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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the is ready for us is in circle, con eunice in southern garsetser reports. israel has filed on one of the regions last major hospitals, the cherry johnston. this is, i'll just share a life from day, also coming up. last week's clear and repeating rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these valley governments. these unacceptable un secretary general ones that israel is rejection of
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a 2 state solution would have definitely problems on the conflicts and threats of global pace. us as it targeted sites in the rockies by iran back finances as regional spinner continues. and donald trump gets a 2nd straight victory in the republican primaries. the main, i don't think you have the balance to find tone the is very a tax and god 0 forcing palestinians and con units to flee even further south. the city has been under heavy bombing by is relatively recent days. meetings, thousands of people having to escape to reference such a safety. not road has more on the days. developments as a mass exodus of palestinians are from, pon unice has these regularly bomb their way to the center. displaced again and again. these people are running out of places to escape, to seeking shelter,
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carrying what they can, there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the our men are young. you, our children are flesh and blood fruit of our life. we lost them, we lost our loved ones, they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god journey, a mother forced to sleep carrying her did son the weight of carrying him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready, so just doing the hospital an open fire and this the killed my boy and the rest it all man and they are still pulling people from the rubble, dusty and bruised, but a life parenting, gaza no longer worry about their children playing with or the worried deal will be
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buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense. and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit nothing to salvation. and yet the did remain under the rubble into a value of refuge account. i'm the learn your own from i can apply to and sion today we managed to recover 5 did bodies from under the degree i can confirm. there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment. i know the thing have i used to receive chemotherapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments . the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer and the 2nd to relieve pain . my health is deteriorating. with every passing day. i'm really suffering.
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palestinians are now forced to stay in rough in south of the strip. barbed wire and walls on the side bombing on the other. a girl dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these are children. simply existing during this war is resisting honey. my mother was just the cut off by the boy on ga. so in this rouse blockade has meant a shortage of nearly everything in this trip from medicine to food, to clean water and clothes has been so set sentence making life more difficult for the nearly 2000000 people were displaced from their homes. though access to their belongings, i assume has more now from rafa it is, there's people who had been forced to dates to sleep from a con units. they had a flip. the houses being completely uh, obligated to do with that because these very button and 20 left the family wouldn't
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leave the somebody completely secuity. that's the half as thought to, to robert lee a run away from the city of con, you this seeking safety in rough off the story of the situation was completely risky and dangerous for them as they were fleeing from a very minor roast. that cuz that links between that link between hon eunice and roof. i know this people did not, is trouble. and even the hit to roof i threw out a rashid road because these very ties are stationed on the road right now. so they took very a new, a new roads and minus completely thinking to rough off, but also they are suffering and abuse. ongoing, a bombardment of the city of can you to send with the reach to rough idea are also facing a very severe problem presented in the lack of old basic necessities did not find any mix shift children to live inside. also, it's just a cold weather. they are struggling even to keep pool as are they are living right
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now when the open, without having any shields that will be protected inside the wall. and garza has taken away almost everything that people once have the lawyers, the homes, and even that puts down the yolks and been sending these places. and i've had them since the beginning of the roll on i can be stuck up with someone. good, well i'm not letting my remaining close them and we're happy and gone. so we were leaving for while you're online, i've been living in a tend to roughly deep and his children are struggling to keep with whatever the i'm and have a little bit closer to accomplish anything for them. look at these clothes for like the price. if you went to classes calling holly, so some tiny secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no refute, except for 2nd hand clothing stores or even
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a compact roads come prove expensive. yeah. and then what kinda like boy like, well i have 200 shekels. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items appliances, and this means i'll call you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need. oh is to provide. will nearly 2000000 palestinians in garza have been forced from the homes. the say you think salvation, does these as many of them right now we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes only adds to the misery target as in algebra. roof off in southern gauze, israel ha, designate to the area of l. no, i see in the southern guns as a so called safe side and even the will. but its forces have a tax displaced, people living intense, the closing dozens of casualties of finality escaping the palestinian mother, lived with her surviving daughter to a rafter further south. she's been treated for birds at the job hospital. she
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describes the attack in words, not be on the on the national in the model. i'm not sending them and that's for the most like painters. i do not share the same thing. josie, i'm on the, on the list, we are at the site which has issues. so what is that now you can just read the issue is that i am on the east side of the shore and the smoke not let me just finish it. i'm not so haven't been implement depending on how much defense inputs it or not or better so not the has been be the oh
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yeah, the signing that will not have to be an exact mean. somebody name was the, the, the, the, the, the non was we alone. i'm looking them. look is a look at the notes of the movie and stuff for look is of the now has to be on the. 2 bus, why do i have like this man i get from the united nations security council has been holding its quarterly open debates with you as well as one does the top of the agenda, the increased calls for cease fire and 2 state solution that have so far been rejected by israel, which is here, is gabrielle, is on the reports from the un headquarters in new york, the you and secretary general antonio gutierrez,
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said the entire population of gaza is in during destruction. and harold, in recent history, 2200000 follow savings in gaza, phase in new main squaddies conditions struggling to simply make it through another day with all the proper shelter, heating, sanitary facilities, these foods and drinking water. speaking to the council yog menu key, the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the counsel that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of guys. when one side there is the will of the international community, hands on the other sides, the whims of. and is there any prime minister driven by a single of his own political sort of bible at the expense of the survival of millions of palestinians under is illegal occupation. but each real continues to reject a ceasefire. what do you think will happen if there is a cease fire?
