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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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refugees tab, and from here they have it's the view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this and use our lives. so coming up in the next 60 minutes, fleeing full that lives, thousands of palestinians have been killed in the past day and called eunice as these relics, problems as ground defense. if the hundreds of thousands are living with a threat of stop ation as food supplies including flour,
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rice run out in guns and their families always ready to accounts to be held in guns are still in the connected accusing the government of not doing enough to secure that release plus a controversial ending temple built on the sides of a demolish most because opened in india, prime minister moody close at the door of a new era, the will welcome to you. it's 2200 g m t midnight and goes away. israel is intensified as plumbing campaign in the south of the strip. at least 66 people have been killed and con eunice over the past day alone. isabel's grand operation is expanding that forcing more palestinians the fleet for the south to rough on its way the forces of targeting hospitals, ambulances and schools in the city with thousands of civilians. the sheltering is ready, troops also locked in intense platforms with palestinian fighters in northern gaza . near jabante a it's tongue. some troops are present in all these areas,
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highlights of the red in the north and south of garza tarik. because the reports no sir hospital is the only place that people wanted to have a chance to sit by. what's close to to, to the collapse is really is increasing its attack on yours. placing the hospital at the center of the battle was the latest. i'm now since yesterday night with the expansion of ground operation and con eunice. we received a lot of injured. there's no space for that would be a good thing. i work in the intensive care unit. there's only 4 beds there and i was treating $10.00 to $11.00 injured and i was jumping over beds just to check on that. there's barely any staff left. the resources are below 0 equipment below 0. there's nothing. i haven't slept for 30 hours. so kind of city and doctors treat conflicts,
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frozen the ones on the floor. so flores with what little supplies they have. the people have killed is very rates close to the hospitals. these very only for this save. so we'll start with the will on unice has been on the heat intact for more than a month, attacked by usability tanks and also the re, many people who flipped here have don't, and much of the city has been slots and i've talked quite loud. i'm see thousands of palestinians on the news again, seeking safety service. so as it says outside of, hey, this is a 7th time i get displaced, or maybe even more, it's torture, torture, torture pianos, laptop, lanham in jam. we hardly made it out of the university under the showing. we didn't expect the time to do universities, can. we almost didn't make it out a life. every day i see children die. many of my friends died last night at oxford
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university. the destination, roughly, for the city is already open populations and resources to show to them all really stretched to the limits out of space, to live shrinking by the hour. well, no. where do we go? where this is the 17th time i've been displaced? where should i go? when should i go to bluff off? roughly just one straight. what do they want from us? do they want us to be 2400000 in an area that does not exceed 200 meters? is very troops advances on con you, it is a forcing thousands to evacuate here to ruffle boost will have already made to lock old basic necessities from medicine to water. sewage became here seeking safety, but the used by the attacks continue here as well. targeted by zoom out just a rough roughly in southern gosh, the tire cabinet resume is in rough in southern gauze,
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and we can speak to him now in israel was military operation pushes south. it continues to rapidly move towards covering the entire gauze. a strip of course, what impacts is this now having on the con eunice, along with the intensity of the fighting across the whole of the strip. so, yes, these really minute tree forces have expanded an instance of following the military strikes. of course, different areas in goal is that the main focus was directed towards the city of con units, which considered to be the 2nd largest city in the territory. and from the east, very perspective, it had been seen as one of the strongest, a strong hold for the palestinian fighters who are trying to be eliminated in that part of the territory as classes and confrontations on the ground between them at all. excessive baiting and getting much more furious on hourly basis. we're talking about
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a very clear advertisement for these very trips towards the central areas of calls of the, of the new to city where they have insight to get. i'm on the hospital and also have been forcing a different evacuation centers and also forcing people inside to sleep. i'm to get out from these areas moving to roof. i speak to their food safety and people have been leading from these areas of the he is very farming, you're touching about more than 60 pounds city is have been killed within the last 24 hours in calling you in a city. this is completely a part of the gymnast solely to the military attacks. and one of the latest also kind of an invasion that it's a day by day our pi oh is eating forward. and also hospital, which is the last remaining hospital that is still operating incognito, in a city, but completely on the very immense pressure. right now i'm turn like a short while ago we receive reports of it's really middle treat casualties. one
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more. can you tell us us yes, um now generally, as bottles are raging inside condo to city, but we are reporting that casualties between both sides and both sides are wrong thing due to the unprecedented rates of classes on fi exchange between both parts on the ground. from the east, very solely to be considered to be one of the bloodiest for them as considered to be one of the hardest days in areas of fighting for the use very. and then it will bring the troops on the ground. they have a, these read the media as being saying that a non purpose is ready. so just being a cube and engine where it takes about 3 being killed. well, 16 others at least being in jet ball. this is also had been subjected to these very deliberate media office cation. it means that it might not be the exact number for the test tool and casualties among these many lines. but generally sick defines how difficult of battles the in the city of can use as user friendly forces. are
