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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the, the, the is ready for assistance circle, con eunice and southern gaza. there are reports as well, has filed on one of the regions last, major hospitals displaced, palestinians plate for their lives, desperately trying to escape another is rarely bump up. the other one carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from to also on the primary i didn't, you might be for any media to many tendencies fires. more debates in the un security council, the secretary general cost the piece on humanitarian access to thousands. also, donald trump,
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i as the republican nomination for us presidents as new hampshire electronics. the is very a tax and goes forcing palestinians and con units to flee even further south. the city has been under heavy bombing, but is red in recent days, meaning thousands of people having to escape to wrap up in search of safety. i mean, my fluid has more on the days developing a mass exodus of palestinians or from pon, unice has these regularly bomb their way to the center displaced again and again. these people are running out of places to escape, to seeking shelter, carrying what they can, there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the our men are young. you,
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our children are flesh and blood fruits of our life. we lost them, we lost our loved ones, they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god journey, a mother forced to sleep carrying her did son the weight of care seeing him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready. so if you're still in the hospital, an open fire witness the kills my boy and the rest of the man. and they are still pulling people from the rubble, dusty and bruise lines. parenting garza no longer worry about their children playing with or the worried you will be buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit nothing to salvage. and yet they did remain under the rubble and jet value,
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refugee counsellors, i'm the i'm from, i can apply to an sion today. we managed to recover 5 did bodies from under the degree. i can confirm there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment. and the death of the thing i have i used to receive chemotherapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer and the 2nd to relieve pain. my health is deteriorating. with every passing day, i'm really suffering. palestinians are now forced to stay in rough in south of the strip the barbed wire and walls on the side bombing on the other. a girl dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these are children. simply existing during this
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war is resisting honey. my mod, i'll just be it all cut off for the war on gaza. and israel's blockade has meant a shortage of nearly every thing in this trip, from medicine to food, to clean water and clothes as winter sets in its making life more difficult for than any 2000000 people who are displaced from the adams, the no access to their belongings, perfect, i will assume as more now from ref, it is, there's people who has been forced to dates to slieve from a con eunice, they had slipped the houses of being completely uh, obligated to do with that because these very bottom in 20 left the family won't leave the family completely secuity, thus they have as thought to, to robert lee a run away from the city of con, you. this seeking safety in rough off of the story of the situation was completely risky and dangerous for them as they were fleeing from a very minor roast that uh,
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cuz that links between that link between han eunice and roof. i noticed people did not in trouble and even a hit to run out a rashid road because these very ties are stationed on the road right now. so they took very a new, a new roads and minus completely thinking to rough off, but also the are suffering and abuse. ongoing april abutment of the city of claudio to send with the reach to rough idea, are also facing a very severe problem to present it. and the lack of old basic necessities did not find any mix shift tilted to live inside. also, it's just a cold weather. they are struggling even to keep pool as are they are living right now when the open, without having any shields that would be protective inside the war on cause has taken away almost everything that people once had the lives, the homes, and even the eclipse, the yoke something i said in these places, and i've had them since the beginning of the war,
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i can be stuck up with someone. good. well, i'm not letting my remaining close at them and we're happy and gone so we will leave it for a while. you online. i've been living in a tend to roughly deep and his children are struggling to keep cool. when i got the, i'm going to have the little bit closer to accomplish anything for them on the look at these clothes, for like the price of new winter clothes, calling holly. so some tiny secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no refute, except for 2nd hand clothing stores a lot easier. secondhand clothes come, prove expensive. yeah. and then what kinda like boy like, well i have 200 shekels. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items of clothing. so this means i'll call you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need. oh is to provide. will nearly 2000000
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palestinians in garza had been forced from the homes the so you think salvation? does they use as many of them right now? we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes early adds to the misery target as in algebra. roof in southern gauze, a funeral was had been held for 24 is very sold as killed on monday. is the deadliest day for these very mitre, since the one goes to be gun. 21 troops with rigging a building with explosives inside them. a gauzy camp when kind of thing and finances and wants to go kick for po grenades of tank. protecting the forces is really on these promising an investigation, although i don't have any examples. the last farewell young lives cut short on the front lines in gaza in the bloody is they for israel since the ground invasion began. 24 soldiers killed 21 of them in a single attack about 600 meters from the border. according to this really military,
