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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to come with me, we can impact everything together. everything will be fine. mindset episode to oh no, just thinking about the scenes of panic in con eunice display spanish to me as a desperately trying to escape from the relentless he's really been by the play you're watching l g 0 live from to how with me for the back. people also coming out the worst single day for is really soldiers in gaza since the war began at least 20 full have been killed. he's really forces storm several towns across
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the occupied westbank with reports. a number of policies have been assaulted and the us and u. k. conducts more strikes on who's the positions in yemen? targeting on the ground to me, science storage site, the the faces 11 gmc, that's 1 pm in guys are where israel has launched more heavy bombardment of the southern part of the strip. at least $295.00 students have been killed in the past 24 hours. the strikes are still targeting con eunice. these really ground operation is expanding the pushing mo tyler sims to fee for this house to rafa. is there any forces that targeting hospitals, ambulances and schools in the city, with thousands of civilians, a sheltering, they are locked in intense bottles with policy and fighters in northern guys and yet jamalia. is there any time central present in all these areas highlighted in
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red in the north and south of guys? these really ami, meanwhile, as that is the worst day since launching is ground invasion, at least 24. the soldiers were killed in gaza. 21 of them in a single attack. 5 minutes at benjamin this yell was older than any investigation since the ground invasion started back in late october. and these 210 is ready. soldiers have been killed and gas that will get more reaction on the death of these really soldiers from stephanie deco isn't occupied, easter was me, but 1st we go to honey my mode for an update on the situation in gaza. so honey continued attacks against health workers, the policy in red, crescent saying that has come under attack again. talk to us about what's been happening in these last few hours. yes, well this is not the 1st time uh to turn the bull health facility uh run by the palestinian
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rick ruffin society been under attack. in fact, within the past few weeks, it was a targeted the not only the headquarter but also a the, a hospital that is managed and operated by the society itself as well as the emergency ambulance department. this is a medical complex in a little district, that's the western part of time unit. the largest is designated and described as a safe zone for people with the fact that we're seeing health facilities being a direct beating, targeted direct. i mean, it just gives the impression that the health care system, whether it's public works at private, be on a run by a chart of an organization is under attack and further a cripple, the health care system across the gaza strip. deep uh, the risk, the policy, the rig preston, society on the hospital its as operating and managing was it providing vital support and assistance do not their hospital. the largest health facility in han
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you and has been, has been very overwhelmed as there is a phenomenal of injuries and large number of evacuated. they've been a display since the beginning. the word shows are and inside the medical supplies are really sure and not there has to go where partially provided by uh, by uh, a hospital and by the house then read the crescent society. but as of now, there are confirm reports of, of massive relentless or colors showing an error strikes within the vicinity of both nonsense hospital. and i'm in the hospital as well as miss mount round about the western parts of hon. you and is city. we're looking at the city that has been there was a larger, designated as saves on the initial weeks of the work. now turned into a seat of devastation on suffering. not only on the civilian side of it, but also in terms of public facilities like hospitals and schools and academic
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institution hunting. thank you for the update, honey, my mood life for us the, an uh, rough uh, in 7 guys are less crossover now to stephanie decker. in occupied eastern has them . stephanie 21 is really soldiers killed in a single attack. some of the funerals have been held in jerusalem. what more for us do we know about the circumstances of this attack? of the yes, the army specified that they were in the process of laying explosives in a hole in a house to designate that to make sure that how modifiers could not use it. this is according to reports by these radio army and then said that an r p g. a rocket propelled grenade was fired at a tank in the area that was securing the area. and then that the explosive happened . and then in the words of the ministry, they say that probably this was another r p g. it doesn't seem to be exactly clear you mentioned. they're also in the intro that these are the prime minister. has said that there will be an investigation that they will learn from this to make sure to ensure uh, and in his words,
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the safety of our heroes. it has of course, come as particularly devastating use here to israel. we've had statements of condolences, heartfelt from the president and from the defense minister and from the prime minister. so there is an investigation, but certainly that is, as you mentioned there, the deadliest, the single most dead used incident since the ground offensive began. and we also had, you know, the warnings from these are the administer of defense who i got on on sunday when they announced this massive push. and then around high newness and the ministry announcing now that they have surround just kind of news that it would be a very difficult flight. as this has happened, stephanie, this continued talk about israel and how modest negotiations about a possible new d. o. where do things stand as far as that's concerned? yes, there's been leaks throughout the weeks about specifics about what is on the table
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. the latest we understand week over night to these really media through these really media did was these are all that was proposing a to months cyst ation opportunities in return for the release of all the hostages in batches in 3 different stages. first of all, that would be women and those over 60 ending with is really soldiers and bodies. now they also talk about things like a re deployment of as really troops away from some urban areas. so that palestinians can return the question, of course is, what are they going to be returning to the public stones of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been that there would be no negotiations if this was going to be operators militarily and her masses away said that it needs a total end to the war before it will agree on any release of captives. you're also having leaks now, reports that we have also seen in the pos, from other sources that they're talking about, the potential exile of how my leaders out of gauze after this. and i think these
