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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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frank assessment, politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term, informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation. inside story on al jazeera, the scenes of panic in san eunice displace, palestinians are desperately trying to escape from these really bombardments the bugs are of any age. great to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from don't also coming up the worst single day last for his really soldiers and gaza since the war began. at least 24 had been killed. the president of somalia tells elza 0 that a maritime deal between ethiopia and the break away region to somali land poses
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a direct threat to his country. how do they want to to access the c by next in pop to somebody? i'm changing the voters, so money and voting to the next us republican presidential nominee gets underway in new hampshire. it's donald trump, against his former un ambassador nikki haley. news it's 14 gmc that's for pm and gaza. we're palestinians, a desperately trying to escape is really a tax in the southern city of han, eunice, which is gauze the 2nd largest city troops. a fire in your hospitals causing panic among displaced people who been taking shelter in those facilities is really forces . i'm surrounded hun eunice, and there are reports that the soldiers are shooting and some of the people who are trying to get out. they've also show the palestine red crescent headquarters in hon . you. this is really military saying it's trying to roots out,
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come on spiders in the city, but all of this comes out to the is really army had his worst day since launching is ground invasion. at least $24.00 soldiers were killed in gauze at $21.00 of them in one single attack. as a big begins, are coverage. a mass exodus of palestinians from hong yu necessitates reg is pump the way to the center. displaced again and again. these people are running active, takes history, escaped to seeking shelter, carrying what they can, there is no risk by 12, the fires, the bombs, the bullets inch closer and closer to the our men, our young youth, our children are flesh and blood fruits of our lives. we lost them, we lost our loved ones, they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god journey. a mother forced a fee, kevin hook that's on the weight of carrying him now is far less than the thought of leaving his body behind you. it is ready. so just don't the hospital an open
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fire in this, the kills my boy and the rest of the man. and this still putting people back from the rental, dusty and bruised by the life parents and cause and no longer worry about their children pain this. they worry, they will be buried underneath the destruction is so immense and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing safe to inhabit, nothing to salvage. and yet the dead remain under the rubble of egypt by the a refugee cabinet of the land. i'm come, i can apply the insurance today, we managed to recover 5 dead bodies from under the degree. i can confirm there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried. human for the living. it's a struggle to stay in life with many of the hospital. it's not functioning, there's no way to receive potentially life saving treatment and the death of the thing i have. so i used to receive chemotherapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both
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the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer. and the 2nd to relieve pain. what my health is deteriorating with every passing day. i'm really suffering. well, that's what these rate is. despite the minute you might the stuff from the office to this is the moments 21 is ready. soldiers were killed when posting and resistance flight is going to up to 10, causing an explosion. palestinians on that, forced to stay in rough light in the south of the strip barbed wire and was on one side blooming on the other. girls dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these children simply existing during this war is resisting a said vague. i just, there are a couple of moments and rough uh in southern garza. tar. what's the very latest that you're finding out on what's going on there? find eunice of the yes, a generally dissertation to us completely difficult and we're not really base is we find out that there are more loud explosions. unplugging up of residential houses
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in the city of con eunice. now back to the raging that mean the pano city and fight isn't it gives vegas to just as these very forces are drawing to surround the entire city. it's just too many to tell you this month of the policy, the ministry infrastructure, the as we can see, that they are attacking evacuation center, forcing people today to sleep mode, to rough uh, and within the past hour they have surrounded a ok. so university, which is one of the areas dr. are to sit it to be now as a safe suited where people are taking shots. i can certainly put people generally starting to lee. i was on the bottom of that as confrontation did not stop since the 80 hours of these morning. new attacks had been carried up was on the facility of i'm of hospital, which is one of the got a set being on the the i'm for in the of the palestinian verdict present society and the ongoing bombardment that'd be half targeted. also today, the main evacuation since has milwaukee area in con eunice were
