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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out is there. the, [000:00:00;00] the 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the program. this, our son you this in southern guy that comes under intense bombardment. the palace senior red crescent says, is really forces of shell. it's headquarters the worst day for his really soldiers since the war began at least 24 soldiers have been killed in
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a single day. and his really soldiers store and several towns across the occupied west bank with reports that a number of palestinians have been assaulted. also voting for the next us republican presidential nominee gets under way in new hampshire. it's donald trump against his former un ambassador. and nikki haley and sports. and i thought joke is at trenches the semi finals and feel straight in open. i'm house council all make it 3 wins from 3 of the asian come between china, one the content that has gone for 12 months, keeping them on track to defend desolate the . it's 10, g and t that's mid day in gaza where israel has launched more heavy bombardment of the southern part of the strip. at least 195 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. the strikes are still targeting hon. you and this guy, the 2nd largest city, is really ground operation. there is expanding,
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pushing more palestinians to flee further south. so rough uh is really forces or targeting hospitals, ambulances and schools in the city where thousands of civilians are sheltering. they are locked in intense battles with palestinian fighters also in northern garza, near jamalia is really tanks and troops are present in all the areas in red on this map, both in the north and the south of the gaza strip. that'd be, as really army has had its worst day since launching is ground invasion. at least $24.00 soldiers were killed in gaza at $21.00 of them in one single attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered an investigation since the ground invasion started back in october. at least $210.00 is released. soldiers have been killed. so we'll get more reaction on the depths of those soldiers from stuffy decker in just a moment. first though, let's go to honey mountain mode. was in rough. uh, honey, there are continued attacks against health workers, the palestinian red crescent. say that they've once again come under attack. what
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do you know? yes. then this is not the 1st time the palestine writ crescent. come under bombardment, within the past a few weeks said the main headquarters in the district that for the western part of hon, unit city in on another area where the headquarters was targeted. and it's important to point out, this is a medical complex that houses the headquarters of the policy of re present society, a little hospital that is managed and operated by the society itself, as well as another building that houses the major departments for the ambulance and emergency department, and these are all in one vicinity. the attacks that have been targeted, the 4th floor of the headquarters is destroying the vast majority of the,
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the property, as well as the medicine that we're inside the, the society, including the medical equipment and sent it in, in earlier talks. i'm, i'm hospital that is manage and an operated by this the river preston. society was also a targeted by a targeted by is really artillery showing at an air strikes and now the vicinity of the area a day and a great deal of damage as the uh, the selling continues over night. and the early hours of this morning were more people are reported injured as well as those who were killed in the tax reported. they do not the hospital not. there is one element, and we're the highlighting here now the writ. preston, societies are unable to this patsy. any of its ambulance vehicle in a statement? it was issued yesterday. this society is stated that it has lost all communication . its channels with the emergency ambulance department,
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the and i'll need both to dispatch any of the vehicle to target inside to pickup injuries or collect those have been killed in overnights on within the past. do they just make make the work of paramedic fans, right? first responders, very difficult on the ground and in fact a just that great the problems of a nozzler hospital right now because the society for the past week was providing much needed assistance and help do i know really over won't the hospitals namely not to the hospital only has right now the 3 ambulance vehicles available, an operational, but it, due to the constance ongoing, a bombardment finding very difficult to get through the targeted sites. in fact, most of the injuries and those have been collected from the targeted sides of being killed, have arrived to the hospital either on the cards pulled by at the most or, or other the means of transportation. and not i'm gonna just put the risk of those
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who sustain a critical injuries at tripped. so another big step in this income, mental collapse of the health care system across the gaza strip that we've seen really since the beginning of this war, honey, these really military says that it is now in circling hon eunice. what do you know about that about what's going on? well, as of yesterday, these really military days, or this statement that the hon unit has been cut over from the remaining parts of the gaza strip. that includes the southern part of robust city as well as the northern part, the central area, and golf and the northern part of augusta. and there i, there is nothing goes in or out of the city just further the, the military and christ is inside. the city already suffered from extreme shortage of medical supplies, food and water supplies. but now it just making it very difficult for those who, who have already been displaced more than one time. and now with our cod,
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under the bonds in the, the relentless extract, particularly in the western side of the city. that's of them all off the evacuation zone. we're in fact looked at our entire city that was designated as a safe zone for the hundreds of 1000 of palestinian evacuating. since the beginning the were from the northern part and gaza city is now is seen of much suffering and devastation and relentless bombardments around the clock and just make it very difficult. what we're looking at is within the couple the coming couple days we're seeing as the now you're repeating itself. what happened in a super hospital, what happened and then then agent hospital is going to repeat itself in hon units. as much of the health facilities are going to be pushed out of service, it will further guide rebate, the human interior and situations and will leave no options for people to evacuate for life. in fact, the information of what people the talked about,
