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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 10:00am-10:59am AST

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sierra hearing this time, have you had any li says he has the support of 15000, implement the shelf economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about choices. how, when you closer to the house at the story the times the whole robin, you're watching the i'll just say it renews our life. i'm a headquarters here in the home. coming up in the next 60 minutes of schooling, garza sheltering palestinians is here and is really strikes is there any falls, isn't circle calling you this in southern gaza, hundreds of fools to flee further south. most of the us target sites and they're
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all kind of yeah, men used by uranium, but fighters as a spillover of the gauze. a conflict continues. in other news, donald trump wins the new hampshire primary, but his rival, nikki haley, says that she won't stroll pounds. the welcome to the bank on uh we'd be in in garza what is right, the forces of hit a school where displaced people with sheltering a this isn't moving shells. so on the midst of a fee school, it's me and us are hospital in con eunice. a number of people wounded in doctor tuck well is very false, has continued to encircle the city of con units in southern garza troops all firing name, medical facilities, and shooting at people who been trying to leave dozens of palestinians have been killed in overnight is riley strikes on gauze. let's get an update on this from honey. my movie joins us from roof on in southern gauze. i mean,
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obviously keeping all focus on the shelling and this news of, of school being a times what mode we know about by the incidence. yes, we're looking at further a civilian casualties, displacement and destruction across the city of hon unit. the latest of this is the attack on the evacuation the sensor, a school manage and operated by united nations for uh, the palestinian refugee on or was it just uh, it'd be a talk happen over night when a tank shows hit the hit, the schools would that have been a home, a shoulder for a 1000 or how the city and since the beginning go of the war and more, more particularly since the beginning of the ground and vision, where more people are from the eastern part of how new is i've been filtering in that particular school, the school is not far away from not the hospital. it's within this vicinity. we're
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talking about 50 meters away from the main get off of the of not that a hospital and the attack a lift 8 people with a critical injuries that were reported due to not that are hospitalized. but again, we got a confirmed before there was a difficulty in transporting those who've been injured inside the school and then get them to, to not their house, but the other people who were panicking and they were overly worried about their safety. had it had to leave the school and running to other parts of, of, of han units industry. they were attacked by a, by quad copper. there was a target. drones have been hovering at a low level in the skype of upon you. and as the talk happens within a, the vicinity of the hospital as well as a densely populated area, then since the, the beginning of the expansion of the military operations, many of the people, the front parts that we're a previously targeted in hon. you've just been concentrated around that vicinity,
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in particular seeking shelter, either in knots or hospital and it's courtyard or within the uh, the evacuation zones. and namely, the honor was schools within the area just further. and the displacement of many palestinians who fled to the western part of the city around the vicinity of luck, stuff, university and academic institutions, the largest in the gaza strip. and again, people there are being shot at the under constant and heavy bombardment within the past 2 days. those who managed to escape that area took the coastal road before. how do you and this was completed, cut off from the remaining parts of the gods trip. managed to get the rough last city described the horrors of the past. 2 days as the, the bombings was increasing and its intensity and magnitude just causing further destruction to most of the means of life in the city of han, eunice, and of course,
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honey communications have been sporadic for several weeks. now we've been discussing this with you with all correspondence on the ground, whether it be phones all the internet, most the situation like at present to this will so far uh, phone service and internet have been a partially restored but a part of the, the gaza strip. particularly the southern part of been in the gradebook but total blackout. and that of course had a negative impact on the ground not. and not only preventing people accessing live saving information in terms of evacuation and seeking shelters in, in a state for places despite the fact that there's no single safety place in the gaza strip. but impedes the efforts of a protecting of vulnerable groups such as women and, and it children also have been a, a, causing a great deal of the problem is for