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are all extremely complicated negotiations. i think what is clear funny is that they are to ok. i please, the lines of negotiation remain open whether they can actually achieve something. we're going to have to wait and see. this is of course, now day a 1094 months into this war. thank you stephanie full of, as stephanie deca reporting a line from occupied these 2 said, well, kinda which has been leading negotiations between israel and homos as mediation efforts to end the war. and guys that are ongoing, but the ford ministry says negotiations are increasing in complexity. stipulate we're talking about if we had a lot, we believe that the main game, the views with low so is not an easy task yet. especially at the more the bed war is grinding guys of the more challenged will be paid away from day one. they've gotten has never been a negative media to simply, well, i'm not conveying messages. being the parties on the continent. we are taking
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positive initiative. we are submitting proposals, this was the case in the previous throws and our efforts that are being done would continue in this direction. oh, just here is hash. i had a buyer. joys does not lie from catalyst. foreign ministry here in doha has been, we've just had a news conference from the foreign ministry spokesman. imagine though, i'm sorry what more of the country saying about a possible new deal between israel and hamas while for the past, the spokes person of that, that's all the minutes are following up as defined by zone. sorry, all the reports suggesting that these writers have sent you a proposal, so the apologies, based on a 2 month fighting polls and exchange for the release of captives and possibly a huge number of policies. and this was his and so those we both are either exaggerated or inaccurate. however,
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he did say that the choice now between have mass and is well broke it by the outside is have reached an extremely critical face to the point where he said, i cannot have this particular moment elaborate on the very details of those uh, talks about a potential a deal, but the tom is still insist this fine. the 2 key elements that have to be addressed. they would like to see something based on a very solid ground. and this explains why the yet trying to convince both parties on the need of an agreement on the duration of the both how not says and they did in the future. it has to be based on a permanency is biased. something that has been so far dismissed by the is valid, but then a good. what else to the problem as though inside the on what's next? he said, i remain hopeful, but not really up to mistake about something to happen any time soon because of
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a huge differences about the modalities of the agreement. but i also have to say that the upside is, for example, dismiss. the recent statesman is by these right department. as a i said that he continues to oppose the a, the start listening over about his senior state space and as of a, his right of 40 minutes to suggest in the potential for sending the people of guys into an artificial island in the, in the mediterranean bank, i'm sorry. say that it's about time for something to be conducive to do for that to happen. we need genuine commitments. and one of the key components of a dave to happen in the near future would be, is ryan accepting the notion of a policy viable policy in state to be established? him thank you very much for that hush. in my head of our lives day from catalyst for an ministry hearing don't. meanwhile, britain's foreign secretary says, hosting attacks on shapes and the rest of the unacceptable and illegal david cameron's commons follow another series of strikes by us and british forces
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targeting suspected weapons sites and yemen. local media report multiple strikes around the capitol. so not including an ad base and military cap. the southwestern province of ties was also targeted stimulus strikes were launched earlier this month in response to jose miss side and june attacks on shipping in the red sea. well, the who is doing is unacceptable. it's illegal at it's threatening the freedom of navigation. that's why we've taken the action alongside that action is a whole set of bases will be taking including sections, some of the pressure to put on the who sees combined. of course, with the action the royal navy is taking with others in the red sea as go live. so really challenges in london. very some tough talk the from the british foreign secretary. what's the strategy as well? i can tell you more about the, the, the details of the strikes i file. we basically has a h rounds of strikes,
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sofa against the who sees this is that the 2nd round that the u. k has been involved in with the us, the others since generate the 11th. i have been just the last rule us action. now the strikes that we're for already have tie foods that so that parts and then later on sides 5 subjects from the us as i, as in the how a carrier and the u. k. minute 3 is saying that they were using precision guided munitions against the various targets most to be concentrated around. and that feels good in sign of the the us the saying that with 8 strikes and title right targets and title that they use 25 to to the seats. missions thursdays themselves. i've that i've counted up that to 18 a particular individual strikes, the target sway being told by the us. and that you came in a tree and created missile systems and launches the defense systems radars and
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deeply buried width in storage facilities. no mention yet from either side of any civilian a whole minute, 3 casualties. now as to the strategy. well, as we heard the from lord cameron, it seems to be a large part of it is about messaging about sending the message as a. but that's the, who's the tax on the shipping in the red se is unacceptable. the americans are also saying that a big part of this is about degradation. they're trying to weigh down the, who sees a minute, treat capabilities. having said that, the who's these are still able to carry out the tax and the so far they have been doing so. so the dimensions of the us and these have taken so far have not stopped the heard these attacks on, on read. so you shipping perhaps that is because both sides of thank get of the americans and the and the us in the u. k. all worried about his relations. i don't want this blowing up into a regional,
