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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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is this us contract is mainly well benefit thing from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the costs on out of there. the israeli forces in central con eunice and southern garza, hundreds of force to free for all this the veterans donte attain. this is alison 0 at life from don't also coming. last week's clear and repeated rejection of the 2 state solution at the highest level of these valley governments is an accept you and secretary general who owns that israel is rejection of
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a 2 state solution will indefinitely prolong the conflict. and threatened global the us target sites in a rock and that's used by iran, backed by to as, as the regional spillers that continues. donald trump gets his 2nd straight victory and the republican primaries, but main rival, nikita really vows to fight on the his really attacks and gaza are forcing palestinians and con eunice to flee even further south. the city has been under heavy bombing by as well. in recent days, any of the thousands of people having to escape theresa and such a safety honeymoon what has more on the day's developments as a mass exodus of palestinians are from pon unice. has these regularly bomb their way to the centre, displaced again and again. these people are running out of places to escape,
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to seeking shelter, carrying what they can, there is no respite was the fires the bonds, the bullets into closer and closer. the our men are young. you are, children are flesh and blood fruits of our life. we lost them, we lost our loved ones, they have fallen, lost our property. oh my god journey, a mother forced to sleep carrying her did son the weight of carrying him now as far less than the thought of leaving his body behind the he's ready, so just doing the hospital an open fire and this the killed my boy and the rest it all man and they are still pulling people from the rubble, dusty and bruised, but a life parenting, gaza no longer worry about their children playing with or the worried deal will be
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buried underneath it. the destruction is so immense. and so widespread families have nothing to return to nothing save to inhabit nothing to salvation. and yet the did remain under the rubble into a value of refuge account. i'm glad you tell me i can apply to and sion today we managed to recover 5 did bodies from under the degree i can confirm. there are dozens of dead bodies that remain buried for the living. it is a struggle to stay a life with many of the hospital is not functioning. there is no way to receive potentially live saving treatment on the, on the death of the thing i have that i used to receive chemotherapy in nablus. now i'm deprived of both the chemotherapy and the payments. the 1st is necessary to prevent the spread of cancer and the 2nd to relieve pain. my health is deteriorating. with every passing day. i'm really suffering. palestinians are
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now forced to stay in rough and south of the strip barbed wire and walls on the side bombing on the other. a girl dressed in a traditional policy in dress for these are children. simply existing during this war is resisting honey. my mod, i'll just see it all off of the wall on garza and israel's blockade has meant a shortage of nearly everything. in this trip from benson to food, teen volta clothes, and as winters that sets in its making life even more difficult for the nearly 2000000 people displaced from their homes, with no access to their own belongings. power couple was there and has moved from rafa. if there's people who had been forced to dates to sleep from a con units, they had a flip houses being completely uh, obligated to do that because these very bottom in 20 left,
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the family wouldn't leave the somebody completely secuity. that's the half as thought to, to robert lee a run away from the city of con, you this seeking safety in rough off the story of the situation was completely risky and dangerous for them as they were fleeing from a very minor roast. that cuz that links between that link between han eunice and rough. i know this people did not in trouble and even the hit the roof, i threw out a rushing road because these very ties are stationed on the road right now. so they took very a new, a new roads and minus completely thinking to rough off, but also they are suffering and abuse. ongoing, a bombardment of the city of quite new just and with the reach to rough idea are also facing a very severe problem to present it. and the lack of old basic necessities did not find any mix. just chilled has to live inside. also, it's just a cold weather. they are struggling even to keep pool, as are they are living right now when the open,
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without having any shields that would be protective inside. the local gauze has taken away almost everything that people once have the lives, the homes, and even the eclipse, unable a yoke, something like that in these places. and i've had them since the beginning of the roll on a lot of companies tucker for someone who could well, i'm not living my remaining close them and we're happy and gone. so we were living for while you're online. i've been living in a tend to roughly deep and his children are struggling to keep with what i got. but i'm going to have a little bit closer to accomplish anything for them on the look at these clothes for like the price of you when to close this calling holly. so some tiny secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no refute, except for 2nd hand clothing stores what? even a compact roads come prove expensive. yeah. then what can i boy,
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i have 200 shekels. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items of clothing. so this means i'll tell you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need is to provide legal. nearly 2000000 palestinians in garza had been forced from the hens. they'll say you think starvation does these as many of them right now, we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes only adds to the misery target as in algebra. roof in southern gospel, all the you and security council has been holding it's quarterly open debate with as far as warren goes, the top of the agenda. that would increase tools for a safe spot. and the 2 state solution that have so far been rejected by israel. i was, or there was great, but i live under reports from un headquarters in new york. the villages are you in secretary general, antonio gutierrez said the entire population of guys isn't during destruction.
