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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 4:00am-4:30am AST

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is where we just, that's allies, the funny thing and i guess from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the thing for their lives, thousands of palestinians have been killed over the past. the 24 hours. and con eunice as its route expands its ground. defensive. the i'm carry, tungsten, this is all just here a lot. and also on the print, hundreds of thousands on living with the threats of starvation as food supplies, including flour and rice are running out and guns the family. so these very
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captive housing goals are storing, the kinetic accusing. the government's not doing enough to secure the release tests for sure. in manchester, new hampshire, which could be the seed of the last real bus in the republican presidential nomination. fox news. as well as continuing its heavy bombardments of the southern parts of the gaza strip. at least 66 people have been killed in con unit. so the past 24 hours are known as wells ground operations expanding. they're forcing more palestinians to see it further south to wrap up is really forces targeting hospitals, ambulances in schools, in the city, with thousands of civilians. a sheltering is there any troops also adopting intense bottles of palestinian fighters in northern gaza. nature body and it's tanks and
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troops are present in all these areas highlighted in red in the north and south of gauze, and i was it reports from rafa in southern casa, oh, no sir. hospital is the only place that people who owned did have a chance to sit by what's close to to what typically happens is really is increasing its attack on yours. placing the hospital at the center of the battle was the latest i'm now since yesterday night with the expansion of ground operation and con eunice, we received a lot of injured. there's no space for that would be a good thing. i work in the intensive care unit, there's only 4 beds there and i was treating 10 to 11 injured and i was jumping over beds just to check on the model. there's barely any staff left. the resources are below 0 equipment below 0, there's nothing. i haven't slept for 30 hours. so kind of city and doctors treat complex protein. the ones on the floor,
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so flores with what little supplies they have. the people have killed is very rates close to the hospitals. these very only for this saves. so we'll start with the will on unice has been on the he's the intact for more than a month, attacked by usability tax, and also the re many people who let here have don't, and much of the city has been slots and i've talked quite land, a see thousands of palestinians on the news again, seeking safety service. so as i said, the, this is a 7th time i get displaced, or maybe even more, it's torture, torture, torture, pianos, laptop, lanham and jam. we hardly made it out of the university under the showing. we didn't expect the time, so do universities can we almost didn't make it out a life. every day i see children die. many of my friends died last night at oxford
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university. the destination roof on the city is already open. later and resources to show that then we're really stretched to the limits out of space to live shrinking by the hour. well, no. where do we go? where this is the 17th time i've been displaced, where should i go? when should i go to the left off, roughly just one straight? what do they want from us? they want us to be 2400000 in an area that does not exceed 200 meters. is really troops advances on con you and is a forcing thousands to evacuate here to a rough off those who have already made to look old basic necessities from medicine to water. i'm food became here staking safety. but the used by the attacks continue here as well. targeted by zoom out just a rough roughly in southern gosh, or at least a 3 is very soldiers have been to. busy and 50,
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not as wounded in the last 24 hours as fighting sentences around con eunice and southern guns. these ready army says 3 of those we would do the in critical condition in did what if did a made an exchange of 5 with palestinian groups at least $198.00? is there any troops have been killed during combat in gaza? meanwhile, video has the most of the palestinian group codes brigades, but fortunately targeting is really forces at the elbow range. come in central garza if what it shows and is very helicopter, approaching the scene of the fighting off to his food supplies are rapidly running out. and garza, most areas have already run out of the house and you monetary and workers say discuss rice. but it will also soon be depleted. honey mac moved reports now from rafa. as they have been cooling for hours in the hold of receiving food handouts but aid workers save menu,
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these children will leave with empty stomach. and i regret to say we are on the verge of semen. real family, that's right, is almost all types of talking about a city is the 2nd most basic food item to flour. and if we run lots of rice will be consumed assembly of this is the harsh realities. nothing. i'm up to you and say everyone in guys is hungry with 40 percent of the strip. 2.3000000 population at risk of famine. humanitarian agencies say not enough. 8 is arriving. one is, well, bombs, and block a this give me, i think the most of the quantities of food supplies available in the market these days are very scammed because nobody food items have been delivered into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour. in addition of the price of the price of the ticket has increased 3 for letting in the most difficult pockets for
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palestinians herron's situation is getting more desperate every day. how difficult new, unless you will do what matters most for our child is to eat what they want to eat more than $23.00 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. it is, the situation is difficult, extremely difficult. a famine would get a job more than a $25000.00 palestinians have been killed in israel month, long or ongoing. there are no signs of the suffering will in any time. soon. most of the people in garza have been displaced several times since early october, and now they have little ito and nowhere else left to go hunting more houses here to the 5. israel is set to be proposing a 2 month pause in fighting for the release of all captives being held in garza. well, that's according to a report. my ex. yes. which says the deal has been presented to mass through