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a aid workers on the ground and delivering essential aid and, and that's a 30 items to people who are in much desperate needs as the bombing continuous and famine conditions a started to worse than in each passing they. there's also a problem it facing the paramedics then 1st responder it when these a at work on identifying and locating targeted sites. so it impedes and delay the process of rescuing and the efforts of saving those who might have survived the constant bombings of particular area in hon. eunice, within the past 2 days, reports that we had from civil defense, the crew on the ground, just very heartbreaking, of, of them not being able to get to the targeted sites and have to wait till early hours of the morning. and just depending largely on words of mouth to get to areas that been targeted at severely by these really
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a relentless nearest right. by the time they got there, if people have already lost their lives, then those have been injured. there's conditions that were worse than and by the time to get to the hospital the either it was either too late or to have lost their life on the way to the hospital. i need my move forest. i in rough, thank you. start moles in 3 months, into israel's will own gauze where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are constantly forced to move from place to place. to escape is ready. the bombings and ground raids. they've now moved from knowles to the south and have now no place to go. as the area is experiencing intense is rarely a tax. contractor pulls from our receipt, strays and connie it is on the desperate situation. the, the hyundai on never sheed streets here. this trees is where you and it starts and as you see, surrounding all of these people, floods from the intense bonding and air strikes and also the ground invasion where
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there is there any forces tanks are stationed in this area. people surrounding me took all of the day what they have under choir. they're telling us that they're standing here and they're sitting here. they have 0 places to go. and not only that, they also don't have any type of transport taste. we are seeing people walking on their grounds, housing their belongings. we are also seeing people with trucks where comedies are sharing these folks to evacuate. either this way to do and more south is because of safety or this way to dad is the last to the center of the cause of city. let's take a look and see how people are evacuating with this is all of what is left where these people have been homeless and misplaced
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more. 2 than one time, as you see more people are coming and evacuating from community. this is not the 1st time we have been seen seeing this listing as this is a move in your documentary documenting the people is actually waiting. and if leaving their homes just like them not by 1948, but this is real, it's happening in 2024. as you see, people are just patients. we see how scared they are in their eyes. and they're all searching for a place. we're talking about, of course, where most, more than half of the population of the causes is currently resizing there. it's blocks and, and we're talking about good by that, which is also talk to people. and a lot of people are old shows,
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scared of another invasion auto up to a hospital in this area. it's very close to a lawsuit. hospitalized where it has to be seized and people are scared from the fact that hospitals are also a target. and the notification security council is held. it's quarterly open debates with israel's will on dollars. the top of the agenda that will increase cools receipts fine, and the 2 state solution that i've seen so far, rejected by israel gabriel, as on the report, was from un headquarters in new york. the un secretary general antonio gutierrez said the entire population of gaza isn't during destruction unparalleled and recent history. 2.2000000 policy means you guys are faced in you mind squads conditions struggling to simply make it through another day without the proper shelter, seating sanitary facilities, food and drinking lots of speaking to the council,
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react many key. the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the council that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of guys. when one side there is the will of the international community and on the other sides, the whims of. and is there any prime minister driven by a single of his own political sort of bible at the expense of the survival of millions of palestinians under is illegal occupation. but each real continues to reject a cease fire. what do you think will happen if there is a cease fire? i will tell you what will happen. come us would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm and soon car for an inch to the war. in the face of security council, inaction is really aggressive in gaza. has lasted for far too long. it has
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massacred far too many lives. we are seriously concerned with the report that isn't as war crimes. and because that may amount to genocide, it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to see grid cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that appointed by the secretary general. in late december, she has a very difficult task ahead, as she saw 1st hand on to caused by israel's bombardment. gabriel was on to how does it at united nations in new york? now these are the ministry who storm several cities across the occupied westbank, demolishing palestinian homes. now these are images from beauties south of novelist where it is rarely troops blew up house of a palestinian prison. the rates of also taking place in janine and hebron, with the reports of arrests at least $371.00 palestinians have been killed by. is there any forces in the occupied westbank since october? the 7th?