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i will tell you what will happen. come, us would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm, and soon as rallies will face another attempt at hollow cost. several foreign ministers came to new york to speak at the meeting. a sign of growing urgency took car for an inch to the war. in the face of security council in action is really aggressive and gaza has lasted for far too long. it has massacred far too many lives. we are seriously concerned with the report that is there as war crimes. and because that may imongary genocide, it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to see grid cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that appointed by the secretary general. in late december, she has a very difficult task ahead, as she saw 1st hand on tuesday when she briefly visited southern gaza,
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but could only stay for a few hours due to the difficult security situ. busy ocean primarily caused by israel's bombardment. gabriel is on to how does it at united nations in new york? cannot the states this car that strikes in western iraq against 3 targets? they took us hey, that has bumped an alms group link to iran. officials say the strikes are in response to recent attacks against american forces and condition personnel in iraq and syria. 5 explosions have also been heard south of bank that the us along with the u. k. of again, that struck who's the targets in yemen. practical hayton has more now from washington, dc in the white house is just now released a joint statement on those latest attacks in yemen. targeting a who's a sites where they say they were able to fire missiles at cargo ships in the red sea. what's interesting about this statement is the numbers have grown and
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substantially it was just a handful of countries before this, the slightest statement has $23.00 countries signing on plus the united states, the varied list, republic of korea, the check republic hungry, the poland north macedonia, and new zealand, so the list is growing now up to 24 countries to say they are supporting these attacks on the, who's the sides in unit. here's what the pentagon said about expect this since january 11th. we've assessed, we assess that we've destroyed or degraded over $25.00 missile launch in deployment facilities more than 20 missiles plus we've struck unmanned aerial vehicle coast or radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, you know, when, when you add those numbers together, in addition to the other capability. so clearly
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a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been pulling or using to conduct attacks against international shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the, the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there was an imminent imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to, to stay focused on that. and all of this is coming with the backdrop of the us announcing additional strikes, interact, saying that they've targeted 3 facilities linked to, to a range. in fact, malicious, this is after they say these militias for firing projectiles and weapons into the us bases, interact, causing minor injuries. the service members, of course, there is a growing concerned that this is going to continue to escalate and could we could
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lead to a much wider war particle. hey, alj, a 0 washington. so the head here, analysis era tough life lessons. and ben is way that teaches cool for better salaries as inflation continues to binds the now the reason i flo really cold air from china or is produced, these temps is well below average in the science of china, or from shanghai. that's actually time to we'll have to wait with engines, so 6 or 7 below average. but this is maybe the most tending wintry seen with significance though on demand since old, lower level from hong shoot, particular up into hawkeye. they're not continuous into suicide where they wouldn't be could be even stronger in support of the why would use it would visit for support on the 1st a snow storm on friday. then it starts down on saturday. that's
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a proper winter seat for you. jumping down, of course the wet season, so you'll be lazy and engine easier at the moment. i think the focus will be probably part. so something time this independence can be lazy and sumatra expects of funding from this. and so when usual writing recently, you know, the issue could be repeated, we've had about a months was already installed already went months, 13 minutes since the average for bonus schwab. but we seen that already, but the more typical stories for the north now it doesn't look like much that we've had persistent folks here with temperatures therefore on the low side. and that's particularly there's fully in parts of pakistan. both hands, 13 should be 20. this part of the package, tennessee, the assistant folk, had it still there. a hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is
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better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think look is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era in the the course thing i'll just say a reminder about top storage palestinians and con units. so desperately trying to escape is very a tax troops having circled the city and there are reports that soldiers shooting that some of the people were trying to get out and not the nation security council
