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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive the task protection that see that convocation. inside story on al jazeera, the leading for their lives. thousands of palestinians have been killed over the last 24 hours and as long as israel expands its ground, defense the pain. this is al jazeera life, also coming hundreds of thousands are living with expressions salvation in garza as food supplies including flour, rice are running the
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in the us and its allies conduct fresh air strikes on who's the positions in unit targeting underground miss file storage site. i'm alice fisher in manchester, new hampshire, which could be the scene of the last real buckle in the republican presidential nomination flight. the israel is continuing it's heavy bombardment of the southern part of the gaza strip . at least 66 people have been killed in con eunice to learn over the past 24 hours . israel's ground operation is expanding, then forcing more palestinians to flee ever farther south towards rafa. is there any forces have been targeting hospitals? ambulance isn't schools in a city with thousands of civilians or sheltering? is there any troops also locked in and tenants baffles with palestinian fighters in north dawson,
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near giovanni at its tanks and troops are present in all those areas that you see that highlighted and red 1st in the north and south of casa tarik of was doing reports now from rafa and southern garza, and those are hospital is the only place that people wanted to have a chance to sit by. what's close to to which of collapse is really is increasing its attack on you want us placing the hospital at the center of the battle was the latest i'm now since yesterday night with the expansion of ground operation. in con eunice, we received a lot of injured. there's no space for that would be a good thing. i work in the intensive care unit. there's only 4 beds there, and i was treating $10.00 to $11.00 injured. and i was jumping over beds just to check on that. there's barely any staff left. the resources are below 0 equipment below 0, there's nothing. i haven't slept for 30 hours. so kind of city and doctors treat conflicts, frozen the ones on the floor. so flores with what little supplies they have. the
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people have killed is very rates close to the hospitals. these very only for this save. so we'll start with the will on unice has been on the heat intact for more than a month, attacked by usability tanks. unfortunately, many people hopefully here have don't, and much of the city has been slots and i've talked quite loud. i'm see thousands of palestinians on the news again seeking safety service. so, as it says outside of, hey, this is a 7th time i get displaced, or maybe even more, it's torture, torture, torture pianos, laptop, lanham in jam. we hardly made it out of the university under the showing. we didn't expect the time. so the universities came, we almost didn't make it out a life. every day i see children die. many of my friends died last night at oxford
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university. the destination, roughly, for the city is already open populations and resources to show to them already stretched to the limits out of space, to live shrinking by the hour. well, no. where do we go? where this is the 17th time i've been displaced? where should i go? when should i go to the left off? roughly just one straight? what do they want from us? they want us to be 2400000 in an area that does not exceed 200 meters. is really troops advances on con you. it is a forcing thousands to evacuate here to rough off. do so we'll have a ready made to look old basic necessities from medicine to will to suit the came here say king safety bought the used by that tax continue here as well. targeted by zoom out just a rough, rough in southern cost. this is east 3 is really sol. joseph entails and 15 others
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wounded in the last 24 hours. 2 is not fighting centers around con eunice in the south. he's really all me says 3 of those were in just are in critical condition. the injured or elevated emitted an exchange of fire with palestinian groups. at least a $198.00 is where the troops isn't killed during combat and garza. meanwhile, video has a match to of the on the palestinian greek del codes brigades. reportedly targeting is rarely forces at the elbow res, comp. in central garza, the voltage ventures as you see and is rarely helicopter, approaching the scene of the fighting. now israel is said to be proposing a 2 month pause and fighting for the release of old captives being held in gaza. that's according to a report by actually us, which says the deal has been presented to her last remediation. the proposal will be made up of several phases. media is from cats on egypt have been working for weeks to weeks video between israel and thomas will not speak to stephanie just as
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she joins me now from occupies through some stuff. there's obviously nothing official about this deal, but what do we know about this proposal that those tend to be on the table? yes, it's now being picked up by all is really media. and what we have is a boeing's of what seems to be a new proposal by israel and to him as the us some and boy brought to regard according to these reports, is already in cairo to discuss this deal. and he'll be heading on to come out of course egypt, and cut that crucial in the negotiation between the 2 sides. what do we know about the deal is 0 is proposing a 2 month pause in the fighting. this is a very long time and then it saying that the captive shouldn't be released in fees . so 1st of all have mass would be releasing those over 60 or women, and those over 60. the 2nd phase would be, is there any female soldiers and the men that have mice, deans, as non soldiers? and then the 3rd phase would be the male soldiers and the bodies. because of course,