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that there's no singularly, please that is see in the entire goals and student. now these reading, the military is making that it clear not even a mile off. evacuations, honeywell, who reporting from the russia in the southern part of district. thank you very much, honey. that's bringing leo khan, who is the head emissions of palestine with doctors without borders. you left garza on monday, you are joining us now from cairo. so you were working in gauze as hospitals, those that are still functioning and it's only a handful of them. at this stage, honey was just reporting nicer hospital, which is the main one that is still left in han units is about to go offline. what do people do? what do palestinians do now to get health treatment if they can't get to one of those handful of hospitals that are still operation, is i'm sorry, but they cannot do anything. and this is what is a big problem. so um the scenario the nose is happening is it sells um
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itself tech. didn't write that back onto the system as a whole lot that can just the book, let's say, oh you were been hosted. that is, it has these them that is in the box. currently, there's maybe only 20 percent of the stuff has got well goes to walking and nothing . because most of them they have to free because they will skip all the lives and they will skip all the life of the family. and this is a strategy that has been used by he's already military to scale the people to terrorize at his job walker in order for them to leave and, and to close the hosp. 1 without having to thought good was be that it says you just have to a heavy ball to jimmy, jump between fields to host with us, to put some sniper all around. that's we should on everybody coming in or coming out of it must be does. and then there was be that is it shut down? i wasn't that's it was good that just a week ago, last monday it was book of people, photos, people for the 400 people in such a was imagine this, it was already went to many patients for the stuff and,
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and now 80 percent of the stuff left, so it's a, it's a, it's a, is just a way to choose a patients inside. it's just the way to increase the already events, amount of suffering that the patient has to go through. the, and this is what is a, is happening now in the, in the hospital. so for people who are in hon units, and if we need medical treatment, who might even be in the hospital right now. options are either get no treatment um or fleet to the south. exactly. and option one is the most likely they won't have any treatments. and the one who would say to the south that is no anymore. and let's put that in the south as well. so is, does it, you are being hosted out, it'd be used for a file which is also very close to the default line as a basic design, no miles on it. there's no other options than the options. so it has guessing that means it is not, is corrupting it is being destroyed. where were you personally over the last 2 weeks? so i went to no say hospital, i went to europe and hospitals and i can see
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a lot of similarities between the 2 hospitals. because are both quite close to front line. you can hear very well when he was there. you could hear a very strong liza bone being around the shooting around a then nice under was because a troops of which of the old mean you have been hospitalized. but your been was be that is also realize in the kitchen, although, so people have stuff to, to get more and most scale to reach is it was because a and the security is in security runs. it was be done, prevents many people to go. there was like sales people who make it say let's talk about the european hospital for patients who make it there and who require care once they're inside the building. what's it like to get treatment there? this is extremely complicated. it is for michael to do that because you're going to have maybe the 1st 3 months or something running to emergency you would get how you would have this trust the position. but unfortunately, when you have this trend and it shows it strikes, if that it's complex once in a, just a smaller once you have the one, the one which is going to crush all the legs,
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crushed and you have some pretensions. then you have the bills. many, many of the whole fissions off balance. so you have a lot of things to, to, to manage. nobody should do that. it's 567, a permission, you know, they have to 2 separate as a patients. and you cannot do that. so you're saying, hey, we do the festival. the 1st one is done, but then o's arrest or the postal directive care is not, is not there. and so many patients did that. you were doing this day in the, in your best hopes that, i mean, that's how it was be done even by inspection, that you knew by uh that how things are broke up. yeah. and the test interest is that the weights and the days. okay, so this is key, talk to us a little bit more about that, what you're saying, and you're reminding us that of course, when you need serious medical care, there's going to be the one time surgery, the one time operation. but beyond that, you need sustained care and that's becoming impossible. that is already impossible . that is already and posted. but i just have example of id say it's a money or on the fees at the emergency room and hospital he got to uh, one day and an aspect to a month and a half ago. he left his
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a lift so he loves to read his is the right leg. and he gets a, a big big spreadsheet on the, on the left too. um. but because of proof of follow up with the oh no, he lost the use of his list. um it could have been prevented, but he does use a piece of his oh, so if he couldn't, if he had the kids keeps it loose. the use of this take what i've been going on with crutches, but nice is not pushing, but anyways, so he got one to complete that it was useless. so he, we, uh, if you mission in life, you know, we shift you few minutes to book the, we shuffle him. and so it's, it's, it's a destroyed life over the place in order supposed to be does fish with general, provides that have jones a bit the patient's needs as the one that are getting worse and worse. and it's lifetime a trauma that they would getting with them and lifetime and to get to do with joe isn't that could have been prevented that issue. and so we have in also has jo a enough to bind it into hospitals. all right, leo counts had a mission for palestine,
