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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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follow the lead of the rest of the world here and get rid of hair quite once a problem the is around the military. again, tom gets con, units in 7 guys. i. the palestinian red. preston says it's headquarters has been hit the club. this is all just the or life from go home for you back to the also coming up the the worst day for he's really soldiers since the war began. it needs 24, have been killed in a single day. and god is really forcing storm several times across the occupied
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westbank with reports. a number of palestinians have been assaulted and we look at the impact of israel's farming on pregnant women and pretty much will be the thank you very much for joining is israel has launch small heavy bombardment of the southern part of the gaza strip. at least $66.00 people have been killed in con eunice, is there any ground operation is expanding that pushing more palestinians to fee for the south to rasa is really forces at targeting hospitals. ambulances and schools in the city with thousands of civilians are sheltering. their locked in intense panels with policy and fight as a northern guys on the edge of body as well. is really tang central to present in all these areas highlighted in red in the north and south of gaza. i'll just here as terry cup was on begins coverage from rafa. no sir hospital is the only place
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that people wanted to have a chance to sit by. what's close to to, to the collapse is really is increasing its attack on yours. placing the hospital at the center of the battle was the latest i'm now since yesterday night with the expansion of ground operation and con eunice, we received a lot of injured. there's no space for that would be a good thing. i work in the intensive care unit, so there's only 4 beds there and i was treating 10 to 11 injured and i was jumping over beds just to check on that. there's barely any staff left. the resources are below 0 equipment below 0. there's nothing i haven't slept for 30 hours, so kind of city and doctors treat conflicts, trolling the ones on the floor. so flores with what little supplies to have. the people have killed is very rates close to the hospitals. he's very on the quote, this saves,
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so we'll start with the will on unice has been on the he's the intent for more than a month. i talked about usability tax. unfortunately, many people hopefully here have don't, and much of the city has been slots and i've talked quite loud. i'm see thousands of palestinians on the news again seeking safety service. so as it says outside of hey let in. this is a 7th time i get displaced, or maybe even more, it's torture, torture, torture pianos, laptop, lanham in jam. we hardly made it out of the university under the showing. we didn't expect the time. so the universities came, we almost didn't make it out a life. every day i see children die. many of my friends died last night at oxford university. the destination, roughly the city is already over population and resources to show that them all really stretched to the limits out of space, to live shrinking by the hour. well,
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no. where do we go? where this is the 17th time i've been displaced, where should i go? when should i go to bluff off? roughly just one straight? what do they want from us? they want us to be 2400000 in an area that does not exceed 200 meters. is really troops advances on con you. it is a forcing thousands to evacuate here to rough off. do so we'll have a ready made to look old basic necessities from medicine to will to suit the came here say king safety bought the used by that tax continue here as well. targeted by zoom out, just a rough, rough in suffering cost the best get the latest now with honey my most is also in rafa for us. and 7 guys, i a honey, is really a tax. intensifying on con units. tell us about what's happened overnight and in nearly hours of this morning.