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there are also bodies that remain inside garza held by not just have mass but other groups as well. and then also it specifies the redeployment of his race soldiers away from some urban areas to allow of palestinians to be able to return home towards the question mark is, what do they have to return to? but certainly this seems to be a new kind of deal the bones, at least of what they may be discussing. now israel time mister benjamin netanyahu is coming under a lot of pressure to do more to bring the kept his back alive. he has maintained defiantly even until yesterday that the fight and will not stop at the captain's will be put back in military. but you've had increasing pressure on the streets. you've had families of the hostages storm. these really connect that these really parliament. they're comping outside his home here in jerusalem. and so it seems to be that there is some form of bones if you will, skeleton on the table. now,
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for negotiations, these are early days, but i think it's significant. we'll have to wait and see what kind of compromises will be made on both sides. but certainly for talking about a 2 month pause in the pricing. this is a significant time. but again, early days, just the bose, but it is a new deal that that is being talked about. we understand stephanie with an update for us from occupied history. some thanks day, as well as those mediation talks that we've been hearing about continue, a senior must be that has criticized as rarely prime minister benjamin as and younger is rejection of a palestinian state. or some of them don, made those comments as the united states says that is still support for 2 state solution. well, hosted on the city of hutton, i met a kia the i see you, ma'am. i think i mentioned the actions, especially with the united states administration and presidential by been sending messages to assuring those people in hospital wage. i don't want it to come solutions or normalization proposals with this,
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and that's the entity by i might call to what the biden has just said, that missing the yahoo doesn't object to own existing solution is on the 2 state solution. follow the bottom it's in. yeah, whose office few are what is the later rejecting this statements by biting um britney to read that addiction of establishing companies in the state. the meanwhile is rarely for says have stormed several towns and the occupied westbank troops, 5 to a gas and confiscated a civilian call east of hebron. in the village of funny 9. they've also a salt of protest and in use to the north of hebron and the town of headquarters at least one pass and it was also injured by soldiers and paid for food supplies are rapidly running out and gaza. most areas of already run out of flour, and you monetary and work is say that the sketch, rice that's available will also soon be depreciated. honeywell wonderful. it's from
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rough on, or they have been queueing for hours in the hold of receiving food handouts, but aid workers save many of these children will leave with empty stomach. and i regret to say, we are on the verge of a salmon. real family that's right, is almost out of talking about us. it is the 2nd most basic food item to flower. and if we run lots of rice will be consumed. the family of this is the harsh reality stuff in the you and say it'd be wanting gauze is hungry with 40 percent of the strips. 2.3000000 population at risk of famine. humanitarian agencies say not enough. 8 is arriving. one is red bombs and block a this give me, i think the most of them have the quantities of food supplies available in the market these days are very scammed because normally food items have been delivered
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into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour, in addition, and the price of price of the ticket has increased 3 for letting in the most difficult pockets for palestinians herons. the situation is getting more desperate every day unless you will do what matters most for our child is to eat what they want to eat more than $23.00 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. it is the situation is difficult, extremely difficult, a famine over more than a $25000.00 palestinians have been killed in israel month, long or ongoing. there are no signs of the suffering will in any time. soon. most of the people in garza have been displaced several times since early october. now they have little ito and nowhere else left to go. any more of the 0. the 5 o 8 agencies,
