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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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jersey to the dozens killed and dozens more enjoy. this is rather tight school in calling you this where displaced people were sheltering. the phillips, the whole, i mean what challenges they were like my headquarters here in the hall. also coming up a boss claims responsibility for the attack that killed 21 this way. the soldiers on monday releasing if it is set to show you the sold last week's clear and repeated rejection of the 2 state solution. at the highest level of these rarely governments is unacceptable. the ones that could reach at mobiles that as well as the rejection of a 2 state solution will indefinitely prolong the world garza
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a trusted label piece. and the us target science in iraq and the m and used by radiant that's fine to assess the spelling of it from israel. school. wrong concept widens the welcome to the program we've been getting calls. so ways riley falls as of a talk to school wide displaced people with sheltering it happened and also how spending time eunice phase where the pulses have intensified the tax and the city after designating southern gaza as a safe place. at least 50 palestinians have been killed in the past a while is ready for those that continue to in cycle calling eunice troops the following the medical facilities and shooting at people trying to leave around 25 and a half 1000 palestinians have now being killed and israel's will on gone. so a how boss has claimed responsibility for rockets attack that killed $21.00 is
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right. the soldiers in the gaza strip. on monday it released this video to show the attack east of the house, the refugee camp in central garza. now the rocket said the building is ray, the troops were lighting explosives. monday was the was single day of the war for the israeli army with 20 full soldiers killed. hunting with neutrons is not with a body like this rough on in the southern gone. so we continuing to focus at the moment on the shelling a news of the school being kit. how they, what more do we know about that? the yes, well is densely populated. it's school, it full of it, back to we is that we're talking about 1000 of the displays, palestinians been sold during inside the school since the beginning of the war, and then more densely became right after the beginning of the ground invasion of con you and is the boss of the you're the people who are the show during the school
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came from the eastern part of the city of pioneer. this is a mob been found, was on other parts of the eastern part of, of hon. you and is set but an overnight attacks and by artillery sitting in chains show it just that destroyed they've many of the, uh, properties of the school and directly hitting the display as the palestinians inside the school. the initial reports about it for it critically injured. and but this, this is only the number that was able to get to an author. hospitality was very difficult for the hospital, dispatched the ambulance to get to the targeted areas, given the intensity of the bombings and the, the presence of attack and drones. the quad copters in the area of. 3 art shooting at removing the object just within the past hour. we got confirmed report that there's still people inside the hospital. 3 either the are critically injured, unable to get to the hospital or those who are being killed and over now we're
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talking about at least a dozen of people who've been killed in data, not those who manage to get out of the gate of the, of the school and within the vicinity of lots of those, but i do work leading this the particular area they were shot at by the tags as well as by the talk it drawn, the number is expected to grow within the coming hours as a, as a people, as a civil defense, the crew on time, and it's hard to trying to collect and identify the people of been injured. and those of the inspect goes to the western part of pon you and is what we've been seeing since the past the hour or so, is this thursday in the a, at the aerial attacks, as well as the artillery selling. and now we're talking about the entire families are being it surrounded by is really military time synonymous vehicles. they are ordered to evacuated their homes and to get outside. women are asked to be separated from the men with their hands on the top of their heads,
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as well as the vicinity of a lot for hospital 3 i last saw university. this is an academic institution, the largest one in the guster, where thousands of people have been sold during inside the campus and the buildings of the university are effectively right now under military siege. no one can gets out of that area. and anyone who read it, who tries to get out risk leads to lose their life as their comments, then selling and attacks by land and by air. and it pulls verifying and confirming what we see in here. i mean, obviously it is due to our contacts across the gaza strip, but not really brings us to the next question, which is about communication, which has been very sporadic over the last few weeks. phone and internet systems have been on and off. what sort of situation do people in garza face right now?
