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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the region and the world. a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the fleeing for the lines, thousands of palestinians have been killed over the past 24 hours and farm unit. as israel expands its ground defensive that the arm installed the attain, this is als is the red line from the hundreds of thousands are living with a thrust of starvation and calls us as fruit supplies, including flour and rice off running reports. meanwhile, the israel is proposing a 2 month pause in the fighting and exchange for the release of captives being held in the office. and is there any forces storm, several towns across the occupied west banks, reports that
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a number of palestinians have been sold. the o israel is continuing its heavy bombardment of the southern parts of the gaza strip. at least 66 people have been killed and con units are over the past 24 hours alone. and israel's ground operation that is expanding, forcing even more palestinians to fee from the south to rafa. is rarely forces have been targeting hospitals, ambulances and schools. in a city with thousands of civilians are sheltering. israeli troops also locked in intense baffles, with palestinian sizes in northern garza, near jamalia. then it's tanks and troops are present in all the areas that you see highlighted in red boys in the north. the south of casa part of was doing reports from rafa and southern gauze to another hospital is the only place that people who
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owned did have a chance to sit by what's close to, to what could happen is, well, is increasing its attack on yours. placing the hospital at the center of the battle was the latest i'm now since yesterday night with the expansion of ground operation and con eunice, we received a lot of injured. there's no space for that would be a good thing. i work in the intensive care unit, there's only 4 beds there and i was treating 10 to 11 injured and i was jumping over beds just to check on that. there's barely any staff left. the resources are below 0 equipment below 0. there's nothing. i haven't slept for 30 hours. we had a city and doctors treat complex for the ones on the floor. so flores with what little supplies they have. the people have killed is very rates close to the hospitals is very only put this save. so we'll have to start with the will
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on unice has been on the he attacked for more than a month, attacked by usability tanks and heart surgery. many people hopefully here have don't, and much of the city has been slots and i've talked quite loud. i'm see thousands of palestinians on the news again. so you can safety further south. and as i said, this is a 7th time i get displaced, or maybe even more, it's torture, torture, torture pianos, laptop, lanham in jam. we hardly made it out of the university under the showing. we didn't expect the time, so do universities can. we almost didn't make it out a life. every day i see children die. many of my friends died last night at oxford university. the destination, roughly the city is already opened option basis and resources to show them all really stretched to the limits out of space, to live shrinking by the hour. well, no. where do we go?
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where this is the 17th time i've been displaced, where should i go? when should i go to the left off? probably just one straight. what do they want from us? do they want us to be 2400000 in an area that does not exceed 200 meters? is really troops advances on con eunice, a forcing thousands to evacuate here to a rough off those who have already made to lock old basic necessities from medicine to water. i'm food became here say thing, safety. but the used by the attacks continue here as well. targeted by zoom out, just a rough roughly in southern gosh, the suppliers, meanwhile, are rapidly running out and garza most areas of already run out of flour and humanitarian. well, i can say that the sketch, rice that's available, but also as during the depletion, honey mcchord also reflects from rasa. they have been queueing for hours
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in the hold of receiving fluid handout, but aid workers save many of these children will leave with empty stomach stuff. no, no, no, no, no. i mean, i regret to say we are on the verge of semen, real family, that's right. is almost out of talking about us. it is the 2nd most basic food item to flower. and if we run lots of rice will be consumed. assembly of this is the harsh realities. nothing and the other on the you and say everyone in garza is hungry with 40 percent of the strips. 2.3000000 population at risk of famine. humanitarian agencies say not enough. 8 is arriving. one is red bombs in block a district given you have the quantities of food supplies available in the market these days are very scouting your because normally food items have been delivered into northern causes, trip for more than 70 days. dryscal flour, in addition,