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as well as well, has transferred parts of the tax revenues that are used to the palestinian authority following a 3 month freeze. but it's just a trickle for an economy that says left business owners struggling to keep the tools icon. but the abraham spoke to some of them in novelist, in the occupied westbank for more than 100 years. this, lacking the factory, kept its wheels turned a family owned business that's passed down through 5 generations. is now heading to the on the i really, really admire to have here is a piece of my know what i'm doing tomorrow. i don't know what i'm doing. well, i can manage their own life back. your israel keeps a tight put on the inputs and outputs of the palestinian economy in the last 2 decades alone. the one says these really restrictions costs the west bank economy. $50000000000.00 a large amount for a small economy under occupation. business owners say they've been abandoned by
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their government. left boston again on certain political reality with little support and no compensation. but the palestinian authority has been droning in death solely the so it's not just the war but decades of poor economic policies. probably 60 to 70 percent of the palestinian authorities budget is dependent on the tax revenues that often get held. now the government has limited ways to help people financially. the whole that the under us pressure is real, has released a part of the tax revenues. it was the palestinians, but this will do little for an already fundable economy. in 2023. the cost of living in the west bank has risen by 4.8 percent. the unemployment reaching unprecedented levels of 29 percent. even under occupation, people are eager to live a somewhat normal life. this is why palestinian businessmen invested millions of
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dollars in nablus over the past few years to advance tours in this neighborhood. so new businesses who sells and restaurants, bringing up now with a close military check point at the end of this roads, it's become deserted. disclosures and pulls after the war have prevented hundreds of thousands of palestinians living in israel from coming to the occupied wes thing . it also meant that palestinian workers can not go to work in israel and bring cash to the palestinian market. sales and this furniture shop have dropped like 80 percent. local sales are almost nonexistent. luckily for summit bottom, he's sometimes able to sell to palestinians living inside as well for the highest, for me now it's all about survival. i am not even looking towards making a profit that i am just trying to evade my business from a total collapse. many believe the use effort to relieve pressure on the palestinian authority is meant to prevent the bank from reaching a tipping point with the war and gone so big. the weeds in huge uncertainty,
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a collapsing economy with only inflamed the situation that but he does ita nablus the occupied west bank. and now the united states has carried on strong st. west in there, all the gains, 3 targets, linked to it has belong on a rainy and tom group. officials have a strong spring response to reasons, attacks against american forces. i'm kind of election personnel in iraq and syria. 5 explosions are also heard south of baghdad. now of us on the united kingdom has again struck who the targets in yemen. the us also conducted strong, so getting seems to be on the ship. nissan signed into the southern red sea. public opinion has moved from washington dc. the us central command is announced. another 2 strikes about the attacks that took place on monday against those who the targets . this is a joint statement though, and it's a little bit different because up until now there been a handful of countries that have signed onto the statements,
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but this one has $23.00 other countries plus the united states. they include the czech republic, estonia hungry, italy, lots of the republic of korea. the list is fairly long. so that is a bit of a change. and this is what the pentagon said about those earlier strikes and how effective they believe they were. since january 11th. we've assessed, we assessed that we've destroyed or degraded over $25.00 missile launch and deployment facilities more than 20 missiles plus we struck unmanned aerial vehicle coastal radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, you know, when, when you add those numbers together, in addition to the other capability. so clearly a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been pulling or using to conduct attacks against international
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shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the, the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there was an imminent imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to, to stay focused on that. and it gives the backdrop of all this is an additional strikes that we're hearing from the central command interact 3 targets. they say they were targeting facilities that belong to a rainy and back militias. they believe they have been using those facilities to strike at the bases, interact with us spaces. it's cause some minor injuries among us troops. of course, all of this is also coming as people are very concerned that this is going to lead to a wider conflict in the region. particularly al jazeera washington. the
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1st thing in today's, of the news now in the fall, in the us present the old from past one. the new hampshire primary basing is only rival nikki haley by a comfortable margin. but she insisted she'll stay in the race from victory since the republican policy in the past to re nominated presidential candidates who lost a previous selection. a 1st since richard nixon, back in 1968 island fisher reports from manchester in the states of new hampshire. an estate known for political surprises. this wasn't one of the supposed predicted, a win for donald trump. and the republican frontrunner delivered for the 3rd time in new hampshire. this is an evening that i will not forget because it's the 3rd time, but more importantly, i think it's going to be. i think it's going to be the most important to you. thanks to state alone site is when in iowa, just over a week ago,
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he believes that almost assures the presidency. when you, when iowa, as you in new hampshire, they've never had a loss. there had been a steady stream of waters across the states, right. the day, many of whom give a hell of a search for the former un ambassador nicky healey. in the end, it wasn't enough, but was a performance better than predicted. she's not giving up and taking the flight to a home state, south carolina. at one point in this campaign, there were 14 of us running and we were at 2 percent in the polls as well. i'm a signer the and i'm scrapping and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump. south carolina voters don't want a coordination. they want to know election, trump one because he was able to maintain his hold on the republican party. he
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spent a lot of his energy since he was elected in 2016, making all they were being a good republican, being a member of the republican party. equivalent to supporting donald trump support on the democratic side. a row for timing of the primary men. the result isn't recognized by the national party. but it was still a way to do a bite and not on the ballot, but picking up right to the endorsements. making healy is in trouble. she said she would when you hampshire and she didn't. she will come under pressure to step aside so that republicans can cool that's around one candidates, donald trump, and also save their money for november's general election. because joe biden has built up a significant war chest. the 2024 election will be a rerun of what happened in 2020 and the medicare remembers how bitter that was. and how much of the bitterness still hasn't going to wait. i would say, sure, i'll just do the manchester new hampshire. well, let's spring enroll,