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mobilizing new troops and the brigades to fight, in spite this area as battles back is it, it to be completely low. d, a not easy off with them as they are using a very intense bombardment and also using excess of followed by generally policy and fight is trying to look the advancement of these very truths throughout using different to the works of tunnels at the testing them with different onto kind recitals, and this is also a part of stopping the these but include in to reach the last remaining area inside garza, which is roughly that had been tend to be a mass filter for the majority of guns type manufacturing and target because even russell reference, southern goes, well, food supplies are rapidly running out soon because most areas of already run out of flour and by the time in work is say these that's grice who becomes gas prairie. see how they make made has more from rough as they have been cooling
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for hours in the hold of receiving food. hand out. but aid workers save menu. these children will leave with empty stomach. and i regret to say we are on the verge of a salmon. real family that's right, is almost out of talking about us. it is the 2nd most basic food item to flour. and if we run lots of rice will be consumed assembly of this is the harsh realities. nothing. i'm up to you and say everyone in guys is hungry with 40 percent of the strip. 2.3000000 population at risk of famine. humanitarian agencies say not enough. 8 is arriving. one is, well, bombs, and block a this give me, i think the most of the quantities of food supplies available in the market these days are very scammed because nobody food items have been delivered into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour. in addition and the price of the price
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of the ticket has increased 3 for the most difficult pockets for palestinians. herron's situation is getting more desperate every day unless you will do what matters most for our child is to eat what they want to eat more than 23 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. it is, the situation is difficult, extremely difficult. a famine would get a job more than a $25000.00 palestinians have been killed in israel month, long or ongoing. there are no signs of the suffering will in any time soon. i, as most of the people in garza have been displaced several times since early october. now they have little to eat so and nowhere else left to go. no more. the 05 now is around a said to be proposing a 2 month pause in fighting for the lead release of will comp, tips being held in gaza. that's according to our report by axis,
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which says the deal has been presented to him. asked to mediators, proposal be made up of several phases, including the pools in fighting and release of cognitive mediators from katherine egypt have been working for weeks to reach out to you between israel, tomas but of course now to have him decide she joins us from occupied east recently i'm so i'm to be on the details of this 2 month pause in return for the release of comp, 2 of us housing. cause of what more do we know about this proposal of the will the proposal saying that there could be a 2 months pause, but that's an exchange for all of the captives being held inside of gaza. israel estimates there are around a $136.00 captives. this deal would be in multiple phases. but the important thing to note here is that these rallies have said that this is not an end to the war. but after this pause, if it were to take place for the entirety of that 2 months, there would still be fighting in gaza, put on
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a smaller scale. now these relays are also saying that they are willing to release a large number of housed indian prisoners in exchange for all of the captives, those who are alive and the bodies of those who have died. additionally, you have cautious optimism from is really officials who are speaking anonymously to is really media who say that this was approved by israel's work cabinet 10 days ago . and you also had israel's prime minister who met with families of captives and said that israel did give a deal, but didn't offer a lot of detail until these weeks and is really media. now what it says is, in the 1st stage, we would see the release of captives who are over the age of 60, both men and women, then another phase of men who are under the age of 60 who are not soldiers. and then additionally, getting on to soldiers and these relays have such that for each phase of the deal there will be a different number of palestinian prisoners who are released. meaning that for one is really soldier, there would be
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a number of palestinian prisoners released that would be more than the amount released for say, an elderly woman. now, how mass has said repeatedly that until there is an end of the war, they are not going to release any captives from inside of gaza. this has been their position since the last deal we saw in november. they want a total stop to is really oppression, but these really are hopeful that there will be some sort of response in the coming days. again, they say they're cautiously optimistic about this plan. it is one of the 1st that we've seen that includes a pause that is this launch. but again, these really have said that this is in no way an indicator that it will be the end of the war. all right. have to stay with us when we back to you and just a few moments time. cuz i wanna taking some of the developments in israel today because early a police in israel detain relatives of comp tips held in gauze after they disrupted the parliamentary committee meeting. the protests as have been calling on the government,
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the more to secure the release of their loved ones. just take you back to him. the cell had now to reflect upon this latest proposal for 2 months, paused to the fighting in gaza at home, the given all the differences of opinion, the tensions the river were you within the ruling coalition, not to mention the war coveted horses proposal likely to go down of the there are a lot of differences of opinion within the work out with it. i mean look what happened today after families of those being held still in gaza, stormed that parliamentary finance meeting. they were quoted saying that you will not sit here while our children died. they say that there needs to be more action coming from the government. now there are members of the opposition, like the leader of the labor party. may ralph me say at least, who actually spearheaded the know confidence vote in these really government though it was unsuccessful. she did come out and say that the government needs to decide, do they want to keep fighting this war in gaza?