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unparalleled and recent history. 2.2000000 policy means you guys are faced in your mind. squaddies conditions struggling to simply make it through another day with all the proper shelter, heating, sanitary facilities, food and drinking water. speaking to the council, react many key, the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the counsel that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of guys. when one side there is the will of the international community. and on the other side, the whims of, and is there any prime minister driven by a single of his own political sort of bible at the expense of the survival of millions of palestinians on the is illegal occupation. but he's real continues to reject a ceasefire. what do you think will happen if there is a ceasefire?
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i will tell you what will happen. come us would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm and soon is riley's. we'll face another attempted holocaust. several foreign ministers came to new york to speak at the meeting. a sign of growing urgency took car for an inch to the war in the face of security council inaction. this realization and gaza has lasted for far too long. it has massacred far too many lives. we are seriously concerned with the report that is arouse war crimes. and because that may imongary genocide, it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to see grid cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that appointed by the secretary general. in late december, she has a very difficult task ahead, as she saw 1st hand on tuesday when she briefly visited southern gaza,
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but could only stay for a few hours due to the difficult security situ. busy nation primarily caused by israel's bombardment. gabriel was on to how does eat it at united nations in new york? meanwhile, the israeli ministry has again stormed several cities across the occupied west bank . demolishing palestinian homes is on images from forest south of numbers. where is there any troops and blowing out to the house of a palestinian prisoner ways of also taking place in janine and of hebron with reports of arrest that these $371.00 palestinians have been killed by his ready forces in the occupied westbank since october the 7th. this is well, it has now transferred parts of the tax revenues that are doors to the palestinian authority following a 3 month freeze. but even with millions of dollars pouring into the p as budget, it's just a trickle and an economy that's already been struggling to survive. need to abraham,
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talk to business earnings from novelist in the occupied westbank for more than 100 years. this lacking the factory, kept its wheels turned a family owned business that passed down through 5 generations. is now heading to the on the i really, really admire to have here is a piece of my, you know what i'm doing tomorrow. i don't know what i'm doing, what i can manage their own my fact, your israel keeps a tight put on the inputs and outputs of the palestinian economy in the last 2 decades alone. the one says these really restrictions costs. so what's banks? economy? $50000000000.00 a large amount for a small economy under occupation. business owners say they've been abandoned by their government. left bath and again on certain political reality with little support and no compensation. but the palestinian authority has been droning in death solely the so it's not just the war, but in decades of for economic policies,
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probably 60 to 70 percent of the palestinian authority's budget is dependent on the tax revenues that often get held. now the government has a limited ways to help people financially, the whole lot under us pressure is really has really a part of the tax roof and use it goes the palestinians, but it will do little for an already fundable economy. in 2023. the cost of living in the west bank has risen by 4.8 percent. the unemployment reaching unprecedented levels of 29 percent. even under occupation, people are eager to live a somewhat normal life. this is why palestinian businessmen invested 1000000 ends of dollars in nablus over the past 2 years. so as van stores in this neighborhood, so new businesses who sells and restaurants, bringing up now with a close military check point at the end of this roads, it's become deserted. the closures and pulls after the war have prevented hundreds
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of thousands of palestinians living in israel from coming to the occupied left bank . it also meant that palestinian workers can not go to work in israel and bring cash to the policy and market sales. and this furniture shop have dropped like 80 percent. local sales are almost nonexistent. lucky for summit bottom, he's sometimes able to sell to palestinians living inside as well. for the highest for me now it's all about survival. i am not even looking towards making a profit that i am just trying to evade my business from a total collapse. many believe the use effort to relieve pressure on the palestinian authority is meant to prevent the bank from reaching a tipping point with a war and gone so big the weeds in huge uncertainty, a collapsing economy. we only inflamed the situation that but he does eat a nablus the occupied west bank. well, the united states has carried out strikes and west and