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a well tough parts of the network and phone service of vince partially restored but the, the vast majority of the areas in the gastro, but been in the group of a total of black out and particularly within the past 2 days just made the whole situation very difficult on a personal level for a lot of people who have family members the or loved ones or family members are still in han you and is unable to reach them. do a check on where they are at and whether they have left the ada targeted areas in hon units or not just throwing their their feet into uncertain as even the increasing the pain on the, the psychological, a trauma for family members who managed to get to rough i but leaving behind a part of the remaining a family members from the logistical level when it comes to delivering aid, as well as the ability of a civil defense, a crew and paramedics, to get to targeted areas then to provide and not the theory. and medical
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intervention is just how to increase the difficulty of their work as they are unable to identify locate targeted areas unable to respond quickly to appeal is made by people who are surrounded in their homes. are being a tribe in and targeted areas for it work or is it just, it does a whole mechanism. it became much more broken right now as they are unable to deliver necessary aid to the, to designated areas and for much needed the sprint population right now. where they're here enough, our honda and us, but maybe the tragedy of all of this is the lack of communication to, to, to the blackout has prevented people from active in life saving information that is very necessary at this particularly difficult time in terms of evacuation in terms of, of bill exactly if taking the necessary steps to the state protecting me. my name's
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voice by name rafa. thank you both and 3 months into as well as well. and gauze with hundreds of thousands of palestinians are constantly being forced to move. to escape is randy building and ground rates and country to pulls from rashid straits, where people are stuck between galls of cities. a hyundai on other sheet streets here. this trees is where a noun it starts. and as you see, surrounding all of these people slides from the intense bonding and air strikes and also the ground invasion where there is there any forces, hang our stations in this area. people around the me took all of the day what they have under choir. they're telling us that they're standing here and they're sitting here. they have 0 places to go. and not only that, they also don't have any type of transport, taste. we are seeing people walking on their grounds,
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holding their belongings. we are also seeing people with trucks where comedies are sharing these trucks to evacuate. either this way to do more south is because of safety or this way to get it back to the center of the causes city. let's take a look and see how people are evacuating with this is all of what is left where these people have been homeless and misplaced more than one time. as you see, more people are coming and evacuating from community. this is not the 1st time we have been seen seeing this list seen as this is a movie your, a documentary documenting a p for is actually waiting. and if leaving their homes just like them not by 1948,
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but this is real, it's happening in 2024. as you see, people are just patients. we see how scared they are in their eyes. and they're all searching for a place. we're talking about plus where most more than half of the population of the causes is currently resizing there. it's blocks and, and we're talking about getting by the, which is also talk to people. and a lot of people are old shows, cared of another invasion, auto up to hospice in this area is very close to a loss of hospitals where it has to be seized. and people are scared from the fact that hospitals are also a target and the united nation security coast was held as cool. k opened debates with, as well as war and galls at the top of the agenda that were increased calls for cx, 5 and
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a 2 state solution that have safe while being rejected by israel. gabriel. and as on the report from you in headquarters in new york. yeah. do you in secretary general, antonio gutierrez said the entire population of gaza is in during destruction. unparalleled and recent history. 2.2000000. follow siemens in gaza. phase in new main squaddies conditions. struggling to simply make it through another day, with all the proper shelter, heating, sanitary facilities, food and drinking water. speaking to the council yog, many key, the palestinian minister of foreign affairs reminded the counsel that the over whelming majority of the world has called for an end to israel's bombardment of guys. when one side there is the will of the international community. and on the other sides, the whims of, and is there any prime minister driven by a single his own political sort of vibrant at the expense of the survival of
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millions of palestinians under is illegal occupation, but is real, continues to reject a ceasefire? what do you think will happen if there is a ceasefire? i will tell you what will happen, how much would remain in power. they would regroup and re arm and soon is riley's. we'll face another attempt at hollow cost. several foreign ministers came to new york to speak at the meeting. a sign of growing urgency took car for an inch to the war. in the face of security council in action is really aggression in gaza. has lasted for far too long. it has massacred far too many lives. we are seriously concerned with the report that isn't as war crimes. and because that may imongary genocide, it's clear, more needs to be done to help the people of guys and for the un that job falls to see grid cock the humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys that
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appointed by the secretary general. in late december, she has a very difficult task ahead, as she saw 1st hand on tuesday when she briefly visited southern gaza, but could only stay for a few hours due to the difficult security situ. busy nation primarily caused by israel's bombardment. gabriel was on to how does it at united nations in new york police or at least once the opponents of the tax revenue use those to the palestinian authority following a free month freeze. but it's just a trickle for an economy that's left business that is struggling to keep the tools open. the abraham spoke to some of them, a novelist in the occupied westbank. for more than 100 years disliking the factory kept its wheels turned. a family owned business that passed down through 5 generations is now heading to the on the i really, really admire to have here is
