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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the scenes of panic in hon. eunice displaced, palestinians desperately trying to escape from the is really bombardment. the i'm sort of a good to have you with this. this is elsa 0. live from the also coming up the worst single day. last for is really soldiers and gaza since the war began, at least 24 had been killed. the us and u. k. conduct more air strikes on who's the positions in yemen, targeting underground missile storage sites,
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and voting to the next us republican presidential nominee gets underway in new hampshire. it's donald trump versus nikki haley. the beginning garza in the southern city of han, eunice were palestinians. a desperately trying to escape is really a tax. troops are firing their hospitals, causing panic among displaced people who been taking shelter in the facilities is really forces have in circled hon. eunice and our reports, the soldiers are shooting at some of the people or trying to get out. also the is really army has had its worst day since launching is ground invasion. at least $24.00 soldiers were killed in gauze at $21.00 of them in a single attack. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu has ordered an investigation since the ground invasion started back in october at least $210.00 is really soldiers have been killed. will be getting more reaction on the depths of those soldiers from hold out. they'll meet in just a moment 1st. so let's go to you, honey. my mood,
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you're in russia in southern gaza that is really forced. they say that they are now in circling, sun newness, gaza 2nd largest city. what can you tell us? yes. well in an earlier seat meant that they are the hours of this morning visit really military. i stated dotted roots. 1 the ground had in a circle, the city of the afford that have resulted in 10. and i think any further civilian casualties and more displacement to palestinians, particularly those who are in densely populated area within the vicinity of nasir hospitalized or allowed further western part of the city around the freight and the japanese, the neighborhood all the way on around the las evacuation is on now,
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this is a by declaring that in the full stage of the city of hon. eunice, this really military, how to effectively cut off hon. units of from the remaining parts of the, the gaza strip. that there is nothing going in the city and nothing going out and people find it very difficult to leave. the area of that house have been under heavy bombardment since the attacks of overnight and nearly hours of this morning. we nearly talked about the area around the vicinity of nothin hospital in a high. yesterday's statement is really military alleged that there were a buyers coming in from around the hospital in one particular facility inside the house of adults. but this hasn't been verified independently and just it been making people sending waves of concern that this is the beginning of predict for the military to storm. the hospital is similar to the scenario that took place in garza around the super hospital and the indonesian hospital for the northern part
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of the gall this trip honey. my mood reporting from rosset in the gaza strip. thank you very much. as bringing ahold of bill hamid intel, of the hood, a $21.00 is really soldiers were killed in one single attack. 24 were killed on monday. overall. what happened in that attack? how did that happen? that's really something is really that trying to come to terms with but according to the ministry that only just confirmed that high number of casualties this morning, even though they were rumors going around israel since last night. so these are 2 separate incentives, and one of them did 21, so just lost their lives. they were hit by to rocket propelled grenades. now, there was a large number of soldiers together because they were actually mining with the old
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putting explosive around buildings to demolish them. so what brought the pop up when i hit a 1st group of soldiers and then the others hit, the other one hit the building and they were soldiers inside of the building, collapses of them. now the set and then another incident, this was also a near hi nunez. and again, they came, the 3 came under a rocket propelled grenade attack. now they wasn't in general, a large number of soldiers in the area surrounding the news for 2 reasons. one is because is ro submitted to says that is going after, how much a new this, which is the it says is the last stronghold of how much in gaza. but also because israel is going to create a buffer zone between its border fads and whatever livable area it will allow the palestinians. and that is something that's happy that each will but this time is good. it'd be a much larger know,
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man zone or what's been the reaction so foreigners, real a, to this attack that caused the death of 21 is really soldiers where i think is really is uh, you know, that in the state of shock than the state of grief, as you mean, the numbers of beds among the among the soldiers has been increasing steadily since the beginning of the war. but this one is a bit a, it's a big stroke. actually, i would say it to, to choose re lease. maybe also this thinking that realization that you know old as military power is not actually achieving much at the moment. nothing tangible. the hostages as to how the, by the captives are there. i still have by have mosse in gaza. and the numbers of soldiers that are losing their lives is increasing. and when such large incidence happens, susan needs