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a rock against 3 targets. the link to could type has been on and around act on the group. official say the strikes are in response to recent attacks against american forces and coalition personnel and a rock ends in syria. 5 explosions, well also had south of the capital of baghdad. while the us along with the u. k, have again struck cruise. you talk it's to and you haven't and the u. s. has conducted strikes against you with the anti shipped missiles aimed into the southern red sea. has a cold hand has worn out from washington dc. the us central command is announced. another 2 strikes against who's the target in yemen. this time they say they were going after anti ship missiles that were aimed at the red sea. all of this comes as the white house. it sends out a statement about the attacks that took place on monday against those who the targets. this is a joint statement though, and it's a little bit different because up until now there been a handful of countries that have signed onto these statements. but this one has $23.00 other countries plus the united states. they include the czech republic,
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estonia hungry italy, lots of the republic of korea. the list is fairly long. so that is a bit of a change. and this is what the pentagon said about those earlier strikes and how effective they believe they were. since january 11th, we've assessed, we assess that we've destroyed or degraded over $25.00 missile launch and deployment facilities more than 20 missiles plus we've struck unmanned aerial vehicle coast or radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, you know, when, when you add those numbers together, in addition to the other capability. so clearly a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been implying or using to conduct attacks against international shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the,
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the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there was an image of imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to stay focused on that and against the backdrop of all this is an additional strikes that we're hearing from the central command interact 3 targets. they say they were targeting of so it is that belonged to a rainy and backed militias. they believe they have been using those facilities to strike at the bases, interact with us spaces. it's cause some minor injuries among us troops. of course, all of this is also coming as people are very concerned that this is going to lead to a wider conflict in the region, particularly al jazeera washington. let's go ahead here on our way of popular
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filipino or pasta who is wanted in the us is now on the investigation in his own country. the the code i floated from your continues across the g. inside turkey is seen a dropping temperature, assembled, maintains by 8 degrees, and that cody share is going to make it so felt on the coast of libya and egypt and then it will swing. right. and i think the winds will strength and to increase the number of shares in the event and up towards the reach in particular and cypress. the steering says that it's not particularly present whether the on that we seem significant snow. and that's why john told me they brought it across in to took minutes time at temperatures on the right to dr. incomplete contrast, if you come down to radiant prints, with temperatures are higher than they should be by quite a few degrees. i mean,
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there is a case in point should be about 20 to this time. yeah. so the couple of days or $28.00 to may, 29 and then more or less. so shamella comes in, which means things cool down that it could be particularly hazy and just you think on the breeze. on friday, a recent study in terms of age 60 doris slammed could be repeats, but don't think so. i think the range gotta be heavy as the science. we still got charles in anywhere from $1.00 to $2.00 occasional bits of west. and can you about the focus, at least term the and the full now is going to be heavy strains and somebody like madagascar and maybe malawi of the oil rich, the rock is facing a crisis and a final bike to results water as dams built by its upstream neighbors restrict flow under investment and climate change, or exacerbate to the situation. now when regions were settled, funding 1st emerge,
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pensions are rapidly rising. people in power investigates whether this could be the last generation to farm the land. iraq's walter was parked one of 2 on a jersey to the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. the sound of palestinians and con eunice are desperately trying to escape is rarely a tax troops of and suckled the city. and there are reports of soldiers, all shooting of some of the people trying to get out the one security council. meanwhile, husband debasing the situation in the middle east, including the palestinian question. you and chief antonio gutierrez,
