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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, is there any forces in circle on eunice, in southern gaza? the reports that israel has fired on one of the regions last may, jones, the color there on the stones the attain. this is out of their life from the also can last week's clear and the repeated rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest
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level of these rarely governments is unacceptable. un secretary general ones than israel is rejection of a 2 state solution will indefinitely prolong the conflict and threatening global us as it targeted sites in a rock used by iran backed fighters as the regional spillers that continue. and donald trump gets his 2nd straight victory and the republican primaries but his main rival. nikki haley vows to flight. is there any attacks in garza or forcing palestinians? i'm calling eunice to flee even further south. the city has been on the heavy bombing by israel and recent days. meanings thousands of people having to escape to rafa in search of safety. pretty much what has more for us on the day is developments a mass exodus of palestinians from pon,
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unice has these regularly bomb their way to the center displaced again and again. is this, these people are running out of places to escape, to seeking shelter, carrying what they can there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the our men are young. you are, children are flesh and blood foods of our life. we lost them, we lost our loved ones, they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god journey, a mother forced to sleep carrying her did son the weight of carrying him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready, so just doing the hospital and open fire witness the killed my boy and the rest of the man and they are still pulling people from the rubble dusty and bruised, but
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a life parenting gaza no longer worry about their children playing with or the worried they will be buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense. and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit nothing to salvation. and yet the did remain under the rubble into a value of refuge account. i'm glad you come, i can apply that and shouldn't. today we managed to recover 5 did bodies from under the degree. i can confirm there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment on the, on the death of the thing i have. i used to receive chemotherapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent
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the spread of cancer. and the 2nd to relieve pain with my health is deteriorating. with every passing day, i'm really suffering. the palestinians are now forced to stay in rough and south of the strip barbed wire and walls on the side bombing on the other. a girl dressed in a traditional palestinian dress for these are children. simply existing during this war is resisting honey my mode. i was just the cut off. i saw the wall on garza and israel's feet. okay. and has meant a shortage of nearly everything and the strip permits and to food to clean water and clothes has winter sets and it's making life even more difficult. for then 82000000 people who are displaced from their homes, with no access to their own belongings. tar cowboys, and has more for us from rough of those people who had been forced today to sleep from a con units. they had a select the houses being completely uh,
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obligated to do that because these very bottom and 20 left the family wants leave the somebody completely secure it. that's the half as thought to, to robert lee a run away from the city of con, you this seeking safety in rough off the story of the situation was completely risky and dangerous for them as they were fleeing from a very minor roast. that cuz that links between that link between hon eunice and roof. i noticed people did not in trouble and even the hit the roof. i threw out a rashid road because these very ties are stationed on the road right now. so they took very a new, a new roads and minus completely thinking to rough off, but also they are suffering and abuse. ongoing april abutment of the city of con you this and with the reach to rough idea are also facing a very severe problem presented in the lack of old basic necessities did not find any mix, just chilled has to live inside. also, it is a cold weather,
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they are struggling even to keep pool as are they are living right now when the open, without having any shields that will be protected inside the world. and garza has taken away almost everything that people once have the lives, the homes, and even the eclipse at the end of the yokes. and when i sit in these places, and i've had them since the beginning of the will on, i can be stuck up with someone because i'm not living my remaining clothes, them and we're happy and gone. so we were living for while you're online. i've been living in a tend to roughly deep and his children are struggling to keep with when i got the i'm going to have a little bit closer to accomplish anything for them to look at these clothes for like the price of you when to close this calling holly, so some tiny secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad.
