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tv   Witness Spains Housing Battles  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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flies on the border between china and curious on the, at the center of the magnitude 7 point. one time i was in a mountainous area. deep underground cameroon has become the 1st country on the african continent to roll out. i knew my larry a vaccine for children. the world health organization approve the job last year after successful trials in ghana and kenya. nicholas hungry force at a small health center on the outskirts of cam ruins capital. yeah, one day, a historic moment. the fight against malaria, a small sara that can save from the deadly parasite is being administered for the 1st time to baby daniella. millions have died of malaria, most or african children. these nurses and doctors have seen parents helpless in the face of their children, suffering, watching them unable to breathe in distress with a high fever, eventually leading to an agonizing death. now that can save lives, thanks to the new n t military of vaccine program being rolled out by cameron's health surfaces. we
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are in the district with a fairly high prevalence. it should also be remembered that the facts and complements existing measures, including impregnated muscular minutes and environment and sanitation. camera room is offering the r t s s n t malaria vaccine, free of charge to all infants up to the age of 6 month old. it took 50 years of scientific research to develop the vaccine. the challenge has been the new teaching nature of the military parasite. part of the breakthrough came from a tree found in chile, it's substance strengthens intensity of the immune response in the vaccine. because you can see, investigate, and it tells me is behind because it is a disease that is very difficult because it is transmitted by a parasite with a life cycle. that's very complicated. we have a vaccine which has demonstrated effectiveness and safety. we have really studied and tested it to be sure there's no side effects that would cause problems with the following the cove. it pen,
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demik and founded fear the new malaria vaccine seems to be spreading faster than its actual benefits. the challenge for health workers is to convince parents like with a stella to the new vaccine to say for their children. and if it decides to mean if it was talked about everywhere, maybe in the media or in communities and people are informed, then i would be more prepared to vaccinate. right now, i feel a little uncomfortable and unsure, the un says that every 2 minutes a child dies of malaria with this new vaccine rollout, this is about to change the small sarah, is a big victory in the fight against a parasite, offering the possibility of saving millions of lives across the world. nicholas hawk l g 0. and that's the news for now on algae 0. i'm fully back to both serial vanya we'll have another orange is here and use out for you in half an hour, right after witness stay with us. for us to pay was of interest to people to ride
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the world. this has been going on for a number of our seniors report to an international perspective to try to explain to global audience how is this could impact the lives. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good. the bringing the news to the world from here, the system is giving you a lot of issues. so this sort of fell off into getting to for the 7 foot instead of translators. and i'll leave you in the shop and can say no spaces. okay, shit or they don't throw it out of the board. so on, in your the ocean. one of the, the, the
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late to the, the dfcs shortly the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, she got them on the last on the field to let you know. 6 the me machine. oh okay.
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see now let me see here, let me just stick with tons here and they don't pull it up and there's a lot of because the way you send data to be, uh oh my god, i love you and i don't know where you are. i don't, that's cause issues for the gosh cassette. i don't go glad are she done? but i've been, she'll noise when there's something showed up. i'll tell you why do you wish to allow me enough for the initial c the
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the in the middle, the show. but i see there's a good that the interstate this is good because uh, pretty young be the scale gave him the initial apartment if they deliver it at the dealership or 1st hospital. ms. del funny go this on the bottom. your payment is they get the dispute in this? yes i was calling to see if it went to from my shell much for the additional the short notice of that by the time you on hold for 25 the 70. that's definitely
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that was it. i thought i'd be dependent on that. once again, we'll see them with your last name was going said either. so you might notice going to that there's one that us, whatever, no problem me on a. so we that, that letter and we, that i missed most of the day coming benefit time. and this has got us be about the use of to you on a busy guy to and must consider, you know, it does this does me 30. yes. i just don't want to know how much when the oh yeah. you got a, some of these house and the one visit in about the about nothing doesn't when that there's one that, that isn't that difficult to get the most at the end of it is on that much energy and the got the yeah, in this how much of a to go more or more not dollars, what you can do and i'll show you not. i'm sure the outcome fits into i'm not the obvious. yes it's huge. how do you do in the yes, the best, although i don't know that i'll give you the money and the bombs out. but if you're not, i was actually on the list. i'm gonna talk to you in the system of everybody's, i know there's not much pressing on that. i mean, i will, we have not,
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but are going to the lady that will be in that k r k last big with us, you know, salad. i think it's fun. yeah. the i don't hear yoko dish to no fish. oh, that's not that we go the question. yes, there was