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says that these rails rejection of a 2 state solution for palestinians is on the us has carried out the strikes in western iraq against 3 targets. thing to can time has by officials inside the strikes saw in response to recent attacks against us forces and coalition cos now in a wrong and in serious multiple explosions. we also had saw some fact cellphone, the president, donald trump, has beeson. nikki haley and the 1st primary of the 2024 us republican presidential nomination in the state of new hampshire. trump currently has 54 percent of the voters, according to the latest results, and nikki haley is finishing 2nd. with 43.7 percent. our official has moved from manchester in new hampshire. on the democratic side, joe biden won a contest. he didn't actually officially enter the joe biden wanted, so it's kind of like not to be the 1st primary. remember that ignited his campaign
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in 2020. when he won there, he thinks it's more dive vast, more reflective of america. but new hampshire wasn't ready to give up his position as the 1st primary. so the democratic party said you could hold your primary, but there will be no delegates award. so to bite and didn't even officially enter. but there was a writing company and people putting on the balance the name of joe biden, and that was enough to give them more than 70 percent of the book. something went. so now it looks as if, after all the money that's being spent, we're heading towards a rerun of the 2020 election joe biden against donald trump. we render high bit, or that was and hope it to, it's been. and so it's going to be a very rough 9 months as we get to that general election island, fisher. i'll just see you in manchester, new hampshire, the prior testers have disrupted turbines and speech on abortion rights during a campaign, riley in virginia doesn't have a clue about the power of women in america,
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the demonstrators, whitehead holding for an end to us financial support of israel's war on garza, it cools receipts, firewood, round down to 5 bytes and supporters. officials then escorted the protesters out of the building. who are the chief executive of alaska airlines says that the carrier has found loose bolts on many of its boeing 737 max, 9 planes. then many currently made those comments and his 1st interview since a tool on one of the airlines pines shuts out minutes into a flight ministry. g says he wants to know once the building will be doing different name and moving forward. following that accident 2 weeks ago throwing says it will pause production on thursday at seattle base so that employees can attend quality workshops. those career has 5, several missed files towards the see on wednesday morning local time that mid
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heightened tensions on the korean peninsula. south korea says the cruise missiles were launched just off north korea's west coast and comes as a south korean navy special warfare units has been taken, causing days of training near the board, up with the north term. young's launches and now being analyzed by a south korea and to the us a fuel tank. the explosion in mongolia has killed at least 6 people and engine several others. you do not bloss happened when the truck carrying liquefied natural gas collided with a call and one bottle. small homes and ukraine has been reduced to rubble in the latest russian as strikes from mcbride reports now from keys. and tells us that at least 8 people were killed in the capitol and other cities. this latest early morning attack targeted cities across ukraine with the bat, raj of ballistic and cruise missiles. the countryside defenses claimed to have shot
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down around half of them. but folding themselves and debris caused widespread damage and casualties and residential areas such as he had when keith, emergency services responded to calls in several districts. yes. and this was shifted to you. i was doing my bed and there was a boom. i'm living in this building, it was terrible. i was shaking over for the most part i, for the 1st time since the start of the war i had to hide. it was very scary. ukraine, 2nd city. hurricane was also hit by multiple missile strikes, destroying a number of homes you're not born with. so when the messiah tech started, i took cover behind the washing machine. something hit me in the neck. i'm alive. but some people died. like keep how to keep itself with heavy bump up and in recent weeks as strikes have been continuing back and forth throughout the winter with