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and the price of the price of the ticket has increased 3 for letting in the most difficult pockets for palestinians herons. the situation is getting more desperate every day. the new. how much of a do? what matters most for a child just to eat what they want to eat more than 23 or 4 times a day because they play outside all day and come back hungry. this is the situation is difficult. extremely difficult. a famine would get a job more than a $25000.00 palestinians have been killed in israel month, long or ongoing. there are no signs of the suffering will in any time soon. or most of the people in garza have been displaced several times since early october. now they have little to eat so and nowhere else left to go. any more, i'll just eat a whole as you've been hearing aid agencies, a warning of an increasing risk of famine and gaza with more than 90 percent of the
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population now deemed to be at least at a crisis level. that's the 3rd phase of the i. p, c's, global food and security scale. phase 5 is classified as famine and that level is already being experienced by a quarter of the population. in northern garza, the others that fall into emergency or crisis levels of food and security. 15 percent of and autonomy displays people in garza are also already in fountain with nearly hoff estimated to be experiencing emergency levels of hunger in the south. 15 percent of people that are living and stress levels of food and security. that's just the 2nd phase on the scale, the rest are experiencing crisis. imagine seal found and levels of hung up on august of all is the executive director of the world peace foundation and also the ortho of mass starvation, the history and future of simon. he says, even though some parts of gauze that don't meet the founding threshold, the situation remains deadly as one is the, the problems with this, um,
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this definition is, is that it, it tends to down probably the fact. but i imagine seeing even crisis, state levels, people already done, there's already a terrible humanitarian crisis, but he's taking many, many lives. i've been studying this for, for 40 years, and i've never seen on a high population reduced within the same speed and wake up and kind of ruthlessness from a stage of, of being stress because it was always on the seat, wasn't a terribly fluid secure place. but the entire population being reduced to this stage is, is really unprecedented. we haven't seen anything that your parents don and young and pretty much any anywhere else in, in the world. and what it comes about. the reason what comes about is because a simons of political acts, and in this case, a military duty is the, the,
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the wall crime of starvation which is defined as destroying objects, indispensable for the survival, the civilian population, that's food medicine, boltron, sanitation, shelter is being done on a scale that i don't think we have witness anywhere else in the contemporary world based a 3 israeli soldiers have been killed and 15 others were injured in the last 24 hours as not fighting centers. as we were pushing around con eunice and southern garza, these are in the army says that 3 of those winded on critical condition, the injured was lifted amid an exchange of fire with palestinian fights is at least a 198 is ready. troops have been killed during combat and gauze as her phone. the israel is now said to be proposing a 2 month pause and fighting for the release of full captives being held in gaza. that's according to a report by axis, which says the deal has been presented to him us through mediation. that proposal
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would be made up of several phases. me. the ages from cats on egypt has been watching for weeks to trying to reach a deal between as random hung us off on this, let's speak to stephanie deca. she is across this from occupied east through some stuff. tell us a little bit more about what we know about this potential deal. obviously nothing's official to yes, but it is now being played out across all is really media and print and also on television with them discussing the details of what do we know so far it really is a skeleton proposal. what we understand from these railey is proposing a 2 month hold and fighting in exchange for a gradual release of all the captives starting by women and men. over the age of 60 . the 2nd phase would be women soldiers, female soldiers amend deemed as non soldiers. and then the 3rd phase would be male
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soldiers and bodies. in exchange, they will be negotiations on how many palestinian prisoners will be exchanged for one is read captive. it also talks about the gradual re deployment of as really troops away from some urban areas so that palestinians can return to their homes. of course, that's a big question mark about what they can return to. so these are the bones of what we understand. what we know about the different positions is how mouth is always set particular. it will start from the beginning and the war, and we will release all the captives. netanyahu these ready, prime minister, has been adamant, defiant, that there will be no end to the word that will be no pulls in fighting. and that basically is going to be a military operation to get the captives back. there's been a lot of criticism in um, israel and even his work happened if that is simply not compatible with getting them back. so from what we understand now a $109.00 days into the world will. so when these really are me is entering is most difficult phase of fighting. as you mentioned there in hon. eunice,
