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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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the region and the world. a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the display stylist in slave for the lives desperately trying to escape another is very bombardments. the i'm sammy's. i them, this is i'll just hear a lie from the hall. so coming up the was singled a loss for his right. the soldiers in gauze, this is the will began at least $24.00 being killed. colton across 5, the community themselves and 11 and reduced to rubble of israel targets as well, long somalia as president pals down to 0, e. c o feel wants to amex fond of this country, the maritime deal with break away some on the line
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the . we begin in con eunice. why is why the solves this have been firing the hospitals causing panic among displays. people have been taking shelter that been surrounded the city and southern gaza. there are fords, they shooting at people trying to get out. i mean by fluid as mong today's development of a mass exodus of palestinians from pon, unice has these regularly bomb their way to the centre, displaced again and again. these people are running out of places to escape, to seeking shelter, carrying what they can, there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the
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our men are young. you are, children are flesh and blood fruits of our lives. we lost them, we lost our loved ones, they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god journey, a mother forced to sleep carrying her did son the weight of carrying him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready, so just doing the hospital, an open fire witness the kills, my boy and the rest of the man and they are still pulling people up from the rubble dusty and a bruise. but a life parenting, gaza no longer worry about their children playing with or the worried they will be buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense. and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit nothing to salvation.
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and yet the did remain under the rubble into a value of refuge account. i'm glad you come, i can apply the insurance. today we managed to recover 5 did bodies from under the degree. i can confirm there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment on the, on the death of the thing i have. so i used to receive chemotherapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer. and the 2nd to relieve pain. my health is deteriorating. with every passing day. i'm really suffering. palestinians are now forced to stay in rough in south of the strip barbed wire. busy and walls on the side bombing on the other, to a girl dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these are children. simply existing during this
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war is resisting honey my mode. oh, just the cut off on thought a combat assuming the season or off by himself and gauze on reports now say that and also the hospital's being hit. well, can you tell us yes, of the complete view right now. the attacks continued on the city off. can you this, which is the 2nd largest city, of course, cause a strip and also it contains one of the last remaining blogs hospitals across the southern part, which is the mazda of hospital we're at tex, are, can, are, continue to take place when it's vicinity, and also within the past few hours, because when the forces had open the fire against the different departments of the hospitals that were medical teams were saying that the feeling the shaking of the ground as the fighting and the sound of explosions are getting much more closer to the hospital, the as also signed to pull its have been obviously observed within the rules of the
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departments. the which i consider it to be a new threats to the majority of patients and agent. people who are receiving good treatment inside the medical complex. and this is what we have been holding regarding within the past few days that the most or hospitals might be the next target for these very forces comedy on getting expansion of the military operations . now with these ongoing military attacks, the deep law trying to flee from the city of con you this, um the mass is very bombardment, which completely up to say that to be a life threatening disease. i'd like to threatening the apartment for them. and this was also a harsh of a new challenge for medical teams to keep up the rates. and i'm a dis, a in human, i'm terrific situations that i have been going through and to know more about this right now, we are joined by one of the palestinian bomb. i dicks he is, has that he's missing a son. he is one of the farmer dicks of the ratings and an officer of hospital who
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had to submit to date to hon units. y'all taken, as you said, in the same color on the same how would you describe the situation inside and offset or medical complex in light of the intensified, bombard demands around the hospital in con, units in general? my yes, so today in the afternoon i left the na sort of medical complex. there were many thought good things in the vicinity and around the hospital. i'm not when i came, judy is would be received one after the other that it was a number of people who have been killed mock torres and people couldn't very them and put up our places there for people within the hospital, had to bury them in the vicinity of the hospital, we had an acute shortage off me. that comes tab. there is
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a move of displacement of people from the schools on other shot those out on the hospital into the hospital on an object. these people, whichever people move around the complex and move to was the, the c area and to the be, it should the only way i am the only way that leads of from a con eunice camp or the hospital to out in milwaukee area on the, on the beach is only one road and it's very because it's very hard the road to walk . people have to walk very long, hard and rough. busy to re in the subject to bombardments a from everywhere. um the tanks are shut down and people want they move industry is power, but this is the only bad the only road would people can move to milwaukee area, even on milwaukee area itself is not safe anymore. since the morning we are, um,