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sign golden type pay. he's the full my agent chapman, the republicans approved as a political consultant. good talking to some of the programs to find gold. uh, can i just begin with the fact that it's a big night's full mr. trump? he has sort of prove that his base is in tact, but is it just that the base is intact? as yeah, i think it's fair to say that the results in iowa and do new hampshire and slowing an upcoming stage show that there's a base of the party, the voters who make up their base. they really overwhelmingly support donald trump . they have positive memories of the 4 year trump administration, whether that's with regard to border security or energy security of the economy. and they don't see any reason to change to one of the other candidates who were running and that includes the final candidate running. you guys trump former governor haley, you know, so it's yes, it's fair to say that the base is very loyal to donald trump. and again, it was a lot us be made about the floating value to here,
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and those that are undecided. they'll be independence. nikki haley has said that she's down, but she's not the house. and so i put it to you that she's really edit for the long cold. because if trump is indicted or in prison, or any of these court cases that he's up against, then the republican party do actually need to backup plan. don't think they need hailey that. yeah, but the struggle for and if you have a that that's going to begin right away and certainly after the next primary next day to vote in a primary use if she needs the financial support of donors. and if she keeps coming in 2nd place, it doesn't matter how many states she's in 2nd place. she's just talking to one enough delegates to win the nomination of the republican party, or frankly, uh, at least the way the legal process is moving. now. it looks like the legal process and any potential guilty verdict against prob, let alone appeals there. that's gonna why behind the next few states to hold their primary vote. in other words, she's going to keep coming in 2nd. and the on the delegate account,
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she's going to be far behind donald trump and she can't say, well, i'm just going to keep the sticking, sticking in the phrase, in the hopes that he gets convicted. it's not a really realistic or, or practical strategy for. and again, frankly, she's probably gonna run out of money and further donor support at some point. is it as a possible that even if she doesn't do so well in south carolina, which is the next primary? hypothetically, if she pulls out. and there is nobody else that gains trump that he really doesn't need to go through all the other primaries or does he need to go through those primaries as well? and if there's no, no contrast, then there's no primary. and we saw that the number of states the last time around 4 years ago. so at the moment it's really a struggle to think that anyone other than warmer president trump, is going to win this nomination, the legal problems. so those will take care of themselves sometime afterward, but for now this is donald trump's party and he's going to be the nominator absence
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. so i'm kind of miracle in south carolina where i super tuesday, but nikki, here least depending on miracles. but i'm sure you're gonna pray hard or i know this is, this isn't a problem just for the republican policy, but it's a problem generally in the us that women find it hard to convince the public that they can sit in the oval office major offices of state bod defense have seen a woman at the helm. we so obviously hillary clinton try for the presidency again several years back. it didn't happen in terms of a woman fighting for the nomination. and we know that you're republican, come and tell you to is america still having a problem with women in top jobs? oh, there might be some of that. but if this primary didn't have donald trump, or even if we fast forward to 4 years ago and you can show it to so i still running guess maybe she, she really got,
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i out competed all those other men who were in this primary and the results speak for themselves, you whether it's from fundraising or the votes that she did get in new hampshire and then she'll probably get a fair number of votes in the upcoming stage. there's just that it's going to be behind the vote for donald trump guess. but i, i don't think go for gender is what's preventing her from winning this year. and she just simply that the republican base still very much loves donald trump. well, we see what happens in the primaries that happened in the not too distant future and get your comments on those to russ feingold, thanks so much for joining us. some time i think you're still ahead here on the i'll just it renews out. i am much more the head, any rocks his other than this, the deals possible. what visually impaired the students of the month and get more government support the
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that following on the heels of it. sure is storm adjusted in this thing here. there it's, this is a normal installed issue was violent and therefore has a weak in some trees. so, well the adjustment winds will be no worse and you might expect to like winter storm. it could be significant damage from it. but it's we think through fairly quickly and i think during wednesday it's winds will die and it will be so i know ahead of it is it comes against the cold and it's still sitting in eastern unit. but following it was driving the storms that she's very mild. so attempted and the teams for the most part about the food as he's got to bring snow 7 live and she turned back to right. but it will be eventually. so for example, the keys are full cost, these effects the $2.00 days of snow and then it goes back to the boys. well, boys round about freezing or maybe just a bit above that code is flooded part of europe through the eastern and central mediterranean. and that carries on doing so it was quite a winning. so for libya,
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i need you attempt to just write down. it's also in house to seasonal with the how much and it's usually full of dust. it brings it guides us a half of this year or this season has not been too dusty, but this is going to be a change and it will be recent flooding. in data salaam might be repeated, but i think it's more likely the heavy rate in africa is going to be in those in by the gasket. the again look it out to us. so the see in every pages. the torture, all types of torture. it was unbelievable. they would hit us with the bucks of their guns on our heads. 5 sold, you were speeding your preventive record occupied. i mean, present outages in
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a unique perspective. some people need to be really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people. and it's really sticking up against door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. a heath, healthy, deep human noise. this is all i want to go into. you know, us as a human to happen to next to the stream on out just the or the the, the watching all just there was news with me. so we're on the reminder of all top stories. he's really pulses of a time to school in calling you this. why displaced people with sheltering?