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yes, father, once again, we're seeing further civilian casualties, destruction and displacement for more. a palestinian with the, the result of a massive artillery sling and relentless ears strikes in over night attacks and early hours of this morning not only concentrated in hon. eunice, but also across the northern part thing, gaza city. just within the past it a half an hour you people reported killed the from a low off the evacuation zone. that's at the western part of han unit city where people were told to leave to at the initial weeks of the war. but it, bailey, a, probably more tragic is what's going on around the vicinity of not that of hospitalized them now where hundreds of 1000 of people have been sold during the inside the courtyard of the hospital and inside the, the buildings and the facilities. and i've been, uh,
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we're told uh we're forced to leave within the past few days as the intensity of the bombings continue across the heart of the city of han you and is the city right now have been effectively a and effectively cut over from the remaining parts of the gauze, if there is nothing going in or out of the city in the central area. also, there is a massive bombing campaigns right across the central part, including eastern part of the city, as well as the refuse he comes, but merely this time on my other account where they are rip, confirm reports off of the, uh, the uh, the killing of, uh, a 2024 is really soldiers in an account in counter attacked by palestinian fighting groups that early hours of yesterday's a evening got it. that increased the intensity of the art dealer's shooting were confirmed reports about more residential homes within the vicinity of the attacks
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that happened had been destroyed. the boss mission or dates now of the infrastructure and the old. the roads and public facility in that area have been destroyed, then that the, the, the tox expanded to include now is on the side refugee accounts, including directors. you can the black one on a block through that's further in the central part of the central area of the gaza strip, to tax everywhere. honey, thank you for the update honey. my mood lived there in a rough i 7 guys and for a send is really strikes, have targeted the policy, me and red crescent headquarters in con eunice for a 2nd day. early i spoke to the ball for cycles a spokeswoman for the organization. she says the lives of thousands of the space, people who are sheltering in the facility risk a narrative this morning is really occupation forces targets defense plan that the chris and to the quarters and time eunice artillery showing on the force. if you
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were a number of injuries along the displaced people who are mere 7 things are from the gun fires from a drone, loudly and no injuries from the as tentative show me. but this absolutely is putting out trask, the lives of thousands of displaced people who are taking shots to the inside the past are under the present headquarters and near the really think of the situation remains extremely dangerous as you know, sense and yesterday there was a significant bit escalation and i talks on the product under the present. i'm in a hospital for hours. no one was able to get in or go out. a winter at e. m. s. teams were unable to go out to reach the wounded people in the area. however, lately they managed to take one of the roads to reach and evacuate the wounded and injuries. this was extremely at still dangerous. it's not easy at all,
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and we managed to evacuate one of them who artist him how big surgery is now due to their critical and injuries, and not only over teams at the movement and new and the city is extremely hard. almost no one is able to get into the city or go out. these are the army has had its worst day since launching is ground invasion after at least $24.00 soldiers were killed in gaza since the grand invasion started back in may to october at least 210. these really soldiers have been killed that speak to stephanie decker about this is joining us from occupied is through them. so 24. the highest number of these really casualties in a single day since the war began. what are the reactions in israel? stuff of the yeah, so it's being cold. one of the most difficult days is just had a statement from the prime minister adding to what we heard from the president and
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also israel's defense minister and benjamin antonio, offer and condone assistance. the family saying these are phoning, hit phone and heroes and saying that they will fight to the end until victor, you mentioned there are 24. yes, 21 of the soldiers don't write in a single incident. an incident where what we understand from these really ministry, the we're, we're getting these homes along the border where they exclusives and saying that our p g 's were fired on a tank and then somehow the house that they were working and detonate to these really prime minister also saying that they are going to launch an investigation into what he posed a disaster and that they would learn from that. you know, there's been a real push into high newness since sunday was announced by these ready defense ministers saying that it was going to be some of the harshest fighting fins the ground operation was launched and had you this is usually significant. um yes, yes. and was in need or of how much is believed to be operating from fine units. he