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they were hit by rocket propelled grenades, while rigging buildings for demolition, and continued impact caused explosive to the to late one after the other. the buildings collapsed on the soldiers. a cloud of smoke and debris filled the guys of skylight. the army says that rescue operations took several hours around the country. people are getting to grips with the rising tools. this war is taking the price of oil, which is around just been difficult but, but i think that's a nose, right? you can't leave. you have to win the war and you have to get rid of come us and, and make good guys a safe for us. otherwise we have no place to live. israel's chief of staff has their lives visited the sides of the attack. his message is when we learn from its mistakes and adapt it's tactics to what has become a guerrilla warfare. obviously might be yeah,
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with fine will be long. and there are many challenges ahead of us. we are really changing the forces and changing out tactics. as we know the reserve is will be needed again or the attack happen is we'll focus is by a power on the southern city of han eunice hometown of how much as g as a leader. yes, yes, and why? for the minutes he says is the last strong cold of how mass in this trip and the who move she clean by. so we continue at this time in the spirit of the fall, then to complete the task and do everything that is required or forces operate deep in any territory. and con eunice fighters from the parents request to the 7th brigade and they give out you begin to are operating in the entire southern region . we go me, you bought the support for the war remains high among israelis even at a time when 5 minutes. and then you know, as popularity has plummeted, according to the latest pulls, only 30 percent of these really see him fit for the job. the prime minister is also
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under increasing pressure to bring the captives housing guys back home at any cost, even if it means another sees fire or swell of prisoners. but this latest attack is also a reminder, for israel is the 3 months and how much is still capable of inflicting pain and the stated goal of destroying how much might not be achievable without a diplomatic solution. for the need, a jersey, right? until every doctor nation security council is hoping it's costly, open debates with israel's war and gaza. top of the agenda. secretary general antonio guitar, along with representatives from palestine and israel addressed the security council . last week's clear and repeated rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these valley governments is unacceptable. and this was despite this throwing us the deals from even the friends of israel, enclosing those ceasing around these table. these refusal and the denial of the
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right to state to, to the policy and people will be invested sleep pro, longer conflict that does become, amazes to that to global peace and security. okay. for elizondo has more now what the tires have to say at the united nations. he really painted a picture, if you will, of a grim situation in guys the one that's going from bad to worse. quite frankly. you know, we've heard from the secretary general numerous times since october 7th, since this conflict began and every time it seems like it's getting worse and worse and now pretty much what is needed in guys that for the people there, the palestinians that are under bombardment is pretty much everything, whether it be to food, water, shelter, a sanitary facilities, everything. i mean, the secretary general said that the humanitarian situation and guys, and this is where it's appalling. he said,
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with winter bearing down 2300000 palestinians in guy's face. what he called in humane squalid conditions, struggling to simply make it through another day without proper shelter heating of facilities, food, and even drinkable water. so this is the picture that the secretary general painted . he talked about more than a 150 un workers humanitarians that have been killed due to is rarely bombardment. really trying to again call the attention to the world and primarily the security council and many foreign ministers that were in the security council chambers to hear what he had to say. and not the states has carried out strikes in the west and the rock against the st. tockets linked to contact his beloved anom group linked to iran. officials say the stripes are in response to recent attacks against the american forces and coalition personnel in iraq and syria, 5 explosions of also been heard south of but out of us along with the u. k of again
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struck who's the targets in yemen. practical hey, has more now from washington, dc of the white house is just now released a joint statement on those latest attacks in yemen, targeting 8, who's a sites where they say they were able to fire missiles at cargo ships in the red sea. what's interesting about this statement is the numbers have grown and is substantially, it was just a handful of countries before this, the slightest statement has $23.00 countries signing on plus the united states, the varied list, republic of korea, the czech republic hungry, the poland north, macedonia, and new zealand, so the list is growing now up to 24 countries to say they are supporting these attacks on the, who's the sides in unit. here's what the pentagon said about is fact this. since january 11th, we've assessed, we assessed that we've destroyed or degraded over 25 missile launch in deployment facilities. more than 20 missiles plus we've struck unmanned aerial vehicle coast
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or radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, uh, you know, when, when you add those numbers together in addition to the other capability. so clearly a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been pulling or using to conduct attacks against international shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the, the, the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there was an imminent imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to, to stay focused on that. and all of this is coming with the backdrop of the us
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announcing additional strikes, interact, saying that they've targeted 3 facilities linked to a ringing back to malicious. this is after they say these militias for firing projectiles and weapons into the us bases, interact, causing minor injuries. the service members, of course there is a growing concerned that this is going to continue to escalate and could we could lead to a much lighter for particle, hey alpha 0, washington. we're coming up off to the break to key a true sweetens bid for ne time membership taking is a step closer to entering the ministry lines. the oil rich iraq is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors. with strict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate do the situation. now when regions were settled funding 1st,
