. got all the junk and does he have a shuttle? no one is difficult. everyone is easy. this is so happy and i enjoyed the much very, very much. and i hope that's when the agent comes into a law. and the good of the good was so impressive. and yeah, but it was, it was a very good run. enjoy this match, this was the best much ever well, the grove of the whether the great he's also from asian cub debbie to wants to g keystone a to one way the middle nonsense been through to the law. 16 of them in
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a school service to bustle, a general id, but they would be reduced to 10 main with 21 minutes to go. when cussing all the same was rate the call to touch the keystone taking advantage by 1st equalizing to, to see over the visual model by you. and then in the 2nd to minutes of stoppage time, rooted in some of the pool of school the winter. maybe no one else the tournament on tuesday will straight who have already qualified for the last 6. the you will face it was becky, still on the soccer is all aiming to make sure of top spot in group beach. yes, we've qualified for the 2nd phase already. but we want to talk the group and that that's been a goal about since we start when we got into camp for the item, couple has to do that. and there's no such thing as taking your foot off the pedal a day off the fif as president cool, full tough action on racism in football. the captain of the democratic republic of congo has been subjected to online racist abuse after they advocate couple of
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nations game against morocco, sean, some bimbo who plays football, saying phones was involved in a heated exchange with morocco coach wiley, that i going to be at the end of the game. so he had clear what caused the disagreements, been because instagram account has since been targeted by several uses. posting monkey and gorilla emerges and racist comments. this comes a couple of days off the 2 other black players were racially abused in it city and england. egypt captain mohammed sala will return to his club level for treatments on the leg injury picked up in april with gone a on thursday. the gyptian football association say that i hope he will be fit to fly back out to ivory coast for the semi finals should they qualify. spect some tennis smell and the l perez will play succeed. alexander is very heavy in the australian open mixed prisons camera. no, he put up a fight against the german opponents, taking him to 5 fifths before eventually being knocked out of the tournaments. it's
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executive just over 4 hours, but he made it easy live in grand slam quota final and 3rd in melbourne. so it's either new med with david said he felt pretty tired off the mattress and the 2nd round match that finished early on friday. and he blamed it on using the food. so it's the book just to the, the russian pushed through the winning in full states to set up a quote, a fine with putting cubic foot catch in hopes to get some most is and, and upset in the women's doors. qualified diana? yes, them sca knocked out 2 time champion victoria as the rank of ukrainian winning 7664 to reach the 1st grand slam quota. finally, we shall pay check teenager. remember, most of it was not handshake. will have been the rest of the prototype. the premium site has continued to protest. bill this is suppose progressions move on ukraine to and then the nfl. busy 10 city cheats remain on track to become the 1st franchise in 20 years to win back to back super bowls. patrick the homes through to to touch
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down pauses to serve as kelsey, after she held onto the the buffalo bills 2724. kelsey is girlfriend the pump stopped taylor swift. well, she will send it raising even the standards and whatnot. if they go on to be the baltimore ravens in the a see conference final though, which they felt super bowl in 5 years in san francisco. 40 niners and the detroit lions meet in a huge and if the conference final cash out 0 supposed to nfl board cost richard graves, defendant champions, anything can happen on any given day. we've already seen that in the nfl plan of this season for the san francisco $49.00 is without question. they directly would save as much now the best team in the n f c this year, but they've still got to get the job done. and they face with each foot line side this coming weekend, but i read holt: now remember they don't you would one get a 50 or is in the post season process process this january and now they've gone back to back games and i look and sketch. that's the super bowl ever. you've got.
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what for me or i'll be the 2 best teams left in the invitation to baltimore, ravens the number one seats. commodity f say quarterbacks file a module that sent to it by general consensus will be named be nfl and be paid for 2nd sign is correct in just a few weeks, but he's got to go up against the kansas city chiefs. the defending super bowl champions with patrick my homes at quarterback in 6 years as a startup of the kansas city chiefs. patrick my homes as lead this team, but least the f c championship game on every occasion. they want to have the last 4 super bowls and have a taylor swift at a game that is going to come on the public's attention because she brings into the game, not just sports bands, but bands of hers. music fans. everybody's interested and invested in the game as well. so this is what i mean when i say that i have c championship class in baltimore next sunday to the best teams, quarterbacks by to the best players in the nfl. but then you've got the razzmatazz
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and glamour as well. and that's what most policies for the time being so can't get enough of the residents as peter stem. and thank you so much. that's it from me for today. the barker is up. next you are in great hands, the a settled tax upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another clinic is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us, we'll permit, and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what houses here on the morning of january,
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18th, 2023, several law enforcement agencies in georgia conducted a rate in a forest and se atlanta. protestors had camped in the woods for months to protect the trunk of the land from being bold, those to build a $90000000.00 police training center. so i was sleeping in a hammock with my partner at the time we woke up around like a maybe quarter till 8 in the morning center where soleski had travelled from pittsburgh to atlanta and joined the protests for the weekend. so we were just laying in bed talking and then all of a sudden we heard and saw just like 15 or so police in full military like combat gear. like with a r 15. it's just like coming through the woods directly out us. we're waiting to be put into a transport vehicle,
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and that's when i heard gunshots. president biden says he wants a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the for the i'm the pocket, this is the new use our lives. doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. hospital grounds become mess graveyards. small


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