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a doctors without borders. thank you very much for sharing your experience of the last 2 weeks in guys is uh hospitals with us. thank you very much. the speak to stephanie decker. now you're joining us from occupied east jerusalem. stephanie, what do you know about the circumstances in which $21.00 is really soldiers were killed in one single attack and gaza? yes, the deadliest incidents of this entire ground defensive as he said, $21.00 soldiers from what the army is saying. the soldiers were laying explosives to designate a building to make sure that had mass fighters wouldn't to use it. and then they said that an r p g appeared to be fired at a time. that was securing the area and then the house exploded and they said possibly due to a 2nd or p g, it's not entirely clear yet as to what exactly happened. and to, you know, mass casualties. 21. that in one go. these are department is dr. trees saying that
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there would be an investigation into what exactly happened, quoting. it does all star high newness. it's been made very clear here to the public. the defense minister on sunday, when this was announced for battalions taking place in the bottle for hon. you're just saying this was probably going to be one of the most difficult bottles of the ground defensive. and in fact, the military is now telling residents of search an area of con eunice to evacuate along the coastal road. it hasn't been reporting you've heard there from highly and from tired. and from all our reporting really out of goal is that over the time that there is no real safe place to go, people have been target as a back to a to a very, very difficult, but certainly very intense and bottle happening on the ground. yeah. and since you're talking about evacuation of something, you just just letting our viewers know we're going to get you some um, some of the very latest footage of people running away from hospitals there. we'll get you those in a moment. so what has been the reaction to these this, this loss of is really soldiers lives. 21 is really soldiers killed of
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the tragedy coming out of the top levels of the government. we had immediate statements by the president and by the defense minister saying that basically it was one of the most difficult days of this were also the prime minister on obviously offering condolences to the families courting and forwarding arrows and nothing yahoo saying there that this absolutely was a case that's more determined to fight until the victory, you know, the, the army is inherent to life. here when it comes to every is really because it is a conscription army, you need to serve whether you are a young man or a young woman at the age of 18. you go to the army and you serve between 2 and 3 years. and then you are a conscript, and that means that you can be called up at any time as a reservist until the age of 40. so people take at the desk is really sold you. that's very, very difficult and very, very personally. so this is something i think as a work goes on as
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a fight continues to get more difficult. and as you get more of these numbers of dead soldiers, that you will also increase and you'd be getting people voicing. they are opposition to the continuing war. well, they fight then jumping off of that stuff. if i can get you to talk about israel, i'm us negotiations. there's lots of information floating out there. these really press is, is full of talk on that. where does all of that stand? what do we actually know? what's the definition? what's a maybe yes, i mean, throughout the weeks there's leaks from certain sources about what's on the table and what's being discussed and what someone is offering and what the other one is saying, no to the latest, which was the overnight and these are a media is that israel is offering a pause of fools and fighting for 2 months in exchange for what in exchange for a gradual release of school, the captive starting with women and men over the age of 60 and then ending with is really soldiers and the bodies still being held in dollars and we're talking about
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a 136 is res, not just the ones that were captured on october the 7th, but also for 2 bodies and to live as res, since 2014. ringback also talk about these really army re deploying away from certain urban areas and gauze off. i'm again, what's going to be discussed privately behind closed doors could be very different from the political public stones, israel's well prime minister benjamin netanyahu stones is that there will not be an end to, with the word that will not be an end to fighting. and that the captors will be pulled back minutes early on him also said there's absolutely no negotiation on the release of the captive until there's an end to the work. so let's wait and see what comes out. if anything of these, what have been ongoing negotiations, all right, stephanie decker, it goes without saying that anything you find out will be very interested to know about stephanie decker reporting from occupied east jerusalem. thank you. i was just telling you about the latest footage that we've received from han,
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eunice. here it is. people fleeing. i'm out of hospital rather. the vicinity of i'm out of hospital in guys is 2nd largest city on eunice. now, honey, my mood at the top the show was just explaining to us that people, you know, that the fighting has become more and more intense over the last few days in the hon. eunice and more people are fleeing this bearing in mind that the vast majority of palestinians and guys that have already fled further south and are now in or near rough. the latest pictures, right there, says, really forces have carried out operations in several towns across the occupied west bank in all you're moving west of jeanine fighting broke out between palestinians and is really forces is really army also targeted. the city of novelist, a hold or village near basically him and the block, the refugee camp. at least one person was injured in bade folk did. abraham has more from not less than the occupied west. back of the rave started late on monday
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and continued or through the morning of tuesday in depth difference in several areas in the occupies west. thank you. so is really forces in nablus in gene in to get him in bethlehem and have wrong so really no place to save from those continued is really rates and in the town of iraq office, just near jeanine and the north of the occupies the west bank. these really forces have shots, a policy and a 17 year old to the abdomen has been announced that lease or buy the medical sources, and we are expecting a funeral to take place today as well. when we talk about those rates, we're not just talking about what these really forces say is a rest operations. but we've been seeing a lot of lost the tensions of palestinians, field interrogations, run sacking of homes, as well as preventing palestinians from going about their daily lives. basically, palestinians, the numbers of those who have been killed since october. the 7th in the occupied to