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image pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land rocks. walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to long, sleek, 2 years should be a time to relish within your next comment. he cannot make crisis. it's a life consumed by the struggle to meet the cost of simply living limits to price hikes and forced evictions. and i'm like, the candidate can spend images for ms. quad for tom and to become the face of a groceries movement, giving hope to his community. explains housing factors, a witness documentary on now to 0. hearing the have you had to be late that he has the support of 15000, implement the shot, pick one moment, then i'll just use teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about choices. how when you closer to the house with the
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story the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out. just say that remind me of the headlines now. palestinians, and con eunice desperately trying to escape is rarely a tax. troops having circled the city, there are reports of soldiers, a shooting at some of the people who were trying to get house not to nation security council has been debating the situation in the middle east, including the protest in question. un chief and 20 the tire size as well as with junction of a 2 state solution for palestinians is on accept. united states has carried out strikes and western rocks against the street targets. big took a type sense,
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but not officials say the strikes are in response to risk factors against us forces have addition personnel in iraq and syria, multiple explosions of also being said, sounds like that for testers have disrupted us present. joe biden speech on the abortion rights that you in a campaign, rowdy in virginia, doesn't have a clue about the power of women in america. the demonstrations could be heard quoting for an end to us financial support of as well as going casa, that calls for cease firewood, drowned out my eyes, and suppresses officials escorted the protest is out of the building. meanwhile, ppos of mostly clothes, in the 1st primary of the 2024 republican presidential nomination, also being held in the state of new hampshire, waiting off to donald trump, one iowa caucuses. is there any remaining, major rival?
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this format you an investor, nikki haley are full of preston. donald trump made a surprise visit to a new hampshire facing station. you spoke to reporters. i mean, this is, we just stopped here. we stopped and we painted at random. we may stop at one more . nobody knew we were telling me this is pretty amazing the thing and you see a threat to, you know, go to and i don't care and let her do whatever she wants. it doesn't matter. i can just say that there's never been a movement like this. make america great again in the history of our country. i just stop here and i figured i'd see 3 or 4 people and maybe walk inside. and you see brad like this, and this is more than this, but speak to adam fisher. he joins as not, not from outside the podium station in manchester, new hampshire. so i'm,
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well most pose of clothes. what's the mood where you are now? well of course, don't somebody be making a mistake by assuming that because the lodge cries there, they're all going to vote for him. the polls would certainly suggest that that is the case that he is going to win, perhaps by even as much as double digits. but nicky healey is still in the race at the end of last year. one of our biggest packers, the new hampshire governor kristen and who said that she would win here by a landslide. know the temporary expectation suggesting that she will do well here. she's got to come in within $5.00 to $7.00 percentage points of donald trump to really get any sort of momentum coming out of new hampshire. and some of the voters that we spoke to while they're with trump supporters there. many of them were saying that the but the former you and i'm bus of the donald trump's. why did you decide to go for the home phone? decided to because we need to change clearly who we've been. the last thing has not been working. so i think it's time for a change. when did you make the decision?
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they've been there for a while. yeah, it's been there since vitamins elected. i did vote for nicky healey. why did you decide to test it? because i don't want trump to be in one of the non nice. so because i am independent but i have been voting democrat for quite a while. when did you make the decision to vote for nicky healey in the primary? um, i would say in the last couple of days and what, what switches to just it would be supporting her over trump more for her i it, it came down to her in the end versus bite and i don't know what i do is i did vote providing but i think he's too old. personally, nicky. why did you decide? well as a difficult decision, anybody but trump in and out and there's also a democratic primary though present. so by this formulate not on the pallets. what
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was that? okay, a becomes slightly complicated when you talk about the democrats. let's explain a couple of things. one, if you registered as an independent in new hampshire on the, the, of the primary you can go alone and say, i want to vote in the republican or the democratic primary. and then you can go and do that. a lot of people who are independent, but identifies democrats have been voting in the republican primary for nicky healey to try and do damage to donald trump. though, as far as the democrats are concerned, there was a rather, but the timing of the primary joe biden wanted the 1st primary to be in south carolina. the local party said no, we don't, was fox, we're staying where we are. and then the national party said, well, you can stay where you are, but we're not awarding any delegates. so no to bite isn't on the ballot, but people aren't getting them to write on the ballot. so you write and campaign jewel by whose name to show that his big support here in new hampshire, but the numbers will be dying because of what have just explained. but there's also