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or do they want to bring home to captives that these 2 things are not mutually exclusive, but these really prime minister, his work cabinet and the army a light cub said that there are 3 goals to this war. and each of them is equally as important. but now members of the opposition are coming out and saying, but nothing you all who cannot have every single goal accomplished in this war. and it's something that's actually been echoed from with in his own board cabinet. individuals at the prime minister had selected to assist him in war time based on their security and military experience. one of them get the eyes in coats speaking to his really media so that those who say a total defeat of how much can be accomplished or not exactly telling the truth and that it's a tall order, given the fact that you can't really destroy an idea and that the group is not only based in gaza, additional you have descent from the ruling coalition, from the far right camp within netanyahu's government. you're talking about the finance minister. that's it. it smelt rich, the country's national security minister. it's a more bend we are who actually were not in favor of the last
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a deal we saw in november to release captives. the finance minister smelt rich ended up voting in favor after being swayed by the security and work cabinet. but even more ben beer and his camp, the jewish party, the jewish power party rather voted against it. they did not want to seek any more a going into gaza. they did not want see a pause in the fighting. and they thought that simply israel was giving up too much and a 2 month pause in the fighting. it is gonna be interesting to see how they're going to react to something like that. remember there's also been pressure from the americans to get more aid into gaza as these really say they've been allowing just the minimal amount necessary in order to prevent a dire humanitarian disaster that has already unfolded. all right, how to solve it, many things. so one of the, i'm just not let him know to by these recent or so as those mediation tools, the ongoing, a senior mosley that has criticizes ready prime minister benjamin does know his rejection of a palestinian state of
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a 100 made the comments as the us says there was still support for 2 state solution . well, hosted on the city of how many kia the i see you. my mom mentioned that the actions, especially in the united states administration and presidential by then sending messages to assuring those people in hospital wage. i don't want to come solutions, old normalization of proposals with this, and that's the entity by i my court what the by didn't, has just said that missing the yahoo doesn't object to own existing solution. is it on the 2 state solution followed the by and it's in the whose office few are what does the later reject thing this statements by biting and bring it to read that addiction off establishing companies in the state or is there any forces have conducted more raids across the occupied west, bye take care of that major operation stand ramallah. early on monday,
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in the town to petunia and the chiffon refugee camp, the rest of palestinians and searched several homes for the 6000 palestinians, have been arrested during rates in the all good by the westbank. since october, the 7th. israel can hold them indefinitely without charge is a process known as administrative detention and the number of palestinians in this way. the presence is growing rapidly, but haven't jump jim reports from the dish or refugee camp in the history of refugee camp. south of bethlehem walls carry the images of palestinian detainees and residents carry the pain of their absence in the hands. fiance more uh it is one of the thousands of palestinians under administrative detention. a common is rarely practice where a person can be detained without charge or trial indefinitely. good 5, yeah, it was very hard on me. all you have plans for life, family house and if you have responsibilities. yeah, and in a minute the queue patient demolishes had the whole you were 3. now. what are these
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an amazing person he loves life loves the camp and the people. and they loved him back a few streets away. more reminders of those who been arrested as my hand miss harris husband set previously spent a year in administrative detention. she tells us he was arrested again several days ago. as my hand worries he'll be in the same situation all over again. can exceed, exceed, exceed, but not even what are we suffered loss because of administrative detention. it would have been easier if he was sentenced. then we'd know he'd be released after finishing his sentence with administrative detention people spend to see for 5 years like that with no torch. walk down any alley here, turn any corner. and this is what you will likely find. one household after another full of families waiting on word about their loved ones being held without charge. according to the palestinian prisoner society around 3300 palace,
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indians are in this really jails sentence to administrative detention. the highest number in more than 30 years in israel takes revenge on po, studying people. the increase in the number of those detained after october 7th is unprecedented. we're talking about more than 6000 detain from the occupied westbank to combat the worry they died. and as my hon see, counsel from their neighbor malika walker, who tells me her son has been 13 of a total 18 years in prison, under administrative detention on the new dog could attend this children's events at school or university who was in april to share our joy surrounded by walls, full of photos, the showcase. happier times. these women tried to lighten the mood, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. how much improvement does either at the deficient refugee camp in the occupied west bank. us in the us officials, according for an immediate investigation, the shooting dead off topic, our jack
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a 17 year old palestinian american was finishing high school replies to study business, a university and his home state of louisiana particle hanging reports here in washington. on monday the state department said it was devastated to hear the news . the 17 year old american of counseling decide to fix a josh was killed in the west bank. his friend said he was simply a barbecue in a field when they believe in the off duty is really soldier or possibly police officer opened fire, shooting them the head in the chest. we continued to engage closely with the government of israel to ask 13 as much information as possible. and we have called for an urgent investigation to determine the circumstance of his death and accountability be not as appropriate as well. the binding ministration has been calling for an end to the increased violence against costa ends in the west bank to little effect so far,