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this is also where it's believe yes. yes. in war, the leader of how much is still believed to be um, so basically proposal on the table, bruckner, girl, the us advisor is in, um, sorry, i'm just being handed. uh, uh yes. so basically i'm also to understand, sorry, i'm not quite sure what i'm behind it here. but anyway, so skeletons on the table, we're gonna have to wait and see what kind of compromises are going to be given to both sides. stephanie jackson there with the latest for us from occupied eastern to restore them. thank you so much stuff as well. meanwhile, is there any forces? have stormed several towns in the occupied. westbank troops find to a gas and confiscated a civilian call. east of hebron and the village of $99.00 and they also assault of palestinian youth to the north of hebron in the town of hold hold at least one pass and has also been injured by soldiers and bates for for that speak to nita abraham . she joins us from novelist in the occupied west 9th need. i understand that all
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rates continuing as we speak. yeah. at least one rate is continuing so far and cool, but a village we're some is really vehicles are they? are they are ransacking some of the contents of one of the houses in this village? cool, but as need as i'm in love. but if we look at where these re, the forces where throughout the night it's has it been a time where you wouldn't really find a place where they have not been because they've been and have brought it up my law in nablus into and cut them and in bethlehem, as well according to medical sources in the iraq, the village that's near janine to the north of the occupies westbank. these really forces have shopped a palestinian, a 17 year old to the stomach to the abdomen. and as a result, he has been announced that they are so this is the to told,
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basically raising the number of those palestinians cuz by these way, the forces to 370. but this is since october, the 7th here in the occupied with bank alone. but this gives you an idea about those continue this way, give a huffman already happening before october the 7th, and are continuing as we go on damaging palestinian homes, killing palestinians. and basically bolting the economy as well on hold. need to abraham and on the ground for us and novelist in the occupied westbank. thanks peter. it also has here, here on out as here in the us and its allies conduct fresh air strikes on who she positions in yemen, targeting underground missile storage sites. talk about fisher in manchester, new hampshire, which could be the scene of the last real buckle in the republican presidential
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nomination, fight the cultures solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women in my country, the nazi, becomes a lot to on the we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings in this era. between the and the coins. we are working in the front steps. our officers has been done before can be done
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as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the natural watching out a 0 uninstalled you'd say here, and our phone that's remind you about top stories, is where it is intensifying its attacks in the southern parts of the gaza strip. at least 66 palestinians were killed in conyers over the prostate along the ongoing fighting, has forced many people to see even farther south to rush in. while the rest of
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starvation is leaving for hundreds of thousands of people in garza with food supplies running out, most air is already run out of flour on humanitarian work as say the limited amount of rice available will also certainly to police. and is there any forces, have stormed several towns in the occupied west $9.00 to $5.00 to again and confiscated a civilian con in the village of funding 9. i've also assaulted an injured palestinians in the towns of how the food and didn't wait for your opinion. an hour in foreign ministers of mess in brussels to discuss the revival of the 2 state solution that would help to create a palestinian state despite as well as all position. b. u has so far been divided on quoting for a cease fire and gaza. the blocks foreign policy g says that israel's plan to destroy a mazda will never bring peace. step boss and reports from brussels. have really defied if you repeating union struggling to reach a consensus on gaza with more than 25000 palestinians that and many facing hunger
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us failed to agree on a call for a ceasefire. germany, europe's largest economy is among those firmly rejecting the idea is that you cannot and isabel can only live in safety. first, indians are able to live in safety and then dignity posted in use our own able to live in safety. isabel is safe. that's why the 2 state solution is the only solution in this i say to the next up the is what? 80 phone minutes. the who address the you phone council does not respond to questions on the palestinian state, but the european union and says it's the only way to end the conflict, which i have the solution to have in mind. to make all the people, the student is least appealing to them, but the 5000 already and got 70 percent of women and children for the delay while you're trying to destroy how much is not the way they are doing. because they have