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a little now when i wasn't that invoke off quite a few and i think about the okay. especially in the later part of addition to is dumber sort of a bit busy. now what else to be made us in style? she said no, no sort of get an additional look at the javits. i'm sure today there's going to say there's been a city i should mean. there's no problem. there's not a be you're not yours by the end of the your bottle. yeah, she said she'd be, she's a no show for the last year for you and visually so the and the is when the quantity of where you guys be and lucky a moment that these are the big deals
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in that washer. so if y'all distribution of being there, sure enough to hold them all over. the meyers like in our shy child, was born in the north, certain amount of time in a cindy got to the giddiness or something seen enough money. so i'm just visiting this, but i mean, we'll see how close do you mean take on the time of day, well known as movies, easy, very busy, almost always going to fine, was going to the last 4 days and that's what i'm going to have everything else and then once i run these i sound good. um yeah. so you know, yeah. you know, the yeah. and my, the deal is just on the small and, but there's not much in the store. there's more interest to you to pay the rest of the g o may pro pay well in fact to put together a visual especially for younger and we'd be 0. now look at a month ago and the to does me supposed to use, you know,
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if you're legal, there's a lot. okay. yeah, that's really simple. now to be sure, in case you lose the the spit out in the what do you think of some name and the problem. you funny interesting rental for me is that familiar? suffolk stuff, or landmark i know for you guys are going to get in for a ceiling, coordinating last,
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i guess the one the got them in charlotte allow me to a single gosh. how lucky that get to get out of the machine. but in the interstate restaurant that kick in with that i go to me, i don't know what it means that for me to start, i see where she's trying to be. there it is. you. that is the main issue is still going us again. stop with in the those go don't, don't people even trust you guys. there's amazing english. but most actually that it empty pace. there's the bill. yeah,
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i don't the dishes the one on tony on the bed window but one that ended on you. we actually got gave units to the driver, but have them that they've got some money to get the wind speed. got it. they've got some way to do it. almost not even bradley going to those don't of us. how do you, i thought is a case a windows school got so you don't book upon the read all you're going to talk to you about that i gave it to see about how they had a good i don't know. i know i know a lot or did you what would be the story impacted by i'm the real simple service the socialism on a sheet and but it was handled autopay already know. charlie,
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russian named us ever since we got the rita share data and for the sure. yeah, no. so he goes, how do i feel heavy, almost kind of what i want to speak to. uh, i got a stand up windows. no, and but in, in talk a callous go. your style. i was doing the things. i'm glad that you like and i didn't want to talk. you soon have to, i, i've, i've seen that that might be all, you're not, you're not alone. and so i didn't have time to put in a sort of weird, almost how that and i guess they're not, you know, it's a nothing but, and almost on the bottom of what they're leasing out on. so bill, a nice pass a actually and then was trying to combine us instead of the i'm over, but i think you look at basically the way one of the middle of the other that the policy on the almost hitting the people now it's really close to finding what events up there, give them easy scan rather than just simple done to the relative what, what is that, you know, you're looking at the interest or anybody can anything like that. if anybody can anybody that guidance, anybody don't have anything by the end of the day. so, you know,
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at least of course i could be like i'm and then i'll send while we get you started of the they have done a simple way of okay. gig one the way so simple to say the image of some of the people on the not the cool brand new question to you actually let me know message will it shut off because of the, the, the for the
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low any all at the end of the but i need to go much good on that. i want us to stay there. so now shoshua stuck unless the mid is better, best interest to implementing it. you may use it for the sale though, is that she looked at the author of located the cost of located above the who's of our data. you know, the shuttle go to the is on the video. the video is still going to be a much brushy more then it give it or the shuttle shark. i don't know what it is. you know me, my, you know,
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or set of core sheet task force testing like i did them all. it's anita. oh gosh on there. but if someone in other local nursing, sheffield the, the central coastal. surely. so this pedro did say that that, that she felt henry so that's good and this cannot get all ready amount of this. ok, i don't know. don't ask them would show down. you need to get out there. i mean, these are the oh yes, but i don't know the tell me what, but i do, but i'm the, i'm seen all the, you know, albany to accommodate the place. you know that funny the headache? yes, it is an attempt to do it. okay. so goodness, the moment theater. so, but you are still investigating the man behind you know, his case study that i'm no, no, no they don't think we'll just i same break or much, but i'm sorry, i guess that's closer most i do. and then how come we had a session tossing? i mean, the evening, she's a gardener. cindy,
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got doing more of this either. australia or now she'll need it less. and when i seen us, and i said so i must get all the rest, the fun a. but i also to amelia, are the most out on the, for the $1000000.00. they just are from the shoulders for video for them in their last. the 1st thing in the trouble that here for, for the other, for the lessons or if you don't my go to it and it will be, i'm not, i'm
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a small business does not know what the i know late the announcement on the dates i'm in thanks a lot of everything done the week of the i see one, is there somebody in the face of the corner today, whether on your way to change, are you none of them in i thought it the handshake or the maybe i'd go to a couple of them are they more and more the promo? yeah, go more the not the and the most. i will be moving in the audio. the data isn't not just almost like people tend to think about it. how about the