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has been debating the situation in the middle east, including the protestant in question, even the chief alternative gutierrez says, israel is rejection of a 2 states. solutions of protestants is unacceptable not to states as car that strikes in western iraq against st targets. they took a tape. it has been not officials inside the stripe center responds to reset the attacks against us forces. coalition personnel interval can syria multiple explosions of also being said something. the fact that for testers have disrupted us present. joe biden speech on the portion of rights jeanette campaign, rather in virginia, doesn't have a clue about the power of women in america. the demonstrators were head quoting for an end to us financial support. so this was born gaza that close to for cease by which round up. my guidance supposes officials
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a school to the protest is out of the busy that. meanwhile, format precedents, donald trump has beaten nikki haley and the 1st primary of the 2024 republican presidential nomination and the state of new hampshire. trump has 55 percent of the votes, according to the latest results, which he is finishing. secondly, 43.5 percent off more than this. so let's speak to adam fisher though he's been watching the results come in from my primary base and mattress to new hampshire. so out and where does this leave the trump and tag the going forward? so big when for donald trump, he's the 1st republican candidate to win the 1st 2 contests in iowa and new hampshire. since 1976, he is in the pool position to when the republican nomination will drive on from here festival. for him, he goes to nevada and then on to south carolina,
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where he leads in the polls in both of those states, it's clear that the republicans are getting behind donald trump. nikki haley did better than expected, but just 3 months ago she was talking about winning new hampshire. that's it came in a reasonable 2nd. and she says, she's staying in the race. x ray is far from over. there are dozens of a left to go. the next one is my we stayed on the one who in this campaign there were 14 of us running and we were at 2 percent in the polls as well. i'm a fire the and on scrap
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and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump. there may be low associates left, but perhaps note for nicky healey, she will come under pressure to step aside simply so the republicans can start putting money towards the general election campaign in november because joe biden has built a significant war chest joined me live now here is chris, go daddy who is the political scientist at st until i'm college in new hampshire. chris? great. see again. a big win for donald trump. yeah, he won that. and when it was, when is a when? i think that's the good news for him. um it improves this position going forward. i think the halley campaign probably steals that they had a better night than they expected. as you were saying earlier, pulling co heading into today was showing trump up by it was leads of 202530 points . and instead, it's looking like it might not even crack the double digits. is this
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a desantis as speech from nikki haley? i'm staying and i'm going to be here for the long run. and maybe in a week's time, what we'll see are having to preload because no one thing she can win the nomination. it's possible, but i do think she made a smart move tonight was probably the best move she can make under the circumstances of using her speech. not so much as a concession, as an opportunity to introduce herself to voters across the country who haven't been paying that much attention to the republican nomination contests so far. i don't know that that keeps her alive as far south carolina, but i do think it was probably the writings to make under the circumstances. she did make an interesting point in the under trump, republicans of last in 2018, 2020, and 2022. and perhaps has time to try something different. but the republican party is wedded to donald trump business. that's right. and it's really kind of remarkable to see this. usually when it president loses their, the election campaigns. they don't come back. the party doesn't want to see them, they want something new, they want something fresh, somebody who's going to take
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a different approach. republicans are so wedded to donald trump. they have so wrapped up being a good republican with being a good trump support that it's just really hard for them to shake out of that. it's like watching somebody in and not good relationship that they could probably, you know, they'd be happier if they ended it and moved out. but, but he has one almost like an incumbent, like he's still in the white house. i mean, he thinks he should still be in the white ice, but that's how he's run this campaign. exactly. exactly, and that's actually something that you'd perhaps worry the trump campaign if president biden were only pulling 54 percent of the vote. if his closest challenger was getting 4445 percent, imagine the conversation we'd be having about that context of just other message in my ear. and i think we said that we think the donald trump is. can you just say that again? so just so that, that's clear we are there is donald trump coming up on, on screen and we about to hear from him. let's go now to one of the don't know some who one when you have sure primary what are we 7
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and you know, we have to do what's good for our party and use up, but i said, wow, she's doing like a speech like she won. she did when she lost and you know, last last week we had a little bit of a problem. and if you remember, ron was very upset because she ran up and she pretended you one iowa. and i looked around, i said didn't she come in 3rd? yeah, she came in food and then i looked at the pole she was talking about most when ability, who's going to win and i had one pulled up. i don't know if you see it, but i have one pull it up. we've won almost every single pole in the last 3 months against for good job. i actually there's a window as far as she does it, where this is not your typical victory speech. but let's that have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night. she had a very bad life. and you,