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so i'm going to dozens of palestinians have been killed and over night is really strikes on dollars that the united nations security council has been to basing the conflict. the you and chief on tenure guitar says is roles, rejection of a 2 state solution. so palestinians is unacceptable, and the united states has carried out strong se, west and iraq against 3 targets linked to a pro, a rating arms groups that they have has been off. officials say the strikes and responds to reason to types against us forces in iraq and syria. this is rel designated to the area of island massage away in southern gaza as a cycle, se, se earlier in the will, but it's full of a tank. 10 swear displaced people are living, one palace to me and mother flats. it has the living daughter to rough outside the south. she describes the attack in the right. what's the new nest within the whole entire model?
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i'm not sending them and that's not the most. i mean, as a husband, i should have been seen josie, i'm on the see, i'm a god. so i live, we are at the site and was having issues. so what is that now you can transfer you to them as soon as i am on the east side for sure. the smoke not let me just finish it. i'm not so haven't been appointment to send him a good stuff of how much defense you're supposed to not. i'm not going be the yeah. the dining rooms that will not have to be in fact mean somebody named was
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the one in the, in the non was we alone? i'm lucky. let's look is it will look is it hasn't been since i'm not enough of moving stuff because of the has to be on the bus. what do i have like a bubble bus to and gauze and israel's blockade has been take shortage of nearly everything. can garza from medicine to food, to clean water as well as close as winter sets and this makes life even more difficult for 90. 2000000 people have been displaced from their homes and don't have access to their belongings. honeycup assume has moved from russell the local guys has taken away almost everything that people once had the lawyers, the homes, and even the eclipse, down to the yokes and been sending these places. and i've had them since the
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beginning of the will on i can be secretaries come on the good. well, i'm not letting my remaining close at them and we're happy and gone. so we were living for a while. you're online. i've been living in a tend to roughly deep and his children are struggling to keep with when i got the i'm and have the will they play that to accomplish anything for them on the look at these clothes for like the price. if you went to classes calling holland, so some outstanding to secondhand clothes shops like this is i saw the surf, the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no risk to you except for 2nd hand clothing stores a lot easier. so i can have kids come prove expensive. yeah. and then what kinda like boy like, well i have 200 shekels. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items of clothing. so this means i'll call you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need. oh is to provide will nearly 2000000
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palestinians and gaza had been forced from the homes. the so you think starvation does they use as many of them right now we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes early adds to the misery target as in algebra, roof in southern gauze. now how does everything the political as well? bizarre says it's going international pressure, all these routes to recognize a palestinian state. i think there's definitely an international consensus behind the 2 state solution as it where there is no consensus about the specific solve it. that's why the united states with quote, for us to take to situation, but then it would ask for r medicine if any, how to choose from the various options of to assess solution. it's kind of strange as if there's another way of saying software, an independent contiguous,
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but assume you state that it could be a state without an army without borders, without jurisdiction, and so on, so forth. so when it comes to the idea of the 2 steps you should as a way out of the conflict, there's definitely an over or absolute consensus around the world for the only obstructionist in this case is, is right actually. but we've also heard from others at the united nations security constituted, for example, the french foreign minister was quite either meant to mean spoke with kind of a new tone coming out of france about. it's not is there as business just the 1st thing is where to live or how to live. it's almost like an answer to these radio for ministers. it's weird speech at the, at the, at the a you a, the last couple of days. but there are also heard from this, lavinia and foreign minister, we've heard the russian foreign minister was talking about american obstruction. is
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it mean and how america is given green light to is there is collective punishment in and product. and so you can say the overall, i think you're not the initial security council around the world. there is a consensus to stop the fight and occupation and have a to say solution. the only one out of this, this close as is as supported by the united states, the toilet as high as cold as 100 down the verdicts. in the case of whether an opposition party leaders should be banned from politics, feeds island, child and rock. let the progressive move forward potty to the biggest share of votes in the general election last year. the problem is to tackle corruption and reform laws dining criticism. at the moment key, the military appointed senate then blocked his bid to become prime minister.