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a warning of an increasing risk of sounding and gaza with more than 90 percent of the population now deemed to be at least at a crisis level. now that's the 3rd phase of the i p. c, global food and security scale, phase 5 is classified as famine and not level is already being experienced by a quarter of the population. in northern garza, the others that mainly fall into the emergency or crisis levels of food and security. 15 percent of internally displaced. people in gauze that are already in standing, nearly half of them are estimated to be experiencing emergency levels of hunger. now, in the south, 15 percent of people are living and stress levels of food and security. that's the 2nd phase on that scale. the rest are experiencing crisis. imagine c or funding levels of hunger. but i spoke to michael factory, he's the u. n's, special russell to on the rights of food and the professor of lord oregon university. i began by asking him about the level of salvation contribution experience that in garza,
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ultimately what simon means is an a significant increase of rate of people dying from hunger and malnutrition. and the challenge is how do you measure that in the midst of a war? so what we're hearing is yes, there's a significant risk of simon, but now i'm wondering, are we actually in assignment it's unclear. so what it is clear is that all children under the age of 5 in garza, so that's 335 children are not getting enough nutrition. that means they're all at the risk of permanent physical and cognitive impairment. what doctors call stunting their future is at stake. michael, i want to talk about the speed and the scale of this we keep hearing was unprecedented. but i wonder if you can help us put this in context, surfing findings declared in places like somalia. yeah. and then if you, if you that got a lot of publicity, how does this compact? right, and i'm always careful look to compare different simons, every catastrophe, and every atrocities its own has its own dynamic. what's,
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what's unique about this one has been to speed and how complete. we've never seen 2200000 civilians made to go hungry within weeks. so we've never seen this degree of hunger used as a weapon so quickly and so completely i ever, michael you, you said that's been used as a weapon. so the patent of it is really a tax. the barring of food aid in your mind. that tells us about the intent to will exactly to understand how did this happen so quickly? it doesn't happen by chance. starvation, wherever it happens is always the result of political choices. and this is the same case here. so 1st, israel declared a siege on october 9th and immediately imprint implemented a siege now, which meant they blocked off food, water, fuel, and medicine to civilians. now we're seeing a trickle of humanitarian relief make its way in. but what we're hearing from you in agencies is that a humanitarian relief is not reaching a boast of gaza,
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so it's not enough. so the current siege is one cause, but this is also an ongoing problem. there was a 16 year blockade before the so even before the war, off of people and gaza were put in secure and 80 percent depended on a. so already israel made the situation precarious through a through a blockade, then it imposes a siege during the war. then it destroys civilian infrastructure as well. the us and you came in at trees, have conducted fresh air strikes, targeting increase a weapon sites and yemen. us central combines as 8 locations were hit, including an ad based north of the capital. so now you estimate the visuals have told dollars or 0 that the combination missile and as strikes had to see drones miss files and an underground weapon store. how do you know a customer has more for us from washington dc. the american and british fighters launched munitions toward a target within who's a controlled young man. on monday,
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a us senior defense official said the strikes were successful hitting an underground weapon storage facility. and degrading the who sees the ability to launch more red c attacks. so the damage assessment is not yet final. it's unclear whether there were casualties on the ground in game in the us. officials said these were precision guided missiles and the targets were deemed to be of no risk to civilians, australia by rain, canada, and the netherlands. also assisted in the strikes in the what capacity remains unclear. are us military official stressed at this operation was not part of the multinational coalition that has been patrolling the red sea in an effort to safeguard maritime trade. he also stressed that monday strike is not a change in approach from the us, but rather part of an ongoing effort to stop the who's the attacks while attempting to avoid escalation. hydro castro alj a 0 washington. it's still
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a head here on out. is there a global milestone, henry needs to wait and rolling out the fast malaria vaccine fits all the the, there's been a complete change or with a type in the last day or so over the eastern mediterranean talk here in greece. and with that noisily breeze, continuing temperatures have dropped east on both max is not only 8 degrees, and that could be felt. the answer agrees on to the north coast of egypt below 20 degrees here. i know it's the vans as well where the blue bumps suggest showers, but it's on choose day and on wednesday, not particularly heavy, but enough to make briefly running water through the streets. in some places, we seem beyond that significant winfrey weather in the eastern part of turkey and