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seating the hate for generations. the each piece plan for a 2 state solution was discussed with foreign ministers from saudi arabia, egypt, jordan and the arab leak. the aim to hold the peace conference most likely without is for english and spanish pinion representatives. and also the plan to the conflicting bodies later, i think a moment of truth is a furnace. the whole world has to decide. do we allow, all right, because racist agenda to dictate the future or do we want to come together and say the pots is clear? uh, we want these for everybody in the region. and the 2 state solution is the only part . the question is, can the pressure, it's round to accept the plan? you doesn't have the power to enforce. it is a big here in terms of the conflict. it is the because it keeps advertising. this fact is the biggest contributor to, to palestine in terms of international donors, but it hasn't been able to exert any, do political cloud dimensions. economic close with the situation and guys are worsening by the day. and it's rel, rejecting
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a palestinian state. the base plan may sound abstract, especially since the blog con degree on the ceasefire. a trying to revise the 2 state solution is all they can offer for now. step fast and el shaquira russell's to tell the us and u. k. have conducted fresh as strikes targeting, who's the weapon sites in yemen. media that has been reporting on locations that have been struck in this operation. multiple strikes had areas around the capital, so not including in the owls. i allow me a base there in the north, on the all half a minute tree counts you see to the city south. and then the south western province of ties will play and so struck positions and now barbara and i was denied as well as the nearby province of alberta. now this release, his round of attacks comes nearly 10 days of the seminal strikes, had nearly $28.00 locations across the and then hydro castro has more for us from washington,
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dc. american and british fighters launched munitions toward 8 targets within who's a controlled young man. on monday, a us senior defense official said the strikes were successful hitting an underground weapon storage facility. and degrading the who sees ability to launch more red c attacks. so the damage assessment is not yet final. it's unclear whether there were casualties on the ground in game in the u. s. official said these were precision guided missiles and the targets were deemed to be of no risk to civilians, australia by rain, canada, and the netherlands. also assisted in the strikes in the what capacity remains unclear. are us military officials stressed that this operation was not part of the multinational coalition that has been patrolling the red sea in an effort to safeguard maritime trade. he also stress that monday strike is not a change in approach from the us, but rather part of an ongoing effort to stop the who's the attacks while attempting
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to avoid escalation. hydro castro alj a 0 washington a whole since they october 7th attacks. they have been growing tensions across the region. thousands of moon is gathered into wrong for the funeral of the radiant revolutionary goldman is killed by israel and syria on saturday and descend the israel killed. and now the top revolutionary god general in damascus. mourners who attended the funeral, all questioning the country is deterrence capacity. while the government vows to retaliate or sole side of has moved from tyrone seen becoming more common here, funerals or high ranking your writing officials. their bodies arriving from syria after being killed in his right is this is the coughing of general saw the comes out. who was the head of the intelligence unit, or are you running forces in syria and his wife was angry,
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but not on this round way before these we should have had the ability and the power so that the enemy cannot defend to fight our forces. and the doctor then, i wish we also had this power to adopt a 0. this optimum is shared by many radians. they believe the government shall not the screen itself and potentially equal to the most important, the best response to keep is to give a hard revenge very soon and confront them and to destroy the bases in the regions . these right, the attack that you'll fight to running instead of just because in damascus on saturday is a huge blow. many believe it cause significantly reduced eros capability to coordinate the regional activities you're running and government is promise of the batch vision service i use. the vision crimes by the zapping zion, it's regime against the rain you in government and nation have never gone on will not go without penalty islamic republic of
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a wrong will respond to the crimes by the israeli regime and its own way. so far you run has avoided that direct me to, to compensation with his ram is response is being conducted to what you want, who is the excess of resistance. but i mean, a 3 groups in still yeah. iraq never known any a man. there's a rising, this point that i'm on uranium is here. they say they've gotten this response, is not the declaration and won't be stories rap. who am i talking more running assets. but reading officials believe if this response is not measured, it could mean a war, not only with this route, but we think united states of america. i'll just tear off the whole time now. so take a look at the days of the news and dozens of migrants have arrived on spain's
