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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the thousands of palestinians have been killed in fun use. the palestine red crescent says israel has shown it's headquarters the other there on this policy attain. this is al jazeera life and also coming votes of israel is proposing a 2 month pause in the fighting and exchange for the release of old captives being held in gaza. is there any forces? meanwhile, storm several towns across the occupied west banks reports
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a number of palestinians of assault on the us and its allies conduct more strikes on tuesday positions and targeting underground missile storage site. the while we begin in garza where the palestinian red crescent says israel has showed its headquarters and con unice. since he is now the focus of the fighting with the ministry saying it's attempting to roost out from us fighters that the civilians are the ones paying the price. thousands of people have been killed just in the past day. is there any forces, have been targeting hospitals, ambulances and schools, and assist you with thousands of civilians. all sheltering is where the troops also locked in intense bottles with palestinian fighters in northern gauze. i need to bother you. it's time some troops are present in all the areas you see on your
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screen highlighted in red, both in the north and the south of gauze power couple as even begins coverage from russell and southern golf. or no sir hospital is the only place that people wanted to have a chance to sit by what's close to to, to the collapse is really is increasing its attack on you want us placing the hospital at the center of the battle was the latest. i'm now since yesterday night with the expansion of ground operation in con eunice. we received a lot of injured. there's no space for that would be a good thing. i work in the intensive care unit. there's only 4 beds there and i was treating $10.00 to $11.00 injured and i was jumping over beds just to check on that. there's barely any staff left. the resources are below 0 equipment below 0. there's nothing. i haven't slept for 30 hours. so kind of city and doctors treat conflicts, frozen the ones on the floor. so flores with what little supplies they have. the
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people have killed is very rates close to the hospitals is very only for this save . so we'll start with the will on unice has been on the he intact for more than a month, attacked by usability tax, and also the re many people who let here have don't, and much of the city has been slots and i've talked quite land a. i'm see thousands of palestinians on the news again, seeking safety service. so as i said, the, this is a 7th time i get displaced, or maybe even more, it's torture, torture, torture pianos, laptop lanham in jam. we hardly made it out of the university under the showing. we didn't expect the time, so do universities came that we almost didn't make it out a life. every day i see children die. many of my friends died last night at oxford university. the destination roof for the city is already opened. option ages and
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resources to show that then we're really stretched to the limits out of space to live shrinking by the hour. well, no. where do we go? where this is the 17th time i've been displaced, where should i go? when should i go to the left off, roughly just one straight. what do they want from us? they want us to be 2400000 in an area that does not exceed 200 meters. is really troops advances on con you and is a forcing thousands to evacuate here to rough off. those who have already made it look old basic necessities from medicine to water sewage became here seeking safety. but the used by the attacks continue here as well. targeted by zoom out, just a rough roughly in southern gosh, the one that's got the latest from the ground. honey must what our correspondent
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joins me from rasa and southern gaza. honey, just in the last few hours we've been hearing from the right presence facing offices in con units of and shells. what do we know about what happened? the, it's all a prior to the attacks on the headquarter of the palestine writ crescent society in pa, new and it's been l. i'm a district, a statement was made by this society stating that it has lost the olga and they'll communication and control whether it's on bueller's immersion emergency departments on the ground an hours after that is state and then the headquarters was targeted. and this time, it was the 4th floor of the headquarters of the building, destroying the majority of its a property and all the equipment that houses inside of it. this is not the 1st time the palace buying the root presence. the study came under a taco previously within the past few weeks that as these really military expand,
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it is relatively operation. i know ground defensive on the ground. the upper floors of the same particular building was targeted and destroying much of the equipment and the vast majority of the property, including a medical stories inside these upper floors in addition to the remaining a complex that houses as. busy about a hospital there was also targeted yesterday with our tillery. it shone and gets it increasingly becoming very difficult for the uh, the request, sends the side of house or request on society, as well as the land on hospitals to provide sustainable medical services. and they provide the necessary support for mazda or hospital and relieve some of the pressure that has been mounting on the hospital since the beginning of this for the what we're looking at is getting system systematic attacks on health care. still, it is not only in hon unit, but also across the gaza strip. we in the,
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within the past few weeks, then since the beginning of the war, the uh, the tax when a ship, a hospital eventually pushed it out of service. the indonesians hospitalized will come out loud. why not other remaining mid sized hospitals in the northern part, the industrial happy to effectively pushed out of service. and we can safely say that god and another part have no functional operational health care facilities. just throwing the face of 1000 on how the experience remaining in that part of the god script in terms of health care on searching and increase the risk of above them . of the health complications due to the ongoing bombings across the gaza strip to the western part of han noon is particularly as long as the evacuation zone did confirm reports about artillery showing heavy and intense attacks of over night a, causing a fire to split into 5 tents in that particular evacuation zone that was at some
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point designated as a safe zone for a 1000 of displace palestinian from a parts of the gaza strip. at reports about injuries, who were transported to hospitals and those who were not able to get the nozzler hospital due to the intensive the bombing. they were transported twice so on on a, a, on a taxi. do the closest point throughout the 100, in an ambulance, pick them up from that point all the way to another hospital. so far in dropbox, those who it came in from a laws, evacuations, or 12 people have been killed since the yesterday and overnight and doing a jar hospital 7 of them. uh, 7 of the critically injured the right. the way the hospital of the 12, those have been killed or 5 women's and a 3 children. so far, what we're seeing is attack from the city, not a, not only the hospital, but also its towns. they,