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ukrainian forces in recent days. launching long range run strikes as far north as rushes baltic sea coast. this seems to be most coast reminder that it can hit targets anywhere in ukraine. when the air raid alarm sounded in keys, some residents took shelter in the subway system. there was a heavy missile an attack on january. second. i'll show up the gun to hit all the exposures, and we still have to go to the subway. and once the strikes were over and the alarm ended, people once more to the job of cleaning up rob mcbride, i'll just say right, keep as members of parliament and took a, has given their approval for sweden to become a member of nature for them. costs credit reports now from stumble. finally 19 month long sprained relations between for kids. and it's less than l lies might to over as a surface parliament, sweden's way to express them better at the general assembly on tuesday evening. it
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has been a while. said as after way then begin is made to ask the question at full, assess, following russia's invasion of the brain to hear that the now the particle will be on present the papers on stable to provide the cards and to low within a few days after that all correct, scratch that you have a few, i said, ministration approved f, 16 cartridge of sales to, to kids, to move 10 years, place it back to us. congress seems to be resistance against this decision. so everybody's curious whether the usaa ration is going to be as prompt as the circus parliament to approve the sale, which is very critical for 2 ts that has been fighting against what is called service beyond this borders in the south sea. and i'm to solo elders are assembled police until africa, and have a rest of the 29 year old man who confess,
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to starting at 5 at killed 77 people. the blaze in august off to have ripped through a 5 story building in downtown johannesburg that have been legally officer pies prosecute to say he now faces charges of austin as well as multiple matters. as the head of india's t association says, the industry is a premium product dodge eating t is on the threats and will die out if the government doesn't step in to help labor issues, climate change and increasing costs to the, to the lowest output in 50 years. as mental fernandez reports dodge, dealing with the land of this on the boat is home to india is find this t, but it may not be so for a loan, at least 10 of the regions, 87 t foundations have shut down in recent years. i'm sure bond canaria santa who heads the t exporters association says climate change. politics depend demik, global development and increasing costs are making it difficult to continue every
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automotive and acute financial crisis. we have scared to promote because one of us quite into budgeting fee for us. this is not a business. you know, it's a passion. we are in love with us. what are the things we are in love with the tv produce? and the people who worked with us, so for us, this was an extended family. and that's what's keeping getting gardens going so far . there are 2 main production periods for dodgy link t october to early march and made to june each year, up to 80 percent of revenue is generated. during this time, the drought read and fully use an aging tv shows cut output by mold in house to 6000 tons last year. new one for the distinctive flavor, 70 percent of this premium black p. as usually being exported with global economic problems and cheaper alternative. so many people have seen him on every your, it's been the getting worse and worse and worse,
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you only have because the mean of this be during the 1st 1st few months of the go off the ritz, it's been a completely a whitewash and that's been our friend, ever since 2017, the 42 percent increase in daily wages, fertilizer pool, and chemical costs, coupled with solving demand as left plant is unable to maintain that the plantations or reply and the closure is of also he thousands of workers and their families the head of the indian association of to last done a says urgent help is needed if we can get a package of him. so i'm kind of in some sense for next year, i'm sure to come back and the government has to watch a fix. i'm initiative to promote that is and then the, this is the is the best that is a maybe a good but not as good as this. i should think of compliant as i'm hoping some help
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will come that way. so they can go on producing india's, famed and aromatic t and f, and then does to 0, a permanent filipino acost at one to divide the f b. i is now facing a senate investigation in the philippines. apollo, keep it away, is accused of human trafficking and sex abuse, but he is denied any wrong doing. barnaby lo has moved from another a sub appointed sort of got a port of people. it only has legions of followers based in the southern philippine city of about this kingdom of jesus. christ church has expanded its speech to other parts of the world, but behind the gospel requires former followers say, is an abuse of cult sunday. yeah. but i was told by people lose close a one night the part of being a so called post or was to massage kimberly. she said it was my privilege to be able to touch and be near the son of god that.


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