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we are trying to recover people who are injured or will have fallen in out of my watch. the last night is right as tanks into the sheets, 38th, which is the costa road by the beach. and one of the citizen who was passing through was surprised. so that with the done so that the tags opened. fire intensively again. is that the vehicle or the driver or the writers of that vehicle, or called where to kill? the area was bombarded with artillery shells and the error strikes approximately 10 people were killed. and there are many in the judge. one has nothing to show about what all the difficulties the to encounter while you try to retrieve the people who are killed or injured in the various areas of county eunice . unfortunately,
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unbalances were unable to use the hospitals. we managed to pick the injured and the cool people down into the big hills. however, we have no idea what the hospital to go to or the roles that lead to all the hospitals are closed. at the ambulances that may be through the targeting area. and approximately 10 in the evening, we arrive to the how to get to the 7 in the morning. so in the long hours of ambulances, to be able to make it to the area of targeting and ambulances, i. e. o can operate in the night or in the evening all what is old and i've done like all was because of the precarious situation and i don't unbalances a start to move on. only of the must that comes would unfold done would be revealed, phone lives in however it's very hard to transport enjoy. there is no communication
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between the ambulance. so they're not amongst each other. once an ambulance leaves out, they are out of contact and we come communicate with them. they could be targeted they could encounter. and what, what, so ever an accidental even what ambulances are stationed today? for example, on monday i looked at this i couldn't meet by, couldn't who operate? i'm feeling sick today in the morning. i managed to find out, do you um the drug, douglas and vehicles ambulances. we took them to the targeted area and we transported the insurance. however, we parted ways on mountain now we couldn't meet again to see the uh, what uh the medical sector is completely struggling to keep a rating and also to keep reaching the areas of targeting the rates, amount on this type of thing rates of each of these very bombardments across different areas in con eunice, which also should have a clue,
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light upon the weight that they are inside. as the usability forces are completely punishing the interior. a city of con eunice and the on the bottom, the all right, thank you so much thought a couple assume the monday was the most deadly day for these, right? a mandatory since the styles of the ground invasion and october 20 for his very soul just were killed in gaza in 24 hours. these riley ministry says 21 soldiers. what killed when they came on the file while they were rigging a building that explosives demolition, solved as were conducting operations inside the mcgraw's, the camp when palestinian fights is launch the non p g. it's a tank for texting. the full says it's friday, chief of staff has a hell of a visited besides the incident and is promising an investigation a valid concurrent demand include the vinyl floor. the one live now of a tune from the point where the warriors fell and meet with the combined. it's
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a hood initial insights. first listening. we as always, will investigate the incident and deepest and learn the lessons while finding so that such an inside of it will not happen again. go good in ladies. a columnist with these riley daily habits explains why the deaths of these very soldiers was expected. if you use a goal, they need to stay and i are a debate within the government with the was discussed the possibility of penetrating guys out of overtaking guys on the ground. the 500, these really soldiers might be killed in such a good think that these are, these were very sharp that mean this prevent that. then they'll duration they grow the variation. and now we are over $200.00. they to these very soldiers and it is the most expected thing because this is a war and this is
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a carried out. well right now, in the stage, in the course of the free lunches and these ladies should know the question is easy to change their public opinion of his mind about the continual so before. but they don't think we reassure any of the stage in which this horrible figure, which is, you know, every kid sorta is beatrice, february's friends forever. what? but they don't seem to be reach already a quantity which we bring people to the strange to the car before they score only because of the cause of peace. there's still supporting continuing the war. the main pressure right now. busy is from the 70, so the hostages notes for the soldiers. but i believe this might change obviously, but they, i don't see that they reach and create to can boil and reach the government. and when they say enough is enough,
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we stop here. don't forget that most of the brought this the book or most store of feet does not there to poor, literally and loudly to store their war. it's what they think about the safety fire . they speak, you know, doing anything possible to release the hostages, but know very few things clearly stopping now to somebody not to renew a ticket. and as long as this doesn't happen, is it what we continue. israel has their fault, at least proposed to to month pools and fighting new ton for the release of all captives being held in garza. that's according to our report y axis, which says the deal is being presented to hum us through mediators costa and egypt have been working for weeks to reach deal between as well and how us, scott, so it says mediation assets. when the water and galls are completely are also ongoing, the funding industry says negotiations are increasing in complexity deputy we're