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a moment of reckoning for many as railways. and i would think that that would continue putting pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu menu asking, where is this war going? what's the ultimate goal of it? and when with the captives held in guys a be able to return home. and i think i've just such as it is, you'll just see an increase in that pressure on him. hold up, they'll need reporting from telling me. thank you very much. photo. no guitar says mediation efforts to end the war and gaza are ongoing. but the foreign ministry says negotiations are increasing and complexity a degree we're talking about if we had a lot, we believe that the headaches, banging the views with low. so this is not an easy task yet, especially at the more the bed war is grinding guys. that the more challenges will be paid away from day one. they've gotten has never been a negative media to simply, i'm not conveying messages. being the parties on the continuity,
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we are taking positive initiative. we are submitting proposals. this was the case in the previous throws and our efforts that are being done would continue in this direction. awesome, i hope are as live for us as guitar as foreign ministry in doha. show me, you have followed all the negotiations that have taken place. those that worked out, those that didn't work out since the very beginning. do you feel you are able to discern where we are right now in this negotiating process? are we anywhere near the deal? well, of us the cooks, i suppose the best of the music floated up as if somebody is on study. exactly that same question survey then he said, who means hopeful that's ultimately the way come up with it. but the remains says not optimistic on something that could happen any time soon because of a, here's differences between these bodies and how nice all of them with data to of the next deal. i've asked him about those report suggesting that these writers have
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presented a new proposal to the authorities based on the idea of a 2 month of y. 2 full is that exchange for the release of the $113.00 is riley cop 2. that would be photos by also the varieties of a big number. it was a variety of bodies in at present. nose is violet james. and he said, most of those reports i the exaggerate, to or inaccurate. but he did say it does. it talks broken by a todd is between how most of these writers have reached a critical stage of it for the outside is not going to be combined single, the very specifics, right? that's how one of us today we're doing this, then what is the key element of these tools? which is basically, is it going to be based on a ceasefire? a prolong seized by or not? how not say if there's no prolong, sees, but there's not going to be a deal. all right, that's where things stand right now. that's what we know, and there's
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a lot of questions still pending about this. but passion will fill us in as soon as he gets more information, how can i help our thank you very much. is really forces have carried out operations in several towns across the occupied west bank. and now you're moving west of jeanine fighting broke out between palestinians that is really forces these really army also targeted. the city of novelist hold or a village near bethlehem and the block, the refugee camp. at least one person was injured in bait for route. britain, as far as the secretary says, who is the attacks on ships and the red sea are unacceptable and illegal. david cameron's comments follow another series of strikes by us and british forces targeting suspected weapons sites and yemen. local media report multiple strikes around the capital sonata, including an air base and military camp. the south west and province of ties was also targeted. similar strikes were launched earlier this month in response to who's the mist island drone, a tax on shipping in the red sea. well,
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this is doing is unacceptable. it's illegal at it's threatening the freedom of navigation. that's why we've taken the action alongside that action as a whole set of bases will be taking including sections, some of the pressure to put on the who sees combined, of course, with the action the role navy is taking with others in the red sea is going to london, very challenge is standing by there for us. what more details can you bring us about this latest round of strikes on who the targets? this will serial. there is now being it's rounds of strikes on who's the talk. it's since the us and the guys 1st launched the arrow tax on january the 11th. now the u. k. was already involved in the 1st of those rounds of strikes and this most recent, the other ones have been taken unit last rate on the last already by the united states. this one we have for us. so for our f type food fights is