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mediators. the proposal would be made up of several phases, mediators from katara in egypt have been working for weeks to reach a deal between as well and have us and the some of the joins us not from occupied these 2 weeks and come to tell us more about the details of this proposal that as well the biggest headline of this multi phase proposal that these really is reportedly submitted to mediators around 10 days ago is that it could include up to a 2 month pause in the fighting. however, the stipulations are quite clear that this is not an end of the war. and after that 2 months, pause were to happen if it happens that it comes to fruition. there will still be fighting in gaza, but on a lower level. now it comes with multiple parts. the 1st phase of this deal would see the release of captives for 60 years and older, both men and women who are in need of medical care. the 2nd phase would be men
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under the age of 60, who are not soldiers, as well as female soldiers and finally, male soldiers. now this deal is for the release of all of the captives. israel says that there are around a $136.00 still being held inside of god. so we're talking about those who are alive and the bodies of those who are dead. these really are also saying as part of this deal, they're willing to release a large number of palestinian prisoners. though they have been saying it is not going to be an oil for all type of deal. but they are willing to release quite a large number. and forever phase of the deal, the number of palestinian prisoners to be released would increase. so for example, the number of post indian prisoners to be released per one is really soldier who is released from captivity. that number would be higher than say the number released for say, an elderly woman. now these relatives are saying they're approaching all of this with cautious optimism. the war cabinet reported we submitted this proposal around
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10 days ago. again, these are all reports in their initial stages. these really prime minister headed form families of is really kept as well meeting with them, saying that israel had put forth a proposal, but he declined to elaborate on more details. so all of this were just getting through is really media reports through anonymous officials. it's a 100, it's a day. we've also seen the police and the israel detain, relatives of caps is held in god. so also they disrupt to the problem actually, committee meeting or protest as i mean corner when they come in to do want to secure the release of the loved ones. so i'm the how all members of the government likely to react to that, given the existing disagreements in the governments. i think the, the wall cabinets there's a lot of defense within these really governments from the opposition, which is quite clear since they haven't agreed with ness and yahoo. it has coalition since they came into power more than
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a year ago. but they're also disagreements within his own coalition and within the war cabinet. people who netanyahu hans selected to assist him in israel's war time based on their security and military experience. one of those members get the eyes in coats, giving quite a candid interview. she was really media saying that those who are saying that there is going to be a total defeat of how mass are actually not being truthful, but it's a tall order and the worst strategy perhaps could be reevaluated. he's also calling for election saying that these really people need to cement their confidence in the government that's leading them because nets and yahoo and his government are not very popular and they weren't even going into this war before october. the 7th. their numbers were quite low, so you also have to send with in the us and yahoos coalition. it's interesting. it's going to be interesting to see rather how members of the far right are going to react to this because they were not. so please, when the 1st deal to release captives came around,
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they said that any sort of pause in the fighting went in favor of him ass, and they didn't want to see any of that. but again, remember i said repeatedly that until there was a total end of the war, they're not really going to be looking to discuss any sort of is really deals. so there is a lot going on within the is really government itself. there's a lot of disagreements that they're gonna have to work on within themselves is how mass even response to this proposal? i'm defining so much indeed, as well as there is mediation towards continue a senior m s need it has criticizes very prime minister benjamin that to know who's rejection of a palestinian state assignment. having done, made the comments as the us as the is still support for 2 state solution. well, hosted on the city of hutton, makia the i see you ma'am. i think i mentioned the actions, especially with the united states administration and presidential by been
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sending messages to assuring those people in hospital wage. i don't want it to come solutions or normalization proposals with this. and that's the empty team, by i might call to what the biden has just said, that missing the yahoo doesn't object to own existing solution is on the 2 state solution. followed the by and it's in yeah, whose office few are what is the later rejecting this statements by biting and ready to read that addiction of establishing companies in the state the us send you 10 minute traits have conducted fresh air strikes, targeting who see weapons sites in yemen, us central come on, says 8 locations were a hit, including an air base north of the capitol saw no us defense officials have total just air that the combination of missed on an air strikes it. who's the drones? mr. hall's in an underground weapon store. but from all that's cost to heidi to
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test drive, joining us live from washington dc. now, well, heidi, what's the latest you can tell us about the strikes that to carry. according to a briefing by a us senior defense official, there were american and british airman involved in the strike launching missiles at those targets in 8 target and who's a controlled young man. and he said that by all accounts that appears to have been a success. so damage assessments are still coming in. there's been no word of any casualties on the ground. us forces suffered none of the senior defense official saying that these were precision guided munitions targeting targets that were deemed to be a no risk to any civilian who are on the ground there in yemen. and in addition to the u. k, and the u. s. involvement in this operation,