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it carries on during choose today. and that's by john and northern parts of air from that's the next 2 days i think and complete contrast to that. whether the sun side in the radium plants, you've got tests up to 32 in mecca 13. we had in 29 in the, in the blazing sunshine. it's been a few shows around kenya, uganda. but more of the focus, he's with the line that goes around the world of interruptions, this time of year. yeah, t c said which is the went bit intensity. it looks particularly well. the same is true. deposit d l. c and southern and go to with a risk of likely funding extending from that through malawi and particularly the noise and positive not the gas cap, but the right it does look quite intense to the the 1st when i saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing
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on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to stay out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered of the the tomato watching l 0. let's remind you about top stories bestselling, as well as continuing its fun volume. it's of a sub and such as con eunice, doctor said, be 66 people have been killed that in the past 24 hours forcing people to sleep. in while the rest of salvation is near me for hundreds of thousands of people in garza,
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with food supplies running out most or is already run out of flour. and she found it here. and what could save a limited amount of rice available. so soon, each piece is rarely said to be proposing a 2 month pause and fighting for the release of old captives being held in garza. that's according to the report by actual switch. since the deal has been presented to come through meetings, palestinian children and central calls, i have created a make shift summit tree of to finding the bodies of their loved ones rights group say extreme to magic experiences. feet on palestinians becoming common place, leaving them to cope with little or no resources and want it was a calling my thoughts. this is what constitutes as play time for these children. in elbow raised refugee camp in central garza congregating around a mixture of cemetery where their loved ones have been buried. their names written
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on the wall. oh, just as my father was killed and we were not able to recover his body for days, when we finally pulled down his body, we were not able to bury the. finally, we buried my father in the school. yeah, a lot of many did bodies released lying in the straits for days they would be composed and eaten away by cats and dogs. this is not life that it goes up. right. scripts estimates that around $25000.00 posting in children have become orphans since israel's latest military campaign began on october 7th. the situation is so appalling that a new acronym has been coined, unique to the besieged strip, w c n s f. when the child know surviving family medical staff at the camp are doing what they can with the few resources available upon the quadrant home, mac, many children we hate by dehydration and nourishment, menia suffering from diarrhea and vomiting because of contaminated water. we help
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them with what is the i the solutions available, the words damaging costing in kids everywhere. the physical scars are obvious, but the mental damage is invisible. they are left to deal with their trauma. how you get on with that, um and then we were at my own close house and we will hungry. my father said he would go to a home to get flour. it took him a long time, but the time they reached home, the house was hit by me. so after a while, a young man said my father no clue killed. the next day, the bodies were pulled out totally disfigured. we buried them in the school yard. a generation of palestinian kids in morning and left to face their future. lo rental a fine. i'll just hear the both of us primary season is kicking off and it will last until june. but, but it has a new hampshire already finding that the contest, at least the pounds,
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you know, in the nations is almost all over the island. fisher explains in the states biggest city, not just as the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition. because here we are just trying to generate heat in a campaign republican voters of so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here, she has to convince voters, she can be trump on the pipe. she has to convince both of us like marie corbett, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets of support and the primary american, nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my my, you know, i wanted the one fiscal responsibility but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through. i don't think have dip there, toe and the milk for very long time and are very braces. and there's been there flames or prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is a hate in the republican race despite his troubles elsewhere. 91 indictments or for
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criminal cases. but when hear that at all, but seals the nomination, trump is essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him. it's an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be with me for the democrats. there's essentially no contest, there's a primary, but an arrival over timing's new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administration. stand on this these 5. but one of vitamins policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys, and one group is not doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity are in c 's bar,