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centurylink is following events for us, the in bang called car, telling me what all the ramifications of the judgements well, we've just had the judge and i think some, i'm not sure you're getting here now. in the background. because the 9 judge, susan told his phone was to peter no, you don't see something of a surprise. i think the feeling was over the last couple of days. that as we have seen many times in the last decade that they would rule against him. but they found they've, they, since they've done a very thorough investigation, they found that he didn't have the shares, but they weren't effective. and they were in a company that has been disbanded in most of the decade ago. so that's very good news for him. i think it's also very good news for thailand. there was a feeling when he was thrown out of holland on these challenges that it was really
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an attempt by the off position to get him out of the way move pull. the policy that he represents had done strongly well, again, 6 big patients in the elections last year. he was the pink for prime minister. and i think that was a huge disappointment, not just in the front seat and not but with the votes, is that he wasn't able to get them pounds. his policy was pushed to one side, or they weren't able to can carry out the reforms that they had problems in their electrical campaigns. now they get would be a little bit early to jump the gun to this stage. however, his policy move for face is another case in 7 days time. also i think given the signs we're sitting here today that certainly be a little bit thanks tony. i think the communications might be sided correctly between you and me. if you can hear me. obviously this a shakeup,
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the political landscape in terms of the way that the move forward policy will want to take control of the country as and when they come to think it certainly the policy itself is an understanding of the states that this electro cycle there. you know, position, but we spoke since we talked yesterday. he said he was still very optimistic if he was allowed back into the fall and then he would go back into the position. he would shots his m p 's with the to, to being a constructive all position. 2 with the politicians, how well like for the i think also there is a non denial desire amongst both is here in china full reform. beautiful. as for existing combinations, the remarkably well what if the, the 8 years ago move for one the election effectively 7 months ago. so i think i was saying it is false, which is being denied by the ty, establishment of the military,
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or the monica of the other pulses of the establishment for so long while i think this may be the acceptance of things do need to change. but as i said, there is another the, the expect it in 7 days and the constitutional about the whole debate for policy. so they're not out of the woods. yeah. city thing for 7 bank. thank you. the members of parliament into kittens have given the along the way to the approval for sweden to become a member of nato, since who to repulsor from assembled. finally, 19 month long sprained relations between turk yes and it's watson, l live meister over as the turkish parliament, sweden statewide session at the general assembly on tuesday evening. it has been a while on faith as after the way then begin is made to accession at full assess following russia's invasion
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of the rain 2 years ago. now, the political will be on present the papers on stable to the ratified thing to low within a few days. after that, all correct, stretched up with us us administration approved f. 16 cartridges failed to, to kids to move 10 years, place it back to us congress seems to be resistance against this decision. now everybody is curious whether the usaa ration is going to be as prompt as the circus parliament to approve the sale, which is very critical for to see if that has been fighting against what a full service beyond this borders in the south. and then the scene up to solo challenges, there is somebody that has like a general get installed to big welcome to kids approval. he's called on hungry to follow suit. so adviser has moved from brussels, is so sweet and the road to nato has been long and bumpy, but after 20 months of the lease, the west military lives were now soon welcome. it's 32nd member. sweden already
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signed the accession protocols here at naples headquarters in july 2022. but then 2 countries rejected its fits turkey and hungry. after long negotiations and sweden adopting strong measures against afford his work as far to dispute, we start to consider as a terrorist organization than it is now also expected. this hungry will follow soon. for later. this means that in a little over a year, the alliance has flown from 30 to 32 members with friends and also becoming a full member in april last year. and also with macy addiction of 2 strong militaries, looking at sweden's geographical location. it's seen as an important enhancement for nato's defensive in the baltic sea region. it's been a historic shift for both finland and sweden to abandon its decades of neutrality.