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company. us planes from the eyes in house, which was uh, an as an ad across carrier, for one of the largest acro carriers that us has, there was supports in other ways from australia, but right in canada and the netherlands as well. but i mean the us and u. k. planes actually taking part in the industry likes themselves. we're being told that they use a precision precision guided munitions that to mandatory sites in the vicinity of santa feels were hit by the u. k. a. the us says that there was a strike locations in title, including me, solid systems, and launches and defense systems radars, and the battery weapons storage facilities for the measurements. we don't have any idea yes about whether that was a civilian casualties, but whose these haven't said so and said to us that you probably haven't said so. even laurie, you know, i'm mindful of the fact that the us president joe biden said only a few days ago, he was asked whether these strikes by the us and the u. k. on with the targets was,
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were working and he said in terms of detouring them from attacking the red sea. no, no, they're not having an impact or not working his words. so i'm wondering in light of that, what is the strategy here? a yeah, it's a good question that i think the us on the u. k. off trying to strike a rather difficult balance, perhaps an impossible one because clearly they all want rage. they are very can do to about being wide of escalation in the region. they don't want the gauze of war supply, walk into a why the regional conflagration that's going to pull in iran, that's going to put it into saudis. that's going to put in other countries around the, the, the arabian peninsula and in spite of the owns. so they want to send a message to the who is these? that's what the who things are doing in the red sea is not acceptable as we just
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had that from, from david cameron. but this is not an oil analysis sold. so yes, they are trying to degrades that who these minute treat capabilities, but this is a much about doing something as it is anything else. and that's perhaps why we got that resignation in the, in the words of choice by them that you know what bad doing isn't yet having the desired effects, the hurt these themselves the same. they're going to carry on doing these attacks. and they say they all going to respond to the latest round of strides sites. if the u. k. into us is how you're paying to degrades the heat these to the point that they con, carry out this, these strikes these attacks on red c shipping. they haven't reached that point yet . it, thank you very much where we, that's all really useful explanation in context as we try to understand these incremental attacks on who the targets. thank you very much. i or us officials or calling for an investigation into the shooting of the palestinian american teenager in the occupied westbank listing and authorities
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a 17 year old co fees as jock was killed by his really troops. patty cole, hain reports from washington. there are growing calls for an immediate investigation to the murder of to speak as young. he's the 17 year old american of palestinian descent, who was shot and killed in the occupied was vague. i spoke to his uncle, he describes him as respectful and happy, and very polite. and he said he was going to have a picnic with some friends with all of a sudden, shots rang out. we have been able to get some more information about this search. certainly a tragic killing by all accounts that we've been able to glean so far. our deepest condolences go to the family. i was 17 years old, just a teenager, so of our thoughts and prayers certainly are with the family and we call on israel to conduct the full thorough transparent investigation into his killing. it's unclear who fired the shot, whether it was a soldier or a settler. now, the family says they would like to see an investigation,
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they'd like to see accountability, but they said, we've heard that before, just doesn't seem to have had equal, hey elda 0 washington, still a head on elsa. 0 attacks on a residential street. dozens of people have been wounded in russian strikes on ukraine. stay with the the hey there, a lot of ground to cover in this one across the americas. so let's go. there were slick spots out on the roads there in st. louis missouri, we had a little bit of an ice storm there, so that fire truck losing control. another round of rain here coming and being amplified by this free is this more start off the golf here. so rain for texas, louisiana, and arkansas. mostly claudia. they though fort missouri now for san diego in southern california, we saw that a months worth of rain in the span of
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a few hours when his january date on record there, a state of emergency has been declared. now the good news is those rains have petered out today on tuesday, it's moved eastward, but here comes another round of rain off the pacific. this will impact northern and central california. by the time we get to wednesday, keeping with the theme of flooding, northern dominican republic, port to apply to hundreds of homes destroyed there because of floods. let's go to south america right now. been dealing with wildfire is a ne, columbia close to the border with finished. sweet la wildfire is also a concern just to the south of santiago and looking at all this heat. we've got come with our roof. it. that'd be a $36.00 and you're going to be locked into a weeks long heat wave of lending canada. we've got a warm breeze for calgary, so that pops up to 6 degrees and about 5 centimeters of snow coming for toronto, that's it. the president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis,
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but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line for those simply focus on the politics of the conflict is the human suffering that the reports are? we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. the the you're watching else is 0. and are of our headlines this hours, palestinians in fine units are desperately trying to escape is really a tax troop 7 circle the city and there are reports. the soldiers are shooting and