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the refugee counts and other public facilities. the honey muscles that they have for us was the lace as far as from the ground. and rafa and southern garza. thank you, honey. hello. at least 21 is really soldiers have been killed as not fighting centers . around con eunice in southern garza, the injured were lifted in mid an exchange of fire with palestinian fighters. at least $215.00 troops have now been killed since it's relevant to the ground operations. and garza meanwhile is where it is set to be proposing a 2 month pause in the fight to the release of all captives being held in gaza. that's according to a report by act seals, which says the best deal has been presented to him. us through mediators of mon or vist that speak to stephanie doctor, she joins me now from occupied. is true, some stuff. how is the is the, is really minutes read. just tell them the escalation of those numbers. how something going over of the why it's just been announced by dialogue?
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are the spokesperson for the army 21 soldiers killed in an incident. and central goal is that that adds to the 3 that they announced yesterday. so you're looking at $24.00 soldiers killed in the last 24 hours. this is the largest death toll the highest desk toll. since the start of the ground operation, i know they are pushing now is you've heard there from our reporters in goal is a pushing and high newness high newness has an area. 6 where these ratings believe yes, yes. and what is the nature of how mass is still believed to be hiding in those underground tunnel systems that he is out from? kind eunice, you'll also have him a day if was the head of how much is minutes away. also from calling unit, so he's really army always said that they believed that this area would be extra, incredibly difficult. it is proving to be some of the intense ground fighting that we've seen. we've been reporting on. people are fleeing in. there are thousands from high units. it's not an area that had been as evacuated if you will. but yes, bringing this back to these really ministry,
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the deadliest 20 for hours for them since is ground defensive, big on me and stuff. this is really proposal. we've been hearing about nothing official that can you give us a few more details? yes, according to one very reliable source. and these really media as now been picked up everywhere is there is a new proposal issued by israel and the fact that this apparently was put forward 10 days ago that breaks it down into this is roll, offering a 2 months pause in fighting in return for what in return for a gradual release of the hostages in stages starting with women and over 6 year old and ending. and the 3rd phase with is really soldiers and dead forties. it'll be agreed upon that negotiations. how many palestinian prisoners will be exchanged for one is really captive. it also talks about the re deployment of is there any forces away from some urban areas in garza so that people will be allowed to return to
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their homes? of course, that's a big question mark about what they can return to the positions publicly that we've been hearing is this prime minister benjamin netanyahu, despite the pressure on him, also in his war cabinet, from the families of the captives. and many, many is really is, is that he's not going to agree to stop the fighting. and that it's going to be a military campaign to return the hostages. how mouse has for a very long time, been saying a total end to the war until we release all the captives. what is said publicly, i want get negotiated at the table, sometimes a very different. uh so i think now certainly we understand negotiations are under way in cairo. brack maggard. the us envoy is there, he'll be heading to compet as well. so it seems that something is being talked about concretely, but this is still very much a skeleton plan. it seems that we're gonna have to wait and see how it unfolds, and we will be watching very twice. and indeed stephanie deca that for us and occupied easter eastern. thank you to call me well is really forces have carried out operations in various towns across the occupied west bank in the town of ogden,
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moon, or west of janine cost has broke out between palestinians and his really forces these where the army also targeted. the city of novelist, i'll quote, a village near bethlehem and the blotto refuge account. at least one person was injured to buy troops and bait for rock. well, that's good morning. speak to nita abraham. she joins us from the ground in novice in the occupied west by nita we was saying just an hour or so ago that the rates were continuing of the yes, the wave started late on monday and continued all through the morning of tuesday in depth difference in several areas in the occupies westbank you. so it's really forces in nablus, in gene in to cut him in bethlehem and have run so really no place has saved from those continued is really waves and in the town of iraq office, just near jeanine and the north of the occupied, the west bank. these really forces have shots, a palestinian,
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a 17 year old to the abdomen, has been announced that lease or buy the medical sources, and we are expecting a funeral to take place today as well. when we talk about those ways, we're not just talking about what these really forces say is a rust operations. but we've been seeing a lot of mass detentions of palestinians, field interrogations, run sacking of homes, as well as preventing palestinians from going about their daily lives. basically, palestinians, the numbers of those who have been killed since october. the 7th in the occupies with the bank alone, has reached 370 palestinians. this gives you an idea about the in some situation here about the what palestinians a say is the continues is really terror against them against their lives. but that is also putting a told on the economy as well need to abraham the for us and novelist in the
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occupied westbank with allies just the things you need of all the us and you came in at trees have conducted fresh air strikes, targeting, who's the weapon sites and yemen. local media reports that multiple strikes had areas around the capital. so not including the, all the allow me a base and then also me, half a minute tree comes. you see that just to the city south and in the south west and problems of tires. well, things of struck positions in alberta, i was denied as well as in nearby province of of beta. now this latest round of attacks comes maybe 10 days of to some of the strikes had nearly 28 locations across him. and how does your customer has worn out from washington, dc? american and british fighters launched munitions toward 8 targets within who's a controlled young man on monday. or us senior defense official said the strikes were successful hitting an underground weapon storage facility and degrading of the who sees ability to launch more read see attacks. so the damage assessment is not