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but you can veto my boat. nikki haley set high. busy expectations in new hampshire, but every pool it fits. donald trump significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls. vicki healy is the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure i'll just do that. manchester. russia has called amazing at the un security council to discuss what it says, western arms being used by ukraine to kill civilians. now this is the 11th time since the conflict began, that russia has raised this issue with the security council. and there are still disagreements on the justification for the use of certain weapons. and this will houses here as gabrielle is under reports from the united nation and attack on belgrade russia on december 30th last year. local officials claimed it $25.00 civilians were killed, and more than $100.00. others were wounded in the attack. on sunday, in russia control don esc, 27,
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others were reportedly killed and dozens injured in rocket attacks on a busy market and shops, russia, plains, ukraine for both attacks. at a un security council meeting, russia's foreign minister accused the west providing ukraine with the weapons. it says are being used to kill civilians, be the blood of dozens of killed civilians, as on the conscience of those who arms zalinski insane. at the same time that the authorities and keep can themselves determine what the goals for the strikes will be. before the meeting, ukraine's ambassador to the un took the opportunity to flank himself with a investors from allied countries and assign of unity. in the meeting, he said, the weapons are being used for self defense and against russian aggression. it is an imperative to underscore it's ross has determination to inflict harm on ukrainian. civilians has not diminished. on the contrary, it has intensified significantly during the briefing, a date, a g e bowl,
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a un official that deals with this armament issues, stress the need to in the use of cluster munitions. in this conflict. by all sides, the united states transferred cluster munitions to ukraine last year. and human rights groups have documented how that weapon has been used to kill or injure innocent civilians. ukraine has received over 100000000000 in military aid since the conflict began. 44000000000 alone from the united states, nearly 2 years after the war started still deeper disagreements over which weapons and from what countries are being used to wage this war. gabriel is on do. how do you see here at the united nations in new york? then as well and also are to use have arrested sachi to people including soldiers for allegedly approaching to kill president nicholas madura comes off to
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a month strong investigation and they say all suspects have confessed and revealed information about their plans to assassinate ventura. restaurants have also been issued for 11 all the is including rights activists and journalists and exile. and if the cost of that boy is like the writer, we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and emphasize this psychotic of session against the life of the president of venezuela, nicholas mate doodle. and against the minister of defense general in chief loaded methods. reno lopez, you're not going up on the dc price you on with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligence services of the colombian army, c u. s. supreme court has allowed federal border patrol agents to remove raise a y installed by texas on the us mexico border. the emergency request was filed by the by the administration, which argues that texas is preventing agents from carrying out their duties. texas,
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the officials say that that wire helps to stop the legal border crossings. lawsuit is county ongoing over its existence on thousands of migrants arrived on spain's canary islands. on monday, the group of 45 men received medical attention by the red cross. spain's interior ministry says the number of my friends entering spain by sea has arisen by approximately 300 percent so far in january, compared to the same period last year. in iraq, a state funeral for 41 years eighty's killed, but i saw in 2014 was held in fact, that on monday mass graves were discovered where remains were identified through dna testing, thousands of men was systematically killed and women were forced into essential slavery. marine has now become the 1st country in africa to roll out a new larry of vaccine for children. the world health organization approve the job loss chance of the successful trials and gonna end in kenya. because hawk reports
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as a small health center on the outskirts of cam ruins capital. yeah, one day, a historic moment. the fight against malaria, a small sara that can save from the deadly parasite is being administered for the 1st time to baby daniella. millions have died of malaria, most or african children. these nurses and doctors have seen parents helpless in the face of their children, suffering, watching them, unable to breathe in distress with a high fever, eventually leading to an agonizing death. now they can save lives, thanks to the new mt. larry of vaccine program being rolled out by cameron's health surfaces. we are in the district with a fairly high prevalence. it should also be remembered that the facts and complements existing measures, including impregnated muscular events. an environmental segmentation camera room is offering the r t s s n t malaria vaccine free of charge to all infants.


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