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us bank alone has reached 370 palestinians. this gives you an idea about the incense situation here about that. what palestinians say is, the continued is really terror against them against their lives. but that is also putting a told on the economy as well. britain's foreign secretary says who's the attacks on ships in the red sea are unacceptable and illegal? david cameron's comments follow another series of strikes by us and british forces targeting suspected weapons sites and yemen. local media report multiple strikes around the capitol center, including an air base and a military camp. and the south western province of ties was also targeted. similar strengths were launched earlier this month in response to the miss silent drawing, a tax on shipping in the red sea. so one of the reasons a doing is unacceptable. it's the legal edits threatening the freedom of navigation . that's why we've taken the action alongside that action as
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a whole set of patients will be taking, including section some of the pressure to put on the who sees combined of course, with the action the role navy is taking with others in the red sea. so 11 on his warning against is really attempts to drag the country into a broader war by expanding its attacks in the south of the country. israel is demanding his beloved forces pull back from the border and says, a unilateral cease, fire will not be enough to say no hold or reports from the cora and southern lebanon is rarely forces, say they are targeting has the laws, military infrastructure at times. that means homes in border villages, officials and southern 11 on say, up to 250, have been destroyed, and 6000 others damaged along the 120 kilometer porter. and the past 4 months of fighting as well appears to be creating a new reality. it says it doesn't want it's northern border to be vulnerable as
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it's southern one was when the published and in group come us attacked in october. there's really swans, hezbollah forces to pull back as the house of the so it's a tax is right, is trying to push the resistance kilometers away from the border. and it's the we need by force displacement, but slowly meets or by you need to, but it won't be able to achieve this problem. the streets and villages in southern lebanon are empty. officials say that around 80000 people close to the border have been displaced. daily life has been disrupted, but the handful of those who stayed are defiant by others, the phone number 5, they have to write us in the past. nothing will make us leaf, not the plains of tilly doors or wide fos for us. we will remain that fast because this is overlap. it is easily and so should be afraid to. so far, the warring sides have confined a tax to military targets, but nearly 30 civilians, including journalists, have been killed. its officials here are warning against as well as attempts to
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drag 11 on into a broader war. they accuse us of expanding the scope of its attacks while threatening and promoting proposals that are rejected, such as pushing hezbollah, north of the latania river, which is about 25 kilometers from the border. how's the bullet says is really threats to expand. the conflict are just rhetoric and pressure to reach a deal, but as well has escalated its fight against the group. and for now, at least at this, trying to destroy the parties strength, south of the autonomy river center for their elsa 0 southern left. and on the find the take a look at some of the days. other news the russian military is launched. airstrikes on the ukrainian cities of cave and harkey. at least 5 people were killed and 40 injured. when a miss sile had a residential street damaging buildings and setting parks cars on fine. the attacks
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let the partial disruptions and electricity and water supply. welcome to rob mcbride has more from of the crime, you know, authority is a saying that a range of different screws and ballistic missiles, but used in these early morning attacks said tuesday, coming in waves against various targets across ukraine. here in the capital keys a that was at 1st daybreak a series of sun trust explosions around it doesn't, you know, as a defense, he's got to look into setting incoming missiles that were being detected. and that had been reports of the damage and casualties around 4 or 5 different districts miss. 1 also a debrief holding onto the apartment building, setting fires, to add those buildings, and also to cause we're hearing reports of at least one person being killed, hearing keys, and 14 others being injured. but that have been attacked in other places, a guns kind of key and also public that where we, uh,
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hearing about other casualties, possibly around 5 people nationally being killed with around 40 injured, at these strikes and being continuing back and forth between russian and ukrainian forces pretty consistently throughout the a winter around the end of december and the turn of the new year. again, they were big drone and missile strikes against ukrainian targets. in the past few days, the trainings have reported long range drones strikes against targets in russia. as far. busy as rushes baltic coasts targeting the oil and gas deaf bows. and this does seem to be reminded by moscow that it can strikes targets wherever it wants throughout to ukraine. us in the us. the 1st primary of the 2024 nominating contest has begun. as is tradition, the 1st votes were cast in dick's full knots. new hampshire. the town has 6 registered voters. they all cast their ballots. a former un ambassador,
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nikki haley for republican rival, former president. donald trump did not get any votes. the community has full registered republicans and to independence. well, new hampshire is always 1st on their primary calendar. despite being one of the smallest us states, much of it is because of tradition. the states election laws require it to be 1st winning in new hampshire can breathe life into a campaign after a set back in iowa, as it did for donald trump in 202016. that was his 1st primary win. but losing in new hampshire, it doesn't necessarily spell disaster for presidential campaign bill clinton, george w. bush, brock obama, all lost in that state before going on to of course, when the white house president, joe biden, won't be on the ballots in new hampshire. this time, the democratic party has decided south carolina will hold the 1st primary because of its more diverse population. allan fisher has more of the primary from the states biggest city. manchester, in the chill of new hampshire,