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is from con units. he's believed by these readers to be operating under ground or someone from a day of who's the nature commander of how much is from crime units. it is very densely built up, funny how mass of course has the upper hand overground and underground. so it is a very difficult flight. and also to a recent statement by these really ministry, they say that they've now completely in circles. the city as this is happening stuff, they've been reports of a possible new deal between israel and how mosque, which is really media has been talking about today. what exactly is this proposal and what is being said about it? yes, it's the latest skeleton, if you will. we've heard a couple of different versions over the different weeks. this one in particular now need to overnight and these really media talking about these rainy's offering a plan to hold fighting for 2 months in return for that that would be a gradual release and 3 phases of the captive. starting with women and captains men
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over 60, ending with those men, how much seems to be soldiers and bodies. and in the negotiations, it will be decided how many palestinian prisoners are worth. one is really captive . it also talks about the re deployment of a. is there any forces away from some of the urban areas to allow punishing us to return to their homes? of course, that's a big question as to what they have left to return to what is often said publicly is very different to what is negotiated. privacy behind closed doors publicly the statement of protect came from. these are any prime minister as dead false that there will not be an end to this war. that the going to fight from an attorney until the end and have asked to set it needs a full end to the war until it would reduce the captive. but again, i think, you know, these are certainly seemed to be major issues on the table. breast mcgurn because the, our special envoy is in cairo at the moment. he's believe to be going on to call todd. so again, an open line of communication has been held for the last couple of weeks getting
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any progress. funny is, what is the real challenge? stephanie decorating occupied is through spend, thank you very much. that's is there any forces are carried on more operations in several towns across the occupied west bank in your moon, west of janine fighting broke out between palestinians and he's really forces these really ami also targeted the city of knob as hard a village. me a best to him. and the ballade to refugee camp, at least one person was injured in bates for work. nita, a brain has more from now to see me occupied with specs. the rates start to late on monday and continued old through the morning of tuesday in depth difference in several areas in the occupies westbank. you so is really forces in nablus in gene in to cut him in bethlehem and have run so really no place has saved from those continues is raise the rates and in the town of iraq. just near janine and the
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north of the occupies the west bank. these really forces have shots, a palestinian, a 17 year old to the abdomen. has been announced that lease or buy the medical sources. and we are expecting a funeral to take place today as well. when we talk about those ways, we're not just talking about what these really forces say is a rust operations. but we've been seeing a lot of lost the tensions of palestinians, field interrogations, run sacking of homes as well as preventing palestinians from going about their daily lives. basically, palestinians, the numbers of those who have been killed since october. the 7th in the occupies with bank alone, has reached 370 palestinians. this gives you an idea about the incense situation here about that. what palestinians say is the continues is really terror against them because their lives. but that is also putting a toll on the economy,
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as well as some of the most vulnerable victims of israel as well on gaza. pregnant women and the continuing attacks are contributing towards an increasing number of miscarriages and premature, but the u. n. estimates that around 50000 women in gaza are pregnant and around a 180 of them are reaching the due dates every day. the policy and ministry of house is documented hundreds of miscarriages and premature best, often in unsanitary conditions, out of sydney and doctors say mal nutrition is contributing to the miscarriages with mothers facing complicate since, because they don't have enough to eat and are unable to reach emergency cap early i spoke to dr. tanya hodge. hassan who is a pediatric intensive care doctor working with i'm a staff doctors without borders. she explains the range of dangers pregnant women and newborn babies facing gosh, i can talk a little bit bit about the journey of pregnant women and gaza from the stories that we've heard, both from myself colleagues and other medical professionals in the gaza strip.
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pregnant women are experiencing the same horrors of, of, of this all of the civilians in the gaza strip. so they are fearing for their own lives. they're feeling for the lives of their children. they are being bombarded indiscriminately and we've had stories of pregnant women who lost multiple members of their family, including their, their husband, the father of their unborn child. they're a displaced, often living in a tent with no heat, no access to clean water or food, and a mel nourished pregnant mother dehydrated mother is, is a danger to her and her baby and all try masters. and then it comes and a lot of them are being killed during pregnancy. we've had numerous stories of what are called post partum, sincerity, and section so. so very inspections that are done in a mother that has died of a you do them as fast as possible as an emergency procedure to try and extract the baby and get oxygen into that. maybe before they die,
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most of those will be unsuccessful. and both the mother and the baby will succumb the still ahead on algae 0, the the us. and you can launch more as tracks on who's the size in yemen. targeting on the ground besides storage sites, plus mounted fisher in manchester, new hampshire, which could be the scene of the last real battle in the republican presidential nomination sites. the hello again. we now have a tropical psych loan in the coral sea. it's gonna run right over the great barrier reef and make landfall in queensland state. i would say sometime on thursday, just to the south of cans is just last month. we dealt with a tropical psych loan,