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the 1st one was done sort of the middle of nowhere near to got door and night betters. let us see those are the mothers sheldon look after she, i mean, you know, those are the photos the photos, the rest of the of the most. okay. what else? ok. this hosting nadia is katie as part of roland
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e. cocaine for this for sure. when it's done to come on the way, oh mama, mama, probably nothing or the media model. antonio a desktop la la, la, la la, la, la la, feed model, she had the on the one on your conversation, but out our number in either a scene or a nearest to me. volley a, c, i of yours, a device like i might of this it out. i mean, money. i don't know whether you all might have them here, but i will not be able to see coordinator in the state of georgia. the go a middle study. yeah. my the yeah, the i need the present, the full i do the meeting board meeting on the 20th. so hold on. let me see if i'm going to be the water. jo. john will flannel. john, i'll put in
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a new one over his head. can be put in the, in the highly good i just like a little bit. i'm not going to be one right. i am to moment the lieutenant, the human school about i guess is the number one to get in the be no problem with that. no problem, but the, the model, the managed by the, evolved not as i get the end. yeah. these are we thinking of purpose don't i knew the promo like normally. i mean, i, me see of the out of the, you know, the, you know, the kind of feel the fish that either if yes, the fun is that they all go the speed the is only the
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little bundle must be used a little more, but i just want the mazda summers name? does you know that the must have been, was that he doesn't need to others with a software. so i can use that for the say something seem, what does that mean that i reach out? or if you say the funding lifestar solution, don't say what is this way, but i mean get, guess get a c k as he gets here ice, i am the daughter stand husband fiance like a no i should rashid, should it through for yeah, sure. for sure. and the name maybe then the nice to you maybe that particular thing will and not the other. no married the the, the
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fee and the for $1.00 more try it out of who she with the at the on the money for stuff you understand it, go to the village. maybe out of all the moisture from the concern that the lowest or escalade route, just getting frustrated normally go pick lessons. here is what i do check on thing was the thing,
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the one that i can think of. okay. okay. don't worry about you got it. yeah, no, no, no, no, i got the info communicator from tomorrow morning. now no need. okay. yeah, i mean, i know she had another se, stephen, one of the most valuable. yeah. tell me may i get on? i man, okay. i know you must have a video now. let's see. all the way i can, you can see came up something, you know, got the idea. i got on the fence now get down, virginia vocals. i'm guessing, i'm just gonna been there because i don't think this is diana funding was a, you know,
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but other than the people that are coming in for you to really put in that it will be and what does he do? especially in the sporting they what they will see see and also then they say smoking doses, and they said that since you and this one i'm going to like once you get up at a level becoming associated certainly a lot of work. this of the man does not say go more sentimental. when done was done the 100, the she a, she has to know how it all get on your to read. i may have no shock. i started working on message and i said you never did ask me to dish and do a lot of do a shopper range year study, miniature. i feel imagine that they are the rest of the position at the time. the research not getting any issues. they never met her either. then
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the lady shell that i study, i don't, but it was school that's clearly school motor function. cost. and we're getting the real good that all the ego picking it up at the federal law party. how it's done. session was field. the show me the question, amigos shot research and i started out just to go see the she don't that you put it. is there a feeling that you yes, for the look at it, which i'm like,
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the why my double wicked flips through the pages of his books. he was hoping to be a doctor, but the fighting in savannah put a stop to studies that effigy population u. s. across the 600000 and walk most of them under the age of 30, even save this chief when he mentioned it gets into a classroom. that is another curriculum. and so that is different from what you're trying to get particularly engaged at and send them to ready just schools like this
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. the priority for now is to provide shelter and full, and even that is close in the united way. there is no clear indication as to when refugees students would be able to return home. and to that process, i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that. and 3 pod series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have to say in this legislation and seeing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons, and it's like 10 word pod, 3. the template on our israel has now impose a complete space on god's sense. so how do they survive if you have no income? how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as
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a ripple effect of the guys. and what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up counting the cost on algebra. the or the 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the program. this, our son you this in southern guy that comes under intense bombardment. the palace senior red crescent says, is really forces of shell. it's headquarters the worst day for his really soldiers since the war began at least 24 soldiers have been killed in
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a single day. and his really soldiers store and several towns across the occupied west bank with reports that


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