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can freeze presidential ambition. because healy is trying to generate heat in a campaign, republican voters have so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here, she has to convince voters. she can be trump on the pike. she has to convince voters like marie carter, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets of support and the primary american, nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my, my, you know, i want this one fiscal responsibility, but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through. i don't think have dipped their toe and you know, for a very long time in our very braces and there's been there, flame stores prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is a hate and the republican race, despite his troubles elsewhere, like you want indictments silver for criminal cases. but wouldn't hear that at all . but seals, the nomination, trump is essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is
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a conspiracy to get him as an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're republican, you have to be with me for the democrats. there's essentially new context. there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina, as the 1st proper primary to the current administration. stand on this, these 5, but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys. and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity or in c as far, but you can veto my vote. because haley set high expectations in new hampshire. but every poll it fits donald trump significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls,
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vicki healy is in the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure, i'll just see you that much as the still ahead on else as you are the us supreme court rules. federal agents kind of remove a raise or wire installed by the state of texas on the border with mexico. and the us open champion, cocoa gulf, comes through a tough task to reach the semi finals of the australian open action is coming up in support. that slate of the cell, the hello, you know, the name of the game, right? another storm system comes barreling into the islands of ireland and britain, the worst of their bramble b over western parts of the republic of ireland and western scotland. so think around glasgow as a storm system on wines. it's going to throw snow into scandinavia and the baltic
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states. so for is stone, yet lithuania and light b. i were talking about 5 centimeters over the next 48 hours looking at this one. so in spain, eastern spain, southern spain, valencia at $22.00 degrees. today on tuesday, that's well above average. and then also we've got this so that we can trace out through the balkans, pushing into a hungry that eastern side of poland. western side of ukraine are thinking the cell and we're looking at about 5 centimeters of snow and still the north really wind blowing down through the box for it. so 8 degrees for a sample that curls around the gene here. so address 13 for athens and it's pushing some rain into the band. the worst of that rain will be over the root. cool weather has also infiltrated libya and egypt so 20 degrees in cairo and to the south we go there have been some pretty disruptive waves around the western cape providence. not too far away from cape town. still this slug of rain locked over northern that gas car,
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they could produce some flooding. okay. i think that's it. facing the, the 1st one they saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered.
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the news the you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. the palestine red crescent says israel has shelled its headquarters in san eunice and southern gaza. he is really military. he says it's trying to roots out spiders in the city, but civilians are paying the price. dozens of people have been killed. the is really military has carried out operations in several towns across the occupied west bank. at least one person was injured in late for route and it lead 24 as really soldiers have been killed in gaza. 21 of them in a single attack by
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a minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered an investigation. it's the single worst day for the army since its ground invasion began in late october 552 soldiers have been killed since the start of the war. that includes $217.00 during the ground offensive that began at the end of october, and other 11 were killed and exchanges. a fire with his belong. that's near the border with lebanon. israel estimates more than 1000 troops have been wounded in battles with palestinian fighters and over 200 are in serious condition. israel says $1139.00 people were killed during the hamas attacks on october, the 7th, more than half of them civilians. nearly 3000 is really, is were wounded. andrews creek is a senior electra at kings college kings college london school. the security studies you're joining us from london address, is there a lesson to be learned here for the is really military?
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good afternoon. yes. i mean there is, unfortunately so far visually, probably a somewhat been shielded from the real cost of this will. i'm in the button of wolf for the operation button has been shipped to buy these really ministry on the civilian population in garza. and what we see now is that as the is really the operating in the rear as the noise kind of coming to a stalemate. it seems that these really armed forces are now extremely vulnerable for targeting, and it also shows that a must have not been defeated. and the cost of was still there. likely going to rise in these really probably will be ever more exposed to these cost of war. and a single incident such as this, that a fairly small country like is it will have quite a lot of impact on the, on the collective psyche of his raise and put pressure on the government to bring this war to an end and potentially accelerate negotiation. it's benjamin netanyahu responded to this by tweeting quotes, we will not stop until absolute victory. does this goal of absolute victory still make sense from the military standpoint?