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some of the people who are trying to get out. israel is holding funerals for soldiers killed in combat, garza, at least 24 soldiers were killed during the past day. 21 of them and a single attack. it's the single worst states in the army since its round invasion began in late october. the guitar, u foreign ministry says that efforts to reach a ceasefire in gauze or ongoing spokesman says it's really airstrikes or making those negotiations difficult. living on is wondering against is really attempts to drag the country into a broader war by expanding its attacks and the south of the country is realized. demanding has the law forces pull back from the border and says, a unilateral cease, fire will not be enough. st. ahold are reports from the cora in southern lebanon, or is waiting for us to say they are targeting has been laws, military infrastructure at times. that means homes in border villages, officials in southern lebanon say, up to 250, have been destroyed,
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and 6000 others damaged along the 120 kilometer porter. and the past 4 months of fighting as well appears to be creating a new reality. it says it doesn't want it's northern border to be vulnerable as its southern one was when the published and in good thomas attacked in october. there's really swans, hezbollah forces to pull back as the house of the it's of tax is right? is trying to push the resistance kilometers away from the border. and it's the we need by force displacement, but slowly meter by you need to, but it won't be able to achieve this problem. the streets in villages in southern lebanon are empty. officials say that around 80000 people close to the border have been displaced. daily life has been disrupted, but the handful of those who stayed are defiant. by all this the phone number 5, they have tried to send the best. nothing will make us leaf,
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not the place of tilly doors or wide fos for us. we will remain that fast because this is overlap. it is easily also should be a freight so for the warring sides have confined to tax to military targets. but nearly 30 civilians, including journalists, have been killed. officials here are warning against as well as attempts to drag 11 on into a broader war. they accuse us of expanding the scope of its attacks while threatening and promoting proposals that are rejected, such as pushing hezbollah, north of the latania river, which is about 25 kilometers from the border. a has a bullet, says, is really threats to expand. the conflict are just rhetoric and pressure to reach a deal, but as well has escalated its fight against the group. and for now, at least at this, trying to destroy the party strength south of the tawny river center for their elsa 0 southern left and on
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the line. now to take a look at some of the days, other news, the russian military has launched their strikes on the ukrainian cities of keys and hockey. at least 6 people were killed and 70 injured when a messiah hit, the residential streets, damaging buildings and setting parks cars on fire. the attacks let the partial disruptions in electricity and water supply. what rob mcbride has the latest from keith, steve crane, you know, sorry to say a range of different crews and ballistic missiles were used in these early morning attacks. choose a coming in waves, direct to the various targets across the ukraine. here in the capital keith at daybreak, there was a series of fun dress explosions around a 1000 in all as a defense. he's got to look into setting incoming missiles that were being detected and around 4 or 5 districts across the city and quite close to the, at the center here in cape. and there were reports of damage and casualties,
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as debris was folding from the, from the skies and also missiles folding in different places. we also hearing about the damage to a targeting cod key and also popular right with a damage and casualties in those places. these strikes have being continuing back, couldn't full pretty consistently throughout these winter months. keith was targeted by large, thrown and missile strikes around the end of december and the ton of new year. and in the past few days, ukrainians have been reporting the use of long range drones against targets as far north as rushes baltic sea coast. and this does seem to be a reminder from most coke that it can strike targets wherever it wants, anywhere across ukraine, rubber broad. i'll just say eric keith is staying with this. russia has called a meeting at the united nations security council to discuss its claims that the
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west is providing weapons to ukraine that are killing civilians. it's the 11th time since the start of the war that moscow has raised the issue with the security council. gabriel, that was on the reports from un headquarters in new york, an attack on belgrade russia on december 30th last year. local officials claimed it 25 civilians were killed, and more than 100 others were wounded in the attack. on sunday, in russia control don esc, 27, others were reportedly killed and dozens injured in rocket attacks on a busy market and shops, russia, plains, ukraine for both attacks. at a un security council meeting, rushes for administer accused the west of providing ukraine with the weapons it says are being used to kill civilians. the blood of dozens of killed civilians is on the conscience of those who armed zalinski insane. at the same time that the authorities and keep cut themselves determine what the goals for the strikes will be. before the meeting,