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a non post palestinians have been killed including children. but this is completely systematic parts of the ongoing military campaign that we're at to attract confrontations apply, exchange could be clarity of a c, and uh could be observed from the dates of a master hospital, which is also on the i'm and said threats by these very men to treat the don't get any expansion of the military operations off, as well as we'll have to do it on the losses. and baptism can eunice as a more than a 20, is better to just being killed in the different confrontations with the power to study. and find just giving a clue significance on the plane to cation. that's the back to us out to put consider to be very serious and hot as long as civilians are having new options with main spots to sleep, move to rustle which is already over populated with a residence i'm. it's unrelated abutment all the whole areas of which are 3 from the north,
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through the south as well. that topic. thank you very much. you mentioned that is really the soldiers were killed in hon units as well. that's something we're going to ask for the meet about. what are your intel a vive? first run us through. what happened? 21 is really soldiers killed in one single attack. the yes and as the defense minister called it, it was a heavy blow. now from what we understand it from what the ministry actually said this morning, is that you had a number of soldiers that were rigging it to one possibly to 2 story buildings. and you knew this in, i had of a basically exploding them the demolishing them because it's really wants to create a buffer zone. there were about 600 meters. it's, it's, these will make the communities inside the israel as say for now there was also
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a tank that was in the vicinity to secure those soldiers who were inside the building. during the rigging operation, it appears that the tank was 1st hit by a rocket, propelled and propelled grenade. and then there was a 2nd explosion in one of those buildings. maybe to the minute you still know. yeah, exactly. but at that, those buildings then collapsed on top of the soldiers who were in and around that area that causing that high number of casualties. then there was a separate attack in which another 3 soldiers were killed also by a rocket propelled grenade. according to the military, bringing the total number of casualties one day to $24.00, the highest since this war began. hold up. what, how is this news reverberating through is really society. what's been the reaction to this? it was there did it is
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a reaction of salt grease sadness, really melting both of emotions. we did hear from the prime minister who said it was a sad day for israel, but they would know the to israel from achieving it's pools. we heard similar words from the defense minister you i've got labs, as i mentioned earlier, he said it was a heavy loss bought. israel must remain committed to its mission until it that she was a cheese in school. and then we heard from many gods who is now a member of the war cabinet that was also a former defense minister, a former chief of staff, and he called the equal the painful last he said that these were reserve is for on the who were defending israel now we've been also monitoring, as is really a television, and that has been the main topic of conversation today. we've seen those of the
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video of ad the funerals that the underway a bit all over the country because according to the defense minister said, well the soldiers were coming from the north, the south, the east to west. so are they coming with media were presenting or of israel? and then there was a lecture left that was published by left by one of the soldiers who lost his life in this attack. and he said, get that letter that if he lost his life and does attack, it means that he's either a captive or he's dad. and he said that regardless, he, this war should continue even if he was held captive. and i think that will really ignite even further the conversation that is ongoing at the moment in the as well that the relatives of the captives held in gaza have becoming more and more vocal. they're taking their voices, whatever they get. we saw them yesterday, storm big mess at the what? while the finance committee there was meet the holding batter say you will not sit
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down while we while they are dying there. and you have this debate going on whether the captive should be the priority or whether the war should be their priority in this sort of ledger after yesterday's heavy tool for israel was due to ignite further that debate for that bill. i mean, intel of the thank you very much. guitar says that media should efforts to end the war and gaza are currently ongoing. however, the foreign ministry says that negotiations are becoming more and more complex deputy. we're talking about, if we had it or not, we believe that the main game, the views whitlow southern is not an easy task yet. especially at the more the war is grinding guys of the more challenged will be paid away from day one. they've gotten has never been a negative media to simply i'm not conveying messages. being the parties on the continent. we are taking positive initiative. we are submitting proposals,
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this was the case in the previous rose and our efforts that are being done would continue in this direction. just bringing elses hiroshima how bar at your at that press conference. what can you tell us? it feels like some things happening, but we have very few. in fact, i think no details. so are we closer to deal or far from the deal? who wants? what is their traction here? no details for the supervision is obviously the cops all the way that they know for being very tight lips, better conservative of that approach. when it comes to broker in a deal and they say we're not going to go into details or specifics we do understand. however, that these varieties on the policy is that the bathing potential deal as it is going to be stupid different this time from the previous deals that we saw in november when the outside has stepped in broke of the deal, the paved,