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talking about if we had it or not, we believe that the main gain, the views with low southern is not an easy task yet, especially at the more the bed war is grinding guys, that the more challenges will be paid away from day one. they've gotten has never been a negative media to simply, well, i'm not conveying messages, being the parties on the continuity, we are taking positive initiative. we are submitting proposals, this was the case in the previous throws and our efforts that are being done would continue in this direction. i still had an al jazeera tax on the residential street, thousands of people who have been wounded in russian and strive some new frame the same dex analysis of the days. headlines out of south africa from it's accusations
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of genocide, in this case, many genocide and hold the coal scholars including his ravings hopkins on the face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside. story on al jazeera power defines how wow, we live here. we make the rule. not the people empower, investigate, exposed, and question the youth and abuse of our around that go on out just there. the
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of the welcome back. you're watching now just the time to recap the headlines, palestinians, in the time eunice of desperately trying to escape is variety of sax. troops of encircled the city or pulled soldiers, a shooting of people trying to get out as riley is holding funerals, the sold just killed and come back and gone. so at least $24.00. the soldiers that killed there in the fall, stay $21.00 of them in a single,
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a time. the single was states the obvious since it's grounded face and began in light talks over the country. foreign ministry says efforts to reach a ceasefire and goals are ongoing spokesman says these right the strikes and making those negotiations difficult palestinian photo during this not as, as a is that has arrived in costa officer deciding to leave casa, he's been using social media, it's show millions of people. what life is like in the strip since is rob again, it's war on gaza. axels, i'm of which has more. the, from the outset of the war with us as a, has been one of the leading voices of the garza. my grandmother reporting the unsettling scenes of israel's war to his own survival, the
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good thing and doing under it. but in this heartfelt message to as follow versus the palestinian journalist announced he's leaving gaza the factories today. sorry. the discuss that for $100.00 and seventies. he's videos have offered the glimpse of to life in gaza documenting the suffering on the ground. and with this thing, the killing of his own family. his followers grew from 25000 before the war to more than 18000000. never forget to say. pretty far and his work has gone to
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recognition for showing the impact of israel's military reactions and civilians to the world. his departure has ignited a search of online support. i know the decision wasn't an easy one. my task more time for free palestine on his home and gaza, seeing most has a visa sharing that he's evacuating is heartbreaking. but he needs to leave both as a says he will continue to fight for justice. but this time from afar. x, as i move out, as the lebanese lead is a warning against is really attempts to drag the country into abroad of all by expanding attacks in southern lebanon instead of called the reports of nicola, is there all this demanding? has the law forces pull back from the border and says, any unilateral sees 5 won't be enough? it is ready for us to say they are targeting has been laws,
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military infrastructure at times. that means homes in border villages, officials in southern lebanon say, up to 250, have been destroyed, and 6000 others damaged along the 120 kilometer porter. and the past 4 months of fighting as well appears to be creating a new reality. it says it doesn't want it's northern border to be vulnerable as its southern one was when the published and in good thomas attacked in october. there's really swans, hezbollah forces to pull back as the house of the it's of tax is right? is trying to push the resistance kilometers away from the border. and it's the we need by force displacement, but slowly meter by you need to, but it won't be able to achieve this problem. the streets in villages in southern lebanon are empty. officials say that around 80000 people close to the border have been displaced. daily life has been disrupted, but the handful of those who stayed are defiant. by all the so phone number 5,
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they have tried to send the best. nothing will make us leaf, not the place of to literally draws our white frost for us. we will remain that fast because this is overlap. it is easily and so should be afraid to so far the warring sides have confined to taxed the military targets. but nearly 30 civilians, including journalists, have been killed. officials here are warning against as well as attempts to drag loven on into a broader war. they accuse us of expanding the scope of its attacks while threatening and promoting proposals that are rejected, such as pushing hezbollah, north of the latania river, which is about 25 kilometers from the border. a has a bullet, says, is really threats to expand. the conflict are just rhetoric and pressure to reach a deal, but as well has escalated its fight against the group. and for now, at least at this, trying to destroy the party strength south of the tawny river center for their elsa