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there were 4 other countries that provided on specified support. they were australia by rein, canada, and the netherlands is officials. the declining to comment and exactly what role those other countries played. also stressing that this was not part of the operation prosperity, guardian, which is the name of that 22 multi national nation coalition that has been patrolling the red sea and trying to help maritime commerce return to some state of normalcy, which it has not given the continued attacks from who stays on maritime trade. now $33.00 since november, according to the pentagon. kerry, how do you? thanks very much. i a sort of head hair on the houses that are controversial. what hen do temple built on the sides of the demolished most is opened in india apartment as to mode equal to one of the new era
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the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. so that the residual r t k i, we sits over the plane, the states of the us more or less here is coming up against what's not incoming, warmer air from the gulf. now i have some the 2 of those come together. you have to get rain last night. it will freezing, right? if you're ready and lucky, which is probably the case in illinois, maybe i work for time and then started proper folder, trusted right. thanks. and no new england was writing to be replacing it in texas. and also on the west coast. we seen rain coming through california. residual cheryl still lucky like i think during tuesday and the cold or cool breeze has been blowing across the bahamas is still fairly strong. fairly heavy rain will be
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a manifestation over the time peninsula, and on the gold side is still fairly cool in mexico, on the west side where it's being hot showers, take the place on the pacific coast in south america. charles could be anywhere in the amazon basin, the concentration there appears to be said the size of the passport, like getting a shower to hear rio's also looking written for the most opposite. at least looking what an associate down to about $32.00 degrees for the real heat to sign for that. you know option tina in particular whereby your blanket next couple of days could approach 40 degrees. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the
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the the watching out, does it remind all the headlines israel has intensified his foaming count, southern city of con units. dr. say at least 66 people have been killed. that in the past, the 24 hours a night, forcing people to sleep, the sound. the threats of starvation is moving for hundreds of thousands of people gone. 70 food supplies running out both stairs have already run out of silent liquor. so the limited amounts of rice suit israel
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is set to be proposing a 2 month pause in fighting useful trumpet seems to be held in guns. that's according to a report by an axial says the proposal has been presented to him us through mediators, palestinian children in the central goes to have created the make shift symmetry of to finding the bodies of loved ones. rights groups say x treme, traumatic experiences for young palestinians. i'll be coming common place, leaving them to cope if we're on new resources and we're on the con reports, this is what constitutes as play time for these children. in elbow, a refugee camp in central garza congregating around a mixture of cemetery where their loved ones had been buried. their names written on the wall uh, just as my father was killed and we were not able to recover his body for days.
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when we finally pulled down his body, we were not able to bury them. finally, we buried my father in the school. yeah. a lot of mini did. bodies were left lying in the straits for days. they would be composed and eaten away by cats and dogs. this is not life because of rights groups estimate that around 25000 posting in children have become orphans since israel's latest military campaign began on october 7th. the situation is so appalling that a new acronym has been coined, unique to the besieged strip, w c. n. s f. wounded child, no surviving family. medical staff at the camp are doing what they can with the few resources available upon the quadrant home, mac, many children of the heat by dehydration ended nourishment, menia suffering from diarrhea and vomiting because of contaminated water. we help them with what is the i the solutions available, the words damaging costing in kids everywhere. the physical scars are obvious,
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but the mental damage is invisible. they are left to deal with their trauma. how you get on with that, um and then we were at my own close house and we will hungry. my father said he would go to a home to get flour. it took him a long time, but the time they reached home, the house was hit by me. so after water, the young man said, my father no clue killed. the next day, the bodies are pulled out totally disfigured. we buried them in the school yard or a generation of palestinian kids in morning and left to face their future alone. rental a fine. i'll just hear your opinions. our foreign ministers have met in brussels to discuss the revival of the 2 state solution of help create a palestinian state despite israel is a position the has so far been divided on quoting for a cease fire and casa blocks. foreign policy chief says, israel is found to destroy a mass will never bring peace set boston reports from brussels. the
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heavily decide if you will be in union struggling to reach a consensus on gaza with more than 25000 palestinians that and many facing hunger us failed to agree on a call for a ceasefire. germany, europe's largest economy is among those firmly rejecting the idea is that you can what and isabel can only live in safety for palestinians are able to live in safety and indignity posted in use our own and able to live in safety. isabel is safe. that's why the 2 state solution is the only solution inside the space for the next step is for a phone minutes. the who address the you phone council does not respond to questions on the palestinian state, but the european union and says it's the only way to end the conflict, which i have the solution to have in mind. to make all the people, the student is least looking for them. but the $5000.00 are ready and got 70 percent of women and children. certainly the way of trying to destroy how much is