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also russia's invitation in ukraine, looking for protection from nature, especially from article for which says, one member of secretary general of nato stalsen burke has earlier said that he expects that sweden will be a full member by july this year, monday to holes is summit in washington stepped out, russell, what business been killed and 2 others injured when they called crushed into a battery assessment by french farmers. they were blocking rates in the protest against the government plan to increase tax is an agricultural diesel. they say it will raise production costs of a blockades and protests of intensifies following the appointment of an e prime minister 2 weeks ago. so that as well. and so i've taken to the streets to demand a better wages. many public sector workers say they can't afford the basic necessities, just by government efforts to increase salaries. marcus continue to struggle. as
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many of assumptions explains, this went and spoke testing for better salaries and pensions. this wages of less than $10.00 a month, teachers among the public sectors worst paid in the country. they really have the same project. you live day by day within a precarious situation that after a few years changes your living conditions. last years, inflation hit nearly 190 percent. the cost of monthly staples is nearly $500.00. teachers say we haven't received an increase in 2 years. school director or maybe any of his sis, just eating is a daily struggle. is at the premium. all right, sometimes i get so depressed i being sold to the key to to education and get the sunroof is not enough for anything. the lady says teachers must find other jobs to try to make ends meet. sometimes they skip work and that impacts the children's
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education. last week president nicola moodle offered a month the $60.00 bonus for public workers to get $40.00 in food stamps, but maybe who is ill, fix her medicine costs more than $70.00 per month. her treatment is only possible with donations from fellow teachers. if the an hour i seem to be saved, the bonus does not result anything. i didn't study so much to make $10.00 a month. i am so frustrated. economists say my buddhist measures are not enough. it's up, i didn't think we caught a bonus as an apparent increase which doesn't result fundamental problems, especially for those and vulnerable conditions. and the bottles of political opposition is calling this women's to wake up and protest. it's an election year, tuesday night. the anniversary of the hosting of the military dictatorship,
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more than 60 years ago. the symbolic date protest are shout. they don't want any bonuses. they just want mother to leave. again, ascentis or just see to 3 firefighters around 6 people have died when a fuel tank exploded in mongolia. a truck having 60 tons of liquefied natural gas collided with the car in the capitol, 11 by tom. the inside and quickly spread to several buildings nearby, around 600 firefighters, were reportedly involved in getting the blaze under control. hospitals treated survive as the buttons and gas poisoning the police. and so i was advocate say, a man, the rest of this confess to starting one of the countries worst of a fires 77 people killed in johannesburg. last august. many were homeless. people renting rooms from games, who taking over the driver like building the 29 year old suspect faces filed for
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the attempted murder of around $200.00 people now he's told, prosecute is installed to the fire to cover up a conflict killing by drug dealer a while still a head here on out, is there a why a popular filipino punch that is wanted in the us is now under investigation in his own country, the
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accused of encouraging his followers to starve themselves to death if they wanted to meet jesus. bolden, $400.00 of them were found at last. you welcome what has moved from nairobi to pull
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mckenzie and 94 of his associates to create an a cost in the port city of mon bossa . all of them pleaded not guilty. so the charges of months little so we can see on a cold and every night, bush estimates last year, according to survivors, hundreds of his father was either chose to who were forced to stop to say in the hopes of meeting jesus last week, mackenzie and his associates pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism, and in the coming weeks they are expected to take more charges to murder and cruelty to children. mountain web outages, era maybe kenya as in the philippines, a problem in passwords facing a government investigation, the public keep a lawyer, the noise human trafficking and sex abuse was bonnet belated polls. not from manila . he's also wanted by the fbi i in the united states, a self appointed sort of got a port of people really has legions of followers based in the southern philippine
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city of about this kingdom of jesus. christ church has expanded its speech to other parts of the world, but behind the gospel requires former followers say, is an abuse of cult sunday. yeah. but i was told by cuba lose clothes eat one night . the part of being a so called pose toral was to massage kimberly. she said it was my privilege to be able to touch and be near the son of god. that night. amanda says keep roy ended up raping her. 2 ukrainian women also testified before a senate panel that they were sexually abused by people. really. you have to like sacrifice or budgets. you have to have sex with him. people really nice allegations and this appeared to be threatening. some of his former followers may not go away on those a few words facebook on the internet who keep ruining my name, be careful, and he did not attend the senate proceeded gun. and so far,