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uh, you have the, you have the very, the now very popular governor of the state. this guy, he's got to be on something, i've never seen anybody with energy is like a pop scotch. and i, you know, i'm watching this guy and 2 weeks ago said we're going to when we're going to winter the live. so we're going to be about 3 days ago, such a what we want to do. well, that's a big difference. but i worked out your sale, we're 14 points up and i don't know what it's going to be, but when she was up here it was like 6 or 7. and you know, was like 7 percent of the vote counted. now let, let me just tell you we uh, we had an unbelievable week last week and iowa, we set our records. it was the best in the history of the talk this in the history . and i remember i sort of had the same feeling. i'm up in, i'm watching and i said she's taking
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a victory lab and which we beat her so badly. she was. but ron beat her also. you know ron came in 2nd and he left. she came in 3rd is she still hanging around? the other thing, she only got 25 percent of the republican votes. i don't know if you saw the tremendous numbers of independence came out because in this state, because you have a governor that doesn't frankly know what the alleys doing in the state and the republican primary. they accept democrats to vote. in fact, i think that 4000 democrats, democrats before october 6, they already voted. now they're all the voting because they want to make me look as bad as possible. because if you remember, we one in 2016. and if you really remember, did you want to play a straight? we also wanted 2020 or 5 more. and we did much better and 2000 twenties than we did in 2016. but as i
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said, we lost by a wish here, just by a whisker. no, no, no. but we can let that happen. you know, you have to have people that speak up. i said, i can go up and i do say to everybody, oh thank you for the victories. wonderful, it's what origin go up and say again, who the hell was the impostor said, went up on the stage before. so i'm not exactly finding that is the hand of friendship. not exactly extending the hand of friendship to nikki haley. they are donald trump claiming victory and really rubbing nicky he leaves. no, isn't it chris? go get a still with me cuz he had donald trump there you really once or the race doesn't he does. i think, you know, he might be worried given that she did stronger than the pulse suggested he also dislikes the fact that she's such he's going to still be in the race. i think donald trump values more than anything else is when he values dominance for somebody to continue a campaigns that he thinks they should not be continuing is like
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a slap in the face for him personally. and so we're seeing him react with this extraordinary personal juvenile name calling sort of a sort of a victory speech. and it would say she's going to come under pressure to step aside because the republicans want to be able to concentrate all the financial fire on to bite and in the general election in november. that's right, and i think haley is going to respond to that by saying, but i can win. but what, what you're getting with trump, look at how you know his fastball isn't what it used to be in 2016. i don't know that that's a winning message. but it's probably, you know, you're the, the way she has to go forward at this point. but i know it was a very bitter campaign. in 20 twenty's. feels like you see nothing yet given. was going to come down the pike. i think that's right. i'm trump campaign for a 2nd term of the white house is explicitly about giving him the ability to exact revenge on everyone he thinks is wrong. that was that the political rivals, prosecutors, judges, reporters, academics. you know, we've never seen anything quite like this in american politics. before and so i
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think, you know, this speech is exactly the sort of tone we're going to see for him from him for the rest of his campaign. gonna keep you busy, chris, thanks very much indeed for it. so i think is what is interesting as well as the jo bike and one of the democratic primaries. it's about 60 percent that he's pulling at the moment. interesting because he actually wasn't on the ballot. it was a right in campaign because already between the democratic national party and the local party, but everything seems to be shipping up to november's election. being donald trump against joe biden. very much. so thanks bye much indeed. ivan is widens, have taken to the streets to demand better wages, hundreds of public, a sick to work. so the income doesn't cover the basic needs. i say the governments of measures to increase saturdays, have no impact on their daily struggle. my other senses reports not from lima. then this went and spoke testing for better salaries and pensions. with wages of
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less than $10.00 a month. teachers among the public sectors worst paid in the country. they really have the same projects doing you live day by day within a precarious situation that all through a few years, changes your living conditions. last years, inflation hit nearly 190 percent. the cost of monthly staples is nearly $500.00. teachers say they haven't received an increase in 2 years. school director or maybe any of his sis, just eating is a daily struggle is all of the premium highways. sometimes i get so depressed i being sold to dictated to education and get the sunroof, is not enough for anything made. he says, teachers must find other jobs to try to make ends meet. sometimes they skip work and that impacts the children's education. last week president nicola moodle offered a month the.


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