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370 have been killed since the start of the conflict had to go out 0. washington has below fights is on this. riley soldiers have been battling across the lebanese border for months now for the nature of the fighting is changing. attacks have been limited to a narrow territory within a few kilometers of the border. but now israel is coming out targeted killings away from the front line. that is what planes are flying low over a route and even further north, then a hold of reports and 11 east capitol largely abandoned villages along lebanon's, 120 kilometer southern border with israel, our military zones, the destruction is wide spread in some neighborhoods, little is left as well as targeting what it says or hezbollah cells and infrastructure. while the lebanese armed group attacks is ready troops and positions. the conflict triggered by, as well as war on gaza has been largely confined to a strip of territory,
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a few kilometers on both sides of the border. but the nature of the conflict is changing. targeted killings of hezbollah members or allied groups appears to be a new strategy. this very strikes more often than not our kilometers deep inside lebanon's territory, away from the battle ground front lines. and the times beyond lebanon's borders, commanders from groups that are part of the round so called excess of resistance have been also killed. officials say, isabel is resorting to the killings to compensate for being unable to achieve a military victory against thomas. after more than 100 days of war in gaza, the group which has still not used its full military capabilities and its latest confrontation with israel, remains defiant. and demo you locate whoever is right your hands about launching the full scale war goes to bonham. in reality, it's unable to do that. it won't be able to confront what we prepared for our and then it has failed in not cheating,
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any opiates objective and goes up that resistance is strong. the israel is no longer just responding to hezbollah attacks, such as in the 1st few weeks of the cause of conflict. it's on the offensive, it strikes more aggressive fences are high as well, has already carried out a high profile assassination in the lebanese capital, killing. how mazda is number 2 official and is ready, warplanes don't just fly overboard their areas. they reach bales and further north, flying at low altitude, in a show for the conflict is being described as controlled escalation. united states has engaged in diplomacy to insure there's no all outward and 11 on front of the reports from as well suggest the effort to remove hezbollah fighters from the borders through diplomatic means is spelled center for their eligibility to build the u. s. and u. k. miller trees have conducted fresh air strikes,
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targeting through the missile sites in human us defense officials. so told of the 0 that the combination of miss and strikes also hit drains and weapons stores. several locations have been targeted in the joint operation, including going to have a slope of the capital some well, since the october 7th attacks that have been growing tensions across the region, thousands of mon is gathered into room for the funeral of the uranium revolutionary government was killed by israel and syria on saturday and december, israel killed another top revolutionary god general in damascus bonus, who attended the funeral of questioning the countries to tyrants. capacity of the government vows to retaliate by. so sorta as more from tyrone are seen becoming more common here, funerals or high ranking, you're running officials. the bodies arriving from syria after being killed in his
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right is this is the coughing of general saw the comes out. who was the head of the intelligence unit, or are you running forces in syria and his wife was english, but not on the trail way before these we should have had the ability and the power so that the enemy cannot defend to fight our forces. and the doctor then, i wish we also had this power to adopt a 0. this sentiment is shared by many randomness. they believe development shall not be street itself and potentially equal to the most important, the best response to keep is to give a hard revenge very soon and confront them and to destroy the bases in the region. these right, the attack that killed 5 to run any type of just because in damascus on saturday is a huge blow. many believe it cost significantly reduced eros capability to coordinate the regional activities you're running and government is promising to be
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batch. vision is the vision crimes by the use up in zion. it's regime against the rain you in government and nation have never gone on will not go without penalty islamic republic of a wrong will respond to the crimes by the israeli regime and its own way. so far you run has avoided that direct, committed to compensation with israel is response is being conducted to what you want, who is the excess of resistance. but i mean a 3 groups in syria. iraq never known any of this advising this content among radians here. they say they've gotten his response, is not the declaration and won't be stories rap. who am i talking more running assets. but reading officials believe if it's responsive or not measured, it could mean a war not only with his route, but we think united states of america. oh, just the euro. sarah, still in foreign minister and the bad bulk says
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a 2 state solution is the only answer to the wong, gaza. she's spoken a meeting of the you find ministers with representative. some is around the policy, you know, pharmacy and some arab nations. the same to finding a long term solution to the war and gaza. the you also have plans to consider sanctions against the mass and this re lease settlers and the occupied westbank. depaula thing in foreign minister has reiterated the need for sees far, every day. that's, you know, with we don't say i'd arrive at the ceasefire. you know, it's a day that we call into another 1000, but a scene is being either killed or in even injured. and that's why you know, my, you message today to mike, what needs you didn't do, it'll be on your, on your end, would it be clear and strong? you know what i expect from you is east fire and don't accept anything less. step voss and it has more from brussels, all the divisions that remain of the you overseas 5 and goes. so after a long day of discussions here in brussels among you foreign ministers, this phil, this vision,