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the way for a 7 day at twos, in exchange for the release of captives and how does the president then they managed to work out an extension a, it broke down these writers, thoughts of bombardment outside of don't want to repeat that scenario anymore because the issues of stick this time up in nominal and you cannot afford to be seen by um, was that a 1000000000 muslims all over the? well, i've tried to states to give us something that he's not going to work or back. 5 of the policy is a same thing for these writers of their own life that he was here. how much was it? the seas by international guarantees that these, why they're not going to come back and they're going to send troops into a goes that they're not going to start the bombardment of the set. then they would be willing to release all the competence. and you have to convince these by these, all this sofa, there's no trust between all the pots is about how to move forward. this is what
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the upside is trying to do. but i have to say that when you listen to the statement by these books, both of them is so for the past on, for example, when he said, when you look at those see, is coming off from does the whole with big, unprecedented something we've never seen in modern history and then this time, but as these writers have to be committed to our policy is that you get a sense that if you want a genuine supplement, you have to agree on wide issue. we're bringing this thing. so just use looks like we're going beyond just a discussion on hostage versus prison or release or, or a temporary cease fire is going well beyond that. this explains why something use as many result keep a us are talking about about if these why i recognize a nice as a policy is dave that could be conducive to a comprehensive piece deal with the olives. and that's, that was a, keep by us. let's us out, do a review will be on board, but i have to say so will that when you talk to the tardies, they say that the,
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the hope of this is going to happen is going to happen tomorrow. the day off to the dallas it's they have few dollars about it because i get to see whether these right is best time we come and present something that was spent, but we'd hold for as long as it takes. the biggest problem here is you don't want to see anyone using that just to invest in his own political agenda, and then undermining the dns. so you know what? that was not what i agreed with you about as a key bro. okay. and response of the wells you have been proclaim, deals in different places in, in, in somalia and in charge. and so that, or you want the place to hold and you want it to succeed. now this explains, i think, why they are still waiting to get stronger guarantees from all the bodies. how to remind our viewers also that these, these security, the national security council, the us specialist, because the counsel coordinator for the police. and most of the guys coming to
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don't have so he's going to visit these are gonna come to, to help solve this. he wants to talk about the crucial elements of the deal and who has bring in some ideas that will be presented by the american civil consolidate. and i think we have to take it from that, see whether they would be able to pin together and a deed of that. that's really interesting. and so that the takeaways i listened carefully, everything you said there is some hope for me to talk, but there is 0 timeframe and the conversation on this is potentially a very wide ranging and even all encompassing hush in my head bar. thank you very much. like the u. k. prime minister has described strength on who the targets in yemen as self defense, especially. so next comments follow another series of attacks by us and british forces targeting suspected weapons sites and human local media report multiple strikes around the capital. so not including an air base and military camp. the south west improvements of phase was also targeted. stimulus strikes were launched earlier this month in response to the missile android attacks on shipping in the
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red sea. as we've been clear that we might tolerate risk to innocent lice and british interest in the region, and we will take action when necessary in a limited proportionate way in compliance with international law. in self defense. that's what we did last week. that's what we have done this week, and we would always present the right to do that to protect british lines of interest. still ahead on elsie's 0 attacks on a residential streets. dozens of people have been wounded in russian sprites on ukraine. the, well, if you're in pakistan and you've been waiting for the snow, it's come in. so let's start with those details. hi everyone. it all has to do with this westerly disturbance. it's in iran. it will move eastward in the days to come