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he's also been able to avoid facing justice in the united states, where he's been indicted not only for human trafficking of sexual abuse, but also for financial advice. the u. s. has not requested for an extradition. arlene, still a former follower who was based in the us says she wants to be to contribute to solicitation efforts in the us, for instance, by renting a car under her name. the damage of the vehicle was $18000.00 and the ministry don't want to cover that. they told me that i, that was my share, the word of god or lean says initial obligations burden members with debt, while keep low, enjoyed elaborate lifestyle. he also has powerful connections, former president, particular to turn to is a close sprint, and president regina and marcus junior, a political allies. but critics say the tide may be turning. keep loyce news
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channel has been ordered to suspend operations. you are so in an open hearing like this, used to be on the imaginable barn to below al jazeera, many of the company does it a wrong copy to give multiple people with in pet eyesight who the heads reports now from the southern city of basra, where despite yes, a full and hardship, both young and old, are striving to overcome that disability in southern new york. this is the only school for students within pay of di site. despite is blind is a small job to help ease has obtained a bachelor's degree. he has returned to the elementary school. he attended 25 years ago. he says he wants to help students make a difference in their lives, the returns feedback, the favor and teach these kids what type of loan through the years. i have a spiritual connection with this place. the lock of books printed embry language is
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a major challenge to us. any debris language system is new for those who are being get you k hd here. reading and writing using their fingertips helps them build confidence and independence. the most difficult part is turning school books, integrated characters. i mean, we have only a couple of special printer's printing. a single textbook takes about 15 days. also, switching printing from a rugby to english is a big deal. so we do the english, the manual. even though there are missing out on many activities, the students are as keen to learn and get their grades. a sighted students. and some of them find the can load and foster by just listening the light instances, other than their vision include together for mutual support they
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get deleted, backing from outside and conditions are tough, electrical lots. so i like is he, when the head, the, we assure to stuff and costs are in small, the number of students is increasing or teachers need special training. unfortunately, this category of society is marginalized and the rock. in order for us to maintain the school, the government should take care of it. as much as his physical disability hasn't deemed his right to spirit, he has repeatedly used to move them to a 1000 books since 2019. and the students now hope to produce text using breed calibrated computers. another step forward and the digital library to future would have to do. i hate to introduce you to both of the southern iraq will tell us to be in gen elizabeth times as, as yeah. has arrived in concept of designing to leave the besiege strip. he's been
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using social media to try millions of people. what life is really like since is around the guidance will ongoing. so i, so example of it shuttle, the, from the outset of the war, marked us as a, has been one of the leading voices of the gaza. my grandma reporting the unsettling scenes of israel's war to his own survival. the same thing and doing. but in his heartfelt message to his followers as the palestine in journalist announced, he's leaving garza the factory today. sorry,
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the discuss are for 100 and seventies. he's videos have offered a glimpse into life in gaza. documenting the suffering on the ground and witnessing the killing of his own family. his followers grew from 25000 before the war to more than 18000000. i never forget to say pretty proud. and his work has gone to recognition for showing the impact of israel's military reactions and civilians to the world. his departure has ignited a search of online support. i know the decision wasn't an easy one. my task more time for free palestine on his home and gaza, seeing most has a visa sharing that he's evacuating is heartbreaking. but he needs to leave most as
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a says he will continue to fight for justice. but this time from a far ex was i moved out to 0. and that sits on me for some of those stories and more on the wall and caused by looking onto a website to knowledge. is there a dot com is updated throughout the day? that is the needs of hobby, about good movies on the other side, on the right. but until then from here, from here on the team, they can tell by the, the latest news as it breaks the word along over a 100 save, has left many feeling like you will never end with in depth reports. many saying that as long as like 3 until all the caps is about to the price, even if that means an immediate and from the heart of the story, palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is
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a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis with this. anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the most direct way for me to get into the brain is by inhaling back in my day to get tucked up all the time. so you're bringing the nozzle up to your mouth. yeah. and i would blow through how many times do you think you'd be interested in? oh, my 100. and so why you were spring? did it ever occurred to that? what your spring might hurt you? hers i have plans for people so who do you hold responsible for
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what's happened to the .


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