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yet final. it's unclear whether there were casualties on the ground in game in the us. official said these were precision guided missiles and the targets were deemed to be of no risk to civilians, australia by rain, canada, and the netherlands. also assisted in the strikes in the what capacity remains unclear. are us military official stressed that this operation was not part of the multinational coalition that has been patrolling the red sea in an effort to safeguard maritime trade. he also stressed that monday strike is not a change in approach from the us, but rather part of an ongoing effort to stop the who's the attacks while attempting to avoid escalation. hydro castro alj a 0 washington as hostile a head for you here on out as in russia, in the us trade accusations about the supply wesson's in the ukraine at the un security fund. i'm alice fisher in manchester, new hampshire,
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which could be the scene of the last real buckle in the republican presidential nomination site, the the police to seek immediate shelter. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise anxiety. are you doing sterling radio tape, or i'd be that to that just like exploring how exist, central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse, made coming soon on our oil rich, your rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now, when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge,
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pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land rocks. walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, the a math you're watching al jazeera. i'm this tells you take here in the home that's remind you about top storage. the palestine read,
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carson says israel has shelves. it's headquarters in conyers. he's really monitoring says it's attempting to lose out from us. fight is $50.00 civilians paying the price. dozens of people, meanwhile, has really forces of also target. opperation is the cost to be occupied, west fighting workhouse and the town of ogden, west of geneva. and at least one passenger was injured by his regular troops in the us and you came into trees, have conducted fresh air strikes, targeting to the weapon sites and yemen. us central launch says 8 locations. we're head computing and base. most of the capital sonata state funeral for 41 years eighty's killed by i saw in 2014 husband, held in the rocky capital bank, that mass graves were discovered. and the remains identifies through dna testing gnostic as a cause. and then it was in region of central. thousands of men was systematically killed. women were forced into effect to save the book. on the higher we suffered
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many casualties during the ice. this invasion of sin just move in 7000 were kidnapped and killed by the terrorist. they're all 68 mass graves, all of them filled with people. in the village of pictures, they were full 120 people who were killed all at once. there were many remains that have not yet been identified. there was a slow pace from the government regarding the making of dna testing and we, i'm all russia called him using the un security council to discuss what it says on western arms being used by ukraine to kill civilians. this is now the 11th time since the conflicts began. russia has raised this issue with the security council. gabriel is under reports from un headquarters in new york. an attack on belgrade russia on december 30th last year. local officials claimed it $25.00 civilians were killed and more than $100.00. others were wounded in the attack. on sunday,
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in russia control don esc, 27, others were reportedly killed and dozens injured in rocket attacks on a busy market and shops, russia, plains, ukraine for both attacks. at a un security council meeting of russia's foreign minister accused the west of providing ukraine with the weapons it says are being used to kill civilians. be with the blood of dozens of killed civilians. as on the conscience of those who arms zalinski insane. at the same time that the authorities and keith can themselves determine what the goals for the strikes will be. before the meeting, ukraine's ambassador to the un took the opportunity to flank himself with a investors from allied countries and assigned of unity. in the meeting, he said, the weapons are being used for self defense and against russian aggression. it is an imperative to underscore, it's ross has determination to inflict harm on ukrainian. civilians has not diminished on the country. it has intensified significantly during the briefing,
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a data g e bowl, a u n. official that deals with this armament issues, stress the need to in the use of cluster munitions. in this conflict. by all sides, the united states transferred cluster munitions to ukraine last year. and human rights groups have documented how that weapon has been used to kill or injure innocent civilians. ukraine has received over 100000000000 in military aid since the conflict began. 44000000000 alone from the united states. nearly 2 years after the war started still deep disagreements over which weapons and from what countries are being used to wage this war. gabriel is on do. how do you see here at united nations in new york on the us supreme court has allowed federal border patrol agents to remove raising was installed by texas on the us mexico border. the
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emergency request was filed by the vitamins ministration, which all use the texas is preventing agents from carrying out their duties, techs, and officials and say, the why it helps to stop enable border crossings. us us primary season is underway . it will last until june. but the voters in new hampshire already finding that the contest, at least for the policy nominations, is almost over. official explains from the states biggest city, not just the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition. mickey healy is trying to generate heat in a campaign. republican voters have so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here, she has to convince voters. she can be trump. on the pipe. she has to convince voters like ma recorded, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets of support and the primary american, nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my mom. you know, i want this one fiscal responsibility,
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but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through. i don't think have dipped their toe. and you know, cosign this for a very long time and are very braces. and there's the there flame story. prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is a hate and the republican race, despite his troubles elsewhere, like you want indictments silver for criminal cases. but wouldn't hear that at all, but seals, the nomination, trump is essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him. it's an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be with me for the democrats, there's essentially new context. there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administration.