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a wide conflagration setting from the war in and gaza. so there were sanctions that die retirement, so it's about that as ministry x as well babies. but at honda saying that whatever happens going forward, they all going to carry on their attacks and they can respond. so these are my spacing strides pro a challenge and not and thank you for that. it's a still head on algebra. i'm not so sure in manchester, new hampshire, which could be the scene of the last real bucks in the republican presidential nomination site. the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of
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facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive the task protection that seen as convocation inside story on al jazeera and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question, professor applies unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit with offers. world permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. all now to 0. the
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welcome back. these are a top stories on ologist sierra this, our israel has intensified its bombing campaign. in con eunice, at least 66 people have been killed in the last 24 hours in the southern city in gaza. is there any ground operations or expanding that for single palestinians to see further south toward israel has been holding funerals for soldiers killed in combat in gaza at least 24 were killed in the past day. 21 of them in a single attack is really ami, has described it as the voice space tens, launching is ground invasion and caught tasks for in most research efforts to reach a cease fire in guys out. ongoing spokesman says these really yes. right. so i'm
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making those negotiations more difficult and he's ready for his have carried out operations in several towns across the occupied westbank in all your moving west of jeanine fighting broke out between palestinian and he's really forces. these are the army also targeted? the city of novelist, a heart, a village, the best for him and the blind to refuge account. at least one person was injured in bait for book needs at abraham as well from novelist see me occupied with specs and the raid started late on monday and continued all through the morning of tuesday in depth, different and several areas in the occupied westbank you so is really forces in nablus in gene in to cut him in bethlehem and have run so really no place has saved from those continued is really rates and in the town of iraq, just near jeanine and the north of the occupies the west bank. these really forces have shots, a palestinian, a 17 year old to the abdomen,
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has been announced that lease or buy the medical sources, and we are expecting a funeral to take place today as well. when we talk about those ways, we're not just talking about what these really forces say is a rust operations. but we've been seeing a lot of last the tensions of palestinians, field interrogations, run sacking of homes, as well as preventing palestinians from going about their daily lives. basically, palestinians, the numbers of those who have been killed since october. the 7th in the occupied to us bank alone has reached 370 palestinians. this gives you an idea about the incense situation here about that. what palestinians say is, the continued is really terror against them against their lives. but that is also putting a tools on the economy as well as take a look at some of the days of in use and rushes. military has launches,
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writes on the crating and cities of keys and car keys. at least 6 people were killed and 70 injured when a miss time hate, a residential street damage and buildings and setting pumped cars on fire. the attacks led to partial disruption in electricity and water supply. alger 0 is rob mcbride has the latest on keith. steve crane, you know, sorry to say a range of different crews and ballistic missiles were used in these early morning attacks. choose a coming in waves, direct to the various targets across the ukraine. here in the capital keith at daybreak, there was a series of fun dress explosions around a dozen and all as a defense. he's got to look into setting incoming missiles that were being detected and around 4 or 5 districts across the city and quite close to the, at the center here in cape. and they were reports of damage and casualties. as debris was folding from the,
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from the skies and also missiles folding in different places. we also hearing about the damage to a targeting cod key bundle so popular right with a damage and casualties in those places. these strikes are being continuing back, couldn't fools pretty consistently throughout these winter months keep was targeted by large thrown and missile strikes around the end of december and the ton of new year. and in the past few days, ukrainians have been reporting the use of long range drones against targets, as far north as russia's baltic sea coast. and this does seem to be a reminder from most coke that it can strike targets wherever it wants, anywhere across the plain rubber broad. i'll just say eric keith. and there is quite has damage, more than a 120 homes and top power supplies on the border between china and curious on the epi center of the magnitude 7 point one time it was in a mountainous area,
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deep on the ground to the us. uh, where the 1st primary of the 2024 nominating contest has begun. as its tradition. the 1st votes were cast in dick's. they'll knocked in new hampshire all the time. 6 registered voters cas at ballad. for, for me, you in a box that are nikki haley, republican live, or former price, and donald trump didn't get any votes. new hampshire is always 1st on the primary calendar, despite being one of the smallest to a states. much of it is because of tradition, the states election laws require a to be 1st winning in new hampshire can breathe life into a campaign of to set back in iowa as it did for donald trump in 2016. his 1st primary when, but losing in new hampshire doesn't necessarily spell disaster for a presidential campaign. bill clinton, george w bush, and brock obama o. last the said before going on to win the white house present, joe biden won't be on the ballot in new hampshire. this time, the democratic party has decided south carolina, but hold