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0 southern left and on the ball. come back to one of the world news. now somali as president has some check mohammed tells, i'll just say what he believes, if you, if is trying to m x pumps of his country, that's all 3 p o, p assigned to maritime deal with breakaway region of small land. earlier this year . let's take a closer look at the agreement. some online declared independence from somalia in the 1990s, but has failed to receive international recognition. more with this you insist smaller lines remain positive it surgery. if you feel stacks us to the sea, when i would try, it broke away around the same time. if you guys been using the fulton neighboring debility for most of its imports and exports smaller than plans to lease the 20 kilometers the stretch of land along its coastline. 3,
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feel good to establish of pools and base for a marine force. here's some of what some of the president sure. mohammed told i'll just, sarah, as it was, somebody else created this problem. it'd be, has created this problem. they are the ones who initiated claiming that they would take an x box of somebody out to their country. and they don't say their amex thing . okay. it's a commercial deal. no, no, it is not the the, it would be a, has a commercial interest in somebody you know in better better the use of it. but both of the state of 19 percent, yvonne and the ownership of the of service of that that i'm the place where they are now saying is just a few kilometers. oh if you feel a few 100 kilometer away from that. but there's no need for that. whatever it is, let us assume that they need another boat. and this is what we have been discussing for a couple of months ago. the issue is not with these to be access to the see. they
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asked me to access. so while somebody where everyone is somebody about the question is how, how do they want to, to access the c by next impact of somebody you changing the borders? and so my idea, this is what's going on right now. if there's not a commercial, it is an exception often a to the 1st us primary of the 2020 for presidential nominating come test is underway. busy most of opened in the state of new hampshire earlier in the town of big so not all 6 registered versus cost. the ballot for, for me when and bus the, when the he highly russian strikes his kids and all the ukrainian cities, 74 killed, the mold and 70 were injured to miss all attacks damaged residential buildings. reducing some to rumble from arrives and small from cave to this latest early morning attack targeted cities across ukraine with the by roger,
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ballistic and cruise missiles. the countryside defenses claimed to have shot down around costs of them, but folding themselves and debris caused widespread damage and casualties in residential areas such as he had when keith, emergency services responded to calls in several districts. yes, and this was shifted to you. i was doing my bed and there was a boom. i'm living in this building. it was terrible. i was shaking all over. i, for the 1st time since the start of the war, i had to highlight. it was very scary. ukraine, 2nd city. hurricane was also hit by multiple missile strikes, destroying a number of homes you're not born with. so when the messiah tech started, i took cover behind the washing machine. something hit me in the neck. i'm alive. but some people died. like keep how to keep itself with heavy bump up and in recent
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weeks, as strikes have been continuing back and forth throughout the winter with ukrainian forces in recent days, launching long range drugs strikes as far north as rushes baltic, sea coast. that seems to be most coast reminder that it can hit targets anywhere in ukraine. when the air right alarm sounded in keys, some residents took shelter in the subway system. there was a heavy missile an attack on january. second. i'll show up again to hit all the exposures because we still have to go to the subway. and once the strikes were over and the alarm ended, people once more to the job of cleaning up public broad, i'll just say era, keith a while before we go, the palestine and football team has reached the asian cop. no count, stay till the 1st time. it's history, palestine beat, hong kong, 3 mill on tuesday and what was also the 1st ever way in the history of the competition of the above school, twice helping palestine finished good. and
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a great inside story. now the the hey there, there is a heat wave of sorts going on across the gulf. let's get into those details right here right now. but actually for a 2nd to talk about where the active weather is. outbreaks of rain across the band, pushing into iraq and eventually onwards into iran. now let's go to the re being peninsula. part of what's going on here is a southerly wind is popping up temperatures. i mean, look at this re add 30, they'll have 28. you could reach 30 over the next few days and can wait at 31 is a good 10 above where you should be for this sum. you're still keeping that rain snow mix in bulk of that energy is moving over the other side of the caspian sea. pushing into 30 minutes dawn. so active whether it's a be sure there on wednesday,
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for turkey, it's got this free is still coming down out of the north through the bus 1st. so 8 degrees and assemble. there's those rounds of rain across the band, the hardest state areas will be the root brain when combo coming in to libya. here we could see those wins with up to about 60 or 70 kilometers per hour. and want to take you to, to engineer right now, doris, along with there has been flooding. the roads just wants with water here, there were a number of weather alerts in play for heavy rain fall across central eastern and southern tends in the that's deep down into northern men, most indeed crossing the channel into northern madagascar. or we could see some flooding here or here's from, i'll just say on the go and need tonight. out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allied from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the campaigning is on the way in the us presidential election with a repeat contest expected between president joe biden. and donald trump. one is the oldest candidates in us history, the other facing criminal trials. what are the issues for voters and for the world? this is inside story, the .


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