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a piece of my know what i'm doing tomorrow. i don't know if i'm doing what i can manage their own life back. your israel keeps a tight good on the inputs and outputs of the palestinian economy in the last 2 decades alone. the one says these really restrictions costs. so what's the best economy? $50000000000.00 a large amount for a small economy under occupation. business owners say they've been abandoned by their government. left boston again on certain political reality, with little support and no compensation. but the palestinian authority has been drowning in debt. they sell any of the so it's not just the war but decades of poor economic policies, probably 60 to 70 percent of the palestinian authorities budget is dependent on the tax revenues that often get help. now the government has limited ways to help people financially. the whole lot under us pressure is real, has released a part of the tax revenues. it was the palestinians,
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but this will do little for an already fundable economy. in 2023. the cost of living in the west bank has risen by 4.8 percent. the unemployment reaching unprecedented levels of 29 percent. even under occupation, people are eager to live a somewhat normal life. this is why palestinian businessman invested millions of dollars in nablus over the past few years to advance tours in this neighborhood. so new businesses who sells and restaurants, bringing up now with a close military check point at the end of this roads, it's become deserted to the closures and pulls after the war have prevented hundreds of thousands of palestinians living in israel from coming to the occupied wes thing, it also meant that palestinian workers can not go to work in israel and bring cash to the palestinian market. sales and this furniture shop have dropped like 80 percent. local sales are almost nonexistent. lucky for summit bottom,
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he's sometimes able to sell to palestinians living inside as well. both of the high i'll for me now it's all about survival. i am not even looking towards making a profit that i am just trying to evade my business from a total collapse. many believe the use effort to relieve pressure on the palestinian authority is meant to prevent the bank from reaching a tipping point with the war and gone so big. the weeds in huge uncertainty, a collapsing economy with only inflamed the situation that but he does ita nablus the occupied last thing. the us as strikes, have talks at 3, so it's a west and iraq associated with the cutoff has belong underwriting and it supported on group 2 people were killed in the is the time the us says it was retaliation if i miss all the times against american troops and coalition personnel in iraq and syria explosions, we also heard south of baghdad. now the us and the you kind of also struck cute,
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the targets in the m. and the us also conducted strikes against the anti shipments on the end of the southern red sea. public opinion has moved from washington dc. the us central command is announced. another 2 strikes against who's the target in yemen. this time they say they were going after anti ship missiles that were aimed at the red sea. all of this comes as the white house. it sends out a statement about the attacks that took place on monday against those who the targets. this is a joint statement though, and it's a little bit different because up until now there been a handful of countries that have signed onto these statements. but this one has $23.00 other countries plus the united states. they include the czech republic, estonia hungry italy, lots of the republic of korea. the list is fairly long. so that is a bit of a change. and this is what the pentagon said about those earlier strikes and how effective they believe they were. since january 11th, we've assessed, we assess that we've destroyed or degraded over $25.00 missile launch and
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deployment facilities more than 20 missiles plus we've struck unmanned aerial vehicle coast or radar and air surveillance capabilities, as well as weapon storage areas with good effects. it's fairly significant when, when you look at the missile launch and deployment facilities, missiles, you know, you're, you're talking over 50, you know, when, when you add those numbers together, in addition to the other capability. so clearly a degradation of capability. we have been very focused on targeting the kinds of things that they've been pulling or using to conduct attacks against international shipping and mariners. and that will continue to be our focus. and so the, the last who, the attack that i'm tracking was on the 18th of january. so 5 days ago, as you know, since that time we have taken several self defense strikes when there wasn't a minute imminent threat or an anticipated launch. but again, we'll continue to stay focused on that and against the backdrop of all this is an
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additional strikes that we're hearing from the central command interact 3 targets. they say they were targeting of so it is that belonged to a rainy and backed militias. they believe they have been using those facilities to strike at the bases, interact to us spaces. it's cause some minor injuries among us troops. of course, all of this is also coming as people are very concerned that this is going to lead to a wider conflict in the region. particularly al jazeera washington ball still had here on august the donald trump went to new hampshire primary. but his rival, nikki haley, says she works draw pounds and read reports from thailand where a leading opposition think has kind of big which includes the injustice for me. is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's
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like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the city is already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best, produces the best spaces and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. i have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment by how many words, what i have to change in this legislation,
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thing use it to flush receipts of anyone who supports black was or is involved in protesting for environmental reasons. and it's like 10 word pod, 3 the template on tuesday or the the book about you want to of 0. it means that he'll robin and a reminder of all the top stories. he's really false is of a talk to school and college readiness. why displaced people? with sheltering? dozens of palestinians have been killed and i have an art is very strikes on garza . now these really military historians, several cities across the occupied wes thing demolishing, post them in houses. these are images from the sounds of novelist. where is there any troops split the home of