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stand on, this is fine, but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys. and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity or in c's fire. but you can veto my vote because haley set high expectations in new hampshire. but every polls, so it's donald trump, significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls, vicki healy isn't the final lowers of our presidential campaign. i was for sure i'll just see that manchester headquarters armed forces have dismantled internet and satellite television connections in a prison controlled by drug trafficking games. soldiers in the city of natal, i removed 1500 meters of cable, believes to be used for coordination of criminal activities. and this is,
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it will find a way to crack down on prison based crime. i mean, concerns about internet access and violence amongst and they mean most soldiers and exit or say they've made a record seizure of cocaine. $22.00 tons of the drugs were found stashed in around $700.00 puzzles, thought to be destined for dealers in asia, europe and the americans and northern equitable security forces have capture the lita of a colombian um to group carlos l also known as a green go is expected to be sent back to colombia, where he's one of the most wanted criminals, that photos and venezuela are among 32 people has been arrested for pressing to assassinate president nicholas madura. prosecutors say they will confessed and revealed information about their conspiracy funds backed by the united states. restaurants have been issued for 11 of the suspects, including rights activists and john list and exile. and if the customers that boy sucked the writer, we were able to dismantle
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a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and emphasize this psychotic and session against the life of the president of venezuela, nicholas mate doodle. and against the minister of defense general in chief loaded methods. reno lopez, you're not going to part of dc plus you on with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligence services of the colombian army. the whole yes. a strong winter rain storm in the us state of california has brought with flash floods to the city of san diego. phos, meeting was a hit during the monday morning commute, sweeping away cause and flooding homes. me if you want to just say it could go down as one of the 10 west to stays on record. a state of emergency has been decry. this person's fall is holding an unusual protest at the house's apartments in london. now they've installed $49.00 square, occurs to show what they say is unfair treatment by the countries at 6 largest supermarket chains. the farm is calling unsafe markets to pay
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a fair price for fruits and vegetables. well that's it for me and the stones you time probably bought the boat will be here with more of the day's news in just a moment to see you on the other side of inside story. looking at whether the you can find consensus on the wrong the, there's been a complete change or with a type in the last day or so over the eastern mediterranean, talked here in greece, and with that noisily. pres, continuing temperatures have dropped east on both max is not only 8 degrees, and that could be felt down surgeries on the north coast of egypt below 20 degrees here. i know it's in the vines as well, where the blue bumps suggest showers, but it's on choose day and on wednesday, not particularly heavy, but enough to make briefly running water through the streets. in some places. we
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seemed beyond that significant wintry weather in the eastern part of turkey and it carries on during tuesday nights by john and northern parts of it are from the next 2 days, i think and complete contrast to that where the sun is out in the radium plants you've got tenses up to 32 and met cassette t, and we had in 2019 though. ha, in the blazing sunshine, it's been a few shows around kenya, uganda. but more of the focus, he's with the line that goes around the world of interruptions, this time, the yeah t c said which is the went bit intensity. it looks particularly well. the same is true. it's a positive dc and sell some and go to with the risk of likely funding extending from that through malawi and particularly the noise and positive not the gas sca with a right it does look quite intense to the heroes from i'll just on the go and need tonight out is there is
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only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the, your opinion, foreign ministers need to discuss that. but see crisis the were on garza and ukraine. there's unity on some issues, but shop division on others. is it possible for the block of 27 states to have a shadow meaningful foreign policy? this is inside story, the .


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