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not the way they are doing because they see the, the hate for generations. the new piece plan for a 2 state solution was discussed with foreign ministers from saudi arabia, egypt, jordan and the arab league. the aim to hold a peace conference most likely without is for emily and punish pinion representatives, and also the plan to the conflicting bodies later, i think a moment of truth is upon us. the whole world has to decide. do we allow our advocated resist agenda to dictate the future or do we want to come together and see the process clear? we want these for everybody in the region. and the 2 state solution is the only part. the question is, can the you pressure, it's well to accept the plan, you doesn't have the power to enforce it is a big pay or in terms of the conflict, it is the biggest, it keeps advertising. this fact is the biggest contributor to,
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to palestine in terms of international donors, but it hasn't been able to exert any do political cloud dimensions. economic flows with the situation. and guys are worsening by the day. and israel rejecting the palestinian state. the base plan may sound abstract, especially since the blog con, the great on the cease fire, a trying to revise the 2 state solution is all they can offer. for now. step 5, alex's 0. brussels is ready for us as of storm several towns and occupies westbank troops, 5 to gas and confiscate to the civilian con, east of hebron. the village of 99. if also sold to the palestinian used to the north of heaven on in the town of how, who at least one person has also been injured by soldiers. and they of the look now at some of the days of the news us farmer season is kicking off and will
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last until june, voters in new hampshire, already finding the contest at east for the pots. and them and nations is almost over out of fisher explains from the states biggest city, not just in the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition between healy is trying to generate heat. in a campaign republican voters have so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here, she has to convince voters. she can be trump on the pipe. she has to convince both of us like marie quarter good. who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets a support. and the primary reason nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my, you know, i wanted the one fiscal responsibility, but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running, who i don't think has dip their toe in the milk pilot for a very long time and are very braces and they're, they're flame source. prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is
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a hate and the republican race despite his troubles elsewhere. 91 indictment silver for criminal cases. but when hear that it all but seals the nomination trumpet. so essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him as an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be with me for the democrats, there's essentially new context. there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administration. stand on this, these 5, but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys. and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for
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human humanity here in sees fire. but you can veto my vote because healy set high expectations in new hampshire. but every polls the fits donald trump, significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls, vicki healey isn't the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure, i'll just do that much as the us supreme court has allowed federal border patrol agents to remove raise a watt in stores by texas on the us mexico border emergency request was filed by the by the administration. which argues that texas is preventing agents from the carrying out the juice's. texas officials say the want helps to stop illegal border crossings lawsuits. he's currently on getting over its existence. venezuelan authorities have arrested $32.00 people, including soldiers for naturally plotting to kill the president. nicholas,
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i do know it comes off for months long investigation. they say all suspects have confessed the information about that sentence to assassinate madura. arrest warrants have been issued for 11 officers, including right side to this engine, this in exxon. and it's the customs that boy select the writer. we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and emphasize this psychotic and session against the life of the president of venezuela, nicholas mate doodle, and against the minister of defense general in chief loaded methods. reno lopez on that. going up on the seat, pass you on with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligent services of the colombian army. dozens of migrants of arrived on spain's canary audits. the group of 45 men received medical attention from the red cross springs. interior ministry says the number of migrants entering spain by
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seat has risen by approximately 300 percent so far in january compared to the same period. last year. i in india, as a prime minister and the ranger moody has opened the controversial temple northern states of which i protest the shrine was built on the grounds where mosque had stood for centuries. which in came the reports for decades old promise of indians, hindu nationalist has become a reality to the appointment is done to render moody as hailed the construction of the new temple, the hindu isms, leading diety, little rum as a symbol of a new india buyers. that nobody the high that toby's january the 22nd. so 2024 is not the date written on the calendar. it is the door of a new era. by breaking the mentality of slavery, a nation is standing up from driving strength from the power of the past. this is how new histories creates is the temples been built on the ruins of
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a historic 16th century most and has remained a major flash point between muslims and hindus, the modem. so to use in these governing b, j. p. a crucial role events leading up to the most destruction by hid do bite wing activists in 1992, which in these believe is the 1st place of little drum. at least 2 sides most seamless and people were killed in the funding for a non decade slate. to critics say the temples. integration is another sewing. secular. india is becoming a strictly in do nation. what we have seen is the pretty much the overboard view, which in the indian context as i think those items as amended, certainly context. we are seeing a nation designed primarily for him goals, but everybody else and the security there must be a deep and religions.


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