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no, absolutely not. i mean, i've say, i've been saying this over 3 months, there is no military solution to this issue into this conflict. the root cause is a political one. it's account in such a deal peroration as to be seen as such. if they wanted to see how much they needed to seek the movement, they need to do this politically. they need to offer something in return to the palestinians. collectively, not as to how much. and from a military point of view, there's literally nothing that can be done. we've seen the complete annihilation of the physical infrastructure of galvan and still how much is finding still, how much has the capability to fire, okay. even if someone in a restraining way at but we see how much i'll purchase, still running around jobs are still being able to avoid open 55 appearing and disappearing, shooting from the rear crating on bushes. and as we seen in that incident, overnight of being able to target is really soldiers with impunity and then disappearing again. what we also know from these really is that for the most part, most part is
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a avoiding open vessels and open 5 fights. even in the urban environment, and hence why is really have the is really numbers of killed. so just has been gonna happen fairly low. well, the number of wounded soldiers also severely more than so jasmine, quite high because what we see today is really sold, you know, being attacked from the reason that emergent booby traps. and this situation is likely going to continue with hundreds of miles of tunnel systems that these really ministry. so what has been unable to destroy and will most likely never be able to destroy it. and hence they are in this kind of situation. and on the window of a wall where they can't get out of. okay, so you say the words unwinnable, they won't be able to destroy from us. there is no military solution yet. that is exactly what israel continues to pursue. so. so in that case, when you're game this out, where do you see this going? but nobody really knows we'd have expected that in december. we wouldn't move to a 2nd phase low intensity stabilization operation which could last over a year. that was the idea of from the idea of, we've seen some movement of,
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of the rotation of the troops as being based and all that. but for the most part, the operations continue with the same intensity intensity full, the civilian population. go that one us the site. and the problem that we, that we see is that you have these as really so just wondering around someone aimlessly on a battlefield in a way that they con when, when there is a political leadership, particularly attorney who doesn't want. this will just don't because he knows it will be the end of his political career. and it's these kind of political considerations inside israel, that kind of big funds, b, i the f, as i said, the civilian population in ga that's to these method risk. and to these threats, and in a war that they come when that is now for the internet community to press on israel tools to mobilize the public and israel to say, look, this won't, will not be winnable, it costs you dealing in terms of blood and treasure and it's in your interest, it's an issue where there's interest to bring this war to an end address king. i beg your pardon, andrews creek senior electra at kings college london school,
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the security studies. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. 8 agencies, a warning of an increasing risk of famine and gaza with more than 90 percent of the population deemed to be at least at a crisis level. many families are facing challenges to get the basic necessities to survive. alex, the valley is the executive director of the world peace foundation. he is also author of mass starvation, the history and future of famine. he says some areas and gaza are now at risk of standing. this one is the, the problems with this. um, this definition is, is that it, it tends to down play the fact, but i imagine see any from crisis, state levels, people already done. there's already a terrible humanitarian crisis that he's taking many, many lives. i've been studying this for, for 40 years, and i've never seen on a high population reduced within the same speed and
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wake up and kind of ruthlessness from a stage of, of being stress cause it was always on the seat, wasn't a terribly fluid secure place. but the entire population being reduced to this stage is, is really unprecedented. we haven't seen anything if your parents don and young and pretty much any anywhere else in, in the world and what it comes about. and the reason why it comes about is because a simons of political acts. and in this case, a military duty is the, the, the wall crime of starvation which is defined as destroying objects, indispensable for the survival, the civilian population, that's food medicine, boltron, sanitation, shelter is being done on a scale that i don't think we have witness anywhere else. in the contemporary world, us officials are calling for an immediate investigation into the shooting of a palestinian american teenager in the occupied westbank palestinian authorities
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a 17 year old. tell fees as jacques was killed by his really troops. patty co hand reports from washington. as there are growing calls for an immediate investigation to the murder of to seek a young, he's the 17 year old american of palestinian descent, who was shot and killed in the occupied west bag and spoke to his uncle. he describes him as respectful and happy and very polite. and he said he was going to have a picnic with some friends. what all of a sudden shots rang out. we have been able to get some more information about this search. certainly a tragic killing by all accounts that we've been able to glean so far. our deepest condolences go to the family. i was 17 years old, just a teenager. so of our thoughts and prayers certainly are with the family and we call on israel to conduct a full thorough, transparent investigation into his killing. it's unclear who fired the shot, whether it was a soldier or
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a settler. now the family says they would like to see an investigation, they'd like to see account ability, but they said, we've heard that before. just doesn't seem to have had to go home. al jazeera washington, an earthquake has damaged more than a $120.00 homes and cut power supplies on the border between china and craig a stand. you have a center of the magnitude 7 point. one tremor wasn't a mountainous area, deep underground soldiers in venezuela or among 32 people, arrested, accused of plotting to assassinate president nicholas madeau, prosecutors say they have all confessed and revealed information about their conspiracy plans backed by the us. arrest warrants have been issued for 11 other suspects, including rights activists and journalists and exile. and if the cost will sit boy effect the writer, we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt. and i emphasize this psychotic of session against the life of the president to venezuela nicholas mate doodle and against the minister of defense general in chief, loaded me up a jury,
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no lopez is going up on a b c. plus you on the, with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency, drug enforcement administration, and the intelligent services of the colombian army. the u. s. supreme court has given the go ahead for the federal agents to remove razor wire on the border with mexico. the state of texas installed the wire at the stump, migrants crossing the border illegally, but the bite and administration argued in court. the texas was preventing agents from carrying out their duties. 5 usual, castro is following developments from washington dc. this was a 54 court decision, which means that 2 can service sided with liberal justices and delivering this major when to the bite and administration essentially which had argued that federal law supersedes state law when it comes to border security enforcement. and so now us border patrol can resume what they were doing when i was last at the border,
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which is cut through this barbed wire fencing that the state of texas had put up along the us border. and in order to help migrants who were stuck on the other side and to provide some time life saving assistance. and we saw the consequences of when us border patrol was not allowed to carry out that duty. last week. there were 3 migraines, a woman, and 2 young children who drowned while they were crossing the river from mexico to the us. us border patrol was not able to help them because they were block from access saying that stretch of the river blocked by the state of texas. so now that the supreme court has said, hold on, the federal government does have the clear authority over this. the us border patrol can do as it sees fit and they sit in these situations. so for now we will see those rescues continue and hopefully less loss of life there along the border.