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canary islands. the group of 45 men received medical attention from the red cross. spain's interior ministry says a number of migrants entering spain by sea has risen by approximately 300 percent so far in january, compared to the same period last year. the us supreme court has allowed federal border patrol agents to remove raise a while and was installed by texas on the us next cable to the emergency request was filed by the vitamin administration. which argues that texas is preventing agents from carrying out their duties. texas officials say the one helps to stop illegal border crossings low so you just can't say on going over its existence. well, the us primary season is kicking off. it'll last until june. but versus in new hampshire . i already finding that the contest, at least for the policy nominations, is almost irvine, and fisher explains from the states biggest se not just. and the chill of new
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hampshire can freeze presidential ambition. mickey healy is trying to generate heat in a campaign. republican voters of so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here. she has to convince voters she can be trump on the pipe. she has to convince both of us like marie corbett, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets of support and the primary american, nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my, you know, i wanted the one fiscal responsibility, but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through. i don't think have diff, they're towing the milk of time. this for very long time and are very braces. and there's been there. flame stores prosecutors are out of control, but donald trump is a hate and the republican race despite his troubles elsewhere. 91 indictments silver for criminal cases. but when hear it all but seals the nomination. trump is essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is
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a conspiracy to get him. it's an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be with me for the democrats. there's essentially no contest, there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administrations stand on this these 5. but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys, and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity, ramsay's fire. but you can veto my boat because haley set high expectations in new hampshire, but every pool puts donald trump significantly ahead. reality is unless there's
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a huge shock at the polls. vicki healy is the final lowers of our presidential campaign. i was for sure i'll just do that. my chest centers weight, and those are these have arrested sassy to people, including soldiers for allegedly, pausing to kill the president nicholas and the dora and comes off to a month long investigation. they say that all suspects have confessed and also revealed information about their plans to assassinate ventura arrest warrants. meanwhile, have been issued for 11 all the is including rights activists and journalists and exile. and if the cost of that boy is like the writer, we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and emphasize this psychotic and session against the life of the president of venezuela. nicholas, i'm a doodle and against the minister of defense general in chief flooding methods. reno lopez, you're not going to a part of dc part you on the with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration,
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and the intelligent services of the columbia solid as an echo. don't say they've made a record seizure of cocaine. 22 tons of the drug were found, dispatched and around. 700, possibles for it to be destined to deal as in asia, europe and the americans, this seizure follows the governments imposing a state of emergency against organized criminal gangs. 2 weeks ago, around 3000 suspect, his gang members have already been arrested and not been at 3 o'clock down. and in northern at court on security forces have kept to the leader of a colombian on group. carlos l, also known as l green, is expected to be sent back to columbia, where he is one of the most wanted criminals that announce creek has destroyed homes and come power supplies on the border between china and congress. dawn. the epicenter of the magnitude 7 point one quake was in a mountainous area. deep underground. some injuries have been reported,
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but no fatalities. to counteract and has become the 1st country and i forgot to roll out a new malaria vaccine for children. the wells health organization approve the job loss due after successful trials in gonna end in kenya. nicholas hot couple at a small health center on the outskirts of cam ruins capital. yeah. one day, a historic moment. the fight against malaria, the small sarah that can save from the deadly parasite, is being administered for the 1st time to baby daniella. millions have died of malaria, most or african children. these nurses and doctors have seen parents helpless in the face of their children, suffering, watching them unable to breathe in distress with a high fever, eventually leading to an agonizing death. now that can save lives, thanks to the new n t military of vaccine program being rolled out by cameron's health surfaces. we are in the district with a fairly high prevalence. it should also be remembered that the facts and complements existing measures,


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