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and drop some snow over the higher ground, right across the country. so that will help with people who been waiting to skate. let's go to india break. now, we have seen a lot of rain in addition to stage at some spots of the state have picked up on months worth of rain and there is more to come on wednesday. let's go to southeast asia right now, talking particularly vietnam, northern vietnam look at, i know i address 13 degrees will say cloudy sky, this air has flooded this cool air has flooded out of china. this is a source of it dark in the blue and the purple. the lower the temperature is here, a sub 0, blue hon minus 6, hong kong we can up to 70 degrees wednesday morning, but you factor in the wind. it will feel about 0 by afternoon, your bounce back to 12, mostly cloudy sky. here we take a look at the 3 day forecast. part of this has to do with this cool north is a winter. it will eventually shift eastwards. but look, you should be 19 hits time of the year. snow storm blizzard coming to japan. so kind of island, this is going to impacts the portal upwards of 40 centimeters of snow over the next few days. and back to this part of the southeast asia,
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the rain is filling in. across the attendance i see a or the, the, the,
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the watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines this, our palestinians in hon unit so desperately trying to escape is really a tax troops of in circle the city. and there are reports, the soldiers are shooting and some of the people who are trying to get out. israel is hosting funerals holding funerals for soldiers killed in combat in gaza, and at least 24 soldiers were killed during the past day. 21 of them and a single attack hits the single worst dates of the army since its ground invasion began in late october. the brick atari foreign ministry says the efforts to reach a ceasefire and gaza, or ongoing spokesman says, is really air strikes are making those negotiations difficult. lebanese leaders are warning against is really attempts to drag the country into a broader war by expanding its attacks and 711 on as they know harder reports from the cora. israel is demanding his bullet force is pulled back from the border and
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says, any unilateral cease fire won't be enough, is ready for us to say they are targeting has been laws, military infrastructure at times. that means homes and border villages, officials and southern lebanon say, up to 250, have been destroyed, and 6000 others damaged along the 120 kilometer porter. and the past 4 months of fighting as well appears to be creating a new reality. it says it doesn't want it's northern border to be vulnerable as its southern one was when the palestinian group home us attacked in october. the is really swans, hezbollah forces to pull back as the house of the. so it's a tax is right, is trying to push the resistance kilometers away from the border. and it's the we need by force displacement, but slowly meter by you need to, but it won't be able to achieve this problem. the streets and villages and stuff 11 on our empty officials say that around 80000 people close to the border have been
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displaced. daily life has been disrupted, but the handful of those who stayed are defiant by us the phone number 5, they have tried to send the best. nothing will make us leaf, not the place of tilly doors or wide fos for us. we will remain steadfast because this is overlap. it is easily also should be afraid to so far the warring sides have confined to tax to military targets, but nearly 30 civilians, including journalists, have been killed. officials here are warning against as well as attempts to drag 11 on into a broader war. they accuse us of expanding the scope of its attacks while threatening and promoting proposals that are rejected, such as pushing hezbollah, north of the latania river, which is about 25 kilometers from the border. has a bullet says, is really threats to expand, the conflict are just rhetoric and pressure to reach a deal,
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but as well has escalated its fight against the group. and for now, at least at this, trying to destroy the parties strength, south of the autonomy river center. for their elsa 0 southern left and on. let's take a look at some of the days other top new stories. the russian military has launched airstrikes on the ukrainian cities of keith and harking at least 6 people were killed and 70 injured. when a misfire hit the residential street, the attacks let the partial disruptions and electricity and water supplies. also zeros were up. mcbride has more from t. steve cried, you know, socrates say a range of different crews and ballistic missiles were used in these early morning attacks. choose a coming in waves, direct to the various targets across the ukraine. here in the capital keith at daybreak, there was a series of fun dressed explosions around a 1000 in all as a defense. he's got to look into setting incoming missiles that were being detected and around 4 or 5 districts across the city and quite close to the,
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at the center here in cape. and there were reports of damage and casualties, as debris was folding from the, from the skies and also besides folding in different places. we also hearing about the damage to a targeting cod key and also popularized with damage and casualties in those places . these strikes have being continuing back, couldn't full pretty consistently throughout these winter months. key was targeted by large drone and missile strikes around the end of december and the ton of new year. and in the past few days, ukrainians have been reporting the use of long range drones against targets, as far north as russia's baltic sea coast. and this does seem to be a reminder from moscow that it can strike targets wherever it wants, anywhere across ukraine. rob mcbride, i'll just say eric keith of the tensions and the horn of africa have escalated