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this phil no consensus on an immediate cease fire despite the fact that around 18 countries within the you are proposing this. i'm fairly much in support of that. and 9 are against it or up stating. so what they do agree on and what they have been discussing in stats is a future solution of 2 state solution to. and then the independent palestinian state would secure with the guarantees for israel, so that you wants to organize the peace conference anytime soon. and the yoga burrell, the foreign affairs chief of the you said, it's not necessarily the israel or the palestinian authorities are involved in this peace conference. it's something that auto nations from the u. an arab countries up for attending the me to meeting today. we'll have to talk about and we'll have to offer when they have a real concrete plan to both parties as well and the palestinian authority. but he sat in the question on how it's rel,
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israel's foreign minister has responded to this plan because of course as well, has rejected the palestinian states so far. he said that instead of the pellets, there is rarely 4 minutes only show 2 videos that complete the work and relevant to the topic. so furthermore, also an e u. naval mission to direct see was discussed, but that will still be has to be made more concrete with more details later. so there's no timeline on that for now. step fossa, ellamin sierra russell's. so it had here when i was a 0, tell us to be in children's central god's grace of making shift the cemetery up to find it. the bodies of loved ones killed. this radiant tax of the us supreme court rules the federal agents can raise a wire installed by the state of texas on the us mexico border the the
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the, it's been very halting west australia for quite a long time. mobile file spinning fine example, which is still at 40 degrees of that circulation that with the blue, which is rate means attempts to come down in favor of rain on the dryer, which will cause some local flooding and attempt your mobile vault. and to round about the such to mark having seen that for a number of months. that right now the wife has been a notable feature in the file know, and this circulation in the car will say is a tropical sacrament. i think we'll develop and then move on learned in the next couple of days, south of that, a lot clocks and it was cities about 30 degrees. presidents 30 is a very shumate. one doesn't get much cooler and our daughter has been using it in but we've seen the record highs here. oakland was a fine example. would be that back time. 922. the previous coming up from the science. it's how the big surprise attempted to have dropped the ball records for you. generally speaking, fine, weather some heavy readiness seems to be on his way to peninsula the lazy maybe
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a bit further north. i think i can do something tied on, and we'll just send the fatty brisk, ne breeze which she's bringing significant snow to good positive japan. and particularly in her car that goes on for a couple of days. and hong kong. the stuff is the arts of cold air from further north and it is cold. the hey jamie into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thought provoking ons. my question to you all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities, usb, toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is different on it. access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era you have the right,
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the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that and 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment, right? how many words would i have to exchange in this legislation? thing use it to flush free speech of anyone who supports black lives or is involved in protesting for environmental. and it's like 10 words pod, 3, the template on out to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you're watching, i'll just say right, here's a reminder on top stories this out as well as intensified as bombing campaign in
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the southern city of con, eunice stopped to say at least 66 people have been killed over the past 24 hours forcing people to plead further south, the threat of salvation is looming for hundreds of thousands of people in gauze with fluid supplies running out. most areas of already run as a flower, have some editor as well, cuz a limited amount of rice available will also be depleted. see families. all of this rate accounting is being held in because i have stormed a meeting of these ready classes in west jerusalem. government to more, to return the levels now promising in children and central guys that have created a make shift symmetry off to finding the bodies of loved ones rights group say extreme traumatic experiences for young palestinians are becoming common place, leaving them to cope with little to no resources and run, look on reports. this is what constitutes as play time for these children in
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elbow res refugee camping, central, gaza congregating around a makeshift cemetery where their loved ones had been buried. their names written on the wall uh, just as my father was killed and we were not able to recover his body for days. when we finally pulled down his body, we were not able to bury them. finally, we buried my father in the school. yeah, a lot of mini did bodies willis, lying in the straits for days. they would be composed and eaten away by cats and dogs. this is not life because of rights groups estimate that around 25000 posting in children have become orphans since israel's latest military campaign began on october 7th. the situation is so appalling that a new acronym has been coined, unique to the besieged strip, w c. n. s f. wounded child, no surviving family. medical staff at the camp are doing what they can with the few resources available upon the quadrant home, mac,
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many children of the heat by dehydration and did nourishment, menia suffering from diarrhea and vomiting because of contaminated water. we help them with what is the i the solutions available, the words damaging costing in kids everywhere. the physical scars are obvious, but the mental damage is invisible. they are left to deal with their trauma. i get a way to have that on and i, we were at my own close house and we will hungry. my father said he would go to a home to get flour. it took him a long time, but the time they reached home, the house was hit by me. so after a while, a young man said my father and uncle killed the next day. the bodies are pulled out totally disfigured. we buried them in the school yard or something of a generation of palestinian kids in morning and left to face their future alone. rental a fine i'll just hear about us again. health ministry says 350000 patients with chronic illnesses and not receiving their medication. the united nations is one of the health care system in gauze,