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jasper, that made mindful north of counts. so here we go. again, temperatures down in marble bar, haven't seen temperatures this low and about 4 or 5 months. that rain now swinging into southern parts of w. a. pushing into south australia, looking at sydney, 35 factor and the humidity is going to feel in the low fourties on thursday to news, even different story here. tapping into a southerly wind. so temperatures have come down big time across both islands to southeast asia. we go right now, the rain is filling in across the molly peninsula on wednesday and north of this, that cool. they're still locked into play over northern vietnam. so android at 13 degrees and speeding and all the his cool. let's take you to the source of it in china right now. 6 in greatland. let's go 12 and hong kong that is well below where you should be for this some of the year. a snow storm, a blizzard coming for japan. so keidel island, this will impact support over the next few days are going to be in the thick of it on thursday. and by the time it's all said and done, we could see 40 centimeters of so and so portal
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a long, sleek, 2 years should be at time to relish. but in europe's comment, he cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like, the candidate can spend images from is quite for time and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community space, housing stack, a witness documentary on how to 0, the the
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fucking back, a reminder about top stories on how to 0 the palestine read, creston says israel has child. it's headquarters in con eunice and 7 guys. these are the military says it's trying to rule time off fighters in the sea by civilians of paying the price. thousands of them have been killed. at least 24 is ready. soldiers have been killed in guy side to single was stay for the army since it's ground invasion. be got in late october. and these really military has kind of got more operations in several towns across the occupied west bank. at least one person was injured in base, so american and british forces have again targeted suspected who the weapon sizes in yemen. know for media report, multiple strikes around the capitol. so not including an ad base and military come the southwest and province of ties was also struck that follows stimulus twice earlier this month. in response to who feeding this site and drawing a tax on shipping in the red seat. heidi's real cost to has more from washington,
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the american and british fighters launched munitions toward 8 targets within who's a controlled young man. on monday, a us senior defense official said the strikes were successful hitting an underground weapon storage facility and degrading the who sees the ability to launch more red c attacks. so the damage assessment is not yet final. it's unclear whether there were casualties on the ground in game in the us. officials said these were precision guided missiles and the targets were deemed to be of no risk to civilians, australia by rain, canada, and another lens. also assisted in the strikes in the what capacity remains unclear, or u. s. military official stress that this operation was not part of the multinational coalition that has been patrolling the red sea in an effort to safeguard maritime trade. he also stressed that monday strike is not a change in approach from the us, but rather part of an ongoing effort to stop the who's the attacks while attempting
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to avoid escalation. heidi jo castro alger 0, washington sized rails months long war on guys. so it has been particularly devastating for children. thousands have lost one or both parents while at the same time suffering injuries and selves rights groups say the extremely traumatic experiences for young palestinians will likely cause long term damage around a la con records. this is what constitutes as play time for these children. in elbow, a refugee camp in central garza congregating around a makeshift cemetery where their loved ones had been buried. their names written on the wall. i was just as my father was killed and we were not able to recover his body for days. when we finally pulled down his body, we were not able to bury them. finally, we buried my father in the school. yeah. a lot of many did bodies released lying in the straits for days. they would be composed in, in the way,
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by cats and dogs. this is not life against the rights groups estimate that around 25000 posting in children have become orphans since israel's latest military campaign began on october 7th. the situation is so appalling that a new acronym has been coined, unique to the besieged strip, w c. n. s f. wounded child, no surviving family. medical staff at the camp are doing what they can with the few resources available upon the quadrant home, mac, many children of the heat by dehydration and didn't nourishment, menia suffering from diarrhea and vomiting because of contaminated water. we help them with what is the i the solutions available, the words damaging costing in kids everywhere. the physical scars are obvious, but the mental damage is invisible. they are left to deal with their trauma. when i get only a home that i'm me and then we were at my own house and we will hungry. my father