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ukraine's ambassador to the un took the opportunity to flank himself with a investors from allied countries and assign of unity. in the meeting, he said, the weapons are being used for self defense and against russian aggression. it is an imperative to underscore, it's ross has determination to inflict harm on ukrainian. civilians has not diminished. on the contrary, it has intensified significantly during the briefing, a date, a g e bowl and un official that deals with disarmament issues stress the need to in the use of cluster munitions. in this conflict. by all sides, the united states transferred cluster munitions to ukraine last year. and human rights groups have documented how that weapon has been used to kill or injure innocent civilians. ukraine has received over 100000000000 and military aid since the conflict began. 44000000000 alone from the united states,
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nearly 2 years after the war started still deep disagreements over which weapons and from what countries are being used to wage this war. gabriel is under. how do you see here at united nations in new york? the 1st us primary of the 2024 nominating contest is underway. holes have opened in the state of new hampshire, which is holding 2 separate primary elections. one for the democratic party and other for republicans. on the republican side. earlier in the town of dick's bill, not all 6 registered voters cast their ballots for former un ambassador nikki haley allen special reports from manchester, new hampshire, as the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition. mickey healy is trying to generate heat in a campaign. republican voters have so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here. she has to convince voters. she can be trump on the pipe. she has to convince both of us like marie corbett,
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who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets a support. and the primary reason nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my, you know, i wanted the one fiscal responsibility, but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through. i don't think has diff. they're telling them no 1st time this for a very long time and are very braces and they did their flames or prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is a hate and the republican race, despite his troubles elsewhere. 91 indictments, so were for criminal cases. but when hear that at all, but seals denomination trumpet. so essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him. it's an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican,
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you have to be waiting for the democrats. there's essentially no contest. there's a primary. but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina, as the 1st proper primary to the current administration. stand on this, these 5, but one of bikers policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's warning guys. and one group is doing a protest on valid forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity, ramsay's fire. but you can veto my vote because healy set high. busy expectations in new hampshire, but every polls. so it's donald trump, significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls, vicki healy isn't the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure. i'll just do that much as the us supreme court has given the go ahead for federal
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agents to remove the razor wire on the border with mexico. the state of texas installed the wire to stop migrants crossing the border illegally. but the bite and administration argued in court, the texas was preventing agents from carrying out their duties. washington is also challenging texas over the building of barriers in the rio grande river, which are also designed to stop migrants. i do show castro is following developments on this from washington dc. a. this is a 5 for court decision which means that 2 can service sided with liberal justices and delivering this major when to the bite and administration. essentially, which had argue that federal law supersedes state law when it comes to border security enforcement. and so now us border patrol can resume what they were doing when i was last at the border, which is cut through this barbed wire fencing that the state of texas had put up along the us border. and in order to help migrants who were stuck on the other side
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and to provide some time life saving assistance. and we saw the consequences of when us border patrol was not allowed to carry out that duty last week. there were 3 migraines, a woman, and 2 young children who drowned while they were crossing the river from mexico to the u. s. us border patrol was not able to help them because they were block from access saying that stretch of the river blocked by the state of texas. so now that the supreme court has said, hold on, the federal government does have the clear authority over this. the us border patrol can do as it sees fit and they sit in the situations. so for now we will see those rescues continue and hopefully less loss of life there along the border.


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