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a 1st primary because of its more diverse population. out in fisher has more on the primary from the biggest states in new hampshire. it's not just the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition between healy is trying to generate heat. in a campaign republican voters have so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here, she has to convince voters. she can be trump on the pipe. she has to convince voters like marie quarter good, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets a support. and the primary reason nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my, you know, i wanted the one fiscal responsibility, but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running, who i don't think has dip their toe and the milk pilot for a very long time and are very braces and they're, they're flame source. prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is
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a hate and the republican race despite his troubles elsewhere. 91 indictment silver for criminal cases. but when hear that at all, but seals the nomination trumpet. so essentially, you know, weaponized his shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him as an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be with me for the democrats, there's essentially new context. there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administration. stands on this, these 5, but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys. and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for
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human humanity or in sees fire. but you can veto my vote because haley set high expectations in new hampshire. but every polls, so it's donald trump, significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls, vicki healy isn't the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure. i'll just do that much as the the us supreme court has given the go ahead for federal agents to remove, raise a wire on the border with mexico. the state of texas installed the wireless not migraines. crossing the border illegally. the binding administration argued in court that texas west preventing agents from carrying out their duties. washington is also challenging texas over the building of barriers in the rio grande river, which are also designed to stop migrants. heidi to castro has more from washington a. this is a 5 for court decision which means that 2 can service sided with liberal justices
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and delivering this major when to the bite and administration essentially which had argue that federal law supersedes state law when it comes to border security enforcement. and so now us border patrol can resume what they were doing when i was last at the border, which is cut through this barbed wire fencing that the state of texas had put up along the us border. and in order to help migrants who were stuck on the other side and to provide some time life saving assistance. and we saw the consequences of when us border patrol was not allowed to carry out that duty. last week. there were 3 migraines, a woman, and 2 young children who drowned while they were crossing the river from mexico to the us. us border patrol was not able to help them because they were blocked from access saying that stretch of the river blocked by the state of texas. so now that
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the supreme court has said, hold on, the federal government does have the clear authority over this. the us border patrol can do as it sees fit and they sit in these situations. so for now we will see those rescues continue and hopefully less loss of life there along the border. the soldiers in venezuela are among 32 people, arrested, accused of frauding to assassinate president, my doro, prosecutor said they all confessed and revealed information about the conspiracy funds. arrest warrants have been issued for either 11 of the suspects and if it cancels that boy sucked, we were able to dismantle a terrorist group whose purpose was to attempt and emphasize this psychotic of session against the life of the president of venezuela, nicholas mcdougal, and against the minister of defense general in chief, letting me up a jury, no lopez, you're not going to part of dc, pass you on with the direct participation of the us central intelligence agency,
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drug enforcement administration, and the intelligence services of the colombian army, and see the columbia i know that the news went out on alger 0. that's it for me, for the back to both stay with us. the weather is next and then inside story. thank you very much for the the a warm welcome to you. let's go with your world's weather update. and right off of that, we've got to start with some bad news, a snow storm coming in to japan. so kind of island. this is going to impacts the portal already seen that snow falling on wednesday, but in this is sick of it on thursday. not snow but cold. we're talking about across china. so colors are on dark blue and the purple, the lower the temperature. all of these places below where they should be for this time of the year. look at hong kong, waking up to 7 degrees on wednesday. factor in the wind. it's feeling closer to 0.
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by the afternoon, you'll bounce back to 12 under a mostly cloudy sky. here, this is a bit of unusual rain falling in eastern india in the states of, of dish of already we've seen about a months worth of rain here. and there is more to come on wednesday. why certainly disturbances working across the ron, it will eventually pushing the focused on this will mean snow for the snow, starve to mountains, up and down the country here to the middle east we go, we've got a heat wave going out and through the gulf states, we'll come back to that in a 2nd, but disturbed weather through the event. and there's that was really disturbance moving out of iraq pushing into it on. so for the heat wave in the golf all has to do with a southerly winter. eric waits up to 31 degrees on wednesday, which is 10 above where you should be for this something here. the ballistic seek immediate. it feels like something is wrong,
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the closest it has ever been to midnight. they won't be met with fire and security rise. anxiety, are you doing scrolling, radio tape, or i'd like to select? exploring how x is central threats to life impact the human psyche apocalypse may be coming soon. on outsourcing the european union. foreign ministers meet to discuss the red sea crisis. the war on garza and ukraine says unity on some issues, but shop division on others. is it possible for the block of 27 states to have a shadow meaningful foreign policy? this is inside story, the .


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