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since ethiopia signed a maritime deal with the breakaway region of somali land. earlier this year, the agreement gives landlocked ethiopia access to the sea and exchange for addis ababa, recognizing somebody lands independence. the deal has angered somalia, egyptian president of the that's out of c. c, waited into the controversy this week saying that egypt will not allow any threats to somalia is secure. it's a he said the deal violates the nation sovereignty. well, some of the president us on shake mohammed told down to 0, the ethiopia is trying to annex part of somalia. it was not somebody who created this problem if it would be, has created this problem of the ones who initiated claiming that they would take an x box to somebody out to their country. and they don't say their amex thing. oh, it's a, it's a commercial deal. no, no, it does not do it. so it'd be a, has a commercial interest in somebody, you know, in better better the, usually the better part of the staple for 19 percent, even in the ownership of the,
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of service of that that i'm the place where they are now saying is just a few kilometers, oh if you feel a few 100 kilometer away from that, but there's no need for that. whatever it is, let us assume that they need another boat. and this is what we have been discussing for a couple of months ago. the issue is not with these to be access to the see the city to access throughout somebody where everyone is somebody a but the question is how, how do they want to, to access the c by next, the impact of somebody or you changing the voters? so maria, this is what's going on right now. it is not a commercial. it is an i'm next station often a to as the 1st us primary of the 2024 nominating cause test is underway. holes of opened in the state of new hampshire, which is holding 2 separate primary elections, one for the democratic party, another for republicans, while on the republican side earlier in the town of dix, they'll not all 6 registered voters counts their ballot for former
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u. n. and bassett, or nikki haley allen official reports from manchester, new hampshire the chill of new hampshire can freeze presidential ambition. mickey healy is trying to generate heat in a campaign. republican voters of so far treated as lukewarm if she wants to win the republican primary here. she has to convince voters, she can be trump on the pipe. she has to convince both of us like marie corbett, who went for one last check before making a final decision on who gets of support and the primary american, nikki haley because she really checks a lot of my my, you know, i wanted the one fiscal responsibility but i do want somebody who is compassionate and we have several point, you know, candidates that are running through, i don't think has diff. they're telling them for very long time and are very braces . and they did their claims or prosecutors are out of control. but donald trump is a hate and the republican race, despite his troubles elsewhere. 91 indictment sewer for criminal cases. but when
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hear that at all, but seals the nomination trumpet. so essentially, you know, weaponized shamelessness. he's argued that every indictment is a conspiracy to get him. it's an effort to bring him down as a sign that democrats are afraid of him and so on. and he's essentially said, if you're a republican, you have to be waiting for the democrats. there's essentially new contest. there's a primary, but an arrival over timings new delegates will be awarded the national party current, south carolina as the 1st proper primary to the current administration, stands on the seas 5. but one of vitamins policies is on the ballot is backing up israel's watering guys and one group is doing a protest on ballad forms. we've veto the un human rights resolution for human humanity or in cease fire. but you can veto my boat. because haley set high
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expectations in new hampshire, but every pool it fits donald trump significantly ahead. the reality is, unless there's a huge shock at the polls, vicki healy is the final hours of our presidential campaign. i was for sure. i'll just do that much as the soldiers in venezuela or along 32 people, arrested, accused of flossing to assassinate president nicholas madero. i'll send you to say that they have all confessed and revealed information about their conspiracy plans . arrest warrants have been issued for 11 other suspects. ecuador is armed forces, say they have dismantled internet and satellite tv connections in a prison controlled by drug trafficking games. soldiers in the city of much of that, removed up to 1500 meters of cable. believe to be used for coordinating criminal activities. this is part of a wider crack down on the present based crime. after concerns about internet access and violence among inmates. germany's top court has ruled that the government can
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cut state funding for a far right party judge's said that the, the high match party was ineligible for funding as its aims threatening to germany's democratic system. it comes as thousands of people protested during the weekend against the popular for rights a f t party. let's get more on the war on gaza now palestinian photo during list to month as, as eyes a has arrived in katara after deciding to leave the besiege strip. he's been using social media to show millions of people once life is like in the strips and says, real began it's war on gaza access i'm of which has more the, from the outset of the war with us as a, has been one of the leading voices garza, my grandma reporting the unsettling scenes of israel's war through his own.


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