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always on the verge of total collapse. includes re reports, some dare abala and central government. because this group has been witnessing a shortage of medicine for more than 3 months behind me is one of the pharmacies in a didn't. but that has been completely closed due to the severe shortage of medicine. we're talking about and new medicine, we're talking about also chronic disease medication for chronic disease patients with the conversational just one moment. i looked everywhere but there is no medication for their beaches in the area. but even if i find one does a fluid concentration which cannot take look my blood sugar level was that this cause such wound do you see on my foot is closer needs attention. it even requires that
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you seem to a hospital, but it's not possible. all the people have been coming to the pharmacies for more than 3 months now coming back and forth through the pharmacies asking for medicine. but unfortunately, medicine is not coming into the god will serve and as much a that is coming into the cause of truth as must be the pharmacy in the cause of a loss of medicine to cover the huge amount of medication in the mines in the cause of chip, we're not only talking about pharmacies, but also hospitals in the casa strip are also the fear shortage of medication. this isn't to cause any, i just need the okay, let's take
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a look at some of the rest of the day's news elsewhere in the world. of the us supreme court has allowed federal border patrol agents to remove res alive installed by texas on the us mexico border emergency requests were filed by the by did administration which argues that texas is preventing asians from carrying out their duties for wellness, less cost. the heidi direct castro who's joining us in washington, dc. and henry, how do you, i know you've covered the border yourself, you've seen it for yourself. i hope the quotes reached this decision. the right, this is a 5 for court decision which means that 2 can service sided with liberal justices and delivering this major when to the bite and administration essentially which had argue that federal law supersedes state law when it comes to border security enforcement. and so now us border patrol can resume what they were doing when i was last at the border,
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which is cut through this barbed wire fencing that the state of texas had put up along the us border. and in order to help migrants who were stuck on the other side and to provide some time life saving assistance. and we saw the consequences of when us border patrol was not allowed to carry out that duty. last week. there were 3 migraines, a woman, and 2 young children who drowned while they were crossing the river from mexico to the us. us border patrol was not able to help them because they were blocked from access saying that stretch of the river, locked by the state of texas. so now that the supreme court has said, hold on, the federal government does have the clear authority over this. the us border patrol can do as it sees fit and they sit in these situations. so for now we will see those rescues continue and hopefully less loss of life there along the border.
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i wonder if you can give this some context for us. so exactly why are the state of texas, i'm the by the administration buffing now for control of this board. yeah, this is really a political battle which very sadly, has these migraines lives caught in the middle. this started because in, over the past year, especially in december, we've seen the largest number of migrant encounters by us border patrol that we haven't seen in decades. and so the state of texas, which is run by a republican governor, greg abbot, has been using it as it increasingly harsh measures to counter that flow of migrants in the form of installing these barb wires, other barriers of harsh patrols and arresting people as they crossed into texas and pursuit prosecuting them under state criminal laws. the by ministration says that this is a political battle that again,
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it has the authority here because border enforcement immigration fall under federal law. but the state of texas had sued and in a lower court, had won a, causing the, the us border patrol to stop cutting through the wire for briefly costing those lives. this is law, not at all, decided yet though the supreme court's decision that came out today is only a temporary pause until the full merits of this case can be fully argued, right? many sites, how does your test drive in washington dc? so that's why i didn't know, sorry, so you used to have a rest of so if you 2 people, including soldiers for allegedly plotting to kill president nicholas madura, it comes off a month, sloane investigation, i say no suspects of confessed. i reviewed information about that promise to assess the date, but during the rest forms have been issued for 11 others, including rights activist and journalist and exxon. and it's the customer support effect. we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and emphasize this psychotic and
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session against the life of the president of venezuela, nicholas mate doodle and against the minister of defense general in chief, flooded me up at the reno. lopez is going up on a b, c plus you on the with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligent services of the columbia. and i mean, see the like what it was um, it has seized a record 22000 kilograms of cocaine during an operation against organized crime. the army says the drugs with disabilities across $733.00 possibles of will likely intended for transport across asia. europe and the americas, i think that go to the police, say they've comp, should the leader of a colombian on the group. carlos altura landa, azurie. cortez was apprehended on sunday and ibarra and the north authorities say, to return him to columbia, where he is one of the most one to the criminals, that thousands of migrants have arrived on spain's canary islands. the great for 45