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a kind of run has become the 1st country now for good to roll out a new malaria vaccines. the children, the world health organization approve the job last year after successful trials and got it in kenya because hacked reports at a small health center on the outskirts of cam ruins capital. yeah, one day, a historic moment. the fight against malaria, a small sara that can save from the deadly parasite is being administered for the 1st time to baby daniella. millions have died of malaria, most or african children. these nurses and doctors have seen parents helpless in the face of their children, suffering, watching them unable to breathe in distress with a high fever, eventually leading to an agonizing death. now that can save lives, thanks to the new n t military of vaccine program being rolled out by cameron's health surfaces. we are in the district with a fairly high prevalence. it should also be remembered that the facts and complements existing measures including impregnated muscular minutes an
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environmental segmentation camera room is offering the r t s s n t malaria vaccine, free of charge to all infants up to the age of 6 month old. it took 50 years of scientific research to develop the vaccine. the challenge has been the new teaching nature of the military parasite. part of the breakthrough came from a tree found in chile. it's substance strengthens intensity of the immune response in the vaccine investigator. and it tells me is behind because it is a disease that is very difficult because it is transmitted by a parasite with a life cycle that's very complicated. we have a vaccine which has demonstrated effectiveness and safety. we have really studied and tested it to be sure there's no side effects that would cause problems with the following the cove. it pen, demik and founded fear the new malaria vaccine seems to be spreading faster than its actual benefits. the challenge for health workers is to convince parents like with
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a stella to the new vaccine to say for their children. and if it decides to mean if it was talked about everywhere, maybe in the media or in communities and people are informed, then i would be more prepared to vaccinate. right now, i feel a little uncomfortable and unsure, the un says that every 2 minutes a child dies of malaria with this new vaccine rollout, this is about to change the small sarah, is a big victory in the fight against a parasite, offering the possibility of saving millions of lives across the world. nicholas hawk elgin's 0. still ahead on down to 0 in spore to make drama the past with a couple of nations as donna throwaway to go lead in stoppage time. details coming up with jim henry's after the break. the business latest is sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant,
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the the business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the the, it's time for sport as promise. with jim and nash chemist joined us in the studio general. thank you, sarah. well, let's start with some of the late to go trauma at the africa, a couple of nations sevens on champions. egypt can see that a 99 committed synchronize. if it still reached the knockout stage at the expense of gone, he threw away a to go laid against mozambique and all that was off to a huge upset. so the highest ivory coast david strikes reports. take the dougherty one great b gilson, tavares' gates and the lead against egypt who were reading from the news that the captain mohammed saw faces at least a few weeks out ended the pharaoh's bank size with
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a volley from the trust the guy and they look to execute the wind and 2nd place with this smoke from a stuff in my head and stuff. it's towing that was a little further into don't we take the employees in the millions, you know, it's minutes. bryant's exact right farming in from atari. tangled to to the final school. but luckily for egypt there was even more like drama in the groups of the game. going. i went into at a time to nail up against most of the beep. and on course for the last 16 but conceded the penalty and then an equalizer, and then 94 minutes went to the back part. it dropped them into 3rd place and with just 2 points they were lucky to go through is one of the full best place, finishes the hosts, ivory coast twice and novice white sea after they were humiliated for neil by equitorial guinea of a public. jeanette with a stunning free kick and emilio and swear oh scored twice take his tournament. tell me to follow you if i ever have to one of the biggest shops and of called history,
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i've read coast. it stood on 3 points with some very disappointed funds. the was the duration is missing things of the situation much design. it's much cool . this is not the i recall, so i knew 10 years ago, i think the federations for design maybe one did the the truck and take over the well, the host nation expresses its frustration. equitorial guinea supports his tense by way into the last 16 the country if just 1600000 people hits through a surprise group when it's ahead of nigeria in 2nd. david stokes out, is there a formal games coming up on tuesday with the defending champions and actions and a goal have already qualified for the last 16 with to insightful. but they'll need at least a troll again, it's going to go through as groups see windows, denny. i need to draw it to guarantee that place in the new accounts that have come
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ring. whatever happens, camry knows that they need to beat down be a to go through on choose day. and group the, the top 2, i'm gonna advocate a fast, so go head to head. well, i'm serious. still chasing that 1st victory are up against mauritania. of the now to the agent why the highest and defending champions castle have coasted into the round of 16, a beach china one now to finish group a with 3 wins out of 3. so how long of it has moved from holly for international state? is there a law happy fund leaving to labor to say there may be can be basically cuts out the host nation when one mil against china was a different sometime makes in the world cup cuts our dumped out in the 1st round of the game. this time they couldn't be any more different. they'd now see occasion with 3 wins out through already knew that we're going through,