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there's no refute, except for 2nd hand clothing stores what? even a compact roads come prove expensive. yeah. then what can i boy, i have 200 shekels. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items of clothing. so this means i'll tell you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need to is to provide legal. nearly 2000000 palestinians in garza had been forced from the hens. they'll say you think starvation does these as many of them right now we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes only adds to the misery target as in algebra. roof in southern gauze, all the united nations security council has been holding it's quarterly opened to base with israel's war on gauze. on top of the agenda. there were increased calls for a ceasefire, and the 2 state solution that have so far been rejected by israel. how does their escape? but that was on their reports. from you in headquarters in new york,
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the un secretary general antonio gutierrez said the entire population of gaza isn't during destruction unparalleled and recent history. 2.2000000 policy, lindsey and guys are faced in you mind squadrons conditions struggling to simply make it through another day with all the proper shelter, heating, sanitary facilities, foods and drinking water. speaking to the council, we are many key. the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the council that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of guys. when one side there is the will of the international community, hands on the other sides, the whims of. and is there any prime minister driven by a single of his own political sort of bible at the expense of the survival of millions of palestinians on the is illegal occupation,
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but he's real continues to reject a ceasefire. what do you think will happen if there is a ceasefire? i will tell you what will happen. come us would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm and soon is riley's. we'll face another attempt at hollow cost. several foreign ministers came to new york to speak at the meeting. a sign of growing urgency took car for an inch to the war in the face of security council inaction. this realization in gaza has lasted for far too long. it has massacred far too many lives. we are seriously concerned with the report that isn't as war crimes. and does that make a month to genocide? it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to c grid cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that appointed by the secretary general. in late december, she has
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a very difficult task ahead. as she saw firsthand on tuesday when she briefly visited southern gaza, but could only stay for a few hours due to the difficult security situation, primarily caused by israel's bombardment. gabriel was on to out is eating at united nations in new york. meanwhile, the united states has carried out strikes and west and a rock against 3 targets linked. it took a time hezbollah, an armed group linked to a wrong official save the strikes. so in response to recent attacks against american forces and coalition personnel and iraq and syria, 5 explosions of also been had south of the capital bank that the us along with the u. k, has again struck through a few targets in yemen. patrick, i'll hand has moved from washington, dc of the white house is just now released a joint statement on those latest attacks in yemen. targeting 8, who's
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a sites where they say they were able to fire missiles at cargo ships in the red sea. what's interesting about this statement is the numbers have grown and substantially it was just a handful of countries before this, the slightest statement has 23 countries. signing on, plus the united states, the varied list republic of korea, the czech republic hungry, the poland, north macedonia, and new zealand. so the list is growing now to 24 countries to say they are supporting these attacks on the, who's the sides in unit. here's what the pentagon said about it's effect this since january 11th, we've assessed, we assess that we've destroyed or degraded over 25 missile launch in deployment facilities. more than 20 missiles plus we've struck unmanned aerial vehicle coast or radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, you know, when,
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when you add those numbers together, in addition to the other capability. so clearly a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been pulling or using to conduct attacks against international shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the, the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there was an imminent imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to, to stay focused on that. and all of this is coming with the backdrop of the us announcing additional strikes, interact, saying that they've targeted 3 facilities linked to, to a rating back to malicious. this is after they say these militias for firing projectiles and weapons into the us bases, interact, causing minor injuries. the service members, of course there is
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a growing concerned that this is going to continue to escalate and could we could lead to a much lighter for particle, hey alpha 0 washington. how still a head here on out? is there a tough life? lessons in venezuela teaches cove, especially salaries, as inflation continues to the competition beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power that finds out well. we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be just of our around now to
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sierra politically seek immediately. it feels like something is wrong. the closest it has ever been to midnight. they will be met with fire and security rise of anxiety. are you doing scrolling radio tape, or i'd be that to that's like exploring how exist, central threats to life impacts the human psyche apocalypse maybe coming soon on outsourcing award winning in depths investigations. they get compelling in science into toast, from asia and the pacific one. 0, one east on out just sierra the the, the,
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the welcome back. you're watching out a 0. i missed calls, you'd pay in the home. let's remind you about top stories, palestinians, and the con eunice of desperately trying to escape israeli attacks. troops have inside of the city and there are reports of soldiers of shooting. and some of the people who are trying to get on the un security council has been to facing the situation. and them at least including the kind of thing in the question you and chief antonio gutierrez, says that israel's rejection of a 2 state solution to palestinians is unacceptable. united states has carried out strikes and west and iraq against 3 targets linked to can time has blocked. officials say the strikes are in response to recent attacks against us forces and coalition personnel and iraq and syria. multiple explosions have also been had sauces back that protest as have disrupted us president joe biden speech on
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abortion rights during a campaign, riley in virginia doesn't have a clue about the power of women in america. the when i do have the demonstrations, what had quoting for an end to us financial support of israel, osborne garza vehicles were cced 5 were drowned out by buys, in support. his officials escorted the protest as an officer of the building. meanwhile, former president donald trump has beaten nikki haley in the 1st primary of the 2024 republican presidential nomination, and the state of new hampshire. trump has 55 percent of the voters, according to the latest results, and nikki haley is finishing. second, with 43.5 percent. you know, we want to have here 3 times now 3. we went and every time we went the primary way, when the generals, we've won it and it's a very,
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very special place to me is very important. if you remember in 2016, we came here and we needed that when we won by 21 points and it was great. and today i have to tell you it was very interesting because i said, wow, what a great victory. but then somebody ran up to the stage all dressed up nicely when it was at 7, but now i just walked up and it said 14 to read up what it was 7. and you know, we have to do what's good for our party and use up. but i said, well, she is doing like a speech like she won. she did when she lost her more on this, that seemed to al, officially he's been watching those results come in for now. primary base in manchester and new hampshire. i only see, but nikki haley is bowing to continue heading towards the home state of south carolina. but how viable is that campaign off the 2 losses now?