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men received medical attention by the red cross spaces. interior ministry says the number of migrants entering spain by c jumped approximately 300 percent so far in january. you compared to the same period last year and do is find this under under moody is open to controversial template in the state of the dash. the shrine was built on the grounds wherever most stood for centuries before it was destroyed by hindus far right wing active. this image and kimber reports a decades old promise of india's hindu nationalist has become a reality to the appointment is done to render moody as hailed the construction of the new temple, the hindu isms, leading dieting, the drum as a symbol of a new india buyers that nobody the high that toby's january the 22nd. so 2024 is not the date written on the calendar. it is the door of
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a new era. by breaking the mentality of slavery, a nation is standing up from driving strength from the power of the past. this is how new histories creates is the template been built on the ruins of the historic 16th century most and has remained a major flash point between muslims and indies the modem. so to use in these governing b, j. p. type of crucial role events leading up to the most destruction by hid do bite wing activists in 1992, which indies believe is the best place of lu drum. at least 2 sizes and most seamless and people were killed in the funding for a non decade slate. to critics say the temples. integration is another sewing. secular. india is becoming a strictly in do nation. what we have seen is the pretty much the overboard view, which in the indian context as i think those items as amended, certainly context. we are seeing
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a nation designed primarily for him goals with everybody else and the security of us feel deep and religions are going to get to to 2nd plus the $200000000.00 project in the northern state to go to per dash was, you know, great too much fun, fast and high profile, guess the several position, politicians boy close at the ceremony. they accused clement as to moody of using the event for political gain had of elections in a few months. to so many induce the temple has fulfilled an important part of the thank you to know that you belong to them. been committed, a decent organization is not required for the election and demand, but it was important to, you know, go right this because load rom had been leading in a tent on what, give me one example where you are in a space a lot. and yet you're leaving an attempt to load around with leaving an attempt placed by these followers with pain by this means that the data is still in attempt to model and should be installed in this space as soon as possible. the whole 2nd
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one for this time, maybe i want to come back to you. well, millions of him do celebrate. many muslims across india were worried about it. like any of the oh, into brothers in the it's a good day. but what about us? those of us who had ruined, of course, will be in pain. on that day a father was killed and the most was des moines as to why the prime minister moody has not directly addressed the religious tension. but many fig indian status was a multi face democracy, slowly being righted image and came back out to 0. still ahead, he went out just russia, the us trade accusations, or the supply of weapons in the ukraine, that much the city un secuity of the comp. how full in the philippines,
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why restaurant force to change exactly how much rice they offer that covers the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the now the united nations security council has been meeting to discuss the war in ukraine at the request of permanent member russia. although the session rushes, a foreign minister criticize the military assistance given to ukraine by western countries, the flag by invoice and 47 member states ukraine's ambassador to the you and the cues. moscow of hypocrisy, as it is imposing on some iran and north korea for war against ukraine. but the valve said you claims that liberally targeting civilians says that it goes to some use to get squared,
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can use which shows the dest merchants are not put off by the fact that their weapons, including cluster munitions and depleted uranium weapons, are being used methodically, mercilessly and intentionally, to strike civilian infrastructure. this was the case during the strikes against the residential areas in belgrade, on the 13th of december and yesterday, against the markets and shops and done. yet the blood of dozens of killed civilians is on the conscience of those who arms zalinski insane. at the same time that the authorities and keep can themselves determine what the goals for the strikes will be. we remember how the anglo saxons without any military need bomb dressed in, in february 1945. and how recently, mosul in a rack and rocca in syria were raised to the ground and now they have a very worthy successor for their barbaric terrorist methods. so deborah is on de, has more from the un headquarters in new york as well. they want to make the points that all of these western arms that are going to ukraine are killing
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innocent civilians, particularly russian innocent civilians. that's something that the russian for administer their survey lab rod made a point of. and the fact that he is here at this meeting in new york at the united nations shows how important this is to make this point and keep this on the agenda of the security council and the wider united nations body. of course, survey lab problem making points. they're referring to a gun s q last the last in december of last year. and a recent alleged recent attack as well. and don't ask and also belgrade, a very recently making the point that it where it was western weapons being used by ukraine, that killed in the case of in don't ask any way at least 25 civilians. and he's wanted to make that point very clear. now of course,
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we also heard from the us and ambassador to the u. n, who basically said that it was absurd, quite frankly, that this meeting was even being held. this is the 11th the time the russians have called a meeting of the security council on this very issue, around pockets done and planning to rebuild diplomatic ties. following miss island drug and strikes last week. the government say the ministry action was killed, people in baluchistan province and iran were targeting um, the groups focused on foreign minister says and basset is what we tend to that post by friday, runs 40 minutes to the shuttle to visit pockets. dawn, next week. camry has become the 1st country in africa, the roll out of new malaria vaccine for children. well, home health organization approve the vaccine last year after successful trials in gonna i'm, can you nicholas talk reports as a small health center on the outskirts of cam ruins capital? yeah, one day, a historic moment. the fight against malaria, a small serra that can save from the deadly parasite,