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a palestinian prison in the united states as carried on strikes in west and they're all kings 3 targets and they can take for a rainy and on the 5th of off his beloved officials say the strikes on response to recent attacks against us forces in iraq and syria as wells designated to the area of island, which is why we in southern gaza as a circle site. so natalie and will, but it's false is of a time tends why displace people who are living on palestinian by the flight with his surviving daughter to rough others? so she describes the attack in the right words on the, on the solid. windham national in the us, the whole entire model is i'm not sending them and that's not the same as i'm not sure how to send things. josie, i'm on the, on the list. we are off the site which has issues. so what is the
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usage of the issue is that i'm on the east side of the shore and the smoke not let me just finish it. i'm not so haven't been implemented, depending on the trust of how much defense you put the salon. the has been be the yeah, the tiny homes of whom i hadn't been in meetings and my name was the the be going in the in the on the non was we alone. and when looking the look is it will look into the movie and stuff for look is of
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the has to be on the. 2 bus, why do i have like this man? i get the bus is what was will the block i don't? garza has created a shortage of nearly everything from medicines to food, from clean clothes, to water and it's winter sets in life. it's becoming even more difficult for the 2000000 people have been displaced from the homes and can't reach that belongings. time it covers impossible from rough of the work on gauze has taken away almost everything that people once had the lawyers, the homes, and even the eclipse, the yoke. somebody i said in these places, i've had them since the beginning of the war. i took these tucker from someone. good, well, i'm not letting my remaining close at them and we're happy and gone. so we were living for a while. you're online. i've been living in a tend to rough or deep and his children are struggling to keep with when i got the i'm and have the well they play that to accomplish anything for them on the look at
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these clothes for like the price of new winter clothes calling holly, so some tiny secondhand clothes shops like this. and those that saw the surf. the displacement occurred during the summer and people came with summer clothes. now it's winter and it's cold. so there are no new clothes coming from abroad. there's no risk to you except for 2nd hand clothing stores a lot easier. so i can have kids come prove expensive. yeah. and then what kinda like boy like well i have 200 chuckle. i'm entering the store to buy just a few items of clothing. let's say this means i'll call you before 5 people that most of these are things we desperately need. oh is to provide. will nearly 2000000 palestinians in garza had been forced from the homes the so you think salvation. does these as many of them right now? we're living the open. so struggling to keep home without winter clothes only adds to the misery target as in algebra. roof in southern gauze,
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the time in science cold has cleared a top up position policy leads with violating election rule for thailand, john, and not to let the progressive move forward. party to victory in a general election last year. now he's faced being banned from elections. if he was found guilty, tiny training has moved from bank of a surprise. not guilty verdict here, the constitutional court to be taught them german route has been investigated. the holding media says suddenly that's a bit in the parentheses under the tide constitution. the $8.00 to $1.00 panel of judges decided those shares or an heaping disqualified from taking up the position of prime minister in the works. no get done. the policy is expected back here in 7
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days time to face another charge, the could see the whole party disbanded. so like, go through this. how do i know? yes. tony chang al jazeera, thank on the phone with us present a little sometimes when the new hampshire primary basic is only rival licky highlights by comfortable margin. she says that she'll stay in the race tons of x rays. that's the republican policy of the past. dream dominating of presidential candidates. he's also a previous selection. that's the 1st since mentioned nixon. 1968. look fisher hospital from manchester in the states of new hampshire of the state. no one for political surprises. this wasn't one of them. supposed predicted a win for donald trump, and the republican frontrunner delivered for the 3rd time in new hampshire. this is an evening that i will not forget because it's the 3rd time, but more importantly, i think it's going to be. i think it's going to be the most important to the banks . the state along site is when in iowa, just over a week ago,
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he believes that almost assures the presidency when you win iowa and you in new hampshire, they've never had a loss. there had been a steady stream of waters across the states, right the day, many of whom give a hell of a search for the former un ambassador nicky healey. in the end, it wasn't enough, but was a performance better than predicted. she's not giving up and taking the flight to a home state, south carolina. at one point in this campaign, there were 14 of us and on scrap. and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump. south carolina voters don't want a coordination. they want to know election, trump one because he was able to maintain his hold on the republican party. he spent a lot of his energy since he was elected in 2016, making all the re being a good republican, being a member of the republican party. equivalent to supporting donald trump support on
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the democratic side. a row for timing of the primary men. the result isn't recognized by the national party, but it was still a winful job. i don't on the ballot but picking up right and endorsements, making healy is in trouble. she said she would when you hampshire and she didn't, she will come under pressure to step aside. so the republicans can cool this around one candidates, donald trump, and also save their money for november's general election. because joe biden has built up a significant war chest of the 2024 election will be a rerun of what happened in 2020. and the american remembers how bitter that was. and how much of the bitterness still hasn't going to wait. island for sure. i'll just do the manchester new hampshire search and rescue operations underway and the ukranian cities of keys and the khaki following russian and strikes. emergency personnel has been going through the rubble looking for survivors in khaki. at
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least 18 people were killed or more than 130 injured on choose day residential buildings and costs with damaged in the attack. rob mcbride has moved from the ukranian capital. these casualty figures have continued to mount a search operations had been continuing well into the hours of darkness on tuesday, along with the attacks themselves. the ukrainian, a 2nd safety of how to keep sustaining a 3rd wave of.


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