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but they go through with a big regular. no, i guess china, they didn't really get off the year end of the top. not too many times, but the from 3 to 2 of them. right? maybe coming in. right. maybe it will be the game by the fun of very, very confident heading into the next room. got all the junk and no one is difficult. everyone is easy. this is so happy and i enjoyed the much very, very much. and i hope that's when the agent come into a law. and the good of the good was so impressive. well, was the grove of the whether
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the that was a dramatic finish to the of the great game and great. i used to just honestly care that place. in the last 16 they fought from a go down to beat 10, my 11 on to one with the winter coming and the 92nd minutes phase with a flash goes full to jake is still unable to. is that fast, asian? cause i'm good enough to 2nd place 7 on the finish button. so out of the 2 minutes late to increase the be australia already through but as back as non compete and to top spot if they win. well, india must be serious. that is a live in the tournaments, iran and the you a beat to determine who wins group see. and palestine still have an outside chance that they can be home call really is a must win match for palestine who are playing a bit, the ongoing role back in the homelands. they sit on one point having last one. i'm drawing one so far. it will be a tough task by considering they've never won a much of the agent caught before. of this go to the over. this is, i mean, we would like to think all the funds will came to support us in our matches our final game against hong kong. going to be
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a difficult one. we have big hopes to qualify us 2nd or as one of the best place, to be honest with you all the players already. and hopefully we will be victorious . novak brokovich, as to when is the way for record extending 11th australian open title. the defending champion is into his 48 grand slam, semi final. after getting passed american taylor fritz. chunk of it just won the icing, sets off to saving 2 set points before fritz hit back to level the match. lots from that the was number one, it took control. so the and wrapping up victory and full sets of to 3 hours and 45 minutes to commit to face younique's center on facebook lab for a place and the find in the women's real ok. golf has made it through to the semi finals in melbourne for the 1st time and have a career. the us open champion was 51 down in the 1st set chickens who cranes logical stuart. and saved to set points before taking it in a tie break. the full seed then roast the seconds before closing out the match. 6
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to golf is now $112.00 consecutive grandson matches. proponents in the 70s will be either defending champion arena, satellite, and co 9 sage ballpark right cheek of a 7 action right now on the flavor arena. sutherland could break out the 1st opportunity on the 2nd seat has taken the opening set 6 games to take 2 minutes to find as well as a full window from this man to joe and bade. he's got 70 points to lead philadelphia to victory over the san antonio spurs. i'm fixing late because the chief went to came on the 18th sound of the 3 of his idle craving, bryant's h one point game to the other places. that's the 2nd best score in game and, and the history and the types of 34 points, one half time. i'm 5933 quarters with one minute 41. at last on the clock leaves raining m vp made this lie up to set a franchise record for the 76 is the posting the 68 points. well chamberlain score
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and 1967 and made was a man you mind right? you got the points on monday as con estimates, house code, 62. so the ministration symbols which break his own franchise records. it was the 1st time in $46.00 is the to fly, as it's called at least 60 points in the m. b a. on the same day, this is points houses, efforts in the face of a recent 128 to 125 out of charlotte hornets towns missing a 3 points are right on the plaza, which wonderful and with his side trailing out, stepped kevin, the right to steal a 1151. so i team victory. the phoenix suns over the chicago bulls with 1.6 seconds left on the clock throughout storing a season high 43 points. sounds when the 6 consecutive game abruptly stopped. when pharaoh may have played his last game for england off to signing a deal to play in front of the 15 seasons at cyrus, soon as he's heading to resting 92 on a to you to that is always support for me. for now, i have more like the german nash with a healthy dose of basketball,
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always grateful for that. thank you very much demo. that's it for me for this hour, fully about 2 boys with you in just a moment. you're in great hands today. what else? the, the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in . the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produced is the best fixes, and those are the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out
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to the world. the oil rich, the rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors, restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st emerge, pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. rocks water was parked, one of 2 on the jersey to as the war was rush of wages on an internal battle. this escalating in ukraine. there will be more p p. s p, there will be flashbacks. many civilians will find it difficult to understand. and one of the biggest mental health crises in living memory mindset can reach the therapist helping ukraine soldiers and their families. what is the desired outcome
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for the patients to come to the store? to make a person want to live? come with me. we can unplug everything together. everything will be fine. mindset episode to, oh no, just thinking about the . ready scenes of panic in con eunice display spanish to me as a desperately trying to escape from the relentless has really been by the play. you're watching l g 0 live from to how with me for the back. people also coming out the worst single day for is really soldiers in gaza since the war began


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