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is being administered for the 1st time to baby daniella. millions have died of malaria, most or african children. these nurses and doctors have seen parents helpless in the face of their children, suffering, watching them unable to breathe in distress with a high fever, eventually leading to an agonizing death. now they can save lives, thanks to the new mt. larry of vaccine program being rolled out by cameron's health surfaces, we are in the district with a fairly high prevalence. it should also be remembered that the facts and complements existing measures, including impregnated muskegon, that's an environmental segmentation. camera room is offering the r t s s n t malaria vaccine, free of charge to all infants up to the age of 6 month old. it took 50 years of scientific research to develop the vaccine. the challenge has been the new teaching nature of the military. a parasite, part of the breakthrough came from a tree found in chile,
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it's substance strengthens intensity of the immune response in the vaccine. because if you see an investigator and it tells me is behind because it is a disease that is very difficult because it is transmitted by a parasite with a life cycle that's very complicated. we have a vaccine which has demonstrated effectiveness and safety. we have really studied and tested it to be sure there's no side effects that would cause problems with the following the cove. it pen demik, undefended fear the new malaria vaccine seems to be spreading faster than its actual benefits. the challenge for health workers is to convince parents like with a stella to the new vaccine to say for their children. and if it decides to mean if it was talked about everywhere, maybe in the media or in communities and people are informed, then i would be more prepared to vaccinate. right now, i feel a little uncomfortable and unsure, the un says that every 2 minutes a child dies of malaria with this new vaccine rollout. this is about to change,
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the small sarah is a big victory in the fight against a parasite, offering the possibility of saving millions of lives across the world. nicholas hawk alj a 0 and other news, a people who are being killed off for a land slide struck a remote and mountainous parts of south western china. on monday, dozens for buried. when 18 homes were covered by debris, many is still trumped under rubble. this temperature has plunged on monday nights more than $500.00 people have been evacuated in due non profits plus restaurants in the philippines could be forced to offer hoff cups savings of rice to the customers . congress is discussing the move as a way to cut back on waste, as people struggle with food inflation on a be low, a small for me in the lunch, at an injury in suburban manila. endless dream of customers with seemingly insatiable appetites for right. despite having to increase the price of each cup, by as much as 50 percent, they're still serving an average of $25.00 to those every day. really think that
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you always have, i mean, i'm a huge device either. so i like it. whether i live with advice promos, that i racist like filipinos like to say, but a study. but if philippine rice research institute found $384000.00 metric tons of price is wasted every year in the country. it's enough to feed $2500000.00 people for an entire year and for congress to build that would require restaurants to serve. have cub serving surprised is gaining ground in the lower house. that's a huge volume. it can reduce the need and then we can balance the no co pay chose to swell this thing for to grapes. the philippines is projected to overtake china this year, as the world's largest importer of price support is the bill hope less demand would mean less impact for punctuation in the global market, where rice prices are the 15 year high. so i've just ordered to take
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a wee meal from a well known local fast food restaurants and it comes with 2 pieces of fried chicken and a full cup of price. now i can order another cop or 2, but if i wanted to eat a little bit more rice or less attempt because they're still option for a house, it's higher end in gene restaurants like these that are more likely to face fines if the bill is past this either we already offer as rise in half a cup servings, but its owner says the orders are usually in addition to a full couple of price point to below al jazeera manila. so before we go person, it's a fruit and vegetable farm is all holding an unusual protest. the houses of parliament and london. they've installed 49 scarecrows that show they say is unfair treatment by the country. 6 largest supermarket chains,
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thomas one the government support for tougher supply chain codes and practice and according on supermarkets, to adhere to fat purchasing agreements. i kind of you up to date. that's it for me, the bar code for this news out, but my colleague, carriage all the stuff. we're back in 11th when much for the dates that go like the on the list of c comedian children. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight, they will be met with fire and security rise. anxiety, are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that just like exploring how x is central tricks to life impact the human psyche apocalypse may be coming soon on outsourcing. vague,
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i mean that the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to use machines, trust is and not even as a developer becomes more powerful, i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to the markets aren't as busy as normal. the single largest employer in palestine is the public spiritual thorazine or p a. the palestinian authority remains the key economic drive of the palestinians, implying a 143000 people. the p a is currently paying an average between 60 and 75 percent of salaries due to each worker because israel is withholding the tax. this is the trade crossing between palestine and israel is ready saved, will release the money,
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but with deductions and no money for the employees and goals of the last president . joe gordon is putting in tremendous amounts of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to release the focus to the palestinian authority. to us though, is clear. if once a revitalized pe to take a vengeful controlling goes off the wall. anything other than a week the a is not something is wrong. ones currently view far as he is weak as it is if the thing is getting weaker. the, the thing for the allies, dozens of palestinians have been killed over the past 24 hours in con eunice as this rad expands its ground offensive that the carry johnston, this house is here


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