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a while she said she was going to win instead of catalina. and she didn't mean just a couple of months ago. she was predicting that she could win in a landslide and she's come 2nd thought after a 3rd place finish in iowa, donald trump called her delusional and said she's a loser. it's going to be very difficult for there will be people in the republican party will come to and say, there is no chance of you winning the nomination. you have to step aside the republicans, want to save their money. cool, less around one candidate that will be donald trump and use that money to fight to bite. and when it comes november because he has built up a significant and substantial war tax. but the reality is that making healy wants to continue on the next state as far as she is concerned, nevada has its own caucuses. and donald trump is going to win that at a canter in a few days. and then the next big primary is in south carolina at the beginning of february. that's how home state she wants to do. well the, she spent a lot of money in the state. she's made a big ad,
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bye as well. and so she wants to keep pushing on through there, but she might not last that long, but she told her supporters the donald trump is a loser. if they want to win the election in 2024, they should buy car and the she was continuing on. this race is far from over. there are done a left to go. the next one is my we stayed on the one who in this campaign there were 14 of us running and we were at 2 percent in the polls as well. i'm not fired the and i'm scrapping.
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and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump and then i see joe biden has won new hampshire has democratic, pardon me, but he wasn't even on the ballot. can you explain that from views? well joe biden wanted south carolina to go 1st when it came to the primary process . that's where the one of course in 2020, and ignited his campaign. and he thinks that south carolina is much more reflective as america as a whole. where's new hampshire is much to white. now. new hampshire didn't want to relinquish his place is 1st in the nation primary and said about, we're not going to do that. so the democratic national party said, hold your primary when you want. we're not going to give you any delegates, we're simply not going to recognize the result. and so to bite and didn't officially enter the new hampshire primary. but many of a supporters said there should be a writing campaign. essentially when you get your ballot, you write his name. here's one he's won by more than 70 percent. didn't. phillips
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is a congressman from minnesota. is likely going to come 2nd, but he's way behind and most people don't even know his name. some people don't even know his name and minnesota, his own state, and body, and williamson, who run in 20162028. she is a self help guru. she's going to do better than she did in 2020, but still nowhere near enough to damage to a bite. and so he is going to secure the nomination, is this is all shaping up to what is going to happen in november, which is it's going to be donald trump, against your bike, and it's going to be a rematch of 2020. it's going to be better as well, and we know that the bitterness of 2020 hasn't disappeared. and so that tells you what this election campaign is going to be like a very long yet ahead of us. alan fish at the for us and manchester, new hampshire. thank you. all. the russian as strikes have killed at least 8 people and wounded thousands more in cave and other ukrainian cities. presidential buildings were reduced to rubble from the prize has moved from the ukrainian
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capital. this latest early morning attack targeted cities across ukraine with the biology of ballistic and cruise missiles. the countryside defenses claimed to have shot down around the top of them. but folding themselves in debris caused widespread damage and casualties and residential areas such as he had when keith, emergency services responded to calls in several districts. yes, and this was shifted to you. i was doing my bed and there was a boom. i'm living in this building, it was terrible. i was shaking all over. i, for the 1st time since the start of the war, i had to highlight. it was very scary. ukraine, 2nd city hurricane was also hit by multiple missile strikes, destroying a number of homes. you're not done with so when the messiah tech started, i took cover behind the washing machine. something hit me in the neck. i'm alive.