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said he would go to a home to get flour. it took him a long time, but the time they reached home, the house was hit by me. so after a while, a young man said my father no clue killed the next day, the bodies are pulled out totally disfigured. we buried them in the school yard for a generation of palestinian kids in morning and left to face their future lo rental a fine. i'll just hear the news now in the russian military has lawn chairs strikes on the ukrainian cities of keys and khaki. at least 5 people were killed in 40 injured when a mis 5 had a residential street damaging buildings and setting punch cards on fire. the attacks led to partial disruptions in electricity and water supply. rob mcbride has some of them keep of the crime. you know, authority is a saying that
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a range of different screws and ballistic missiles were used in these early morning attacks said tuesday, coming in waves against various targets across ukraine. here in the capital keys a that was at 1st daybreak a series of sun trust explosions around it doesn't, you know, as a defense, he's got to look into setting incoming missiles that were being detected. and that had been reports of the damage and casualties around 4 or 5 different districts miss. 1 also a debrief holding onto the apartment building, setting fires, to add those buildings, and also to cause we're hearing reports of at least one person being killed, hearing keys, and 14 others being injured. but that have been attacked in other places, a guns kind of key and also public that where we, uh, hearing about other casualties, possibly around 5 people nationally being killed with around 40 injured, at these strikes and being continuing back and forth between russian and ukrainian
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forces pretty consistently throughout the a winter around the end of december and the turn of the new year. again, they were big drone and missile strikes against ukrainian targets. in the past few days, the trainings have reported long range drones strikes against targets in russia. as far. busy as rushes baltic coasts targeting the oil and gas debt bows. and this does seem to be reminded by moscow that it can strikes targets wherever it wants throughout to ukraine soldiers in venezuela, among $32.00 people, arrested, accused of trying to assassinate price and make less madura, prosecutor say that all confessed and revealed information about the conspiracy plans backed by the us arrest warrants have been issued for 11 other suspects, including rights activists send janice to make sign in. the us supreme court has given the go ahead for federal agents to remove raise a wire on the border with mexico. the state of texas installed
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a wire to stop migraines, crossing the border, a legally binding administration argued in court at texas west presenting agents from carrying out their duties and saying that us the 1st primary of a 2024 nominating contest has begun as a is tradition, the 1st both with cast and excel nacia in new hampshire, all the towns 6th registered voters cast their ballots for former un, and bassett, or nikki haley. republican rival form of present donald trump didn't get any votes . the community has 4 registered republicans and 2 independent, and fisher has more on the new hampshire primary from the state. big city mattress as the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition. because healy is trying to generate heat in a campaign, republican voters have so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here, she has to convince voters. she can be trump. on the pipe. she has to convince
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voters like marie carter, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets of support and the primary american, nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my mom. you know, i want this one fiscal responsibility, but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through. i don't think have dipped their toe. and you know, for a very long time in our very braces. and there's been there, flame source prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is a hate and the republican race, despite his troubles elsewhere, like you want indictments silver for criminal cases. but when hear that it all but seals the nomination. trump is essentially a, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him as an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be with me for the democrats,
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there's essentially new context. there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administration. stand on this, these 5, but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys. and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity or in c's fire. but you can veto my vote because haley set high expectations in new hampshire, but every pool it fits donald trump significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls, vicky healy is the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure, i'll just see you that much just as quick as damage. more than a $120.00 homes and cut power supplies on the border between china and curious on
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the, at the center of the magnitude $7.00 time it was a mountainous area. deep underground. cameroon has become the 1st country on the african continent to roll out a new my larry a vaccine for children. the world health organization approve the job last year after successful trials in ghana and kenya, nicholas concrete voice at a small health center on the outskirts of cam ruins capital. yeah, one day, a historic moment. the fight against malaria, the small sarah that can save from the deadly parasite, is being administered for the 1st time to baby daniella. millions have died of malaria, most or african children. these nurses and doctors have seen parents helpless in the face of their children, suffering, watching them unable to breathe in distress with a high fever, eventually leading to an agonizing death. now that can save lives, thanks to the new mt. larry of vaccine program being rolled out by.


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