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a campaign to write the ceasefire on the ballot as well. and remember, joe biden is had for many, many thousands of his supporters that they're very concerned about what's happening with american support for israel and gaza. that was part of the reason for the protest in virginia just in the last couple of hours. and so it'll be interesting to see how many people write cease fire on the ballot. how big that old position is and whether or not a writing campaign will be enough to propel the sitting president to victory here to new hampshire. on thanks very much indeed. to the touch, his apartments has given it. so the only way to the approval of sweden's nato membership, it present project to have had one is expected to assign the village no in the coming days. so it can tell you is in is done. but with the latest developments, finally, 19 month long sprained relations with thing for kids. and it's less than a live might to over as
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a surface parliament. sweden's me to ask questions at the general assembly on tuesday evening. it has been a while faith as after we then begin is made to ask the question at full assess, following rushes, invasion of the rain 2 years ago. now, the particle will be on present the papers on stable to the ratified and to low within a few days. after that, all correct stretch, supplements of us administration approved f. 16 cartridges fail to kids to move 10 . yes. please. a back to us congress seems to be resistant against this decision. now everybody is curious whether the usaa ration is going to be as prompt as the circus parliament to approve the sale, which is very critical for to see if that has been fighting against what is full service in real miss borders in the south. and then, seeing i'm to solo elders,
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are assembled most of us and isn't brussels with mona. so sweet in the road to nato. it has been long and bumpy, but after 20 months of the lease, the west military lives were now soon welcome. it's 32nd member. sweden already signed the accession protocols here at naples headquarters in july 2022. but then 2 countries rejected its fits turkey and hungry. after long negotiations and sweden adopting strong measures against afford his work as far to dispute, we start to consider as a terrorist organization was smooth than it is now. also expected this hungry will follow soon. for may 2. this means that in a little over a year, the alliance has flown from 30 to 32 members with friends and also becoming a full member in april last year. and also with macy addiction of 2 strong militaries,
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looking at sweden's geographical location. it's seen as an important enhancement for nato's defense is in the baltic sea region. it's been a historic shift from both finland and sweden to abandon its decades of neutrality . also russia station in ukraine was looking for protection from nature, especially from article for which has an effect on one member of secretary general of nato stole from birth as early as that he expects that sweden will be a full member bye to live this year. monday to holes is summit in washington, stepped out to see rough russell, the chief executive of alaska airlines says the carrier has found a loose boats on any of it. spring 737, max, 9 planes. then that many gucci made the comments and his 1st interview since a door on one of the launch things shut out, minutes into a flight. and a coach, he says he wants to know what boeing will do differently. moving forward,
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fluttering the accident 2 weeks ago, bring assessable a pause production on thursday at seattle base, so that employees can attend quantity workshops, the northern part, so united kingdom of cleaning off off the storm. jocelyn brought high winds and heavy rain to the regions. some roads were block tough with severe weather down trees and close funding becomes just a day off to store each of facets much of the country, leaving tens of thousands without power causing disruption to travel networks. the movies, oppenheimer and bobby about for multiple awards. this is us cuz the studio blockbusters have both landed nominations for best picture, independent films, and several females directed. these are also among the nominees as follows, a year of time, while in hollywood because of labor strikes,
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96th edition of the oscars were beheld in march. for the weather is next. the inside story looks ahead to the us presidential election later this year. the the now the reason i flow really cold air from china has produced these terms is well below average in the science of china or from shanghai. i thought she time towards her away with everything. so 6 or 7 below average. but this is maybe the most tending wintry seen with the significance though on demand since old, lower level of from hong she particularly into hawkeye to and not continues into suicide. where they wouldn't be could be even stronger in support of the why would use that would visit for support on the 1st a snow storm on friday. then it starts down on saturday. that's a proper winter seat for you. jumping down. of course,
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the wet season through malays, your engine easier at the moment. i think the focus will be probably pos is something time this independent is going to lazy and sumatra expect some funding from this. and so when usual writing recently, you know, the issue could be repeated, we've had about a months with already installed it very well months, 13 minutes since the average for bonus schwab. but we've seen that already, but the more typical stories for the north now it doesn't look like much that we've had persistent folks here with temperatures, therefore on the low side, and that's particularly those pulling pots. we'll talk histone, bolton's 13 should be 20. this part of the package, tennessee assistant folk had it still there of the, the to, to us solve
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e c. and everything is good. even explain the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers speeding appeared before record occupied. i mean, present outages in campaigning is on the way in the us presidential election with a repeat contest expected between president joe biden. and donald trump, one is the oldest candidates in us history, the other facing criminal trials. what are the issues for voters and for the world? this is inside story, the


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