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but some people died. like keep how to keep itself with heavy bump up. and in recent weeks, as strikes have been continuing back and forth throughout the winter with ukrainian forces in recent days, launching long range run strikes as far north as rushes baltic sea coast. that seems to be most coast reminder that it can hit targets anyway. renew crane. when the rate alarm sounded in keys, some residents took shelter in the subway system. there was a heavy missile an attack on january. second, i'll show up a gun to hit all the exposures, and we still have to go to the subway. and once the strikes were over and the alarm ended, people once more to the job of cleaning up rob mcbride, i'll just say era. keith, a while the talk is parliament has given its along the ways that approval to sweden's nature and membership bid present, rest of type. the other one is expected to sign the bill into loan and coming days . so then costs the all new has more for us from miss trumbull. i know
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a 19 month loan sprained relations with thing for kids. and it's less than l. live mice to over as the turkish parliament, sweden, statewide slash and bid at the general assembly on tuesday evening. it has been a while, said as after that way then begin is made to ask questions at full, says full of rushes, invasion of rain 2 years ago. now, the particle will be on present the papers on stable to the ratified thing to low within a few days. after that, all correct spec step. you have a us administration approved f. 16 cartridge, a sales to to kids to move 10. yes. please. a back to us congress seems to be resistance against this decision. now everybody is curious whether the usaa ration is going to be as prompt as the circus parliament to approve the sale,
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which is very critical for to see if that has been fighting against what is full service in real miss borders in the south. and then the is the, and i'm to solo, elders, are assembled, venezuelans have taken to the streets to them on special wages. hundreds of public sector workers say the income doesn't cover the basic needs. i say the government's mission is to increase salaries have had no impact on the daily struggle. arianna sanchez reports from the catholic lima this woodlands, protesting for better salaries and pensions. this wages of less than $10.00 a month, teachers among the public sectors worst paid in the country. they really have the projects doing you live day by day within a precarious situation that after a few years changes or living conditions. last years, inflation hit nearly 190 percent. the cost of monthly staples is nearly $500.00. teachers say we haven't received an increase in 2 years. school director
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or maybe any of us says just eating is a daily struggle. you must have thought that the premium that way, sometimes i get so depressed, i've been sold, indicated to education. and yet this summary is not enough for anything. a lady says teachers must find other jobs to play, to make ends meet. sometimes they skip work and that impacts the children's education. last week president nicola offered a month the $60.00 bonus for public workers to get $40.00 in food stamps. but maybe who is ill, says her medicine costs more than $70.00 per month. her treatment is only possible with donations from fellow teachers. if the an hour i seem to be saved, the bonus does not result anything. i didn't study so much to make $10.00 a month. i'm so frustrated. economists say my buddhist measures are not enough.
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it's up, i didn't think me code i the bonus isn't a parent increase, which doesn't result fundamental problems, especially for those and vulnerable conditions. and that's where the bible's political opposition is. call me this women's to wake up and protest. it's an election year. tuesday might the anniversary of the hosting of the military dictatorship more than 60 years ago on the symbolic date, to test or show. they don't want any bonuses. they just want to leave again, ascentis, i just see to the chief executive of alaska airlines as the carrier has found loose bolts on many of its boeing 737 max, 9 planes. ben, many creek g made the comments and his 1st interview since a tool on one of the airlines planes that show top minutes into a flight. and if he says he wants to know what boeing will be doing differently, moving forward,
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following that accident 2 weeks ago throwing says it will pull us production on thursday, added seattle base so that employees can attend quite a few workshops, a file that set for maintenance documentation now whether it's next to the inside story looks ahead to the us presidential election major the cm, i'll see you off to that and stay with the the stop getting the surface the us and very heavy rain last 24 hours or so hit san diego the which is january day on record. as result was one, unfortunately, current lease swept away, but there was widespread studies that rains more or less disappeared now. and there's more coming down the pacific coast through california in the san francisco during wednesday. what was previously very wintry weather from illinois north was
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isn't quite as cold now and we replaced garage leave with where the from the science which you manifest itself is quite possibly flooding right in the southern states that live out through the higher valley south of all this and a fairly strong research pull some heavy reading to suspend your tick has been some funding in dominican republic and i think the same could be repeated in nicaragua or hong juris. otherwise, it's a dry picture in mexico where recently seen robert whitlow sheriff's hobbies now heading out towards the us on this, on the funds back out for and based on mexican monterey by 24 degrees. flooding range is certainly possible that she anywhere in preserve. and i remember that seems to be to the traditional site because now on developing some late summer storms, around rio de janeiro and to the science. so expect some funding flash, nothing from these the,
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the, the look it out to us. so the sea and everything is good even explained the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would zip us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 soldiers, speeding poor ribbons for record occupied and imprison outages in campaigning is on the way in the us presidential election with a repeat contest expected between president joe biden. and donald trump, one is the oldest candidates in us history, the other facing criminal trials. what are the issues for voters and for the world? this is inside story,
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the hello welcome to the program. i'm a 3 instead of going like 2 aging boxes heading into the ring for a showdown,


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